Tainted Apollyon - Hutts Streams Repentance

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all right welcome people on youtube we're about to jump into a tainted apollyon run let's do it let's get it abyss it says the abyss so it this kind of looks like bethany in the way that instead of having a book as my active item we now have this abyss as our our q ability mutton shang seven months what's up welcome back i don't know what it does use it on items you think or on on enemies i bet you it's not on items but it's on enemies sucks up items and turns them into permanent flies not on enemies oh look at that nerd thank you so much for getting the uh the jimmy john's i appreciate you thank you thank you thank you for feeding me items items what if it's a good item though pk why are you the way that you are different items give you different flies so i can't see the items anyways i don't know what it was we'll never know i've only ever seen red flies to cdm vk did it again double jimmy john's there's a chance since you ordered from the same exact play spk that they'll cancel it nerd or pk if you guys get an email saying that the order's been canceled i might get a call too from jimmy john's being like are you how drunk would you say that you are alpha well that's that's weird a bad trip was a health up doesn't exactly make up for it i guess until we can fill it i did realize that as it went through but thank you nerd and pk you're very generous if i get double the sandwich i will enjoy double double the sandwich double the fun double mint jimmy john's no i'm hoping for a soul heart in here [Music] i got it for free suck on that and get over there might be worth bombing sixth sense though little horn how much damage these flies do doesn't seem like a whole lot we had 30 of them though that'd be something else it's kind of like may or instead of like having balls he flies [ __ ] got me my fire rate right now is the worst oh three flies i've got three flies we need poppers what do you need poop poops sid nade snail tier one sub what's up represent them snails wait what do you need hey what do you want butt scratches butt scratches send it goof this is a challenge this is tainted apollyon this is a brand new character oh what if i just went for the health the health is a good play but allow me to go into our deal with the devil too even though i feel like angel is the right play because we could suck down the items toro vt prime sub thank you for that welcome hello i am the snail just subbing because i ran out of vods to watch suck it gamble [Music] i can see if void will give two flies all right we'll take the health but we'll go angel that's the trade-off there angel is just like the new thing like he's just always angel plus i know you guys just want to get out the gimmicky [ __ ] first i mean on our 70th painted apollyon run then like whatever you know we can be smarter only specific items give new flies only one fly you guys freaking blew it that confirms i think that apollyon's normal item too only sucks up one item there's no cheese and alt floors for double is it going to dp1 or it's for fun i don't know what you just said one [Music] [Music] our way into the curse room sounds like a good play but i won't be able to bomb for a nickel go suck it down or touch it i could always pick up a new active item and then suck it then right touch it touch it touch it touch it suck it suck it keep it maybe it'll give me a special fly though right keep it it's pretty strong it's it's a good item zero complaints hi pop's got entertaining weight wife hey glad mckenna mastery gets it subs thank you for that appreciate you we're at four hundred and four four thousand five hundred and forty five sub points if we could hit four thousand [Music] six hundred that's another fifty sub points um i'll give coley the last treat of the bag min-min that fight okay see we're pumping out fly damage now though don't lose your deal with the devil chance though bud it's a really tough fight nerd has puns just gifted 50 up to 55. oh my goodness gracious wow wowzers dang why is this fight so tough oh you son of a you absolute monkey nut we celebrate the devil chance i don't know why [Applause] i'm gonna take the health upgrade i think i need it regeneration is pretty good too wowzers thank you so much nerdist panzer 50 subs always like what's wrong moving on up i deserve some gyarados if anything deserves some gyarados that's it micro thanks for the two months hey big fan from brazil any thoughts about coming here uh not not really but you know it's definitely possible rookie cookie tier one sub thank you for that and big cat five gifted subs you guys are awesome 4 600 sub points that's a treat for the puppo i was like what then that means me [Music] all right come to brazil all right can you handle this hold it hold hold hold hold [Music] okay oh she almost got it that time she was so close good job good girl good girl good job into the balloon reminds me of may yeah we were talking about that um i'm going to skip that i kind of want to maybe go into my shop see if i can't buy a soul heart exquisite sausage 50 bits thanks nerd blankies let's see what this is the clubs [Music] what if i use that to bomb these that was just not worth it i'm not sure how we didn't lose our devil chance by getting hurt there but i accept [Music] polygon run flies only when blindfold myself there is a blindfold item in the mods um can i suck things that are not items does it work like maybe like a black room like turn them into flies like blue flies no rotten heart does not count got it lucky me uh downpour one so we're good to go rotten heart save all right 100 angel chance i mean 100 like as in no devil chance but we still can lose it here we don't we have nothing protecting our [ __ ] you you absolute [ __ ] those flies are they're unreal in a room like this there's no way there's no way to get them out in the open to shoot them the difficulty is through the roof [Music] on freaking real dude get real oh that's frustrating these tears too i was gonna say they just randomly go about you have to close your eyes and hope for the best not it's not the best having like a 50 room coverage of rng tears caught falling down i i don't personally like that i personally actually really hate that i think that that's not good there's a lot of good things about this mod i'm not just trying to trash it that one specifically is just not good it makes this floor like just so frustrating 33 chance for angel down to nine now roster rate [Music] back it back you fiends capacitor voltage starving what does it capacitor do your activator no longer gains charge but battery drops become more common only get one fly from it but it's fine god's flush is not the best do our flies do our damage like damage ups would be a strong play no i'm assuming that they're linked to my damage [Music] yes okay our shops are just also the biggest pile um we might still get an angel room so i suppose trying to find a battery right now would be nice we'll see how common the battery drops are but battery drops that also means that we're going to take away from our chances of getting bombs and keys and money drops right so i'm not sure that this is going to be worth it unless it drops in conjunction i hate you so much oh my [ __ ] god the same one shot me twice that is unreal just back to back to back just firefighter firefighter fire oh my god i know i'm pretty mad about it too coley you're missing subs of dodos convoy you just wanted me to see your 100 bits i've been reading about every like five minutes or so most often than not there are fires in the room and since they go in a circle around you you can usually use the fires like i just did yes correct in that room with other guys that are jumping at me nope that was not me just not understanding the basic concepts that was just me trying to uh focus on the dudes that were literally walking in my face i kind of have a feeling that maybe this trinket is not going to be good for us right now probably should have sucked that down since it's trash but i don't have any i don't have any things and stuffs and i don't have bombs i got nothing i have zero things god's taking my burden in my bush cursed room question mark i'm going blood puppy blood puppies a risky play but i love them but sterling and i like the taste nice little close mirror room here blood puppy will attack enemies and at some point in time the blood puppy becomes enraged and the blood puppy will start to attack me instead and i have to basically shoot the blood puppy until the blood puppies back to normal get him foreign puppy like not too much pace yourself that was right next to me now now now that is the trinkets you know we could get a really good trinket or we could suck it down for another fly what do you guys think [Music] chance to gulp all trinkets as well upon taking damage surprisingly there um this is causes my dudes to orbit me maybe go for two shot instead [Music] take and suck stuck you think you're funny suck the knife piece i feel like i should just take the knife piece i'm not honestly impressed with our flies it could be because we have no damage upgrades but sucked knife fine now i'm stuck the knife we'll go chest unless we have a really crazy run then we'll go dogma but this is not a crazy run i don't need that you know what i'm almost tempted to hurt myself enough to go into the boss trap room would that be a stupid thing to do one no self-harm do it because regen usually yes watch me die watch me get one hit oh don't be me i barely want to be me don't you see oh blood puppy i'm gonna need you to get in there i need to see more some more hustle god that's tough [ __ ] out that part of that boss it's unreal on flarping flippity flaps on my flip flap [Music] is any more treats for me you're very nice coley but i know you're just begging for food health who's looking for health [Music] i don't know why we can't have nice freaking things a little frick one step closer to full health though bg looks like you have a onesie on in the game or irl blood puppy ah not now blood puppy this isn't the time you just jump into the fire oh [ __ ] me i got trapped in the god i lost my angel [ __ ] chant because of like ah blood i will literally murder your freaking face off blood puppy you [ __ ] blow angel chant's gone because of my blood puppy my own puppy attacks me [ __ ] the blood puppy dude that's horrible worst worst puppy worst bad dog bad [ __ ] puppy doorbell my sandwich is here i gotta go [Music] [Music] so [Music] ah who wants some food hyped for that and hutz was kidnapped by the jimmy john's driver anti-grav huge tears up dude we need some damage we need something anything this is a horrible horrible horrible horrible run of course if i just complain about it enough we'll get we'll get sacred hearts so that's kind of the play at the moment well yes we can't go all path and i don't think we're going dogma so i think i might just die what if we just died that could be fun those are unbelievably tough enemies too unbelievably tough enemy after unbelievably tough enemy after unbelievably tough enemy after unbelievably tough enemy with a little side of unbelievably tough enemy i did not get two sandwiches by the way so i think something must have gotten cancelled i can just check this quick too says i didn't get anything about a cancellation dies to the red fire pk's was cancelled okay sorry i didn't see it nice to blood puppy dude blood puppies just it has so much health it has an unreasonable amount of health the driver ate the other one oh oh my yellow the rest of our health into the curse room gulp we just called tooth shot no we we go up the silver dollar now we have tooth shot again pretty good stuff bg 100 bits come on now why are you buying food i've seen your cooking on hut's vlog i'd pay 30 bucks for that breakfast burrito you made like six years ago i'm not buying food you guys bought food for me you know soy milk has been buffed with charge items so that they don't charge anymore but just auto shoot real fast real fun with tech x and brimstones is convoy i'm i've been always i've always been a fan of soy milk so the ice is a key probably um none of that sounds that interesting and blow that guy up you missed a charged key the real ivanka trump 50 subs my goodness goodness goodness gracious wowzers 50 gifted subs that's another hat [Music] i'm almost rolling over coley's tail good thing i looked wow wow wow thank you for that star sign with a hundred bits after that hey hospice fan watching on youtube since you first entered the gun to keep it up man humor has helped me out a ton who's gonna tell him tell me tell me what then i'm so hungry i'm just looking at the sandwich i want to eat it so hungry that brings us up to 4 6 55 sub points i think eat it eat the sandwich 42 months from dan sarah tops what's up dancer tops pro soro thank you for the prime sub i appreciate it i don't really need to knock that over whatever first my first nice to be here this baz fight oh yeah insert politics day a while back you've always been so nice to me and my parents kind of got pissed when i came out of the closet tonight so thanks man well that sucks to hear thank you so much for being generous so i really appreciate it we uh we don't judge here i'm not going to i can't speak for chat chats for all kinds of deviants i might try to go for some soul hearts here these machines have saved me in multiple occasions get new parents a reroll machine in the in the item room maybe shoot that's a tough one i'm not eating my sandwich eating my [Music] sandwich i bet some never named that's calling me a deviant you're gonna make me blush [Music] we need money in order to take advantage of the reroll machines of course do you want 100 to your parents i've already told you that cat's the funniest person i know oh would you just get oh god dang blood puppy not now is that the time i'm gonna bomb blood puppy look at blood puppies just eating across the whole goddamn would room hold still blood puppy i'm gonna kill the blood puppy before i kill the boss damn it dude god damn it dude blood poppy ruins everything blood puppies horrible there we go fluffy is great i'm a huge fan of blood puppy that's um one bone heart blood puppy's so cute though is it cute when it's ripping off my flesh [Music] it's stealing my angel rooms is that is that cute yes suck it one bone three red hearts we can get money from [Music] that i'm taking it what if we just sit still for long enough and then we can just regen and i'll get more money and then a blood bag you guys are fine with like a five hour run right you guys don't have anything to do right blood bang blood bag or iv bag and i'll suck down the fla the guppy's head what does sucking down passive items do nothing special what's in the sandwich it's um the italian nightclub but it's the one that gives you the double the meat so it's got the salami and it's got the provolone cheese it's got lettuce tomatoes cherry peppers bloodsucker tier one sub thank you for that every item is blood puppy never named oh my god that actually sounds like a nightmare every item is blood puppy does not sound good for my blood pressure only passive items give different flies we're gonna lose our bone heart immediately yo no we're not the frickin plays now with this i'm gonna not lose my bone heart by going into here ah you see [Music] red flies for life four more cents into here [Music] gulp to trinket oh yeah goose shot's back that's pretty good we could up our tier rate and this is mine's one correct sandwich time rip trinket how's that rip moment we gulped it we get it permanently blood bubble ah time for you idiot oh good snot it's like my favorite trinket [Music] better with higher fire rate but i think i have to do it i know what i have to do i don't know if i have the strength to do it [Music] sculpt the snot first if i get an arcade we could gulp the snot that's true [Music] before we get rid of marbles which allows me to go my trinkets you don't re-roll your gulp trinkets i don't believe even though they're listed there on my items list nine volt we can come back and take it and there's options um i don't know [Music] i think i do want those options we need dps so [Music] well i lose guppy's head i think that guppy's head i don't know why i took those before freaking arcade that was dumb guppy's head is uh yeah i think i think it is rerolled i believe so [Music] this music slap says bgs oh wait we're not done oh there's one more button in the middle hmm i think monstrous long is a good play not dps but re-roll i think i get two items on this so i think i can take monstrous lung and then still have a chance yeah yep oh sorry d4 yeah no you're right that was dumb i i already forgot sandwich is in my life you guys i i you think i can remember a one room whatever it's not that good of a play because of our fire rate so let's [ __ ] it let's just re-roll it see i don't i don't even one shot one dude oh well another golden bomb drop your trinket i don't think it messes my trinkets does it i'm still looking for an arcade first sandwich's best life guy gets it no arcade no such luck [Music] does it reroll your flies i don't think it would i don't know i've never played this character before [Music] in case it messes my trinkets i guess i could drop it i really don't want to lose that all right re-roll [Music] unless we want to go angel room first no [Music] i think i have the same amount of flies i've got blood rights now i have a tears upgrade um i have consolation prize you don't know what that messed with got the fans supposed to give me three cards or five cards and it didn't fast bombs [Music] blood puppy moose puppy never heard of it [Music] molester alter the oath [Music] oh you're right i do have a a altar i don't even see that we could wait till we get one more follower i don't even know if the altar would work on blood oath a lot of might actually i remember before having um rotten hearts and if you had a rotten heart it just killed you straight up i'm assuming that's been fixed [Music] [Music] split shot's very fun but parasite's pretty good not really on this build though it's not gonna change much let's here what if i alter this though and i can reroll this as well did it take two flies from me i think it might have taken two flies [Music] if blood will take all my red health [Music] if blood health takes all my red health then this item would give me the appropriate effect on the next floor starting off but my regen i don't have regen anymore so that might be a place that might be a way to do it sucking them all up i think is literally only going to give me one extra fly we've tried this before with two items it gives me one fly so i think four items is probably gonna give me one fly and then i will not be happy i probably just re-roll it to find something better holy water you son of a [ __ ] like axe mom's wig is good but is it good enough how good is it [Music] reroll more [Music] i'm gonna unpack my my pickles anyone want a pickle spear golden bomb boop doop if i bomb the machine it breaks immediately pickles are trashed as incognitos i almost feel sorry for you and your piccolo's life [Music] vinegar is just like it plays such an important role in living oh why did i do that i'm like oh don't do that and then i was like [ __ ] you got it in my goddamn brain i pass up chalky [Music] dude you like you messed with me on that why explaining why i should never bomb it and then i goddamn vomit i'm out i quit i'm done i don't think we never get a booger laser and you know what i'm gonna go this way with it [Music] something made a booger oh good shot didn't even know you could do that i don't even know that was in your list of things to do angel room interesting um i'll go with the fire rate and godhead aura are all stats up am i crazy to say all stats up on this one [Music] halo i'll go with it strictly because it's new i'll [ __ ] you fire i wonder if i would have sucked down techx if it would have made a really cool fly halo was way more lame that's all i'm thinking of is that chat's gonna riot if i don't take the new [ __ ] i only did it because i felt threatened um we do not need to go all path we could go to mother but i kind of want to go to the chest [Music] someone said taking monsters is lame i'm damned if i do damned if i don't i'm gonna go down not mausoleum we're not doing well with our health so safe place it hasn't been the most exciting run that gaps is a massive dps [Music] right one if something does come close while you are charging i'm sure i fully understood what you just said better to have it maybe nope i was like man i need a solar to protect my bone heart damage is good not trying to be a whiny [ __ ] just happen to be one you slow sucka oh good you have a pretty short huts oh thank you how is holy water buff we now throw holy water it does damage it's it freezes enemies it comes back quite frequently [Music] it's not a good play currently could be a very good play be a better player with more health how many pickles does this man have a whole large pickle cut up into four spears i i think i need to buy that even though he's got money goes power i think that's [Music] important how does tainted napoleon work i can suck things up into my abyss which is my i'm holding it in my my pill card slot charges up and uh i could suck down nice i can tuck down the items and it gives me these flies see these flies that are attacking for me coming out of my face i want to just maybe full clear here for more money next thing penguin 100 bits i'm hungry for pickles thanks hutz like unironically thank you for reminding me why pickles are great no problem i think maybe here's the bits starkey at essay three months hope you're doing well hudson chat i'm feeling pretty good a snake six months are there any positives to playing a tainted character or is it just for the post-it note um each one is completely unique it's like a co it's like a whole different challenge in in one character basically like a challenge run but i think these are way more intense than challenge runs i like i can't actually see the other half of the money ghost power glasses um let me more item rooms i'm tempted boogers aren't doing much that gives us item rooms on the womb take it for the extra sucks says chat you already have tech x so you really need stats you didn't have enough time to move out of the way what comes down fast the freaking hand that grabs you is is [Music] too powerful too powerful covers like half the screen like no matter where you are just like double damage boneheart gone gamer thanks to the prime sub rum bum slap yeah dude it slaps negatively unreal man thank god we have tech x for this guy imagine if we were sitting here with our like three damaged tears with our trash you played tank keeper i don't think i have i do like the keeper now in general though at a holy water had a holy water what hit me i got hurt dude there was red creep on the red floor didn't you see it are you stupid holy water yeah at a bud how many people are going to be like wait there's item rooms on this floor me baby baby 10 bombs i don't really want to pay the machine though i might just suck it down i'll get one one re-roll you dog how much is that gonna rip my fire rate though take it i don't know though if it's random directions [Music] oh it's not ram direction that's good fire rate down but okay okay okay oh that's right we have silver dollar too i forgot i like the money i like the damage but um not dying is priority at least our flies attack while we're charging up our attack right that seems like a pretty good combo oh baby no trinket please i don't even want the trinket the trunk it could have been okay but i don't like having to choose and you know what we ended up getting some more money that's fine yeah a little bit of health i was gonna go there to buy soul hard anyways and we ended up cutting out the middle man i got paid to take it i don't think i'm gonna linger longer than i have to but i don't know though because lingering is gonna be our first step to finding more money maybe a golden chest drop and some stuff i'm up in the air actually with lingering uh we get a black heart but i'm gonna say no to that fly pog what the heck is a pug holy water lp now yeah got plans of getting a holy water tattoo people out there like i've got brimstone tattooed on me and like holy water [ __ ] and they're like oh my god rock beats scissors what what is it if he didn't hear me i'm going to get a holy water tattoo rock beats scissors [ __ ] is what i said is this on what yeah i was like just give me money something something something and i need cash now ljg went with 877 cash now 877 cash now you're really quiet huts like my nuts pk hunter bits i have an annuity i have an annuity but i need cash now someone explain to me what an annuity is am i too poor to understand these words i get pepper and big ones you can see live after a year big things from france hell yeah thank you so much it's a yearly monthly payout from a settlement why me fly me to the moon let me play among the annuities bookworm huts have i touched a book yet i don't know if that would take us so hard because it can't take me a full red heart i don't know how that would go no i missed for example at my job i look for people that let us build cell towers on their land in turn we give them big bucks i'm gonna have a cell tower built on my land but i need cash now that doesn't ring nearly as well so you're the guy spreading corona 5g get him boys p diddy no spew buddy pimple shot i'm gonna say yes in the pimple shop i believe it's separate from our tears we should be able to fire it yep i think it's pretty good was an accident can you build a tower in my backyard that's just yeah straight damage is it more damage yeah 0.3 0.18 now and that's worth it pins and needles golden bomb would have been nice a second ago call jg wentworth 877 cash now billboards of this one person in my city is insane you go not even half a mile there's another billboard of them wow clip tim what's up like just some random person can't you play with golden bombs why what favorite item in repentance favorite item is the one that's helping me the most what if i said holy brim the bomb beggar no i mean i could play him but it would take my bombs pretty much the same thing think about it nice black card justice cool cool cool magician homing i'll save that for maybe the isaac fight money goes power with deeper pockets yeah what about it [Music] yeah red heart all right okay [Music] oh you didn't even hit me though [Music] that is uh honestly suckable but i can suck up the well i don't know we could fight mega satan we need to get mega satan uh unlocked anyways [Music] just rank them through the uh the fire there no reason not to try this job [ __ ] and we took the polaroid so we're going up dope wasn't helpful holy molies oh that was coming right from my face duck x just as beautiful as the day as lo i lost you got a panicked on that one i could have just sat still don't mind me while i just go ahead and die oh man would have been tough enough without that freaking turret in the middle tough stuff litter the game is like double double is hard minimum minimally double hard wow we can bomb into our curse room that's nice [ __ ] [ __ ] dude why that's unreal the difficulty of those eyeballs i don't know how much health we have like three hearts left we're hemorrhaging this is nice to see though order one thing will pull us through this and it's damage hard mode is harder i didn't say hard mode is harder i don't think i want to do that on the curse room i'll get a cursed door yo oh shoot this is so good uh maybe the next one it could be good because it does fire but this is the one that fires in random directions we need something more than flies you guys did i say chat was the funniest person i know i mean that the freaking the game is the funniest person i know it's just it's getting better it's just like you're really good at jokes that's really funny that is really funny damn i don't even know what that is what is that accoldama with each shot fired another bloody tear will spawn behind isaac spawning multiple tears will form a trail of tears that follows isaac as he moves bursting and dealing damage upon contact with enemy the effect from this item will not will only work well in a hostile room that contains at least one enemy tech tears i don't think it'll work um let's just bomb the machine if it's bad it'll suck it [ __ ] funny that is so funny this game so funny i'm like oh it's so good a whole another item realm wow what else what will i do besides throw away all my damage with my money and then get one fly out of it that hurt us more than it helped us yo oh [ __ ] okay so i think that's an immediate sucks uh with 100 bits the d100 yeah obi i missed your 12 months just be dogman the beast is the lost hands are sweaty i bet tough stuff congrats oh and sometimes y oh good stuff it's getting funnier knees weak arms are heavy jimmy john's on a sweater already in this room just stop what if you didn't two new enemies both extremely tough have i shipped into my red health yet no oh my [ __ ] god i walked right into that i mean i was kind of pushed [Music] oh my looking d wait a second what top secret room oh well what do you know give me the trinket [Music] suckable i didn't mean to blow that machine up you need chest keys neat is a strong word i feel like sucking down fly items should give me a better fly ow i didn't even know that was a thing okay could you stop i said i was gonna use my magician cards a little too late now there for the double adversary room holy water best friend we dipped into our red health that's not a good sign oh god oh [ __ ] me dude why why do i try sort of watching you stream isaac back when you first started into the gungeon on youtube finally got around picking it up when her pants dropped i currently have his easel eden kane lazarus and linda now i feel like i have hit a brick wall do you have any advice on how to move forward well what do you still need to do have we done all the challenges let's uh move out i guess our help oh god blood rides you doomed me blood rights just screw the pooch bruh i like the red key you guys don't get me wrong here but this item is literally gonna save my life i should have killed him last the money [Music] dude calm down my god wtf bro super troll bomb super troll bomb super troll bomb super troll bomb super troll bomb super troll bongo oops all troll bombs every item is holy water run when our side guy's going to charge me and i'm not going to see it coming it's like he already did i definitely didn't see that coming [Music] oh god yeah right dude get real damn [Music] we still have i probably should have saved that for the yeah no i should have saved the card i forgot mega satan card would have been better it's better served to mega satan for sure we're going to die in mega satan i don't think there's any way in freaking hell we're going to survive mega satan i'm going to fool clear might even die before we get to mega satan because i'm full clearing this active item is not going to do [ __ ] during the mega satan fight have you seen slay xc2's new challenge idea sith lord i'm not exactly looking at challenge ideas since i've got like 7 000 unlocks um and what if i did this pretty good [Music] like the coin beggar for an hp upgrade i mean i'm using my coins for damage though [Music] what's more important health or damage at this point probably damage your stash is amazing though thank you see if i pop this now i probably won't be able to have a charge for the final boss fight so i'm not gonna use this on the demon bagger there's plenty of red health sitting around though [ __ ] me and then soul heart down take the lunch bag oh yeah no instead of the trinket i have now i guess chance to drop a health upgrade upon taking damage my plan was to take the lunch and then play the demon bagger with it [Music] you were the secret i'm in the top secret room where the hell would you be oh and the left maybe hmm so hearts would be a huge play but once again health or damage play it for a bit chat says i could have played my beggar for a bit suck the starting item room yeah although i think if i use it right now it'll technically take me to the angel room won't it only get one last angel room it's hard to see that aura within my monstrance hey that's not helpful here's the kind words 444 discharged no i am does not exist in this floor anymore mega stan i don't i think it would take me to the angel before mega stan i could be wrong about that though teleport 2.0 that's what i'm currently talking about yes so get me to the air angel room teleport will take you to angel i guess it could be demon i don't know it's possible [Music] the plays the plays point three tears up that's huge the point two point i would take you to angel room i believe i haven't used it on this floor but i don't know but we have both of our secret rooms found we went to the boss room any other floor would take me to the devil angel um that's not bound to be helpful you little [ __ ] tried to get me suck it down don't suck i mean there's a chance we go to the void too pick one of them suck the key how would i get a key piece if i've already put the key into the mega satan door [Music] well i'm out of here you actually can you don't have the key anymore you think i get another key piece oh my god game is drunk dude well now we can't suck these items up in your face 23 sexy asparagus what's up all right i'm going to give this guy no more than 10. of course we just lost our half hour interval though for our polaroid wait what no i'll send it that was a mistake says potato pie delirium floor with uh red cube be kind of funny i'm gonna wait for the four to attack me the four sins then i'll probably pop my space bar got me there thank you techx for that fight gg good stuff this is easytown says chat hey kid you just blow in from easytown bruh i was in a fight this is a massacre i'm appreciating the slow i'm putting on him careful careful nice those things pop so you want to actually well i was going to say get really close to his face but now they're slowed yeah still get close counter-intuitive but you wanna on those brown ones you go you go right next to his face delirium you son of a dog dude i knew it relic for the win rotten beggars appeared in the basement very interesting blood oath has been so awful we've had to recover from blood oath sure the damage has been wonderful the damage is it might honestly have been saving us but man oh man our health has not been healthy blood oath has been a large cause of that oh there we go yeah if we get the health back then [ __ ] yeah it's worth having blood out and of course we have been but man we've been close to ending this a couple times [Music] now i don't think any more flies is going to do us anything anything good i'm doing that for the damage oh i didn't see that soul heart very nice thanks relic [Music] for tinted rocks could blow up these rocks try to get some health out of them i love rooms like this when they just give you items got my bomb back some extra money almost at max money health where is the relics so hard i got one already how many rooms did it take for relic to pay out i thought it was like six charged key oops five to six wow we'd be doing it though upside cbd cbp i mean 12 months full year i'll come back appreciate that four six six five you guys we are actually really close to the next sub goal at 4 8. that is a 135 more for the next emote to unlock salty eruptions two months thank you for the the imagery it's hippo prime sub and now the subs are rolling in sub goal here we come next stop sub goal 99 pennies wouldn't that be really cool if you still got damage upgrades for going past 99 there is a oh you know what i you guys are talking about deeper pockets with uh money goes power and i was like what about it and i probably missed when you said it allows you to take more than 99 cents now that i said that it uh rings true in my head that was that was a change i was hoping it was not delirium a guppy how many guppy pieces have we touched just one but then we re-rolled i can't suck two of them so i might as well touch the guppy and then suck it [Music] pressy resub for 21. thank you for that i'm going asian jimbo joe gifted [Music] use it and use it once and then suck it up i think it's better than the horn and the horn gives me one free room clear with my sacked egg unicorn horn plus sac takes a good combo let's say we're about to die pop it lay into delirium i don't even know what that is i've never seen that before in my life exciting times you guys that we're seeing new isaac items like soak this up right now i don't even know how to look that up pound of flesh this item causes devil deals to cost money instead of hearts and shop items that cost hearts instead of money shop items costs heart containers and pickups have spikes around them the devil deal conversion rate is one heart container to 15 coins devil deal items can be discounted similarly to the shop making it one heart container equals seven coins instead a little book touch and we'll suck the book in a second which book is this no if it was uh the one that gives you a free follower um what's it called you know the one monster manual that would have been actually really good for this floor i stacked up a few followers i don't know which one of those is not the delirium fight i bet you it's one of them now monster manual would be actually pretty good i can go back in a second now how many flies do we have anyone want to count it i sure as hell don't more than five guppy's paw for polaroid um yeah i guess you have a point oh yo that's pretty good i could i could get um no i don't really need to play the machine i guess it doesn't really matter red health or not and there's it's possible that we get like a red health drop in the room but permapolaroid may be better i don't know though we have regen don't we no we got rid of regen we did the one room i think i'm all i confused know what i'm saying where am i who are you guys why are you in my house it looks like 15 no i counted it 12. sure 15. we are your mother collectively this could be delirium fight too though [ __ ] [Music] you guys think it's in the group as a tinted rock in there i think we already have small rock to be honest let's maybe go with the grouping of things first so many solar drops relic is just on it that is broken 20 20. [ __ ] glasses 33 chance to spawn an extra blind pedestal and feature item rooms and allows you to see what both items are in all pads [Music] i might need the money i don't know why i'm grabbing it [Music] i feel like instead of having there be like a bunch of random floor rooms on this floor it'd be really really cool if they just put random rooms down like they do with the red key so there'd be a chance of you coming down here and there's nothing there's a chance to come down here and there's like three item rooms the chance you walk into a roman is a deal with the devil that'd be way more exciting in my [Music] opinion use guppy's paw during the fight like if i'm losing swap them [Music] [Music] oh i did suck it i did suck it it's too late i'm all out of my sandwich by the way it's all gone alright beagle thanks for the prime sub i appreciate you lord of pee tier one and phil dope happy to say just got a new job he helped me through a bad patch in my life by being a great person so thank you i appreciate the thousand bits fell and congratulations you put me down as a reference don't need the money gage scott here one sub thank you for that usually one of the most comeback runs i've seen in a while we just had one we started off it was rough that's not a dog joke oh my god four little horns i can handle it but wow more of them i'm gonna fight these guys down here i think we should closest to furthest i feel like delirium's up in the top left i don't know though don't keep the door with a bunch of trash yeah what is it good for absolutely nothing say it again oh got it nailed it coley's like i am once again sensing that you are dying and i just want to offer my condolences and allow you to pet my butt one last time one last little pet scratch butt scratch before you pass away because you clearly have rabies [Music] holy voice crack that was terrible guys you know it's embarrassing when you try to make me feel bad just because you're jealous okay that's pretty cringe bro what do you need for me what do you want paparino what do you need what do you need he's like i don't know if you needed help finishing your sandwich but i just thought i would check because it's really stressful to have a sandwich and then not be able to finish it and i just thought that you know i'm here as a friend and another sandwich connoisseur if you ever needed you know someone to back you up on your sandwich eating i'm totally here for it oh she's pretty good there's a time in my life when i found myself friendless and i just had to whole eat sandwiches by myself it was horrible i just wish there was something there to eat my sandwich for me wash your hands we have a dog hater in our presence [Music] you have a dog and the dog will like lick the side of your face and you're just like that's okay uh plus two luck on that one i don't think we need the luck plus two luck it's called evil charm what it does say you feel protected what does that mean dog hair is a condiment you will eat dog hair and cat hair it is a fact if you have a dog or a cat even if you don't have a dog or cat you've eaten dog and cat hair i like the tears up here's up with is worthwhile in my opinion hey we chose correctly my intuition was correct black bean i need it that kind of freaks me out when i switched i pressed control and that happens really top secret deal adopted roman this floor is an absolute hail mary i think we're gonna pull this off you guys i'm so surprised by the way ringworm what do you do nothing i don't think that'd be cool if it did do something [Music] was the static the rooms will alter floors sometimes [Music] wipe it's like a delirium freaking out thing 15 bucks from gage scott uh hi i know you get this a lot but i really enjoy your content thanks for all the laughs i'll never get tired of hearing that thank you appreciate that gage scott i hope you have a phenomenal night i hope you guys are enjoying yourself get it let's get it holy water get him we're doing it [Music] missed passed out in the snow none of that please we're doing it holy water love ya i'm gonna be just stuck in the holy water there's no idea what to do oh well that was that was impressive holy water yes oh thank you sakthak for blocking those shots and fiend holy water tattoo when bro abyss has been unlocked abyss abyss gg thank you guys on youtube for watching sorry that was a long one but i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 169,686
Rating: 4.9113474 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: FhonZTqnD4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 50sec (6710 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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