Tainted Lazarus - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what is up you guys on youtube we are here and i'm going to jump into some tainted lads try trying to find them wrong page bro between life and death i honestly don't know what that means i don't know but he does have a respawn flip he can flip okay cobalt people you guys know what's a good name for cobalt's chat what does he call you guys [Music] drive a king under bits it could be him looking back on retelling the story and decline deciding it's time to put a new spin on it in order to finally move on i'll make jesus feet thank you for 14 months a little bit three months for tyrannical dreams lovey huts these runs have been awesome yeah i'm having a good time um i think honestly the end was ed's way of making sense of the roguelike the way you have to go back and do it again is it magdalene the sister that mom never got that isaac pretended to be sometime that was debunked i think ed himself debunked it a lot of people they they won't give up the fact that a isaac was adopted and that b isaac has a sister and those have been debunked maggie is officially the mom yeah i just flipped i don't know what happened i got okay soul hearts now is it kind of like forgotten with like this bony-ness and then the the soul damage upgrade is that a speed down oh that almost got me jacob and esau are isaac's lost brothers he doesn't have any other siblings i think i just said that isaac ii yeah i did talk about isaac too potentially being a thing he said he wanted to take at least five years off ed wants to he really really believes i flipped back automatically oh it changes each room oh but i could use it i kind of have like a little bit of control over it maybe they have separate items oh oh oh oh oh that's the shots uh i did say it was gonna take two shots you're right this is very interesting okay two different sides two different groupings of item items so we can flip if we want to like maybe take an item with some other specific character good luck with that um i'm gonna run grab the apple juice and go to the bathroom quick give me two minutes i will go as fast as i possibly can so all right let's do this who's ready look at my hat hair manliest cupcake thank you so much the two months trojan noir maybe prime sub thank you for that this is a double tall by the way this cracked no here's to you apple juice celebrate you guys being the craziest awesomest most generous people that i know seriously here goes did you piss already i did i didn't think about getting a chaser oh jesus thumbs i got a snack here hang on hang on hang on hang on i don't choke here is a snack this is some some mango with chili pepper on it some dried mango with chili pepper i said if we got the level 5 hype train you guys that i would take two shots oh here we are oh it's terrible with the mango oh the chili pepper oh god this is horrible it would have been better without the mango oh spicy my throat burns now my mouth's on fire finish what you were saying about the vinegar do ed's he confirmed that he wants to make a binding of isaac too and uh he's gonna take i think he said like five years off which i honestly think he'll end up coming back to it earlier than that he wants to hone his skills he's working on eugenics he's very very excited about eugenics he's like super excited about eugenics and i want to have him back on for another interview and ask him about eugenics we never got the chance i don't know if that's going to turn that's probably going to only turn into a soul art that's probably a mistake but a lot of the ideas that he had for isaac too he put into this game instead like he already had a storyboard or not storyboard or whatever he called it like a like a planner or anything too he was already coming up with ideas i was shocked when someone asked him on twitter and he's like yeah isaac too he's like wait what this is isaac 1-9 yeah do you think we should not shoot him now honestly it might be an easier fight if we just let him go i don't know if i can let him go after i already hurt him is that possible i'm sorry i shot you everybody shoot you i cried and you walked into the tears harmless it's a baby tear i get to wait longer i wouldn't mind the baby flute plump or baby plum flute goodness brain hello waves at me alt path i'm thinking no alt path honestly i don't like this at all like we're gonna get stomped my first run i'm gonna maybe not go all bath [Music] so baby plum if you let baby plum go you get a guaranteed baby plum flute hey we did get red health it's not just soul hearts it's not like it's a blue baby form that's good to know i got a bunch of mango in my teeth now rar ocelot thank you so much for the prime sub we are 81 away from another run sticky bombs how do the cobalters feel about sticky bombs pretty pretty rotten i'd imagine pretty well hated item sticky balls i i believe that uh cobalt lost one of his streaks his eating streaks via sticky bombs if i remember correctly three bombs i guess ed just tweeted about eugenics dude ed is like crazy excited about eugenics literally if you get the chance to hit him up on an ama ask about it there's a trailer for eugenics but it's like it's like five years old or something like that yeah you're right i'm golden hue good time oh oh yeah lock pick golden key i was like that should guarantee an item it practically did i kind of want to give to the other person i guess i could switch like this and do that i don't know if it really makes sense to go double deal here angel might make more sense because it's free angel always makes more sense who are we kidding by the way you guys seriously i cannot believe there's we're sitting here at 3 500 people watching thank you for tuning in i appreciate all of you i hope you are enjoying yourself what's ed's twitter ed mcmacmillan i think what's his name you could also just clear a room okay look mr wise guy captain wiggly worm pop get this up thank you for that no i appreciate you this judy got back from walking my dog what's up never named ed said that the mods will be enabled [Music] soon um i don't know if i get anything for blowing them up i think i get two maggots i could totally come back and play them go to the curse room even i don't think i can get both the secret room and the blood donation machine with one bomb here it wouldn't be there anyways now that i look at it [Music] can i wait for fiend folio we might be able to bomb into the boss trap room ah [ __ ] that would have been nice still possible i guess if it's over here bertrand it's not smart to do that now because i'll take damage and i'll lose my devil deal chance i can't get an angel room if i don't snuff my devil deal it's coming in here it's free a golden key so i was like i might as well check it out i'm not confident in my ability to pull this one out really wish i was not this character i really wish i didn't have freaking pop right now sticky bombs just guarantee it sticky bombs make sense to me do i want that item i yeah i guess can't do anything about it shot speed up predictions if you guys want to do predictions if the mods want to great if not great speed shot speed up more fire rate take that do this okay do i switch in between waves you think get him go we do we switch in between waves and i need to actually think i need to take that now that guy before i switch back because i think i'll be stuck on the other one and i want to have solar protection on this guy get that angel room right this is a weird one do some of you guys feel like you wish that these weren't alternate characters with whole post-it notes but instead just challenges because i feel like a lot of these are basically just challenges right for some yeah at the same time though there are some challenges that i wish had post-it notes so i could play them more shot speed down go fine oh you know what i can't actually go in because i took it so hard as this guy i won't be able to go in the curse room without pulling a big dumb [Music] vintage lost wink can you imagine the challenges you had to do the challenges per character they were unlocks like tinted or tainted lost had uh ultra hard unlocks painted last is just a worse lass there's a mod that somehow opened up the other paths four challenges please don't give that that idea painted jacob is i tried them a couple times and i gave up on them too much how fast how fast is my other character i could switch over right now i don't know i don't remember i don't need to pause it it's like we're gonna get boss rush he's slower probably should even though the other one has more health i could pump up the health here get the health back up to full that's fine we'll just have one speedy boy 15 cents for five bombs [Music] well it should achievement still be accessible when mods are enabled like an edgeworth plus i don't know i don't know anything about that but i really do hope that mods and modders are reinvigorated that they they come flooding back okay that was a little bit longer than i expected you didn't play the rotten beggar i for a couple flies and spiders maybe a rotten heart i almost feel like it's better to save my money for the shop god this guy's so weak oh man where was i gonna go jordan prime sub thank you for that oh god they're good they're good we're just buffing one character now painted lass is shitty uh karen and dante i think karen and dante took the cake on that one i hated that reinvigorate the worst mod series exactly that's the plan we could just time it just right or at least keep our flip available that we could fight all bosses with one character might be the way to do it not only does the other laz have way worse stats but it has freaking pop i like pop because it it's so unique that i really like to see the combinations we can get i really really enjoy flexing the game and how many different combinations of items do like ridiculous stuff tonight jack and effects you win a boss with one character the other will get the boss items that sounds good because we'll buff the other one more right and then whoever strong is in the moment will fight the boss and the other one will catch up maybe possibly oh god that's so bad it's like undoubtedly one of the worst items saved shut up here you go hope you're happy thank me later i'm freaking razor it's almost worth just not taking and hoping for a per throw ninja labs might not be the most annoying but in my opinion he is the least fun to play other than tainted jacob painted jacob is just like the definition of anxiety oh this doesn't look like a fun room i got bleed on them mom's razor blades so good underrated oh my god the shot speed bye bye angel room i buy dreams bye bye lamborghini that i was gonna buy the only thing in the way i mean me and my lamborghini dreams are on the way i should say we're so close to lamborghini over here i'm like struggling to afford a new deck nope bomb knows yeah shop i will go into the shop we're going to get hit here for sure why are you so bad does he have lingard bean oh was that uh that was eden's blessing linger bean just top-notch eden's blessing like well done thank you for that bottom of my heart phd probably is worth having here on the other character fog no hits we should just get one character down to like no health we can go into all the boss trap rooms and then flip look at him still streaming yeah i cursed myself i said i'd do one more run per 100 subs and then chat was like like all of a sudden like people got out wallets everyone had three wallets for some reason i'll play that i'll come back like bottom of my fart it's really that's a really funny joke there chat you should be proud of that one you should write that one down so you don't forget to tell your grandchildren about it really really good experimental pills oh he's got all good pills so of course it was gonna be good i was like don't be bad i didn't find those yet good it's good ever mini subathon you know okay let's say that i take an hour on average which is probably not true let's say i take an hour an average for an isaac episode and i said 100 subs how much time is that per sub that'd be actually probably a pretty weak subathon [Music] probably better you're right i could have shot the poop and gotten all three i was trying to save the poop i thought it was smart [Music] six seconds instead of ten that's pretty bad that's pretty weak pretty weak oh wait a minute yo ed you said you he specifically said they fixed it didn't they they said it was an accident they said it was a bug ah get out of the head ed yo what the hell [Music] shironi gazacs thank you so much for the 20 gifted subs my god see what i mean how why are you punishing me with nice things he said it's too iconic to remove now i should just get that tattooed on my back [Music] it's so iconic it's like brimstone but better almost knocked him into me oh my god i just bleeded his chub hey that is your will ladies oh nope negative razor blade op razor blade op razor blade op look at me i'm just running my razor blade through them they have been shaved 50 bits from sentinel look at this dog [Music] thanks to the bits or wait for the other character to do that i did not need to pop him on this wave i was like oh still [ __ ] no i won't there's a switch around he he just disappears he just evaporates oh god oh that was dumb i just panicked because i think i need to get it now ah i'll aldean professional look it up sweetheart [Music] i play isaac specifically for that room broom [Music] i don't get this gotta bomb these you almost got it buddy come on nope yeah oh no no yeah oh now you're bleeding look i'm pulling every string here i am actually trying oh is not worth bombing for that's the wrong guy this guy doesn't have phd nor does he have a full charge freaking baby plum [ __ ] oh god it's raining man i missed i missed again you're right would you stop knocking okay there we go angel [Music] buff this guy buff boy number one what are we thinking pop plus any kind of homing godhead got it got it godhead just got it just just give it just that's luck right now that's locked me [Music] scifly hots luck this is weak there it is better this is better this is better [Music] i will take a holy water and be happy in my books it goes sacred heart godhead holy water way up here let's go [Music] um that's pretty good this is good okay try saigon pop you guys try saigon pop it'll just sit on him and just damage damage damage damage damage damage uh holy shot amazing wonderful the middle item dead sea scroll has been buffed it's not bad try saigon popped i think is the play though oh wow what hello this is why i take [ __ ] pop you guys this is why i get those weird freaking items still seems pretty low damage but we are much better off than we were before and we found a try saigon combo that we actually like watch me still die because i can't see [ __ ] that's the problem here i can't see anything i just know what's coming okay the damage is pretty pissed for but if we upgraded from here you guys there's high potential give me piercing plus homing and they'd all just like they get eaten alive [Music] many eyes but no sight need damage bad on him yeah we do um did i want that health upgrade on him i think actually he was okay unhealthy he had three hearts this guy also has three hearts but i don't think it matters we like to share [Music] actually you know what the other guy had nothing but red health what if i flipped and we go curse room b we'd we'd be a do good smart we do a good be smart guy oh that was bad how did you end up missing coming out with half a black heart you know we're in better shape i guess then we went in it's been worse things has happened never happened a wicked smack soul heart in the shop was there really oh [ __ ] i remember that trinkets don't carry over right they have their own unique trinket pop plus brimstone is better [Music] but you know what we don't have brimstone we have brimstone at home brimstone at home right saigon i just you you could probably get at least 500 uploads on reddit if you just posted that right now you're welcome you can use it it's all you how do dead sea scrolls get buffed it can no longer hurt you just straight up kamikaze that's been removed um there was some other thing that was that made it better too been gone for a few hours what did i miss since after sin left [Music] jayla junkie thanks to g1 appreciate that i gotta say i like this a lot more than just regular pop piercing homing though is kind of our our way out of that you can see the effect that it triggers yeah you're more aware of what you have it's not just like a random use and you're like wait a second what happened let me save that for the good guys one and a half i think am i crazy for giving this guy left hand yeah other guy can open up all golden chests this guy could turn him into red chest and get devil items a red chest pool [Music] yes i'm crazy or yes do it how do you guys feel about left hand like it love it want some more of it or do you hate it hate it debate it wish it died in a fire pretty handy pretty bad is there any way to like get better drops out of red chests does anybody know if red chest drops are affected by luck that'd be an interesting thing like a higher chance for soul hearts or if you had like more evil ups maybe you could get like uh better payouts that's how it should be i feel like kayla junkie 20 as well as the sub thank you for that very much so appreciate it appreciated spiny puffles six months as well very handy it can be overpowered look at that that's that was one shot i think i'm better off trying to get my try saigon park on them angel good arcade yeah that's a weird arcade you usually only see those in oops you usually only see those yo save one for the other guy you usually only see those in double key rooms i got debated by an arcade sleep sleep i don't think it would let me beds give you soul hearts only when you're on nothing but soul arts when you have any red health at all it uh kills you to max red health [Music] hopefully [ __ ] 3k viewers what did i miss cobalt dropped 9k on me granted most of them are probably just like heading out they've probably been watching it for a very long time so we have 3k people watching it's very awesome and honestly free knowing any of that i decided to do one more run per 100 subs and uh you guys have at least one more run after this locked in [Music] uh cadences strina queda sastrina maybe get to the sub am i saying that right we are 51 subs away from another isaac run it's a subathon of sorts and you guys honestly answered the call much better than i thought you would not that i was doubting your abilities or your generosity but damn [Music] squats announcing it on the title ousting me um any way to buff my angel chance at the moment did we see a corpse in the secret room i could pay the donation machine 10 cents but i don't necessarily want to do that oh yeah right this this is uh tainted lazarus oh that doesn't count after you bomb oh no no we got corpses plus the key bagger my bad i'm bad yeah i know i know i know i know the real nut house with the gifted sub and uh oh two gifted subs thank you for that and lauren patricia patricia patricia thanks to the prime sub appreciate that katis estrina with the uh tier one sub thank you thank you thank you item room yeah we got a room i just kind of want to fight the boss with this combo you know i'm happy we pulled this guy out of the dirt because man oh man was i struggling with base damage and uh pop and you know we actually do need to buff this character so got it huts look okay but make look i gotta go there it is let's go jar of wisps we pass the baby plum flute to the other guy or jar of wisps on the other guy jar of whisk the other guy thing baby plum can protect this guy since he's honestly the weakest of the moment jar would protect me when i can't see how to dodge no bombs yeah i didn't expect this but here we are i go health too but we're angel now [Music] remember hutzlock works on friction says midwesterner have some bits have some bits spare have some crying children bible thump sentinel you know just what to say to get to me i'm gonna go draw a wisp on this guy no way in hell are we gonna get this thing charged up that well i mean it's gonna take us a long time to charge this sucker up get riled [Music] like a long time i think chat last time you said that the jar of whisks get up gets up to a maximum of 12 wisps dollar from got another dollar to ask what kind of game you'd make oh i'm sorry i didn't answer that last time that you asked maybe i got distracted i apologize um what kind of game would i make if i could make a game if i could make oh if i could make a game i'm gonna answer the question first before i uh uh get distracted again uh shoot it'd probably be some sort of like like hollow knight knight-esque like super atmospheric make you cry towards the middle and somewhere towards the end really awesome artistic metroidvania that's what i think [Music] matt do you think magic much the other guy i don't know because this guy needs a buff [Music] the other one would melt people he's doing fine though i honestly need some boost here battery in the secret room for the jar other guy needs damage the other guy does need damage but it's also doing just fine damage on try [Applause] you know what i'll go i'll give it to the other guy i'll do it you son of a [ __ ] [Music] man i i mean i'm excited to see it of course and that's what you guys probably want you're less so interested about me winning this run and more so interested about seeing like a completely busted ridiculous combination do you think it's worth walking over the spikes a soul heart for 10 cents soul hearts worth five boomerang's not going to be doing much for me and buff though just notice the wisps persist between forms wait they do oh that's good then sack for battery maybe [Music] the wisps persist her wisp between yeah good risking it [Music] pretty good uh-huh i'm professional [Music] you're lucky i let you see that see me play cause i'm so good dogma run question mark um one would have to fight dogma when that's that true though if i had it charged up and i was able to perfectly have it so that the dude fought the dude then i could switch back to the other dude during the other dude you know what i mean yeah chad knows what i mean pretty straightforward [Music] yeah make sense i thought you had phd [Music] oh yeah the other guy's got phd shoot that would have been a shot speed up i could have taken it i could have dropped it i found pills does not turn into anything right they would swap between horsemen oof dream killer over here time zone check central us i actually think i do understand i'm the dude playing the other dude disguised as a different dude interesting very interesting room flies or baby plum flute in my opinion that's a toss-up [Music] looking for holy card boys play the weakest first on dogma so you have stronger for beast yeah but they switch between the uh the horsemen as they're saying i wanted to try and get you to see my message before i leave because i'm pretty petty i'm petty i'm pretty i've been watching you for your youtube for oh god so many years i think almost six years i've been around since your first run of after birth so i think it's about time i check out your stream i really enjoy your content it's been really fun watching you and your channel change and improve over the years i want to catch more of the streams thank you for being who you are thank you katis sue strina appreciate you a lot have both touched the guppy item yeah we can come back black candle sounds good although if i come to the floor with the other character i don't know if it's gonna take effect still gonna take it though what's this seed xfg30v34 or save it for that battery we've gone void yet uh yes playing with some victor earlier doing some co-op we did void with uh i think i was jacob esau final 1069 amazing thank you for that for q i was watching on huts too i can't remember but you mentioned rebranding your channel i was wondering if you still were going to do that also dick presents yeah i i have plans of like redoing everything all the stuff that i have all the graphics pretty old it doesn't really jump out at me but i'll give it to the other guy was your editor familiar with isaac before you hired him or learning the game as part of the job you know what i honestly don't know that i i think familiar but i think i'm just assuming things good question assume transformations don't carry over i think that's a safe assumption i don't know but i need to save my wisps jar of wisp though that's better than i thought it was going to be because like late game if we get it charged up enough that'll be huge oh i said i was going to take the thing as the other character and i just didn't these guys are so freaking tough i hate those guys so much charge items every other room yep acts very well with a book of virtues if the iphone tells up his other character too and i just keep walking past it key piece crosses over what about all familiars made a video for any companies similar to machinima um no i currently um am with full screen but it seems like it's very hands-off so i'm not sure like i need to be with an mcn or if it gives me better better rates possible phd is this guy yeah i still i found pills i that's what i thought i wanted to double check sanity check and recode the entire game from at after birth plus to repentance well that's basically what vin did for anti-birth he recoded tons of stuff to make it all work gotta go see heiden this is honestly baby plum worthy screw this room get him bud that was perfect i heard mcn suck there was a huge thing that was years ago where people they were new and people were signing like three-year contracts at like a 50-50 split and then some of the guys got like super big and they were bitching about the fact that the contract that they signed said that it was a 50 50 split and just kind of got ugly from there and you know it was a contract it was a really shitty contract but they did sign it so it's just a lot of and now there's like barely any contract at all to sign and it's like a cancel it whenever you want i mean i think that mcn's gonna learn their lesson with machinima big time machinima was notoriously predatory all of them did it every single one of them had the exact same stuff and i know because i joined with machinima because i compared them with all the other ones at the time at the time it was just [ __ ] it just like it was nowhere near what it is now for the content creator now companies want to suckle out the team to the content creator because they're the ones making the money well they'll do anything there's so many there's so many to compete with before it was like just machinima so but they all did that [ __ ] too were they all like fake names with the help desk people and like what's that what's that fire we're gonna stick with pop guy dealing with bosses i don't know if any of these are different when i'm changing the other guy machinima is worse than [ __ ] short legs tough secrets probably one of those directions i just don't know which these little spider dudes are tough i'll kill them last it's courtesy they really don't do much besides spawn spiders so many spiders i honestly at first i thought they were the same thing as those lightning bugs that steal your charge and i was like oh they're not going to hurt you they're too small nope it hurts you let me find a [ __ ] short like she's beautiful anybody here still here from uh cobalt i want to know cobalt's opinion on blood puppy does he like blood puppy jelly jamin three months all right chat left left her down he hates it he lets him die blood puppy is rough he's so damn cute though down left down down wasn't a fan down hates it down down i was gonna go with left but you guys are all staying down not all most of you are saying down well mods okay everyone's banned then screw it i i can it's an i can see forever pill ah and the power fill ah that hurts oh that is a deep that is a deep pain that is a deep deep pain never named to the hundred bits it was way over here what does that seem to think that spiders just constantly leak milky white goo i've seen plenty of spiders but i've never seen spider come well they're obviously not aroused by you never names you think of that no you didn't you tried wearing a short skirt in front of spiders what um what i i guess i don't know let's decide the boss i just feel like there's more i need to do i don't want to go further on because i'm going to get squashed well have you how do i make the spiders aroused to teach me relationship advice with huts you know you have to earn it never named quit being such a nice guy with spiders look i didn't squish that spider the least it could do is come for me i mean come on right like grow up dude i'm a spider that's the most cursed thing i've ever heard uh hey another angel room buff for this this is good give it to me i'm ready flight not the worst the worst thing i could think of baby plum butt slam yeah this is the one that's like actually incredibly easy to kite into the fire oh that's a good shot oh got me you done got me i'm kind of feeling chest on this one a nice easy safe play and we on it we should do more we should do more rooms all the rooms because charging up the the jar of wisps is good for everybody here i have not been a very faithful viewer but i've been around since gungeon i've laughed and cried with you and i hope you continue doing what you are doing for a long time to come thank you for being awesome see you later thanks commissioner jones i appreciate that i hope to see in the next one that could help me with my my deal worth playing you think bite pog oh ah so you can just legs at the game and come back in yeah yeah yeah i know i told you i'm an expert damn it on spider arousal with isaac it's hit or miss hey look i can like benefit from all the pops that were left in the room with the other guy challenge drums are a go gar wisps also go i got a little d6 flaw on fire hey me out pay me out to the ball game that was just worth the money fire flight flight's good you know what with light i'm gonna go do this too leaves it to the other guy to go i know you're going you're going to go to the damn dory little [ __ ] leaves it to the other guy to get rid of a soul art we can honestly go deal with the devil i'm surprised at how much health we have it's because we went angel though that we can't we have this health to brag about so ah am i ready i think so why are you so op [Music] because i cheat all the time i just love to cheat you cheat bombing this guy gives you a lot of angel devil chance that was unexpected kind of ideal though it just gave me five cents up front and then exploded instead of me playing it five times um [Music] yeah i coulda oh she's driving big first before you get all the health up you idiot yeah yeah oh man big payouts big payouts come back and use the other guy too and i'm going to blow this guy up oh i could play him why would i what would i play him to charge up my wisps you dumb i want to give you a heads up and say the main dev of rep said tainted last is unfinished right now and will be getting a rework to improve him in the future updates just thought it'd be a good to share this green oh good uh vin said that how many more runs do you have one more run we're at 5453 subs so we are 47 away from another run taxi or gazik sorry gaxy whatever whatever it's just your name it's not like it hasn't even kind of value to you that's not what i meant thank you so much for the five gifted subs appreciate you buster dillon something about bits 500 bits thank you for that yeah i'll just give all my money this guy you know there's an achievement that you get for him paying out with or 4.5 volt i think and uh i don't think i have that unlocked so worth i'd say oh this is good damn because the more you charge the jar the better it gets this is the way i can't believe i almost bombed this guy please don't ever give up don't ever let me down or turn around unless you're gonna give me the achievement that's fine then you move 43 months thank you for that that is 42 subs away from another isaac run what's up stacy baby oh what the heck what is that it's a baby plum fire it just shoots a red shot okay nothing special but it's special here oh baby just on fire this this is fine this is fine dog but baby plum and baby and super baby ultra preemie you've seen baby plum this is preemie plum [Music] try sagan is more broken with pop than brimstone i'm gonna keep paying them i got more money for you you think it's just fires but wait till you use the item item double brim yeah double brim gives you a super brim laser i'm not even sure why they would even put that in the game but it only works with two i thought that double brim after birth plus gave you uh two lasers didn't it okay give me 4.5 volt now [Music] oh the plum flute item will activate the fire that could be why we got that fire i used the remote and it changed me into skeleton form tainted lost i couldn't move so i had to end my run i got to uh [Music] half of a a coin of health on keeper oh i'm buffing the wrong item you dum-dum you idiots god darn it i'm not paying attention talking to chat i took two shots okay mika j 12 cat thanks to cheer one sub i appreciate you but anyways i was the lost or no i was like blue baby i think and then i rerolled into forgotten so it took away i i only had soul hearts but the forgotten uh bones only has red health or bone hearts rather and then from there i reeled again and with that half bone heart it turned me into the keeper and it gave me a half of a coin for health which is not something i've ever seen it wasn't nice by any means either yeah dude the fires this is the this is a good play use the baby plum horn does that do anything for the fire no wait yes it does he's shooting around nope baby joins forces can we get like a full health pill pretty fly pretty pool card actually yes actually oh [ __ ] it's on the wrong guy teleport me to my interim no not what i wanted power pill out i'm just going to go flip flip and fool wait a second was that my full card that i was supposed to use to get dogma we're not going dog it doesn't matter once again reminding you that when you google hut's gaming age it says 50. maybe i'm 50. what other i'm gonna fight what would you do if i was 50 chad oh the other guy's not getting that so i guess take it 50 seems too young 50 you don't look a day over 42. please give me more health oh you know what i know i can't power pill with iv big ivy bag's too smart derp dirt derpa log that could be for angel chance right there which tainted is this this is tainted lazarus which apparently is not completely finished i did think it was really odd too you guys have you ever taken birthright or you looked up on the wiki and you're like wait a minute unfinished birthright is just uh it has no function not yet implemented that's the word yeah right make something up quick give me a one damage up i don't care fix it later get me unimplemented give me health give me liberty okay the fire is pumped about it it's a pea fire it's the fire ping is that what that's a yeah that is okay i thought you were kidding there's a poop fire i thought you were joking that is a pea fire let's all just soak that in for a moment there's a horse fire oh it's a horse fire you're right it kind of looks like a standing pile of poop okay doesn't it if you look at it just right and it's dripping it's the horse though you're right it's favorite fire there's a drop in that room i can't see it it's gonna be sad uh well for hey lose all my freaking fires right now but d give up that combo to get all the fires that we had i lost so many fires right there jesus stop bullying me [Music] harassment a higher chance for um planetariums bible insta kills you when you fight dogma doesn't matter who that goes on i'll i'll probably better save that that's [ __ ] didn't we touch a book with him though before can we touch the book already with two thirds bookworm what is dogmas is orange jewel kidding right joke copy piece not book oh maybe this guppy piece that i'm thinking of dogma nuts are you a wizard what was it on the other guy dogma can ligma got him lame joke dog one of my better inventions there's the crane game that's the first time i've seen it five cents to play though and i have zero sorry bud we're gonna get another angel you think i can honestly go bomb a corpse i don't know if i've done that yet [Music] good place good place i want to know what it does but you know maybe i'll just bomb it actually the money would be fine son of a [ __ ] it always gives you the one that you that you don't want every time steam still like ah nah i i changed my mind james like got something for you oh i'm so tired says undyne yeah yep me too it's 1 30. hey that's pretty good i could go charge my thing more but i think i shouldn't [Music] you know the thing i got six cents now i could have played the damn machine how many what floor are we on necro two no no no no no i think we're getting distracted wrong character i could drop the money i could switch myself manually you know what i mean and honestly i might do that because then we could just fight mom with the other guy by the battery too is there a better sale i might do that i'm going to flip over i might give up my stuff now or some money let's drink a pea slushy or eat a poop brownie well that's just rude you think i know how to bake uh it's kind of dumb to give up uh rotten hearts i feel like but i don't know i think maybe i'll call it there [Music] flute first i'll grab the flute first is what you're trying to say i want to drop that pill i don't remember what that pill was and then flip how much for a hot sneeze you know i sneezed earlier you missed it powerful right right right that's right dude there's an achievement behind this guy i i want it now it's just stupid if i buy a battery you know what i mean how do you get it he needs to pay out with a 4.5 volt uh well here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna bomb him and i'm gonna get the chance for angel maybe i don't know if that works that way if i've already bombed a beggar did i bomb a beggar on this floor i don't know i'm gonna bomb them anyways show them what for and see if i can't get the entire angel chants blood bag uh iv bag does not work with power pill no it didn't work that was all for nothing i murdered him for nothing and i'm gonna pop this judgment because i thought it was gonna be a demon judgment and i was like hell yeah you know what i'll just played the power pill on the demon judgment because i got a power pill anyways so i can't go back oh the misplays the misplays it hurts [Music] it burns f he was so young he get he got like most of my money dude was a billionaire eat the rich homes get him out of here and then killed him he killed himself with his own greed aren't you the rich he's got everything i've got i'm sitting here at zero cents what do you mean you can see my entire bank accounts deal with the devil interesting very very interesting i did say i wanted to go to the chest because i like the chest better even though the dark room is fun and we have tons of red health [Music] what if we go oh what if we go darkroom go darkroom go guppy so that's how you use that's how you want us to eat the rich we bomb them [Music] i know it's a plus damage up [Music] chest darker is fun just repentance things dark room with this health let's try let's go let's let's do it i'm almost overloaded with red health you know damocles does help with that whole overloaded with health thing if i went each and every single one of these well first of all damocles works better with more red health so that wouldn't make much sense uh ma the void's been nerfed but with flight with this guy i think ma the void actually would be pretty good and that last one's most likely not going to come in handy ever don't damn it please please i remember before if you damocles and you had rotten hearts it would just straight up kill you is that true they fixed that right they yeah they did because you can have empty red health right damocles is very late so what do you mean it's very late it doesn't matter when you take it as long as you have red health am i wrong am i thinking of the wrong thing after getting hit once with an item activated anytime without warning the sword may fall instantly killing regardless of his health after being hit with a sword oh i'm thinking of uh what am i thinking of what's the other one blood oath i'm thinking of blood oath you're right the other sharp object that floats over your head damn it please let me read that again um places a sword directly above isaac's head and while active will spawn an extra item for every item pedestal spawned after getting hit once with the item activated at any time without warning the sword may fall instantly killing isaac regardless of his health after being hit the sword has a one in ten thousand chance every four frames to fall this chance does not change if you take further damage you effectively have a 4.4 chance for every minute that passes after taking damage to die self-inflicted damage cursed rooms blood donation machines don't trigger this effect items with a price will spawn the extra item free of charge shops or devil rooms the only way to survive the falling sword is either through extra lives by using items that would make you invincible we don't have extra lives um nod leaf or playing is the lost after the sword falls extra items no longer spawn sounds fun fun fun fun i thought it was blood oath uh yeah no i'm gonna go with this then and then just probably call it a day we get double pedestals in the dark room though think about that did you think about that true cowardice [Music] cowardice being genius sometimes a true fighter needs to know when to fight and when to walk away chat it's okay that you don't understand the true depth of being a fighter the wisdom you have much to learn it doesn't double deals anymore that was anti-birth oh well does it tell me anything about it being updated no let me look it up on the other wiki then doesn't say anything differently on the other wiki it does the exact same thing look at the host every time i gaze deeply into your mustache i can hear danny gonzalez's song daddy playing in the back of my mind thanks for sharing every name wonderful it'll definitely be easier to sleep at night knowing that it's uh 1 30 for me 1 30 am it's 3 am i must be lonely must be lonely heavens she says baby i cannot help but be scared to be alone sometimes the rain's gonna wash away i believe in [Music] white oh son of a [ __ ] i can't get that out now flight plus the motherboard is the way to mod the void you think i can get how much health did the other guy have enough to get in there very nice uh teleport me to the angel uh it's devil room now i would still take it flies more charges for my jar one must sacrifice dude the other boy needs some help now people are like mother boy's been nerfed it's so bad now i'm still having a good time [Music] foolish jester art prime sub thank you for that dude we're doing this first time first try i'm surprised oh god these triple turrets are just a no i just like can we not please scary it's 3am i must be lonely name the band go must be lonely would i re-roll if i had the opportunity nirvana blink 182 mexico innocuous is correct matchbox 20. we have the opportunity to reroll would i do it uh well now with the addition of mod the void i'm actually pretty happy with what no no it would do both it would it would re-roll both i think the sixth room the only reason i say that is because i six-roomed earlier playing a co-op run and it rerolled my partner while the void is so bad now tim no balls do it yolo don't yeah i think it would reroll both i'm not super sure on it but i really don't want to roll the other guy and with like i said ma the void makes this okay what the heck is that guy doing what are you doing there bud that makes your orbitals or your familiars orbit that makes your orbitals from from from ill bit good job brain it's not light or anything no i feel great why i just think he's drunk i am that's gotta be top secret room over there why else would this room be here it was obvious i don't really need the money [Music] you should go planetariums we were going real hard on planetariums earlier we got quite a few of them actually we we have so far seen seoul was kind of lame um shows what the boss room is luna secret rooms contain beams of light i've had that one a couple of times it's pretty good and the beam of light gives you um a tears upgrade every secret room and there's four secret rooms per floor awesome mercurius speed up doors remain open i must find venus sits here uh causing nearby enemies to be affected by charm that was pretty good i thought it was gonna be garbage i liked it a lot tara items cause your items or this item causes your tears to become rocks that one was super clutch for speed running i have not seen mars um i have seen jupiter far cloud spawn saturnus wide circle of halo uh seven arbiters by entering a new room i don't know if i've seen that one uranus we did see that one crazy ice tears that was amazing there's neptunists and pluto i've not seen those we got i can see you're the one that does not need to speed up a little jerk a little munch pluto is underrated i haven't seen it see tears probably my favorite so far ice is awesome icy baby underrated big time you know i didn't want to lose my bone heart i honestly thought there was gonna be some sort of fight psych protected it now i was i was hoping to switch forms there's actually one more room we could do oh there's a heart i could just go get look at the map yeah big butt [Music] what about ice cube baby ice cube baby is not my favorite it like hit it you interact with it in such a weird way that it like knocks you around and honestly the damage it does is very underwhelming imo [ __ ] i'm tempted you just bomb it i don't think we get devil chance though extra double chance i think it sways your devil to angel if you have a both yep shield's nice he'll drop captain yeah i don't think i want to give anything more on it you have power pill on the other character i didn't want to swap anyways on a flight though that was dumb two bombs is enough to get there dummy wow power pill chat's out for blood you guys look out uh-huh life changing what would i have done worth easy ah did you know that you can get spawn if you get three syringes float have fun rotten hell okay these eyeballs have no idea what they're doing bouncing around my eyeballs this is the eyeball bounce fest how do i dodge eyeballs that don't even know where they're going i mean i did it but damage up in this uh character probably yeah too much health we're given to this one and i can't swap back now ah five cents i suppose i could go pay the man and what was this again i like how i dropped it for the other character and i put it in the middle of a immovable stone or iron block yup [Music] good stuff okay that's gaming let's get the hell out of here huh all right we took the negative correct or no did we we did take the negative we probably have to go down the hole with the appropriate character i heard that if you have jacob and esau and you took the polaroid or the negative on the wrong character it doesn't work i would assume that wouldn't be the case but somebody said it so now i'm like oh the thing negative 1800 bits as much as i would like to stay up i need to head to bed so i can get things done tomorrow morning i'll be back when the next stream is until then got a blast kidding go to bed it's fine fine nope fine that sounds like bs it does sound like bs so that's why i said it out loud so you guys could dispel this myth right sleeps for the week i didn't i read that in chat i did not say that i was kidding i'm still kidding what sleep yo squeeze that one out it's so not worth risking that for half a red heart but we did it fake news let's do every stream on weekends i do sometimes um it's really tough when uh i mean now of course that things are picking back up with the vaccine and stuff weekends are like the days that especially in minnesota when you have good weather and good weather is anything above 20 degrees fahrenheit everyone just plans the [ __ ] out of every single possible weekend because all winter long when it's like zero degrees you don't go anywhere you don't do anything and you just sit there wishing that you had something to do so finally spring comes along and it's just like everyone's got every every day planned out i think okay those are the aiming ones where's this teleport to the angel room but i do i have been i've been streaming a lot actually a lot more than i usually do i usually only had a uh a tuesday thursday schedule sometimes when it comes to twitch streaming less is more and it also allowed me to focus on the youtube content which i feel like is just like chef's kiss absolutely loving that i know that you guys are too because you tell me all the time minnesota as well deal with the devil on the one with more health that makes more sense one that still needs a buff compared to this all my fires are gone okay nice deal with the devil glad to have it wonderful and this run already i'm so tired says saxi we have another run to do don't we we're not done what are my fires doing like help stuck in the wall [Music] we do it's a squat all right we'll do a tainted jacob make it nice and short why are my fires still on the wall why am i why is my chaos card in the wall i'm i'm tired you guys i'm not even going to tell you how close you are oh that's right we have them on the void i'm not going to tell you how close we are to the next you know what we actually lost more subs probably because prime rollover or our gifted rolling over we're back down already to 5460. we were like five four eight how does that reference i don't even remember what i just referenced i'm tired i referenced something rip dude the twitch grind is so real you lose subs like crazy i'm about to get 40 subs in a minute no no no no i go to bed there for next time oh god hope those guys drop bomb flies oh it's just 3am you must be lonely i must be lonely please keep streaming to keep me up i really appreciate you guys still being here it's awesome that's a new one sola sammy sams what does it do so samson isaac gains the berserk effect for 10 seconds this gives isaac a bone sword and he goes on a killing rampage gaining point for speed and three flat damage up that sounds dope i'll take it by boneheart i love a good lurk i appreciate it all messes up still here because you're awesome oh oh damn i don't know how i didn't take damage there the wisps wisps op also bone shards op i love the book the dead love it love it love it i want some more of it watching you help me do homework without falling asleep i can't i can't even do that switch characters first oh my god that guy popped up into me you lose drastically subs because some of the subs you get are fast gifted in one second yeah exactly if someone gifted 100 subs and this is the exact what is that whatever um well [ __ ] um drop them and switch the other guy needs him more okay we'll come back i was gonna pay this guy um yeah if someone gets 100 subs right and then the exact moment that that rolls over those subs are gone takes them away it's a telekinesis fire but why is it like have it mind of its own oh maybe that's where i swapped as the other lazarus probably okay that guy just exactly what i wanted but sure i wanted more bone hearts for the other bro um yeah switch that's good that's good stuff tried some red health but fine fire is drunk we checked the top secret room excuse me i'm sorry what did that just pop explode in my face price saigon bob's rotten head does that [Music] still going what a legend i'm trying uh shoot the other guy has the negative oh i might have just bunged it wait no i'll i need the negative on the the chest i need no no negative on the chest not here fine yup [Music] can i make this show anyways shut up chad i'm smart i don't need your help and by shut up i mean you guys look wonderful today did you do something different with your face why are my fires up there why are my fire still up there why are my fires being extinguished up there why does god hate me i honestly thought this was gonna be a really really bad run you guys happy to be here teleport you douche i still have the left hand still have no freaking teleport new graphical update on that guy phenomenal love it dead end but i did find a super secret tinted rock with one bomb sag he hates you because you're in shoal that's pretty good you got me on that one the super secret right good morning from spain what's up spain been to spain before very pleasant experience one bomb please be nice i'm thinking maybe dark when we popped the soul of samson and we try to make it as far as possible which is probably not going to be very far honestly when you're fighting bosses with the donkey's jawbone that thing's hard to charge i guess i could wait for a room that's like really bad specifically the double adversary room right man i'm glad i had them all the void be happy happy delirium i could probably take delirium with the pop guy because i could just sit on the far side retro vision uh i think that's an i can see forever if i'm not mistaken i recall correctly eerc people from all over the world it's all crazy when you stream this late how long has my my jar been charged and i just been not using it hopefully not long i think i was looking at it europe friends present still just under 3k people still watching which is amazing thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you hope you guys tune in for more streams and don't forget um i'm on youtube as well at hutz h utts and hutz2 2 is where i put my vods from twitch that's one highly highly edited stuff my editor is just crazy good better than i could have uh asked blue are you still here i'm just gonna go back and check that pill oh that's the wrong way to go not checking that pill huh your twitch kinda sucks my twitch where is my europe gang yet how would you say that once again just out for blood today okay i think it's just teleporting me i think i have cursed lost yeah that'll do it i have no idea where i am [Music] first the loss but i mean uh question mark pill i took that's what i'm thinking of maybe lots do you pay your editor fair wages are you an epic gamer um i would consider it fair fantastic editing yeah no top notch very happy while we're here let's just fight him with the dude pods are fantastic good amount of content the twitch pods are cool the edited content though it's fun too that like i'm not editing it because sometimes when you edit your own content often times when you enter your own content it gets really old after like the 17th time you've seen it because you have to like you got to go through it to edit you got to go through to add this you got to go through the add the music you know by the time you're done you've already seen that video 100 times now i get to see it once and i i like go back to re-watch my own damn videos we lost so much health holy [ __ ] i can't see anything i don't know where i'm going damn ah editor gets a little bit of bread for every funny tim meme he makes i don't i don't understand the fires and i still want to go back to get that god dang pill but i should probably just leave i'm gonna leave [Music] me no thanks for the prime sub acer for the five dollars what's your favorite character tainted included tainted lost just too easy along the youtube content stream tip of the good works is phantom flame i'm sorry i missed that dark jew just defeats the purpose of us being here oh god that's bad that is so bad wow uh left hand does that give me more deals of the devil or should i drop it now that's so bad deals of the devil are so bad now oh you nerfed brimstone the shining star ah spork lord 169 hey man just unlocked bethany and won my first run congrats she's my new favorite character bethenny's wonderful bethany is so good take it all or no balls i thought maybe it would still give me the deals of the devil here in the dark room with the left hand but maybe not enter's real job is post-processing touch-ups on huts after 10-hour streams editor does not touch the stream content or anything on huston editor only does videos that say edited by the editor on huts1 i still do videos in huts one i haven't done a whole lot of them but you you know though you know if it's it's me hawk ah my health is so trash i feel like dark judas might be the way out of this oh such a tough character we're dead dude i'm gonna die i don't know how to do i don't know how to do that guy i don't know how to do it maybe i saw samson oh wait a second i'm gonna solo samson though and i'm gonna swap back to my other dude at the end of the thing is he gonna get the the the jawbone dark judas ruins everything though doesn't it it does because i'm here to unlock things as this character and if i'm judas then the boss start with plum flute then when he gets low switch to pop front row that worked out in my favor didn't it well that's not bad this one needs some help hot again bro [Music] stop oh come on taking the damage solas sampson go yeah okay i swapped back and i just did just throw away everything that i had oh god that's bad that's bad enjoyed my stay seeing extreme see zelio ah oh oh i still had it oh i still yeah okay switch back still have it for half a second okay okay okay it was still there though i'm not as mad i'm furious switches back and i'm like what is that noise think tank tank tank health i might come back for that after i use this i don't think we're gonna get another chart what the hell is that missing no fire another charge on the on the thing and go back for that does that at least be like one last chance to stay alive and it actually heals me if i eat somebody with it the jar though it's 12 room recharge though i might not even damn it i'm gonna get the thing charged up by the time we make it to the boss i'm not gonna lollygag in this floor either i'm i'm not going to be gagging no lollies you guys undefined fire oh [ __ ] baby plum i need your help i need your help now baby plum hunt hey we got one done pretty easily actually one adversary that's like a normal tuesday speed up speed up what about lollies clipped it wording hot language i'm just saying it's called lollygagging i didn't make up the term oh god how do i not take damage in a situation like that like that the fires i think the fire he faced planted on my fire good deal mate baby plum fire is still just like dude what a cutie one more room and i'll get this thing charged up and that's perfect because then we'll walk into the boss show them what for mean to be real super saiyan lesbian although i need to do one more i think i need to go back do another room to get the thing to use it properly i got that reference good um better than this guy honestly this guy's already gonna have a thing and one battery only does half the charge pop it drop it lock it okay maybe it makes more sense though you guys to start with pop and then once this guy is low pop my active item and then once that runs out we flip carrot cake and common electra have you ever visited north korea no watch him get void charged battery here goes watch this boy just handle it all by himself no help needed oh that's danger i'm in danger i don't like that i don't like that stop doing that you're bringing all my fires ah [ __ ] i'm so worried about the no-tell charge that it does untelegraph charge attack i don't even know what's happening i can't see it i think i can see that i can't see that [Music] pop combo carried bruh no void portal you guys it is not a thing so done we're done we're done crimson chin uh-oh are you [ __ ] kidding me right now i'm about to redo the entire floor thank you odaving norak with the prime sub now you could do mega saved did we get key pieces new run rerun hey who are we playing as class hey the door did open oh i'm fine with not doing it end it now we can do mega satan any day danger rooms are easy feels good we got a lot of other work to do though keeper's got a blank old blankety blank thanks thanks people on youtube for watching seeing the next one bye
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 137,423
Rating: 4.9240332 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 27sec (6927 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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