Girl Talk

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hello everybody first things first well no it's me Kelsey Kelsey Kelsey Kelsey its Kelsey first things first today I hit a hundred thousand subscribers on YouTube so I just want to say thank you to everyone who's been watching my videos and keeping up with me I'm going to start posting more which is very exciting so thank you to everyone and because I had a hundred thousand subscribers I'm gonna do a little something every time I hit a new mark I'm gonna dance for a certain amount of time so since I hit a hundred thousand subscribers I will dance for you for ten seconds and then two hundred thousand will be twenty seconds three hundred you know you get it so by the time I had a million ants for you for a whole minute straight which is probably everything you've dreamed of and more are you ready for this anyway so that was that hope you guys enjoyed um let's get into the video I'm really out of breath from that it's fine geez okay Wow shake so today I am trying something a little different and got a tweet that said we need a boy advice video because girl I need help and I was like you know what hell yeah I am here to help why not open the floor so I asked all my Twitter followers I said ask me whatever questions you want advice on and I'll answer them it's not a lot of good questions and I figured why not just kick back with you guys and answer these questions so I'm gonna call it girl talk because I'm girl and I'm talking to you guys isn't that just genius isn't it I want it to be like we're all in a room having a sleepover you know when you're like at a sleepover with your girls your guys they're all laying in bed it's getting dark and someone just is like I wish Bobbie liked me then someone's like you know you just gotta try well I'm here to give you advice on it Bobby likes you or not and it's gonna be just like Rhetta sleepover so I'm gonna get into more comfortable attire and some popcorn and we're about to have Girl Talk with whoever wants to be watching doesn't have to be just girls now we're ready for Girl Talk hang on here we go so first one how do you find a boyfriend when you don't ever socialize literally everyone annoys me this is a great question because same honestly you're probably gonna date some people who annoy you also and you're gonna put up with it for a while and then you're gonna realize that you don't need to be dating them because they annoy the Shi T idea but you'll also just accept more things I think eventually you will come across people in your life they might annoy you but the more important things are everything else and you'll be able to look past the Annoying set I'm right there with you I like like three people how do you settle for someone else like a person at your school because I'm struggling no one meets my standards do you think I have to settle or what but I'm not saying I want to but you think with high standards like wanting someone like your face love for example or do you think it's best to wait for what I want hmm it's hard when you know what you want and people are not meeting that obviously but you don't have to every person that you see you don't have to like do they have this this this business nope not worth it maybe get to know them see if there is stuff that you like that is similar to your celebrity that you didn't notice right away knowing ma'am mmm what's a good flirty conversation starter I've always been pretty bad at this I think honestly a good way to start talking to someone is maybe just mess around a little bit for example when I met Cody he said oh I like that piece of art on your wall and I was like oh thank you yeah I actually I did that didn't take me very long it's like oh my god that's so cool that you did Pat I can't believe you're an artist not a sight yeah and then I made like a couple more comments than he was like wait did you actually do that and I was like no we laughed boom sparks flew because it was like an icebreaker how can I be more appealing as like a human being and clearly I'm still working on that sometime just shoveling popcorn into my mouth as I'm speaking to you guys but I think the way that you can be most appealing in life is to find the things that you like style that you like hair that you're comfortable and regardless of what anyone else thinks and you're gonna feel the most confident and that's how you're gonna be the most appealing one point for me and for you now that you know that how do you find funny and nice boys they're either funny and awful or nice and not funny at all that is very true once those boys or any boys mature they'll learn how to balance being funny and nice so probably seems frustrating right now but it is something that comes with maturity how can you tell if a shy guy likes you you can always tell the guy likes you if they want to talk to you well he might be shy he might not be like coming right out and over excitedly talking to you but if he likes you I want to find ways to be around you and then once you see he's around that's when you need to make the effort and talk to him a little bit because he is shy so help him relax a little bit how do you impress boys I don't know honestly and if I did you get boys to like you how do you risk wasn't on you've got boys like you are kind of one in the same so I think what I've learned works best for me it was like I don't know I think a lot of girls try really hard to be like a super hot like this girl you know those girl and like try to impress boys and then way that's not natural for them and I think I my usual approach was to just go with the flow joke around be yourself be comfortable with what you're saying and what you're doing and you'll feel so much more comfortable talking to people that they'll just like you for you and it's already so easy right off the bat I we work around children how do I meet boys besides dating apps it speaks straight to my heart because I am a preschool teacher and I know this feeling through friends friends of a friend of going to bars going to a restaurant you have a cute waiter at the mall like just around you don't have to join a dating app I never joined a dating app look at me now how do you know if the guy you're dating is good slash right for you huh I've struggled with this one and I hate the fact that I've been saying this because it sounds so lame but when you know you actually know I'm telling you it's not difficult you're not wondering if it's right but don't let what I'm saying worry you like if you're in a relationship and you've doubted it don't let that worry you because doubt is a common thing that happens if it doesn't last and if it's not the right one you'll figure it out because what's supposed to happen will happen how can you tell for sure boy likes you without asking him I kind of already mentioned this but they will make an effort I've also had to learn that the hard way and I don't mean like once every once in a while okay if a boy likes you he will make an effort and he's not just gonna call you every - every every you a couple couple weeks every couple weeks now and wants to see you which is gonna think in your mind oh he wants to see me that must mean he likes me no it's just convenient sorry knowledge [Music] it's okay if you're answering those calls every couple weeks because in the end it will be the greatest learning experience you could have asked for it's their hope I've sat in my room a lot and thought that alone there really is hope I promise they'll get through it but it's the best way to handle running into an ex or someone you don't want to see um just be nice be nice until they give you a reason not to be like if you see someone you see your ex-boyfriend your ex-girlfriend your ex whatever don't be like and then it's just like embarrassing on your part okay how are you I'm great believe you don't have to like grab a coffee but a babe to see that you're doing fine they're gonna be like Oh fine treat them with respect so that they can't ever say anything bad about you God what would you guys do without me next up okay I need to know how to not be too scared to do things with boys because I'm 19 and want to but boys scaring boys scared me when I was 19 if it scares you take your time you do not need to rush there will come a time when it won't scare you and you'll feel comfortable and ready and that's when you won't regret anything okay love you I do I like sparked conversation and show interest to a guy who was closed off and then I'm already in love with all while knowing almost nothing about him and little fYI and he's been part of my group of friends for 4 years now I say he's been in your group of friends for 4 years you've got to have something to talk about so maybe even like when you're all hanging out just go sit next to it like little things and then while you're sitting next to make a little comment and you could like laugh about it together ease into it make yourself present and he'll ease up a bit you've got this what do you do in a guy you're talking to you I've slept with your friend that has a boyfriend did he know them they have not known him it's just tough because it's it's hard you like someone but kind of like in the back of your mind you don't know if they're a good person because they did something like that I think there's no harm in talking to him getting to know him and maybe eventually things are escalating between the two of you you can bring it up to him if you feel comfortable and kind of see why he did that because you don't really know what someone was going through and they did something questionable and we've all done questionable stuff if he gives you an answer that's like nothing I just wanted to she's hot you can do better but who know so I would give them a chance to explain himself before you rule it out but then once they give you their answer take that answer deep into consideration and get back to me we've been friends since freshman year of high school and just started hooking up and I totally am into him so much but he still treats me the same way he always has which is super bro ish and I think he has no idea I'm feeling so what do you think I should do if you guys are hooking up clearly there's more than just a friendship there you're attracted to each other in some way I'm assuming that you're acting kind of bro ish to him as well because you don't what his feelings are and he doesn't know what your feelings are so he is acting brooch - you - because you don't know if you want to cross that line or what so I would say if you keep hooking up and this keeps progressing there's no arm and telling him that you have feelings for him more than friendship and if he and anyway makes you feel stupid for that he doesn't know how to handle a lot probably and so he's nervous so he makes it seem that you're crazy and you're just hooking up and you've only been friends but there's a reason you're hooking up and you're not crazy and it's totally fine if you have kids for him and you tell him that you have every right to tell him that so I would see how it progresses and then tell him honestly how you're feeling and if he doesn't handle it and I'm mature or receptive way he's just not ready oh you messaged me again well damn I'm in love with him and it's been radio silence ever since what do I do okay totally fine you're fine um you you're gonna need to talk to him again me like you know I'm not in love with you but I will say my feelings towards you have changed and since we started hooking up and I think there's a reason that we are hooking up so that's why I said what I said obviously I consider you one of my closest friends too but our friendship has gone to a different level since we started hooking up and I think that we've talked about it and that's why I brought it up to you I shouldn't have done it when I was strong but I just want you to know where I'm at and see what he says and let me know I'm gonna do one more and you talked about meeting the right person at the wrong time for boy advice if it's the right person and it doesn't work out right now move on live your life and if it truly is the right person it will come back to you and it's supposed to but you can meet someone else that makes you realize oh my god this is like the cheesiest thing I've ever saying you could meet someone else that makes you realize that that other person wasn't the right person and there's a reason why the timing wasn't right because it just wasn't supposed to work out and like you're gonna be thinking everything happens for a reason why is this happening and you're not gonna know the reason you're not gonna know the reason and then a year and a half later you can find out why two weeks later you can find out why three years later after other failed of times you can find out why that person could come back you never know but if it's not the right time leave it let it be and it will either come back if it's supposed to or something better will come along all right on that note I really frickin liked doing this I hope you guys liked it I know probably was a little bit more serious than my other videos but I don't know there's a hundred thousand of you now and I want to like try to get to know you as much as I possibly can and this is a good way to do it you guys are the best yeah yeah hope you liked that now would be the time of a sleepover where we everyone falls asleep one by one and then we wake up and we're all like 10 times closer because we all shared our deepest darkest secrets last night so it's sleep tight good night and I'll see you next time bye guys
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 508,227
Rating: 4.9853449 out of 5
Keywords: comedy, advice, relationship, questions, joke, kelsey kreppel, love, vlog, help, fun, funny, girl, boy, cody ko, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen
Id: CDi6x2qqBlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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