Tackle The Text "Singles In the Pursuit of Happiness"

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hey everybody we're back for part two of our relationship tackle the text uh these sages and psychological giants slayed the church as it related to relationships on last week and if you haven't go back to our youtube channel and make sure you watch it again the last one two three and this is four you need to combine with this the last three tackle texts and you just need to continuously watch those four all summer long in conjunction with all of the new content that we will put out because i think the last four including this one are some of the most important discussions we've had all pandemic and all year long and we're going to pick back up with relationships and i read all those comments and here's one thing that i came up with came out with pastor uh hammond they kept saying well i'm not married so what do you have to say to me you know i'm in a relationship but it's not that serious and i'm not going to be committing to somebody who ain't committed to me i read it all so let's talk to singles today then oh yeah let's talk to singles and let's and let's let people know that you don't have to be single to have something to say to singles yes sir right that before you were marcia's husband and you were kim's husband you were on your own yes sir and and it doesn't matter if it was 27 years ago doesn't matter if it was 10 years ago you are and were an individual yes sir and and and i want to give a scripture to singles because very rarely can you find one for you you know it's always talking about husbands uh treat your wives love your wives like christ loved the church and yeah and wives obey your husband and and children obey your parents and it's all this family stuff but what does the bible say to single people if you're single i got you a scripture i got you a scripture and we defined single as somebody who's not married so you may have a boo yeah but this is still your scripture you're still still single yeah you're still there you're not married you're single so here's your scripture you ready write this one down it's first corinthians chapter 7. i want you to start at verse 32. here's your scripture i would like you to be free from concern an unmarried person is concerned about the lord's affairs how he can please the lord but a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world how he can please his wife and his interests are divided god oh my god did you not know that being single is actually an opportunity to have a whole mind that when you are married you cannot not be divided yes sir you have to care about her and it and them and then maybe you sir yes sir protection providing procreation education yes sir i can the list goes on and on and so a married man's wife and life is the same thing right and listen what he says he says he's concerned about the affairs of this world how he can please his wife it's almost as if paul is saying that for a married person your spouse is your world yeah and that your mind has to be divided between what you said last week your relationship being your first ministry and then coming in here and being effective in your second ministry but the good news for a single person yes sir is that you're not supposed to be using your singleness to get lit yes it's it's not for going out and turning up being single is not according to king joffrey joffer to sow your royal oats your singleness is supposed to be a set time specified to be focused on the word of the lord yes sir you can work for god all day long yes sir when you're single now i know y'all don't want to hear that i know you don't want to hear that because i know when you single you think about i can go and come as i please i ain't got to call nobody and check in uh i can go out with my girlfriends and have wine or i can go to my boys and we can go to the cigar shop and we can be there all day and all of that you can do you can do that after after you serve the lord yes sir what are you doing for god in your singleness because singleness has a reputation of being about selfishness yes sir i was in church on sunday and i preached and i said all the married women make some noise they say i said all the single women makes a noise they went crazy why is it that they're so excited because we believe we believe that this is a time for us this is a time for us to get to know us this is a time for me to buy myself what i wanted shop how i want to live all of that's fine after after you served after the lord what do you have to say about that pastor well the bible says only what we do for christ will last yeah yeah and so these things that we do outside of that they don't have the longevity uh but i think pastor even in this discussion uh it relates to both singleness and and those are in committed relationships that singles suffer with this same thing we want people to to want to hear our silence whether you're married or whether you're single it boils back down to communication you you got to learn to communicate because when you're single one of the things that stuck with me you said pastor before is what do you do when your thoughts betray you and i think for a lot of singles um they're in this this paradox of hearing thoughts of am i good enough will i how long am i going to be single uh why am i still single i'm the last girlfriend of the girlfriend's group to not be married or this and that and and your thoughts if you allow them they will betray you and that's why the bible says let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus and so we've got to we've got to be in a single place i think uh back to what you were saying uh in the beginning our effectiveness is in our singleness because we can then have the mind of christ and having the mind of christ i can do more single with god than i can do marry with children and all these other things because i've got to spread my attention but i can do more your old preacher told me a young pastor can build a church a single pastor can build a church quickly younger because he doesn't that's all he knows the church that's all he has to do as a church yeah what are you thinking well i i was thinking because uh i think when we talked about single we we assume that we're not married being that i may not be married to you but i'm still married to him so so so we don't escape marriage in in the sense of it all because yeah you don't have a person to worry about you just have the father to worry about so yeah in your relationship with god paul was saying yeah i would have it that you were all as i am he said be single because i can't tend to the things of god i can't have my relationship with god i'm still in fellowship with god i'm still being asked to do things as if i was in a marriage relationship i still have a responsibility to uphold i still gotta communicate i still have to operate in the love languages i still gotta give my words of affirmation i still had to give my touch to him i still have to give my gifts to him i still have to spend quality time with him so really you single but you're still not relationship man you know what that is crazy yeah it's crazy that's crazy good knowledge because i was just thinking that married people have a part to play but singleness is actually an audition it's an audition he says that the singles should be about the things of the lord and then here's what first corinthians 11 says now i want you to realize that the head of every man is christ and the head of the woman is man and the head of christ is god and every man who prays are prophesied with his head covered dishonors him yes sir in the lord however woman is not independent of man nor is man independent of woman and it goes down and talks about how uh the the man uh is a small lord so so when i say it is uh an audition see when you're single and especially if you're single seeking to be found as a wife how you act in singleness with your lord yes sir will be determined by the head you get in your marriage how you treat the capital l o r contributes to the lowercase lord that he releases in your life so how you treat the lord yes sir will will determine yes sir what kind of lord shows up the lord shows up so so i want you to know that as pastor torin said you're still in a relationship you still got to speak well of him yes sir you still got a father i stretch my hands to thee no other help you still you're in a relationship and and to which the the the the depths you go with god would it will will also be a reflection of the depths you will go with man you know i i think um that one of the highlights of the discussion as it relates to singleness is that when we are alone we don't recognize that that is also a part of a journey yes yes that society has made you believe yes sir that together means you're winning and on your own it must be something wrong with you or you're suffering no no and both sides of the coins are part of a larger journey yeah yeah and how you manage both of them is important because paul says for some of us whomever he was speaking to he says for me you know it's better to marry than to burn but for me because i'm going to be building churches all across asia and because i'm i'm still doing my tent working business and because i gotta meet silas and because i gotta i gotta move around and go to the next city i can't stay i gotta shake the dust off of my feet and get to the next town for me it's best that i be single because of how my life is set up and i think that people want a relationship that's not set up for their life that you have to make sure that your life is set up for your relationship and your relationship is set up for your life and a lot of us have failed because our mission oh my goodness didn't match up with our ministry wow oh my goodness that our mission opposed our marriage that our mission what we wanted we wanted it so bad you know i see people do this in corporations and ceos you can you can spend 16 hours at the office and buy a mansion and have seven cars and then come home and be lonely yes sir yeah have you ever seen that show called wife swap yes sir yeah man take a a well to do family and mix it with a housewife and she comes in and she has to teach them that the stuff doesn't matter and then the wife or the husband who has will go into the other home and try to provide and buy them and they're saying we don't want nothing but your time you have to make sure that the marriage the ministry the mission yes sir that it all corresponds otherwise you will be building something that your life cannot sustain pastor you dived into that and i think that's so key people uh will look at singles to compatibility instead of mission minded are we on the same mission uh is if my mission is to feed the homeless but your your mission is to fly around the world well maybe that's a correlation maybe we can fly around the world together and feed the homeless but i think it brings division when our when there's no unity of mission and i like that what you say that was that was so impactful wow well here's what here's what solomon says now we know solomon to be the wisest man so if you believe solomon is wise and you read proverbs you got to hear what he says in the song of solomon chapter three verse five he says daughters of jerusalem and you don't live in jerusalem so let me say daughters of texas daughters of florida daughters of california daughters of georgia daughters of new york listen daughters and sons i charge you by the gazelles and by the doors of the field do not arouse or awaken love until it is so desired don't awaken love until it's so desired in other words if you ever watch national geographic and you watch the gazelles and the does they always prancing around and hopping jumping around jumping around in other words he's saying listen don't be jumping around trying to find love until it so desires to be found don't be trying to get married until it is your season don't don't try don't don't be hopping around trying to get chose that's the generation don't be trying to get until love so desires so desirous to be found until its soul desires to be awakened you can awake there is no need to awaken love if your heart is still asleep [Music] if your heart still has grudges in it leave love sleep if you still dating the person you broke up with and by that i mean don't mean physically that means that y'all broke up but you still angry with them and you're still hating them and you're still talking about them let love sleep until your conversation can change let love sleep until you no longer have to tell your side of the story let love sleep until you don't think about that person and get angry don't let love sleep until you stop checking his status on social media let love sleep because you cannot awaken love if your heart is still asleep [Music] what y'all got to say about that you bringing the heat you bring the heat because that is the truth don't wake it up don't wake it up yeah until it's time you know you know pastor it's some people out here who would say i i'm what about me i i believe god has called me to to singleness there's some people out there like that yeah that that that marriage isn't even something that that's on the top of their head like i know that i'm biblical yeah it's it's the eunuch yeah and if in matthew 19 it talks about that real in uh in the message you had a message version i can get it what do you want matthew 19 uh 11 through 12. matthew 19 19 11 11 through 12 12. yeah i i and read that man i'm telling you i want and i want to hear your perspective on that because it's talking about is it starts off talking about marriage but it goes into singleness matthew 19 11-12 yeah but jesus said not everyone is mature enough to live a married life it requires a certain aptitude and grace good god almighty marriage isn't for everyone yeah some from birth seemingly never give marriage a thought yeah others never get axed or accepted and some decide not to get married for kingdom reasons oh my god but if you're capable of growing into the largeness of marriage do it jesus the christ i'm handing it to you because i never thought about marriage having a size that for some people marriage is too big yeah and that some have never even thought about it some are never even asked or accepted or even accepted and he wasn't saying that reverend to to to condemn him he was saying that it's okay yeah it's okay that this is your lane right here singleness he said some chose to be single for kingdom for kingdom reasons and it's okay if this is what god has called you to accept that be affect that's it be effective in what he's called you to marriage may not be your theme and that's all right but if god has called you to singleness just know you still married and here's one thing that you can add in the scripture first corinthians 7 17. this is for both single and married people it doesn't matter if you're single it doesn't matter if you're married this scripture's for you here's what the bible says in first corinthians 7 17 and don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else where you are right now it's god's place for you i'm done that's it [Laughter] where you are right now listen does it have sound on that camera because i don't know if they heard nothing you're saying say it again let me go back to the camera you better hear that where you are is where you're supposed to be listen first corinthians 7 17 and don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else where you are right now is god's place for you live and obey and love and believe right there listen here's the here's the best part this is the c part god god not your marital status defines you i wish we could drop these mic they too hot dollar we can't do a mic drum you need to hit it the bible is true here's one thing we know about the scripture it is inerrant yes sir which means there is no error and according to the scripture not one jock or tittle so so that means we can stand on this right and don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else where you are right now is right where god wants you to be in this season that is bible and your worth is not defined by your marital status but by god my god and let me tell you when i read this value don't go when i read that all of the guilt and shame fell off man when i recognized that we are not definitely defined by our by our marital status but by god by god heaven it doesn't matter if you're married people that want to be married to god now if it don't matter if you're married it doesn't matter if you're single your relationship does not define who you are reverend whatever season you're in somebody's been helped today even if it's a single season yes sir be content still really content be content paul said i've learned my god in whatever state i'm in there with to be content i remember one time that somebody said it didn't matter what paul said about the state so that means he was content if he was in florida he was content if he was in wisconsin no it is not talking about location paul said i've learned to be content that means that whatever fashion i'm in condition whatever condition whatever whatever circumstances i mean i've learned there with to be content because me i've been both a base and a background that's the bible reverend come on i've been a man with and without i've been up i've been down i've been married i've been divorced i've had children in the house i've had children out of the house we were newlyweds and now we've been married 50 years i've been both my god i've been both and i'm not defined by whether it lasts five years or 50 years i'm just i'm still defined by god even if i make it to year 50. yeah my god that you cannot put your identity in what button you can click when it says status my and that your married friends ain't better than you and your single friends ain't happier than you my god that they are free not because they are single but who the son has set free is free indeed you're not even free because you're single you're free because god set you free god hallelujah hallelujah and that you're not lonely because you're alone and somebody else has company because they have somebody in the house because i'm telling you i can introduce you to people who have been married for years and still feel lonely in their own homes you are defined by god thank you paul thank you paul for setting somebody free watching today thank you for setting somebody free because especially for those of us who've grown up in church they always ask me when you're going to get married that's the first conversation first conversation why your marriage didn't last but it didn't last because i was immature it didn't last because i quit but i'm not defined by that i'm not defined by that hallelujah i'm defined by god hallelujah and i'm gonna serve him till i die yeah if you're always looking for the next season in your life you'll let the one and its fruit pass you by hallelujah yes sir if i'm always looking past the season i'm in not only do i miss the season i miss the fruits no i have mercy i miss what the season has to offer the joy of watching the growth of the season one of my my sisters has a garden in the backyard and she came up to the church today to bring miss jackie some green beans that she had grown in the backyard well she told me she says that was just my first batch i'll get two more this season the harvest is coming right now she said i got i got two i got two more batches coming this season because when you're in the moment yes sir you have to realize that you haven't gotten everything out of your present moment you're looking ahead to another season and you haven't squeezed all of the juice out of the lemon you got in your hand god come on talk preach oak man there is more in this season that you can get out of this season if you stand still and see the salvation of the lord don't always be anxious to get to the next season sometimes you need to stand still and enjoy where you are whether you are single or where you are married according to paul you are right where you are supposed to be squeeze it all out get everything you can out of this season hallelujah not always looking for the next season the bible says i think in psalms 34 the lord is close to the brokenhearted yes sir is that right yes that he's he's close to the brokenhearted yes and and he rescues those who are who are crushed in spirit yes sir whoever you are he's available he's available he's coming wherever you are you are right where you're supposed to be so single person you're fine married people you're good single people you're not less than merry people you're no better than we're all where god wants us to be to be that's good a lot of times what we don't realize is that all of our relationships suffer from our original relationship with god yes sir that's true that's true yeah and if it's not god it was a relationship because most current relationships if not all of them suffer from past relationships so the current church can't get all of you because the past church hurt you and so you didn't come to this church to work you came here to sit because you don't want to open yourself up to be vulnerable again to be hurt i wonder why it is that we will allow the people who hurt us to get all of us and we won't allow the people who god sent to help us to get some of us that we will close off breakers man i can't get that out of my head that we will shut off breakers for the people that god has sent us in our future because of a power surge or power struggle that we endured in our past i don't know what made you compare love to a breaker box but it revolutionized yes sir my perspective of my heart yes sir you couldn't imagine how many people you just helped yes sir by being vulnerable enough to admit that you have switched some of the switches off the bible lets us know that we are right where where god wants us to be amen and it's important for us to learn this because like the dough and the gazelle god doesn't want us leaping and jumping from one thing to the next but that we should just let love sleep until she so desires to find us just let her sleep you don't have to look for it just prepare for that's what i want you to do and i get in trouble for this because i tell women you know dress yourself up and go out of the door and be ready at all times and then they do it for two weeks and then they come and tell me i ain't a prophet because it didn't happen yet let love sleep let it sleep until it's sold desires to find you and you can't give up i want i want you to get up every day look your best when you walk out of the door yes sir you don't ever know who going to be buying ham at the same time you buying bread you better make sure that you go out looking your best you don't know who gonna be pumping gas at the same time that your tank is almost on eat go out looking your best yeah can i pump your gas that's right they say can i pump your gas you never know who's going to be getting their car washed at the same time as you yeah you never know so then the patient let patients have a perfect work that you might be entirely one to nothing pastor hammond when you think about this and i think we're gonna close it down here because um i feel the spirit of the lord in here there's somebody who's single right now who wants what you have they say man i can't wait until i can say i'm married 28 years can you give them an idea of what it takes to get from there to here you just said it takes a lot of patience it takes love that you don't even have meaning you can give a person love from you but your love at some point you're going to run out of it yes and if you're not connected to christ you won't have the supply of love to supplement the love that you ran out of so back to what he said about being single if you're just single it's not a it's not a sentence or indictment against you you have enough love for you and enough love for christ and together you can make a difference wow pastor torrence the bible says but if you do marry you have not sinned and if a virgin marries she has not sinned but those who marry will face many troubles in this life and paul says i want to spare you matthew 19 11 not everyone can accept this word but only those to whom it has been given i'm going to say something and i'm going to give you the final word i think it's time that the church understands that according to the scripture that a marriage relationship is not valued more by god than singleness that god values both of them equally yes sir and he would that you would be one or the other yes speak on that pass reverend you said a mouthful right there because both states position are conditions are well in god's sight marriage is well with god but singleness is well with god and to know through the scripture that was given on today that god does not want you to desire to be in another place he has you right where you are well whether that be marriage or whether that be single just know that you are well with god all is well with him don't go looking for anything too soon don't try to make anything happen that shouldn't be happening just know that he's got you right where you are all is well with him listen i don't know if you guys did but i honestly absolutely felt the presence of the holy spirit man we did and i think that people online have had an encounter with god and i think that we have made some things clear yes sir that have been cloudy and convoluted according to our theology yeah our religious dogma and just flat out our religious traditions yes sir yes sir wherever you are i don't care what they saying about you online i don't care what your friends are saying in the circle can i tell you you are right where god wants you to be and you have to be okay with that yes sir i know what you want i know what you desire but seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all the things that you desire shall be added unto you i pray that we were helpful i pray that we were impactful hallelujah i pray that something was said today that would illuminate your heart and be a lamp to your feet in the light to your path we've labored in the gospel today to ensure that you can see yourself properly and i pray that the enemy would not steal these seeds from your ground in jesus name we pray i want you to get your gift ready right now i want you to get it ready right now because i always know when we've got good ground to sow into yes we don't have time to wait because the the pastor turns out here the holy spirit's saying that the water is troubled the water has trouble the water is troubled listen the best investment you will ever make is into the person you choose to be your mate hallelujah and this seed that you're releasing right now for those of you who are married i want you to sow it into the health and wellness of the person you're in love with and for those of you who are waiting on god to send you somebody i'm sowing i'm sowing right now so that that person will come with the same alignment of destiny and methodology and message and those who understand that it is the will of god that you stay single i'm praying that you will have opportunities ample opportunities to serve god into your heart's desire and content i pray that first corinthians 7 and 17 will reign true that you will understand that you are you are right where you are supposed to be get that seed ready get it ready because it's going to produce fruit and don't rush past this moment to get to the next moment this isn't the time to press leave this isn't the time to press in this isn't the time to swipe up and get this off of your screen this is the time to stand still and hear the voice of the lord there is a sea that is about to be planted that is going to produce fruit in your life for years to come hallelujah in this season in this season get ready get ready get that seed ready there's another batch this is a moment this is the moment i promise you you've been watching me for years you've never you you very rarely see me do it like this get ready i believe this is a rhema moment yes yes sir hallelujah hallelujah you might not believe me but we're sitting in this room and the wind of the holy spirit has dropped the temperature yes are you ready god touched that gift in that hand at this moment this relationship thing has some of them tormented yes whether they're in or out yes but bring clarity freedom glory glory god hallelujah and let this mind that is in us yes yes be also in christ jesus yes sir in the mighty name of jesus we pray hallelujah hallelujah and amen be blessed we'll see you next week hey what's up family listen i enjoyed the word today i know you did as well hey if you want to take part in what we're doing here we have some numbers going to come across the screen if you want to give to us hit the number on the screen if you want to join be a part of what we're doing here hit the number on the screen and remember share send this message to someone someone needs to hear it let's go to the lord in prayer father god we just want to say thank you just for the word that was given we prayed that someone's heart was touched and someone's mind was changed we love your god all these blessings reacting your son jesus name amen hey remember we love you here at the lighthouse church nothing you can do about it see you soon what's going on there's pk here and listen i want to tell you that i get so many dms so many messages of people saying pastor how can i connect with you i love your messages but going through youtube is kind of difficult where can i come to a centralized place we heard you and that's why we created lighthouse 2.0 lighthouse 2.0 is our tribe it's our village it's the place where all the people who say i want pk to be my online pastor and pk says i want you to be my online member this is the place where we go the watering hole the ecosystem where we all come to grow together and it is exclusively for you they're getting ready to put a link up on the screen right now that shows you how you make that exclusive step and everybody can get in so you better take first movers advantage and get in while you can fit in i can't wait to see you inside of two
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 22,388
Rating: 4.9688849 out of 5
Id: cdvJ-deLX2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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