Synology DS1621xs+ 10Gbe and NVMe SSD Cache Test

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[Music] hello and welcome back and today we're going to be doing 10gbe testing of the brand new synonyms 1621 xs we're going to be looking at blackmagic we're going to look into aji we're going to do some windows file testing in another video we're going to do some video editing but for now let's concentrate on the speed test now let's talk about our parameters first we are utilizing a windows pc and we are using an i7 here it's a sixth gen i7 then it's also got 16 gig of memory this device connected by a thunderbolt into a thunderbolt to 10 gbe adapter and that is running into the brand new synology 161 xs plus this device is populated with six 10 tv ultra star series hard drives we've got them in a raid 6 environment we're going to show you that on the screen in just a little bit and we have enabled encryption as well we're using the default eight gig of memory and we are running with two nvmes for caching so that is our setup we've gone for this in what i would think would be a great enterprise grade setup encryption rate six caching all enabled and then we're going to do our speed test if we get time we're going to do a few other configurations along the way but we do have a lot of testing to get through with this device over numerous videos i'm talking to you here on camera and occasionally we're going to flick to the screen but it is worth highlighting that because we are using obs screen recording that can affect our results and can normally knock off somewhere between you know 10 to 50 megabytes per second so it can make all the difference i do bear that in mind with our results but as this is a four bay and we're utilizing 10 discs with two of them giving way to parity it's going to be interesting to see how that effective cache helped at all and with mtu set to 9000 on both the network connection of the laptop and the nas whether removing all of these restrictions will give us some great performance benchmarks so let's make our way over to this screen now and again we are going to keep flicking back to camera from time to time as you can see we have obs there on screen if we make our way into the pc you can see there is our sonic solo 10g adapter and if we go into a little bit more detail we can go there go into the configuration head up to the tab go to jumbo packet as you can see jumbo frames at 9000 on my local machine also if we go into the control panel of this nas itself you can see we're connected by the 10g connection and there's our mtu at 10 000. now we should have already created a shared folder on this device if we go into the storage manager we can then take a good look go up here and we'll be able to see that raid six that we've created and there's our raid six there an aes n i we've already made a volume in advance and again we've got uh the encryption enabled we've got our raid six we've got our six disks there and there's all our six disks in the rate x environment and the ssd cache we're using two of the snv 3400 synology ssds for our ssd caching so there is the architecture we've already put some data on the device not a vast amount but enough that the cache has worked a little bit there in the background and provided some cache benefits there in real time so as you can see we've not got a huge amount of data on there we've kept things nice and light so what we're going to do is leave the ssd cache there on screen while we do our testing we're also going to create a shared folder so in order to do that we want to open synology assistant there is the one six as you can see we're connected by the 169 the 192 up there on our 920 is the network but right now we are directly connected to this nas over 10g i'm going to right click we're going to map a network drive we're going to log into this device from there we can see um one of the network drives and we're going to go for the one that one of the apps has created by default we're going to assign a letter to that which is going to go for letter s and from there open the map drive to double check that it sees it and wallop there is our s drive right there so that is that folder there as you can see on screen so again we're going to leave that caching open there on screen if we go into the pc folder we're able to see there is our map to network drive right there so let's start the first test let's go for aja and again we're going to go for a nice one gig file for the first time around 1080p and we're going to make sure to select active backup suites folder from there make our way over we're going to make sure there's no disk caching enabled it's going to be read and write testing and it's going to be running continuously now bear in mind we are using a standard sata ssd inside this pc here if we go back into the pc folder and we go back in we're able to see that if we're going to drive information we're going to the right one going to computer we're able to see a little bit more information about the south of this device and as you can see we are utilizing quite a moderate system here and it is a sata single ssd inside this device which will affect some of our results but let's run a test here so let's run the first initial test and as you can see we are already hitting let's hit the live camera so you can see it there we are hitting a thousand right thanks to those four drives and that ssd caching there inside at the end of this video we are going to remove the cache and see if that makes any difference to those overall performance stats but we can definitely see some great numbers there that's knit back straight onto the screen and again there's a one gig test file but it is worth highlighting remember that the read will be affected by that sata disk that we're running there so ignore the fact that the right seems higher than the read a lot of that is to do with my internal system recording with obs in real time and the fact that we're using a sar ssd uh connected to this system so let's stop there let's go for a bigger file let's go to four gig restart the test and even a four gig file that takes a little bit more time there we're definitely seeing those results maintained over 10 g on this xeon powered nas and again this is the base level unit but we have attached those extra bits of hardware there in the form of those um ssds inside and although this is a 16 gig upgrade as well what i will say of that is that that's going to make almost no impact whatsoever on this test we've increased the memory for a surveillance video coming up very very soon you can't really see it but we have a bunch of cameras dotted around right now that we're using for our surveillance video using the 920 and the 1621 so let's stop that test and make our way into a 16 gig file much much bigger file here and this is one that's going to take a little while we're only going to do one rotation uh of read and write on this but we're still getting that 900 it is gonna dip fragmentally as it goes through because again this is where those caching file the caching ssds have almost no utility whatsoever um but we are going to see a lower overall performance but 16 gigs still getting 800 megabytes out of those six drives and a raid six with encryption being enabled is still pretty impressive indeed while it's doing that why don't we open up the resource monitor there in the background and get a good look about what this system is doing there in the background we'll leave that up for the remainder of the video let's minimize that as well so we can feel a little bit more on screen pop that there head back into aja okay that's the wrong one let's put that on there so in the end the read went down to 550 but again that's because we reached the limitations of that internal ssd of this laptop but still we are seeing great numbers there and you can see all those performance stats there of the resource monitor there too move that down ever so slightly and there you go we've gone through the three different sizes of aja so now let's make our way on to black magic we're going to leave those stats that are on screen they're all going to spike down to zero as you can see memory utilization there was no difference whatsoever uh but we can see that xeon cpu pipped into the 20 mark there may be 25 of utilization during these tests so next up we're going to make our way into the black magic software so from there we're just going to move blackmagic onto this side of the screen and once again using that same mapped network drive again for 1g got to select the drive still trying to find a drive from a previous test there it is there and we're going to go ahead with a 1g test file right now so if i flick back here onto the screen you can see that test running and what's quite interesting during this and we will flip back to that screen in a second is the noise while we've been conducting this video the mic is right here i'm just going to lift it for you guys it's just there that microphone is very very close to this system that's utilizing those 10 tb drives so this gives you a real representation of how much noise there is given that this is actually closer to the mic than i am so let's give it a second be quiet and i'm going to move the mic now between these two devices i'm going to move it between my laptop with the gpu fan is starting to really kick in and then back to the now so i'm going to be very quiet while i lift the mic now i don't know how that sounded to your ears but to me right now this laptop's making more noise than this system here the fan of that gpu has really kicked in there now if we're flicking back to the blackmagic test we're certainly seeing different results this time around for black magic black magic is not really in terms of right getting out of that 350 360 because black magic is using a different algorithm there and the caching is far far less beneficial in this setup what's going to be quite interesting though as we leave this test of black magic at the 1g test file is when we go for a bigger file because that's when we start to see blackmagic bring a lot more to the table so as you can see the write speed there has increased notably in that larger test file and that's because the 1g test file did not give blackmagic sufficient time to kind of burn in that whole test and get a better medium graph of speed all that time spinning up was being recognized and not true overall performance so as you can see the 5g test file is still giving us a lovely max out there on right but read we're seeing that dip that sata internal drive and the performance limitations it does bring in now i will say once again unfortunately blackmagic does not go higher than a 4k 5g test file so unfortunately we're not able to take it even further than that in blackmagic but what we're going to do now is we're going to switch over to a windows file transfer and we're just going to dump several giga files onto that shared folder so let's come out there this time we're going to head back into this we're going to go into my archive and this is a lot of the backups and stuff that we've run i'm just going to select a big old part of photos find out what the storage is on that one so again that's 75 gig that's a little bit more than we want to play with in this but you know what let's do it anyway and now we're going to copy 75 gig of data of mixed files and folders let's have a look at it there this 75 gig that's comprised of 66 folders over just over 9 000 individual files and again there's word docs video docs and more from previous videos there we're going to copy those and copy those directly into this shared folder now this is going to be quite interesting because caching has no assistance here whatsoever this is writing to the nas so chances are the limitations of my own internal sata are going to present a bottleneck but let's go ahead and copy that into the shared folder and as we can see that speed is going to creep up and the graph that we see on screen during this is where we're going to see my internal ssd become the limitation because as we deal with the larger files then there's going to be a slowdown the small files that's where there's going to be the distinction across that graph but right now 10 in we can see that we are getting those speeds of three to four hundred um meg now a lot of that is to do with my internal ssd we're not really going to see vastly more than that now had i been running maybe a dual nvme system over 10g things have been very very different if you are running a photo video setup if you are editing files on a nas and you want to take advantage of that always remember that your internal hardware of your laptop your pc or your mac system may present all the difference modern i think the last two generations of mac book and mac tower system have utilized nvme ssd which allows somewhere between 1800 to 4 or even 5 000 megabytes per second with the right pcie available to you so do remember if you are going to be doing uh 10 gbe live photo video editing that your internal ssd is not going to present yourself a bottleneck because right now you're seeing there on screen my internal ssd presenting a larger bottleneck overall as we deal with lots of smaller files that's another area of contention and as you see a lot of those files there in the background are old legacy files you're seeing old nazis there as well and they're really slowing things down and that's not the fault of the nas it's very much the fault of the whole system but we're going to stop that there and what we're going to do now is make our way into the synology nas system i'm then going to remove our area of ssd cache we're going to completely remove it and therefore when it's removing let's log in this will now unmount our storage system when it unmounts the storage system it's going to disable the cache remove it by wiping the cache and then re-enable the storage system for us and from there the same mapped network drive will exist the same data on the system will still exist but now it will not have the benefits of those two nvme ssd caching bays so it's going to be interesting to see when we run the blackmagic test and the aja test if it actually gave us any benefit whatsoever now the amount of time this takes to wipe will change depending on the amount of data on them and the size of your storage array so we're going to fast forward now to the completion of the removal and unmounting of the nvme ssd cache let's fast forward right so the cache has been removed now and we can make our way back into the volume there and as you see the volume is still mounted if we go into the file station application we're able to take a good look at the files and that's some of the files that we transferred earlier during that initial test we're just going to go ahead and delete those there there isn't a recycle bin so that won't present a problem on top of that what we're going to do now is let that do its thing while it deletes some of those files you should do that pretty nippy there in the background open that up it should be pretty quick once that's done we can make our way into aja and make sure we can run those tests to keep things nice and even right so now we're done let's start with the first stage of testing what we're going to do is go ahead with aja and once again we're going to flick down to a one gigabyte test file we're still in the active backup mapped drive still the same settings across the board let's begin our test now straight away the write speed has been maxed out even quicker this time around now a lot of that is because of the cash having to build there in the background as we were running our original test files were being written to the nas and while it was doing that you could see in the early stages that the cache was working in the background what are those files are the same what needs to be cached and that on this stage of testing did slow things down but you may notice that the read speed was better as well a lot of what you're seeing right now on screen isn't because it's better without cache but because of the initial utilization of cash at the beginning the system was balancing several things including building the cash over time however the cash would have provided better results overall if we move that there to camera the cache would have been better overall um in terms of reading write speed but initialization such as this shows us with the right speed consistently maxing out the connection at one thousand twenty one thousand thirty and the reads been being read to be been pretty high it will be interesting to see once again once we start increasing that file size whether the limitation of that internal hard drive will make all of the difference so again we are seeing there that 1000 still being maintained in terms of the read but with uh in terms of the right but the read there still standing by its guns at around 700 which is still great to see we are you know i'm glad that this device is giving us that 1000 megs that we wanted if i was editing some of the videos like this one directly on as something i do i would expect speeds like this to be consistent particularly on a hard drive array of ratix with encryption enabled that's the key thing here a number of you will look at this video and say so what to a 10 g nas i should expect 10 gigabit ethernet but you've got to remember with a raid 6 and double parity to be billed there as well as iesni encryption in the background meaning that uh file transit needs a little bit of work to do the encryption algorithm in the background it's still lovely to see those numbers still reaching those heights so if we flick now to the 16 gig file let that finish there and again we're still living in the thousands it's still great to see that that utilizing standard hard drives inside as a standard pro series enterprise drives 250 mega drive adding maybe 100 to 120 per drive in a raid environment it's still great to see that we're even at the 16 gig test file um area that we're getting those great speeds there now the read is trying its hardest it's living at that 700 but we're going to start to see that dip and again you can see there where the cache was trying to learn there in the background and how that did pick a little bit of the performance but let's head now over to uh black magic and have a quick look there and again i'm gonna go for a one gig test file and again we're gonna see that spin up that gradual spin up over time let's let it do its growing but it's going to really struggle to get out of that initial spin up there on this system over 10 g particularly in that raid environment and all the bits and bobs system has to do there in the background but reed is still showing a nice consistent number which is always good but i think we're not really going to see those results until we hit five gigabyte test files here on blackmagic and straightaway we've maxed out that 1026 once again with the read getting a little bit pinch higher as well but still consistently living there in the 700s if you are going to do stuff like this and you do use an nvme ssd these results indicate to me that an nvme powered system connected by 10 gbe to this is gonna give you a thousand each way without any difficulty which is great to see now what do we take from this well we can take that this system even with hard drives is going to give you that 1000 megs yes these are enterprise hard drives at 7200 rpm and a good two five six meg cache which can't be overlooked but in a raid six with aes encryption on those drives and still hitting a thousand with clear indications that it could go higher if we use a two port 10g lag system um that will be interesting maybe that's something we'll follow up into our next video but next in my next video i am going to be working on surveillance with this system a multi-camera environment you can't really make it out right now but i have four rear link cameras dotted all around the place right now out of shot and after that we are going to be doing a video editing and virtual machine test on this nas but otherwise thank you so much for watching i hope you guys have found this video helpful and do check out my 5v5 and review of this and as here on the channel there should be links in the description otherwise thank you so much for watching and do click like if you've enjoyed the video and click subscribe to learn more visit nas compares to learn more about nas and of course visit if you want to buy your nas today but otherwise thank you so much for watching and i shall see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 15,102
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Keywords: Best Synology, DS1621XS, DS1621xs Memory, DS1621XS NAS, DS1621xs+ nas buy, DS1621xs+ NAS Drive, review DS1621xs+, Synology DS1621xs, SYNOLOGY DS1621XS NAS, Synology DS1621xs+ NAS Drive, synology nas, DS1621xs+ Review, DS1621XS+ 10Gbe Speed, Synology 10GBE, Synology DS1621XS+ 10Gbe benefits, DS1621XS+ NVMe 10Gbe speed, DS1621xs+ Speed Test, DS1621XS+ 10G Speed, DS1621XS+ 10G REVIEW, DS1621XS+ 10G Benchmark, DS1621xs+ 10G PERFORMANCE
Id: 7C6xgzoh1Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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