Synology DS1621xs+ NAS - Why Buy It?

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[Music] hello and welcome back and today i want to talk about the brand new ds1621xs plus what a mouthful that is but we've already done a huge 20 30 minute review of this on another video hopefully it's already live but i know a number of you those are long long long videos where you just want to find out right now whether you should go for this and ultimately does this now deserve your data so carrying on from before just like we're doing with the other nazis today we want to talk about the five reasons that you should buy the dx or a ds1621xs plus and five reasons that you shouldn't let's crack straight on reason number one do you should buy this nasties because it is 10 gbe or 10g or 10 gigabit ethernet whatever you want to call it this device arrives with support of up to 10 times the usual ethernet speed in your home or business environment typically that means that this device with its great art hardware architecture inside and intelligent caching also gives you the ability to have output ten times that of traditional network speeds it's already got two one gpes which you don't really care about to be honest but the fact that this device has got 10g on board is a big big deal the in the past knowledge has always held 10gb a bit of an arm's length always asking you in most cases in their disk station series certainly to choose between internal performance with a good cpu maybe ssd caching good memory combos or external performance asking you to attach pcie upgrade cards for lan ports or in for some rare cases 10 gbe this is one of the few nasties out there particularly in desktop form that features both great internal and great external speeds and the fact that synology's disk station um so desktop base 10 gbe history is very very thin on the ground the last one i believe was the dsy non-plus and that had an arm 32-bit cpu inside so that cpu was really struggling if you wanted to get the most at that 10 gbe do remember that you will have to use the right kind of drives media the right kind of ssd perhaps or the right raid to get a full 10g connection on this but you can directly connect point to point from the pc max system and this nas i'm utilizing ultrastar 10 tbs inside this device for my testing coming very very soon and that should give me close enough or if not bang on the money for that 1000 megabytes per second reason number two that you might want to buy this nas is that cpu and memory combo inside you have got an intel xeon uh it's a quad core based zeon with over 9000 uh reported on cpu benchmark on top of that it also arrives with eight gig of ddr4 ecc memory that can be upgraded up to 32 gig that's impressive two slots inside so 16 per slot bang 32 gig memory so again it's that idea that you are buying an as a six bay nas here with some very high end materials inside now do bear in mind that cpu um isn't the newest xeon right now but still zeon is incredibly popular in file um fast file processing right now in network attached storage it's not graphically now but it doesn't have any kind of transcoding engine or embedded graphics but it ranks up for that with raw raw powers one of the main reasons we highlighted the ds-3617xs that big old 12 bay per plex users because although it didn't have a transcoding engine it had the raw horsepower that outperformed all the other nas devices in the disk station series that had transcoding because of the horsepower inside and the fact that we've got that error code correction memory built in and ddr4 266 megahertz means the internal performance with this is going to be fantastic reason number three you should go for the ds1621xs plus is because it's five years warranty the majority of synology now is particularly in desktop form almost all of them there's very few exceptions are either two or three years of warranty which is still good you do get a lifetime software warranty included of course but the hardware warranty is kind of the one a lot of people are primarily focused on it's the one where the device could fail over time the way it's constructed how long it's designed to be working at full pace for and the majority of them come with two to three years warranty and the xs series which this is a part of arrives with that five years of manufacturer's warranty factored into the price and given this device is supposedly going to be retailing somewhere between 13 and 1500 pounds or so depending on the region that you live in and your tax and stuff like that unpopulated it's a very expensive box but you've got that five years of warranty and great internal external performance as well reason number four that you might want to consider the ds1621 xs plus is because it's nvme equipped this device arrives with two nvme bays inside that allow you to add ssds inside the device let's remove one of those there and inside this device you can see those two nvme bays just inside that allow you to install ssds this means that you can improve your internal performance exponentially now of course you can already install 2.5 um through 2.5 inch ssds in the main storage base but these nvmes that go inside between 1800 and three or four thousand megabytes per second thanks to the pcie gen3 times four of each of those nvme slots means that that internal performance and the great speed and high iops that ssd afford to you can be spread over to the slower you know lower priced and traditionally larger capacity hard drives leveraging a lot of the advantages of those ssds it's more precisely used towards frequently accessed files and smaller files for caching so you're not going to see benefit when you're streaming a giant 4k movie really or if you're going to be using large-scale images like isos but if they're more frequently accessed the system may well use uh parts of that if it's a broken down file or the whole session or the whole section and move it into the cache the system is intelligent enough to see um what files need to be accessed and where the caching is going to benefit you the end user and ssd cache is something so long as you have really really taken seriously uh in 2019 and 2020 with almost all of the 2020 series devices arriving with nvmes and this in the 21 series having it as well it's lovely to hear reason number five that you might want to consider the ds3617xs plus is even though it's got ssd cache inside and even though it's got 10 gbe on the rear and a xeon and ecc ddr4 memory inside it's also got an nvm sorry a pcie ss oh god sorry really heavy a pcie upgrade slot here that pcie slot there is pcie gen 3 times 8 which means 8 000 megabytes per second bandwidth on that single lane which means you can add more 10 gbe ports such as the new 2 port e10 g20 t1 2 um rj45 10g base t card on the inside you can add more ssd caching base as well uh utilizing the m2d20 even the combo card which will allow you to create an even bigger area of cache with uh the combat card e10 m20 t1 which will allow you to add a 10gb port on the rear allowing you to link aggregate across the two and two more nvme bays where the ssd caching can be built into a larger raid five um of that ssd caching area and a larger area of cache to play with so loads of things about this device or what really set it apart from devices in the six bay area you know like the ds161 ds1618 and this device is predecessor the ds3018xs but it's not all great there are reasons why a number of you may not go for this as your next nas and again i'm talking to home and business users alike so reason number one that you might not buy this nas is because that price tag again it is a desktop nas and there's a lot of hardware inside this so i'm not going to say it's not good value i'm just saying right now without hard drives or ssds 13 to 1500 odd nikka but this nas without your hard drive or ssd media is gonna be a bit steep it may be more expensive in other regions as well and once you get this device and you populate it with hard drives and ssds together you are looking at two and a half to three grand of spending there that's a lot of money particularly for a home user but for a business that's kind of rack mount territory money and although you won't get a rat mount with these kind of specs for that sort of money you can kind of scale a little look at say the rs 1619 xs plus a four bay rack mount that has most of these features without the 10 gbe but that's about 1600 nickel release then you're moving into that rack mount area now again you are getting an excess now so you've got that five years warranty as well so you really have to look at that price tag but there's just no avoiding that compared with the four bay netties we've seen around for the last few years and even that five bay the ds 1520 plus this is a very expensive box but you have to realize its value not just that price tag reason number two you might not buy the ds1621xs plus it's because it has those nvme bays but they're not designed for raw storage synology have been very very rigid on this their nas is i've got those nvme based um almost i'll say almost all of them do not let you utilize nvmes currently for anything other than ssd caching now in the smaller devices like your celerons and maybe even an early pentium you can understand that you could argue you know that that the cpu doesn't enough in to have enough internal pcie lanes to support nvme bays and the memory bay and the port and the add-ons and basically all the features of a nas that plug into the cpu and with that you could have the nvme base but they wouldn't give you um three four thousand megabytes per second each and therefore allowing them for raw storage wouldn't give you that raw potential and that makes a lot more sense but on the xeon power cpu this has way way way more pcie lanes and therefore there's a better chance of being able to take advantage of those nvme slots for raw storage but it's still something synonymous not prepared to entertain on this device either reason number three and this is a kind of a nebulous one this the device itself can be expanded now with regards to expansions we've got these two e sata slots right there they allow you to add to dx517 um expansion base so five phase five base hence the name having 16 in the title it's got the six got a five got a five there's the math but both of those expansion devices are going to be jbod and handled by this system so they always have to be connected by the proprietary e-sata cable and they need their own mains power as well however synology has their own expansion 12 bay the dx one two one five that 12 by expansion connects fire a proprietary sas connection external and those 12 bays it would be so much better if this device supported the 12 bay expansion not the two fives i would rather have a single psu device with 12 sata bays going into that proprietary sas than those two fives now don't get me wrong there is obviously the argument of 12 base going into proprietary sas 12 gig versus two five base going by six gig connection each but given this device's predecessor the ds3018xs allowed two 12 by expansions to me it seems a little bit of an oversight i'd be very interested to know why synology went down this route to know why this device only supports the two fives and not one or two of the 12 by expansions reason number four that you may want to go for this device uh you won't want to go for this device is it doesn't support shr synology hybrid raid now for a number of you that is going to be a big blow for those of you that are a bit more versed on the synology range you almost certainly know that the xs series does not support synology hybrid rates knowledge hybrid rate is more fluid rate system you've got your traditional raid 0 raid 1 raid 5 raid 6 raid 10 and all that luck but synology's own raid is comparable to raid 1 and raid 5 and an shr2 comparable to raid 6 but it allows you to mix and match drives now you're not going to do that on day one you're going to get this device and if you're going to fully populate it with exactly the same drives the same four eight six ten whatever drives or you're gonna partially populate it and leave some bays empty now with shr you could populate this with maybe three 10 tb drives on day one in an shr so you'd get 20 tb to play around with and two or three years down the line your space is starting running out running out so you're thinking about adding more storage and you see a good deal on let's face it they're out there the 18 and 20 tv drives currently available are about to be in uh released from seagate thanks to their hamr series so you might buy bigger drives now traditional raid will not let you mix these drives together and get their benefits it will be able to add them but it will class every drive as the smallest possible drive so all three of those potential 20 db drives will be seen as 10. an shr will see them as 20. it will make sure there's at least 20 tb of redundancy but then it will allow you to add this extra storage and factor that in you would get vastly more storage in an shr something not supported on this device now i've spoken to synology about this shr they do not consider to be right for these higher tier platforms when performance and rigidity and robustness is absolutely key isn't to say that shr isn't stable but sa chart is designed for smaller form factor areas and particularly once you reach this series and this intended user they don't feel it's appropriate whether you disagree i'll be very interested to hear you because me personally i would love to have seen shr on this and i will be doing a test of removing an shr from a four-bay nas and putting it into this to see what happens reason number five you might not buy this device is it's very very similar to the ds3617x maybe you've already bought that 12 bay you know maybe you've already bought the 12 value that was released now almost four years ago that 12 bank expansion has the same cpu as this it has the same ddr4 memory but it uses long dim and goes higher has the same pcie slot it doesn't have the nvme ssd cache and it doesn't have 10 gbe and it is a 12 bay at like 2 200 to 2 400 pounds so it's a big old spend but still they're quite similar and if you want to prioritize storage over power then chances are the three six one seven xs might be more desirable to you to or maybe you've purchased the ds3617xs and you were looking at upgrading and then gone i like this but it's not big enough for me a number of you will obviously draw that comparison the comparison between this and the ds301axs i've already filmed this thing won in space there's no avoiding that but against the 3617xs there's that argument about all that storage and also the release difference between them means that even if you compare them and go this one's better because the 10gb and nvme you still can't help but notice that the cpu is the same from that family a few years ago yes there's a counter argument similarity the longer it has with a cpu and architecture and chipset the more they can eat out of it with the r d and get even better performance but a lot of us pc builders will look at that cpu and go hmm come on it's coming on a bit in it but those have been five reasons to buy the ds3 1621 xs plus and five reasons you shouldn't personally i really like this device and there's some qnaps i'm looking forward to comparing this against like some of the zfs stuff and the 672 n i'm really looking forward to seeing how these guys compared because this is probably one of the best synology i've seen it's certainly going to be in my top tens at least once or twice at the end of the year and i recommend you check those out but thank you so much for watching i hope you guys have enjoyed this video do click like if you haven't click subscribe to learn more there should be a full breakdown to this uh both the review and the five by five at nasa compares in the description below you can visit the guys at to buy your nas today but i will see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 15,188
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Keywords: Best Synology, Best Synology NAS for Plex, DS1621XS, DS1621xs Memory, DS1621XS NAS, DS1621xs+ DS920+ compare, DS1621xs+ nas buy, DS1621xs+ NAS Drive, DS1621xs+ NAS Review, DS1621xs+ Review, nas drive reviews, review DS1621xs+, Synology DS1621xs, SYNOLOGY DS1621XS NAS, Synology DS1621xs+ NAS Drive, Synology DS1621xs+ NAS Review, synology DS1621xs+ plex, synology DS1621xs+ price, Synology DS1621xs+ Review, synology DS1621xs+ vs DS920+, synology nas, Synology review
Id: IZbO-F4AErg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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