Synology DS1621+ NAS - Should You Buy It?

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[Music] hello and welcome back and today i'm going to continue talking about the brand new synology ds1621 plus i've already done my hardware review i'm going to start my recordings with plex media server and 10gbe testing and doing all kinds of stuff with this to show you guys what it can do but today i want to give you the five by five this is what i do with all of the new nasties lately it is five reasons to buy the brand new ds ds-1621 plus and five reasons you might not want to buy it so let's get straight into it the first reason that you might want to buy this nas is quite simply ryzen it is the first nas that synology have gained to provide with a ryzen based processor now i know it's not high high blistering ryzen 357 but it is still an embedded rising and ryzen as a processor making its way into network attached storage is a very very good thing synology are not the first brand to embrace ryzen processors in their systems but i will say synology's software has been dire in need of processors like ryzen in the past they've embraced xeon they've embraced pentium and celeron and up until recently it was always atom processors that ended up on these systems so the fact that they've gone ahead and embraced the ryzen based processor is a very very good thing because of the power consumption um versus the output of that cpu it definitely beats a number of other processes at this level right now at this price and reason number two you might want to buy the brand new ds1621 plus is because it has synology hybrid raid one of the biggest criticisms that both myself and a lot of you guys in the comments had about this 6x over here the ds162 and xs plus was that although it was very very powerful at 10 gbe and it had a zoom-based processor and it had all that functionality and stuff it didn't have synology hybrid ray technology doesn't feel that synology hybrid raid gives you the performance that the top top top tier requires compared with the traditional rate configurations that we know of but it has to be said that at this level of this six bay the throughput that it has the potential to give you and the target audience has in mind are very much astrology hybrid rage territory or shr for those aren't aware sonography hybrid radius the ability to mix and match drives in your configuration something you're never going to do on day one mostly users that buy this device would either partially populate with a you know three to four discs and add discs as they need them or have a hot spare or alternatively will buy you know smaller drives on day one they're not going to hit the 14 16 18 20 tv storage spaces they're gonna hit the four the six and the eights so a few years down the line they might start running out of storage and that is when synology hybrid raid when you can mix and match the drives it introduced larger drives for the raid configuration to absorb it and be able to make the most out of multiple larger drives in a raid array is just something traditional raid doesn't give you and why shr from synology is so damn desirable reason number three that you might buy this brand new nas is that it arrives with nvme drive support that's right you can install two nvmes inside this device and it will allow you to utilize the highest high iops high performance and low latency that those drives bring to the table and present those benefits to a large array of slower but arguably more affordable and larger storage capacity hard drives in a raid sonology have really really been hitting the subject of cashing hard over the last couple of years and certainly in dsm-7 we're seeing improvements on caching across the board and it's really good to see that this six bay the follow-up to the 1618 plus and a few other devices behind it although six players are relatively new from synology it's great to see this tier start arriving with nvme ssd caching inside and i'm glad to see it's included in this while still maintaining that price point of its predecessor reason number four that you might go for this brand new nas is the pcie upgrade slide it's a nas that allows you to improve its uh network connectivity or in some cases internal performance in its lifespan there's an nv sorry a pcie slot there on the rear of the device and that pcie is pcie gen 3 x 8 which means you can get a terrific throughput there for a 10 gb card or a dual port 10gb card and allows you to add further performance on this system so more or one or 10 20 30 connected users on a supported network switch whether they are using link aggregation or not or they are using 10g or this is 10g and they're all on 1g there's loads of ways in which you can improve the external throughput of this device thanks to the external upgrade ability the fact that it doesn't arrive with 10 gbe by default may ruffle some feathers and i'll talk about that in the other half of the video but i will say that at this price point with that pci upgradability in conjunction with the nvme ssd caching inside something a lot of users until the last year or so always had to choose between is a damn fine thing reason number five that you may go for this brand new nas and this is more kind of general synology portfolio-centric is where it sits in the family tree when you look at the devices available from synology there's a 5-bay that was recently released at the es-1520 plus a celeron with a 1gbe 4 land ports and above it you have the ds 1819 plus and this sits squarely in the middle not just in terms of hierarchy between a 5 and an 8 bay but in terms of the price point we've reached a point with synology where a number of their solutions are about 100 pounds or so difference between them and with each tier the functionality improves they become more tailored solutions such as this being although it has great multimedia support it doesn't rival um a lot of the celeron based multimedia handling and it does have great um surveillance and vm support and a whole synology collaboration suite but it doesn't have the storage capabilities of the 8-bay above it what i'm saying is it fits really really well in the portfolio in terms of its value between that 5-bay and that 8-bay and it just fleshes out the portfolio beautifully for users are trying to look at their budget and say i need half a dozen of this and six dozen of the other this does a very good job of refining the portfolio even further but as i say this device is not perfect and it's not for everyone there are five reasons for me that you might not want to buy this reason number one i've already kind of touched on this is it's 1gbe only it's still great that it has four 1gb lan ports there on the rear and again what that means with link aggregation you've got a potential 440 megabytes per second or port trunking a connectivity between this and a smart managed switch but i will say a number of you do grumble about seeing more synology devices arriving with one gbe copper wondering why we're not seeing 2.5 gbe or 5gbe becoming as standard the affordability of 2.5 gbe has reached a point where i'm surprised synology has not embraced it indeed we thought they were granted this year at the end of last year at their live launch event they did reveal the 1620 xs which eventually became the device behind me but that featured 2.5 gbe it looks like they are indeed that and just decided it either wasn't necessary or didn't fit within that budget point nevertheless it would have been great to see this device with 2.5 gb and i know a number of you are going to put that in the comments so i thought i'd get there ahead of you reason number two you might not utilize this device and a lot of these points i will argue you have heard before in my five by five videos because a lot of them are brand centric they are choices by the brand and this second reason is those nvme bays the fact you can't use them for raw storage now in some devices we've seen such as the celeron in the 1520 and the 920 and stuff like that limitations could be argued in terms of the chipset chipset and the pcie lanes being dedicated to a number of the features and functionality of a device like this this arrives that cpu with 16 pcie lines inside this and although there are lots of functionality such as the uh the pci upgrade slot the nvme st base inside the four lan ports there on the bottom the expandability of those esata ports there on the bottom i still argue that users would like to take advantage of the nvme speeds even in um throttled nvme at two times four or even two times two they would like to be able to utilize nvme for raw storage and the fact that synology still maintains so they only want the nvmes to be used for ssd caching to bolster the performance of the internal hard drives and those eye ops and speeds i know will upset some of you who see nvme on an ass and go boom take my money you need to know that you're not going to be able to utilize it for raw storage overall reason number three you might not consider this device and again this is far more long term it's to do with those expansion ports there this device has got two e-sighter expansion ports there that allow you to attach the dx517 expansion device to each of them allowing you with the six bays here of traditional hard drive storage to add five drawer drives that side and five more drives this side and expand your storage pool accordingly if you've set the right raid and take advantage of that so what's my complaint well it's the idea that you can only attach the two five bar expansions there's no support of the 12 bay expansion the dx4 one two one five there was even a time winston obviously a two-bay expansion uh and that's long since departed the point i'm getting at is with the expansion devices two five bank expansions is a little messy and i'm surprised synology hasn't considered or they probably have considered or at least looked at an eight bay expansion or something in between five or 12 by expansions and you are kind of locked in to this device only allowing that small amount of expandability with two expansions each of which require their own power source that need to be cabled in it's quite messy overall and i know esata with its six gigabits per second is arguably the reason behind that but still nevertheless i do think it is an odd expansion choice i think a number of users out there would like a middle ground in the form of an eight bay or at least the ability to go higher than those two five bays overall those that want to expand gradually makes perfect sense but those that are buying this device for its raw storage i mean so it's raw power and then want to add storage later it's less convenient reason number four that you may not want to get this device comes back to that cpu because of all the praise i'm keeping on it it would be remiss of me not to highlight once again that it is a ryzen embedded soc processor it doesn't have um graphics embedded inside it doesn't have a transcoding engine for plates it doesn't have enhanced graphical support with the gpu power to back up the visual uh data handling that this system may encounter with things like surveillance with things like virtualization like things like 4k or 1080p handling without that gpu inside you can end up utilizing more raw power and if you are running far more visually demanding data processes be they remotely or externally by you know editing files on the fly over 10 gbe you may find that cpu will hit something of a bottleneck the minute you're trying to max it out it's not by any means low powered 2.2 gigahertz quad core i um x86 64-bit processor still pretty good but i would have loved to send an embedded graphics chip as we saw in the likes of the celeron in the tier lower than this or some of the older generation that even arrived with an i3 remember that whoa that was a while ago but it did exist trust me and reason number five do you may wish to make wish to give this device a miss and again this isn't actually my opinion but it is something that you guys say in the comments enough that i do think it warrants bringing up at least to you and that is the metal chassis on this device now if you are in relative close proximity to this device a lot of the noise that gets generated will come from the fans you know their rotation the humming a lot of that noise may come from the enterprise level drives you put inside higher than 8 or 10 tb they're going to make a bit more noise to click sums and words of modern hard drives where they're trying to balance more and more storage going into those platters and techniques that utilize the magnetic recording of the disks inside those drives they all make their impact in the bigger drives with larger rpm speeds make more noise so a lot of the noise isn't even synology's fault but it is arguable i would say that a metal chassis like this is going to generate a little bit more of that vibration a little bit more of that noise and it's going to increase the dba of that sound level just a little bit and if you're in close proximity that might irritate the hell out of you but it's by no means a noisy nas i used to run an 8 bay of the early generation 1815 for quite a long time in relative close proximity it didn't make that much noise but the minute you compare it to the four the five bay in the plastic chassis you do notice the difference so do bear that in mind that metal chassis nasis do make just a pinch more noise and if you're sensitive a pinch can be a lot but this has been five reasons to buy the brand new ds1621 plus and five reasons you might want to give it a miss let me know what you guys think if you agree or disagree why not let me know in the comments if you enjoyed the video click like if you want to learn more click subscribe and do visit the link in the description to nas compares we've detailed these along with some other points about this nas so you can learn more i will see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 22,977
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Keywords: Best Synology, Best Synology NAS for Plex, DS1621, DS1621+ Buy, DS1621+ Memory, DS1621+ NAS, DS1621+ nas buy, DS1621+ NAS Drive, DS1621+ NAS Review, DS1621+ Price, DS1621+ RAM, DS1621+Pros, DS1821+, NAS Drive Review, Synology, Synology 2020, Synology 2021, Synology DS1621+, Synology DS1621+ NAS, Synology DS1621+ NAS Drive, Synology DS1621+ NAS Review, synology DS1621+ plex, Synology DS1621+ Review, synology nas, synology nas drive, Synology NAS Drive Review, Synology review
Id: 5bcaDAJkGv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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