Sydney Sweeney: The Puppy Interview

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I love them hey it's Sydney and I am here with BuzzFeed and I'm going to play with puppies today this is the highlight of my entire week oh my God these are so cute hi oh my goodness hello hi guys oh my God you're so cute hi oh my God you were just so cute can I have you [Music] all she is trying to find her place within her family and her friends her parents have gone through a divorce and I dealt with that as well oh my God what what and she also is just searching for her place in the world we got to film in a giant water tank and we had to do all of this training to hold our breath the longest and I think Dakota got up to like 3 minutes and 10 seconds or 20 seconds and then I got up to like 3 minutes and 5 Seconds then we got to do the cool scene in the water tank and she's down there and I have to swim down in my clothes and carry her out out and it was really cool right guys there was this really cool stunt where I am running up a beam I'm supposed to jump up in the air do like a full 360 with my legs out and land and we were so high up and I had furnaces on I know you want to go play the way that we practice it in the studio was on flat ground and then when we were doing it I actually had a run at an incl line so the jump was just at a different angle and so I had to kind of relearn the entire process U but that was probably one of the most difficult stunts I don't want to answer questions I just want to play with these guys oh Cassie Howard she would throw down if she needed to season three is a secret I can't say anything I can't say anything but do you want to join me on season 3 do you want to join me multiple moments I was really surprised I've never ever been happier went viral that was actually the first scene that we had filmed coming back for season 2 oh you like my hair um so that was the first um that was the first scene so I didn't even really remember doing it towards the end cuz it's such a long shoot and then when it came out and then when it went viral I was like oh my goodness I love this guy ooh that's such a good question who would I want I feel like it' be really fun to work with like pal scal or something like that okay I mean kill steiling man kiss cuz Nate Jacob's Mar [Music] F yes I've actually been kind of interested in it I've been learning so much on the producing side and it's been really cool being able to build the world at more of a a collaborative rate I love watching like Sam WR and direct and like white white WR and direct and I think maybe one day I might do it oh gosh I audition for everything you could imagine and I was auditioning since I was like 12 years old so anything Modern Family all of it I never really auditioned for Disney Channel I have stage fight and I knew that you had to do that in front of a live audience so that definitely terrified me a little bit great there's so many out there we don't even need to name [Music] them honestly I've learned learned so much from working on all of the different shows even as a featured extra or um a small coar role you want to treat everyone with respect the crew your best friends they're working even harder than you are cuz they're there setting up shots building everything I just watched a lot of how actors were respecting the crew and I just hoped that I could do that one [Music] day these puppies are getting launched I feel like either everything sucks or White Lotus White Lotus seems like a really nice life just living in a resort that seems like a dream and then everything sucks that group of kids the AV club the early 90s that seems fun okay you can chew that you can chew that okay we're teething it's legit Jimmy chew [Music] o my favorite car movie Cars I legit go there all the time to Disneyland and ride cars um I love to slow ski so it's when you're on one ski on a lake on a boat been doing that since I was put on a pair of skis it's like three and then I was on a snow ski team growing up so I loved a snow ski I don't know if people know about those that much uh Jen my agent everyone else is unreliable I know I don't know if I've had anybody to my face say strange things I got some strange DMS but we don't need to go there yeah oh luno DiCaprio food physical touch I don't think food but I love is it not no I love food let's do a good Italian dinner night M pasta love it right guys I mean of course I love and support Z and Tom so I'd have to say their Universe when I was younger I don't recommend this guys at all don't do this don't say that I told you to do this either I used to drive with um a couple of my best friends from high school and we would take my car and I would ride on top I would go Cur surf [Music] thing ooh there's so many keep wanting to find like a really really fun bubbly character or just that brings out like my fun side of myself uh but I also kind of want to play villain too I don't know if it's strange I feel like a lot of people do this we all get matching pjs for Christmas Eve and we will then try and stack ourselves into a giant pyramid so as more and more family members join it gets just bigger and bigger and bigger right now Unwritten but it used to always be creep my radio had the most random go-to karaoke song ever I am always binging s SPO it is my um my go to bed TV show at night I want to go Kate surfing I've just always wanted to go I might do it soon where you go oh the shoe again Molly's going to get so mad at me Molly I'm so sorry these aren't my shoes thank you buzz beeps this was so much fun these puppies are going to be available to rescue from Pup Culture adoption and make sure to check out my movie Madam web and theaters you are so cute I might I might take this one home [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Celeb
Views: 63,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, Celeb, Madame Web, Puppy Interview, Sydney Sweeney
Id: uusHBcONYGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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