Florence Pugh: The Puppy Interview

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I am Florence Pugh and I'm here with BuzzFeed to play with some puppies fun fact our dog Billy we fostered we Foster failed because we then adopted her and we weren't supposed to adopt her and so my love for puppies is great and I'm worried that I'm accidentally gonna go home with a puppy should I get a crate just in case so I like I'm prepared oh my God I can't look oh my God oh my goodness that's so High Smosh you're so pretty who are you hello oh my God puppy [Music] this is cruel guys I can't answer the question I I loved um how far I would have to go as a performer I loved I loved how uh I was able to just be bare-faced and I suppose just be raw and open and honest and and Zach gave me next question I can't think so funny enough after reading the script I was inspired to try and figure out what headspace this character was in and so I I wrote that song for the movie in the headspace of Alison which was a unique situation that I'd never ever been in before and thankfully uh Zach gave me the space to do that so I was very very grateful oh you like nope that's my booby you can't do that that's not allowed oh my God [Music] I have the first movie I ever was in called the falling the first scene I'm ever in Maisie Williams and I are carving our initials into a a piece of tree bark but because we couldn't actually use the real tree bark the Prosthetics team made a prosthetic on the tree and we were carving our names into a pretend bit of oh it's okay don't worry it's just a bit of paper and they let me take the prosthetic home so at home I have the framed prop in the first scene I was ever in I would love to do a regular cooking show that would be like honestly a dream of mine and hopefully it's gonna happen hey what's this what's that what's that I had no idea that Paddington himself was going to Tweet Me Maybe One Day I'd actually like to make my marmalade with them that would be a completely bizarre moment in my life what's that yeah it's good that here's the heart yeah [Music] Ashley Park I'd love to have Ashley Park on my cooking show because I think it would be pure hectic Mania and I think that that is oh hi babe it's all right and I think that it would be hysterical and I don't know if she can cook so that would be even funnier we eat all the macaroni also there was this one take where when I come in the room and Haley is supposed to be unaware that I'm there and she throws the Sriracha at me there was one take where she went to go and do the action of throw the sriracha and the Sriracha bottle wasn't shut and so Sriracha flew around the room and in her hair and that was just pretty hysterical because it was very unspilike of her dive we no I I made that up well because I was I wanted to eat the mac and cheese they were like you don't have to eat the mac and cheese if you don't want to and I was like are you kidding I get to eat mac and cheese all day with Sriracha on it so I was like well where's the fall [Music] it was amazing I mean it's it's hey no secret that Greta actually wrote that speech that morning like 10 minutes before we were supposed to shoot she was like Hey so you're gonna say this now and this is how it's gonna be you need to go and learn this and we're going to shoot it in like 10 minutes so I was like okay can you just give me maybe 12 minutes and I will go away and try and learn as much as possible and I did I went to the corner of the room and I was just what's this go they don't like to go and get things do they what's this hi hi I think you're my favorite oh my God I know that's my mic pack you can't do that that's silly I'm sorry this is a great premise by the way um I'm not sure you're getting the answers you actually won reuniting with Timmy was fantastic we'd go and uh have goulash and drink beer and just chat about life I hadn't seen him in so long and um it was just so wonderful to see how much he'd grown and it just he no that's my my heart you can't do that and just the set that He commands and the space that He commands and it was just so cool to see this person I'd met like four years ago flourish into this just incredibly present focused and professional actor which of all the things he was before but like leading the June set is huge you know it's a massive massive production and it was just really cool to see my friend doing it so well oh probably had to be Venice that was an incredible accomplishment from like both my Glam team and Valentino and just the the timing of it all like it was pretty special you know I actually hadn't met him until the day before the rehearsals and he and I are doing a movie together but I don't know if the academy knew what hi oh you're so pretty you're so pretty yes you are you are you're pretty too you're pretty too yes you are yep the academy didn't know the Academy I don't think knew that we were going to do a movie together and so it was kind of like weird circumstance and then we got to meet which was great and we got along and I take the piss out of him and he'd take the piss out of me it was like Wicked it was perfect no that's my left you can't do that that's naughty oh my God she comes alive on the carpet that truly comes alive and it's just been such a wonderful poo time poo time I'd do it right there as well if I were you don't you worry no no no no no no no no to be fair I get it guys you know frantic playing it all got very dramatic for a second in it and you did it in the perfect spot out of frame don't put your feet in it because then I can't cuddle you well it'd have to be the No No we're having a cuddle no we're having a cuddle with it what's up yeah it'd have to be the first one just because it was so bizarre and amazing and she just owned that carpet and she kept on going up to like all of the stars and being like I'm a star now ow no no no no and then of course when she did it again in London no no no drop wow wow some assaults um yeah the London one was pretty amazing and also when I went to Ireland she had a fan come up to me and say is Granny Pat here and I said no granny Pat isn't here shush do you like me I like you too [Music] oh there was this one day when we were both strapped to a pole when the pole was shut like falling through the air and we were both had to be strapped to each other so we were both strapped to each other's crotches like crotch to crotch and couldn't move for like hours we were just hanging in the air and it was one of those classic things where like we kind of knew each other but now we really knew each other and we were just hanging there for hours and the only thing we could talk about was food or when we needed to go to the toilet because it was not going to happen for a long time and um yeah I mean there's there's few people that you you would end up no that's my dress you're not allowed to do that that you'd actually love being in that situation with and Scarlett is definitely one of them yeah I have created playlists in the past it's not like a creative playlist for the role I created a playlist during the time that I'm shooting and it definitely reflects what I'm feeling or how I need to be feeling and most of the time it's like stuff that I've just found or stuff that I've Revisited you are precious too I guess I'm taking you both home I mean this what is going this is a choice yes mid-summer I had a lot of olafur Arnolds in fact I listened to his latest album that had just come out and it was just I I anything Olaf Arnold's does makes me just weep so that was perfect for that movie [Music] I would love to do a play I'd love to do a musical but I think the play might be first it's definitely something that I've been kind of really needing to do for a while so I think that's probably next on the cards oh I mean obviously when everybody was watching White Lotus it was White Lotus but recently water Bible ow no you silly munchkin what's this one there you go but recently I've been getting into Housewives of Miami which is my uh which is the thing hey no no we're not biting we're having Carlos ooh good question I mean it would have to be Spider-Man I think they'd be so silly together it would be so fun as well and I've been desperate to meet Tom for such a long time also I really think Elena would be able to really really take the best out of him in a really good and healthy way so that would be wonderful [Music] Zoe Lester Jones would answer right now Jody Turner Smith or Ashley Park [Music] yesterday I met Adam Sandler and he requested to quickly say hi to me before he went on stage and he said the user found my work and his kids are a fan of Midsummer I was like oh my God I grew up watching Adam Sandler like he was our hero me and my brother would watch all of his stuff and just it was just kind of one of those surreal oh my God I'm meeting my my childhood essentially no I know that's fun to buy but you can't most definitely the the org you see which sounds inappropriate to stay in front of all these puppies so don't hear but the orgy scene [Music] probably Downy from Midsummer hey hey I miss Danny I found it really hard to leave her I felt like I had kind of abused her in some way and so when I wrapped I found it no no what are you skipping for I found I felt very guilty leaving her actually that's probably just to show like how deep it went and how far I went with the character that I felt guilty leaving her on her own a good person is in theaters now you need to say your line now okay and a big shout out to North Shore Animal League America you can adopt these puppies and have as much fun as I've had maybe don't have someone ask you questions whilst you're playing with them it's very hard no not my skirt thank you everyone are we done are we cut okay cool go take you to I can't take you too [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Celeb
Views: 807,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeed celeb, florence pugh, puppy interview, florence pugh interview, puppies, celebrities, entertainment, celebrity interviews, celebs, a good person, little women, black widow, midsommar, cooking with flo
Id: wbiIMlihXGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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