Can 'Euphoria' Star Sydney Sweeney Tell Cheap vs Expensive?? | Expensive Taste Test | Cosmopolitan

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i'm a little nervous i'm not quite sure how i'm gonna do my taste has changed over the years [Music] my budget hasn't really acceded to buying a lot of fine jewelry so if i wear it long enough i'll know if it's real or fake because i'm allergic to fake jewelry so if it gives me like a little bit of a rash i'll test it out can we come back to this one i just wear it the whole time and then i come back and find out no it's okay it's okay okay i wanna say this one is the most expensive one feels really nice feels expensive the gold looks nice there's a little thing that says italy on here and usually anything that comes from italy i've i tend to gravitate towards i feel like i have a lot of these i have a lot of these it's not that expensive am i right i'm correct oh my god wait can i keep this wait i'm so proud of myself [Music] i love truffles so this one feels greasier this one have more of a crunch and i find usually the thicker crunchier chips are more expensive than the thinner ones this is most expensive am i correct i'm wrong all right well i like the cheaper chaps i'll keep these [Music] okay interesting is my thumb on that one this one has really good pad that wraps all the way around to the tops of fingers which is good and i like the thumb which means i feel like this is more expensive but the padding on this one feels thicker and the wrist support is stronger but the leather on this seems nicer this is a tough one oh man i wanna say my first initial reaction was this was more expensive but this one has way more support padding the one thing it doesn't have is a thumb and that's the only thing throwing me off i'm gonna go with i'm gonna go with this i think this is more expensive am i right oh i should have gone with this i knew it i knew it i was leaning and then i said guessed myself that i should never second-guess myself good job guys [Music] oh like there's legit roses inside is that safe to consume well i already gravitate towards the pink one so i want to say the pink one but i want to taste it it's really rosy okay this one is sealed with like tape which kind of feels a little cheaper this one's more sugary than rosie so i want to say the pink is more expensive what i don't have expensive taste it's okay i can eat more [Laughter] all right what's next i feel like i'm failing this [Music] game they both look good try this one i taste like the sony i really hope i'm right because all i drink is water and if i get this wrong i'll look like a fraud and i'm not a fraud this is more expensive yay okay see i know water i got that [Music] they'll they both feel really good um it kind of has like a little bit of a fake feather oh the inside there's no seam this one has a nice this end this isn't finished it's just like cut which actually i sometimes like because if the jeans are too long which they usually are i can just cut them myself oh this feels good okay the and this one's finished so i'm already feeling like this is more expensive let's look at these pockets look at the zipper the zipper usually tells you also okay it's cheaper more expensive this one's more expensive i'm right there we go yeah these are totally more expensive all right what's my score how about am i doing three and three oh man okay hit me [Music] i love pesto so much oh thank you i'm not the cook i'm just the eater so this one has larger chunks and this one doesn't i like my pesto sauce cheesier like with more cheese and i put tons of cheese on top so so i don't know if i have expensive pesto taste or not that's delicious i think i'm just gonna have to try it one more time just to if it's more expensive i don't know but i like it more i like this one is it more expensive i have a cheap dinner date that's for sure i keep choosing all the cheap foods oh man don't take me somewhere fancy [Music] oh man first tubes can be deceitful you never know which one actually has more in there oh interesting this is like a it's not really a brush it's kind of like a wand almost kind of looks like you could flush your teeth with it oh 31 for eyeliner ooh i like this one this one's like wait i heard mel go oh am i wrong but the thing is like i like this brush more this is a little watery those i don't know if that's good or bad but the tube's smaller um i can't tell am i trying to cheat this one has like a cool gold bottom though which is nice i don't know i'm stumped on this one okay i just want to say because i feel like i would probably buy this one it's this one why wait how is this how much 32 dollars mel take a look at this one she guessed it you did so i did hear you go huh what's my score now [Music] okay these feel a little plasticky i don't know if the uv protection would be top-notch it's a little see-through the print it could be like something that like wears off after a while this one already feels better what's the price difference okay there's like a cool ombre to this lens i wanna say this is more expensive these just look cheaper i these these are more expensive they have to be oh thank god okay thank god so did i lose did i win did i tie close get me next year i feel like food i definitely have a cheaper taste but everything else i got the water i got all that so let's go to let's go eat bye
Channel: Cosmopolitan
Views: 4,175,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sydney sweeney, sydney sweeney interview, sydney sweeney euphoria, euphoria, euphoria cast, sydney sweeney cosmo, sydney sweeney cosmopolitan, sydney sweeney expensive taste test, expensive taste test, cosmo expensive taste, cosmo, cosmopolitan,, cosmo youtube
Id: 1McWOwoZRdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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