Can Siblings Pass As A Couple? (Ft. Andy and Michelle)

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- I'm Andy. - I'm Michelle. - And we've been a professional couple for about seven years now. (record scratches) - What does that even mean? (laughs) We're married. - Yeah, we're married, honey. Professional, like, we know what we're talkin' about. - We're gonna find the real couple. - We're a couple. - We're a couple. - We're a couple. - We're a couple. - We're a couple. (whimsical music) - Let's just do a speed round of how you guys met. - Concert - We met at a concert. - What concert? - Mile High Club - Mile High Club - Oh, okay. - We met in college. We were neighbors. - Yeah, we were neighbors. - So like in a dorm? - Yeah, like my dorms right here- - Yeah. - And theirs was right here. - We also met in college in band class. - Yeah in band class. - Band class. - Well we met on Tinder (laughs). - Very, very basic story. - We met on birthright this summer. It's a free Jewish trip to Israel for every Jew. - Oh. - That's very specific. - [Crew] How do you feel? - That we're screwed. I felt pretty lost from the beginning from the moment I walked in. I wanna go down line and how was your first time meeting the parents? Her mom didn't like me. - Where it's like, yeah, my mom didn't like him (laughs). - So it's gotta be ingrained into their mind. - My mom was kinda cold to you and then your dad was kinda cold to me. His dad is super traditional but he liked that we were both Mexican 'cause my mom is Mexican. - [Michelle] Okay. - But my dad's Italian. So I also have traditional- - You're fidgeting your fingers a lot. - Oh sorry. - Mr. AJ, kind of sus. - Okay, what are you doing? - Well I mean, I- - We actually moved in on the same day so our parents met the first day, so- - Your, each other's parents met the same day? - Yeah, on move in day. - And you guys are roommates, right? - So we were neighbors. - Interesting. - But if you guys didn't know each other when you guys moved in- - We introduced ourselves - Yeah - And then our parents were like oh, do you wanna know- - Do you not introduce yourself to neighbors? - I'm very much to myself. - Interesting. Okay. - If I see a neighbor, I'm like, oh they're doing their things, I'm gonna. - I'll be shy and not talk to anyone the first day. - You guys are on my watch list. I mean their story doesn't match up really well. They said they met when they moved in together and they were neighbors, not even roommates. Kinda sus. - We met after a band concert, so it wasn't too awkward. We just kinda ran into each other, I met her dad, she met my parents. Yeah, her dad, after we started dated gave me the talk. That was really awkward. - A lot of chemistry there. - Yeah, they're looking at each other. - The way that she looks at you is the way that she looks at me. (group laughs) I'm onto you guys. - How did you meet my mom? I don't remember. She was super weird. We were hanging out in my bedroom, she came in and laid on the bed and was like, "Hey guys," I was like, oh, hey. - Yeah, so my parents were happy that I'm finally dating someone Jewish after all those previous relationships. I invited her for dinner on a Shabbat. My parents liked her, but then when I went to her house her dad offered me whiskey. I didn't drink it, and that's a big deal apparently in their house, so that was- - It was like a test? - Yeah. - That was a big mistake, yeah. - I would love to hear you guys' ages. - I'm 24. - I'm 27. - I'm 19. - I'm 19. - 21. - 20. - 37. - 37. - 22. - 22. - Can they lie on their ages, 'cause I feel like this is, unless they're twins- - This is really hard. - What's your- - Is this why no one won yet? Dun dun dun. Babe, help me. Who do you wanna do? - Usually if I tell you what to do, you get mad. - 10 seconds! - They're siblings for sure. 100%. 100% they're siblings. - [Crew] Three, two, one. (Xs buzz) - Oh damn, that's crazy. (group laughs) Bye. - Bye. Good luck, y'all. - Don't say that, now you're making me... I'm second guessing now. - Wait, they're holding hands. They left holding hands. When they walked out holding hands I felt like, dude, I was like, am I gaslighting myself? - It's not them. I want you to face each other, hold hands, look into each other's eyes. I want you to tell him what you love about him. - Okay. You are such a kind person that, my voice is shaking, I'm gonna start crying. You're such a kind person and you're always the first person to put anybody but yourself first. And I've experienced it multiple times, obviously, and I see the way that you treat your friends and your family. - What I love about you is you continuing just to push me just to be a better person 'cause you know how I can be, kind of lazy, complacent and stuff like all that. But it's just you constantly kind of making sure that I'm on the right path. - You guys need couple counseling- - Bro. - Call us. Obviously if they're siblings - This is so hard. - If they're siblings then, hey. - I love how you let me pull you out of your comfort zone and you go on little adventures with me and I love all the little gifts that you get me every month or so. I really appreciate it. (calculations whooshing) - I'm so thankful that you've shown me how to grow as a human being, as a boyfriend and as family, and it's just, (laughs) I really love you for that. - Very nice, very nice. - Holy. Very intense. The hug's trying to trick us. - Hugs after? - Yeah. - I was like wow, true love. (hands clap) - I was like, dude, they're married for sure. - I love how weird you are. Everyone already got to see it just with you reciting Jurassic Park. You're obsessed. I just always feel very at home when I'm with you. - Well I love how supportive you are. Always there for me with anything that is going on. Similar what you're saying, it just feels like home when I'm with you. - I feel like- - How are you guys so good at this. - Are you guys punking us? Are they all dating? - I literally feel like you guys are more couple than we are (laughs). - You made me hold, you know, oh, like you don't flush a lot of the time. (Michelle laughs) I would just be roasting. Anyways. - I've been through a lot of struggles and you know that, especially recently, and you've really made sure that I know that I have someone there for me and I seriously can't thank you enough for that, so. - I appreciate how you love doing all my hobbies like watching UFC on the weekends, watching basketball, building legos, you know, all these small things add up and it matters to me. And you matter to me too. (arrow whistles erratically) - Wow. - It's getting hot in here. - I'm gonna say one, two, three, and then just hold hands real quick, okay? When you're uncomfortable you hold hands like this. - Yeah. - When you're comfortable and intimate and you've seen them naked, you do this. One, two, three. (whimsical music) Oh, just one hand is fine. - Oh. - Yeah, just hold hands like how you normally would. - Oh like we normally would? I was, just to grab it 'cause he's behind me (laughs). - [Michelle] Okay. - [Andy] Interesting. - [Michelle] I see. If I was on there with my brother I would not- (Andy laughs) I would be like, get off (laughs). There's no way my sister would've even came here. - [Crew] Before this round ends I want to throw out one extra hint. So through the nectar app we were able to calculate each couple's compatibility scores. So here are the results. For Lexi and AJ (results pop) they are 34% compatibility. - Yeah. - [Crew] For Garrison and Claire they are 47% compatibility. For Todd and Justin they are 71% compatibility. And for Ben and Arielle, they are 87% compatibility. - Ooh, that's really high. - Wow. - The way they talk to each other is also very... - They're relationship is how I am with my sister. I mean, I love what's goin' on there too but I'm so lost. (emoji rings) - [Michelle] Oh, I don't know then. - [Crew] 10 second. - 10 seconds! - If your guts telling you no then I won't read it. - Okay well, my guts telling me no. - [Crew] Are you guys ready? - I guess. - Yeah. - [Crew] Three, two, one. (drum beats) (Xs buzz) - Are you sure? (laughs) - I'm not sure, that's the problem here, I'm not sure. I'm not sure. - Babe! - Hey, they look cute though. - They do. They do look cute together. - So if you ain't a couple - I could see them meeting- - What a shame. - Wait, we just saw everyone else's nectar app compatibility. I wonder what ours is? - Oh look, it says 81%. - 81%, what the heck? - Are they sure about that? (laughs) (Michelle laughs) (light music) When we heard about the nectar compatibility score I think Lexy and AJ's was very low. - There's was like- - Like 34%? - Oh yeah, 34? - Yeah 34%. - It was just my gut feeling. - Okay. - My intuition. - Okay, yeah, your gut feeling. We're gonna say what Claire's favorite color is on three, okay? - Okay. - Okay. I don't even know if you know it. - [Andy] One, two, three. - Blue - Purple What? - Not purple. - Yes it is. - [Claire] No, that's my mom's favorite color. - Over here. - Okay. - Let's do... - You can say Todd's. - Let's do Todd's. - Okay. - [Andy] Favorite color on three, one, two, three. - Purple. - Red. (buzzer buzzes) - Arielle's, - Let's do Arielle's favorite color, one, two, three. - Red. - Red. (electronic chime) - Interesting. I'm gonna have you reenact the biggest fight you guys have had, or the biggest argument you've had. - Oh my gosh. - Don't be shy. - Don't be shy, okay. Claire and Garrison, please. - We're still in it. - Yeah. I know exactly- - You're still in it? - Yeah (laughs). - Yeah (laughs). I've had this friend since high school and we had like a little thing, no we had a little thing- - A little thing. - No we had a little thing, no, no, no, it's before we dated. And we still hang out one on one sometimes. - I knew immediately where this was going. - But he has a problem with him. And I think it's fine because we're just friends. - Here's why. - No we're just friends now. - Yeah, I'm sure, but here's why. I met him once at your birthday party last year. I don't know this guy, and all I know is that he's been friends since high school, they had a thing, and she's still talking one on one with her... Without me. - This seems to be a little unresolved, is that- - Yeah we're still in it. - They said they were still- - Should we do the one where you broke up with me? (laughs) Let's do it. - It wasn't really like a fight. I don't know how to reenact it. - What do you want, like, what, I'm not good enough for you anymore? - Okay, I really can't reenact it (laughs). I don't- - I don't know what you want me to tell you. Like we had this conversation over and over. - He's gonna act, I'm gonna explain. Just basically I had recently come out, I really felt like I still kind of didn't know what I wanted and I needed to explore. Obviously really loved him, still do. Just needed to figure myself out. I can't reenact it. I blocked that out. - That makes sense, that makes sense. I thought Todd and Justin's was the most believable. - You really think that was a believable story? 'Cause they kinda were just kind of, it felt like there dodging the question for me. - How you're always on your phone whenever I'm around you, like driving. You can talk to me, give me some attention, because I feel like sometimes you wanna give your friends more attention and it doesn't feel good. - I know, but you know my job is on my phone, I have to answer my boss 24/7. I'm on payroll to be there any time he needs. - I understand- - it's not just I know it's friends, I know it's social media bu- - But when you're around me you can give me 100% of your attention and not have to use your phone and you can use your phone after you've seen me, right? - I know, I know. I'm gonna try my best, like I told you that I'm gonna improve on that. - Okay. - So I'm gonna explain the last game that we're gonna play here, okay. It's called the Pepero game. - Can I- - we demonstrate? - Exemplify? Or demonstrate, yeah. Okay, what if I don't want to do that one. - Come, come. So we're gonna take this piece and I'm gonna put it in my mouth and her goal is to bite as close as she can - as short - to my mouth and try to get the stick as short as she can and bite it off. It must be very awkward for you if you're siblings. - Example. - If I was here with my brother I'd be cringing so hard right now. - That's why I'm gonna catch you. I'm gonna catch you all. - Ready? - You can't. I can't. Yeah, like that. So, this would be the length, right? It's very small. - Who cares? - But then she kissed me, so we're not supposed to do that, right? That's weird. - [Michelle] Ready guys? Ready, three, two, one, go. (whistle blares) (bird squawking) (whimsical music) - Try to make it as short as possible. - Yeah, okay. - Yes, may I see how much you guys have left? Just hold it up for me. Wow, you guys are good. - It's tasty. (laughs) - All three couples were super cautious about it and I was like, this is not helping at all. - But they're size was pretty small. - All right, I have my answer. - I think I know who the couple is. - [Andy] It's them. 100%. - You think it's you think they're the couple? I do think it's (growls). - Who doesn't know they're significant other's color? - What's my favorite color? (ellipses beep) That's what I thought. - If I lose I'll do dishes... - Yeah? - For a week. - Oh yeah? - [Andy] That's how confident I am. If I win- (record scratches) I still do dishes. Ben and Arielle. (Xs buzz) (electric tone chimes) - [Crew] If the lights turn green that means you have found the real couple and you win. If the lights turn red, that means you have voted for the siblings and you lose. - We're all... Oh, this is scary. (intense music) - [Crew] In three, two, one. - No! - I knew it! I told you it's not them. I freaking knew it, bro. - No way. - Wait, who is it? - Is it Claire and Garrison? Bro, my gut. - Sorry guys. (Andy moans) - No, they practiced the color. I told you, they're gonna be like, they're gonna ask us what color we like. - [Ben] I whispered. - How do you guys not know each other's color? - We appreciate your guess, though. - I don't. Okay, Arielle? I don't. - You're the one that chose them. - [Crew] Will the real couple reveal themselves? In three, two, (intense music) one. (drum beats) - Oh my God! - I knew it, babe! I literally said, I literally told you that it was them. - Okay, then why didn't you put it down on the white board? - Because I was being nice. I thought- - Nice doesn't win games, honey. It wasn't you guys? - No. - Dude, they have the same nose. - We hated it so much (laughs). - Yeah we get told we're siblings a bunch of times. We got told we were twins once. I mean, getting mistaken for sibling, it's kind of weird (laughs) just because it makes me think am I a narcissist because I'm attracted to someone who looks like me? And having our family say that is the hardest part. - That's the weirdest part for me too. - We're triplets. - Yeah, we're triplets. - [Michelle] Yeah, and another girl. - We've actually been on Jubilee before on the triplet video, so. - We should have all the videos Jubilee's put out. - Use our resources. - Oh my God. - Thank God. Wow. Because we're triplets I feel like we're closer than regular siblings. - We literally did no prep, we just kinda played it by ear. Our compatibility score was 87% and I think it's because we have a lot of the same morals and we were raised up the same way. - You guys are dope looking as a unit. - Oh thanks. - Thanks, thanks. - Well we do get mixed up - Yeah, we've gotten that. - As a couple. - Yeah, as siblings we're really close. Obviously we don't look that much alike. Like, him and my sister look so much like my mom. I'm the only one that looks like my dad. - Irish twins (laughs). - Yes. - Different dads. - Same mom, different dads. - I feel like if we did the other challenges we definitely would've immediately busted out laughing. They would've known. - I'm sorry, I love you so much. (both laughing) - We're siblings. - Yup. - He's 19, I'm 22. - Oh okay. - Okay. - We don't really do a whole lot together. - No. She kinda roped me into this. - Yeah. - But we made it farther than we thought, so (laughs). - They were really good. - The looking in the eyes thing tripped me up so bad. - Yeah. - She was like looking so, like- - Yeah, she was like- - And I was like, dude, they're definitely in love or something. - All right, we're done with this. I don't wanna. - Yeah, I was wrong. (Michelle laughs) - I'm just glad we got voted out before the stick things. We were sitting on the side and we're like, I'm glad we got voted out (laughs). - So next time we make them kiss. You guys are a bunch of liars. (group laughs) And I- - you guys are all so good at acting. - And I don't like any of you guys. (group laughs) I'm just kidding. Honey I'm grateful for you. And that's it. - What the heck? - I'm just kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You challenge me every day, if anything, to become a better version of myself. - You're just very good at reassuring. I don't know if that's the right word. Is that right word? Yeah. (Andy laughs) yeah, reassuring. (lips smack)
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 524,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Odd One Out, Game Show, Dating Show, Nectar, Ask Me Anything, Gen Z, Millennial, loveprint, jason y lee, siblings or couple, siblings kiss, kissing game, kiss challenge, andy and michelle, asian couple, gay couple, lesbian couple, lgbtqia+, hot couple
Id: Rn0rucO5dcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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