Zendaya, Florence Pugh & Timothée Chalamet Answer Rapid-Fire Questions | Off the Cuff | Vogue

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have you ever been Star Struck on the red carpet please elaborate okay hi vog I'm Zinda I'm Florence I'm Timothy Shel and this is off the cup since when do you not say your last name I was really confused sorry I was going to let you guys introduce yourselves like God my name is what are you both listening to right now flight a lot of flight this morning it was Missy Elliot cuz I needed to get the Vibes going you know I need to get the energy up was it your alarm it wasn't my alarm could you imagine work it you know interesting fact you learned recently an interesting fact fact I've learned recently slept too hard last night we learned a few facts about Josh Roland was part of the Rodeo Drive Athletics Club yeah okay Timothy what's a fun fact about you that I don't know yet boy I got to I should have done a warm up for this um fun fact about me is that I don't have any fun facts these ones are hard because when you're in the hot seat you can't think of can't think of anything right now I don't know any interesting facts I know a fun fact about me is I like a really nice pair of sheets there you go there you know what you're getting for Christmas next year okay some wool sheets the scratchiest sheets I can find Florence can you tell me about the first time that we met I actually do remember this well this few times that we met I remember the first first at the awards season at the dinner oh my God you're going to have to reog my memory anyway no go and tell me the whole story is not appropriate but it was just like I don't know you were just like what are you doing I was yeah to me oh oh oh because you were not doing that what happened no but it was lovely and friendly it was really lovely and friendly and Florence just MC Beth and then we were going to do little women together like month wom that was the dinner where I got there and then second one camera guy in front of the restaurant and I thought all right if I Sprint they're not going to get me but then they got a picture of me with the dumbest running I got a double chin poking out I don't athletic anyway oh it's my game how long did it take you both to finish reading Dune oh good question the first time it took me a lot longer I've read it three times the second time I audio booked it I don't know if that counts that time I found it easier to parse through and the third time I loved it through and through the first time I struggled with it because it was the structure was just unlike anything i' read before it's so big I mean not not size but the world that you're imagining when I met Den for the first time I basically read like 70% of the book and I had annotated it really intensely and I made sure to bring it to the meeting so we saw a little potit jumping out the book trying to sell trying to sell preparation yeah and I'm halfway through Messiah like you I started a little bit before this one and I thought I can't get ahead of it yet Tone it's yeah it's different pick one of these two accessories to add as a staple to your everyday wardrobe the nose plug okay okay or the mask snorkel I would go with your nose plug nose plug I love those nose plugs really yeah as someone who wore them not but then this is just going to be the same as the mask going to get like that's why I love it acne and stuff I mean just little plastic in your nose plastic well I kind of already have a bit of thing in my nose so I don't know this isn't too far from reality and I kind of like being able to wear a mask because yeah get around and nobody can see you I you're going mask yeah I'm going mask too yeah KY you're going plugs I'll go plugs go plugs what are your favorite looks from June or June part two my favorite look from Dune part one is Lady Jessica's blue dress it's my favorite it's the tumbling in the way that really does it for me I would say my favorite oh my gosh the costumes are so good and I'm jealous of all of them because I just wear the St suit the whole time if you look great in the still suit thanks but it's you know very I mean when I you come out and you still look fantastic it's a joke thanks I appreciate that okay okay here we go I think is you oh I just asked that did I just saw that no I did it's your girl okay Florence yes do you have a favorite onset me moment from working on Doom on the final week that I was working we were doing this massive Ensemble scene where in between takes Christoper Walkin and I would be talking about which Donuts we wanted to eat so now forever when I watch that scene I know that the only thing on mine and his mind is that we're thinking about what dut we wanted to say next time I was genely too nervous to talk to him I was like yeah I didn't yeah hi Sur how you know I could like could speak I was nervous Zena what was your last day on set like I think my last moment on set is my last moments in the movie really that was the last thing that that I shot so I mean everybody came cuz we were you know obviously in the middle of the desert and it was beautiful sunset happening and everybody came and everybody was crying and it was it was emotional and it was bittersweet and all the things that I think your WRA date is yeah U I'm going to I'm going to do this one again cuz I like this can either of you tell me what this still is from oh God no one of my first YouTube videos moving on moving on very sweet I can't get into that you I haven't you know we'll see does it still exist oh yeah if you would ever like to just laugh go ahead find it Timothy do you remember what your first day on set was like my first day on set they had already started shooting and I was coming from like Willy Wonka land so I remember coming to set I was visiting and there was like a slow pushing of a Harkin in and I remember just like walking back yeah I walked back to my trailer I was like holy I'm I'm really back in Dune universe and uh just having to recalibrate and not go to the mental hospital cuz it was just like such a culture shock to go from a very cheery colorful happy chocolate landscape to like a very int um sci-fi Universe followup question who said the Line This is a place for happy smiley faces and lots of love and dancing why are we still bringing these up moving on moving on I think it was your G so you chea what about this picture what is this from that's from modded controller 360 youtube.com back SL is this you that's me when I used to S controllers custom red tiger with with nailish with no with spray paint I my parents were like you're ruining the apartment spray paint chips everywhere it smells like okay when can we expect a new video from mod controller 360 joess for now you know acting's going well but if it ever goes south you will see me modding controllers once more oh this is a good one do you have a terrible audition experience absolutely absolutely white boy RI that was have you seen that movie I know the movie yeah I went in there I was like this is it okay this is it y is the director and I run to him enough times he's like stop telling that story he's like your career is great you don't need to keep bringing it up but it was brutal cuz I I prepped it so hard and from the second I opened my mouth it went down what about when you have to react to explosions and and then that's it you just at I feel like I was a beast at that I was always really I would place it in different parts of the room you know what was going on yeah in my bedroom it look great but when I was in Fr people and some but someone's texting they like absolutely eating a salad or someone you know or getting to go and pick up the phone in the Next Room sorry I'm just going to go get that like okay I came with Skittles once and a c you know Skittles rot your teeth oh great thank you Mom didn't get that one didn't get that one didn't get that one have you ever been Star Struck on the red carpet please elaborate Star Struck like not been able to speak um not I don't think so I think I'm just more excited to meet them but I really I've never been like a weirdo in front of someone and I'm really happy that I've never been a weirdo in front of someone what about you I don't know on a red carpet I don't think I've ever had that specific experience I lie the other night Oprah oh okay there you go I W PA went oh my God it's guy and she was like oh my God it's crazy okay these are quick coffee or tea uh coffee for sure tea okay gold you know I've been getting into it yes I've been getting into it yes with milk and sugar because I'm a child New York or La New York I get the best out of both by going to both okay I'll let you have that LA or London same different okay here's the good one going out or staying in I knew that what about h both I got a good one can you guess where this look is from oh I that's Z's Met Ball she had the auburn hair red Auburn absolutely beautiful there we go morning or night night for sure um definitely night yeah this says do you have a favorite press look for dune part one I liked Zena's Paris look the aliia yeah you both looked amazing for that press tool we're excited to have all of you guys join us now it's going to be not just us we have more fa it's going to be amazing it's going to be a lot of fabric lot of fabric Fab looks being served thank you so much for hanging out with us and we hope you enjoy doe just as much we enjoy making it right oh yeah oh yeah very much enjoyed the process [Music]
Channel: Vogue
Views: 1,273,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dune, dune cast video, dune part 2, florence pugh, modded 360 controller, moddedcontroller360, off the cuff, timothee chalamet, timothée chalamet, vogue, vogue dune cast, zendaya, zendaya florence pugh, zendaya funny, zendaya interview
Id: 57FDb_k2rVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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