Cole Sprouse & Kathryn Newton Talk Absurd 'Riverdale' Storylines | Ask Me Anything | ELLE

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the most romantic thing I've ever done is just pay attention oh hey I'm Katherine Newton and I'm Cole Sprout and today we're going to let L ask us anything anything [Music] anything okay ready yeah oh this is oh vain for me which of my roles is your favorite besides the creature wow obviously Sweet Life is Zach and Cody I mean like I watched your show like it was water did you ever go to a live taping no not that weird yeah we wouldn't have let you in no but but I really did love that show who is the last person you were Star Struck to meet I've been Star Struck twice the first one was Clint Eastwood this is the only time I've ever done this when I saw him walking out of the sunset Tower I went no I gasped and I pointed uh he looked at me and he just went which I didn't realize at the time was actually exactly what I wanted like you want the squint like you want sort of gruff like CL that was so good it was like perfect for me and I was Buzzy about it afterwards and then I followed John C Riley into a bathroom once waed for him by the sinks because I uh I really loved him that's so sweet yeah next okay what's your most embarrassing onset mishap I don't really have one top of mine I know I'm really uncool have I told you one of the final experiences on Riverdale so we had a scene I was supposed to bust down this door and the special effects guy was like hey we only have three door frames first time busted through it dust went everywhere so it was kind of unusable second time hit the door the door frame fell hit the camera on the crane completely unusable third time he comes up to me he's like dude I know we only have one more take with this so boom knock open the door hit the floor I see a dead body of a Milkman this is Riverdale and then I scramble backwards against the door frame and I'm like my elbows and my legs yeah like like back like I'm leaning back against the door like I'm startled oh my God there's a dead Milkman they go cut and I'm like Dam I nailed that look down I had split my pants my whole genitals were just hanging right in center frame I mean like full on dude I look down I go woo are my are my balls out it was one of the funniest events yeah in all seven years of that show and it happened right towards the end I don't think anyone can ever top that story okay next what's the best advice you've gotten from another actor I was going through a weird thing publicly I was complicating it I was I was winging about it I was complaining about this circumstance a person I'm very very close to an older actor just looked at me and said it's just your turn man and it was so simple and it passes and it passes and he goes next week it's going to be something else and sure enough next week it was it was what's the role you audition for that you wish you landed there's so many we could be here all day I wish that I was baby June and Gypsy I still want to be baby June on Broadway but basically anything you've seen with somebody my age yeah I went out for that one time I had the job like it was my job and there was a backdrop like this and I was doing a chemistry test for the guy and we were supposed to kiss and it was so bad that I freaked out out and touched the backdrop and it came falling down in the background and I lost the job they took it away what is the most absurd storyline in Riverdale we waterboarded someone with maple syrup that was pretty insane I think eventually the Riders reached a point where they were like how are we going to jump the shark this episode I wish everyone would have seen the table reads cuz all of us were laughing so hard in every table read but then you got to get on set and you got to take it super super serious who's the next Marvel character you'd like to play I'm already one of them yeah what about an aunt I am anunt girl that's kind of the thing so can you like become an aunt yes you know they asked me to play Ant girl yeah they said you were busy so I'm really happy that you passed so I could do it I didn't pass I lost it to you you said you had a crush on Jennifer Anderson when you were on friend which other co-stars did you have a crush on I dated a co-star for like 3 years yeah I don't really yeah I don't really do that too often but Jenny Jenny I call her Jenny I I was truly I was petrified oh my God I was petrified ever I I lost all my ability to say my lines that's so cool that's never happen didn't feel cool to me at the time felt horrifying what's the cringiest thing you've ever done for a crush oh God come on you have to have a couple in um High School it was the girls ass gu dance you know the winter formal is I don't that was hes school right well girls as guys so I wrote my essay and I asked him to proofread it before class and he was like what was like yeah just read it read it and I wrote like the first sentence was will you go to formal with me I'm like GNA be sick thinking about it and he was like okay and then he called me that night and was like I can't go out with you because when I'm next to you you make me break out in hives it was probably a lie he was just trying to get out of it I love that oh man what is the most romantic thing you've ever done for someone I've been trying to get him to tell me this for days now on this press tour like trick him into talking about the most romantic thing I've ever done is just pay attention ooh ladies yeah Cole sprous what was the most surprising part of filming with post Malone oh posty you filmed with post Malone yeah so he dm'd me on Twitter and was like I was on a plane and I was I watched blockers like seven times yeah my manager was like I think post wants you to be in his music video and I was like yes I was on Twitter he came out with this song called Zach and coding no it was and it was clearly a playoff Zach and Cody so I reached out to him on Twitter and I said hey dude wouldn't it be funny if we did a video where I was in all of your tattoos and uh never got a message back that would have been a really good idea he's still one of my favorite artists ever I hope one day I'll say hi to him and be like I was in your video do you remember and hopefully he remembers what's the last show you binge watched the bear the bear God he's good the whole cast is good I love that show I just watched Fargo the last season with youo I haven't seen any of Fargo the last season was so good you know Temple is so funny you've worked with some pretty big names like Vince vongh Leslie man Paul Rudd and REE Witherspoon which a-lister were you most nervous to work with ooh you probably I was definitely worried don't ever forget it to I was worried to work with you probably was worried to work with you because I wanted you to like think I'm cool they I don't know if they're going to think I'm cool no you're really cool you know like they're adults like I just wanted to like be friends and like be cool but you and I already were friends it doesn't matter you still wanted be cool still wanted to be cool which celebrity has been your favorite to photograph which celebrity I mean anybody in the room I think either you or Charles when you and I shot it had such a direct lineage to what we're doing now it did end up kind of influencing this movie the tone you and I personally took outside of Diablo outside of Zelda to what we did and then Charles because I'd always wanted to shoot Charles with a bunch of dogs you love dogs he loves dogs I love dogs you love dogs I just think it's fun which celebs do you think have the best fashion I think Cole sprous has the best fashion I do actually really appreciate your fashion cuz I feel like you look like yourself which is very hard to do um I do look like one other person you're there's a person world I really like Billy ish's fashion cuz I also think she always looks like herself I think that's what I am into when you don't feel like someone's just wearing an outfit you feel like it's just who they are which jenzy fashion trend do you love I don't know those what's a jenzy fashion trend maybe like yeah what's some jenzy fashion trend I think you like jensy fashion trends I was going to say like like a chain you love a chain I never when have you ever seen me in a in a chain he wears the chain I've seen it I saw it with the tank top look and the Blazer and like a little chain oh a little chain yeah see a little chain oh of course we're moving on what's the best gift you've ever received from a co-star Cole gave me a t-shirt that said America's it girl Catherine Newton and it's hilarious I've never worn it but I still it's still the best it's still the best rap gift I ever got yeah you kept calling me America's it girl America's it girl it was great I'll take it um what was the best one you've ever gotten I mean KJ gave me some really incredible records actually which was really sweet KJ is a great Gift Giver actually now I think but all right KJ okay I gave you a lot of things but what's your go to cry in the car song why is that my question cuz you're a little cry baby I don't cry in the car I cry in the movies a lot oh airplanes for me airplane movies really get me I think the hardest I've ever cried on a plane was uh two glasses of red wine and about 45 minutes into cocoa the movie I think that's relatable I watch Top Gun over somebody's shoulder and that I love doing that on planes I'm just really interested in what other people are watching I had a guy catch me once and he turned the subtitles on he was very sweet oh that was it that was it this was 's ask us anything catch Lisa Frankenstein in [Music] theaters
Channel: ELLE
Views: 28,077
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Keywords: elle, elle magazine, elle video, elle magazine videos, ask me anything, ask me anything elle, cole sprouse, cole sprouse elle, cole sprouse ask me anything, kathryn newton, kathryn newton elle, kathryn newton ask me anything elle, kathryn newton ask me anything, lisa frankenstien, lisa frankenstien movie
Id: 4FvJr4dF3tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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