Maya Hawke and Camila Mendes Take Lie Detector Tests | Vanity Fair

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do you think Eddie should have died I don't think he should have died but I do think the show has too many are there spoilers in this oh sorry what is wrong with you people what are we doing Maya yeah Camila yes yeah we've brought you here today to take a lie detector test yes you did one of you will be hooked up to the machine while the other will ask the questions and then you'll switch correct who wants to be in the hot seat first me sounds good foreign is your full name Camila cajaru Mendes yes were you born in Charlottesville Virginia I was I didn't know that yeah are you nervous you make me nervous Maya do you trust me yes how does she lie oh she's telling the truth she trust you not what a fool is it true that you speak both English and Portuguese yes can you prove it sing in Portuguese what did you say I said what do you want me to say in Portuguese I'd like you to tell me a secret in Portuguese oh I don't know if I want to tell you a secret not on camera no you don't have a secret that you just want people who speak Portuguese to know no okay wait I can't laugh I want you to be nervous okay I'm nervous is it true that this actor was your first celeb crap yes Rachel Bilson first lip Crush from what part did you fall for Rachel Bilson for her part as summer Roberts in the OC love She's an icon she is n't I do you have a current celeb Crush I'm sure I do am I your current's love Crush yes that's a lie good do you think that you're the greatest actor of your generation absolutely not is she like she's telling the truth oh thanks um have you ever stalked Rachel Bilson on Instagram absolutely have you ever met Rachel does yes how does that make you feel exhilarated excited nervous if Rachel Wilson was here right now what would you want to say I would want to say I'm so sorry I never replied to the email about appearing on your podcast I really want to go on it I just have been very busy do you frequently use being busy as a excuse to get out of things you don't want to do not a lie but an excuse because it's a valid one because I'm busy I see because I've been busy you once had to clarify that your Twitter account wasn't a Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes Panic are you a fan of Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes yes do you run any other fan accounts that we should know about no would you run a fan account about me yes I am Maya Hawk Brazil I'm gonna be scary again okay be scary okay you play Veronica in the CW Series Riverdale who should Archie end up with Betty or Veronica Veronica come on is Riverdale more Supernatural than Hawkins honestly maybe have you seen stranger things yes have you caught up to the most recent season I'm on the most recent season but I haven't watched part two yet so I need to finish the last two episodes I'm a loyal fan Maya I am my Hawk Brazil you run the blonde brunette redhead Tick Tock account with your Riverdale co-stars Lily Reinhardt and Madeleine patch thank you your most popular video is wedding Tings with a 149.6 million views are you disappointed it's not 150 million um no I feel like oh you are disappointed no but I honestly think that's not our most viewed video now what is more important to you fame or integrity integrity would you choose death or dishonor dishonor was she telling the truth she's telling the truth wow okay cool cool you attended the 2022 Met Gala of these two who do you think had a better dress oh I can't do this because I don't like mine you or me from when I attended when I was like 19 I ate how we look in this picture but I mean there's an obvious answer honestly you that's a lie you're lying you know you know better I swear you're looking insane I'm 19. I love that look it's a lie it's all lies it's all lies it's like sister drama he does like Disturbed drama but it is all lies how can we trust anything you say you've been invited to the Met Gala twice does that make you best friends with anyone tour absolutely not no I don't think she knows my name do you think the fact that you've been to the Met Gala twice and I've only been once makes you better than me yes well it's unclear you said the High School Musical Trilogy is the greatest movie trilogy of all time correct you stand by that statement I do so do you think it's better than the Godfather Trilogy have you seen the Godfather yes I have and I would say the Godfather Trilogy is obviously better but I was talking about High School Musical being better than the Lord of the Rings trilogy just in terms of entertainment value I know that's very controversial um do you think the High School Musical Trilogy is better than the Star Wars trilogy no so you basically are just admitting that you did lie and that you do not think it is the greatest Trilogy of all time I walked right into that one you choose the weirdest questions to confirm truth um you're a liar yes most people are [Music] do you think you lie more you just got deep he just got deep do you think you lie more to be funny or lie more to hide your true feelings to hide my true feelings and to be funny it's kind of they go hand in hand do you exaggerate the truth I'm sure I do sometimes when you tell stories yeah kind of I don't know though I think I overthink things too much to exaggerate truth always but like you know he really likes me but also maybe he doesn't at all like you know I constantly devalue everything I say do you like that quality about yourself no have you ever said I love you to someone and not meant it [Music] I think I've said it thinking that I meant it but in retrospect I didn't did you lie at any point during this lie detector test and we didn't catch you no do you feel closer to me after having taken the slide detector test yes is that true I love you I love you nice to see you again are you nervous kind of so Maya we're gonna ask you some questions to calibrate the machine are you ready I'm ready they're just some straightforward questions excellent is your name Maya Ray Thurman Hawk yes were you born on July 8 1998 yes are you about to take a lie detector test yes I believe you Judd we good to go we're good to go Maya Ray Thurman Hawk and your Instagram bio you say this man is your father yeah is that true no no it's not true so you're a liar I would say it's how can we trust anything you're gonna tell us today because comedy exists and often people say things that are not true to get a laugh in the context of people understanding that the truth is something else that is obvious you'll know when I'm being honest and when I'm being funny Chad can we trust her well we'll have to see have you ever met Tony Hawk no do you skateboard no are you a phony am I phony yeah like like full of yeah [Music] your silence speaks volumes no I don't think I'm a phony I believe you just telling the truth you acted opposite your real father Ethan Hawk in the good Lord bird who also was a producer on the series did you have to audition for the role no okay would you say you're a method actor absolutely not so does that mean you think Daniel Day-Lewis is just a tryhard great follow-up question I think in all honesty that a lot of the time I don't think Daniel Day-Lewis is a tryhard she telling the truth she's telling the truth almost said that you do not want Daniel Day Lewis on your bad side I definitely don't think Daniel this is dry hard I do think some thoughts about other people who do method acting okay we don't touch Daniel D Lewis no is it true you originally didn't want to go into Show Business yes in the way that you say things and then people make them different as they get reprinted you know um but I originally did not want to go into show business I wanted to be a farmer what changed your mind my junior year production of the Buckeye in high school I loved it so much that I realized that as annoying as being constantly unemployed is it's not as annoying as not doing the thing you love Maya [Music] don't get all sweet on me I'm trying to be scary here I know do you regret going into Show Business [Music] yes is she telling the truth that's a lie should we just call it a day that's a wrap but actually the truth answer is no I don't I have mixed feelings okay about show business I feel like that's that's I don't regret becoming an actor yeah show business is its own business it's his own business yep there's no business over there ain't no business language is it true that you have never used a dating app [Music] no it's not true which means so you have used a dating app yes interesting is this a dating app for people in the industry no yes oh no I haven't no yes it is yes it is what do you have against dating normal people um I I have an aversion to normal people no is she telling the truth why good good good call Mom which apps do you recommend for dating yeah none of them okay part of the reason that I probably said I never used a dating app is because I've never met anyone I liked on one I was on a dating app for a while well I like you if you met me on the dating app would you want to take me out on a date yes is she telling the truth oh my God you made your acting debut as Joe March in the 2017 BBC adaptation of Little Women yes I did that's pretty cool thank you do you think you were a better Joe March than this woman absolutely not I think that that is a perfect film who would you have chosen in real life Lori or Professor bear Aunt March depends on the casting honestly has there ever been a lorry in your life who you relegated to just friend status even though they wanted more did you stay friends after you rejected them [Music] interesting is she telling the truth sorry pack that one later do you consider yourself to have good fashion sense no really I would disagree with that thank you in due Revenge I gave your character a makeover would you want to give a makeover to this woman it's Julia Fox sounds like a lot to unpack what about this woman Kim Kardashian that's Kim Kardashian yeah it's a very recent photo uh no I don't want to give Kim Kardashian a makeover okay sounds like so stressful she has so many opinions about how she looks like imagine me trying to be like nah man these jeans though you've like no put on this mask though what about this man that would be my honor it would be your honor yeah what would you do if you were to give Harry Styles I think I have anything really to add to Harry's I think his fashion is amazing I would just enjoy hanging out in a closet with him and being like oh you should wear like dressing them up like a little doll you know what I mean just be really fun to dress up like a little doll Harry's closet Harry's closet his next album are you a big Harry Styles fan yes but you're telling the truth no I whoa Maya I am a big fan of um I love as it was you're back pedaling well I'm I'm saying that I'm I'm kind of a new fan of the music an old fan of the acting and a huge fan of the person as a whole and the way that they exist in this world and are contributing to the world there are some I don't like watermelon sugar that's it I just don't like that one song ah got it I don't know sorry Harry [Music] is it true you never saw an episode of stranger things before you were cast as Robin Buckley no that's not true why did you lie I think that that actually isn't my lie I think that's my mom's lie um because she watched it with my brother at home and I watched it with friends got it I was at school at the time not living at home okay um I did you binge the first two seasons before you started filming yes what did you think of them I love them is she telling the truth yes she is thank God do you think Steve and Nancy Belong Together interesting um I think that Nancy probably belongs outside of Hawkins working as a reporter in a yes or no question Maya no so you think Nancy belongs with Jonathan no do you think Eddie should have died I don't think he should have died but I do think the show has too many are there spoilers in this Show's been out for a while part two oh sorry are there part two spoilers yeah and he's dead oh what is wrong with you people this is cruel I love Eddie I know it's sad he didn't deserve to go I know he's not really you're having this whole moment here is there anyone else you think should have died in season four um I think stranger things yeah yes sorry I'm supposed to be more clear so that the auditor makes sense yes I think more people should have died who do you think should have died yes or no characters just characters it's just fictional yes or no questions Maya yes we co-star with this woman yes do you think she should have won Game of Thrones yes I'm obsessed with this woman me too who do you think is a bigger Diva to be married to King Joffrey or Joe Jonas Jojo who would make a better Queen of the North Sophie or this person this person is me Camila Mendes I know what you're gonna say that's a lie that's a lie you do not think I'd be a good Queen of the North sorry I good good Queen just not a better Queen I don't belong in the North you belong in the south in the South I need beaches heat I agree with you I'm not offended okay okay I know you think I'm a woman of great strength and power I do is she lying true all right Maya did you lie at any point during this lie detector test and we didn't catch you I intentionally confused the machine and myself with a lot of rambling it's a yes or no question Maya did you lie at any point during some half truths so yes is a half truth a lie yes then I would say that based on your definition of the word I found a way to maneuver through some difficult scenarios with language and muddling no more further questions you're on there I'm feeling so bad about this Harry Styles thing I really like Harry Styles
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 2,002,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camila mendes, camila mendes funny, camila mendes interview, camila mendes lies, camila mendes riverdale, camila mendes veronica, celebrity, comedy, do revenge, lie detector, lie detector test, maya hawke, maya hawke and camila mendes, maya hawke do revenge, maya hawke funny, maya hawke interview, maya hawke lies, maya hawke netflix, maya hawke robin, maya hawke stranger things, netflix, vanity fair, vanity fair lie detector, vanity fair lie detector test
Id: o8-ZDIEvDJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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