Ryan Gosling & Margot Robbie: The Puppy Interview

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no he's eating it he's eating it whoa my dude my dude oh they all want to eat it hi I'm magarobi I forgot already my name hi I'm nagar Robbie and I'm Ryan Gosling from the new movie Barbie and we're here with BuzzFeed to play with puppies yeah we're gonna play with puppies I'm nervous I've seen this show before it's utter chaos [Music] [Music] oh boy Here Comes Trouble [Music] it's so cute [Music] puppies when you were younger I did not did you I don't know how to lower the register of my voice I did but I wasn't like a Bobby fanatic like I wasn't like a Barbie girl then I had the Bobby foldout house which was very exciting oh my gosh well Greta wrote us into the script so the script literally said like Ken Ryan and Bobby Margo and you know Ken simu and Bobby Isa so actually the auditioning process for us was pretty chill in trouble oh he just peed yes because everyone seemed to wanna whoa oh no he's eating it oh no oh they all want to eat it they all want to eat it they all want to eat it now yes it was very hard to keep the plot a secret um because everyone was so excited about a Barbie movie they just wanted to know is that Krav Maga go wig doing Bobby what does that look like yes everyone had questions and we just had to keep it a secret but now it's almost out and we can finally talk about it getting to work with Margo and Greta yeah all these talented people and getting to wear a fake mink and I think the headband is a good look for me I think you are liking that yeah I think um I think it so sir [Music] I've been getting told for years that I look like the girl from sex education who is and she plays one of the Barbies in the movie pretty much because Greta and I thought it would be funny hey guys we were gonna do like this whole joke about us looking similar and how did you know this I did not know this anyways and then once we like got all dressed up as our Barbies we were kind of like we don't actually look that similar yeah like when she's got a brown hair and I've got my blonde hair we don't look that similar so we didn't put that joke in the movies but when people come up and say I loved you in sex education I just say thank you thank you so much I've watched Snippets of a lot of different things too in case it was helpful should we intervene seems personal do they have beef what happened what happened backstage bro hey dude my dude my dude please please my dude the Ken thing is tough it's a bit like that Pillsbury um go with me on this Cinnabon mix you know like once you open that canister like it all just it's very hard to once you open it you're making you're making Cinnabons you know and you're loving it you are loving making Cinnabons doesn't it yeah because I don't know what a Cinnabon is you don't know what a Cinnabon is no what is it [Music] was so fun so we did a Barbie sleepover at the beginning and um just wait for the leg sweep always in the middle yeah we had a Barbie sleepover for all the Barbies we went to claridge's and Greta organized it and we literally were like in our pajamas playing games and ordering room service the Ken's were invited to stop by but obviously not allowed to sleep over Ryan couldn't make it he didn't want to sleep over anyway and uh so instead he had other things to do he sent a singing telegram and yeah there was like a knock at the door and everyone's like who's that we're all here and I was like as a joke I was like oh it's the stripper I ordered and then when I opened the door it's like sorry about the older guy and it killed walked in and everyone was like oh this is gonna be weird and I was like no I was joking I didn't order a stripper I don't know who this is and then he um started doing the scene from Braveheart and then he played on the bagpipes and it was hilarious and then we do movie church on Sundays so every Sunday morning at the Notting Hill electric we would play a movie that was in some way related to Barbie or like a reference for Greta for Barbie so we might watch like his girl Friday because it's like you know the rhythm of which they talk or might watch The Red Shoes for like you know the colors see and I knew you would do it if he's in it he loves it though he's the problem it's him yeah anything small and valuable seriously pretty much you know and the memories yeah and good memories but yeah if it's small and it's like you know if it could easily fit in your pocket I took my Harley Quinn back and jacket it yes have you seen jury duty yeah oh did you love it that seems like you don't well I don't I don't I mean how's that guy is he okay I was worried about him too but I also follow him you know on my Finster and I see that he's got a lot going on he gets some bondage a lot of things and still hangs out with like the rest of the class I mean I don't know if you can tell I'm a bit of a fan so I've been yeah he seems he seems good a 90 Day Fiance oh yeah you love that 90 Day Fiance the other way my mom would answer I think would be the most solid but Eva's mom she's my favorite person to FaceTime why yeah she's got the face good chat and she gives you the time I love that foreign was just like being a supportive friend and having fun and I liked that what do I do with this little agent of chaos no don't let him go we live in a society bro okay so you've gotta let me know oh he's back [Music] um young Hercules I can't believe did you guys know that Ryan played young Hercules yeah but we're both answering questions so I've answered mine I was so excited when I when you revealed that and then I went down like a whole internet rabbit hole and kept screen grabbing sending you pictures if I know I was gonna end it open again I hope people watch this and go back and watch Young her Achilles or at the very least I hope the opposite just that little Ryan Gosling young Hercules look at the puppies because it's amazing what character are you I don't think I'm like I'm not like any of my characters I play I don't think oh um so cool when you're actually more like young Hercules thank you for watching you can rescue these puppies adopt these puppies at Pacific Pup Rescue and you and you should because they're really cute after you've adopted a puppy from Pacific cups you should go see Barbie in theaters July 21st [Music] of course now they calm down [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Celeb
Views: 9,329,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barbie, buzzfeed, buzzfeed celeb, margot robbie, puppy interview, ryan gosling
Id: s5bI_732Cqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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