Jenna Ortega Doesn’t Flinch While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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how you feeling I feel really good I can see it I've never been happier [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions even hotter ways and today we're joined by Jenna Ortega she's a Golden Globe nominated actor you know from acclaimed films like X in the Fallout as well as the massive Global Netflix hit Wednesday she also stars in Scream Six the latest chapter in the iconic slasher franchise which is set to release in theaters on March 10th Jenna Ortega welcome to the show thank you for having me I know that you're a big fan of hot sauce how confident are you going into today's interview I'm feeling pretty confident honestly I haven't been nervous at all it's only been within the last 30 minutes that my friends that are with me today have kind of been amping me up and I've realized oh this might be a situation that I'm not prepared for but typically I can handle I can handle my stuff so I'm curious [Music] thank you yeah I am all right all right sweet little baby baby wing I do have to tell you too my the gift for my my father's Christmas gift was the hot sauce is oh I pledge not to do any of them because I thought if I ever go on the show I cannot do it or whatever but I feel like I feel like they've I come from a strong family they've got this they've got strong taste buds I think we'll be good so you return for your walls Tara Carpenter and scream six a franchise have really come to appreciate for its meta commentary on the genre where each film becomes like its own Love Letter to Classic horror movies of the past what are the Hallmarks of a good chase scene for you like when they work on film what makes them work oh um for a good chasing it's really difficult I feel like you have to have like uh you've gotta you gotta have a good course you know like the the amount of rooms that you run through I think a good handheld shot is also really necessary for a good chase scene because it makes it feel a lot more chaotic and a bit more um first person view I feel like it's a bit more intense for the audience but um at least a couple of injuries a couple of stabs here and there and I also think a really powerful shot and one of my favorite things to see in horror films is when uh you can see your your heroin your main character and then you could see the the other villain kind of in the background I Feel Like Anything where it's like either they're not aware that they're there or you get to see the reaction and the Mayhem going on behind them I think that that's always a strong Choice hi [Music] thank you [Music] too easy there we go I don't want to get too confident but at the same time you gotta gas yourself up as you go you know well I feel like around six is when people start getting weird right so you just enjoy this time while you got it you know so you've gushed about your experience working with the master of Gothic fantasy and Tim Burton how did you see his obsession with aesthetic come through in the way that he directs first of all he draws a lot of his shots so there are some days where I'd come into work and he would have his own little picture that he drew of me playing the cello or me fencing him so this is what you're shooting you though got it or um even on the first day when they were trying to uh establish what my hair was gonna look like we ran two hours behind because um no her braids are on even this one's lower this one's higher he didn't like the way that my Fringe looked at the time so he was just hey can I do you mind if I do that he has the hairdresser very politely and just kind of did my hair himself it would be like four in the morning and some random Romanian forest and oh where's Tim and he's carrying two trees throwing them in the background of the shot so that they land exactly where he went he wanted them to he was very specific and like happy to do it himself but also a really great communicator and collaborator did you come out of the other side of the Deep dive into his catalog with a favorite Tim Burton production hmm I mean I feel like Beetlejuice is a state I have always appreciated Beetlejuice but I also when I was younger I wanted to be one of the aliens from Mars Attacks so bad but not the Lisa Marie one the one with the exposed braid that I it he's got Jack Nicholson Glenn Close in there like it's an incredible movie I feel like people don't give it the credit it deserves wildly underrated movies all right so far two Wings down are you ready to move on here to Sauce number three 100 here all right three spot [Music] foreign that one has more flavor though is this psychological as well are you like gonna like feed stuff in my head so that it you know what I do a lot of armchair Psychology from this side of the table yeah yeah we're a lot of like it's gonna be okay I do a lot of like I'm a little bit of like psychologist and like a little bit of a motivational speaker okay that's my role from over here I think good to know and then I understand that your scream co-star David Arquette is actually a certified Bob Ross painting instructor and will sometimes give lessons on set did you ever have the pleasure of taking one of those art classes I think I was actually working when people took that class which is one of my greatest um I think I don't there's very few times where I felt completely defeated and that is one of them I he is like a little angel of a person I can't believe he's real but yeah he gave the entire cast Bob Ross lessons so we would walk into our Collective green room and there would just be beautiful paintings everywhere but he also had a red tricycle that he gave us all the code to so that if we wanted to get our groceries oh let's just take Dave's tricycle he was um always hanging out always like trying to update himself on Kpop because we had a band member who really loved K-pop it was he's an unbelievable man every set needs a David Arquette you know agreed it would make things so much better like there would be no world peace 100 . [Music] all right [Music] that one's actually good you like that one that's an enjoyable sauce [Music] oh you guys made that yeah I was gonna say we'll take that we'll take that Jenna all day long now it's trying to blow smoke here so I've had some interesting conversations with actors in the past from Tom Holland to Colin Farrell about the challenges of working from behind a mask what new tools did you have to develop and playing a character like Wednesday whose whole vibe is to be emotionless when you're gonna be the the lead of a story you have to have some sort of emotional Arc some sort of emotional payoff and Wednesday doesn't actually have that and I think that fighting The Nostalgia that everybody feels for the 60s Wednesday and 90s Wednesday while also you know feeding into that but also giving a new take and and making it your own to a new generation so that they're introduced to the character was like a real balancing act so I found that you know as long as I studied the old material and took traits and aspects that I knew I could easily weave into my own iteration it felt like a good happy medium all right Jenna you are doing great this next sauce halfway mark already by the way very nice this is Brooklyn Deli with the ghost pepper sauce I'm really trying to take it in so I think [Music] [Laughter] interesting it has some redeeming culinary qualities but as you say that I'm even seeing like I'm starting to tear up a little bit you know [Music] should I follow you as well it would be like emotional support yeah yeah listen I'm gonna lean a little bit on you this okay okay Jenna you know we can't all that's what I'm here for there we go I I can tell I'm in good hand I can't tell I'm in good hands so in a New York Times interview last year you talked about not being able to care for a house plant but spoke very reverently about protecting your 1897 edition of Ralph Waldo Emerson essays what for you is the Magic in collecting books I typically I don't write a lot of screenplays but I do like to write a lot of essays I am a bit of an insomniac I can't really sleep so I just stay up all night and I write random things that you know I take a certain thought or or idea and I just kind of elaborated on on my own and someone like Emerson a lot of his work is essays so I feel like the more that I read and kind of see the tangents that he goes on or or the little debates that he has with himself kind of encourage me to do that but books are books are incredible I wish that people would read them more I don't want to read them on an iPad I we need real substance like go outside and read a book is there a gen Z Trope or stereotype about teenagers that you see in scripts or on TV that gets under your skin I think for me because I also I I look a bit younger I've been acting for a little over a decade now so I've just been a teenager pretty much in in stories and I feel like it's always the bratty teen bad mouth teen or a lot of times unintelligent which I don't think is true and I think it's hard to nowadays with all this new lingo coming around but I I feel like my generation because there is so much accessible to them on the Internet there's just more opportunities for them to learn I wish that they were given a bit more credit we can be smart sometimes [Music] I'm so excited [Music] it actually tastes like mushrooms yeah it's got some Portobello action in there whoa good for them so I was fascinated to read that thing wasn't cgi'd but rather played by Romanian magician Victor dorobantu yeah what was the most creative or memorable way that you saw him tap into the creative depth of that character using only his hand oh it actually was that thing operating room uh scene where um hey they weren't on him but they were shooting my coverage and it's the first and only time Wednesday cries and I went to like reach my hand out to him and he pet my hand like he was like comforting me and I actually started crying like I restarted the line because it actually made me sad and we just like laughed and that was like a real bonding moment for Victor and I but it kudos to him because they had him in all kinds of crazy positions yeah because like in a whole chroma key suit that they edit out like later so that's what you think you think like the hands was there but he's physically there acting with you yeah it's there's a blue man in the entire show and he's just they took him out but he I remember they would build all these set pieces for him so they did like um a wild desk so he was sitting crunched in a desk or they built Holes in the Floor um but yeah that was a a real task I would say and he killed it [Music] yeah I'm feeling all right got it good flavor so you called the horror genre your second home and then once joked I don't know what it is about my face but people always want to throw blood on it when did you know that you'd like to scare people well I know when I was younger when people would like jump out behind walls or something like that I'm salivating a little yeah when people would jump out from behind walls or something like that I never moved I never flinched and people would tell me that I have no soul so I felt like trying to get them back was kind of the start of it all I would say from a very early age what makes the 80s slasher prom night to you a gold standard of the genre oh my God it's got all the classic teenage tropes it's got incredible Gore um I feel like there's just so many Staples that it's inspired so many horror films to come since then it's just a proper way to do a slasher like if you ever needed some sort of Guiding Light I think prom night is a really really great great one and then can you explain the process of what goes into putting together Prosthetics like this yeah you go and you get green slime put all over your body so you sit in a room for about 30 minutes and they create a cast like this this rubber cast and then they send it to some lab they make a mold of your face and then they just make a bunch of skin grafts these fake skin grafts that something like that takes about four hours to put on they might add like some some glycerin or water and then you're pretty much good to go but that will not move you're good as long as you don't do something crazy you're all right all right Jenna it is that time this is the bomb Beyond insanity [Music] I'll take like a healthy bite as well because I need the actual experience [Music] it's a bit aggressive ah I think it may have been right to be scared but look at you just smiling right in the face of it you know can you see my White Knuckles there you go I can see it and I might start hiccuping I can already kind of feel it okay just giving you fear warning what's the secret to a perfect guacamole in your opinion Whole Lotta lime you need so much lime in there um and jalapenos um just choose good avocados but lime yeah lime is the answer I hate it when they throw pico de gallo just on top like very casually just a couple of tomatoes it doesn't do anything for me either fully fully submerged really mix it in there do it the right way if I don't see any cilantro in there disappointing instantly um and yeah if the avocados are too white because then you know that it's going to be hard and they're just not ready don't rush them and then in 2015 the New York Times published a controversial guacamole recipe well they called for a ratio of 2 3 cup fresh green peas to every three avocados [ __ ] that it's like it's not even controversial that's obviously incorrect you know if ever I had an episode to lean on somebody I'm happy it's this episode because I'm going through it I'm so sorry if there's anything you need from me yeah yes I'm it's settling yeah just in time to move on to the next wing this number nine Wing is Taco Vibes only I have the strength of you have the strength this is me leaning Jenna all right [Music] yeah okay I still really feel just really vulnerable from the bomb yeah never leaves you you know you're forever changed after something like that I think so can you give us one highlight and one low light from your most recent Paris Fashion Week oh is to be a really big fan of Steve Lacy when I was younger and still am and he was there um I got to meet Gaspar no who is like an incredible filmmaker and I've really admired for a really long time I feel like I was just around like a really influential group of people and uh yeah I felt very lucky a low light oh I think I've never been up on the Eiffel Tower and I try to do that and then they told me no you got it you got rejected I got the tower yeah and I walked up the stairs I did the whole thing and then I was like okay let me get to the next level and then they ushered us to like the elevator going down and we're like just leave it's just maybe it just wasn't a good day I don't know what they went through all right Jenna Ortega [Music] beautiful bottle oh I should shake it too right I feel ready [Music] what's it good enough that's that's a that's a good idea that's very good enough cheers all right Cheers Cheers [Music] that's delicious that's actually like really good Jenna I've got the craziest thing on right now right back at you right back at you and look at us taking on the hot ones Gauntlet living to tell the tale just one more challenge for you and don't worry I'm not gonna bring out any more wings but I was fascinated to learn that one of the ways that you unlocked the Wednesday character was when you didn't take without blinking and then Tim Burton liked it so much he said hey let's do every take without blinking so to close things out what I want to do is a Stanley Kubrick style stare down staring contest you versus me to see who buckles first against this mounting pressure of the hot sauce and these bright studio lights are you ready okay wait let me I'm really stress myself out all right I feel like that's better that makes it harder there we go all right degree of difficulty getting cranked [Music] I don't know if I should have done that okay all right you started okay [Music] foreign [Applause] I'm so glad you didn't make that awkward at the end because that could have been like a weird way to close it I thought it was gonna go on for too long I was like you know what I was running out of gas but I was really determined you know I could see I was reaching the point right there but I never stood a chance I never stood a chance yet you're going down my face and look at you taking out the wings of death living to tell the tale now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life um next up I am six installment of the scream franchise is coming out March 10th I believe and if you want to go check that out in theaters you can do that and then also yeah Wednesday is now streaming on Netflix so if you want if you don't want that's up to you that makes me so happy like what a great environment so awesome that was so cool here we go I had a really good time hot ones fans breaking news the three and one boneless bites challenge is back for a limited time you can put your taste buds to the test against some of our most iconic flavors the classic Los Calientes and the peak of heat Apollo but don't fret hot ones fans even when the three in one challenge leaves the freezer aisle you can still pick up your favorite flavor of hot ones boneless bites visit for more information on products and to find a store near you because it's time to bring the Heat home
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 20,072,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, jenna ortega, hot ones, scream, jenna ortega hot ones, scream 6, scream vi, you, the fallout, jenna, ortega, jenna ortega interview, aubrey plaza, aubrey plaza jenna ortega sag awards
Id: UGuC6wunr-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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