Swing Speed Lesson with SPEED KING Bryson DeChambeau

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okay go swing fast yep through the ball down and through 39 37 that's slower what you got to focus I'm focusing I'm I'm having a moment right now th my back out how you said [Music] it hello hello everyone it's Paige and welcome back to my YouTube channel I talked about this one of my goals in 2024 was to get disgustingly good at golf and to do so I need to hit it a little bit farther and I really want to increase my swing speed so I came out here and I was thinking who is the perfect person to help me increase my swing speed so we have a very special guest come on into the channel here we have Bryson dambo the king of speed I don't know if I'm the perfect guy to hit it uh super far and show you how to do it but other than that I mean I can show you how it to hit nice little wedges maybe putt it close yeah I mean you don't don't you know your swing speed is kind of on the lower end I mean it's way slow now play with hitting it so short it's a lot of luck you know you hit a lot of sprinklers in the fairways rolls out and then I just honestly thin a lot of shots to make you go really far so for anyone that's trying to that that doesn't work for me though I'm telling you it's a specific groove on the bottom of the club it's science right science all science yes so I'm really excited because I don't get to practice as much as I want to and I'm dedicated now to getting better at golf but I just for some reason have lost all my swing speed and it I hit it and it just kind of stinks out there why do you think that is when I start and I take it back everything's out of sync and my legs aren't working arms aren't working and firing here everything's dropping in and flipping Hitting off the toe one special group hit it thin the right way uh there's ways to get around that you've been warming up a little bit get some wet shots now we're on to seven iron let's see a couple seven irons okay have noticed you you're more of a picker you don't dig it out you know you don't really compress it butth let's see what you got with the seven IR there's no consistency I will chunk it I will pick it on the toe on the heel and then I end up crying in my room after I play around a golf cuz I'm frustrated higher flight that's still pretty good though I feel like when I'm at set up when I was watching you warm up you hit so quickly and when I'm standing over the ball so many things are running through my head and I don't know what to do like you hit five shots in the span of me hitting one yeah so I only think of one swing thought I try to think of one swing thought Crush I crush it but seriously it's one swing thought and that's it and that's why I'm able to go through it so fast cuz I'm I'm iterating I'm reiterating off of that if it doesn't work in that swing I go on to the next thing okay so so I'm always pivoting I'm always changing things and that's what's necessary for speed training like when I'm trying to go faster if it doesn't work if it doesn't make you faster you go on to the next thing and try something else to make you faster okay and I think that's the biggest problem when it comes to people trying the same thing over and over again they're trying to be so precise they get locked up jammed up and then everything gets tons and then you can't swing it fast that's what it feels like yeah I'm standing over the ball and I'm thinking 20 different things it's not healthy it's not good so one of the things that I see personally when you're setting up to the ball your weight gets over to the right hand side and it looks like you just stall and stay there you come across it it's a higher launch lower your Miss is a left shot chunk or thin it's thin on the toe and like a quick snap hook yep I have nightmares about that shot and do you do you chunk it yes at all a little bit every once in a while yeah mostly on the golf course I think when I get really tense and then that's when I like I'm worried about that thin shot so I try to stay down and then I chunk it yeah so one of the things in trying to produce more speed I'm just going to give her a fraction of a tip here to help her compress the ball better and then we'll move on to the driver cuz it's the same thing thing actually is that when you stay on your right hand side and you come around the corner and the club is bottoming out early yeah a lot of bottoming no good that's going to create a toe hook and it's going to chunk or you're going to pick up cuz you're like I'm going to chunk it and you thin it yes it's exactly what happens so if you could get yourself more on top of the ball stacked on top of the ball ball okay getting it right on top and then you go through to the left and you push off the right into the left you're going to compress that ball a lot better and smack it out there so most people will say yeah go to the right hand side well a lot of the force gets dissipated or moved outside of the foot yeah once you start moving in a place where the foot starts doing that or the weight or the pressure gets outside you're absolutely done you can't create any loading nothing you can't load it and crush it crush it so the big thing for me is I stay more over centered but I'm still applying pressure into the right heel so I turn into the leg there's a lot of pressure here what is your weight distribution it's probably 6040 okay yeah most people like oh get to your you know 90 and then whatever no no no you want to stay more centered on it with a bit more pressure here and then you want to go hard into the left left hand side Turn Around the Corner okay so what I want you to feel is pressure in that inside part of the right foot okay so I can almost wedge something underneath the foot like this no so you you want you want to feel like it's y more like that so step on it yep and you want to feel like the pressure is more like that and so you're going to turn around that that coin that t oh oh yeah I'm you understand how impressive that is to do that that's next next lesson how to do that on Q how to top it perfectly every time what happened there that is because you chunked it you just stayed on your right side just a fraction too long okay yeah closer that's closer there and start being aggressive so about this point in time time when you're at the seven IR I want you to start feeling aggressive if we're going to get some speed training done we need to feel speed you need to be swinging that thing super hard all right I am um I'm built for Comfort not for Speed Bryson so how do I fix this how do you feel speed how do you feel speed how do you feel speed yeah honestly it's it's like have you ever been so mad at someone and you just want to you just wanted to punch punch them yeah you're mad at them that's what I want you to feel when you're hitting a golf ball okay yes so it's like it's like aggressive it's just aggressive that's all it is you need a lot of inner demons to play some good golf nice okay so we're going to go to driver now so we're only going to do about 15 minutes today um we don't want to overwork you and the reason for that is is because it's like training in the gym yeah if you go too hard too quick the first day kind of get warmed up not go through too many intense things so you can come back the next day okay speed training is very similar 15 minutes we're just going to give you that's all you got today okay and then after that tomorrow you can go a little bit longer longer next day longer and so on and so forth you want to start out hitting probably 20 30 balls long drive uh trying to go as fast as you possibly can swing as hard out of your ass yeah swing as hard as you possibly can okay and then next they do the same thing but we're going to go instead of for 20 25 balls to 40 50 balls so for me it's like an hour and 30 minutes it take it's it's quite a while um but again that's my training I want you to to work into it for the first week and then you'll start intermittent training so you'll go Monday Tuesday couple days off what I do is I go one day on one day off now one day on one day off when I'm fully speed training and in that one day on one day off sometimes I'll put in a two a day okay so I'll do it two times a day which is unique I don't very do I don't do two days very often but that really depletes the body and that's just something if you've got about 3 or four weeks before something's coming up and you're trying to get faster I'll do a two day speed training session just to demolish my body before yeah cuz it just inherently uh increases my my systematic quickness just my nervousness gets faster not the nervousness the the the how do I you describe it my your fast PCH muscle yes but it's it's your nervous system just gets faster again warm up a little bit first couple and then start getting really aggressive okay thr my back out you said it feel like you're really disappointed with me we'll work on things so you got to feel just like you're getting to your left hand side and almost hitting a punch shot with a driver okay Clos about this time I want you to start getting incredibly aggressive if that's even in your bones I I don't want you to swing fast from here I want you to swing fast through impact okay why do I keep peeling it though well that's your fault 131 ball speed there we're going to try and get to 140 today oh you got 140 see she got 140 she did it you're done good job yes let's go we're done let's go did uh going farther away from help yeah a lot okay 141 you're going to get to 145 today I can feel it for anybody just getting into it 2025 balls to start off is perfect over the next few days try to go to 50 75 eventually 100 we're hitting 100 golf balls every other day that's how you speed train you got to get to 100 about 100 to 105 golf PO is where you're going to find your max speed out of your body this trial and error for you to find like what worked for no one's done a lot of speed training right no no no and everybody goes oh 20 balls in there swinging they fastest and they start going down they're like oh I'm done yeah no you've got to train past failure felt faster just 41 just a little low left that's again cuz you're not getting to your left hand side okay how much time like in between do you like take a break do you just keep going yeah so you'll you'll have like five in a row and then you'll give yourself like 20 30 seconds okay 41 we got to get past the 141 Mark that's my nine iron actually yeah yeah what it is so she's widening her stance by the way folks so that's a great thing it looks like she's got a wide balanced stance feel like you're really getting into that right heel and then pushing off through it turning through it Turn and Burn 32 that was mishit O hey that was 38 though dang it didn't go faster that felt good though I know but that's the thing that's why it's so important to have a device where it's showing you exactly what it is cuz you can be like oh I swung it faster it's not and it's not so you have to go past that thought okay of I'm just going to swing it as hard as I can so you want to move this shaft as fast as possible you're just trying to get this thing to move as fast as possible the head everything oh 38 middle of the face through it faster let's go 42 see getting better let's go look at that 40 no 34 I saw backwards 43 I was like what take a couple practice swings you just being as aggressive as possible no that's nothing I heard that you want to feel like you're putting speed into it almost after the ball like that yep okay that's perfect 39 you got 6 miles hour to go how are you going to get there uh by swinging faster that's right okay go swing fast yep through the ball down and through 39 37 that's slower what you got to focus I'm focusing I'm I'm having a moment right now what I'd focus on and continue to improve which you've already done is that weight shift through impact kind of forgot about that snap exact but all I can tell you just be aggressive aggressive do you think I can do it no 40 you just like Shake It Out what's your what's your go-to dance move on the uh the ball Hollywood that's that's the one you go with no will you show me your actual dance move if I hit 145 um I can show you the worm okay if I hit 145 you have to do the worm okay if this is 14 but if not what happens and you got to show me your dance move we'll just do that okay deal or no let's say 143 if you get 143 I'll let you do it 40 oh I got nothing left in me you got this do you think I can do it no 38 so this is the training you you start out this way then the next day you're more intent and eventually you start to get a little bit faster you're not going to see the results right off the bat so when I'm on the golf course or I'm hitting these shots I'm never swinging like this right this is like just you're still going to be intense with it but it's not going to have the same intent behind it that was beautiful oh thank you it's end on a good one I want to see a really those are good ones right like what going into this what do you think it was going to be I had no clue no expectations zero I like that yeah I like that going with the bar on the ground and then it's easy just to step over it I'm impressed thank you slightly 40 I that's all I got that's all you got that's all I got well that's a good start line that's it you got the 142 yeah very impressive yeah could have been 145 have a bet to pay up you do what's your best dance move so have you ever seen you probably haven't um have you ever seen Bob's Burgers I have you Tina yes oh my God and that is all for today's YouTube video Let's thank Bryson for being on the channel today and helping me gain some speed and muscles and uh next time you start to gain some speed she's got a lot to go next time you see me though I'll be hitting it like your eight iron yep that's right 145 ball speed we want to see that well I appreciate it leave a comment down below like today's video subscribe to my channel and I will see you guys next Thursday
Channel: Paige Spiranac
Views: 523,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, paige spiranac
Id: SGBCpvBx3e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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