He Couldn't Hit The Ball Farther Until I Showed Him This Incredible Drill

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hey guys Eric here out at the Bethlehem Golf Club in today's video we're going to talk about a recent lesson that I gave and how I showed my student how to create more Club head speed and hit the ball farther really with less effort the key was this little three-step process that I'm going to show you and how you want to get the speed through the ball into your follow through versus early in the downswing let's dig in alright guys so recently I had a lesson with a player who came to me who was really struggling to get the ball to go farther and when we implemented this little drill and this three-step process he had his seven iron originally going about 155 to 165 yards which is still a good distance but after we implemented this he was able to hit his seven iron like 180 yards and shout out to j-chan golf if you haven't seen his channel he had a recent title and thumbnail I like this that inspired this video the drill that he was shown that worked for him is basically the same drill that I use for my student I want to show it to you here now here's the three-step process we use and I've got a seven iron for this the student that I had that came in and a lot of students try and do this was struggling to hit the ball farther because they were he was really focused on trying to create speed early in the downswing okay and while in reality you do create speed early in the downswing I find that in training if you put your focus on creating speed through the ball and into your finish that for your brain to create that speed later it will have automatically started earlier okay we want to focus on putting speed through the ball into my finished position a lot of players that I work with and this gentleman in particular was putting a lot of speed at the ball and they sort of have this like fake follow-through position whereas if you watch any good players who hit it really far they're putting speed all the way through and this drill is the way I showed him to use that that I want you to do the same thing so first I said okay let's grab your seven iron and take a normal setup now I walked in and I put my foot behind the club head for him because I didn't want his Club head to literally move back at all so I'm just going to grab a bucket of balls here to have an object and when you do this you don't need to have this there but I think it helps helps sort of serve the point I said okay let's take your setup position and without making a back swing get this club to your full finish as fast as humanly possible and most players when I show them this they like don't even know how to start they're like what no backswing like how do I even start it and that's exactly my point right is your brain needs to learn how to put speed from here to the follow-through now I'm going to feel like I move this really fast it's not going to look that fast but it's going to feel fast from here into my follow-through position should feel fast and rushed no backswing at all I put my foot there got the bucket fastened to the Finish okay and we did those a couple times he's like okay I kind of get where you're going there I kind of feel what that feels like I took my foot out of play as did not get injured I said okay let's do step two of this after you can do speed with no backswing at all the next phase is to do speed with really as short of a backswing as possible and so what we did next is we take our club Put It parallel to the ground I want you to do this with me and I want you to get your club from here to your finished position same thing as fast as possible without your hands really moving back away from the target yet at all so here through lots of speed through the body what kind of fast and rushed here no backswing speed through through you're going to want to pull your hands up and back as you do that I want you to resist that in your practice okay and that's where we started to actually hit balls from there and when you actually start to hit balls we're going to put the club in right about here and now as I'm hitting I am going to allow a little bit of the hands working up and back as I try and swing forward as fast as humanly possible I'll explain why that works so good so remember a couple reps no back swing so just from here as fast as possible one or two reps from right here get through as fast as possible and now we're going to hit from that pause position but I'm going to allow the hands to work slightly up and back so I'm going to set the club parallel to the ground like so and as my hands are going to pull up and back a little bit away from the target line I'm going to feel like I go forward and create as much speed as possible so take my normal setup clubs parallel there's a slight up and back motion as I'm swinging down and forward and the reason that works so well is for me to create speed from such a short position I have to recruit all of those big muscles from my body and I have to recruit and start that from the ground up so if you're someone who has a very inactive lower body it feels like maybe it's all alarms you can't quite get your body moving this is how you can create that speed again with all of the intention being passed the ball into the follow through not like any drill it took him a couple swings just to get used to this and it'll take you a couple as well so seven iron here set it I'm going to feel like as my hands go up and back away from the target I'm actually going to start to be shifting into my left foot hands up and back with a little shift four I'm sort of disassociating my body motion that's the key for Speed so parallel to the ground and there's a really solid high and far one and literally when we did that drill which probably for me is about the same distance he was hitting his seven iron literally 20 yards farther from that drill than when we started that day now what happened when he was doing this drill and we were looking at video is once he started doing the drill and the hands went up and back his lower body started activating his body started turning he started shifting towards the target all of a sudden there was some shaft lean he was really compressing the ball by feeling that same thing now we were doing that we probably did about 10 to 15 reps of the same thing so feeling like the speed's all out here in front right don't get that fake fallacy finish make sure you feel like you're swinging all the way through all the way through with speed to a full finish that was concept number one concept number two was let's learn how to create that speed from there through and it should feel like man I'm really going fast I'm really feeling rushed now the point is in training you feel that you feel a little bit uncomfortable to be able to create that speed then we take that into our full swing I said okay let's make a normal swing let's make a full length backswing now once I feel like my hands get all the way to the top of my back swing then it's like I'm creating that same momentum as if my hands are going away from the target as my pressure starts shifting into my lead foot that was really the concept that we went home with so I'm going to feel that same thing but still make a full back swing foreign and The Sensation that he told me he felt when he was feeling that again these golf balls are all going like 20 yards farther and what I want him to do is push himself far enough when I'm in a less I want to push you to like 120 percent because when you go back by yourself and you go on the course it's going to ramp down a couple levels to find normal right so you want to get uncomfortable here and then find sort of a middle Zone that helps but if you want to hit the ball farther you're going to need to feel a little bit more energy right a little bit more speed and this is how you train that in so same thing we did full swing once my hands get to the top of my swing I feel like my hands keep going away from the Target or away from the ball as my pressure starts going forward so my hands are going One Direction and my pressure is going in a different direction and this was the drill that helped him again about 20 yards with a seven iron so same feels and you're going to feel when you do that like that ball feels like it pops off the face farther and we again you know in a lesson sometimes you get a little bit detailed we talk through the details but you want to simplify that at the end as much as possible so I said hey when you go play that's your feel get the hands the hands are working away from the ball the pressure is going into your left foot the hands are working away from the ball your pressure's going into your left foot and that's happening at the same time let's do one more hands away as the pressure goes forward I know you guys like it that's a solid and high as far as I get my seminar I hit my seven iron probably like 180 183 I bet those are more like 195 when I do that drill so I like to give you guys some of these stories when I'm working with someone right so the things that work for them will probably work for you as well he told me he's been trying to hit the ball farther for like three or four years with really no improvement and in literally like 40 minutes of us doing these drills he gained like 20 yards and that feel he had of the hands working away as the body's working forward is the main thing you need to feel to train it and a lot of players I see will get their speed at the ball at the ball at the ball get your speeds through the ball right even if you just hold the club parallel to the ground get your speed through the ball feel the pressure going into your lead foot as your hands are working away and you're going to get that speed and compress the golf ball if you ever want help with this we'd love to have you come see me in person we'll have that link down below I don't have a ton of spots available for that but if you can't do that gregorno golf.com send your swings in we could build a plan like this obviously you get access to all of our videos practice plans Community for a way way reduced price would love you to take advantage of that any questions is always on the stuff leave a comment down below appreciate you guys watching
Channel: Eric Cogorno Golf
Views: 628,216
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Keywords: eric cogorno, eric cogorno golf, golf, tips, drills, instruction, lessons, easy swing tips, easy swing drills, easy golf swing, golf tips, golf drills, downswing golf drills, backswing golf tips, impact position, effortless golf swing, driver swing tips, learn to strike your irons, chipping and pitching tips, improve driver strke, golf swing, golf instruction, how to, how to hit irons, how to hit a golf ball, pga tour, liv golf, danny maude
Id: xvm0u9XRMO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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