Strawberry Cheesecake Pound Cake | Vanilla Creamcheese Glaze | Take 2😳😁 | #PoundCakeQueen👑

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hey everybody welcome back to my kitchen today we are making a strawberry cream cheese pound cake and then once it's done we're gonna add a little vanilla glaze with some cream cheese and a little butter yeah powdered sugar it's gonna be wonderful the ingredients will be in the description box below but i'm using my swans down cake mix i have three i'm gonna use three cups of that and then i'm gonna use half a teaspoon of baking powder about a fourth of a teaspoon of salt and although the swans down is already pre-sifted i always sift one more time okay i've already added the baking powder and the salt in my flour mixture here and again i pre-sifted but not only did i add that i've also added this 3.4 ounce box of cheesecake flavored jello pudding yes so that's in with the flour mix as well okay and then i have one cup of milk and it is room temperature i have five eggs that i've already cracked and they are also room temperature then i have three sticks of butter butter that's room temperature and it is unsalted then i'm going to use a little bit of vanilla flavoring extract it is pure vanilla probably maybe about about a teaspoon and i have both of these out this is vanilla too because this one is almost gone so i'm probably going to need my new bottle then we have strawberry extract that is the pure strawberry extract and we're going to use like a tablespoon of that okay now to give it that strawberry swirl we're also going to use this three ounce box of strawberry jello okay so we put the cheesecake pudding in the cake mix and then we're gonna do some swirling with this strawberry jello and this is the small box and lastly we have three cups of sugar and when it's time to pour my batter into my cake pan i'm going to be using this baker's joy so my oven is preheating to 325 degrees and i'm going to talk you through what we're going to do now so i will not have to try and talk over the mixer i'm going to start by adding my three sticks of butter and then once i get these added i'm gonna mix them just a little bit just to get them creamy before i start adding my sugar okay so i'm gonna mix maybe about 10-15 seconds because you see the butter is really it's really soft okay and then after i mix my butter for just a few minutes i'm going to slowly add my sugar once the sugar is added we're going to cream the butter and sugar for about 10 minutes definitely at least 10 minutes sometimes if i feel like i need to go a little bit longer i will do that but you want to cream until that sugar is silent you do not want to hear any sugar now once i've creamed for about 10 12 minutes then i'm going to add my eggs one at a time i'm not gonna bore you with adding five eggs you'll see me add the first egg and then you'll see me add the last egg but remember i've added five in all now once i get my eggs added then we'll come back and i'll talk some more and let you know what we're gonna do next [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now it's time for me to add my dry ingredients and the milk you always want to start with your dry ingredients your flour mixture and you want to end with your dry ingredients i'm going to alternate with the milk so i'm going to start off adding the flour just a little bit let that mix for a few minutes and then i'm going to add the milk now oftentimes i like to just go on and add my flavoring to my water to my water i said that in the last video it's not water hunting it's milk i like to add my flavorings to my milk that way it's already done you know when i'm mixing up the cake so i'm going to add two teaspoons of the pure vanilla and i always like to shake my flavorings up too because they've been sitting in the refrigerator okay that's two teaspoons of vanilla we're gonna add a tablespoon of a strawberry and a little more just because i want to so now that that's done i don't have to worry about it it's already in my milk now i'm going to start with the flour i'm going to mix it up a little bit i'll let you see that so you'll kind of see how much i mix before i start adding the milk what you do not want to do at this point is over mix it will make your cake heavy and tough and so you don't want to over mix i'll let you see how long i mix the flour before i add the milk and then next you will see me um adding the last little bit of flour okay because again we're not going to show you all that process all right okay now that we've finished mixing up our batter we need to prepare the strawberry swirl and this is the part you have to be very very careful with because if you add too much water to the jello it's going to be messed up okay it's going to be too runny so it definitely cannot be runny when you add it to the cake we're going to put the strawberry jello in a little bowl to make sure i add just a little bit at a time i have some water here and we're going to start with one teaspoon because i tell you if you get too much it's a wrap and i can already tell that's not enough go to another teaspoon of water [Music] and i did it this way to try to give you guys a measurement some measurements as to how much water to add so that was three teaspoons okay we're going to add a little bit more i'm not i don't think i want another teaspoon let's try half a teaspoon okay so it was like three and a half teaspoons you see how thick that is we want it thick okay all right so we're gonna pour about half the batter and then we're just gonna dollop see how thick that is i'm just gonna dollop this in in the batter you know this strawberry swirl is so good at this cake and just however you want to dollop it i'm trying not to go get too close to the outside rim of the cake pan all right and then we'll pour the rest of the batter so i'm trying to get as much as i can i'm trying to do better and not eat so much battery cake okay and do the same thing just dollop some more okay and now we're gonna swirl trying not to touch the bottom of the cake pan so now we're trying to keep the air bubbles out [Music] and again we're cooking on a 325 degree temperature and it's going to cook for probably about an hour 15 20 minutes okay and while that's in the oven i'm gonna go on and do the glaze really quick you guys i often say i do not measure glazes are so easy um so this is what maybe about about two ounces of cream cheese and i want to kind of mash this up a little bit before i add the other ingredients so about two ounces of cream cheese and i had to let it sit out a few minutes too so you can get kind of soften up we're going to add wood let's add about two tablespoons of butter you guys i want a little cream bouquet in this too totally not necessary you don't have to do it um for whatever reason i do not want to add any strawberry to this i want to do the vanilla and the a little bit of cream bouquet and i did have enough of this pure vanilla left and so vanilla look we're just going to use the rest of that y'all vanilla and then just a little dropper let me go waffle cream okay okay and powdered sugar and a little milk yeah and that's going to be awesome and i never do my glazes okay let me add just a little bit of powdered sugar right now i never use my mixer when i do a glaze i always do it by hand it's just quick and easy i've already wiped my mixer down and washed my bowls okay we're gonna add i like to add just a little bit of milk to start off with i can kind of whip it and get it creamy and smooth get all the lumps out and you all this would be a great time to if you had the clear vanilla like if you didn't want that tint to your your glaze that regular the brown but you know the brown vanilla kind of gives it that little tan tint but it doesn't really matter to me as long as it tastes good okay and i want my glaze kind of thick most of the time that's how my glazes are let's see how smooth that's getting look at that just whip it baby flip it and i want a little more than that you see how i'm just adding the powdered sugar gradually because if you get too much in there you know you will have to add a little more milk in order for you know to manage it because otherwise when you put too much it kind of ends up swirling around like um like dough like a cookie dough or bread though okay so we're gonna add just a little more milk and then yeah this will be done look up easy peasy you guys don't make it difficult okay just like that we're done see that that pretty glaze and if i had used that clear vanilla then it wouldn't um have that little tint to it like that but it's all good okay so blaze is ready for when the cake comes out all right it's been about an hour pretty and i use my little tester i like to use my little tester every now and again and it came out clean so we're gonna let it cool for about 10 minutes ain't that pretty i can't wait to cut into it and you guys it's stuck just a little bit because of the gooeyness of the um strawberry swirl but i don't know if you can tell how like gooey that is that's gonna be wonderful inside that cake hammers well it's cake glazing time oh let's see what we're gonna do today y'all my dude number one is outside couldn't dress he'll be in here after a while y'all know he will because it's to be time to taste the cake doesn't have to have any rhyme or reason [Music] extra thick that's my grandbaby over there baby that mean you ready for some cake too you ready now it doesn't matter how this glaze falls on this cake and that's why i like it so thick so it'll just kind of hang on to the cake i'll be wanting a little bit of glaze on each slice you guys i'm gonna make sure i have some extra glaze in the middle too now i'm gonna hold it in the middle i wanted it thick so it would just slowly ooze down the cake you see the extras in the middle that thick vanilla cream cheese glaze all right you guys it's that time let's see what we look like the moment of truth [Music] [Applause] [Music] the y'all see the strawberry swirl see ya you is you greedy you must have agreed to sell something tradition i know it's hot out there babe about this i saw the deal at the back of my house eating ice cream sandwich that's real y'all i said i caught [Applause] i just don't want to pass out just feed me is just don't be breathing on it stop i can't just eat what i want you doing them most that's good yeah that's good that's good listen let's get there for the dirty person to eat yeah it show liz i thought they were my breathe over i didn't think he would lie you're gonna have to get some more water but you guys this is round two it's been a while since i made this cake you guys so i had to do it twice because the first one i jacked it up and i'm telling you this and i'm showing you this because i told y'all sometimes it'd be like this in the kitchen but you look how terrible this looks look at this look out there that's mine a little beef okay you don't need to eat this i'm gonna eat my cake but i did some things different and i just should have left well enough alone so i baked another one today like i had originally baked it before but i just wanted to show you guys don't let something like this discourage you from baking keep on baking it be like that sometimes in the kitchen despite all my cake flour all my all my eggs all my sugar that was in this cake and i just i really want to either throw it away or you know he don't need to try to eat this he has a whole cake but i wanted to show you this this was the first one y'all see the feeling and this will not be the thumbnail i just want y'all to see the feeling on that but the icing can cover the problems that's what i'm gonna do no you know you don't need all that cake but this one right here oh i've got to get my thumbnail this is the real one you guys yummy are you even looking up you're so busy [Music] yes yes yes what okay bouncing for [Music] anyhoo thank you guys so much for watching we want you to what give give this video a thumbs up click the like button and subscribe and when you turn on that notification bell you know it shakes just chase them just say something [Music] we already look forward to you joining us again next time cake dance cake dance [Music]
Channel: BeautifulTooCreationsWithDonna
Views: 121,788
Rating: 4.9515896 out of 5
Keywords: beautifultoocreationswithdonna, delicious pound cake, banana cream pudding mix, how to make cream cheese pound cake, how to bake a cake from scratch, swans cake flour pound cake, banana pudding recipe, not yo mama's banana pudding, pound cake recipe with cream cheese, pudding pound cake, how to bake pound cake, baking a pound cake from scratch, cinnamon brown sugar, sour cream pound cake, powdered sugar glaze, pound cake queen, Pineapple Pound Cake, strawberry pound cake, jello
Id: y81GfCNwn5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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