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yeah you look like a pimp hey what's going on guys log that zip here and I got a very special guest I know I miss you not last time I saw you you were on a tropical island I was and Nick guess what tropical island I'm on now you're on a nun not a tropical island we are floating in the middle of the air dude it's just it's just basic okay don't alone well yeah grazers well I've been assigned I'm here I was sent by special military force yeah really which were I don't know what they're called space for us we're to call the space actually they were sent by my comment to you guys in the context of the last one Chuck survival voted for grazer so are the military force cuz they're strong the strong commentators big numbers big numbers and our mission today grazer is to conquer this mushroom island over here as well as the spruce set of islands glassy diamonds see those okay so we're gonna get diamonds you know me I'm always giving you diamonds so can I just steal all your food real quick cuz I'm gonna need all that will get and if I fall to my death that's it all your food is gone did you have a place make it himself at home just taking all of my thing we haven't even finished the tour yet never been downstairs get back here yeah plebeian come on yeah those are no this is for cosmetic purposes took my iron pickaxe - you took everything man make yourself at home why don't y'all good at least oh boy yeah I'll let you hold on to that honestly you're probably better off with me well you're the one that got this far with your basic island so I don't know if I can match the quality of log dot sips playstyle I have a feeling you'll do just fine but I would watch out if you're about to hit a creeper and others yes I said night-night is like no that guy's seen better days oh please oh wait wait wait Skelly oh dude oh yeah he's gone I was gonna say we both we probably both shouldn't be on this right now yeah hilarity not a cow we're good yeah so this is not a safe bridge by any means we're gonna need like yeah get some rails going actually do you want me to do that real quick yeah why don't you work on that there's a couple objectives that we want to take care of today we just got one Monster Hunter thanks likes likes good job racer now watch out cuz I'm gonna get this and when you have nothing I feel really strong now there could be mobs spawning on the bridge ah oh yeah he's going wrong so for those of you on my channel that don't know everything there is to know about gray as you want you give him a little schnapps like what do you do on your channel I'm basically your best friend yeah any time he has trouble he comes to me cuz he knows how much better I am than he is it's true it really is I'm in the better 3000 machine and I make stuff happen yeah you are robot oh yeah it makes sense and that Enderman has seen better days goodbye no I mean we did meet a long time ago we've been recording with each other for like years now haven't we ever since the death swaps and yeah it's been a hot minute to be honest I remember you used to record with thinknoodles all the time oh yeah were you there in that time yeah you like oh my gosh you're the Harry Potter map that we tried to record ages ago so we know each other alright now brings us back you go thank you notice a lot of them the youtubers and stuff we've come a long way like we all got to know each other in some way or another it's kind of cool we're like a family in the Internet family all my family members live in this box right here oh yes mine's my computer box yes they like 3-4 months when you travel but that's it so oh my gosh there's a lot of mobs now yeah look I'll let you handle that do you have any coal yeah yeah we've got some missions that we want to handle today coal I think we've got some coal in the chit yeah we got plenty of coal you want make some torches yeah meanwhile our missions today is quite simple we need to tame a dog we're gonna build a doghouse we're need bones for that to tame the dog we need to connect all the mini islands on top of the spruce Island right over here and I'm bringing this I'm gonna fishing rod this zombie Dorothy oh you got an Enderman on you get inside the house get now he's going for you I think nah maybe maybe I don't know what else are you know I'm like I'm concerned right now wait he's on you haha okay be careful he's on you he's and we also need 64 mushrooms and to make a safe get in I look these all bees bringing the Enderman all right let's go and do the first quest yeah we're good at this you're gonna have to hug this fence Oh watch out though yeah you don't want to get shot so basically you want to just get all those mobs to just walk down to their death yeah just walk on to that I forgot that that's the thing yeah there you go and when you do that as you're doing that I'm gonna try to go to the island and yeah drop down drop down yes yeah no he's not dropping down well you're bad you stay whoo what does the creeper doing oh wait I could probably get that creeper to try to blow up most of the mobs like we could use the creepers against their friends oh my gosh look no they're fighting each other now yes this is what we wanted yes yes yes they blew up I'm so happy bro oh my gosh dude there's too many there's too many you're gonna die you're gonna die you're gonna die on the dime in an hour never die oh we gotta rest I'm going to sleep get in the bed wait where's my bed you don't have it I don't my bed I bet it's gone did I ever have a bed I don't remember it's been so long is the last episode we got this we got this I'm actually stressed out right now because I really don't want to die so I'm going in a pro grace or mode that was amazing okay all right okay yeah you look like a pin okay to get me some new gear well I gave you half of my gear bro your new gear nice try yeah yeah it took a half hour to convince him to drop his chest plate for me yeah well actually most of it was just putting the extra fence here and then we decided to wait for day time so now there's no more mobs and we torched the heck out of this place yeah approachable now one of our tasks is to get 64 mushrooms all right let's break her down no go don't you get more views and acts on these yeah go ahead I don't know I think I can make one I'm gonna make one okay can you scout out the spruce area over there yeah I'm scouting out so we have a bridge already but it will broken yeah we need to complete the bridge that's not one of our other tasks as well oh that's easy me I need like maybe a couple wood here and we're good to go we'll get the wood from the roof forest we also need to tame a wolf and we need bone for that so I don't have any bone to you oh no will you just had the Skelly I know I know all your chest you don't have any bones I I think I died and lost them when I fell off yeah it's very bad yeah yeah so are we gonna get them well we'll have to wait for night to break again or something well we're gonna get really like now we'll be good this time cuz we've got torches all over the place yeah where are they gonna spawn uh uh yeah well whatever man don't worry about yeah look all I know is we got enough to make a bed now that's all I really care about all right wait come upstairs I want to do the celebrity celebrity not celebrity celebration about the bridges yes connecting the bridges and you are a celebrity you are special celeb gasps [Music] with that color wood this is sad because if we put a couple more look now it looks like it's really just like blended in look at that no that's fair that's fair we're gonna make this the ugly world's ugliest bridge yeah I put it cobble in there just because you know why not it's completed good work now it gets a little bit harder because we need to connect all of these mini Islands they don't need to be fancy bridges they just need to be bridges okay so just a way to get from point A to point B and look there's so many diamonds over here is there I didn't realize there was this many I I think I meant are there I grew matically in everybody who's still in school can you just shame Gracie please did you see how fast that treated speared where wow that one mine just disappeared that was beautiful yeah good again check this out watch watch from afar y'all ready hold on whoa it begins right I'm not asked question let's get back to the evil dog so they kill us yeah here we go come on over evil doggies will they get us no I think always friendly yeah but if you tack one they'll get all of you so there's a horse over here too okay so we need to tame one of these guys what you're saying so we have a dog spotter here in the middle yeah we have some diamonds to the side oh wow that's a really cute horse thank you find it's my horse so we have to disconnect just all the mini ones I see yeah and I'm just making whatever bridges yeah Chester the horrible name thank you he's from winchestertonfieldville don't know where that is but we'll call it a beautiful city and it's it well it's it's it's a village aa village we have flayed those so exist in 2018 yeah well yeah I mean we raid them all the time in Minecraft villages come on so funny like thanks bad where's my yeah hold on where's my I used to think was the sound effect but it's not yeah you you definitely have that you've made your return on investment at this point for that thing oh I'm sure lose subscribers they believe listen the Bell is a very nice friend okay very big part of the channel no one needs to these trees break so quickly that's really cool well you know why right I put on I put on the random tick speed to be super fast yeah I didn't know I don't even know what that is but I'll pretend just for you oh well logs gonna learn you some more stuff welcome to another lesson of mine I know more about like just minecraft survival in general but you know more about the back end and all the programming and stuff right and like how looting swords work and all yeah yeah you taught me that I've been using that sense it's useful yeah well random tick speed the game's tick speed is set to 3 on randoms that's what determines when lava flows when a tree grows from a bone wheels lava flow as fast as than the nether it even faster if we were to put some lava down right now your day would be done oh ok if we just finished with the knot yeah we have a grand total I've got 12 mushrooms on me we also need a bone mix it yeah yeah exactly and we need to get rid of this stack of just like one color or 64 mushrooms total so you know no big deal meanwhile over here we went ahead and we repaired where we made it we made all the many islands connected yes we did and I remember I need to mine some diamonds that's what I need so I have your iron pickaxe which I will not be giving back unless you order me a pizza after this so I don't know how you're gonna do that my friend I I made another I know Pizza sorry no no were the attempt surely but now I obviously did they goes alright so in total the mushrooms I was able to obtain was a grand of a total of twelve twelve well I have 12 as well so no no I lied eleven Wow Wow Wow so we have 21 22 me won that money three 23 which is it it's 23 cuz it's 12 those diamonds will show me a pizza in order to we just need bone like we need to wait for night time to hit again so we can collect bones to tame our dog and to bone meal the mushrooms so if I - diamond and it falls into the void is there any way I can just like teleport it back up to me no so don't do that that would be bad I've got two of them as well now when I dip off the show I just get to keep those with me right no you're gonna after you inventory and surrender everything you've collected Wow no I mean you don't have to I just won't link you in the description of this video which you should all go check right now by the way well now you're a good man so you gave me the diamond so the link is there so you should go check out that link right here look if the links not there everybody you know why and also if they're not there unsubbed appraiser please thank you well I'm gonna take about the end of today's episode because there's more to mine all right yeah yeah you see play these games dude there's more down here and I might just keep it for myself who knows I'm gonna watch your clips oh I got stony [Applause] that's all age I like that that was nice that's play yeah like a crowd cheer yeah yeah yeah yeah what you putting down baby all right I got another ones I've gotten three diamonds so far probably more than you cuz I'm better than you but what's new I have four diamonds I for now I have five diamonds now finally mom all right so we'll go and deliver what I found back to the house the basic island yeah it's gonna be nighttime pretty soon it yeah okay very careful did you torch it up accordingly um not that we have bridges on our main bridge or torches on our bridge chip on our main island yeah for the most part you didn't see any spawn on our island right you just saw them down come to our oh yeah exactly so there you go you just answered your own question log yeah I just like having you around to do the busy water yeah that too alright it's basically like night light levels looking at uh oh it's still pretty high light level so yeah you know we could bridge to like one of those other islands unless we can't do that yet maybe they're not on those are for future episodes I see you're not invited to those you get one episode so there's the diamonds being thrown off the leg easy easy [Laughter] alright I got two more look at that Wow yo yeah I think you can make a chess piece you want to make it that might be well we need to assess what else do we need to do with the diamonds first like doing an enchanting table do it boring important stuff that's what happens sometimes yeah we cool we cool we cool too huge explosions we cool yeah back to you I only lost the stone sword and some rotten flesh I think I think keep inventories is in our future we keep inventory that's true see welcome to the non deep end server by the way where things run a little bit more smoothly you know of that yeah now we can now have to worry about a thing all right well we've got some bones I've got four bones on me oh well then we're already good let's go team a dog yeah let's do what's more important right now a dog or more mushrooms oh wow well the mushrooms we have to encase in a big like box because they have to be very dark to be able to grow but it's nighttime right oh yeah yeah I'm cool plant there we go you got it yes I'm gonna use all the bones wait no no no it's probably not enough room no it's okay once I break the blocks above it it shouldn't it shouldn't pop doesn't it need like a ten-by-ten area bigger than this island no there were mushrooms on this island before don't worry about a thing it's okay now that's gonna go wrong we're gonna get it right here look at this check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out oh it's gone oh my gosh you should not have done that oh I have more bone meal it's all good and I'm gonna do it the right way right Oh watch and learn the survival guru is on the loot uh-huh yeah right how many Oh I just felt I don't everybody it's okay have you checked that Gray's channel by the way yeah [Music] really really oh he wants the top league oh he's trying to sneak so okay all right this episode goes alright I'm gonna try this do you want to be here to witness this yeah I do I'm just good to know PD you I'm coming oh wow worse time to TP to someone be oh and he's right by the air oh no no did you get it did you get the boat there it is right there oh yeah - okay tame the dog get away from me okay where's my lovely Oh No the dogs are on me no why oh wait nevermind they're all dead okay what I killed them it's not good either now though respawn it's all good baby are they though I don't know uh-oh another skeleton two more over here oh yeah it more handle it you got it you got it that's money right money right there yeah I got one got one bone come on little pup and the other one oh you want one we'll keep an honorary graves your pet that will stay on the island even when you leave alright here we go if he if he allows this ready we'll be connected all the mini islands we mined three diamonds we tamed a dog we repaired a bridge we haven't made a safer staircase yet that's what's the staircase is right over here and then we need to still accumulate 64 mushrooms so we're almost done well we need a lot more mushrooms dude don't worry about it there's plenty of nights and I've got gravy here for the next two hours so yeah we'll see in a second when it's night time grayza obeys come down you got a present for you I messed it up you got a baby well I was kind of showing off the new stairs but oh that - I do have a pet dog yeah I care more about the life of a friend over some splinters in my feet okay my dog and you went ahead and built this platform which you think mushrooms are gonna spawn on or something oh boy a mob generator yeah I see creepers are spawning underneath and on top okay well here's the grand total right now we've got 37 mushrooms we only need really a few more mushrooms now this is the platform I use the red six before so we need we need twice the amount basically oh boy oh okay so it worked nice so with every mushroom it takes one bone meal and then it you should get around twelve out of that so actually maybe this won't be so bad I don't know if it's is it one bone meal well you just use one yeah but I don't that may have just been luck you know what I mean like we might be good on this one to be honest with you wait how many are you getting I got a whole bunch from this I've already got right one I collect little good eggs so now my our YouTube channel URLs in the title of the video let's see so I now have a total of 33 red mushrooms and we have like 25 brown we've got we need like six more mushrooms we literally just need to plant one more mushroom would be good to go okay do a brown one DiPaola okay will you do the object you do the honors okay give me it thank you and I need the bone meal your watch I'm proving you wrong it is one bone meal ready yeah let's see it Wow well ha see I'm smart at survival in you remember that uh-huh you think I'll do it I'll do it that's fine I love it make sure it's above the scroll more thing you know I might even give you I might even give you the little circle at the end the end card you'd like do you have some oh boy this is only good to see that so how many mushrooms Jeff ten alrighty baby that's it that's more than we wanted we only want sixty-four so yeah these guys don't do it I want mushroom stew maybe yeah we did it we did the staircase we got ourselves dogs we got mushrooms and we did the diamonds and we did the diamonds we did the diamonds and we built the bridges and we built the staircase and we did it all baby it's part of chunk survival surviving on a mushroom biome in Minecraft big thank you the big old grazer for showing up for today's video I appreciate you man problemo my man yeah you were helping out yo yo part of the squad whoa whoa what is going on they see you they're coming for you on top of the tree I know I'm just leading them over to here where I will come down the tree and then where are you remember there is no keep inventory so I'm on the tree everybody check out graves channel linked in the description of today's video and let me know in the comments section what our next who our next guest your dog can be the next climate no no no no it's fine it's fine pull yourself together please sub together grazie leave in the comment section who should join us for the next chunk survival if you enjoy today's episode drop a like on thanks for subscribing and you got any final words crazy well I'm not talking anyone now you ring the bell alright bye
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,961,984
Rating: 4.8859472 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, rare, rarest, challenge, one, chunk, survival, minecraft survival, one chunk, 16x16, chunk survival, minecraft chunk survival, logdotzip survival, graser, one chunk house, sub, logdotzip, gaming, funny, comedy
Id: PziDm_VhcVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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