How FAST Can you Defeat INFINITE Mobs? (Diversity 3 Arena)

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hi everybody welcome back to the roots III did you cop in my ear yeah yeah I'm trying to go solo on this adventure Parker was really bad at that parkour so we don't want to come on me I get it man hey spread the love that's what they say right yes for the loves for the germs we have a little bit of a problem though ladies and gentlemen there were so many people interested in two branches for today's episode that we are going to have to refer to some outside consulting Edgar tell them maybe show them what do you want piers is going on we have adventure and also what was it the arena to PvP is kind of battles to me I'm right here it's an Eightball what we're gonna do is we're gonna ask the eight-ball would you prefer us to do adventure or should we substitute it for what was it arena hmm it says yes we do arena you know how about this how about this just odd so here's the question eight ball should we do adventure instead of arena should we do adventure instead of arena it says better not tell you now what don't mess with me come on man all right here we go here we go one more one more one more money money money it says don't count on it all right so I guess we're doing a reader today all right for some reason the eight-ball just didn't have a cup of coffee this morning he just grumpy results hey Z's like what does he try to tell us about our episode today I know all right let's find this thing huh what is that thing that looks different than from before come over here Tyler so boss battle branch I want to do the boss battle break his boss battle oh man Tyler Tyler it's closed off what I think it is is that each area has a color and when you beat it it opens up so we meet that we meet the pink branch and if you look right over here you can see that the blocks got removed from this it's missing ah fascinating we'll be back boss branch we have like so many more rooms and areas to cover first we have 40 hours of failing and crying before we can take you out Hospital I'll be doing the failing Parker's on crying duty we only arena there it is arena so I'm gonna press this so we're gonna see what happens oh I'm scared just what do I don't know what that did it made a it made a teleport sound I'm kind of confuse a chest down there you see that oh wait wait wait a minute wait a minute Tyler Tyler I see what it is wait what is it doing it the lever it removes and puts a ladder up here oh we're here look look up there watch the ladder good bye hello whoo all right button happy I know okay see my dangerous is dangerous you can you got this come on that's oh okay well first death for me alright let's see if I could make it without certain death I don't feel like I could all right join me join me yes perfect you didn't catch my bad okay arena branch y'all ready for battle today dude I'm excited about this man the arena ones are we recruits maybe I don't know but this room is filthy there's learning cobwebs in here no that's just my science project it's spider-man you know I'm not gonna sit here and let you be rude okay no I'm sorry I'm sorry I swear I swear to Dunkel Uncle Joe and Clete I see Clete back there his name is Clete I see so we're the Warriors well howdy there Parker are you uncle ollie twinkle yeah it's up Uncle Joe good to see you dude I'm here for my pay raise - these guys are awesome I know I was looking at my earlier we got some serious posing here press this do we get nice I love it and look we've got a whole bunch of purchasing areas armor weapons items toque it's Doug this guy's name is Doug currency conservation interesting currency convention in town Wow nice to know gold ingots so the crazy is gold we got it I have a feeling we're gonna need to get some upgrades what is this area I feel like we have oh my goodness that's quite a few that's 12 bosses or something 12 US sections we got a guinea mobs look do you see this room Oh needs of greed wielder gang bottom plate Wow oh these are like crazy perks like that great companion look he's stuck for a friend to join the battle he's so cute well these are cool ice arrows magnetic mine we got to get these things man I guess I guess each maybe each time that we defeat a level or section we get one of these yeah I'm hoping so but I don't even know how to activate half of these things truthfully I don't either but we'll find out I think I'm ready I'm kind of nervous all right we have to do oh gosh no I'm mmm whoa oh I see I see and then for you oh oh we're in the arena now okay well behold a new challenger approaches this is the worst era in via Airbnb I've ever heard and warrior - no one we must kill 15 of each foe then you may attempt to destroy their spawners complete this task and you'll advance hmm okay got it all right ladies and gentlemen are you ready to see two men who has never had exercise trying to feat the wonderful glove monster I love monster we're trying to battle here yeah I think so are you seeing any of this text that's popping up I am I am they read it we can all all I saw is the kill cat what what did you kill some right no there's a squid man we're a ceremonial squid has fallen the round will begin upon its death good luck warriors alright don't kill it yeah we got to read this I have to watch it you may return to the trade shop at any time during the round you'll need it especially the handy little spawner smashing tool okay um oh and you better stay alive if you die you will lose all your kill I hate that I hate losing my kill cache dude that's just the worst is this guy gonna die on his own I'm like waiting for impatiently to suffocate round one the baldies basics oh my god oh wow Oh Mike yeah no kidding I thought this was gonna be something a little bit more feasible watch for the spiders I'm dead can leave at any point to the shop and I think that you have to break the spawner to kill the spawner I think that's what it is is they just keep coming until we kill the spawners with our cash yeah throw money at it quick let's just throw money and just see what happens okay so maybe the trophies been updated let me go see if we can get it so I have 12 kill cache 12 kill cache yeah Burgess something so over here Doug's got the spawner Smasher we need three gold ingots for that but I don't know how kill cache translate here let's do the currency conversate over here there we go I got 12 gold nuggets perfect sweet and so that makes how many ooh there's one I have one golden golden ingot you need three yeah you need three it's okay this I'm killing more miners no I'm putting the gold in his chest I'm going back out for battle I oh no I'm trapped oh I may be trapped oh god this is bad Tyler retreat retreat no I can't I will you lose your kill cash on day until I die next time don't lead 900 mobs into the area it was against I was out of my control okay uh-huh you'll go out there and you die you put your other fellow lawyers at risk listen Parker all I'm saying is that we can't all be okay the barbarians like you I'm gonna over here you can sir if you try hard enough yeah if you really believe oh all right all right I'm 18 to kill cash I'm gonna go back and see if I can kill us by have four hole kill cash just kill one more and I'll let you in you can't just get off are you serious Wow look at him he's literally staring me down and can save me at a moment's notice partner are you serious I'm gonna die point me to my kill cash it's over there at the converter you walk through the converter mmm you know I can't sober inside this guy right every erection so welcome to step on that plate in an a not bad right yeah let me switch off the only problem is is I'm running out of swords do we have to like break some things so you can get new swords by talking to a couple of these guys I think like dink really oh you have to do it with cash or whatever I think so yeah Rob or Bob not wrong Bob over here so two gold ingots for an iron sword we might I've got one expensive you know that's that's eight what is that 12 that's 12 ingots that's 12 cool he'll cash that's 18 nuggets you got a mine come on I'm trying to break it get rid of the slimey's did you do it yes well your sacrifice will not be in vain just kidding in mind they are swarming yeah I had a bit lucky zombies Oh let's kill skeletons huh let's go things out of here I have fallen three times how many times have you died only once okay okay where is the spider spawner oh it's probably here oh gosh oh gosh oh my gosh all over yes here let me take your ingot I'll work on defense all right there you go buddy take wait what it opens butter here you can keep the change well classic sky there keep the chance of one ingot for you yeah there you go buddy you can use it to do literally nothing mm-hmm but I do have an iron sword now so I'm gonna come in and start swatting okay um this spider might be mad that we killed his family okay I got it I wonder if there's a regular spiders anywhere have we seen oh you killed 15 zombies get into that a clove and break the spawner oh that's notice Kelly's I think Oh piece of cake all right so this must be round one so I'm gonna kill the skeletons they have a lot of hearts man yeah you got it excellent no I got I got a lot of cash too we have enough to get you a an iron sword as well if you want okay I think I'll do that cuz I even have a gold ingot in my inventory let's go back and sell our stuff get ourselves some ironing yes seriously and I heard a spider there might be another spider hanging out free monies how do you have barely two cash man I was shopping bro it felt like four hours I just gave you 11 of my cash uh-huh you are welcome I think you were just hiding in the corner crying and waiting for me to come back and help ya I literally have net loss of nuggets because I gave you to eat a few sword you're welcome by the way it's true and I'm also rocking full armor and you got nothing out of that how did you what yeah I told you I got pants dude look at me please don't die yes yeah oh gosh maybe that's for me gotta be quick be quick you have so much cash don't do it run oh gosh oh no this might be death please I need that come Wow okay I see how you know I'm still here I'm gonna die no don't die I need the money I need the money come back Parker I'm not messing around I'm so sorry I want I want us to be poor okay no I need armor Alton battle just happened who gets the coins I guess nobody huh it's time for the showdown that doesn't sound good you know her as the cute lovable youngest daughter of McLeod now we've transformed catfish Kaylee Wow my name is Miranda sings she's like wow literally a catfish Wow Oh shucks perfect yes back it in the corner back into the corner oh man that's a lot of damage I'm not ready for this you killed catfish I'm seeing the health go down I'm gonna go shoppin what happened to cap cap you're just literally still chasing after you oh and now it's after me okay Howie's owie catfish Kaley is out for the count well done you've advance to the next stage yeah and the crowd goes wild oh there is a crowd that you didn't see the crowd I didn't see the crowd wow we're I was playing to the crowd man you know how it goes mmm awesome extra flex in there oh you know you know show enough to boot the booty a little bit so is it down here where where do we go next I'm not sure let's go back and let's see if maybe there's something we have to figure out yeah I could use some upgrades myself Congrats on your first win left a gift for you back in your quarters oh come over here check this out I love quarters and we got to go back to our quarters though because apparently we have a gift back there oh okay yes where's the where where's our quarters waste can you stop watching us in the bushes you took the better item it's cool it's cool now I can shoot from long distance and not take any damage on the change hey I'll take it also I can probably kill you here come on no no no no beer inna changed down there yeah come on oh okay check oh wow okay for the next yes Adam now you must killed 20 of each fo for you can get to the spawner so this which is I think we should take out the witches first absolutely dude alright I have a spawner Smasher so I can kill it at any time and we got to kill the squid again the ceremonial squid has fallen each other yes they're all beggars are battling perfect watch out for the magma cubes they are coming for Yosh alright so I've killed one which at least whoa there's baby zombies riding mini zombie horses that's a big no man come on oh my gosh I'm close to death again I need this somewhere to escape okay come on there is a wish'd there's a witch like gang battle happening oh man oh man oh man first oh shoot there's creepers yeah but seriously they're all after me these little babies zombie horses everywhere if we use question is we use the creepers to blow up other mobs will that count as our levels oh wait a minute they're all focused on you yes Wow yeah - these guys can be spawned now we don't need them the creepers are explode shy do you have the pickaxe I have the pickaxe where are you drop it somewhere okay I got there's so many yeah I know oh boy as I possibly can Oh got it yes yes I'm still glad the creepy the creepers don't explode - they're such a cheese I just got two ingots is this always is the creeper area or whatever you you destroyed maybe no that's whatever that water you just broke I just I just killed them this is lovely alright now I got these witches this is the best this is the best man this is sown on minecraft one bookkeeper to go I don't want to kill the creepers yeah leave them there good they're lovely fire we've got a good way to farm okay are these witches da which get stitches hell I'll let these guys spawn a little bit and then let's go ahead and take out the rest of the guys while the creeper spawn more which left one more little nice you need help over there you know I'll mine it on up all right sounds good so when it comes to the crazy the crazy farming it's got to be the creeper so we'll just keep the creepers alive sounds good to me I'm afraid of the witches they're gonna happen to nowhere and poison me and kill witches are neutralized so the moment that they're all gone they're gone forever two golden ingots oh yeah I didn't even notice that last time you got that yeah I got those from you yeah cool I just realized my axe doesn't run out of durability this is fantastic well that's convenient huh maybe you haven't been you know Wow hey I'm the one that's got the big money right now you can calm down boy fine well I gotta kick booty ha ha and I'm gonna die no okay we're good I just got a spotter that's I just got 64 golden golden nuggets and boy did that sound nice Wow a full stack just like that gold block Tyler dude check it out I got a go block you gonna hold in your hands you got it right here is the reads of greed wielder gains times to cash on oil so if we buy a thing with that gold block right there we can farm the creepers super efficiently because then we'll have something to get our cash so it's will there only so should we both get one first ooh that'd be cool or I can just be greedy and just take it all for me perfect meanwhile go get some coffee and I'll let you do all the killing Tyler how was your drink my friend it was delicious it was the longest half hour way I got myself some old I am literally seven seven yes is that enough so long I don't think why not four five six seven eight Obert and I've got a blocking goal too so I got oh man I want to see your cool stuff what do you got pulls enemies to place location oh we can my best friend I love him hey Parker it's a it's painful you guys thank you did mine you know what arm you real quick for some cash cuz I got my good ol read this is lovely Wow read agreed look at them right now don't kill no yeah that's right you've got the double cash ladies and gentlemen were upping the ante what's that up your ante I love auntie's mm-hmm auntie and uncle y'all remember him as the speedy P teen video game loving son of cue magnet but we've turned him into Pizza drumroll please Gabe the Cyclops you must Pizza video games and killing you Wow no walks on the beach though huh yeah Oh No did you wolf died yes I'm sorry you are dead oh there we go yeah Cyclops is taking a dirt nap Congrats man hazing you advanced once again perfect I feel bad for kind of killing now cute dogs children yeah and and you know the wolf you know crack a few eggs break it omelet what did I say anyone give you almost break few eggs mmm-hmm I'm headed up to the final area already pretty sure I found what we were looking for here we're yeah buddy I am in the training room well that doesn't help me man uh-huh I know I'm gonna bring you a special surprise you can't know about it yeah hey no that was mine oh yeah I want the shoes can we trade yeah all right this one is gonna be tough oh I don't like that you know what other ones were tough man 25 kills of each foe will be required to get to the spa nose oh my good luck so here's what I'm thinking Parker see this snake in my hand variance oh nice you served a long drop man yeah I see the egg we need to circle the arena and get as many mobs to spawn as possible because a moment we have as many mobs so we can I'll throw the egg it'll turn all of the mobs into animals that will count towards the kills oh all right all right don't see that then so let's keep running around keep nearing the spawners you fools Bonnie this is nuts man okay I have the egg that brings everyone to the center should I do that for oh that might be a good call but not yet not yet not yet not yet I might die here they got crazy crazy okay how much help to you I'm three health up for alpha oh wow okay this look like 25 of each I don't know but they look like you two spawning I thought there was more I thought there was more - maybe maybe we should just use it huh yeah let's go ahead and use it all right go to the and the pure that this egg in the middle do it'll all come to this area what now watch BAM yes yes where's the exit what no I don't look at him get one more with us come on chief very little hearts very little hearts be quick there buddy goodbye yeah and these backsies they keep going through the walls these vexes are the worst I've got again can you stop man you're losing all it you know what you know what here here take this Tyler what what do you want you lose half of your coins instead of all your coins because you've died for I've done a zero that's good that's fun yes it's true distance get it from a distance I'm gonna keep throwing some trident at him some Trident gum they got bad breath over there oh wow Wow mine forgot I have the sword that gives me health okay I'm dead again oh gosh oh no oh no they need to get away baby health run over to me okay I will okay I could splash myself with some help at any point okay cool I'm I'm headed there all right you are good for the splash I'm right by it ready one two three okay to get any beautiful get up there alright I'm mining I'm mining it's mine it is mine I'm not ready for this man now what are we kill vexes and if it counts towards the kills the yeah if any of their worse Wow got a lot of points oh that's okay I died too so tak doesn't work on bosses firing this from a bow immobilizes a struck enemy all for 15 seconds yes please don't mind if I do just very fun I'm immobilized one more I think we gotta go with it alright I'm gonna mine mine mine mine let me go through your day I'm mining izing mine yes oh oh holy guacamole this is a good day today man oh man I've died yes yes yes finally the final boss you all know her is highly intelligent beautiful firstborn dad sort of cute magnet but now she's become oh whoa illusion age illusion a name wrong you die Wow he's a lot I think she just split into four people I was lovely so it's always the one that's in the center roughly the real one crush noclip the real one can't go through blocks I think oh that's smart that's smart okay money this one no pink no I think I just saw them all all clip oh okay well I don't never mind never mind oh what a cool boss this is also I'm scared yeah I know you're I get it yes you gotta go too mm-hmm keep an eye on the right one at all times ah let me block yes please can we just I'm just gonna start swinging like mad oh wow yeah got it please please please you've done it we've done it Parker No you've done it okay thanks I will be the only champion today my friend mmm these are all different players by the way but I can't take wow the prize I will let you your monster I won't let you dig the price I do have slash oh look at all these creatures these are all this play man every single person in this audience was added in by cue magnet that submitted their username to be featured you visit you've completed the arena and become our new champion what follows me here's your prize history take it yes give it yeah our favorite room hey we're in here that means we know we did it good Tyler yes buddy I got 40 arrows in you you got zero what the heck is that yeah well you know we're not all meant to be pin cushions what can I see you're very solid like way we got the wall but I may have some brain damage but that was that was from birth anyway so there's no problem there that's okay actually I was gonna say something a bit smarter recently maybe they know something right thank you thank you thank you yes I have become quite the intellectual yeah yes so we got the yellow wall dude we did it I put it in rock this bad boy right there there it is the grass find you well get ready here we go another branch taken care of hooray well thank you so much for watching this episode of diversity 3 I'm going to the Sun I hope you'll join us for the next episode broke it broke Tyler he playing games with me
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,239,227
Rating: 4.8913412 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, diversity, diversity 3, diversity 2, qmagnet, qmagnet diversity 3, minecraft map, map, funny, adventure, custom map, maps, arena, pve, mini game, challenge, custom, parker plays, parker, logdotzip, logdotzip minecraft, logdotzip diversity, minecraft diversity, infinite, mobs, minecraft mobs, infinite mobs, fast, in minecraft
Id: 5voxRGj5qNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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