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grab yourself some holiday themed log that did merch all this month old fat man approved what do we want to do you know i bet you it's fake lava fake fake lava don't trust it here we go all right hey what's going on guys like that zip here don't take any damage that's what we're playing today y'all never heard of it before well it's by brendan mc and his team of course at my 52 productions and you're in for some trouble honestly now this is a remastered version of don't take damage but the essential gist of don't take damage is that you're not supposed to take damage you're going to go through numerous different types of levels while not taking any damage you can see right down there you see the half heart we only got a half part we're not allowed to take any damage or we dog instantly we gotta make it through all the different levels without dying and if we do we win so we're gonna find out more information about the map itself including the ability to play you can find a link to the download everything in the description of this video we got some rules came up to one player only gymnastics right right right right right and what is this cheats on off well we good we go don't worry about it you know you'll be fun hold on let me see can i kill myself in the lobby wouldn't that be grand yeah we did it it's good i love it all right so now i think we're probably going to start the map oh yeah did y'all leave your like yet thank you very did y'all subscribe yet that it's the button or whatever we're gonna start okay oh hey cutscene mind 52 team presents a fan favorite ooh my favorite fan favorites you i died come on look at me what am i a loser what if he's going crazy i like having a spaz attack right now well i guess we're stuck like this it's probably the best fashion statement i can still sneak your best day of my life and we should probably just do this level huh level one we gotta figure out a way to get off this tree safely can i just hey okay well maybe again and it fixed me it's not even fun anymore i want to have the funny little jittering about um i guess we could probably go in the water yeah i should've thought that earlier oh that's perfect all righty level one complete now wait wait is it complete i don't even know what i'm supposed to do here other than not take damage what do we is like a button do we need to find a button do we need a sunbathe instead all right yeah yeah honestly yeah this is the life this is the life this is good i don't think i need we're gonna finish the level i hope you all enjoyed don't take damage we just figured out huh okay well let me see nothing in the water already peaked over there nice pretty flowers smell the flower huh well so much for that i didn't even end the level oh i don't know what i'm supposed to do probably a button somewhere oh yeah here you go hey yeah that's good stuff level two we're in the lava desert of truth what yo this is dangerous imagine if this is a real biome just happened oh it's part of the tree do we gotta be quick or something let me see oh yeah that's good we made it or we went up in flames that works too huh i gotta wait spawn oh i thought we need to start over for a second i thought we're on the last level i was about to lose it all right so we got to be very gentle about how we handle this that's good now if we could just that's good we made it shaded hidden flower that sounds like crouching tiger hidden dragon or something shady hidden flowers it's my favorite movie all right now what are we working with hey you know you should probably move this is a kind of a hazard i would reckon yeah yeah you got oh oh he tried dirt the dirtiest of dirt okay and you butter sword maybe i can use this in a recipe yeah let's hope not huh what do you got oh did it just oh okay well i'll take that emerald thanks so much so now we need nine diamonds if we want any dirt okay that's fine but i i want to say i'm stuck how do i uh oh can we go right maybe we go around huh there we go oh yeah killing it yeah killed it right over on this side i guess we may as well look around for like a button or something because that's clearly the way we need to go about this map now the remastered version of this map what's so special about it how is it different from the one i played before i did play this old one ages ago i don't know what that means i don't know if it's truly different or not but i do know that i just made that because i'm what how did you see it how did i even catch fire i wasn't anywhere near the flame yeah spawn just hurry up we'll try that again i really don't know what happened there i'm very confused can we there we go you see we're good now but why what am i catching on fire with i'm like confused we gotta find this button i'm losing my patience maybe we gotta be sneaky mom pull one of these yeah we did it all right and i can't even put out the fires can we oh yo why what did i do when i even hit i'm like ready for this i keep hitting myself in the face i love myself don't subscribe i have my bell loosen my patience just a little bit we've been looking around the entire house whoa whoa i don't even i like i actually didn't know that wasn't meant to happen whoa i like this flower i guess i didn't close enough last time well now we got everything we need to get that trade well we're gonna mess up poor lynx's diamond block to get the diamonds that's nice oh look didn't c was in the corner perfect well at least we can get all this yes yes yes here you go fisherman the dirtiest of dirt dirty but i can't like i still can't do anything with it oh that's just what do i do with the dirt oh look at him he's hiding in there how do i do this do i need to go no oh i know oh i bet you hold on if we could just not yeah that's good check it out oh get it yeah we did it what was that with the level three was like blinking did y'all see that it didn't matter we did it level three finally now i don't know i don't even remember these levels i think it it's a remaster so there may be new i don't know we're gonna find out together huh so it so we just do i just kind of okay yeah we do the great you see that with the momentum yeah y'all proud of me thanks mom she raised a good one didn't she all right so let me see we're looking for buttons that's what we've established the buttons is the way to go i miss my emerald so maybe there's a way for us to climb i want to say hmm up here yeah yeah maybe yeah it's gotta be hold on hold on a sec come on there we go precious all right now let me see is there another hmm maybe i gotta hmm maybe i gotta hmm come on i'm trying to get to right yeah that's good but i still don't see any buttons oh wait yeah well we're the smartest man alive you'll see that i can't believe it did that now we're at the top wait didn't we start at the top no no this is fresh right i think yeah yeah it's been a long day guys okay so we're looking for buttons and i'm not seeing what i need to see what about you precious emeralds they always got secrets they're so rare they got no one to talk to they keep all the secrets no one would say anything to them you know what i mean well i didn't see anything down there on my very extremely brief look it's probably down there i mean the stone well actually thinking about it they've all been wooden buttons so far why would it change now who cares if it's stone there's no way we gotta just search harder i gotta keep looking around it wasn't on this side we came up on this side yeah okay well i don't see anything hmm i guess we'll go back down we're gonna figure it out together yeah it's my favorite working together can you guys help me please oh you can't because the video's already done oh i'm dumb for even bringing that up hey you know i got t-shirts buy them oh here you go precious right here i don't know why i keep saying precious what am i like gollum or something whoa you see the camera got huge got huge rider that said that that was the funniest thing oh man i cracked myself up to be playing this game way too long level four we done did it it's time for the next level are we gonna just slowly okay okay i play that we gotta just slowly figure out the right way to get down sprinting always the answer it's looking like we're doing it so far maybe this oh that was a close one for sure i want to say we gotta like navigate this through yeah i feel like i'm going the right way like i have no idea if i am or not but it really feels like i am can we hmm oh man i really don't know can i make this i know oh goodness only three seconds it's like defeat it's like if this happens to you you're just bad at minecraft like you gotta give up you're no good sorry i don't know what to tell you now please just keep it steady keep it still keep it ready keep it filled i have no idea what i'm saying anymore guys it's 1am just leave me alone okay it's not a big deal another three seconds maybe it's on like uh you know what oh almost fell right there i bet you it's on the floor maybe we just gotta look around the floor but can i get down this way yet i feel like this is gonna kill me yeah we gotta do it like come on at this point i'm just trying to make it to the bottom floor i i'm going to try it right here just in case come on how do i get to the bottom we got to get to the pond with this uh it's terrible but seriously we do i'm like losing my patience i need to get the stupid button so that i can move on with my day i got other minecraft videos to record people you don't understand i want to say this is the fastest we gotta go that way come on you just made it wait is it we good we good bro oh yes i've been waiting for this moment i get i've reached this moment now i don't really care about it anymore i don't need to wait anymore so i guess we gotta find a button well let's do it together i'm looking around we're looking up and down we gotta really hold on whoa secrets tell me about you see what's up maybe oh dude what if we missed it what if we gotta like jump oh great oh wait actually what are you what does that say sheba j's secret bone oh well i want the bone that's mine now thank you and i think we don't need it anyways because we did it level five complete i mean level four complete because we're on level five right anyways what are we working with here the real level five i've got a nice bone we're ready to attack i've got bone and i've got dirt and my best friends and i don't need anybody else anyway so just lay off okay step off y'all about to jack black it for real step out has anybody seen that nah it's probably on your time nah that's a good movie for youngins i know some of y'all seen school of rock and if you haven't man y'all suck get a childhood i'm sorry i was mean but right go watch it anyways uh what are we doing rain clouds drop top i think i did that wrong i died oh i know we gotta do we gotta land in the water somehow okay okay okay is there a way to do that oh from the clouds yeah yeah there we are hey why no it's the opposite of good it's bad well clearly we gotta start with the tree watch it's not even on the island we're going the wrong direction oh i haven't had the worst because we can't land in the lava i feel like this cloud right here is like my only option unless it's not on the island like i gotta study these clouds are they cumulus are they nimbus are they uh what's the cirrus is not a radio state i don't know who cares it's clouds sorry daddy meteorolo uh i'm not trying all right where's the map someone out there's mom and dad is a weatherman okay and i've just hurt their feelings and i'm sorry thank you so much for your predictions i wish they're a little more accurate you know you've ruined a lot of my parties but it's give and take you know now if we could give ourselves a way to get to the bottom so we can take control of this button wait can i just oh come on you gotta be joking are you in here under you is the button you're a liar he tricked me really where's oh wait maybe not down there okay well then you are was that nah that's dirt well i got my own dirt i don't need yours oh yeah yeah you're stupid that's good level six hey we make a good time to be honest with you oh wait do we gotta like oh oh no this is gonna suck we're gonna have to like find oh a chest down there well let's try and get some air first just in case much oh no oh no oh no no no no we can't reach the top oh great it begins again at least we got nice three seconds of air before things start really going bad so we gotta hustle we're gonna lose our air instantly i'm gonna go to the chest there was a chest right over here we're gonna grab it right away tell me you got something good for me please please it's empty advancement made trolled by the creators hey we got an advancement well you know my favorite thing to do is get advanced and say okay well that was pointless maybe there's something i think maybe this is where we need to go i see some light being admitted from here maybe it's got what we need can i no okay well at this point i've i've written off the time of another death thank you so much i keep hearing zombie pigs like right as i restart i gotta feel oh is that air nah it's just a stupid actually we got some right here wait we've got zombie pigs coming right around the horizon here you know me love me some good horizons i don't think there's anything here oh here please yes good but it doesn't lead to anything what what am i supposed to do with this is there oh oh there's a button yo i could barely make that out well i could barely make in fact i want to show y'all because i didn't even see that let's try it out check it out try it out check it out check it out i'ma just leave the night vision on just makes everything more pleasant for you guys there we go that's what i'm talking about oh hey no level seven what are they all hello are they all what are they stupid they they're not even moving can i oh yeah you're gonna kill right sure no no no don't go to title screen i enjoy playing please but so then we just gotta avoid him are you touching hold on hold on look you ready check it out check it out check it out not even close not even cl you'll play me like that honestly i'm sick of it i don't want anything to do with this map anymore you mean cool but honestly just take it easy dude all right let me see can we go down yeah that worked for us so far that's begging to be explored over there you don't just put a step somewhere so what if we get too close we take the damage is that what we're working with here can i just uh perfect now we need to sneak on magma it's the only way you won't get damaged is if you now now why is that happening i'm like tempted to you know i bet you it's fake lava fake fake lava don't trust it and we go all right well i died it was worth the experiment okay so one there what do we want to do oh i had it with these loser mobs always get in my way maybe huh why is the glass does it do anything for me oh hey easy does it yo they see me ein that was a great jump oh i see you waste my time i'm just trying to find the buttons man not trying to get trolled every single corner of the universe can i nah i thought i could jump to that for a second i mean a test here in there huh so there's nothing okay see we ain't doing anything can't do anything on this side fine fine so we're we're barking up the wrong tree right now i didn't have anything good for me now if you could just not die again that would be fantastic wait a second that was weird i got stuck can i jump to this one maybe come on yes finally it took so long it's good and all right mr pig can i punch you and be safe yeah yeah what a loser okay so i didn't see any buttons over there okay well we're like running out of level so it better be over here it is in fact hold on that's begging to be explored over there you don't just put a step somewhere yeah whatever let's just not worry about it too much huh i knew i was right it's not a big deal level eight level seven's been completed it's time for us to make up for some lost time and i write mr shulker box he didn't have anything to say what about this one no okay well wait is this the button yo i thought that was the button convenience in a bag wow now where am i whoa yo sweet deal dragon you got some nice loot it looks like you had some trouble defending it though your entire body's missing i'm sorry to hear about that i happen to still have mine very useful it's nice i can walk around let's me eat in fact i i don't think i could do too much is that am i supposed to be down here did i just am i am i stuck did i just get stuck i don't think i'm supposed to be down here hey we made it back on board don't worry about how what am i stuck again am i stuck again why do you do this to me seriously you think it's funny it's not i guess we can find out what this does then huh oh levitates me nice well don't mind if wait is this gonna kill me okay we good are we gonna levitate forward levitate levitate levitate levitate come on come on come on get up there quick quick okay well that did not help us too much and now i like spawn down here i don't want to spawn down here anymore can we get some can we get some help here where do i levitate to it can't go anywhere i can't do anything it spawns me right next to the track it's like teasing me did you hear i was making fun of the poor dragon with his lack of body and now they're throwing me by it every single time honestly like where do i go from here can i am i making it over here is this the wow it is oh we hit it i won oh it's convenient but we we still died i put me no no way no way how do we do this then how do we no really do you want my dirt maybe my bones yeah okay well i guess we're gonna find out huh come on if we could that would be great well i put myself back in the top area of the ship because this is where we started this is where everything kicked off it's fond memories really really hot but hopefully we can figure out how we're supposed to get to that act great and watch yeah right right right and that kid you know i'm sorry look i gotta calm down dragons just make me angry okay i get nervous around him they're not i'm not the biggest fan now please take the dirt please yeah we did it hey we did it we lived this time but i lost my dirt oh that was a stupid bone and i don't even want it but i guess it doesn't matter because we won hey hey well that was don't take damage remastered courtesy up mine 52 production my two team and brendan still sucks still don't like you but if you liked leave a like hey you like that oh wow another like word in there hey make sure you subscribe as well you can see more awesome content as i upload to my minecraft channel i am a minecraft youtuber and i go by so if you didn't know that well what were you just watching for the last however long this video was you should have figured that out by now idiots uh don't leave i love you well i guess the video's over you can leave all right
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 5,040,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft with one heart, minecraft one heart, half a heart, heart, one heart, mini game, half heart, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, games, maps, command, mini-game, gameplay, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, minigame, minecraf, minecraft mod, modded minecraft, parkour, custom map, minecraft parkour, custom parkour map, puzzle, minecraft puzzle, minecraft puzzle map, minecraft 1.12, blocks, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip,
Id: Qm7wcVFIqMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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