Surviving My FIRST JOB in Every Decade

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wake up what's going on why don't show your desk why because you're surviving your first job in every decade and you fell asleep so you're fired get out I'm in a movie theater hey sit down sorry get on pranks you're like you're fired what are you doing we have a ton of angry customers waiting for their food wow good job [Applause] and we're cutting all your hair no no I don't know I was having a nightmare why are you looking me like that why is Sadie here we're trapped in a program what again welcome you'll be surviving your first job in every decade for 24 hours you must collect an item from each decade in order to get a clue on how to escape Rebecca you must complete all seven levels or your daughter will be trapped here forever just my daughter Sadie's gonna be the only one trapping Chris they come I'm gonna put her in her chair over here okay you guys eating Sadie don't worry mama's gonna get you out of here okay it's just a fun time in the movie theater right now okay zamfam I need you to subscribe right now because there is no way I'm letting my daughter get trapped in here level one is a waitress in the 50s you must collect twelve dollars in tips to pass I can do this these are ordered now sure I am on it remember you need 12 in tips if you want to come back tomorrow order um table three which one is Table Three the old man over there perfect [Music] here you go sir what about time what took you so sorry I'm waiting for 30 minutes I am so sorry I can guarantee you that it'll be worth it though it better be enjoy your meal do better next time that guy's grouchy but he's loaded oh that means that he might don't waste your time he never tipped take those two tables orders it looks like they're gonna get angry I didn't this hi what can I get for you two hamburgers great with a side fries and no cheese okay there's cheese I'm gonna that girl is a spoiled brat well you better be nice to that spoiled rat that she wants a tip thank you thanks I guess okay no problem love your hair it's really pretty okay I'll be right back hey can I take your order yes we'll get the lovebirds milkshake one milkshake two straws okay I will put your order in and be right back with your milkshake thank you but I totally forgot to order something I'll be right back uh this part of me so after you bring our milkshakes I'm gonna propose to my girlfriend and if you make sure that everything goes right I'll give you 15 too 15 tip yes I will I will shake is extra delicious Sam did you hear that he's gonna give me a 15 tip that's more than twelve dollars which means I will beat the program two cheeseburgers table two I love this job here are your burger and fries is there anything else I can get you what is this there's cheese on this oh I told you no cheese I I'm not remembering no I remember I can just have them to do it in the kitchen what just happened the customers left did you let them leave without paying that's coming out of your tip good thing I don't have any yet why is there a countdown timer going on over there that must be how much time she has left to complete the program okay well do not tell Rebecca whatever you do it's gonna stress her out what happened cheese happened sorry about that so now we only have only have tables which means I am counting on that proposal so I can get that 15 tip otherwise I will get fired especially since that old guy doesn't tip speaking of that I should probably check on him hey is everything good everything's great everything okay with you guys I hope so yeah and your milkshake will be right up great I wanted to check in and see how everything's going I lost my appetite I waited forever for my food I am so sorry would you like me to maybe just get you another burger no no no just forget oh okay so are you married do you have any kids I was married once a long time ago but my wife uh my ex she took her away I had a little daughter oh that's sure again oh I'm so sorry she's adorable that's his daughter and look at her necklace it says faith well you know what maybe if you have faith you'll see her again so I'm gonna go get your check okay thank you you're right how's Gaucho actually did she know that he was married and he had a daughter but his ex-wife took her away when she was a baby he hasn't seen her since well that still doesn't explain why he never tips it's kind of sad milkshake for table one okay zamfam this is it once I get this tip I will have enough so that I can complete this level and pass the 1950s I hope it goes right okay you two love birds one shake two straws and let me take those menus thank you so much um there's actually something that I need to do this has been the best last two years of my life I've never been with anybody but you and I never want to be with anybody but you Sam it's happening will you marry me yeah yeah get my tip oh my gosh I can't believe it I have to go call my mom and let her know congratulations ring it's beautiful amazing I will be right back just enjoy your milkshake zamfam this is so exciting hey baby oh you sound so beautiful right now things are going long at work so I'll meet you for the makeout sesh a little bit later okay that guy is so sleazy she better tell her no she's gonna keep this hush because she needs to tap no she needs to tell her we need to pass the program did you hear that he just proposed to that other girl and now he has a girlfriend I know that I'm gonna get a 15 tip if I let this happen but how can I let her get married to a guy that's not even faithful I want to pass this level but I think I have to do the right thing so my mom says hi is she excited so excited oh look at that's the best waitress in town getting a huge tip today what's wrong you can't marry him why he's cheating on you I just heard him he was talking to him he's gonna go make out with her right now know this lady I'm not cheating your right eye is twitching you you know what fine I don't want to marry you you don't trust me yeah [Applause] get out of here look I am so sorry but you deserve to be treated so much better than that I just always had both of guys and I never had a father figure to show me what I deserve you'll figure it out you just need to have a little faith oh no oh no we did not did not to make you more upset I promise second necklace and my father gave it to me and I never had a chance to meet him because I don't feel like talking right now okay um where were you born Marilyn where's your bathroom it is I don't want to cry yeah yeah no it's right over there are you thinking what I'm thinking there's no way right but if there is I need to find out hey I'm sorry I completely forgot your check but I wanted to ask where was your daughter born Marilyn and about how old would she be right now she'll be 21 next month on the 21st I'll be back I have to grab your check yes my birthday is May 21st why because I might have a surprise for you what sir I have someone I want you to meet hi that necklace where did you get it my father gave it to me I gave that to my daughter look that photo my mom has this on her nightstand Julia oh Dad oh my gosh believe I'm finally meeting you you're so beautiful well I'll let you two have a moment thank you wait wait wait take all of it thank you thank you Miracle Worker it's so good to see you all these years eight nine ten eleven twelve he gave me congratulations Rebecca looks like you can stay another day he never paid me for that one table did she I did it I did great job Rebecca I put the money down okay button button button is the first word for The Clue zamfam so we can get out of here level two is a fifth grade teacher in the 20s he must bring back the Apple I have to be a school teacher teacher you're not even smart enough to be your teacher you know what I I'm smart enough and as your teacher I did respect it actually worked oh my God oh my gosh that's principal apples if you want to teach fifth grade you have to prove that you're smarter than a fifth grader you have to win at least two of the three challenges or you're fired what happens if I win then you become a teacher and you get this apple easy sit down okay first challenge math this is math elimination Rebecca Edward to the front winner stays at the front loser is eliminated first is Edition 25 12. go 37 Rebecca eliminated how is that so fast roof to the front two plus 29 31 rude eliminated Alex to the front fourteen plus seven twenty one Alice eliminated Edward wins round one there's no way I'm letting me be a teacher what did that boy say I don't know but I think zadie has a crush no there's no way that ziti has a crush on an old boy second round is multiplication Ruth Rebecca to the front 12 times five Ruth eliminated Alex to the front fifteen times six ninety ninety Alice eliminated Edward in front oh yeah 21 times two times zero 42 Zero Edward eliminated oh oh it's Edward you didn't know the rule zero times any number is zero guess you can learn something from your soon to be teacher Rebecca is the winner of this round I just won that round s realize I was on or smarter than a picture I got this Sam fam third round is subtraction 37 minus 11. 26 26 Edward to the front you're going down old lady you're going down Young Buck 71 minus 16. 55 before Edward got it Edward is the overall winner of which means I have to win the next two if I want to get that apple and pass the 1920s otherwise I'm fired Second Challenge is science the balloon experiment you each have a bottle and a balloon on your desk and you have to figure out how to blow up your balloon without using your mouth you can use any of the ingredients here first upload the balloon wins time starts now looks like there's salt baking soda sugar and Edward what's the mystery item I'm not telling you I'm sticking someone better blow up their balloon quick okay I have to figure out a way to blow up this balloon without using my mouth I don't know how to do this and I'm really bad at science maybe I should look and see what they're doing she put it in the balloon that's actually pretty smart nothing happened okay that didn't work I think she used sugar what does that mean oh my gosh I'm sorry Edward you made a mess you're eliminated yes yes [Music] another one made a mess Ruth eliminated to the front okay Sam fam maybe I can just use all the things that they did and combine it so that I can beat Alice she still hasn't blown up her balloon I have the baking soda that she has and it exploded but she poured it in the balloon if I put this in the balloon and put it on the bottle do you think it'll blow up if I lose this challenge I am definitely getting fired I really hope this works oh no nothing's happening oh wait I forgot to put the powder in oh oh something's happening I did it congratulations Rebecca you won this challenge okay great now what I do seriously I don't know what to do I don't know where the bathroom is I just popped in here literally this is gonna explode oh I think we're safe oh yeah oh yeah sure is this Rebecca being super Savage to these kids yeah Rebecca tries way too hard why do you want to be a teacher anyways it's because she wants that Apple yeah that's all you care about what I do want to win the Apple but I might not be the best teacher or the smartest teacher but I do care about the Next Generation and I want to teach you guys things that I wish I learned when I was your age time for spelling oh God this is the spell it or eat it challenge if you can't spell it you have to eat it there are five rounds whoever spells the most words correct wins first word Beatles go you three all spelled it with two e's and Rebecca you spelled it with an a yeah because the Beatles play the best music I knew it Rebecca you're wrong you have to eat the beetle what the music group you know like back the ones that played there's four of them someone named their music group after a beetle I forgot we're in the 1920s oh of course it's crunchy next time you learn how to spell next word sorbet go can you guys not spell says the one who thinks Beatles can play guitar they can you three are incorrect you have to eat the sorbet wait sword is actually good I had a beetle sucks to be you third word is grasshopper bugs again there is no way I'm getting this wrong go wow I guess the teacher is the fastest isn't she looks like you three all spelled it but you missed a p what means that you have to eat the grasshop no you finished first but now your last it's not over yet I can't look it's game time fifth graders I'm about to spell the rest of these right oh fourth word licorice go sh my chalk wasn't working eat the licorice correct incorrect correct yeah yeah I'm still beating you oh yeah next word popsicle go done done all your three have to eat popsicles Rebecca yeah it's about to win at least I gotta eat good food by the way you have a grasshopper in your teeth what looks like there's a tie between Rebecca and Alice this is the tiebreaker round whoever wins wins spelling your word is pudding go you can do this done Rebecca spell the word right which means that if Alice spells it wrong Rebecca wins did you really mean what you said about being a teacher yes I mean obviously I want to win that Apple but I meant every word I said what is Alice doing right now she's doing some sauce all right Alice time's up let's see how you spelled it it looks like you forgot the G is the winner thank you guys you have no idea what this means to me you've won two out of three challenges so as promised here's the Apple yeah Smith I dropped my popsicle I finished mine push buttons we're getting closer level three is the sixth season it's gonna be a sweet treat you must retrieve the golden ice cream scooper sweet treat what does that mean okay seriously I'm in an ice cream shop Rebecca I need to show you where everything is so this is where all the ice cream is oh my gosh there's so many ice cream and the pineapple is my favorite and this is where we keep the bowls with the spoons and the nuts okay I have never done this before I know but you'll be fine let me show you the rest this is where the customers sit and remember we always serve them at the table what's that that is the golden scooper our boss chooses someone each day and whoever gets it gets to have a scoop of whatever they want why does it say employee of the month I got it every single day last month the boss is coming okay everyone it's Mr Sprinkles everyone gather around it's just the two of us oh we have a new girl here what's your name Rebecca welcome well I'm Mr Sprinkles and if you impress me you can win the golden ice cream scoop but if you mess up three times you're fired Don't Mess With Mr Sprinkles okay get back to work I know you're nervous I am that Mr Sprinkles guys we've got this and I'm your best friend I'm here to help you thank you Betty Rebecca has a best friend that's gonna make this first job so much easier I think you're ready to take on the next customer no you heard what he said if I messed up three times I'm fired I cannot afford to be fired I believe in you okay fine [Applause] I thought you said I was I was a popular boy in school I'll take him you take the next one okay hi what can I get you I'll take three scoops of crazy vanilla of course in a cup or a cone perfect but will be 20 cents hey you're new yeah I'm Rebecca it's my first day okay Miss first day will you be here later hopefully if I don't get fired then I'll stop by after practice just to see you Rebecca can you please get some ice cream yeah crazy vanilla right okay hey Betty can you have Miss first day bring me my ice cream yeah of course thanks [Music] got it crazy vanilla awesome and do you see where he is right now yeah you're gonna have one minute to go serve it to him Rebecca be careful she's trying to sabotage you Rebecca okay is everything look good oh it's great thank you buddy you're welcome one crazy vanilla it's a little messy to be honest it's great for a first comb you know what I don't want to get anything wrong I'm sorry don't don't worry Rebecca it's okay is there a little spoon that's okay make sure this doesn't happen again yes Mr Sprinkles I'm so sorry don't even worry it's your first day hope you don't get fired see you after practice I just don't understand how that happened it's okay Rebecca it was just a beginner first day mistake I really need to get Golden ice cream scooper today I mean there's no way that you can get three strikes on your first day yeah maybe I just need to get my confidence back that's it look there's two more two more customers there you take them welcome to this ice cream shop what would you like to order my girl will have the Sherbert and I'll have a scoop of the chocolate great would you like that in a cone or a cup cup please great that'll be 40 cents I wish ice cream was still this cheap you know I'll meet you over here okay I'll be right there I just wanted to make sure the Sherbert doesn't have milk in it oh absolutely it's our only non-dairy option okay perfect because Dairy makes me gassy and this is my first date and I might get a first kiss so I just want to ruin it I got you I will definitely give you the Sherbert thank you you're doing great Rebecca perfect sherbet and chocolate you got it now we need spoons yes with the spoons do I need matching ones to the cups or does it matter can I switch it up you know what it's up to you you're doing great go for it I got this okay here you go one chocolate ice cream and one Sherbert let me know how it tastes good oh no is she eating what I think she's eating it's like a ticking time while I'm ready to go off honestly it's my first day and this makes me so happy that you guys are enjoying it my stomach I'm sorry I have to go this isn't our Sherbert this is our orange cream I'm so sorry I can't let my boss what's going on I accidentally gave someone ice cream that is dairy free and allergic okay it happens let's strike two one more strike and you're out of here let's go over the ice cream flavors one more time so you don't get confused yeah I cannot let that happen again three stripes and I'm fired that won't happen let's go Rebecca that's chocolate pineapple orange cream has Dairy okay and then sherbet dairy free I could have sworn I got her the Sherbert and happens to anyone oh another customer you've got this welcome to sprinkles ice cream how can I take your order can I have a Sunday please with chocolate vanilla whipped cream and no nuts great that will be 30 cents here you go thank you just have a seat in I will bring it to you okay that was a very complicated order are you sure you have this yes yes I've got it just no nuts you got it whipped cream and finally chocolate syrup it looks good it looks delightful okay I really need to get that Golden ice cream scooper you've got this I'm gonna use the restroom real quick okay I finally think this will be enough to impress my boss one delicious ice cream sundae no nuts thank you so much are you like allergic or something yeah super allergic I can relate I mean not to that but like shellfish nuts or something did you put nuts in his ice cream no what do you call that I don't know how those got there I made sure that there were no nuts you almost killed this loyal customer what happened I was in the restroom she gave him nuts that's strike three you are fired no no guys I'm fine she saved me with the EpiPen please do not because you saved our most handsome customer I'm gonna give you one more chance thank you I promise I will not let you down I'm really sorry about that I will make sure that never happens again oh good I'm probably just gonna go to the hospital real quick just to make sure I'm fine see you soon thanks for coming to sprinkles I hope to stay here um do you know where the bathroom is Betty yeah yeah it's in the back it's not this it's okay I'll be right back how am I supposed to get that Golden ice cream scooper I basically got fired and had to beg for my job back but if I can't beat the 1960s then we're gonna be stuck in this program I wish there was something I could do to be better what are these nuts doing here in the back wait I know this hair this is Betty's hair has Betty been sabotaging me if she has there's no way I can beat this program what am I gonna do you know Betty I wish all of our employees were as good as you thank you Mr Sprinkles ice cream is a tough business and you you are on thin ice cream lady I'm watching you Rebecca the popular boy requested you again three scoops crazy vanilla sure best friend here you go one ice cream cone how was football practice oh it's the usual how's your first day is it going well first days are a lot harder than I thought I guess there's more that you have to deal with than just you know the job until today I've never had a bottomless cone interesting Rebecca oh no what's going on here it's not what it looks like it's another bottomless ice cream cone I'm so sorry this is the last straw you are fun what I saw you cut that cone you've been setting her up the whole day no favor you don't deserve the Sprinkles name now get out of my store you know what I misjudge you you really are a good worker are you saying what I think you're saying that's right um can I get ice cream with a bottom of course 30 cents on push but button on level four is a hairstylist in the 70s bring back the mirror I've never been a hair stylist my hairstyle in the 70s wow what beautiful hair you have you must be my hair stylist I think you have some like white flaky stuff up there is that what's been itching welcome to Flo's Flamingo Lounge I'm looking for a new hair stylist there's gonna be three challenges whoever wins the most gets the job and this mirror who am I competing against you're competing against me challenge number one does anyone know what this is of course a hair straightener yes all of my hairstyles need to know how to use one so this challenge you got five minutes to create the best look with a hair straightener oh that's for me gotta go good luck Sam fam I curl my hair but I'm not good with a hair straightener you know what I have to get this job I cannot get fired what kind of look would you like I'm not really sure this is my first time at a hair salon clearly um you know what before we do this we should probably ow when you brush your hair it's been at least a month ow I always say you start in front and then you work your way back because the front's what really shows [Applause] for how long you've been doing her actually this is my first day I'm definitely getting this job what did you say I've been doing her for five years but good luck she's been doing her for five years everyone knows her she's the best how am I supposed to get this job done and not get fired your hair is beautiful I know I do a lot of hair modeling do you know that she's a hair model she's a hair model and the other one's been doing it for five years and I'm stuck with this beautiful hair how often do you wash your hair not often but do you smell something burning in here oh my gosh all right let's see what's new with the dues you first I love how straight you got this in this braid so shiny great job what am I gonna do I'm definitely gonna lose this challenge maybe I can cover it up and she won't notice on to the next oh no did you burn a client's hair there was a slight confusion well there's no excuses you should know how to use a hair straightener come on we have a clear winner right here oh no Rebecca we expect she burned her hair off if she loses one more challenge then she's fired Challenge number two hair ribbons whoever can make the best look with a hair ribbon wins hair ribbon are you gonna win someone's hair so glad she's not my hair stylist I can fix this I'm just gonna have to go wear the white flaky stuff is ew a bump was popular in the 70s right it is the 70s yes you're right if I just add the bump I can put then the hair ribbon behind it maybe it'll hold it I have no other options and I have to win this wow her hair looks really good right now so sorry about that just stay forward [Music] time's up very Sleek polished and safe now this one oh we love a good bump very trendy for the 1970s I might say it sure is after careful consideration the winner is Rebecca Rebecca won but it's still gonna be impossible for her to beat this hey don't say that in front of your daughter I mean your mom can do anything I see this hairstyle every day besides if you're gonna wear a hairband like that and can't be that close to your forehead I'm looking for a hairstylist that has a little more Edge oh yeah and I'm edgy and groovy for this round this is round three the final round to determine who's gonna get hired each of you will pick an item from this mystery box and make a hairstyle around it hey oh crunchy is so trendy and edgy and what's this hair roller I read about those so these are supposed to just curl your hair without heat exactly I heard that girl sleep in them I hope this works you're so gonna win of course I have enough though what are some trendy hairstyles that are cool in the 70s well in the 70s but definitely the afro it's like where the curls are all really tight like you curl them but you don't brush out the curls I think I have an idea [Music] time for the final reveal you first [Music] scrunchies trendy and brave I love it she looks like Sailor Moon who's Sailor Moon never mind now time to see Rebecca's look I did the best I could so [Music] in afro tight curls not even brush out they're so tight so do you like it I don't like it I love it could you do this for my hair you won oh my God you won two of the three challenges you get the job and the mirror Rebecca did it but she needs to hurry there's less than 30 minutes left I oh yeah go 70 Go Hair Styling what are the white flakes in my hair honey that's life [Music] what what are you guys talking about nothing back push button on back on back of something there must be a button somewhere I don't have anything on my back level five isn't Usher in the 80s bring back the rule of tickets a roll of tickets okay Sadie mom is gonna do it she's gonna get here where she's running out of time okay I'm working at a movie theater in the 80s and all I have to do is find the tickets and not get fired okay we need to sell as much as we can one rule no outside candy do you understand yes of course okay one more thing are there any tickets around here I'll tell you later more okay okay great come on in what would you like to order before the movie starts can I just get a water one water would you like anything else some candy popcorn no I can't eat I get too scared that's why I brought Teddy okay one dollar thank you very much can I have some nachos and popcorn five dollars oh and some candy please that will be one more dollar there you go great four Waters please okay thank you very much are you sure you don't want any and this drink I just knocked over okay you guys want anything else no candy no nachos are good well nachos for two are you sure about that hey man what's going on can I get a large popcorn popcorn because I'm trying to watch my weight halfway here you go all right great thanks uh three dollars yeah sure large great all right enjoy the movie the scary one I heard what can I get you to let's do a nacho okay yeah one of them goes two dollars and three dollars I got them just remember though you can't bring outside candy in so if you want candy you gotta get here have a good one it's way easier than I thought the movie is getting ready to start and now I just have to wait for my boss to give the go and I can let all of them in we are ready to let them in but please double check that no one is bringing outside candy of course get them in okay all right everyone come on into the movie theater step right this way oh uh what is that briefcase for oh it's just for work popcorn nachos great looking good oh yeah you didn't want that candy don't get too scared in there keep it fit okay look good yep yep oh backpacks uh that's good all right looks like we are in the clear I didn't notice anyone bringing an outside candy this is easy everything is set great but not quite I know this is your first day on the job but I noticed three people you let snack in with candy no no I checked all of them I'm giving you five tries to find those three people or you're fired if you find them you'll get this the tickets I got you Bob let's go okay okay three people snuck in candy comment down below who you think it is [Applause] hey sit down lady the movie's about a star before that happens I have to take a look around quickly you you're scared of movies right yeah that's why you don't want to order any food just water oh what a cute little teddy bear can I see that [Applause] what about here you need to leave I don't even mind I'm a grown woman get out of here one down two to go I'm impressed this is easy it's like feeding candy to a baby I saw you earlier you're really fit oh thanks for noticing yeah okay I was just trying to look bigger you know for the ladies not candy no it's not candy they're bottles of bottles of water water bottles make you look like that no one Falls for that [Applause] popcorn you asked me to fill it up halfway but now it's filled to the tall popcorn molecules like expanded so like the popcorn levels Rose here [Music] okay get out of here get out of Audi 5 000. there is one more person with candy here and I have two more guesses that suitcase is a little suss back off ladies it's a little too obvious though hi I'd like to chat it up with this lovely couple back here let me just watched the movie instead you know I was before on YouTube and I always see in troom troom people pretend they're pregnant and they sneak candy in what's YouTube something that you don't need to worry about because I want to show that there is candy here oh my you're actually pregnant I haven't I need a moment alone right now you can ruin this I am I am so sorry one more left and there are four people who have to be smart I've seen people sneak candy with a giant jacket but his is unzipped so I don't think there's any candy here suitcase maybe but I'm not sure I need to look at these other people wow I've never seen someone wear their backpack in a movie theater yeah I'm a student pretty light you should probably study more with the books yeah I'm trying to oh you're pregnant yeah when's the baby due March so which one is it between the two it's so funny when you were standing over there I could have sworn that you were in a crop top no that's not like me at all I need you to pull up your shirt no you don't want to make the same mistake pull up your shirt oh you snuck candy in this movie theater you could get arrested I could call the police congratulations you found all three yes I did yes yes what are you doing later you're way too young for me look who got that movie okay what is it a push button I'm back up I'm back up hurry up if you don't complete this program in 15 minutes and zaidi will be trapped here forever what is the time limit I didn't know about there is level six is a car washer in the 2000s retrieve the keys okay so not only do I have a timeline up I'm in a car wash in the 2000s and I have to get some keys if I want to pass this level I don't really know what this thing is are you my new worker yes what's your name Rebecca first day on the job first day whoop-dee-doo listen I'm your boss I'm not your babysitter okay if you can make the next customer happy you will earn my trust and get the keys to the building oh okay yes you can do that yes I would love those keys okay very good here we go we got the first customer coming in this is one of our regulars got to be extra nice to this guy come on in yep hello sir hey how you doing I need a full detail on this baby okay exterior only and I got 30 minutes crop top time is money great all right let's go let's get started this thing you take the hose you connect it to the water and you clean it you need me to Hold Your Hand all right let's go okay so just connect the hose the water there we go do this car wash [Music] family right now [Music] this actually might be my favorite first job ever oh yeah get it open [Music] and we are oh no the James pink how did that turn pink is someone trying to sabotage her what am I gonna do I'm gonna he's coming oh no oh no thank you so much hey I can explain what color was my Jeep when I came in here it was green does it look green to you so this is a new pink formula that we put on Jeeps then why is it pink because no no I don't have any more time you better fix this or Big John is gonna make sure you never work in any car wash ever again okay I'm just giving he was just checking to make sure I was doing a great job on it okay do you want me to double check your work no no no I'm gonna head back to the office I'll just be working on the car I have no idea why that happened I need to figure out a way to fix this and I have five minutes what can I fix all I have to do is put this on the car and it'll fix it right do you guys think this is going to work I have to pass this I cannot get fired black okay I think it's coming out a little bit just gonna rub this all over and whoa no it's work I thought being worse no no this is bad I guess running out of time and she has to pass this level I have almost no time enough to figure out how to get this Jeep from black to Green otherwise I am going to get fired okay what did my boss say he said to use this machine I had to take the hose and hook it up the hose pink paint pink paint I must have dropped the holes into the pink pig did you guys see that she figured it out she sabotaged herself now she just needs to fix this because she's running out of time if that made it pink all I have to do is find green paint and then I can get the Jeep back to green right green paint there's no green paint blue paint that's not gonna help me what can I do zamfam I need to make it green blue paint mixed with what makes green blue plus blue plus yellow yellow see if it works I'm mixing it I only have my finger green if I just dip the hose into the paint now let's put this on wash the car and hopefully it works because that guy is gonna be back any minute and I cannot get fired okay I really hope this works smash a thumbs up I got this [Music] maybe this job isn't so easy or fun okay Sam fam I really hope this works because I need to get those keys and he's coming right now hello sir just like I told you it would be back to green your original color it's not great but it's not bad so it was good I might have to use some of that pink stuff you got next time sir sir is everything satisfactory today Big John everything is perfect oh go get yourself a good worker here you should hang on to her thank you sir okay I'll see you next week okay yes okay enjoy the green Jeep looks like you my keys oh there you go wow looks like you know your way around the garage easy like I promised the keys to the place you've earned it I cannot believe this happened hey where'd you go wherever you are you better show up here tomorrow bright and early put the keys down okay sorry okay cheer push button on back of chair let me start looking at all the chairs there's still a clue level seven is a much she only has five minutes left okay so I'm a Matchmaker in the 90s and I just need to get that row so I do not get fired Hello send her on in it is my client and I am confident that I'm gonna find her the perfect match there are no buttons on any of the chairs Matt look she is a Matchmaker this might be Rebecca's toughest first job ever stop being so dramatic hi welcome hi Monica Rose nice to meet you we have done some research on you it looks like you have never been on a second date no they always run away on the first date and you're very interested in getting married yes I need a husband and you are currently actively dating yes I'm on all stock boys at the gym the grocery store the coffee shop just as long as they're cute I'm interested okay great well I am so glad you are here and I actually have three strong candidates and if you follow my three-step program I am confident by the end of this you will find your perfect match yes since my name is Monica Rose I figured that I would give my perfect match this Rose let's get started Step One is the first date we have three eligible bachelors here and you will date each of them while I observe and take notes Mommy that your first date is with Chris hi Chris hi Monica what do you like to do for fun I like going to the movies and I love the movies she's getting a little too touchy and he's pulling away I'm a big sports fan I'm a big sports fan my favorite teams are Dodgers I love the Dodgers there's nothing in her notes that says she likes the Dodgers watch them all the time I love when they score touchdowns I like your hair but I think it'll look better if it was shorter I could cut it easy um but you know I was wondering can I maybe get your number I had this ready for you she's actually getting this number maybe this is her chance to actually go on a second date time is up thank you so much Chris and Monica we've got to get you to your next date Chris thank you so much for being a part of this yo hey Chris Monica I was just calling let you know that I had so much fun on our first day we gotta move on to the next date he hung up so sorry about that that first guy is not supposed to be her perfect match but she seemed really into him this might be harder than I thought Monica this is your second date this is Nick hi I really like your shirt I'm oh my God those muscles she seems really into him so what are you into I'm into marriage I mean like I want to get married very soon and have five kids just pop them out all within five years I mean that's why you're here aren't you I'm here to get married yeah get married next month if you want even next week tomorrow tonight whatever you want I am down you're scaring him yeah I'll get married one day but just maybe like a little slower I actually had this one X once you kind of dress the same like you you remind me a lot about him but he was a pretty bad kisser I'm guessing you're a good kisser great kisser do you have any exes me and no I've been waiting for the right girl in the right moment and it feels like it's right here right now how would you talk about your exes and I know they're not real exes you never actually dated them I got you a little gift a lover so Monica's the one Nick yeah I mean like I would marry both guys but Nick just has bigger muscles I don't even need to go on the third day oh no part of the three-step process is going on three first dates with different guys fine as long as he looks good Sam the perfect match is supposed to be guy number three but she already likes number one and number two this Matchmaker thing might be a lot harder than I thought Monica I think you're gonna be very excited about this one this is Jacob hey hey where did you grow up I grew up on a farm in Virginia I grew up on a farm you also really like animals I like animals okay well that's two things we have in common what's your favorite band I listen to The Red Hot Chili Peppers a lot that's my favorite band have you had any girlfriends no never had a relationship never even been on a date either but I know when I find the right girl I'm gonna take her to Red Hot Chili Peppers concert so um Are we almost done with this one Rebecca we have about 15 more seconds anything else you want to say oh you look really pretty yes okay well thank you so much Jacob let's go upstairs okay welcome to step number two of my three-step program where I know evaluate how I think your date went we don't have to do this I know that Nick is the right one for me you need to trust the three-step program I mean that is why you hired the Matchmaker right true these are the red flags that I saw on your date Chris was very controlling I thought he was just good at giving direction he told you to cut your hair and I think it would look good Nick was a sweet talker yeah he was really nice he was really nice and he told you everything you wanted to hear but that is actually a red flag well we are moving on to Jacob one red flag with Jacob is that he had no experience he hasn't dated a lot of girls but that's not necessarily a bad thing okay but what was a bad thing is that he dressed horribly Rebecca should just steal the rose and get out of here that girls never find a true love I don't know that dress horribly but that can also be changed that's very superficial and when you are looking for the perfect match you are looking for a connection and I think you had the strongest connection with him I don't think he looks like my type I'm more attracted to Chris and Nick and I think that it's Jacob which then leads me to step number three you're gonna be dating these guys blindfolded and at the end of this you will have your perfect match now that you are blindfolded I will be asking the contest distance each three questions contestant number one contestant number two and finally contestant number three when you get married where would you want your honeymoon to be I'm going to Greece for my honeymoon I would probably go to the Bahamas like Turks and Caicos exactly turkey that's like my dream honeymoon really me too it will be right here right now because I'm all about living in the moment who inspired you the most I Inspire myself I give myself the most motivation I would say definitely my mom because she's a strong independent woman and she raised me and all my other brothers anybody who's in a heavy metal band because they know how to have a great time and absolutely shred it and that's what I'm all about and finally what do you look for in a girl well she has to be fit definitely short hair definitely blonde follows directions extremely well I just want to find somebody who's super genuine down to earth can make me laugh and it's down to just chill at the house all cozy and stuff just watching movies all day but what do you want her to look like I don't really care what she looks like I'm just here to find somebody that I can grow old with what I look for in a girl is perfection someone who will be my trophy wife I really hope this three-step process was enough and she ends up making the right decision otherwise this matchmaker is getting fired it is time to narrow it down from three to two and you have no idea who you're about to eliminate I am gonna have to eliminate this was my first time as a Matchmaker I really hope I did enough contestant number one what you wouldn't look like good blood anyway rude Monica Monica step program and now it is time to reveal who you have picked as your perfect match well after a lot of thought I'm gonna have to eliminate contestant number three whoa what look at me nerd you can't even handle anything like this so I set up a date after this what so on to the list of exes Monica you eliminated two contestants and this is who you picked as your perfect match Jacob how do you feel about your decision you have a chance to end it now and go back to the drawing board or move forward and establish a relationship with your perfect match I knew it was you I want you to be my perfect match yes well Jacob there is actually something else that we would like to reveal finally man oh it's been a while to do he looks like that Manny can you not my daughter is sitting right here this is who I had a connection with I had to show you that it's not what's on the outside that counts it's what's on the inside form a real connection thank you for finding me my perfect match I'm so happy for you too and I got the wrong well now do you want to go to that Red Hot Chili Peppers concert I'd love to let's do it all right Rebecca okay what does it say push button on back of zadie's chair City's chair hey there's a gold button I didn't see him I beat the program and now Sadie will not be trapped in there forever I still need to stop the guy who's been trapping Us in these programs you're right damn fam click and watch this video right here let us know how we can stop him I just got goosebumps Maddie what
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 18,384,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rebecca zamolo, game master, challenge, diy, how to, escape room
Id: l4yJ_RVDtS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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