Surviving Every Birth To Death In Real Life

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the baby's coming all my Barbie all we need is one more push 3 2 1 look you have a beautiful baby girl great job Barbie She's beautiful that baby's mine what no no give it back you won't be the Black Swan for long [Music] what [Music] I the blackest one now no what's going on we're in a program what someone trapped Us in here who was it look welcome Rebecca you're trapped in the every birth to death program if you can't complete all four levels you and your friends will be stuck in this program forever we don't know anyone with curly hair like that the first level is cheerleader look let's go t we're here to win we're here to fight fight with all their might win she needs to go to a hospital baby's coming she's leaking just one more push this is AR of the Nationals oh my goodness it is a beautiful baby girl mom H sweet girl what are we going to name her can you hold her for one second sure be care wo wo please be careful you just give me an r e b e c c a what is that spell Rebecca my baby's name is Rebecca oh no PA it down what happened to Rebecca's mom is she okay she so exciting her first birthday Rebecca this is your first birthday I can't believe believe it today's going to be the best day ever because your mom planned a very special birthday it's cheer theme and you know Mommy I didn't worn this in a little bit but she got it out because today I'm going to be cheering for the first time with you your first cheer isn't that exciting I forgot to light the cake are in the kitchen I'll be right back look at you you're going to be walking any day now that you're one one day you're going to be just like your mom and Goen Nationals too it's time to cheer your first time cheering grab a pom pom shake it shake it shake it I'm the sh my cartwheel so go Rebecca Happy First Birthday Mommy doesn't feel happy birthday to Shannon hey wake up wake up are you okay shanon Shan wake up wake up wake up thank goodness what what happened you just fainted what were you doing I fainted again I was just cheering with my daughter for the first time Rebecca are you okay come here Rebecca we need to go to the doctors right now you keep on feing every every time you try to cheer I'm fine you should not be holding a baby right now I said I'm fine I I said I was fine you need to go see the doctor where's Rebecca she's heading a cheer camp next her mom was a national champion so I'm sure she's going to be great I can't believe we're going to Cheer Camp let's do our song two 4 6 Che Camp will make us great we are the best there's no mistake if you think we're wrong you are aake Rebecca Lindsay you guys are going to love Cheer Camp back when I was your age I went with my best friend and learned all of the skills that took us to Nationals eventually you went to Nationals and she won and she can still do a roundoff that can spring backflip no way yep I did that not really supposed to be doing that anymore show her do it your dad's upstairs put your stuff down I'll do it really quickly come on Rebecca's mom is doing a tumbling move the doctor says she's not supposed to do that anymore is she going to be okay this is how you do a round off back hand bring back flip Mom are you okay Mom Mom are you okay I'm fine I'm just going to use the [Music] bathroom mom mom dad dad back get out come on wake up wake up what happened she was tumbling she's not supposed to Tumble that's what causes her to faint she never told me that wake up wake up wake up come come okay I got to CPR wake up Mom wake up Mom wake up I'm so sorry Mom if I didn't ask you to do that move this would never happen Rebecca you okay I miss her too she was saving something for you and I thought today would be a good day to give this to you your mom made this and here's the key to get inside but your mom said you cannot open this until you win Nationals why not she said you wouldn't understand what's inside love you I'm so nervous about this we have to make the cheerleading team this is perfect Rebecca has her best on the team to cheer her up this is going to be great you see all the people here they're really talented you're going to be fine you brought it right you mean the lock box I obviously want to see what's inside this lock box but there's no way I can make the team we're going to make the team and then win Nationals so you can open that lock box triy outs are starting cheer besties let's do this welcome to try out yeah welcome to try out as you know we won nationals last year and we want to win again we're going to need a team that's up to the task up to the TK okay go audition all right first St I hope you guys like old school y MC a she hit the floor she hit the floor next hey what's up I'm Derek hit her [Music] audition thank you not another dancer they just want to be cheerleaders my name's Claire and this is my audition go team go team go t what are those moves that will never work in a cheer formation M Lindsay you're up you've got this step one to go to [Music] Nationals oh no come on stay up hold that scale go team was that okay I think I stumbled on the last part no it was totally fine they're definitely going to see how good you are next up oh no yeah hi I'm Rebecca let's go Tauros let's go Tauros go team here's the results of the final cheer team if I call your name please leave please leave D casy Michelle and last and least Lindsay everyone else please please go get size for your uniform I didn't make the team well then I'm not going to join the team if you aren't no Rebecca you have to join the team so that you can go to Nationals and open that walk box I want to do this but I can't do this without you you're the reason I'm here we're cheer besties remember the promise we are but do it for your mom iy I called your name why are you still here yeah why because I'm talking to her can we just have a moment please no I called your name now leave what bye die Rebecca you have to stay what how can you do that to Lindsay she didn't deserve that I'm the head cheerleader I can do whatever I want yeah she can and besides don't you want to win Nationals so you can open that box from your mom and the only way to do that I think is to be on a cheer team right so if you want to be on our team you have to play by our rules see what practice tomorrow bye-bye I hate that big red but she still has to work with her especially since the next one is homecoming week this is stressing me out all right ladies this week is homecoming and that means we will will be doing our routine in front of the whole school yeah the whole school so it needs to be perfect perfect you just like I can't right now Rebecca can you just like go over the routine with them sure everyone line up 5 six 7 out out arms up and wrap and wrap step clap step clap step clap step clap wait wait no I'm sorry I'm not laughing at you girls look at those dancers over there none of them are doing the same thing they're like noodles weak Bland and no one remembers them I actually think their moves are pretty cool I think it's time for lunch let's go girls I just have to get to [Music] Nationals oh look it's all the wannabe cheerleaders that didn't make the team and here's the Biggest Loser of them all at least they have some talent you have no Talent whatsoever I hate that big red she bullies everyone we know Ma how about you and your clones go eat somewhere else we're not clones let's just eat our lunch this isn't necessary you're right this isn't necessary but this is seriously let's eat somewhere else it smells a little desperate in here Lindsay I'm so sorry I didn't know she was going to do that I would have tried to stop her why is she so mean to me I don't know this is not cool at all I'm done I'm quitting the team I'm not going to let her get away with it Rebecca you can't quit think of your mom and the key the lock box you have to win national I can't do this though I can't be a part of a team where the captain is a bully remember we pinky promised we're going to be cheer besties forever you can't quit cheer besties wish you were cheering with no you're going to win Nationals you're going to do it for your mom that's what's important Rebecca what are you doing here I said we're eating somewhere else I was making sure my best friend was okay you threw a slushie on her say you're sorry did that make you upset mhm I am so sorry sorry it's going to be okay that was uncalled for but I'm glad you apologized and I'm also sorry about this why did you do that big red let's go Rebecca you know what no I'm not going I quit no I quit I don't want to be a part of the cheerleading team she can't quit or else we're going to be trapped in this program forever I guess you're never going to see your mommy's little lock box then and we're still going to win Nationals I bet your mom is looking down at you right now so disappointed hey don't say that byee you can't quit I'm sorry I have to go someone needs to stand up to her mom I need you right now I don't know what to do I don't want to quit but I can't be on a team that boy is my best friend she's been there for me since you went away I want to open your lock box but I don't know which choice is the right one to make oh no Rebecca quit well next is graduation soon she has to figure out a way to get back on the team and get that lock box we're going to be trapped here forever by that curly haired person I hate that guy thank God we are finally getting out of this place I know that this is hard for you but your mom would be really proud of you thanks Che your bestie all right everyone settle in we have a lot of graduating to do today speaking of I would like to say a special congratulations to our cheer team who won nationals this year and they'll be moving on to try and win College Nationals as well yeah everyone clap I'd like to bring up our cheer atoran to say a few words thank you winning tier Nationals 2 years in a row was amazing but the secret to that success was never quitting right Rebecca don't listen to her she's trying to get under your skin but the secret to Our Success is all our moms are proud of us except for your mom Rebecca cuz she's dead you'll never deserve what's in that lock box I take hey cheerleaders go spread some cheer over there over there get out of here take it back get out you guys stay here clean it up what you'll never deserve what's in that lock box get out of here big red cheerleaders are the worst no those cheerleaders are the worst it's just not fair all I want is for you to get into that lock box I mean it's impossible unless I won nationals which clearly I don't but you guys are dancers right I remember at the audition you guys were really good and Lindsay and I we've been cheering our whole lives you guys are going to the local University right they don't have a cheer in team but we could start one that sounds good are you guys in are we going to start a cheerleading sore cuddle up team if we want to beat the Tauros at Nationals then we're going to have to do something different they've been working together forever but what we have is we have originality what if we include some dancing moves into our cheerleading routine oh I got it how about a little pop we can even do some body roll how about we do a peel off oh in a line that's so perfect a handstand a handstand yeah we could do that maybe that's not the best move you're a little rusty that's fine I think it's time to start practicing 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 hop to the right pop to the left oh round 10 they're actually kind of good shut up there's no way we're going to let them win Nationals how are you going to make sure of that I have a plan we got it we need a team name Nationals here we come s s s s we're going to win this she has to win Nationals otherwise she won't beat this level come on Rebecca welcome to the college national championship it is down to two teams the reigning national champions the Toros and the snakes competition will begin in 10 minutes come on guys come on we've caught this everyone told us we couldn't do it but here we are at Nationals and we can win so let's get set go through those routines I'll be right right back so Mom this is it I'm really nervous right now I hope I did the right thing all I know is I want to see what's inside that walk box what is it that you left for me I'm going to win Nationals for you Mom you make sure they're warmed up I have something to do you got it okay girls ready here we go 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 I can't are you okay I can't move my M oh no back up back up back up ma' please please back up we need to get the come on bring in the stretcher Lindsay what are we going to do we only have four people now we just need to stay focused until we figure out what happened to Lindsay 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [Applause] [Music] 8 good news it's just a sprain but that means no physical activity for at least a week at least it's not broken no it's not broken yeah wait get back here no that's physical activity why do the Toros always get to win they're not even that good we actually could have won Rebecca what are we going to [Music] do she's back now they can win Nationals let's go Lindsay what are you doing here it's just a straight NE and they haven't cleared me we got to go we got to hurry come on we are so going to win how do you know they still have to cheer because they don't have enough people to compete I guess you can't count cuz we have five let's go you guys let's [Music] go 5 6 [Music] 78 go SN I thought you said they didn't have enough people they weren't supposed to and the girls in a neck race there's no way they can win right no no they can't we're the Tauros they did it that was awesome do you think we'll be national champions I don't know but we did our best and that's all that matters and no matter what the outcome is just know your mom would be proud could have done this without you guys it was a close competition but the first runner up at the national championships of college leading [Music] is the Toros we won we [Music] won oh my God SN you did it I can't do this without you guys you guys have to be there what what are you doing where's my box where's my lock box my the lock box is gone where is it are you sure you put it there ZF what happened to the lock box if she doesn't get that lock box she's not going to be able to complete this level exactly oh my gosh Rebecca it's so good to see you at our 10 reunion we haven't seen you since College since National and you're pregnant I am and you guys are too how far along are you guys well I'm doing April I'm doing may congratulations you guys are so nice actually would you mind giving us a minute can you give us a minute just stop can just first okay hey big bread it's been a while I know it really has Rebecca honestly I just feel awful about the way we treated you back at Nationals I just hope that we can be friends yeah that was a long time ago that was like 10 years we're different people now and we're going to be moms of course I can forgive you just felt awful especially too about taking your lock box I just feel so awful wait wait you took my lock box yeah you know you guys had just won I was just feeling so jealous and angry and didn't have an outlet for that do you have it now I don't remember what I did with it like pregnancy brain I think I threw it away that's okay it's totally fine thank you I'm really sorry I can't believe iget stole her lock box I can't I hate that girl well it looks like she's going back to Nationals nothing's going to happen national championships my old stomping ground Rebecca Lindsay Rebecca why' you have me meet here I mean does bring back memories winning the National Championship I actually have something really important to show you I went to my neighbor's garage sale and a garage pale Garage Sale s and it turns out it was that mean head cheerleader big red big dead she actually is dead but big dead look what I found out our garage sale I had to bring it to you are you okay hold my pain what is it I don't know it's a litter that feeling you feel right now from winning Nationals hold on to that take that feeling and multiply it by 1 million that's how I felt to have you my greatest achievement in life was you love mom I've been waiting for this box since we won national you finally got to open it this is the best thing I've ever had thank you cheer bestie of course cheer bese Rebecca [Music] Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca wake up she's not breathing my cheer besty is dead she died which means she passed the level that was emotional but at least I passed we still three more to go the next level is dancer who is that guy I hate [Music] him [Music] my water broke the baby's coming is there a doctor in the house we need a doctor one push 3 2 1 what's your namea thank you thank you you're my little birthday girl ballerina today do you know that Mommy was the Black Swan before she had you maybe one day you'll be the Black Swan let's play in and up play and uh that's looking good yeah I think it's time to celebrate the birthday girl oh yeah we get to have a celebration you ready Rebecca you know what let me crab that probably some more sweet yay it's like another birthday kid happy birthday from Nina how was nice of her look what nah sent nah sent these I thought she didn't like you well apparently she does cuz I'm pretty sure those are for me all this amazing food that we have for Rebecca's birthday I know I can't believe how many people sent trees okay ease up EAS up okay it is now time to celebrate the birthday girl Rebecca happy birthday to you happy birthday to you now make a wish Rebecca Happ birthday dear Rebecca there you go happy birthday now maybe we give you a little taste oh put TW on you okay I can't feel my legs I'm going to call 911 hello my husband is on the ground he walks feeling in his legs will he ever be able to walk again I'm afraid we don't believe so is there anything that he could have eaten that might have caused us I mean it was a party people sent food he ate a little bit of everything I'm afraid if we can't specify the exact food then we can't diagnose what caused the nerve damage but it was just sweet this doesn't make sense glad it happened to me and not you you can still dance What could could have poisoned him I don't know but I'm never eating sweets again now now girls hands on the bar arms out long neck shoulders down excellent and sa tondos tandu tandu BMA BMA as high as you can excellent if you keep training you both will be able to get into the Academy I want to be the Black Swan like you well technically Rebecca I wasn't officially the Black Swan I had to stop my debut early because you came a little bit early which is why I'm training again so I can officially become the Black Swan aren't you afraid you're going to get hurt like the other black swans did what happened they died oh okay enough listen Rebecca nothing is going to happen to me just keep training everything's going to be okay and you are going to get in the cademy we're both going to have our dreams come true so let's get back to work girls side tand again let's see those excellent just T Jennifer Jennifer what are you doing here this is my room I booked for me I booked the room for my daughter and her best friend to train and we have 15 more minutes you're training them there's no way those girls are getting into the academy the only girl that's getting into the academy is my daughter there's only one person here that's going to be the Black Swan and it's going to be meina your room's over here I guess you did have the wrong space okay well bye your kids aren't getting in who's that that is Natalie's mom Natalie's a bully seems like her mom is too okay girls enough enough let's get back to focusing on ballet and those paa you guys have not done paa so let's see some paa y remember you've got to stay focused to be a good ballerina all right I'll be right back you guys keep going keep going I'm watching you even when I'm not where'd she just go I don't know I'll be back wait but AR we supposed to be doing paa Rebecca what are you doing I told you to do Playa with your best friend Lily I wanted to make sure you were okay I am okay I was just doing a little work to make sure that I'm safe when I'm a Black Swan okay I love you no matter what happen I'll Always Love You Academy or not her mom's being so weird about that room what do you think's in there Matt I thought you weren't eating any more sweets I'll start that tomorrow I can't believe you're the Black Swan mom my dreams are finally coming true and you got into the academy our dreams are coming true you're going to do a great job couldn't be more proud thank you guys yeah congrats on being the Black Swan break a leg Rebecca you got to go out to the audience okay okay you got this thank you this is [Music] [Applause] it [Music] mom Rebecca no no no oh no Mom Mom no please wake up please [Music] Mom thank you everyone for coming here today Jennifer loved the stage our daughter Rebecca would have to say a few words my mom is the best mom ever she taught me how to dance she always comforted me when I was sad and we had so much fun together and I'm going to miss you cuz you were the best mom ever and I don't think I could ever do ballet again without you 5 6 7 7 [Music] 8 Rebecca Lily what are you doing here I'm here to convince you to come back to the academy with me there is no way she's going to do that especially after what happened to her mom I don't do ballet anymore you know what happened to my mom I'm A hip-hop dancer now come on Rebecca Natalie is going to be the Black Swan and she is so horrible she's bullying everyone Natalie yeah Nina's daughter yeah you're the only one who can stop her you have to come back with me please I I don't think I can just come with me just see how it looks you don't have to make any decisions what are we supposed to do without you I got to go I'm so sorry but I'll be back soon this won't take long okay Lily let's do this thank you just practice without me what do we do now I guess we'll figure it out with just us two wow I haven't been here in forever yeah it looks pretty much the same we got new lockers oh new lockers so what do you think I think they're lockers Natalie always tries to take this one but there's no names on them they're for anyone why did you bring me here Lily I really wanted you to see how awful Natalie is but also what because of that the yellow door my mom used to go in there she's the only one who knows the four digigit code I'm not sure if you knew it no I didn't know it so no one's been in there since no and I think if we can get in there we can finally see that Nina killed all of the black swans you think nah is the reason my mom died yeah and we can get justice for all of them hurry hide Natalie's coming what are you even doing here loser that's Natalie Nina's daughter I haven't seen her since I was 10 years old there's no chance you're going to be the Black Swan that part is mine why are you so mean to to me I can't help it I've done nothing to you but just your face is so big in fact you're actually ruining the equipment so ly was right she is a bully well there is no way I'm letting her bully my best friend that is completely unnecessary Rebecca what do you even doing here you're not part of the academy well I'm making sure that my best friend is okay and isn't getting bullied which clearly she is um it's not bullying if it's telling the truth you know I was here to watch my best friend Natalie but now I have a new agenda I'm going to be the Black Swan you can't be the Black Swan you're not even part of the academy your chances are like basically zero sound a little afraid Natalie me afraid no well then I guess I'll see you at try outs fine what are you smiling about St okay Mom I can't believe I'm going to do this I never thought I'd be able to do ballet after what happened to you but I'm going to do it I'm going to find out what happened to you her Black Swan outfit this is the crown she wore ballet shoes she wore these all the time they fit hey guys is everything all right yeah why'd you call us here I have something to tell you guys I think I'm going to try to join the Ballet Academy what yo that's exciting you can f in your mom's footsteps yeah except I have to get into the academy first and I was hoping you guys could help me of course like we got you I heard the academy is really hard to get into so if you want to stand out you got to do something different I think we're going to have to add a hip-hop flare to the ballet exactly I like that so p and relev I think we got to make it a little groovier yeah yeah let's go oh I like that nice what do you think of my air best nice but let's add some hip hop to it okay so how about an air and then moonwalk oh oh my gosh h [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah yes thank you guys so much course now you just have to get into the academy yeah up next auditioning for the Academy is Rebecca you got this Rebecca got [Music] this [Music] [Music] Becca that was different but in a good way you took ballet and added hip hop which keeps it fresh and we need that around here welcome to the academy really yeah thank you you did it re thank you so much L for helping me big deal you made the academy like everybody else but you're never going to be the Black Swan yes I am but more importantly we have to figure out how to get in that yellow door yes I can't believe we still don't know who the Black Swan is we don't know but it's down to the three of us so I'm pretty sure you and I both still have a shot what is it I don't know this shoe's been bugging hold on look what at this it's a four-digit code do you think that's the code to the yellow door it might be my mom hid it in her shoe it's been hiding this whole time I had no idea if we can get in there we might have evidence that Nina and Natalie are behind all of us all of the black swans disappearing or dying hide it hurry before anyone finds it Li how many times have I had to tell you don't put your water bottle in my locker or you'll regret it are fighting are you girls no Miss okay let's go it's time for re move okay let's do this 5 6 7 eight 3A and up 3A and back Crown bow finale Miss olda I don't feel good can I take a break for a second quickly I'm going to check on her just 2 minutes okay they are so not dedicated Natalie must have poisoned her best friend she can't get away with this what's wrong are you okay I don't know what happened I just drank the water from the water bottle do you think she did something to my water bottle I don't know I have to go to the bathroom go back to rehearsal okay I'm sorry Lily did she actually do something to Lily's water she's not getting away with this really Natalie you're so insecure about being a ballerina you have to do something to someone's water I don't know what you're talking about oh and I'm sure you don't know anything about what happened to the black swans either okay I have nothing to do with the fact that all the black swans are dead including your mom you did not just say that take it back tell me what happened to my mom I don't know you're just jealous cuz you'll never be the black San oh God Natalie you deserve to die just like your mom that is it rull off Natalie Rebecca I need to speak to you she's trying to sabotage every valerina just like she did all the black swans she just lost her mother a year ago so maybe a little empathy she lost her mom a year ago I didn't know that if the two of you weren't the two best ballerinas in this Academy I would kick you both out but for now go cool [Music] off my sweater the coat to the yellow door who would have taken it Natalie girls I would like to congratulate all of you you've trained very hard but there can only be one Black Swan and that is Rebecca no way I've been training way too hard and I'm not going to be a white swan again you didn't oh show you something real quick what you know how Natalie never wants anyone going in her locker yeah well I went in and look at what I found what your sweater and 4digit code to the yellow door I knew she took it which means that now we can go in the yellow room and finally get Justice for the black swans 8 2 4 6 it worked I finally get to see what my mom's big secret was oh it's a detective board it looks like your mom was trying to figure out who was doing all this those are all the black swans that died a question mark there's an arrow Nina that's Natalie mom my mom thinks she's behind all these Black Swan murders this is the evidence mhm Rebeca look Dear Mother I promise to carry on what you have done those are pictures of me Natalie's the one behind killing all the black swans that means Rebecca's next mother who's mother Natalie Natalie to her mother nah she's the one carrying it on and these are pictures of me which means especially now that I'm the Black Swan she is after me this makes so much sense you remember when she got you sick with the water bottle yeah she's the one who took my sweater got the Cod she's been the only one that's been able to be inside of here well if I'm the next Target then we have to figure out a plan to stop Natalie especially if you are the Black Swan great job Lily thank you oh man I'm so nervous I've trained my whole life to be the Black Swan and now it's finally here don't be nervous just stick to the plan stick to the plan so I can stay safe and remember your mom is watching you please welcome to the stage Rebecca [Music] you're you found she's coming 1721 17 come [Music] inve move move St what I didn't do anything somebody put that in my locker yes they caught Natalie Rebecca might not die in this level you're being framed evidence says otherwise come on I'm [Music] innocent I'm so glad you're okay she almost used this on me thank you so much Lily for setting up this tea party you know how much I love them we have to celebrate you being the Lo onean how's your tea Rebecca I have not even tried it yet M that's weird my throat's like drying up or something are you okay I don't know drink some more tea going help you feel better yeah no it it's getting worse I'm losing feeling it feels like tingling in my body I I think you should call 911 it's not going to happen because then the cops would know who put the poison in your tea what are you doing I thought we were best friends ever since I was a little girl when I saw what Natalie's mom did to your mom I've been wanting to do the same thing and I saw how much your mom loved you what are you talking about to kill all the black swans and the only one standing in my way were you and Natalie her best friend was behind it no wa it all started when I convinced you to come back to the academy and then I could start my elaborate plan to frame Natalie you frame Natalie I put my water bottle in her locker and then when I saw that you got the code I knew I had to have it so I pretended to be sick and I framed Natalie for doing it so Natalie didn't take the code and when I finally got inside I saw all that nah had done and I decided to take a step further by doing what to make it seemed like Natalie had done it all but the knife on stage I put the knife in her locker and of course she thought it was you and when the cops came that sealed the deal so she went to jail for a crime she didn't commit that's right you two were the only ones standing in my way of becoming the Black Swan and now the only one standing in my way is you or was [Music] you can't believe Rebecca died in this one it's birth to death Matt I can't believe my best friend did that to me you guys these are getting too intense I don't want to go on anymore well you have to hurry you have two more levels you have to keep on going so we can get out of this program Z's with the babysitter and you have two more levels left the next level is vampire well she better not die in this one this was supposed to be a shortcut home but I think I'm lost hello hello I don't know how we're going to get home two for the price of one oh no I need a hospital somebody help help all right Mary I understand that we're having a baby today let me check out some vital here have you been attacked by a vampire I was we're going to have this baby right now I need you to push with me stay with me give me a big push one 2 3 it's a beautiful baby girl what do you have a name for her Rebecca no no no no no no stay with me listen I a vampire but I'm a good vampire I'm going to do everything I can to protect you I promise just wake up please Happy Birthday Rebecca now make a wish ready I can't believe you're one years old Rebecca it's been a wonderful year thank you so much for everything you've done for me and my daughter you saved both of our lives right Rebecca you're welcome Mary time for your first piece of cake little Rebecca oh no I cut myself no no no no don't oh no do is isn't strong enough I need it stay back I need a t take this take this sh stop stay back Rebecca I'm so sorry I promise I'll never hurt you all right Rebecca I want you to watch closely grip the wooden Spike like this look the evil vampire in the eyes kick stab right in the heart I want you to try nice ah yes you're a natural Rebecca you're natural thanks Dad oh sorry oh it's okay you can call me dad but why are we fighting vampires I thought they were good vampires are good like your mother but there are some evil vampires out there that want my gummies you see these gummies prevent vampires from craving human flesh and blood they also protect you from going out into the sun however there's evil vampires out there that want these gummies and if they get these gummies evil could take place which reminds me it's time for your blood drop let's go why do you always have to take my blood that's to keep you safe but can I just eat a gummy like you and Mom well these gummies don't work for you you're special oh no that's your mother stay stay here don't move I'm coming I'm coming Barry Barry I'm coming bar I need my daughter no no you don't I need her I am hungry you're not yourself right now I need her bring her to me you need a higher dose I'm going to get some more gummies [Music] Rebecca mom Rebecca I can't I can't breathe maybe you just need some fresh air no mom is it better now no I'm hungry get off of her get off of her get off her Rebecca what are you doing in here stay back Mom what happened [Music] mom your mother loved you very much she left you this though it's locked it's not to be open until you turn 16 but how do I open it she said you will know when the time is right I'm sorry goodbye Mom I love you I can't wait to see what's inside this box mom I'm going to find whatever vampire tried to kill you and I promise I'm going to get revenge Rebecca Rebecca Hey Sydney hey what are you doing out here I was just playing some basketball oh happy birthday you're finally 16 you get to open the box that your mom I know I know I just have to figure out how to open it happy Birthday Rebecca 16 hey hi Sydney how are you how are you good I have a extra special gift for you today yes I need you to close your eyes close your eyes we'll find out where am I going keep walking how much farther keep walking what is it all right happy birthday so good A P oh my thank you so much I can't believe this but Dad this box I'm supposed to be able to open it on my 16th birthday but I can't figure out how well your mom said that you'll know when the time is right so you'll figure it out this Jeep's so cool come on Rebecca go have fun okay oh my gosh this is awesome thank you so much all right you girls go have some fun okay we will hey sweetie what was that oh uh he's just checking the tire pressure okay isn't this so cool oh my go this is amazing I just wish your mom could be here she would have really loved this I'm so sorry she had that that heart attack what's wrong I'm so sorry Rebecca go over I'm so sorry I'm don't cry what is it I can't tell you no you can tell me we're best friends remember I don't want you to be mad at me how could I be mad at you you can tell me anything I've been lying to you how my mom didn't die from a heart attack my mom died because she's a vampire a vampire and I killed her wait how did that happen it was with the son and my dad's not my dad he was a doctor that saved my mom when she got bitten I'm sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't think you'd understand of course it's okay Rebecca I have so many questions none of this is making sense but we're going to be best friends no matter what there's something moving in the back no it's just her boring pink Jeep now let's get back to the house it's your 16th birthday man I have so much to tell you you do being a vampire it's pretty crazy can't wait to have my cake why is my necklace glowing I totally knew that girl was coming for her Sydney Sydney oh no oh no hey hey let my friend go let my friend go give me back my mother's box you have no idea what this possesses what it can do for me what it can do for my kind your kind brings evil to the world and I will bring evil to the world to the end of time now I'm going to kill you like I've killed your friend not today get out of here Sydney Sydney oh no Sydney come here the bo it's okay lay down dad coming dad what happened what happened a came in bit her and took the box please what do I do did he wake up Dad what are you doing what are you doing Dad doing what I have to do Dad I'm so sorry she's not breathing dad oh no syy I'm so sorry on come again what's going on I had to do what I had to do she was dying she's a vampire how do you feel freeing here take one of these you made her a vampire trust me let's get her inside what come on can't believe that we are both going to prom and we both have dates I can't believe I'm going to prom as a vampire you okay here don't feel normal here here here eat one of these my dad says you'll get used to the Cravings okay girls dates are [Music] here this is going to be the best prime ever hello officer how can I help you how's it going we've had some break-ins in the area and we just wanted to secure your backyard make sure that everybody was safe sure do I have permission to answer as well as my partner she's right behind yeah come on in come on in so I mean the backyard's just it's right over here I know Rebecca I really like you I really like you too you know I would never let anything happen to you really yeah you are going to tell me exactly how to open this box he'll never figure it out then you are of no use to me pathetic no there's something I actually have to tell you you see I I what's going on with your necklace uh you know what I I'm so sorry I have to go home I I'm sorry yeah I I'm sorry I have to go dad dad dad dad dad are you okay you have to get the case Dad even if I get it I don't know how to open it it has the secret gummy formula but right now tell me how I can save you Dad Dad who's going to protect her if her dad's not [Music] here I no number if you want your mom's box back meet me at the shadow Pine's Forest on the bridge the vampire that took my mom's box and tried to kill my best friend the one that killed my dad I'm so sorry I'm going to get that box back the bridge hello you have my mom's box are you the one that killed my dad [Music] I want my mother's box back you think I'd be stupid enough to bring it you're going to tell me how to open it you killed my father of course we did and if you don't help us you're next you're going to tell me how to open that box I don't know how to open the box and if I did I would never tell you then I'll just have to kill you no no no you're not going to hurt her have to come to me finally someone's going to save her no Dylan no so much for that you br I'll be [Music] back Dyan I'm so sorry I brought you into [Music] this Sydney what are you doing oh I'm going to go study at the library what but I just ordered a pizza for us I'll see you later okay fine let's be studying alone in our apartment don't miss me pizza delivery oh I'll grab some cash come on in on Hello darling what are you doing here I'm here for you to finally tell me how to open that box well I'm not going to do that well then I'll have to kill you just like I killed your father and like I killed your mother you bit my mom I bit your mom then it looks like I'm going to have to kill you this will be fun where are we welcome to where I killed your mother or at least attempted to somehow that wench escaped death but I won't make that mistake again now tell me how do I open the lock box I don't know where is it you'll never find it even if it was is right under my nose and now it's time to die [Music] no she's gone if she died how's her back is supposed to find the [Music] box thank you s for walking me to my mother's grave of course now that I'm getting much older I don't have much time don't talk like that Rebecca I don't want to lose you it's just the reality I'm not a vampire like you there it is dear Mother Rebecca what is that that's the jacket of the vampire I killed the one who took my mother's box I just wish I could have gotten her to tell me where it was before I killed her what did she say she said I wouldn't be able to find it even if it was under my nose under your nose she said it was under my nose under your nose the jacket here look inside it I don't understand she was wearing the jacket she said under my nose it could have been on her is there something some clue I don't see anything look there's something in there what does it say I don't believe it it's a map where does it go to we're right here and the map it would be right up there there's an X come maybe that's it we're getting close it should be right over there near that tree Rebecca what's this oh I think we found it Rebecca here let me help you I can't believe it this is my mother's box that the vampire had taken from me what is happening I don't know it opened something dropped where is it I don't know the key it's been in my locket the whole [Music] time it's a note blood cube formula hold this what's inside it it's a journal my mother's Journal my little angel and Mommy a the best day of my life my mother loved me I will always love you and what does it say Rebecca Rebecca I love you more than life itself and you are the secret ingredient the doctor used to keep me and the other vampires alive love mom your mom really loved you she just couldn't handle the Cravings I know what it's like and the block gummies didn't work for her anymore that's why the doctor he always Drew my blood my blood was what kept my mother alive blood cube formula 3 ml of Rebecca's blood mixed with vitamin D iron and sodium chloride it was you which means I have to save you guys before I die I know what I need to [Music] do are you sure you want to do this this will be the last bag yes if my blood can keep vampires alive I want to donate all of it but this is going to kill you Sydney thank you for being a great best friend please don't forget me I'll never forget you Rebecca Rebecca no I can't lose you Rebecca [Music] see she didn't have to die you really think a vampires living I'm craving blood right now what that I'm just kidding I'm just kidding the next level is Barbie finally a fun one how is Barbie going to be fun you're having contractions we need to go to the hospital no I need to get this Barbie doll first I promise I'd get it before she was born here it is the last one I was going to get that from my granddaughter she's sick you know what you can have it no you can take it thank you the baby's coming you need to go to the hospital right now we don't have time the baby's coming now I'm going to get some help ma'am I need you to stay calm and give me three big pushes are you a delivery nurse I used to be 1 2 3 my daughter what's her name Emma Once you take this Barbie home you adopt her and she'll will always be there for her thank you I couldn't find anybody this is Emma Emma meet your dad and this is Barbie you did this by yourself no the lady helped deliver her for me what lady the lady right there where'd she go okay Emma Happy First Birthday now blow out your candle yay happy birthday a very special gift for you it's a Barbie your very first Barbie do you love Barbie okay Princess Emma I have something very special for you it's the key to our Fortune so if anything happens to Mommy and Daddy you get to keep the key why don't you keep this for now there's one more huge surprise upstairs I just want to make sure it's set up so I'll call you when it's ready okay wait right here Emma be right back can't believe you're 1 years old already Emma it's going to be so excited exited when she sees this Emma's going to love the secret dollhouse that we built for her [Music] oh what was that Emma Kate Kate Kate where are you Kate oh no no what happened to your mom Kate wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up your mom has no PS okay class you are here at detention which means you did something bad before we get to working I want you to each let me know why you are here starting with you miss Emma someone tried to take my Barbie I just wanted it back I heard about that altercation there is no reason to get physical yes Sophia I'm here because I personally think Barbie dolls should not be allowed at an elementary school they're literally for babies and nerds that's an opinion not the reason you're in detention Connor I'm here cuz I was defending my friend Emma I would do anything for her this isn't fair life's not fair [Applause] Connor I need to take this you guys open your books start working this is detention looks like there's no teacher here to save you nerd girl hey give my Barbie back give it back her mom gave it to her all you've got is this dumb Barbie give it to me why should I hey you're not supposed to call me I have detention right now sure I'd love to have a date in the library it's not even like this Barbie can help you make friends hey I got to go I'll text you kid give me my door back girls girls girls what is going on have a seat in your desk what is happening Sophia took my Barbie doll and she won't give it back did not it just fell on the floor so I picked it up for her her that's not what happened Emma you need to stop bringing that Barbie doll to class Sophia give her back her doll fine it's not like this doll's going to bring your mom back now you hey Emma detention is not done you too start studying and working I'm got to take care of this Emma Emma you cannot just leave detention Sophia is so mean to me she makes fun of my clothes and everything I do and if I don't bring this doll to school I don't know what I'm going to to do listen Emma I know losing your mom was tough but a doll is not going to make anything better I wish it could it's not fair I can't bring you to school and you're all I have left of my mom what's this I'll come to life and be your best friend but once I find your true love my time as a human comes to an end I wish you could come to life but you can't you're just a [Music] Barbie hello Emma Barbie are you real I think so yes I am the note worked note I'll come to life and be your best friend but once I find you true love my time as a human come to an end I guess I am real I adopted Barbie come on I have to show you to my dad [Music] dad dad this is Barbie hi Barbie hello isn't Emma the best she pretty great dad can we please get ice cream I don't know I don't think now is a good time please what's ice cream it's a yummy cold dessert with so many different flavors that sounds delicious see Dad Barbie hasn't had any please please okay hey everybody to the car yay you're going to love ice cream Barbie I can't wait I'm so excited listen Emma I have a lot of work I need to get done but I'm doing this for you look out Barbie are you okay I think so what was that I think we were in a car accident are you okay dad dad dad dad dad he's not breathing we need to call 911 911 how do we do that Dad I'm really sorry about what happened to your dad I just can't believe he's gone I won't let anything happen to you I promise we're both here for you looks like you have no parents now what are you even doing here this is for friends and family only who are you you look like that stupid doll she used to carry around don't listen to her the key your dad gave you you're wearing it it's to our family fortune I give it all to have them [Music] back this is emotional yeah I thought this was supposed to be fun okay maybe if she can find that girl true love there will be a happy ending 98 99 100 hair brush no thanks so Emma I was thinking after school today you and I could go get ice cream I actually can't today I have to go hang out with friends you've been hanging out with friends all week I know I've just been super busy something feels weird about that Emma girl I don't think she's telling the truth it's okay you're popular and that is a great thing especially if I'm supposed to find you true love go ahead hang out with your friends maybe we can do it this weekend I have to head to school I'll see you bye Barbie bye you know what maybe I can surprise her after school and invite all of her friends to ice cream great idea Barbie Emma Sophia Connor you three have been in detention all week Emma she's in detention what's going on I'm not going to be friends with her until she stops making fun of my friend you mean that weird girl that dresses like a Barbie she's not weird and her name is Barbie whatever nerd she's in detention because she was defending me besides her Emma has no friends Emma does have friends she's been hanging out with them all week I'm her friend shut up nerd hey hey the neighbor boy is a nerd she should not hang out with him you three need to get along you're going to keep coming into detention until you get along now get back to work she's taking Emma's backpack you're 14 aren't you too old for Barbie coloring book stop what happened Emma just hit me Emma she's getting bullied and the teacher isn't doing anything if her other friends were here this would not be happening I need to talk to the principal principal keenley it's Kenley I knew a Ken once anyways I'm here to discuss Emma who's in detention right now and she is getting bullied wait who are you again I am Emma's Guardian I'm Barbie so anyways like I said she's getting bullied and I think you need to do something about it if it's in detention the teachers will handle that okay you know what this would not be happening if all of her friends were there if Emma's friends were here yes Emma's birthday is tomorrow I'll just invite all of her friends and surprise her you know what could I have the class list with all their names and numbers if you say so sent perfect she's going to be so surprised set even though you cannot help with detention you are going to make her surprise party's most epic birthday ever thank you so much oh no she thinks she's doing something nice this is not going to end well have a bastic day are we talking about the same Emma I thought Connor was her only friend Emma wake up happy for's birthday thanks barie make a wish before you eat this I have a huge surprise for you downstairs really yeah let's go oh wait wait wait you have to keep your eyes closed oh I can't see that's the point what is it Barbie you have to tell me you can open your eyes surprise this is so cool y we are having an epic pool party and I invited your entire class all of them yes all of your friends I finally get to meet all of your friends happy birthday Emma Barbie I'm not so sure about this they should be here by now but they're probably running a little bit late no why don't we just take the cake I want them to see this entire spread this is for you so let's just wait till they get here Barbie no one's coming what are you talking about don't be I have no friends none they all hate me and they think I'm weird I can't no but but she's been hanging out with all of her friends I'm sorry I'm I was at chess appreciation Club but I got her this I know how much she likes Barbie oh yeah can you leave it there I'll be back feel free to take a cupcake I was right no one showed up she has no friends why are you happy about that at least that neighbor boy Connor's nice to her hey Emma I'm sorry I told you I had friends I didn't want you to not like me I like you no matter what I'm here because of you and besides I have to find you true love true love I'm not even popular you're right it would be so much easier if you were popular I am Barbie and there is one thing I know and that is how to be popular do you trust me what is probably going to do do you think it'll help her find true love that's Emma Emma you look glamtastic really I am positive you will now become the most popular girl in school step one of finding true love and I almost forgot you need your backpack and your little backpack is that a Louis Vuitton everyone is going to die when they see this now go have the best day ever at class bye Barbie bye she looks gor delicious I did [Music] [Applause] good look at their reactions hey Emma hey is that a Louis Vuitton backpack yeah it is do you want to get ice cream after school sure can I come no it's working that girl that used to bully her now wants to get ice cream with her one step closer to finding true love high five Barbie this prom dress is so cute oh my gosh it's so fantastic no way the bully and her are best friends she must be really popular and this one oh my God I love that one that would look so good on you but it's $2,000 who cares Emma I can make that dress for 1/4 of the cost really uhhuh anyways speaking of prom who do you want to go to prom with I don't know but as long as he's popular love I think I know someone who wants to ask you to prom really is it Conor Barbie can you get us two cokes in a glass bottle like now Emma actually that sounds good if you don't mind Barbie yeah so go on sure Emma thanks so any anyways you should totally get that $2,000 dress you think yeah it looks so good super cute okay my mom just texted me I probably have to call her back okay that Sophia girl might be popular but she is horrible I almost have it but if this doesn't work we'll just go to plan B either way we'll get our family's Fortune I got to go bye that bu is not her best friend she's trying to steal her family fortune but the bigger question is who is she talking to did I just hear that correctly is Sophia her best friend trying to steal her family fortune I knew I didn't like her I need to let Emma know oh hey Conor hey what did your mom say you know mom's anyways well here you go Emma and Sophia here are your Cokes oh we don't need those anymore what Emma I have to tell you something what is it Emma I have a surprise does it have to do with prom uhhuh it's right outside no way close your eyes um Emma just oh no I'm going to have to tell her after this are you ready yeah 3 2 1 wait you get a problem with me Ryan yes oh my God he's the most popular boy she's going to prom but her necklace is gone wait Z was it there earlier go back and watch I'm so excited I'm so excited I think we're going to be prom king and queen I'm pretty sure oh my thank you so much this is so so cool I have to go get my dress C she is going to prom with the most popular boy and she is one step closer to finding true love but now I have to tell her that her best friend is trying to steal her family fortune oh my gosh I cannot believe that Ryan asked me to prom thank you so much Sophia Emma I have something to tell you Sophia is trying to steal your family fortune huh look your key it's gone Sophia I would never I heard her talking to someone on the phone her plan was to take your family fortune this whole time Barbie's just trying to sabotage us cuz we're friends she's just jealous no I I'm not jealous I just want to save your family fortune Barbie's just trying to set me up maybe she stole it what I would never Emma no way that's not true is it let's check your purse fine Emma to prove to you that I would never steal it look lip gloss powder what Rie how could you Emma I would never I promise I don't know how that got in here clearly you put it in there I'm just glad you know the truth now well I'll see it prom the bully totally set her up I just don't know how Emma you have to trust me I would never do that to you I would never steal your family fortune and how was it in your purse Barbie please don't come to prom you're choking we've been dreaming about this your whole life true love you can leave I need some time alone please Barbie Emma I would never and you know that [Music] leave Rebecca has to do something but she's not allowed to go to prom what's she going to do did guys plan I had to improvise Plan B will happen at prom did you hear that what is Plan B I know that Emma does not want me to go to prom but I have to protect her so I just have to figure out a way to get to prom without her knowing a disguise well what's the opposite of [Music] Barbie it looks like Wednesday Barbie is going to prom it's Wednesday no I'm pretty sure prom's on a Friday or a Saturday no Barbie is Wednesday I said go away Barbie Connor Connor what are you doing hi Emma hey thought you might want some ice cream I love ice cream ice cream if you went to prom with me oh that's really nice but Ryan already asked me the popular guy yeah I thought he's he's what a nice guy because he is okay look I'm sorry um this is really nice but you can keep it you've been a really great friend but I can take care of myself now I guess see you around see you around I'm here at prom and Emma has no idea that it's me I'll go get us some drinks thanks yeah perfect there you go thank you H I heard you're going to be prom queen seriously I need to fix my hair I'll be right back Sophia Plan B is all set I made sure she's going to be prom queen soon we'll have her Fortune meet me by the baths later who is she talking to she has a plan set up to steal the fortune but I don't know who she's working with who is that Conor Conor her next door neighbor has been betraying her this whole time Barbie get off me get off me Barbie you're working with Sophia to steal her family fortune how could you no no no I I would never do that to Emma I heard everything I would never do that to her but I think I knew who is follow me do you think he's telling the truth stamp fam I don't know but I have to find out I'm going to go use the bathroom real fast I'll be here okay he did you remember the plan yeah Ryan's working with Sophia I knew it I dip the crown in this the second she puts it on her head she's goodbye Emma and hello Fortune think we're going to poison her when she becomes prom queen then there's still her Fortune Fortune is going to be ours babe oh what are you doing we need proof what they're going to see us get back I thought Ryan was our true love I mean he's the most popular but I guess it doesn't work like that in the real world I really hope this plan works out because I can't afford to lose Emma it's time to announce this year's prom king and queen this year's King is Ryan you guess that all right out of my head nice and this year's prom queen is Emma oh can I Crown her absolutely thank you oh careful stop the crown is poisonous Brian and Sophia are working together to steal your family fortune Barbie I told you not to come to prom not only are they trying to steal your family fortune they are a couple that's so not true and you have no proof actually I do they were kissing earlier when you were in the bathroom Sophia Ryan and give it to this is the poison that they dip the crown in how could you I'll take that and I'll take you to the authorities young man Barbie I'm so sorry I'm so sorry about how I treated you you're the only real friend I have you're my only real friend too Emma I love you I love you Barbie now let's get out of here okay not so [Music] bad no Conor okay young lady you're in a lot of trouble you were never the most popular anyway you don't deserve that fortune I do she was never your friend she was just a bully do you mind if I talk to him of course not I'm really sorry about how I treated you you've always been there for me and you're my true love oh Barbie what's wrong I fulfilled my purpose you found true love I'm so happy for you goodbye Emma Barbie Barbie Barbie you are my best friend and I don't know what I'm going to do without you it's going to be okay I'm here for you thanks how did she beat the program that's impossible I need to get out of here they can't know that I did this [Music] we did it we made it out of the program who's the one who trapped Us in there I think it was that curly haired guy samam comment below do you have any guesses on who that strange person was
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 5,815,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birth to death, birth, death, in real life, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: sGpLF7AhfL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 34sec (4774 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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