Surviving Every Summer Movie with Daughter

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surviving every popular Summer movie for my daughter and it's more extreme than Netflix there are seven seven oh we're gonna be trapped in here forever with our daughter take her okay I'm gonna do it get Kenneth's ChapStick and get the new Barbie to have a first kiss I'm going in it I'm in Barbie this is Barbie I guess I should meet everyone hey I'm Rebecca Barbie who are you hey Rebecca Barbie I'm Safari Ken welcome to prom you're a Ken Sam fam he must have the Chopstick what's your name Barbie you want to do squats uh but I'm in a dress so I'm just gonna keep dancing hey Rebecca Barbie I'm Malibu Ken Malibu Ken so there's two Ken hi I'm party Barbie and this is my prom party I win every year all right Barbie's in Ken gather around before we announce the prom king and queen let's see that new Barbies damn fam this is the new Barbie that I have to get a first kiss for so I can beat this level getting a new Barbie to have a first kiss is gonna be so easy presenting Wednesday Barbie Wednesday Barbie I'm supposed to get her a first kiss [Music] this place makes me want to vomit where's my knife oh no no accessories allowed at prom mostly knives all right everybody back to dancing we'll be announcing the prom king and queen in five minutes I only dance on people's Graves [Music] Wednesday Barbie I'm Rebecca Barbie and I think you should be dancing like this having some fun you're making me nauseous and not in a good way well if you don't like dancing what about a first kiss I hear it's amazing only if they're dead hey Wednesday do you want dance with me before they announce prom king and queen no can you explain what exactly happens with this prom king and queen tradition says that the prom King puts a sash on the prom queen and then they have a first kiss you know what you definitely have to be prom queen you don't want to dance with him that's fine because look I have a new move and I need a partner Barbie to do it so we'll just dance together on the Dance Floor fine I'll dance with you Wednesday Barnes and I can beat the level now all I have to do is convince the other Barbies to vote for her this might actually work hey workout Barbie hey these are some cool dance moves you have is there any way you could vote Wednesday Barbie at the new prom queen oh sure you know what I have this really beautiful black headband okay and I haven't made my decision yet what were you saying about that black headband never mind okay hey there Safari Ken hey great prom right yeah don't you think it'd be even cooler if Wednesday was prom queen yeah you know I love that she's got a nice tour oh yeah me too no no no he's not voting for Wednesday either are you um I'm gonna be voting for a party Barbie you've been from Queen for the last three years right I mean isn't it time someone else gets to be prom queen what am I supposed to do party Barbie is controlling everything and there's no way she's gonna let them vote for Wednesday as prom queen and if Wednesday is a prom queen how am I gonna get her to have a first kiss I really like your black dress it matches my soul cool what's your favorite holiday Halloween I love celebrating the dead me too although it's been banned in Barbie town for past three years because of party Barbie I think Malibu Ken might actually like do you think Wednesday likes him I think we should bring it back [Music] starting to dance a minute until we vote for prom king and queen I have to use the bathroom I'll be right back so Wednesday Barbie Malibu Ken am I right he's pretty cool he's not bad he's not bad which means you didn't say terrible which means you kind of like him what about a first little kiss with Malibu because time to vote for prom king and queen can you buy a workout for me and I really think both of us should vote for Wednesday really he won't be mad you know what I'm gonna step back here for a little bit of privacy Sam did you hear that she had a change of heart all of them are gonna vote for Wednesday for prom queen which means her getting a first kiss is gonna be easier than I thought Wednesday for a prom queen all right the votes are in and it's time to elect our prom King we've got a unanimous decision for prom King it's malibuques wow [Applause] Malibu can one win all right and as tradition goes the prom King will put the sash in Crown on the prom queen and give her the first kiss in the prom queen is Wednesday Barbie [Applause] now give her that first kiss [Music] I don't feel a pulse we need to take her to the other room cool and this doesn't make sense it's the sad to stay in Barbie history we are devastated but we have to go pick a new prom queen that's how it works Wednesday I'm sorry about getting everyone to vote for you for prom queen I was selfish sorry about your friend but she wasn't a right fit for Barbie land who likes Halloween anyways I have it set up in the back someone killed Wednesday to figure this out poison this is what they must have died whatever morning may cause death it's exposed to body use Ken's chapstick within 10 minutes Malibu Ken is the one who did this Tour all I need to do is confront him get his lipstick bring Wednesday Barbie back Malibu Ken you killed Wednesday you pretended to like her and now she's poisoned no I didn't yes you did and now I need your Chapstick so I can bring her back I don't have any chapsticks come to your pockets Malibu Ken didn't do anything so just get out of here Rebecca Barbie maybe it's best you take a deep breath test the vote and come back bathroom's that way you did it what am I going to do none of them look at the Chopsticks and now I have less than 10 minutes to bring Wednesday back what is that Kevin what are you doing here Safari can trapped me so you're Malibu Ken he took my shirt and he's pretending to be me I think he's gonna do something to Wednesday he did do something to Wednesday he poisoned her and the only way that we can bring her back is with his Chopstick which she will not give me chapstick I have Chapstick you have to Chopstick yeah oh my gosh this is perfect we have blessed to save one say so we've got to get there fast come on she's right here we're running out of time come back Wednesday what happened Safari Academy but my Chapstick brought you back where is he and where's my knife and the new prom queen is party Barbie laughs I didn't have a knife so you'll enjoy a slow death I Didn't Do It party Barbie made me do it what Barbie land needs to stay the same and she was trying to change it so you cheated if it did what I had to do she admitted to cheating Crown revoked what about him now both of you are spelled on Barbie land forever it seems we need a new king and queen Malibu Ken would you like to Crown your queen Wednesday Barbie [Applause] the Barbie land the first thing I'll do is prom queen is ADD block to everyone's wardrobe accessories actually look pretty good and I've decided that we'll celebrate Halloween this year tradition Wednesday you won't be needing this anymore thank you so much Wednesday this gets better every year she did it she got the chat oh here what do you want Mom to do there's so many movies this one little mermaid it is help Ariel find her mermaid and retrieve the shell necklace all right I'm going in I hope you made the right choice Sadie this doesn't look like The Little Mermaid that Ariel over here land bestie I need your help sure what do you need okay so I found my true love oh yeah Prince Eric no he's so last week this is a merman and my dad temporarily gave him legs but the only way he'll make them permanent is if you can figure out who he is why can't you just figure out who he is my dad thinks I have bad taste in men and women probably right I know that perfect man warmer man thank you but if I do can I have that necklace then let's get this started this is guess the merman there are eight guys over there but only one of them is a merman and my true love and I will be asking them a series of questions and putting them through to grow who that merman is so we can live happily ever after we're gonna start with roasting Ariel contestant number one is step forward and give us your best roast you're so dumb you thought this thing was a thingama bobber contestant number two your voice is so bad the entire sea was happy that Ursula took it that is not even a roast Ariel has an amazing voice and everyone under the seam knows that soap eliminated don't worry Ariel I'll take care of the punishment hope you [Music] enjoy [Music] that girl's got some anger issues oh no I hope that's not my true love I'll turn back into merman if water gets on him two is definitely a no let's keep going no mermaid wants to be your friend that's why you're only friends of Fish Hunter is a fish aerial so your true love number four ugly not even a pot kill you a pirate number five all the mermaids were happy when you finally got legs and could leave the ocean oh it's okay it's okay it's just a roast it could be your true love sick all Disney princesses are pretty what happened to you you're so ugly you make sea onions cry are those even a thing yes number eight I'd rather make a deal with Ursula brown hair they don't have brown hair that is definitely not your true love number a you're eliminated this is their punishment oh my God I hear fart sprays worse than dead fish five more to go this is Little Mermaid trivia if you are Ariel's true love you better know everything about her contestant number one step forward where was Ariel born tallest walls of Atlantica that was actually very detailed and specific so number one you stay number three Ariel was the first Disney Princess to have what that's easy red hair number three might be your true love okay you say how tall is Ariel is that what legs are fed number four is definitely not your true love because you are five four illuminated who is Ariel's best friend Under the Sea obviously I'm hers on land flounders could be your true love too okay you stay how many sisters does Ariel have this should be easy she has three sisters what is Ariel's dad's name King Trident you looked out I hope you boys are aren't salty for getting eliminated oh no salts that could kill him or man [Music] number four number six are definitely not her true love but there are four left if I want to win that necklace I have to figure out which one it is Ariel's merman is definitely number five really Maddie your choices in men are any better than Aerials alright you guys for this next round each of you will be presenting number seven come forward first and present your gift don't be shy a microphone so I can sing this is a perfect gift so number seven you are staying you know what can I sing something I am your best friend okay fine number five come forward oh it's a puka shell necklace you know what number five you are staying I think I'm a bob better known as a fork it's not a hairbrush it works perfectly okay finally number one oh money money money what is this a pirate logo everyone knows that mermaids hate Pirates I am sorry but number one you are eliminated and I'm gonna make him pain for this enjoy a little pregnancy simulator okay no girls working and then there were three and her true love could be any of them right now my true love is number five or it could be three or seven or five or three or seven five now it's time it's time to present Ariel's favorite meal oh strawberries as Ariel's best friend I can assure you that she does love strawberries now number five tell me why you think that Ariel would be your perfect match well there are plenty of fish in the sea but only one with legs thank you number five that's definitely my true love get back in there oh I know that Ariel loves Danish pancakes and apples and guess what so do I alright number seven tell me why you think you're right for Ariel well it doesn't matter if she's on land or sea She'll always be the perfect girl for me not bad not bad all right up next is number three Rebecca spending way too much time under the seat she needs to go to Ninja Turtles I am a chef and if I was with Ariel I would make her this every day what is this a lobster are you kidding oh what what you know those are her friends eliminated what's that or was that not a lobster yes it was a delicacy a delicacy [Music] that's a delicacy then we were down to two I just pick number five and it'll all be all right am I your bestie and you have to trust me it all comes down to this and I've listened to both of your guys's answers but now I have to choose someone to eliminate it's down to seven and five who do you think she's gonna choose she better not eliminate five I'm gonna have to eliminate it all comes down to this and if I don't make the right choice I won't pass this level and if I can't pass this level how am I supposed to pass the others as they are supposed to be even more extreme number five I'm sorry Ariel but I have a feeling hit number seven is the right person or merman for you so number seven can you reveal yourself I did it I totally knew it was seven yeah right Maddie since Rebecca has proven that this man is your one true love I will grant your wish and permanently give him legs thank you Daddy and thank you Rebecca thank you Ariel I wish you guys the best thank you [Music] I found out I love it okay just stay in order and go to flash you have to bring back the remote okay okay so I'm Flash and I have to get the remote no super go Batman no ball super cool wake up they're dead oh no her best friends died July 7th 2023 at 3 pm that is when they died what am I supposed to do she doesn't even know the Flash's Powers wait I'm flush which means that I can time travel so all I have to do is get to the path so I can stop them I hope this works their bodies aren't here which means they aren't dead and that I'm in the past so now all I have to do is figure out where they are so I can save them [Music] you guys are okay of course we are who's that that's my little brother he wants to train to be a superhero I want to learn about all your powers what time is it July 6th 3 P.M exactly PM exactly Batman Supergirl can I talk to you guys quickly privately sure superhero stuff okay I have to tell you guys something important in 24 hours both of you guys are going to be dead what the hell I came from the future someone in Black killed both of you and we have to stop them okay I didn't see their face they were in all black okay this is exactly why we need to train yes which is also why I don't think it's a good idea if your little brother is here my brother will be fine besides we have bigger things to worry about we're heading in the backyard are you guys gonna use your powers get your backpack let's go first we need to use our powers to take out this dummy I'll go first show you how it's done let's do it Supergirl and I have super hit with all that strength in your foot yeah but my right foot's stronger let's notes more training you guys someone is gonna be coming and killing you too relaxed last you're up next wait where'd she go it's my turn now and done now flash ran me over seriously Foxy's just a kid now be careful it's my brother too I didn't feel anything okay we mastered our skills and now it's time to make sure we're strong enough we need to make sure to make sure we're strong so we can stop whatever is trying to kill you kill you so everyone pick up your way we're gonna hold it for one minute [Music] how do you guys do this maybe you're not ready to train like a superhero okay okay I can do it what are you doing it's my lucky llama I take it everywhere with me all right lift it up I told you this was a bad idea just give him a shot but we need to focus oh I gotta go to the bathroom [Music] this is boring I'm gonna go run that was easy my brother's in trouble [Applause] brother last tied me up no I was running someone else did you guys why would I be focusing on that when someone is going to kill you for hours I think the little brother just did something to Rebecca's shoes no wait Maddie she tied him up stand for him go back and watch thank you there you're out flash if you do this one more time we're gonna ask you to leave why would you I'm gonna save your life so you two don't get killed seriously we are running out of time and those two are going to be killed in less than 24 hours if we don't stop whoever's doing it guys someone stole my lucky llama keychain okay you know what we're gonna figure out who did that what are you kidding me we don't have what what is that right there wow flash that's mine I did not take that keychain plus we talked about this I'm sorry you're out are you kidding me someone is gonna get again we'll have to do it on our own get out flash you guys are making a big mistake fine finally I need to figure out who killed them and get back to the present I'm back in the prison I need to find you kill them that's the guy who killed Supergirl and Batman he has Batman's brother's backpack what if he killed him too studying their powers was all I needed to build this remote to not only take their powers but to kill them he's taking off his hood where you get a face reveal you guys are alive your brother didn't kill you yet what do you mean my brother he didn't tell us he's working on something over there you guys he is a lot smarter than you think he is and he is going to kill you and I can prove it his backpack look Batman is combat expert super strength this remote will take away your powers and kill you so you're telling me my brother was gonna kill us well done I even sex you up because I knew you were gonna catch him I told you I didn't do to him I put the llama in your shoe while you were untying me when I use this remote I'll be able to take away your powers and kill your brother do not do this say goodbye three two one where's our remote this remote now if you don't get out of here right now not only will we use all of our powers on you but we will use this remote sure it doesn't fall on the wrong hands brother thanksgiving's gonna be awkward I have to remove Nexus Elemental just get the golden pencil okay I'm about to go into Elemental but before I do I need all of you to subscribe invited the end of summer or else something might happen turn on your notification okay so I'm in Elemental and I have to get the giant golden pencil uh technically it's Elemental detention Ember right because of the you're right yes and who are you I'm Earth I'm the most grounded and get the best grades what about them who are they that's air talk about in there why is she wearing clothes let me help you thank you gotcha that's water what a jokester hey did you know that water helps flowers grow get close to it I told you and plus it's for the best elements aren't supposed to mix okay by the way have you seen a giant golden pencil by any chance [Music] welcome to Elemental detention each one of you is here we're not mixing well with others if you would like to get out of detention and win this golden pencil at least one of you will have to complete each challenge there are four said understood yes good challenge number one you must put a hole all the way through this bag without making it leak how are we supposed to do that but you must choose whether you're going to work as a team or individually okay you guys I say we work together because then we can finish this challenge faster alright who would like to work individually are you serious fine they need to work together elements don't mix they need to focus on winning each challenge okay this can't be that hard I wanted to work with them but I have to win this so if fire cancels out water I can just light it and then the water won't come out and I'll have a hole I'm gonna poke a hole in the bag and then use my Earth on it so it won't leak I'm gonna open it and blow a hole in the bag the water and die are one speak to me water what do I need to do thanks all right here we go oh it's not working [Music] did it work I got this nice okay so I'm just gonna melt a little hole it's melting melt why is that got it I got it kind of like someone else I know Sadie is not angry Maddie looks like you completed the challenge and that means you can all move on Challenge number two you must make a tea bag fly who wants to work individually you guys we all have different strengths and weaknesses we should just work together why won't no idea I'm just gonna put it on my mouth and blow where'd it go well I've made a seed turned into a flower bro bro wait what I should spray with some water okay not working yet just a little more if I cut this and I take out the powder I should be able to make it fly when there's a fire peepers fly everywhere this is for that giant golden pencil come on come on why isn't it working it's supposed to work it's not going up it's not going up [Music] [Applause] [Music] well done now that she completed this task you can all move on oh yeah you guys should have been my partner right here fire in the out smoked all of you yeah that's what you get you want to partner up we both got our supply mine just never came back Challenge number three making a balloon float without helium what who wants to work individually oh I see we have a team Fire and Air we're gonna make it Fly again within our head good luck I have a plan but first we're gonna have to blow up all these balloons and tape them together this is hard okay I got it done I'm gonna make this fly using my secret sauce water come on no it's actually getting heavier I know you're full of love and keep this many balloons up we're not using my air we're using this air what third time [Music] huh it's working whoa oh my gosh we did it we did it how do they do that and they even work together well nice work I guess it paid off to work as a team huh air I can't believe that actually worked well I guess we made it so that everybody can move on to the next round remember the next is the last and final round and it's extreme we cannot blow this the last and final challenge is to get a candle to rise above the plate without touching it that looks hard there's no way water can do that wait what are we doing again this is Extreme and if we want to complete this challenge which is basically impossible we're gonna have to work together okay I'm in me too I'm in but what are we doing again we're gonna do it together well I wasn't expecting that remember if you complete that challenge you will get the golden pencil okay zamfam I hope this works because sorry about that okay you guys if we want to complete this challenge then we're all gonna have to focus on our elements okay I'm gonna cover the rim with dirt I'm gonna Add Water I'm gonna light the match with fire the air float float float float you guys I think it's working the candle just went out it's rising it's rising it's going up [Music] whoa they got the candle we did it congratulations you've learned a lesson of Elemental and that is that elements work best when they work together this is for you damn was she a ghost can you find my tea bag she did it they didn't oh yeah look zany mommy got a golden pencil put it down you're going into Spider-Man next and you have to get a memory ball memory Bowl ing man I got this I hope Rebecca is not Spider-Man again okay so I'm in Spider-Man and I need to find the memory ball Spider-Man who are you and what are you doing here I'm Rebecca I am just here to get the memory ball oh thank you do you know where you are this is the Green Goblin Slayer it's not safe hey then why are you here because I'm Spider-Man and I'm here to get the money he stole from the citizens and give it back okay well as soon as I get the memory ball I'll get out of here do you know where it is yeah it's over there but be careful it can erase your memory and he is coming back at any moment I'll be fine I got this I'm gonna get the rest of the money someone's here Sam fam so much easier than I thought the memory ball is right there someone's coming [Music] where are you I know you're in here what do I do behind door number one let's try door number two let's try door number three pause today is the officer to pre-order them at because they are gonna sell out fast I knew there was someone in here wow little missy did you want to Snoop around my land let me try my memories no no no this is even better in five minutes I'll be back with the Detonator to destroy everything and with Spider-Man's memory wipes no one can stop me Spiderman who's Spider-Man oh no your memory is white how's she gonna beat this level I think she's gonna be just fine Sadie mom's gonna be okay Spider-Man's the only one that can defeat Green Goblin and get the memorable back I need to come up with a plan excellent at Klein climbing thing especially walls so I'm gonna climb up this wall and you're gonna follow me okay this seems really hard you did this five minutes ago trust me this is gonna be a piece of cake look at me I'm Spider-Man it's a little challenging but you'll get the hang of it okay Spider-Man just Spiderman like this yeah just like that am I Spider-Man yet yeah except next time just take out the fall it was that wasn't planned if I want him to get his memory back I just have to remind him of all his Spider-Man Powers hey I found some money over here I don't have much time Spider-Man has a spidey scent so I'm gonna stand behind you and you have to dodge these balls and not let them hit you okay you ready I hope so okay ouch oh come on it's not working what am I supposed to do we were running out of time for him to get his memory back Rebecca needs to hurry or we are going to be trapped in this program forever come on Rebecca why do you keep hitting me this kind of hurts you have to use your spidey sense what is that I'm not really sure because I'm not Spider-Man but I think if you just close your eyes and then you feel it okay so let's try it okay Spider-Man use the Spidey scent whoa whoa whoa whoa you did it you missed all of them now we need to get back your strength spider superhuman strength which means he can lift 90 pounds no problem just like this [Applause] that's a little challenging for me but I am not Spider-Man you are I don't think I can lift this just try it come on I can't you can just trust me bend down get comfortable with it I will be right back okay okay I don't think I can do this okay zamfam Spider-Man is super strong he just needs to get his confidence back which is why I'm gonna switch out his weights with these weights not happy at all okay Spider-Man I'm just gonna switch out the never mind Spider-Man left in the weights oh my gosh maybe Spider-Man is remembering who he is let's hope he can get his web uh are you okay ow it worked the most important thing about Spider-Man is that he can shoot web from his hand okay now I don't have a web but I have this and this is what you will be able to do ready watch this Spider-Man whoa I can do that yes but you don't have this machine you have a web that comes out of your hand so just shoot it up okay you know what maybe I'll just show you again watch you see that it's not working no we ran out of time he's back the Green Goblin get behind the mat get down it's the Green Goblin what do we do I am gonna go out first I'm gonna grab the memory ball and you have to go and get the Detonator okay and we can stop him once and for all but I don't have my spider web yet but we're just gonna have to improvise how is gonna beat this level Spider-Man never learned how to use his web I'm not letting ziti watch this is too intestines time's up where are you right yeah no no before I destroy this place I'm going to wipe your memory fast not a Spider-Man can stop it impossible I'm not a good Spider-Man oh my gosh thanks for reminding me Rebecca Green Goblin I'm gonna need this memory ball and I need this Gonna Get You Spiderman Rebecca okay zadie I got the ball no Haunted Mansion you have to bring back a haunted doll there better not be ghosts in here it better not be ghosts in here Maddie I'm at a haunted mansion and I have to get a haunted doll do you mind taking off your shoes oh not at all hi I'm Isabella's Mom oh sorry it's so cold in here oh not a problem anyway I brought you here because you can see ghosts and Isabella can see ghosts too and there's a ghost in this house and it's making her very upset I'm a ghost and I need your help to get rid of it would I be able to speak to her of course she's in her room down the hall I'll go talk to her thank you [Music] Isabella you must be Rebecca you could see ghosts like I can't I think I can but your doll could I have that Isabella if you can get rid of the ghost I'll give you that do you have any pointers on how to tell if it's actually a ghost well they don't know they're dead but you could feel them you can feel them like Goosebumps okay you know what Isabella hang tight and I will be back for that doll after I get rid of the ghost [Music] okay so you got a chance to talk to Isabella yes and I am confident that I'm gonna be able to find and get rid of this ghost there were some people brought in to help you if you want to join them in the living room I got you thank you [Music] look city Ninja Turtles I cannot wait for Mom to go in that one hello ah are you the girl who can speak to ghosts yes I'm Rebecca I'm Brett diligent I'm a Paranormal Investigator I also love the Dodgers I'm Father Abraham and the power of Christ will compel these demons through holy water that got in my eye and I am Tabitha the psychic I can see the future you must use the Ouija board do not use the Wii board or more evil demons will come out of these are already off the charts you can communicate with ghosts with the Ouija board and we need to get rid of them so I'm gonna use it okay we need to talk to this ghost so we can get them out of here for the little girl two fingers on ghost are you here yes it's true I haven't seen readings like this since monster palooza I knew what I could feel their Darkness not all ghosts are evil Father Abraham okay well let's find out if this ghost is are you evil where's he going where is it no lies any spirit that communicates with the Ouija board is evil just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's wrong Oscar long ago they died how long ago did you die it's moving it's moving this is actually the first time this has happened to me one one what it's moving it's moving it's moving m o n Champion what is this spelling t H one month one month the ghost died one month ago what else do we ask Rebecca the ghosts want you to ask where they are right now do not ask where are you right now d o oh o r the ghost is at the door close this out you've invited evil here you need to calm down I think the ghost is in there look the ghost is in there I have my holy water ready stopped what the girl's sitting in there anymore I think they're out here supposedly you see the ghosts where are they I haven't seen any ghosts yet I've never done a paranormal investigator these are my topic ones show me yes show me now good Mal direct me spirit that way this way I haven't seen any ghosts but I have a ghost that maybe I can use that to communicate with them here we go is the painting there's definitely a ghost here ghost why are you staying in this house it went away I've got it this way this is definitely directing me over here why are you here what do you want from us I don't see a ghost right now Kevin what the furniture a ghost ship popped up lots so whatever's in that box the ghost is concerned about it's a butterfly you know what maybe I can bring this to the little girl this might be a clue put in my pocket okay where's the ghost now I'm getting something else a ghost just popped up a ghost is somewhere around here yeah this painting these are Spaniards so what we know about the ghost right now is that they died one month ago they're concerned about this butterfly and they have some connection to Spain and not all I need to do a reading follow me okay I hope this works Rebecca I'm counting on you everyone join hands this is a bad idea what is she doing over there quiet priest everyone has their process I feel the presence of the ghost I can feel them touching my skin you know you cannot fight evil with evil I'm leaving this place may God be with you all no one else breaks we must continue this reading the ghost is definitely here right now Rebecca can you see a ghost I don't see anything I don't see a ghost at all where is the ghost Rebecca's supposed to be able to see them but she hasn't seen anything do not worry lady ghosts are not real they're not real they're definitely real the little girl has the information my Isabella she knows how to get rid of the ghost you have to help I'll talk to Isabella Rachel will stay here and get more readings is there anything I can do to help feel bad it's gotten colder in here so the ghost is here right now I need answers hi Isabella did he get rid of the ghost yet no not quite yet it's a lot harder than you think it is you're right but I wanted to show you something look at this Isabella a butterfly I love butterflies we have them all around the house do you know why this might be important to a ghost maybe the ghost likes butterflies too you're right maybe the ghost does like butterflies a psychic just told us that you have information about the ghost is there anything you haven't shared with me anything that could help us get rid of the ghost yes what is this mother dies girl hurt in car crash this is June 7th 2023 that was a month ago the Ouija board it said the ghost died a month ago Isabella where was your mom born and her hands were freezing cold when I shook them and she loves butterflies this is a bad idea what is she doing I can feel the presence of the ghost in this room her mom is the ghost I know but she doesn't know and I'm afraid to tell her tell me what your name is Catherine you and your daughter were driving to church on a Sunday but you got in a car crash your daughter survived but you didn't what I'm dead I'm sorry I didn't tell you this is a lot to process right now I know all this time the ghost that was upsetting my daughter was me I love you so much but you have to go I'll give you a moment even if you can't see me just remember I'll always love you and I'll always be there for you goodbye I'm sorry Isabella this must be so hard thank you you can have the doll now is the pillow just no she's always watching you okay and you'll be okay [Music] what do I have to do Maddie you have to get Shredder's ring ring from Shredder I forget who Shredder is oh she doesn't have nunchucks a turtle Cowabunga dude there you are Leonardo you're late who cares the Ninja Turtles are girls what's wrong with that nothing Maddie seriously Michelangelo [Music] pizza's here I bought it Cowabunga Pizza Time where's the pizza there it is no delivery guy no tips your loss that buffet was fun and all but you guys know where Shredder's ring is he gave it to us to protect with our weapons okay so who has it I think Michelangelo does I got the pizza [Applause] oh okay so uh Michelangelo yeah they said you might have Shredder's ring oh yeah I do uh can I see it uh take a slice of pizza first here is the ring wow Splinter taught us to protect this with our weapons if anyone else is getting tired [Music] [Music] I can't believe they fell for the pizza [Laughter] oh no the robber stole all their weapons ninja turtles is nothing like this Turtles wake up Michelangelo Donatello Raphael wake up oh that party was fun I don't remember anything after eating the pizza where are my size look Turtles we have all your weapons and we'll be back in 30 minutes to grab Shredder's ring what are we supposed to do try to trust us with his brain we can't fight back without our weapon well they're gonna be here in 30 minutes though Turtles I have an idea what's the plan Leonardo since they have our way and set up some booby trap for when they arrive Raphael get some dish soap and a sponge Donatello get some Legos and a leaf blower and Michelangelo we're gonna need those pizza boxes okay zamfam we have to protect that ring I need that if I want to pass this level so it looks like it's Home Alone Ninja Turtle style this isn't Ninja Turtles this is home alone now just call your half shell map Michelangelo great job setting up the pizza boxes added in a little something else oh that's gonna hurt hooray Raphael we're running out of time and don't understand why we're scrubbing the floor with dish soap wow got it here are the Legos Donatello okay how would this thing works got it okay thank you good luck I'll take care of care of Papa but how good are you guys at throwing a neck ah you got the job this will get him to roll out the door okay Turtles they're gonna be here any minute and we have to protect Shredder's ring no matter what we're heroes in a half shell turtle power come on let's go it worked they fell I'm back come on you gotta get the turtles come on let's go what's happening looking for this come on get her Michelangelo throw up two cheese pizza is coming right up pizza boxes lame it didn't work oh it's time to get to get them roll it get those annoying Turtles [Music] the ring they tricked us come on let's go hey robbers you looking for this ring come here come with the ring [Music] that's radical nice I hate Legos Turtles get ready hey robbers give us back our weapons and we're gonna blow these in your face fine fine go get them all right put him down now get out of here we'll be seeing you again Turtles real soon get out of here yeah [Applause] shut up shut up we did this by all working together you need to keep the ring are you guys sure oh yeah yeah okay thank you does anyone want some pizza I did it zadie we did it I beat the program I cannot believe I beat that program that was intense but all of those pranks that we did in Ninja Turtles gave me an idea Maddie your brother Connor do you think you can call him down sure okay zamfi I'm staging for the most epic prank that we are going to do on Maddie's brother and click and watch this video right here baby we did it do you want to do a prank
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 7,639,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surviving, every, summer, movie, netflix, barbie, wednesday, mermaid, haunted mansion, spiderman, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: 5Bowg9P3m3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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