SURVIVING 24 HOURS in a Giant Haunted Movie - Rebecca Zamolo

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i'm trapping a scary movie in real life what is that no no no no no stay stay stay this is just a dream just your dream i'm okay i'm good we all float down here we're in our movie theater at home why are we dressed in onesies i don't know well we're home let's just get out of here let's go i don't remember doing this go the door's walked the drawer is locked no it's not locked it must be jamming try the tunnels the tunnel systems okay you guys what is the last thing that you remember before we ended up here wait we were in that scary place the the attic and we tried there goes the minions the minions put us here but why would they trap us back inside our own house it doesn't make you guys it's the screen hey you guys halloween hacker probably think you're in your movie theater right now but you're actually in my nightmare program nightmare program so zamfam this is in our actual movie theater all right the welcome video is playing they're about to be trapped in every scary movie for 24 hours hold on you promised me that in 30 minutes their lines will be trapped in the nightmare program forever that's still happening of course it's still happening but that gives us 30 minutes to have a little fun with them that's right i'm the halloween hacker and i love scary movies which is why i put you in this program there are six levels total and they will get scarier and scarier six levels and each one gets scarier you're probably wondering what that is in front of you those are the items that you will use to pass the level go ahead take a look those are all the items and they have different movie names on them look hocus pocus scooby-doo adam's family stranger things the shining and the grand finale what's that zamfam what do you think is in the grand finale part of the program all right you guys have a seat grab some popcorn enjoy the show i mean i am hungry remember only one of you is allowed to go out into the program each time so we each can only go in one at a time how are we gonna do that i've created some look-alikes of you guys within the program so it might be a little confusing hope you're up for it look alike so anyone we see outside there is part of the program even if they look like us oh and you only have 30 minutes or you're trapped in the program forever no pressure good luck first up is matt the level hocus pocus i got this easy you'll need the golden cup in order to retrieve this necklace how you use it is the key in order to escape good luck all right fam it looks like they saved the best for first i'm gonna be the first one to take on these scary movies wish me luck okay damn fam matt is entering level one of this nightmare program make sure that you are subscribed with notifications on give the video a big thumbs up and comment below halloween squad if you did all of those things right now look you guys he's on the screen i'm dressed as a teenager i didn't know i was gonna be changing clothes so you change clothes as soon as you go through that door sanderson and sisters there's three witches over there [Music] that's me and me and paige we're the sanderson sisters there's a skeleton over there i can go hide and figure out where this necklace is and how i'm gonna use this cup wait a second it looks like two of the sanders and sisters have necklaces on that i need to get which one do you think it is stop my sisters today myself winnie and my sister mary and sarah sanderson will come together and forever gain eternal youth and beauty yeah we can stay beautiful yeah beautiful now my sisters let me bring up this spell book no no sarah we cannot touch this we must let it dry otherwise if it touches our skin it will show our true selves i stopped paige from touching the witch's brew it says something about showing who they truly are what if matt could somehow use that against the witches oh i wish we could talk to matt right now matt do it the cup he can use the cup right he's holding a cup he doesn't even know what to do with it come on man okay maybe he'll figure it out so stand apart sisters while i read the spell for all eternity i smell something sorry that was me no i smell a boy oh no it's not safe in this room right now they can smell me matt hi hi a boy we need to find him and bring him here it will only make everything today even more powerful come with me sisters wait sisters we need to catch this boy right i'll go forward you two over there we need to split up no look around for the boy zoom fame two of the witches have necklaces on it's you and paige no winnie and sarah that's not really me zamfam comment below which necklace do you think is the right one i mean matt has to figure it out i smell boy come here boy help us stay beautiful forever smell the boy right here i know you're here boy huh satan father father i didn't expect you here it's so good to see you i've missed you so much winnie thinks that that's satan she's so dumb what no she's not not actually you rebecca sorry oh hello doctor i see you have that necklace yes father you gave it to me to ward off heavenly angels that's the necklace winnie is the one wearing the necklace you guys smash the thumbs up if you guys commented that that's it yes father it is it and i haven't done no good only evil for you father father oh no you're not satan [Applause] it looks like winnie has the pendant that i need to get figure out how to get it off of her using this cop i missed you so much maybe we can date again in the afterlife we know you're here boy come out come out wherever you are we're gonna use your blood do you miss me too i know you do what was that sarah get him oh sorry one second get out of there oh no get out of there oh he got him oh we got hit in the head with a hand that had to hurt right zam bam young boy just what we need we got him he's caught zamfam what is he going to do he's all tied up how is he supposed to be able to grab the necklace off winnie's neck if he's already grabbed in this first level how do we get to the next levels silly boy now you are stuck within our circle and we will use your soul to gain eternal youth sisters no you know we cannot touch that sarah i've explained this we cannot show our true selves same fam i need to get the witch's brew on them sisters and close your eyes now's my chance i think i can get out of this rope it looks like matt is breaking free what do you think he's gonna do sanders and sisters witches of three open your eyes so you can see that is not part of our seance no but this is ah i got it get him i think he went this way level complete he did it he passed the hocus pocus level i'm all going again oh my god they look terrible oh their juices are really old and ugly let's back in so you survived hocus pocus now it's time for a bit of mystery and a monster welcome to scooby-doo rebecca you got this i got this yes seemed a little too easy oh relax it's going to get much more difficult and much more scary you did it well i'm up next you're up next yeah looks like scooby doo use the blacklight to find the scooby snack if i need a scooby snack and scooby doo it should be easy i don't want the black light santiam i'm daphne from scooby doo so i have a blacklight flashlight how am i supposed to get a scooby snack with that so i guess i need to search for the scooby snack rebecca's daphne but she's all by herself how is she supposed to trap a monster zamfam the seance is gone from the sanderson sisters okay focus squeeze back i need to find a scooby snack scooby snack scooby snap the whole gang's together good thing she has us what's scoob where's scoob where is scoob jinky's dad and you scared me yeah we thought you were trapped by the monster what i'm not a damsel in distress it's like speaking of monster we need to catch him because i think the monster's got scoob and scoob probably has scooby snacks well yeah always of course okay well we definitely need to catch the monster thelma do you have a plan velma velma velma according to my calculations the monster could be in any of these rooms so we need to split up okay i think the monster's coming guys hi get down get down get down okay so there's four of us and only one monster which means we can trap them yeah the ratio's in our favor zoinks what are we gonna do okay well i think we can beat the monster at his own game let's scare the monster and trap he's coming down okay get ready i sound that big those are really big footsteps oh no the monster hi hide hide hide [Music] that's such a scoop thing to do what are you doing here scoob we thought you were trapped by the monster good it scoops and we're all together the whole squad is here we need to go back to thelma's plan to trap the monster thelma's plan belmont thelma yes what was that again that plan we need to split up and search all the rooms for the monster i got scoop now let's search for the monster by the way scoob do you know where a scooby snack might be okay well let's trap this monster where'd you go scoob not real you know what one of us should stay guard out here in case the monster comes out of any of these doors okay fine i'll stay up here and we'll uh over there check that room just be out here just yell if you see anything okay zamfam so i need to use this blacklight it's some type of clue for a scooby snack where am i supposed to find scooby snacks nothing here no clue on this creepy black cat ted rose is ugh this house is spooky you can say that again where do we look around in here i don't know where to go okay over here i don't see a monster over here screw what are we gonna do scoop excuse what's wrong oh they got scoop see that yeah okay sam fam maybe we just need to trap the monster and do a face reveal and then i'll be able to find out where that scooby snack is all right you know what we're running out of time why don't we head downstairs and warn the others okay okay let's look around for some clues i want to do this monster man oh i see somebody that's looking a little bit suss ask him some questions look behind fred is that the monster it is it's the werewolf monster that's the same werewolf from scooby-doo in real life if we're in a program then who's watching us right now in the real world good point maddie think of it like that hey listen to me what was that it just fell velma jinkies this house sure is spooky i wonder who the owner is i should have done my research before this look there's a graveyard do you think that this house is haunted what if the monster is a ghost i wonder if i have in my notes how to trap a ghost let's see daphne shaggy fred thelma hey we're scooping the monster took scooby which means there's even more of a reason now for us to trap the monster and do a face reveal okay well we searched the entire house and we still haven't seen the monster we don't know where he is he could be anywhere in this house one second is that the monster [Music] for a face reveal monster tell us what you do with scoob three two one scoop it was a scooby the whole time oh what a twist okay comment down below did you think that it was gonna be scooby the whole time scooby-doo is the monster but i saw you get taken by the monster well well well i pretended to get taken by the monster i snuck through the secret tunnel and i was spying on fred and i was about to get velma and i would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids wait a second you said you had no scooby snacks glasses pockets what do you see daphne it says pocket you guys check his pocket wait hey hey hey that's what the black light's for hey hey i got it it's a scooby snack the scooby snack was in his pocket a scooby snack exactly what i needed to get level complete she did it she passed you need to get back in here because we are running out of time you don't want a time thank you so much make sure you take care of them thank you we're stopping where's zach scoob why'd you do it rebecca i did it ah you passed the spooky levels but now things are going to get a bit scary next up is daniel in the addams family oh man you got this button okay come on man that's my clothes item's not with me good luck daniel it looks scary out there okay not to rush you but we're running out of time okay i got this a special guest is showing up for a meal claiming that they have important news for the addams family your survival tool is a light bulb you must retrieve the deed to the house good luck deed to the house what do i need that for and this okay you guys hopefully daniel can pass this level quickly because we only have 20 minutes left or we are trapped in this program forever all right it's time for me to have a little fun put me in this one are you sure yes i'm sure don't question me anything for you my little blueberry go go i'm uncle fester in the adams family great i can do this i need to figure out what i'm doing here i need to get the house deep but why do i need the house deed to get out of this level oh uncle fester gotta go talk to the rest of adam's family that's not a good uncle vester oh my deadly wife daniel's uncle fester and you guys are mortician gomez yeah we were that in real life remember oh gomez after all these years i fall more and more out of love with you every day i love it when you speak to me like that huh um attitude gomez what are you doing what are we doing and spin oh settle down a little bit maddie you have to kill everybody oh uncle fester i'm so sorry i did not see you there but i'm so happy you are here because we have a special guest arriving and you make the most awful and deadly food you'll have to prepare the meal i don't know if i can do that it's amazing haha of course you can uncle fester you can do anything i mean you have plenty of time she's here so i have no time [Applause] well hello it is i lynn adams your long lost cousin hold on zam pam that is not a long-lost cousin that's evelyn what is she doing inside the program this could not be good i've heard so much about you and your many talents no wednesday no killing before dinner that's not our cousin you already said no to my chainsaw i am so happy you are here dear cousin and yes you are right the addams family has many talents and you know what we can show you i cousin am a morticia and i like things hot what do you think my mind cousin you may know me as a famous mathematician however i enjoy a sword battle brother join me i will not even uncheat my sword oh my they're going to kill each other or you no wednesday no killing uncle fester hasn't gone yet what's her talent i kill people isn't she adorable uncle fester uncle fester show our cousin your talent uh this can't work you got this whole palette shocking all daniel has is a light bulb to get that deed and pass this level well if he can use it to electrocute people then he should use it and electrocute evelyn wait a second you see he can electrocute anyone to death it's wonderful to come in let's eat now wednesday we have dinner and a guest i've got a cook welcome to dinner and you are in for a treat because uncle fester is the finest chef the side of the mississippi well i can't wait for dinner and i must say i love the decor oh thing so silly okay okay sam pam it looks like that is not their cousin that is evelyn i don't know how but she put herself into the program i bet you she's here because she has the deed to the house and i have to figure out how to get it that's my mission but i'm supposed to get it with this light bulb let me see what they're doing but in the meantime let me try and make some of this food with fingers i just dropped an eyeball don't step on that did you come here to die actually no poor thing like i said over the phone now that i know we're family i have an exciting opportunity for you there's a finger there every plate gets a finger maybe an eyeball i have some amazing connections and real estate and if you just sign over the deed to your home i can turn it around and make you a fortune there's the deed she's really gonna try to steal our fortune i wonder if there's something else in that briefcase that i can look at that'll expose her i need to get her distracted i know let's move go ahead and sign you guys are really signing it maddie it's not us that's morticia and the husband what's your name again gomez oh sorry are you going i will sign is with the deal is done now it's time for dna there you go the deed well thank you very much i'm very excited to work with you and so are we now it is time to celebrate dinner uncle festa oh uncle fester i'm so excited yes this is for our special guest i added some special ingredients just for her eyeballs fingers this looks like a meal to die for oh yes but look at her as a special is that raw egg is that fresh dirt uncle fester why didn't you give me any why don't you smell the sour smell in there my favorite uncle fester what is this i just found your id miss lynn peters there's no lynn adams here you're trying to steal their money lynn is uncle fester telling the truth be honest he's lying i'm your long-lost cousin you can trust me see she's not a distant cousin she's not part of the adams family she's a fraud uncle i think you killed her why give her the satisfaction yes daniel electrocuted evil and just like i told him to let's go i got the dude thanks adam family i gotta go why couldn't i kill her enough wednesday level complete he passed daniel hey i see you're not messing around here well neither am i no more mr nice hacker next up is a bit of a mashup all right maddie don't get caught in the upside down and watch out for a dancing clown maddie you got this okay you did it yeah good luck your item is a needle and you must find a paper boat what i have to go into stranger things stranger things is scary i just hope i don't go into the upside down they outsmart me even in the program that's because you're not evil enough let me have a chance for a little one-on-one this looks like so much fun okay let me know when you're ready not evil enough my name is evil here we go in three two oh same fan ivy vines and my outfit i'm in the upside down right now this was just like when we did stranger things in real life but comment down below if you remember who got trapped maddie's in stranger things and she's max she's done this before so she can do it on a program she's in the upside down though yeah you're right it is a little creepy don't forget what the halloween hacker said each level is gonna get more and more dangerous i hope maddie can handle this of course she can handle it okay okay i just need focus right now all i know is that i need to use this needle and somehow find a paper boat but why would there be a paper boat in stranger things that doesn't make any sense thanks who's saying max who's max wait a second i'm max see i told you it was her that's us we're in this part of the program too she's got a chance you're 11. with eleven maddy will be able to pass this program no problem get down what are you guys hiding from the demogorgon duh damn mcorgan oh yeah we're in the upside down right now and my powers don't work okay well have any of you guys seen a paper boat no but do you want a waffle no there's no paper boat inside why would there be a paper boat in the upside down i don't know either okay well how are we gonna beat this demi gorgon we gotta trap it somehow or i don't know did you find anything max yeah come on max you're really good at video games all i have is a needle what are we gonna do with a needle i'm gonna have to test my powers out i hear the demogorgon it's coming it's coming hide a clown one of my biggest fears there there's a typical orchid that's not a demogorgon that's pennywise from it what is the clown doing in stranger things i don't know but hopefully my powers will work on them hold on that doesn't sound like a clown that sounds like candy candy queen that's not penny wise that's candy queen zoom fan how did she get into this program too zamfam evelyn has been in the program and so has candy queen do you think they're working together no way this is bigger than just halloween hacker do you think that they're the ones that put us in this program no way no way but minions did grab us it's like something's weighing the balloon down zamfam do you think that maybe the paper boat is inside pennywise i need the candy queen's balloon paper boat i have a needle what if i can get the chance to sneak over and pop pennywise's balloon 11's about to do something goodbye demogorgon pennywise oh it's not working oh no eleven's powers aren't working what are we gonna do i don't know i don't know but maddie needs to think fast we're running out of time and we have to finish this so we're going to be trapped in this program from the candy queen's evil and the halloween hacker it didn't work and is 11 hurt oh no anyways it's going after 11 i have to save her what are you gonna do no stop the paper boat i got the paper bow how are they beating us we should be controlling them listen sweetie that's that's not how i set it up okay it's an even playing field pull them both out you want me to pull out maddie and the candy equipment man he's doing well i don't care we need a backup plan pull them both out fine level completely completely great maddie did it smash the thumbs up because maddie completed the level oh no where'd they go she got pulled out wait but it said level complete that doesn't what happened that's not fair daddy she's not coming through candy queen evil that halloween hacker save her no crap stop oh why are you doing this why are you taking maddie more collateral in case they beat the program i told you the program is foolproof enough of your ego sit down and do your job fine if they're not gonna play by the rules then neither am i did she get pulled out of the program check the screen what's this on the screen no more one at a time pair up if you can what did you just do i'm doing my job halloween hacker what more than one where's maddie we're maddie's gone okay we can go to the next level right but we only have 10 minutes left that video didn't it looked different with the halloween hackers and the other ones it was like it was live it wasn't like the recorded ones that we've been seeing okay maybe maybe something has changed okay we need to get out of this program and find out wherever maddie is which means we need to complete it said two people can go so math why don't you and i go and i okay okay yeah make sure you stay safe daniel okay i hope they make it because i have to be stuck in a movie theater in a movie scary movie all by myself all right i'm not joking now this is gonna be scary you're gonna face three girls and they make the mean girls look like stuffed animals grab the remote control and the rope and find a mystery box it's time to take these ladies down and enter the world of the shining zamfam i thought the shining only had two girls three girls i need three i'm gonna get that mystery box okay oh print pajamas wow these were comfortable all right well there's three girls i don't see any yet let's go hello is anybody here is the house two empty laughing upstairs shiny girls i can take them why don't you check downstairs you can take on the shiny girls yeah it's just two girls okay well what are these items for i don't have a remote and you have a rope okay remember we're looking for a mystery box okay box we got this be careful splitting up is a bad idea you never split up in a scary movie guys what have you learned but if there's two of them maybe they'll finish this level faster that way okay i think we got this okay so we know that there's the shining twins but who is the other girl it's the girl from the ring rebecca there's no way you're gonna type that girl and they gotta look for a mystery box where is this mystery box at what am i supposed to do with this rope zamfam i can't tie her up this is gonna be easy as pie okay now it's gotta look out for those girls come play with us now maddie and rebecca are the shining twins okay matt you got this let's figure out what they want okay here we go um wait she came out of the tv rainbow remote i need to get the remote from that this thing's not working you're gonna be a terrible father what are they doing to him he's freaking out matt get out of there get out of there man hopefully he's okay with the shiny girls mad you okay yeah okay listen i don't think i can use the rope but i think i can use this i'm with the ring girl right now she's very creepy shiny girls rope listen if you can't take them out i can take out the ring girl and then take out the shiny girls you okay yeah just two girls right you got this i got this [Music] come play with us do i tie this up do i make a rope like a cowboy throw this at him come play with this i have an idea okay sam fam i have the remote where did that creepy girl go hello pause it worked two four five six seven at least you guys are not talking to me or putting things in my head we're playing eight nine ten yes thanks for playing with us the box is in the basket okay thank you girls great playing with you the box is in the basket rewind where is she going stephen what is going on right now did it work did i break the level she's gone two four four three the code i did it zbm i did it i beat the level wait i have to tell matt what's the code for i gotta go the mystery box oh no there's a lock with the four-digit code on it come play with us bad news there's a number lock on this box the tv when i trapped the ring girl it was the code it was two four four three okay two four four three then we can get in that black box and complete this level get out of here oh we say that the stamp is inside it's the ancient stamp we got it okay let's get out of here okay they did it oh here they come we did it okay it wasn't scared oh that was so scary guys okay but we did it which means that we are on to the grand finale it's the grand finale the return of the monsters some of the monsters you have defeated will now return for a dangerous game of hide and seek you'll notice a bracelet on all the monsters if you get close enough tap the bracelet to defeat each monster once all have been defeated the game is over and you escape if you don't make it out you'll be trapped forever forever but we don't have to worry about that because we are gonna pass this grand finale zamfam you heard that there are bracelets all we have to do is tap them and then we can get out of the game and save maddie so there's three of us now we can beat this okay just remember you said monsters monsters there might be a lot of them oh no we got this so now they can team up well then so can we put us in yes and release a few more villains too there's no way they're escaping this program all right here we go three two one whoa um fester i'm daphne again i'm a real boy okay you guys remember the halloween hacker said that different monsters were gonna be coming out but this is the grand finale okay and they're all wearing bracelets all i have to do is tap the bracelet and it gets him out of the program just think of the plan we need to save maddie save maddie okay you guys this might turn into a hide-and-seek chase okay battle royale let's go find these monsters [Applause] should you really be playing hide and seek when you're pregnant that's evelyn and she knows that i am rebecca i cannot let her get me remember i have to touch her bracelet to get her out and so we can win this game what's the gender of the baby boy or girl i guess you wouldn't know what's it that was close see well why does she keep making fun of stealing my gender reveal that is not cool at all why is she even in this program the werewolf is after me what am i gonna do okay i gotta find a place to hide what's up i'm going to trap you in this program forever hey samfam i have an idea if i can hide in that coffin she will not see me i'll be able to come out when she's least expecting it okay is he near me oh he's coming wait i think i know how to break him why are you hiding rebecca are you afraid i thought you were the leader of the group give me the judge with my baby i did i got rid of evelyn at least in this program sam fam you heard the gender reveal i have to get the gender reveal i gotta go tell the others this is your fault that we're losing yes oh man wait wait do you want to do a selfie right here do a selfie that will distract you that's right this is how you whip it hey wow that actually worked it looks like fruit ninja isn't all that this guy can do let's get out of here oh no this is not good they better not make it out of this program they won't or maybe it's time for us to go to plan b pumpkin i'm so proud of you you're doing the really good [Applause] and i took out the scooby-doo monster i gotta hit the clown hey then why are we still trapped in this program i mean we beat the grand finale good point what's that sound like look it's minnie daniel from the attic wait he's not wearing a bracelet how are we supposed to defeat him holy hacker get back get back and now it's all over they'll be trapped in the program forever [Laughter] what am i doing here what are you doing here yeah they foiled my plan what wait what is your plan they betrayed me okay halloween hacker we can talk about your feelings later but right now we need to defeat that monster no you can't defeat the monster he was never supposed to be beaten we weren't supposed to get this far because he doesn't have a bracelet exactly so this was a trap yes hey well how are we gonna get out of here i have an idea okay that candy queen should be trade evil in an eye what are you doing i put in a fail safe so just give me a second okay we have five minutes to escape the program to how do we do that okay well you guys have to go in the attic and press the orange fail safe button okay once we do that then we can exit the program safely well hopefully well we have a thing right there that we need to get through so what should we do split up okay okay matt and i will go to the attic and the hackers will take on ghostface let's go now's our chance to get up to the attic go go go ah we got it wait why are we putting at each other oh yeah yeah yeah hold that huh oh news flash no one's going to die today hurry max rebecca you're going to stay down here what you gotta make sure that ghostface doesn't get up okay hurry remember it's an orange button the halloween hacker said i got it complete daniel in the whole way now girl okay cfm smash the thumbs up we have to get out of this program or we're gonna be trapped here forever great idea with a cell phone i knew you'd like it you know i should have programmed these guys to be a little bit harder yeah look for the button gonna be a button that says failsafe zane pam where do you think it's gonna be this is it it's that easy rebecca i think i found it what three two one what what's happening we did it we missed the game daddy hey where's maddie she's not here okay you guys something isn't right with the halloween hacker we need to get him out of here
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 29,472,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surviving, 24 hours, halloween, movie, rebceca zamolo, matt and rebecca, matt, rebecca, stokes twins
Id: 3yMydIsdmUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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