Giant Game of Clue at Royalty Family House

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today the royalty family invited me to a mask grade ball at their house and I am so excited this is their old house it's so cool look at everyone's masks oh wait where's Andrea Fon royalty [Music] family she looks like a princess thank you all for coming to my masquerade ball to celebrate my marriage to the prince she's getting married I hope you [Music] all that person just shot her with a bow and arrow the princess is dead who killed my fiance it was obviously your mother The Duchess she never liked the princess well I heard it was the musician that he was mad at the princess for not paying him for the party maybe was fate I had a vision she'd meet her doomed tonight I'm just glad it wasn't me this time Matt what are you doing here don't call me Matt I'm going by purple Fon gave us all rolls what's yours I don't have one detective someone wants me dead find out who did it do you mind there has been a murder here and everyone is a suspect I need to figure out who did it and I have the perfect challenge zfam one of these suspects killed the princess and I need your help figuring out which one it is this is the bullseye challenge whoever gets their Arrow closest to the Target wins everyone grab your arrow I'll go first with the princess gone someone has to take charge around here that would have been the princess's father-in-law he kind of seemed happy that she's gone silver go ahead and shoot your arrow sorry silver you didn't hit the bullseye next they think I'm testing them for accuracy but really I put an outline on the princess on the back of this board the princess was hit in the shoulder so whoever repeats that shot could be the killer a game of sport I like it of course a bodyguard is excited to use weapons he probably used one to kill my fiance you better take that back I heard that The Bodyguard was mad at the princess for not promoting him why don't you mind your own business Nice Shot sir now let me show you why I'm the head of security not bad didn't quite hit the target though maybe you should think twice before saying I shouldn't be promoted The Bodyguard is threatening me Prince save me back off his beonce just died don't think you have a chance take it easy why are you yelling at her why are you wearing purple I'm purple are you you even supposed to be here there's many shades of purple okay enough enough Chef you're up I'll imagine this arrows going right through the heart of whoever killed our [Music] princess not bad chef but definitely not too good the only one avenging my fiance's death is me wo the prince did pretty good but do you think he'd kill his own fiance all you're doing is making a mess and I'm sure I'm going to be the one that has to clean everything up there the princess a mess you had to clean up o wow that might have been the worst shot I've seen Matt you're up purple fine purple he is taking this Ro way too seriously thanks a lot for on that one's going to be an easy one to follow that musician's head is way too big I guess he's not that good I thought the maid would be the worst but not anymore looks like I'm up next she hit exactly where the killer did okay I thought The Bodyguard was the most sus but now do you think she could be the killer I'll go if the princess was still alive she would become her daughter-in-law I wonder if they got along I'm not Green With Envy on that shot fortune teller you are up I can feel Universe helping me she is so annoying looks like the universe didn't help her win but it made her more sus Gold's a really good color on you thank you you know that m really brings out your eyes [Music] really that was back TI did you see that did anything go wrong better luck next time dancer now it's time to head inside and show them what this challenge was really about oh we need the board now that all of you have shot your arrows I have something to show you it looks like I will be the winner in your dreams Meathead okay hold on you ready what's that you guys thought that you were hitting a bull day but really I wanted to see who would repeat the exact same shot that killed the princess look it it's the Pink Arrow that was your arrow it looks like it was you it makes sense you were the closest to her you were her assistant after all I didn't kill her tell him prin yeah quit picking on a lady oh my God that's it stop fighting okay Zam fam orange seems the most sus but Pink's arrow is the one that hit the target I think I'm ready to make my first accusation and I'm going to use this MTH she's dead oh my God one of you guys is the Killer and I am ready to make my first accusation it's you orange yes you were the princess's bodyguard and you were mad you didn't get a promotion and now you are the last one to fight with her before she ended up with an arrow in her back that is preposterous I'm a man of Honor I feel it the Killer is getting stronger shut up none of us believe in that stuff well we're about to find out who the Killer is this is the mask of Truth and when the killer puts it on their face it will turn red so come on up orange this is ridiculous face reveal Zam get ready to see some red I told you that doesn't make sense though you the last one fighting with her whatever I'm out of here you know what I don't want to clean up the dead body so two crushes in one day wait that doesn't make sense Stam what am I supposed to do her Arrow was the only one that hit where the princess was shot and orange didn't do it either I don't have any more evidence to solve this case what is that a video message from Fon hey Rebecca good luck solving your murder and to help you out there's security camera footage in my old room that can give you a clue good luck so there's security footage Fon set this up isn't he like 13 I've got to solve this case F's room is up here hey I think I remember where Fan's room was I think it's this room right here turn off cell phone who Fran's room looks so different okay well let's take a look at the security footage and see if we find any clues there's a killer It just knocked down a ton of Cups which means they aren't very stealthy okay zamfam I might have got my first accusation wrong but I have the perfect challenge to figure out who the Killer is this is the stealth challenge round one is FL is lava if you make it to the end without making a sound you move on let's start with the dancer I'll show you how it's done their surveillance showed that the Killer is not stealthy so whoever loses this challenge could be the killer oh oh not bad and not bad floor is lava I've been doing this challenge since 2017 watch how it's done I Matt you're out I'm purple not M come on fine whatever now I have to reset all those cups I got I'll get out I'll get out he might be the killer let me show you why I'll be [Music] king that jacket looks kind of small on him am I right it's not the jacket it's me you're small that didn't even make sense I'm large I guess he is kind of stealthy the fortune teller's up let's see if we can trust her spirits guide me she did that with her eyes closed maybe she could have done more things with her eyes never mind eliminated silver you're up next my wife will be accompany me fine darling you know I'm allergic to cheap plastic what's wrong with Solo cups I've got you oh yes perfect stay with it yes it's beautiful they work together do you think they could kill [Music] together okay I have you you two are eliminated that did not look safe at all they're everywhere okay they're everywhere maybe I shouldn't have had parents do this challenge looks like it's time for the chef to go I've been prepping for this my whole life we haven't heard much from the chef that's kind of sus nice yeah I don't know why but I don't trust him it looks like the maid is the last one up in this round don't do this challenge only Doom awaits you I'm not worried about it I'm going to sweep the competition get it sweep cuz she's a mze okay almost there too easy she probably just didn't want to clean up the mess round two is the Glass Room you need to get across without breaking anything oh I hope I don't have to clean all this up this glass room is basically impossible so we're going to see who's eliminated hey you did really well in that last room I'm really glad you noticed I've always been a graceful dancer you're hitting on him his fiance just died I'm not hitting on him whoo wo stop fighting you guys yeah right dude your maners are as bad as your cooking stop no does that mean I'm out you both are out and only two are moving on round three is the Laser Maze challenge you have to try to get through without making a sound this is a lot harder than you think saman because those lasers also have bells so far so good who do you think is going to win this challenge oh Chef I am sorry but you made noise you are eliminated yes which means if the maid can make it through this Laser Maze she is the winner of this challenge yes halfway through oh what happened what happened did you do this no a syringe the only way someone could do that is if they got out out early I'm ready to make my next accusation head inside I have some unfortunate news the maid has been murdered it was the cook he was the only one with her it wasn't me I knew it was her Destiny I saw wind chimes in my dream it was definitely the cook listen it was someone here but it wasn't the cook after watching this challenge I know that the Killer is you fortune teller the M never liked you I'm sure you wanted revenge and right before the floor's lva challenge you gave her a warning not to keep going and I told you that the maid was killed but I didn't mention how she got killed yet you knew the wi Chimes she must have known the future she knew it because she did it so fortune teller put on this mask and once it turns red we know you are the killer we go samam how is she not the killer that doesn't make sense okay fortune teller go ahead and leave good luck finding the killer my a stretch can't believe she's not the killer where's your husband at he's in the bathroom the bathroom he's not here I'll be back you can't fool me cook I know it was you I'm a chef not a cook I think it's your husband you know I wish you weren't here the funny thing he's not silver wasn't there when I made the accusation which is super sus but his wife said he's in the bathroom so I am going to confront him wait fortune tell her what are you doing here I just needed to use the bathroom before I left oh wait wait wait uh do you think you could stick around I I might need your help for something I knew you would say that okay Zam fam I need to figure out who this killer is before more people die let's look at the security footage what is the killer doing that looks like a freezer they're getting out quickly which means they don't like the cold okay Zam fam it looks like it's time to do another challenge and things are going to get ice this is the ice block challenge inside each of these ice blocks box are a Mas whichever team is last to get their mask out of the ice is eliminated well I get frost bitten easily stop being so dramatic time starts now the killer hates the CT so I can narrow down who the Killer is by which team loses this challenge your wife said you were in the bathroom I was I don't trust you funny you were gone while someone died why do you have that it's for self-defense listen do you want to win or not wow you're really good at this I'm comfortable with sharp objects we have to win here I have an idea let's use our body heat what's going on here what's happening is we'll do whatever it takes to [Music] win this is your ice put your hand on it this is not my ice this is your ice to melt so put your hands on it and melt it right after you go I'll second I absolutely not put my hands on that I frost me you don't melt the ice you're going to be eliminated fine that's what I was fearing it's so cold okay you're so dramatic and now you've ruined my dress put your hands on that ice I will not we're almost done we almost got it it looks like you've done this before my dad used to take me hunting I see a couple people getting close we got it so do we which means you two lose this challenge mainly her she did not touch the ice I was never going to neither of you guys touched the ice just like the killer because we know the killer hates the cold so now both of you must do the mask of truth you're accusing both of us thanks a lot one of you is a killer I just don't know which one it is so you first I didn't kill the princess you can leave there's only one left which means Matt purple purple you are the killer use the mask of Truth okay Zam fam we did it we found the killer foron I just won your game face reveal we all knew it was you you kind of look weird without your glasses just put on the mask ready for this this I know the answer but I don't know why I'm so nervous because it's about to be red and I'm about to beat Fan's game wait it's not red it's yellow yeah it's not red though why is it yellow oh wa oh my go do not tell for why I did this that was funny but it's time to get serious I need to find out who the Killer is so you guys follow me that did not seem like this first time this is the fortune teller challenge what is she doing here what she is doing is helping me with this challenge all of you are keeping secrets and I am going to find out what they are spirits guide me everybody pick a card from the top of each [Music] pile it's only fitting I take the emperor well actually that's not what this card is going to do please take the top of the card and place it under the light the Duke is secretly broke Dad we're broke how are we supposed to pay back the princess well she's dead wait so you could have killed the princess so you didn't have to pay back your debt take your card purple the lovers I've always been a romantic the dancer has been cheating with the prince for months the prince is deserve better I have nothing to do with her it's a lie I mean it wasn't exactly a secret he's the one who wanted to keep it a secret not me she's making this all up so you could have killed the princess because you were cheating with someone else or you could have wanted to be with the prince which is why you killed the princess this is all understanding these cards are aive exactly Chef why don't you go husia okay I don't know what that is but your card says justice put it under there it's time to reveal what you know what do you know nothing it's all good this is done we should move on you obviously know something just say it no I I shouldn't say it don't anger the spirits boy you must listen to the card it's not safe just say it I knew the dancer was cheating with the prince there's more he's not telling us I overheard them talking I heard the prince wanted to hey I knew this was a bad idea what was that the chef the prin killed him no it was you oh you were right next to him no I couldn't have been my son it must have been you it was a setup it had to be you did the chef tried to kill your son enough one of you is the killer but I'm not ready to make an accusation so all of you head to the kitchen okay zamfam all of them could be the killer but only one of them is do you think it could be the Duke he was broke and he owed money to the princess which could have been why he killed her what if he had more debts to pay the dancer in purple has been cheating with the prince could she have killed the princess so she could be with him and finally the prince he's clearly cheating and still denying it what other things is he lying about I need to head upstairs and see if there's any more clues on the surveillance there are three suspects left but I'm still not ready to make my final accusations there has to be more clues hopefully the killer stopping to eat a sandwich they're literally trying to kill someone how can they be hungry but they don't like pickles okay Z I just need to set up a challenge to figure out which one of the suspects don't like pickles and I have the perfect Tik Tok challenge for this one this is the roll it eat it challenge each of you must roll your Oreo and then you must eat it in whatever it lands in looks like silver up first it's about time we get some food come around to find out what you got take it out pickle juice I hate [Music] pickles okay that's all that's all I needed to know you can you can just it's not that bad it's that bad dancer roll away oh this could not have worked out more perfectly right next to the bugs oh you dropped it in there I'm sorry you have to no no no it landed in the pickles I will drink no no no there see good enough for you right I guess yeah next Sam she drank the pickle juice but she did not like it she freaked out all right gold give us your best shot it was my fiance this is ridiculous finally something good happens okay you know what I am done with this Oreo challenge head over there I think I know who the Killer is as the detective I am now ready to make my accusation and the person I believe is the Killer is you no it wasn't me you see when the princess was killed you the closest one to an exit that could easily get you upstairs to shoot her in the back when we went outside you missed on the bow and arrow but that wasn't because you didn't have good aim it was because you saw the prince flirting with another girl I'm not a murderer this still doesn't prove anything you got out in the glass room because the chef pushed you which also gave you enough time to put a syringe on the Chim which you hope he would fall into not the maid no it wasn't me during the ice challenge you never actually put your hand on the ice you had him do it and finally I thought the killer wasn't stealthy but actually you were just scared of bugs and you confirmed that in the Oreo challenge so now dancer in purple I want you to wear this mask put it on I did it I was right I figured out who the killer was I'll take care of this I'll take care of this we'll take care of this I did it Zam famam what for on congratulations Rebecca I didn't think you'd solve it but I'll make sure this next clue is harder Zam make sure you subscribe to the royalty family and watch their video right here let them know watch this Clue game
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 3,535,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: giant, game, clue, royalty family, house, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, lankybox, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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