Surviving Every Emotion Inside Out For Daughter

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today I'm surviving every emotion as a princess ew you eat with your hands what did you say to me this is embarrassing this is my favorite type of cupcake why didn't I get a cupcake that big can everyone stop yelling please don't tell me what your why did you do that because I'm angry I'm in Frozen now I need to figure out which emotion to fix Elsa please marry us the only one who can and one of us has to get married in order for Arendelle to survive I've already told you you're forbidden from marrying Kristoff honest Matt Elsa won't marry them wait he's my true love that's what you said about Han it's different this time I'm sure it is Anna the emotion must be anger I need to talk to Elsa so I can figure out how to help Rebecca has to fix all seven emotions to get us out of here seven emotions she thinks there's only six it's going to be okay Z seven emotions Elsa what are you doing playing darts so Elsa say your sister seems pretty upset that you won't marry them yeah well I have my reasons and what are those he's marrying her for the money what Kristoff once this wedding is over I'll finally be royalty then I can dump Anna she's a nice girl but not my type does Anna know about this no do you think you could tell her yes of course then she won't be angry with you anymore Anna what are you okay no I'm angry I found the love of my life I have this beautiful dress and I get my family's heirloom but none of that can happen if I don't get married listen I know you're angry but there's a good reason why Elsa doesn't want you to marry Kristoff and what's that she found this letter he wrote Kristoff would never write this I I'm sorry but he uh can I see this for a second zamfam do you see the frown face on this paper I must have missed it before but it's the same frown face face that was on the dartboard that Elsa Drew which means Elsa must have written this note to frame Kristoff so maybe the emotion isn't anger it's jealousy Elsa's jealous of Anna for marrying the love of her life I knew that angry face had something to do with it Anna you're right Kristoff did not write this note I think your sister did what I think she's jealous of you so we just need to come up with a plan so we can fix it this no how could you do this to me I know that you pray Kristof with his note I didn't what I had to do you can't marry Kristoff Elsa why are you so jealous with me I want to spend the rest of my life with him he left Elsa you just froze your sister looks like I'll have to marry Kristoff but you don't even love him that doesn't matter well even if you want to he's never going to agree to it well let me worry about that and you can go set up our first date otherwise you'll be Frozen like her Elsa samam what am I going to do she just froze her sister and now she's going to married Kristoff I need to fix this chaly emotion otherwise she's going to ruin everything Rebecca looks pretty anxious yeah she has to pass seven levels are you kidding me there is no way that I will marry you well you have to otherwise Anna will be frozen forever Elsa is blackmailing Kristoff to marry her he has no choice he has to say yes fine go get ready for our first date go shower first no they are going on a date oh no samam fam Elsa's only marrying Kristoff because she's jealous maybe it's because he's handsome all you have to do is make him ugly and then I'll fix her jealousy better do that before the first date Elsa thinks that Kristoff is good-looking and I need to make him not good-looking which means I need to do a little bit of a shampoo prank and turn him a little bit blue I need to hurry before he comes what are you doing I'm just enjoying how soft this onesie is that you can get at rebecas or in the merch shop right down here go and get all of our new merch including the new zamfam lip gloss unless you're too young don't do it zamfam he's in the shower right now which means he is turning totally blue and has no idea Reindeers Are Better Than People Ro people will beat you and curse you and cheat you everyone is bad no I'm blue he just saw himself in the mirror which means he's probably washing off all the paint on his body but that blue hair will not come out and when Elsa sees it she is definitely not going to be jealous [Music] anymore honor and I used to eat on Sundays that's when we also used to eat bagett anyone ah honor and I love bagett that's because I created that recipe and Potter as a kid you know what Kristoff maybe you need to just take off the hat and shirts I'm good why don't you leave us alone or else fine s what am I going to do I need to show off that hair so she's not jealous anymore to think of something I don't want to get Frozen this can use this to take off the hat hopefully this works Sam fam so I can get rid of her jealousy and save Anna once and for all you're hideous she hates the hair this is perfect does that mean we not getting married oh we are I'll see you at the wedding she still wants to go through with the wedding that means she wasn't jealous of his looks maybe it's the dress she must be jealous of honest dress all I have to do is get Elsa to wear honest dress and she won't be jealous anymore I just need to figure out a way to get her to change clothes I have an idea hey Elsa [Music] why did you do that what am I supposed to wear out of my wedding well actually I thought you could wear this beautiful dress of Anna that is very expensive and perfect ew that's not my style wait so you're not jealous of her dress no I'm not jealous and you better clean this or I'm going to freeze you like I did Anna Zam what am I supposed to do if I don't fix this jealousy and I can't be this level and I'm not going to be able to see Z ever again Mad what is that orange meter over there for I don't know maybe it has something to do with the seventh emotion doesn't make sense she wasn't jealous of his looks she wasn't jealous of the dress there must be something she was jealous of but what is it wait the family heirloom that must be what she's jealous of I got to get this dress washed you're lucky this washed out now I'm ready to get married wait before you get married there's something I want to give you and normally you have to be married to have it but I think this is so important that you can have it now okay Elsa your family heirloom I don't want the family heirloom I'm more of a necklace girl what but isn't that why you were jealous of Anna I'm not jealous of Anna now get out before I freeze you fine samam what am I going to do I can't fix Elsa's jealousy and now Anna's going to stay frozen forever wait a second the darts aren't on Anna they're on Kristoff the conversation's on the date Anor and I used to eat on Sundays that's we also used to eat Anna and I loveed against that's because I created that recipe and pot her as a kid Elsa's not jealous of Anna she's jealous of Kristoff I have to stop the wedding Elsa is jealous at Kristoff yeah Kristoff oh come on Maddie head out of the gutter let's get this over with wait Elsa you were never jealous of your sister Anna you're jealous of Kristoff what are you talking about I thought about everything you did the darts on his face all of the conversations you had you're afraid that if Anna marries Kristoff you'll lose her forever how did you know because I had the same thing happen to me with my sister but the truth is even if she loves someone else that doesn't change her love for you you're her sister you can never be replaced but she does everything with Kristoff and I don't want her to forget about me she's not going to forget about you but if that's her true love you want her to be happy [Music] right Elsa I'm sorry Anna I was jealous of Kristoff and I didn't want to be replaced Elsa you could never be replaced we're sisters forever I love you love you I got you something it's a necklace of us together forever it's perfect here let me help you put it on and there you go so does that mean I don't have to marry you anymore well you do have to get married I Now pronounce you husband and wife I did it Sam fam I fixed her jealousy it lit up she passed the level only five more to go you mean six it's going to be okay stie now I'm in Beauty and the Beast and I need to figure out which emotion I need to fix look Belle and the Beast are on a first date I wonder how their dates going it's going Dy B lumier what do you mean she's disgusted by him she's Belle I wanted to be Belle well I want to be lumier but we don't always get what we want come on mie disgusted that must be the emotion I need to fix good luck the girl that I was on a date with last night pass out every time she saw me because of how beautiful I am why is he bragging about all the girls he's been with now go ahead and joy your salad it only cost me $734,000 for each tomato he's bragging about his money oh I can smell that from here now if you're lucky that air can be in your mouth tonight I mean as a kiss I see why she's disgusted I feel air coming out the other end if you know what I mean time to see the big beast room this is going to be harder than I thought zie I hope you're taking notes because you're never dating a beast like that hey Belle are you here to saved me I'm on the worst date ever well I thought you likeed the Beast well I did I thought he was humble and it seemed like we had a lot in common and he used to compliment me but now he's disgusting okay yes he did burp in your face but I think he might have been nervous you guys have a lot in common what do you guys like to do we both like to read read read your books why don't you take your books out to the Garden I'll have them meet you there and I promise you he is not disgusting he is the person you thought he was I hope you're right of course I'll be right I hope I told the Beast to meet Belle out here and if I can prove to her that they have a ton in common she won't be disgusted by him anymore I love it here it's it's so peaceful and quiet I prefer a loud city bus if Beast doesn't like the garden why does he live here that's nice yes and what do you like doing for fun well I like ballroom dancing and your house is great for us only dumb people twiddle around on their tiptoes to music is he calling her dumb actually I have this new book and I think you would really like it they're talking about books this is something they both have in common why is it about me well no but well then I would hate it why this is a disaster Beast or no Beast that guy's a jerk why would you do that that's my favorite book I just said I would hate it I can't even look at you right now I need to use the restroom again you were wrong he's still disgusted something seems off I'm going to go check on on him there's something off with Beast and I need to talk to him to figure out what it is wait what is it's not working trust me it will Beast is talking to someone but I can't see who it is I know women you need to insult her make fun of her otherwise will come off as too desperate the Beast has taken advice from him but it's terrible advice well I'll do anything to get Belle here take this you'll be able to hear me say exactly what I'm going to say it's an earpiece he's going to be told what to say the only words that will come out of my mouth are your words good okay oh no he's coming that was close now I need to figure out who he was talking to testing one two do you hear me Beast good now tell her that she's talentless ugly and that she looks really pale in that yellow dress wow did you like it you really are talentless oh and you're quite ugly what else Beast keep going I want to hear more you are disgustingly horrendous and the odor coming from your pits is mighty and I can tell that you don't tweeze your eyebrows either you like them to grow together as one big bush and the booger in your left nostril is glaring this is not going to end well geston ruin everything there's no way Rebecca's going to be able to fix this really mdy come on geston I knew it was you you were sabotaging the Beast so you could be with Belle well yes I was you need to stop and what are you going to do about it you're just a girl just a girl no not the hair not the hair oh and I almost forgot one thing what is that the yellow on your dress makes your skin look very pale okay samf now that Gaston is taking care of the Beast will not be getting any bad advice it is not working oh no the Beast is talking to him it is not working I'm coming back to the bathroom oh no he's coming to the bathroom Maddie that orange meter is back and it's going to high what does that mean if I don't get rid of this gust then I can't pass this Rebecca you need to fix this just keep on pushing through our daughter's in here okay I need to think think I need to come up with the [Music] solution just the things you told me on working guest about to lose Bell that's because you need to apologize for everything you've done apologize and then you need to be yourself be myself you said if I did these things you would hate me you need to trust me tell her how you really feel and speak from the heart speak from the heart yes and you need to do it fast because she's leaving s this better work otherwise I'm not going to fix disgust and I'm not going to pass this level B wait what now Beast I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything really and I wanted to tell you how I feel from the heart go on whenever I see you it's like there's a tsunami but inside of me and there's a big storm and it's happening in an earthquake and it's like oh no he's not good at this tell her you love her I love you and if you would allow me to spend the rest of my life making up all the mistakes that I made in our first two dates I would love nothing more so were you asking me to dance I believe so it's working zum she's not disgusted by him anymore then okay it actually worked she [Music] changed is anyone going to let me out B do not fall for it now I'm in Snow White and I need to figure out which emotion of hers to fit oh no she's dead oh no what happened she ate a poisoned after and only true love's kiss will wake her did somebody say true love true love's kiss can save her her skin is as white as [Music] snow it worked would you like to live happily ever after with me in my castle yes of course you saved [Music] me I'm so happy for her zanam Snow White's going to live happily ever after with her prince so whatever emotion I have to fix it can't be that bad my true love my castle is your Castle anything your heart desires can be yours she's living happily ever after but I need to figure out which emotion I need to fix hey Snow White hey is something wrong well I have everything that I want but it still feels like I'm missing something I'm not sad I just I don't I don't know you must be missing Joy she just married a prince but she doesn't have joy boys don't bring joy Maddie come on okay well that's easy to fix what's something you love to do I enjoy going shopping with Sneezy shopping that's it you have a giant closet now let's go on a shopping spree okay Snow White you have your new dresses let's have you try them on to see how they look okay Zam as soon as Snow White puts on the perfect dress it will bring back her Joy Snow White let's see dress number [Music] one so how do you like it yeah it's okay okay well there's still two more dresses left and they are even cuter Snow White this dress looks so good on you it even matches your bow and your lipstick yeah it's not really my favorite well I have a feeling and you are going to love the next dress this is it samf I know this dress is going to bring her joy and I'm going to be able to beat this [Applause] level Snow White this dress is to die for and it matches mine we're kind of like twinning so does this beautiful dress bring you toy yeah it's really cute but it's not really me I think I'm just going to go change back into my old dress what San that didn't work I just got her a beautiful dress that looks great on her and she doesn't have joy there must be something else I'm going to have to think of another way to fix her Joy so Snow White how do you feel it's weird going shopping always used to bring me joy but this time it didn't okay well things change what's something else that you like to do for fun I used to like having sleepovers with Bash one happy sleepovers are like my thing come on we're having a girl's day okay and Snow White what do you think oh I really like this color see it's the the perfect girls day now lean back I'm going to give you a couple cucumbers relax Snow White now that you're relaxed we need to figure out what we're going to do next if we want to do body glitter or hair braid you know what I just don't think this is working I don't feel any Joy I think I'm just going to go to bed wait no no no no no no you can't sleep without Joy I just mean that there must be something else that you enjoy there's not though anything think really hard okay maybe there's one thing yes yes what is it I used to like having tea parties with sleep crey and Dopey then a tea party it is I'll meet you right over there okay samam fam this isn't making sense we're doing all the things she used to enjoy and there's still no joy in her hopefully this tea party will give me answers because this is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be cheers to a great tea party Snow White honestly I love a good tea party but this is not about me this is about you so Snow White do you feel any Joy it's really good but I still don't feel happy that's because you have haven't tried a cookie so do you feel Joy no she gets to do all these things and she still doesn't have joy maybe if they watch a little bit of football they'd be super happy right now you know I used to enjoy doing all these things with the dwarves but now I just don't feel any Joy maybe I'm just not meant to have joy Snow White no come back see this doesn't make sense she's doing all of the things she used to love and that brought her Joy but they're not bringing her Joy anymore wait Sam fam it's not what she was doing it was who she was doing it with she misses the dwarves I know how to fix Joy I need to make some phone calls I told you I just want to go to sleep I promise I have one more surprise for you and you are going to love it what is all this [Music] [Applause] [Music] surpr I missed you so much a how did you do all this well the prince and I made some phone calls we know how much you missed the dwarves so we invited them to stay with us at the castle forever really you have no idea how much joy this brings me I did it I fixed her Joy she didn't she brought Joy back to Snow White she was just missing her friends but why did only four show up now I'm in Aladdin and I have to help Jasmine fix her emotion there she is Jasmine would you like help with that cake oh no thank you I got [Music] this I'm so embarrassed hey Aladdin you want a slice oh that is so embarrassing your face is embarrassing oh come on do better than that M oh no samam embarrassment must be the emotion that I have to fix I need to do something what's happening Denny I'm ready to do my first wish okay what do you wish for I want you to redo what just happened so I don't get embarrassed well if you redo it and use that as your wish you need to make sure to tie your shoes so you don't fall into the cake okay got it okay and okay Zam I have to fix her embarrassment and three wishes so as long as she ties her shoe she should be good to [Music] go s this is perfect she's tying her shoe which means she won't get embarrassed the cake didn't fall now she gets to talk to her Crush Aladdin welcome everybody to my party would anybody like some Flor derves he's such a gentleman I wonder what they're going to talk about maybe they're going to have a first kiss I don't do carbs more for me it's so nice to see you oh my God Jasmine teeth why is he making that face why are they laughing look at her teeth I can't she's food in her teeth oh no this is not good definitely embarrassing oh my God e poor Jasmine she must be so embarrassed because Aladdin's her crush and she wants a first kiss well she should stop doing embarrassing things it's so dumb oh no everyone's laughing at her Jasmine I think she's going to need another wish jnie I'm ready to make my next wish I want to go back before I ate the food just remember when I grant this wish you know what not to do and I can only Grant three wishes so you have to make this one count okay okay okay no more embarrassment let's do this okay Zam she's not going to fall in the cake she's not going to eat the food fixing her embarrassment is going to be easy she has one wish left but she's not even going to need it welcome everyone to my body floor deres anyone I have one don't take it don't take it no thank you got you she passed on the her dves I don't do carbs more for me it's really good to see you Jasmine our crush is talking to her this is the perfect moment I'm so excited to see you too Tarson Tarzan no she called him the wrong name I mean Taran your exboyfriend it's just that I pictured you without the vest this is so awkward oh my god look different but in a good way feel really uncom now no oh my God this is so embarrassing Aladdin I'm so sorry buddy really awkward oh no she's already used two wishes which means she only has one wish left I hope I can fix this I can't believe you called him by the wrong name I just got so nervous I'm so embarrass I'm ready to make my next wish okay Jasmine I just want you to know though this is the last wish I can grant you so before you make it I want you to touch the top of the lamp and I want you to close your eyes I want you to see all of the people that are at your party right now anyone want a cupcake no [Music] [Applause] no looks like you got something on your shirt what is that what your dress is tucked in and you have toilet paper hanging out oh my God oh my God don't tell anyone please it's so good to see you oh did you just try to kiss me so it's you're just like not my type look they're all doing embarrassing things good thing I'm not there I'm perfect they were all embarrassed exactly nobody's perfect everyone gets embarrassed it's how you handle it sometimes you just have to laugh it off and then the embarrassment goes away I'm ready for my last wish what is it I want you to take me back right before I say the wrong name your wish is granted K okay Zam fam I really hope this works because she has no more wishes left which means if I don't fix her embarrassment then I don't pass this level and I'm not going to get out of this program I'm not going to see zie why is my chest beating so fast oh no Rebecca's not going to be able to fix her embarrassment and that orange meter's back it's higher than before I hope this works it's really good to see you Jasmine it's good to see you too Aladdin yes she called him by the right name I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go talk somewhere in private he wants to go somewhere private this is where she's going to get her first kiss I love to this is it Sam [Music] famam no not the Aladdin underwear I'm not going to pass this level now yes I want this because I like you Aladdin she's embracing it I like you a lot and I'm not embarrassed well I like you too Jasmine really oh that's so cute I wish I was her she got her first kiss and her look changed we didn't zimp him we fixed her emotion yes Rebecca you did you fixed her embarrassment and the next color lit up now I'm in Little Mermaid and look that's [Music] [Applause] Ariel Ariel you have legs I got them so I can run away from my father why he's so scary have you seen him I've got to go wait wait wait wait fear I need to fix fear okay listen Ariel I know you might think your dad is scary but human fears are way worse I mean people get buried alive there's bullies and don't even get me started on first kisses all that really happens on land yes and a ton more so you have two choices you can either face all of these giant fears on land or this one fear the fear of your dad choose the starfish no I'll take the first fear all of them come on Ariel you're supposed to choose this one it's just one fear no way my dad's way scarier than all of these okay fine I'll take you and have you face all of these fears but afterwards I promise you you will have the confidence to face your dad what do I have to do first the first human fear you're going to have to face is getting buried alive I'm so scared I don't think I can do it great then we can just talk to your dad no never mind I'll do it what okay is dirt like sand oh this isn't dirt this is manure okay step one Ariel is getting buried alive dealing with your father would be so much easier but here we go okay Zam fam she's in the coffin if she is okay with getting buried alive she'll have no problem facing her father okay Ariel this manure is going to keep coming or you can just face your fear of your dad I'll keep getting buried alive all day if I don't have to face my father this isn't working she faced her fear okay congratulations you face the fear of getting buried alive but there are still some more human fears you're going to have to face or you can just face your dad what's next I'm now pretending to be a substitute teacher because Ariel needs to face the fear of being voided and if she can do that she'll definitely be able to face her death she's coming in [Music] now are you the new girl why do you smell like dirt okay that is definitely the bully that Ariel is going to have to stand up to actually it's manure H she mentioned the manure I should have warned her about that don't worry about her she's just me what's your name Ariel nice to meet you Ariel and Prince Eric I think she likes him zamfam you have a really nice human body thanks you have a nice human body too that bully put something in her backpack well I'm surprised that you're not focusing on her crutch thank you I just got the legs today cool they great legs hey uh do you smell something fishy it does smell like fish no it's not me this this time flounder oh no oh no Ariel's going to be devastated fish are her best friend no no no little G I'll be okay we need to find some water is there any water anywhere look everybody the new girl's crying over a dead fish leave her alone what's she going to do about it who would do that okay zum I am running out of time I'm trying to stay calm but if she can't even face the bully how is she supposed to Face her dad and how am I supposed to be this level is that thing again my chest is pounding really okay you know what I need to help her wait I think I have an idea I'm so sorry here Ariel let me take that fish listen that girl is a bully you need to stand up to her I don't think I can look what she did to him listen the next time she tries to mess with you just say stop that's it okay you can do this and then you'll be able to face your dad okay I'll take this excuse me there is no Starbucks allowed in class I'm going to have to take that that's so unfair now get back to work okay zamfam I have to make sure this happens fast because I am running out of time I know Ariel will be able to face her fear I just need it to happen a little faster you know what today's your lucky day I'm feeling nice I'm going to let you drink your Starbucks sweet so good okay Ariel you have to stand up to that bully if she messes with you again what are you going to say stop more confidence stop stop stop just trust me I have a good feeling about this I don't think I can do it hey new girl why do you love fish so much that Bully's messing with Ariel again she needs to tell her to stop say something stop what did you say I said stop and what are you going to do about it I'm going to tell you to stop um okay fine it worked I did it see didn't it standing up to the bully field feel good yes so you're now ready to face your dad no excuse me Ariel do you want to go on a date off school yes a what's a date it looks like you're about to face another fear okay Ariel you've already conquered two of your fears but this is a date with your crush Prince Eric and I just have to say you might get a first kiss what no I wouldn't know what to do just be yourself you'll be fine besides I'm here as a golf instructor to help you with that thing of bobber Look he's coming okay just play it cool hey hi Eric so it was funny at school today yeah yeah this date is so awkward there is no way she's going to get a first kiss if she doesn't there's no way she'll face her father oh uh here's my thing on bobber yeah dude oh no Zam they both look super nervous she is never going to get a first kiss in time I need to speed things up you know what I'm going to help Prince Eric excuse me uh I am a golf pro can I speak to you about your your form over here sure hey uh Prince Eric how do you know my name uh it's on the list at the front of the golf course anyways you like Ariel don't you yeah she's okay well then you need to step in you know you need to kiss the girl pretend like you're helping her golf it's all in the hips okay she's never played golf yes okay you got this you got this okay Sam hopefully you can finally give her that first kiss so she'll have the confidence to face her father hey Arrow um let me Hoke you sorry okay they both like each other which means this is the perfect time for her to have the first kiss okay it's all in the hips all in the hips all in the hips all in the hips now go in for the kiss Eric okay you got it I think I got it he's not listening I need to do [Music] something huh he caught her I go you safe me yeah they have beautiful eyes so do you it's their first [Music] kiss father what is this what are you doing I'm sorry I I just I'm sorry stop you did this to my daughter and for that I'll kill you no no father no what I I don't want to roll the Seas with you why not I just face your fear I just want to be a normal teenager Ariel I just didn't want to disappoint you Ariel you could never disappoint me you're my daughter I'll never be disappointed in [Music] you you're not going to keep those silly human legs are you I think I will she did it i f Mak your fear and The Color Purple popped up okay Zam what color do you think the last emotion is going to be we don't know yet the next princess I need to save is Cinderella I wonder what emotion I need to fix that's Cinderella and that must be her stepmom and her evil step sisters the prince's ball is this evening Prince will choose one lady to give that glass slipper to it better be one of you why does she get the blue dress cuz Blue's my collar duh would I be able to go to the ball Cinderella you're much too filthy for the prince just go finish your youres please yeah you're so smelly the prince would never choose you and seriously look at yourself her step sisters are being so mean to her why isn't she standing up for herself ladies it's time to get ready oops if that was me I would get so angry wait that's the emotion I need to fix that girl is so weak there is no way she's going to get angry you know what everyone can be angry sometimes Cinderella who are you I'm Rebecca I'm here to make sure that you go to the ball so you're like my Fair godmother no no I am not but I do know how important it is for you to go to the ball even if I could I don't have a dress what if I told you that I will take care of the dress you just have to make sure to do your chores then would you go to the ball okay oh my gosh you are my fairy Godmother no I'm not exactly oh no hide she's coming Cinderella why do you look so messy all the time I just finished all my chores would I be able to go to the ball no why won't you let her go to the ball she did everything she asked her to these floors aren't done yet but I just finished cleaning them did you well they don't look clean to me Cinderella I am so sorry that wasn't fair what she just did life's not fair and plus they're right I mean I'm a sloppy smelly Made Who no Prince would ever want that's not true at all yes it is Cinderella you don't deserve to be treated that way you had a father right but he died when I was little how would he feel if he saw your step sisters and your stepmom treating you like like this I'm going to show you how to stand up for yourself Cinderella if you want to stand up for yourself you need a little bit of confidence and that means being able to get angry you don't have to keep everything in okay so you have this plate you're going to smash it no well it will make a huge mess and then I'll have to clean it up no no no you won't have to clean this one up look at this plate like it's your stepmom and you say no stepmom I am not cleaning that [Music] floor you'll do it feels good I promise here just practice with the word no stepmother you clean the floors no stepmother you clean the floors now throw [Music] it you did it how did that feel I think I should clean it up no no no we're moving on pranking people when they're mean always makes me feel better okay Cinderella you've got this I hope pranking her evil steps sister gives her confidence but either way it's going to be funny Cinderella I want a donut plate plate oh God I can't even stand close to you have you ever heard of a shower or maybe a bath I don't even want to stand near you did you make these they're horrible mother you did CER didn't that feel good that felt really good there's one more thing we need to do before we get you ready for the bowl okay she's coming remember it's okay to get angry Cinderella it's time for my hair to be done quickly now okay sister I have to be the prettiest girl at the ball or I'll lock you in the closet like I did last week Cinderella don't let her talk to you like that use these if Cinderella uses these scissors I'll definitely know she got angry no I will not be locked in the closet again what are you going to do with those be nice to me or you'll find out you're such a loser and you're just jealous of my hair you would never do anything you mean this hair [Music] Cinderella cut her hair I didn't know she'd get that angry oh she totally had that coming to her my hair I'm telling mother oh no you won't I'll tell mother that you stole money from her purse that's so unfair and I'm never doing your horse again you did it you got anger but now Cinderella you cannot go to the ball like that wow you really are my fairy Godmother no I'm not your fairy godmother yeah I knew it MADD I'm freaking out what do you think the last emotion is I don't know but I think it has something to do with orange Sam famam comment down below what do you think it is I did it I got every emotion wait wait why am I still trapped in the program why are all the princesses there those are not the princesses those are the emotions you're missing an emotion what zie Z's crying something must have happened zie z z z some Happ for zie zie zie zie zie you're all blue wait are you sadness you're sad did Mom make you sad why are you sadness no it's my fault I'm a bad mom you still don't get it you need all of the emotions Rebecca I have them look I made her sadness but what about you Rebecca wait I'm I'm not going to be able to see Z ever again how am I supposed to be this level why is my chest beating so fast that's right your anxiety but but I'm just worried about her I mean I've worked so hard to have her I don't want anything bad to [Music] happen you helped all of us Rebeca and now we want to help you anxiety comes from focusing on the future so the best thing to do is stay present you're right I've been so worried about things that haven't even happened yet emotions are okay to have but you have to be able to control them you're right so if I can just teach zadee to balance her emotions she can live a happy life exactly so does that mean that I'm a princess no definitely [Music] not we did it we beat the program and you finally control your emotions you're okay
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 4,240,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surviving, every, emotion, inside, out, inside out, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: kgfoD1dNdus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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