I obtained every creative item in Survival Minecraft… here's what happened

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its either: -fake ( very likely ) and they got an admin to give then the barrels -the know a private exploit/have a bacldoor to that specific server and are abusing it

whichever way you look at it there is no way you can do that in vanila withou the help of external tools

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Martypower2064 📅︎︎ May 13 2023 🗫︎ replies

IDK what SpokeIsHere used to get those items, but I have one little thought, but, warning, it is unlikely that it is the method spoke used to get those items.

The method is to log unto 2 servers (The one that you want to transfer items onto and a private server from where are you gonna get those items) and then have a friend drop items you want in your private server.

More about this you can see in this vid, but again, it is unlikely that spoke used this method:


Again, it is unlikely that spoke used this method, so don't be sure about this method

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Educational_Lake_140 📅︎︎ May 16 2023 🗫︎ replies

is there any way some one can sent me the hotbar save of this barrel in the video?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Gggggghhhhhyyyyy 📅︎︎ May 22 2023 🗫︎ replies

It’s in spokes discord

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/emotionaldamage604 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2023 🗫︎ replies

there is also a way using mcpe version to get you illegal items/op/creative on any mc server...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/a2s_hoopa 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2023 🗫︎ replies
a couple weeks ago something was found dead spawn what a block that was impossible to obtain in place in Survival Minecraft Is that real and little did everyone know that I had a couple more back in my base because me and my friend exploited an MBT barrel full of the most powerful items in the game the night before the way we did it was very simple but that's the problem 24 other YouTubers on This Server could watch this video and obtain the same power however these items are useless sitting in a barrel so the goal of this video is to use every illegal item we imported without getting caught and banned our first victim Planet recently made a vault full of wardens to trap players and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to use the first item okay don't go another well let's hope he doesn't catch on immediately because we still have 115 items left to use are you doing a video planet is that I think I just found your trap there's literally nothing it's just the normal nether what was I the only one that saw that no I saw that I saw that and went back as well I saw what was there actually award in Spoke I went through the photo there's nothing I am going back in I knew it was time to pull out new items but when I asked ashwag for a barrel hold on bro this why do you have a stack of chests in a barrel box he's trying to crash the server once I was alone I grabbed the eggs and left a little surprise through the portal this is not my video this is your video this is your video I know it you just like you're you're smart you're like yo this one this is gonna get spoke it's gonna kill him it's gonna kill spoke and ashrax it's gonna kill bacon too because like yeah bacon the troll was a complete success but all of that was about to change what do we do what the heck yo waiting on the fishing place I'm trying to get my totems out this is my last totem get away for the fishy God get away for the fish you got real what is happening I'm actually being trolled right now okay well I guess that checks off another item but this scenario can't happen again or else the owner is going to catch on so we created the most Secure Vault on the server ever if someone finds it does the server's over so maybe a base literally one block underground wasn't the best idea however that didn't stop me from using bedrock in the second most powerful item hello Hartwell is here and what do we need just a reminder that this was done on a survival server but testing the items out by ourselves was getting boring and our goal was to use these items on other players so I drank this pretty cool potion oh but immediately after I got a call and you want to see my brand new base that I've been working on May pick is my teammates but he can't know anything about these exploits since he's pretty close with the owner which makes it a lot riskier to troll him oh did you see me snipe that zombie no not snip you how much damage does that do smoke not anything can you check how much damage is this may pick I'll do that again the Olympic preciousness I hate you no you're dying no I'm popping your totem right here right now now the problem is that my totem can't pop and this won't make much sense to me pick if he's constantly critting me out I hate you you're dying stop I was just playing I was just playing I hate you it I'm so either May pick thinks we're exploiting or that he's just really bad at the game but we have some more pressing matters at the Vault because someone finds our fault it's over honestly I think we should just destroy that as long as we had Barrels in our e-chest we could easily use every item without this stupid Vault however what if we just placed a single Bedrock it's backed out of the vanilla spawn and just there you want to do that okay wait here's the thing though should we just destroy all this okay okay my game's lagging please do not chunk ban yourself it would be funny though now yes I'm destroying a ton of items we can't get back however as you will see later transporting them is a lot more dangerous I'm just really stinky man what can I say it looks like my Bedrock I like my Bedrock you want to see the defense motion let me just break what's the defense potion this is what it does oh my God you already have resistance like four in the Regeneration a million you only need one bar you don't need fast wait what oh did you try and find yourself you goofy dude so quick lesson Minecraft can only load so much data at once and when you have stacks of weapons with tons of data the game kicks you so as long as that shulkers in my inventory I can never log on again I can spam I can spam like click on you wait login again you killing me right now want me to kill you yeah kill me kill me kill me straight up kill me yeah it shows I'm on the server huh we need to do this before anyone logs let's do this it's literally on Spotify yeah I know if anyone locks on it's over how many totems do you have I have 64. okay gone you're gone you're gone you're gone you're gone I can log in oh my God it was pretty lucky that Ash is like saved me but because he popped all of my totems I'll pop his if you subscribe so subscribe to Papa's totems however there's always some sort of rebellion that tries to stop my Shenanigans and even with the most powerful items in the game an MBT ban would be the end however trolling an entire Rebellion would be the perfect way to complete our goal what the oh is that real this is the leader of the Rebellion but while it was preparing to troll him I made my biggest mistake so fast yo you're like my don't tell anyone it's me please it's really dope I think it's my it's my dog canonically this came out of my ass before hanging out with me why did I hear stalker noises what there's a chocolate cake one second just wait for him just give me a second give me a second don't worry about it don't worry about it did you just punch it with your face I'm just asking me to ask you for a pizza oh no goodness gracious at first the trolling was going great and we could have kept the limit just to mobs but of course I had to take it one step further all right take off the police stick off the pants take off the pants yeah drop them drop them drop them drop them luckily Ash knock some sense into me but there was one creature I wanted them to see so what else is new where'd my boy go except he was missing but at this point I was determined to use every item from the barrel to become Unstoppable stop stop please please please please please please please I was blinded by power and even Ash couldn't stop me until May pick logged on in an instant I remembered that my actions do and will have consequences and if maybe saw any of this he would report it to the owner and the mission would be over so I found a cow and drank some milk but meepic already added me to a group chat with the owner all they could do was hope to see another day to fix my mistakes I think I found their base you did I've been following him for a couple minutes now oh so I may not be getting banned yet but this is probably worse because when Zam left from Spawn mapic followed him through the Nether and found his bases portal you ready for this I'm gonna teleport to myself I'm gonna go down and nether portal if I didn't help me pick raid the base he would get suspicious but if I killed Zam straight after what just happened he would for sure tell parrot but I'm getting drunk by Sam guys go through the portal go through the portal no pants on bruh bro I don't even have a totem equipped dog I'm gonna die I'm winning right now stealing their dogs bro I'm killing their dogs I don't even care dude kill them spoke get them off of me yo I'm gonna get hurt about the enchanted Shield who's the one me me me me me me smoke they're dead right smoke are you dead wait I'm dead wait I'm dead wait I'm dead wait I'm dead wait I'm dead hey I'm popping a few times guys like I told you dog I literally feel like I'm Gucci Mane in 2006. well I've successfully ruined everything and now people think I'm Auto toteming duping and straight up back during the server but as long as maybe compare don't know I should be fine are we ignoring the Bedrock or like wait what the heck no way I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared wait no I'm terrified I am scared of them Second Coming is near who is is that them is that in purple is [Music] bro how well great now the owner thinks Sam plays the Bedrock but the countdown till my band had already started and as more people begin learning about the items the day will come much sooner so I realize the only way to prevent that is by destroying all that's left and the only thing that could possibly stop that is a little Ender might called poopies what just happened bro the little lender might I spawned hours ago who seem to have disappeared when I came back was now roaming the server one tapping players and now I had to answer the question Brooke that was absolutely you right that is tool of life's biggest anomalies in a singular day I place the Bedrock I created a endermite that could one tap players I knew it oh my God how I no I'm I'm making fun of you bro that is not possible in Survival Minecraft you're also the only person who would name it under my poopies I had a decision to make hey I could continue my journey of abusing every item B I could stay low and continue this lie or C oh what the heck is this yeah this is new oh my God Parents no you're about to be you're about to be thoroughly upset I don't remember this being here that was not me I genuinely promised you that was not me I was now willing to give up everything to destroy what I've done the Bedrock the items and everything must go except there was still one thing that I couldn't destroy no it's here it's here where'd he go where'd it go oh that's right yo I'm going in I'm going wow the next day I logged on to life seal during math class to fix our mistake except breaking this Bedrock wouldn't change anything and the players may not realize yet but lifesteal as a whole is at war with an opponent that is impossible to defeat and when the Wormhole finally opens everything will be revealed
Channel: Spoke
Views: 675,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spoke, spokeishere, lifesteal, minecraft, survival
Id: ty5wwPiox6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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