I Created Minecraft's Greatest Team

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I created Minecraft's greatest team to win a competition filled with the hardest challenges and from Conquering the deadliest servers to winning ten thousand dollar events my teammates have dominated the game however we noticed something was off in round one oh we're here parkour we don't even play this game mode like how are we dude you see parkour is our only weakness and we just so happen to start off with it and since there's only four rounds in the entire event we couldn't afford to fall behind here if we wanted first place lock it and lock in let's go boys I got a checkpoint now I'm actually getting momentum now it's like a jump boost oh it's a jump boost like what you guys don't make it to the Finish Line we're gonna lose the game no no we make it to Finish Line we just need better skill with this shut up come on come on go go go team finish okay we got third so we got 18 placement points those are the ones that matter the most and naturally I wanted to know who's on the teams ahead of us team 13's gonna be an issue I guess yeah team nine is also pretty scary these are skilled veterans and it's my team's mission to prove ourselves by beating them so we needed a concrete plan in round two oh it is the alien one wait can you guys explain how this one works real quick so Luke chess okay so whichever team kills the most wins yeah yeah try to play different from each other so we can just get as much points as possible just don't die ever okay I'm going behind we're going behind Okay is the Sabers how you deal damage right it cannot put the leader I got apple is that good wait yeah we should split up now okay I'm going obviously oh these are just free skin zombie skeletons yeah they're oh these are so easy like the only way you die to this is yeah you actually have to be an NPC well if it's easy for us it's gotta be easy for everybody else so we gotta maximize our points here we gotta work together we got to get called we gotta get the cops going in can we get like extra spawn rates like I feel like these are just not spawning anymore oh there's a lot now yeah I got a lot more now you activated my strap card fool hey Crown yeah you're spread out spread out replaced well we can't grief now I'm good I'm just killing things as long as we kill all of them we just get the most points okay go crazy I'm going crazy now three seconds I mean it's just like when you're the best it gets kind of boring you know so maybe we have to turn it down oh like so let's go as we're deeming as it felt to be in first place the event was still nowhere near finished and the players were taking notice of us putting a larger Target on our backs so team three got first that time team three for example like pretty much every single player on that team is better than me to make our situation even worse the event organizers threw a massive curveball at us in round three all right get ready boys what they got 2D Minecraft is this just like a parkour course oh wait we have like Crystal things we have to go collect two yo what yeah I'm moving I'm moving I'm moving I'm struggled on regular parkour how are we supposed to do well in 2D oh I got a job I can't hit it what come on guys that was weird we're all trolling here comes just cooking right now like wait am I going to go backwards on accident if I went backwards too apparently wait where is it a minute which way do I go you left you have to go left can't be going backwards guys come on now we were playing so poorly to the point where team suited finishing while we were only halfway done that's double our speed I'm throwing wait once I shoot the lantern what do I do one more Lantern yeah go go go go go go go go to the right all the way there we go there you go go go go go go people already completed this fun it's fine if you're all finished we get it off the bonus yes okay we finished let's go oh my parrot wait until the one round we do bad to start trash talking bro parrot X yeah that's crazy and before we move on it's important to point out this is a charity event for gamers Outreach so I'll leave a link below if you'd like to donate there but I also want to bring awareness to recent events in turkey and Syria so let's donate buttons somewhere on your screen for that one as well and now for the final round of the entire event we have a battle royale since we're only down by one overall point we would have to be the last one standing to guarantee an event Victory solidifying ourselves as the best team um wait clown where are you going right here we're gonna be we're gonna have enough kills like all right he sounds confident so oh wait you said the meters right yeah watch over the meteors place above you how much damage the meteors do kill you yeah we can build like a little thing right here this is what I did last time we're an ultimate ultimate uh low ground I'll see you guys here guys there's people like Obama yeah I'm with you guys I'm with you guys our team had made it to the volcano first which was more important than you think it let us build the base in the middle of the Border away from meteors and most importantly it let us enclose ourselves with wolf teams are much more likely to Target players who are out in the open so we were left alone raising our odds of making it as the last one standing okay he's dying they got rolled by a meteor he's down here trying to get down here see I'm telling you this part is so op because you'll never get hit by the meteors okay good play good play good play good play We Got The God Spot bro we all stay grouped up they cannot kill all of us we don't think damage I promise but just as we could taste victory the unexpected happened by the way we don't want to fight right now look at people's things why'd you leave where's where's gonna crash I'm right here it says you left on my screen I'm right next to you on mine oh yeah assistant yeah you're not here can you like that or something can you jump back I was still in the game yeah that's why I was confused I don't know I just left yeah my FPS right now so I can already tell you yeah the final round started to lag seemingly out of nowhere just as we had the position to win it all [Music] although we achieved first the organizers announced that those scores would not count because of the lag and that we would have to redo that round we were devastated but it wasn't over yet okay well same shot we just have to apply same Strat remember what I said Remember the tactics pick off stragglers stay together at all times uh maximize survival got it we like a targeted though because we're a team well we'll just steal the volcano thing one minute that's gonna be a mosh pit probably but yeah I only volcanoes useful anymore teams are just gonna rush it after they saw what we did with it now for the true final round anything less than first place was unacceptable this is All or Nothing guys come on all right so that we don't get like kicked uh in the end just two players oh my God they're gonna get hit by that meat here wait wait you know what this guy is yo Jesus Christ someone just push me off no way bro just fell off I'm dead yo we're gonna get to them we gotta get something while I cross this bridge chase down a team I just want to point out how close the channel is to 200 000 subscribers so if you want to be a part of the pre-20k era now is definitely the time I'm jumping in Johnny here we have a totem yeah watch out for meteors I'm looking oh oh there's one right near us oh my God are you serious bro clown Pierce our best PVP are if not best player had been eliminated by a stray meteor first we lose our God Spot and now we lose a valued member of our team calm down okay everyone everyone I'm literally Dead all right complex people fighting below us we wanted to clean them how many you want to jump on them we don't we really don't have to do it look he's right there by himself look we could easily close I mean yeah bro oh yes no you're good here you're gonna try it you're gonna try hard by himself now we can kill him let's come let's go he's down he's done all right now there's team 16 below us by the way are we good med tech are you good I'm kind of near a team dude I'm getting teamed up I'm getting teamed on you're good you're good you're good just crouch crouch taking build up I'm with you I'm with you stu or else well they're all above you I'm pretty I can't build here admitting just go girl on the side right side right side bro don't you clowns above you oh [Music] everyone everyone's within that border wait what we did in place what did they just do yeah I don't think we won yeah because team 18 was ahead of us before because of our poor performance in the finale redo we would barely Miss first place by three points a true tragedy if you want to see this team run it back the next time they host an event get this video to 20 000 likes and of course don't forget to check out the charity
Channel: MinuteTech
Views: 493,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5960MJqZuY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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