I Was Banned For Saving This SMP

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I just got banned from the server but not by the use of commands or anything like that on the lifesteal SMP every time you kill someone you steal one of their hearts and if you run out of Hearts you're banned from the server but to understand why I was banned I need to tell you the story of how I ended my own Empire you see at the start of the prince M Empire our main mission was to clean up spawn but after a player named clown Pierce took everything we did the wrong way he declared war on us along with another player radunes these two began fighting us over and over until one day where I celebrated a victory a little too hard by building a huge TransAm Empire Banner right in the center of the server by building this banner I essentially made it look like I took over spawn which a lot of people did not like and on top of this the prince ham Empire's main goal had shifted from fixing spawn to fighting redoons and clown piers and after seeing all of my mistakes at once I realized the prince am Empire needed to go so I gave redoons an offer he would have to assemble a team that would fight against me and if they were to win Prince them Empire as well as myself would be removed from the the server permanently it was essentially my way of surrendering without surrendering and after an unbelievably one-sided battle resulting in all my allies dying it was time for me to leave the server forever in that ladies and gentlemen was the history of the prince ZEM Empire at least until now the other night I was called by a player named vitalacy he told me that my closest allies spoke joined clown Pierce's team decimation and were working together to kill and ban every player off the serve and after hearing this I knew exactly what I needed to do it was time for me to return to lifesteal and have my Redemption art but there was still one big problem the only way to get revived on the server is by using four Hearts four nether stars in an elytra to craft a beacon of Life lucky for me Vitality had a few laying around as his current goal on the server is to unban every player who's been banned by decimation and to make sure he completed his goal he decided to unban me so that I could help him however we weren't exactly in the clear yet as when you get revived you only come back with three whole Hearts so if my enemies managed to kill me three times before I get into contact with Vitality it would all be over but luckily we had a team of players waiting to extract me from Spawn so now all I had to do was log in and start running go go go go okay everyone's ready okay okay here we go here we go what what why it's all response our enemies were a step ahead of us because my bed was never broken I would still respawn right next to it so my enemies put an obsidian box around it were now farming me for hearts the only way I could get out of here was if my teammate saved me all I could do now was wait I'm basically just a hostage now after a lot of fighting my teammates broke the bed but after I tried respawning I was still there somehow I'm in another obsidian box oh they put the bed back oh okay well Place plus our enemies were yet another step ahead of us and now I was down to one heart if I died one more time this entire operation was all over we refused to give up so Subs popped a god Apple ran into to the room broke the bed and the second he did I pressed respawn and started running I'm running I'm running I'm running going to the ocean Monument I'm going to the mapic monument don't even tell us where you go just get out they know you just wanted to know you responded yeah so it's just going that way oh God I found an island yeah princess secured with one heart ah damn I have a shulker for you okay okay okay take all that [Music] but then I don't know bro what the sorry guys what so the enemy was yet another step ahead of us this entire time Leah wook had betrayed us and I was back to having nothing to my name and after losing a combined total of four Hearts today our enemies decided to log off and I was safe to roam the server again the first thing I did was go full invis and run as far as I could so I could start setting up a base and after starting the base I can't handle it and after spending all day working on the base together something insane happened [ __ ] second layers [ __ ] second layer he's here oh Peggy what the hell that's why what do I do get the boxes get the boxes okay Abandon Ship abandon ship just grab as much as you can put it in your interest it's only a matter of time before clowns you and within six hours of this base existing it was compromised so now me and Peggy had to find a new area to build a new base however our base is being compromised wasn't our only problem I happen to have five Hearts to my name and in a few days my team planned on fighting clown Pierce while he would be busy showing a guest around the server so if I wanted to be any help to my team I would need more than five hearts and while constructing my next base I was given an offer by a player named pofa for the cost of absolutely nothing I could gain six hearts as well as maxed out gear now pofa is a player that isn't really affiliated with anyone so I figured considering the reward was so high this was definitely worth the risk so I traveled to pop his base and what do you know all the stuff he promised me was just sitting there in a chest so now with 11 Hearts to my name I began making the final preparations for our battle against smoke and clown but after a little bit I realized I needed some help however the only possible person who could help me was Dawn turned now for those of you that don't know me and Dawn don't really have the best relationship on the lifesteal SMP as on the very first day of the server I killed him and then after that I killed him some more and then he threatened to blow up the entirety of the prince M Empire and then ended up doing so after I was banned however the prince of Empire is behind me now and if I wanted to prove that to anybody then what better way to do so than by teaming up with one of my my former enemies and after a long night of plotting out revenges and gearing up together me and Don were officially teammates and now that I had Dawn on my side as well as vitalacy's team it was time for us to go to war against clown and spoke clown Pierce's guest tubbo had logged onto the server and was being shown around by him and his team meanwhile our team was devising a plan to take them all down you see clown Pierce wanted to show tubbo his casino and inside of that casino was a roulette table that was unbelievably Rich so with the help of Resident Redstone engineer Mr Q we were going to rig the casino against clown Pierce so that tubbo would win every single time he rolled bad news was brown and tubbo were inside of the casino right now so in order to make sure my teammates could get in undetected I went to the casino and began causing a distraction I'm placing the banners I'm placing the banners [Music] what the however Clown's guards are being unbelievably aggressive so if I wanted to cause a proper distraction I'd need some backup yo the whole gang's here in front of the circus right now yo guys what's going on we were not kept in the loop what the heck is going on what is going on guys Mr Cube six is on vitality's account right now rigging the Redstone let's get up in his face bro okay okay what the [ __ ] I'm typing oh no everyone's here everyone's here okay they're trying to fall back now okay everyone run everyone run are you guys still running because I can what why did penguard why did Peggy log okay I'm out of here I'm out of here I'm out of here hanging with my stasis so with pangy logged out I had no choice but to run away luckily nobody other than Donna die and on top of that thanks to our desire action our teammates were able to make it under the casino undetected and now that the casino was rigged so that Mr Cube could control the roulette table all we had to do now was sit back and watch Tabo gamble however as soon as he started winning clown Pierce deemed the machine broken and went down to check on the Redstone and thanks to Clown's absence Subs was able to jump down into the room where Brands he was and took him out with the tnz minecart which forced Clown's teammates out of hiding and marked the start of our attack okay what's up I'm like oh goodness eyes this looks like jump boosting around I'm finding spoke at the zoo I'm low yeah yeah here you go kick his ass pinky come on health up I'm here got it just like that spoke was defeated but I kind of felt bad spoke has been my allies since the beginning of this season and fighting him now made me feel terrible about myself it made me start questioning my morals was the path I was on truly the right one was stopping spoke the right idea in an event known as the cleansing just a few months before this spoke and I killed every player on the server in order to gain enough Hearts to restore every player back to 10 Hearts which ended up bringing about peace to the server but during the cleansing everyone thought we were villainous and wanted to kill everyone just for the sake of it however at the end of the cleansing we were revered as Heroes bringing about peace to lifesteal and remembering the cleansing made me realize what if spoke is doing the same thing here Banning every player just to look like the bad guy and then revealing that he was actually doing something good the entire time was I foolish for standing up against him or has he truly changed and actually wants to end the server I couldn't stop thinking about these questions so I went back to the base and abandoned the battle but before I could log out clown Pierce's guest tubbo decided to call up peace meeting at spa this was 99 of traffic so to make sure that my teammates didn't get themselves into any trouble I decided to attend everyone on the spot how can I write all wrongs what what wrongs have gone up I don't think you can just show up one day and just fix everything that's happened I mean there's so there's been a lot of murder there's yeah bro cloud [Music] and just as I thought it was all a trap it's clear that all clown Pierce wants is for everyone to die and if that's who spoke wants to align himself with then so be it however despite my death the peace meeting continued suggested we all went down to six hearts together and surprisingly the server agreed including spoke and now most of the server including myself were down to six hearts however something still didn't feel right I'd also like to mention clown Chris has left the area I'm pretty sure where is he no I'm very concerned I'm over here you owe me 14. I owe you 14 Hearts you owe me 14 hops I'll come over to you I know everyone scares you some deadliest player I am it's very admirable a few what you're trying to do with the server here clown it'll work we're all on stage with it I'm sure we all are but turbo Tom Pearson just banned tubbo off of the server because for some reason the man holding 37 Hearts only had one equipped so 37 hearts in Clown's possession the server was at its complete lowest point oh yeah to mention I have six hearts now you're such a you're so problematic clown Pierce why are you so problematic I know when you work long you're a coward you're a power yeah you can't accept balance you can't accept anything I'm gonna kill you I'm going to kill you I mean you've tried I've succeeded before too what about Brandy what does Brandy feel about this 40 Hertz or nobody can resist 40 hearts at least I can so after all of that we were hit with the biggest reveal of them all clown Piers had betrayed spoke and now he wanted to join our side and help us revive everybody who's been banned so we came up with a plan currently there were five people banned from the server bacon waffles mid Mystic Planet Lord roshambo games and spectacles and if we wanted to revive all of them we'd need about 20 Hearts the bad news was we didn't have anywhere near that amount of hearts on hand however as a collective we did have well over 20 Hearts equipped so after pooling our own combined hearts together we were able to revive everybody that clown Pierce and his team had been however clown and his teammates were going around killing everyone we just survived as well as any other players that they could find so we took every player we found back to our secret hideout in order to keep them safe for the time being fighting clown and because we didn't want to leave him behind we decided to take advantage of the fact that we are invisible and run into the battle without clown realizing who any of us were this way he'd have no idea that most of us had three or less hard which hopefully would make him scared enough to run away so now it was time for us to pull off operation jump clown Piers he's running he's running he's running he's running he's running no idea he has no idea he's acting like you have hard he's gonna try fighting back he's gonna he's fighting back he's fighting back [Music] easier than expected clown Was Defeated where one problem ended another one arose in the background of our fight with clown his teammates were going around killing as many players as possible and because of this most of the server was anywhere between 2 and 10 Hearts majority of them being under five and because of everyone's lack of Hearts people were already on the verge of getting banned so now our goal changed from getting Hearts to revive people to getting Hearts to give away and after traveling back to my base with all my allies we began devising a plan to get more Hearts but before I could even finish my thoughts it seemed as if we were followed I'm eating bro I'm literally eating wait how I don't know I don't know I'm getting killed I'm gonna kill Penny helping help okay we're too going to Parrot we're two going foreign [Music] thanks to my teammates I managed to survive this attack but unfortunately now that parrot knew where our base was we had no choice but to move out otherwise the enemies would be able to Ambush us whenever they please so after Gathering all our resources and letting parrot get away I set out to find myself a new base and with Peggy's help we were able to turn this cave into our third base which we called the lifesteal Republic this was in order to attract as many players as possible and keep them safe from clowning his team within the base and after two days of building up this vase and making it the best one I've ever made we're ready to invite our first player Dawn turn after the chaos that ensued tubbo joining the server Don lost his six-month project as well as seven of his Hearts bringing him down to three so I brought him to the base and gave him maxed out gear next up was terrain who claimed he was on one heart and also continuously dealt damage to himself so that I would freak out hey princess check this out please stop doing this stop jumping on trimstone terrain the last person I brought to the lifesteal Republic was Ashley he desperately needed items because he lost everything the same day tubbo joined so now with Vitality using all his Hearts to revive everyone Subs being too sick to log on and Peggy being on vacation my only teammates were now the three people I recruited as well as spoke in mapic who would come by the base every now and then they were all I had and I was gonna protect them no matter what however while me Ash spoke and mapic were chilling in the base we were attacked by clown piers what I'm dead I need help spoke I need help I'm in I'm at my spawn trapped in a room just a few blocks away from clown Pierce I was completely helpless all I could do now was wait around until spoke saved me I'm digging down right above you I'm right okay okay okay let's go let's go let's go um either way leave the way lead the way come on in there I don't know you gotta run we gotta run we gotta run we gotta run here we go another yeah yeah go another go nether go just go two days of hard work was gone instantly not only that there was a 99 chance that one of the people that knew where the base was was a spy for clown seeing his clown was able to block up our emergency Escape Route instantly and enter the base without causing any noise but of course I was still running for my life so I decided to push the mold thing aside for now sadly my teammate terrain logged on still in the base and Clan was able to kill him instantly so to make sure the same thing didn't happen to my teammate Dawn I needed to do something to get clown away from the banks so me and spoke set up a stasis chamber and I asked clown to meet me at the prince Zam Empire I see him okay I see him you see we should try to fight him oh he has cobs in the second hand so I have a deal right netherite for hearts Dawn had logged on and was able to escape the area so now all I had to do was ask spoke to pull the stasis however and I have eight nether right so are you willing to give me four hearts for another ride yeah thank you okay yeah that didn't work your Pearl is gone okay look I know I died but I promise it's okay Dawn got out of the base safely and now we could build Base number four to start Base number four we traveled to a base that's been long abandoned and stole two villagers from it after that we put those villagers into a hole and began building the base luckily this is where the bad news ended because Subs decided to log on for the first time in a while and went on a quest to get us some hearts by grinding Rey except remember when I said the bad news ended I lied good morning oh and to make matters worse remember how Subs is grinding rights yeah clown Pierce is there too and killing him now thankfully Subs was able to escape but we couldn't help but wonder how did clown find sub the village that Subs was using was over 6K blocks out and the only people that knew where it was were me Dawn and spoke on top of that when Subs returned to the Village he noticed that someone broke into the only villager house land and killed all the villagers and if subs and clown were fighting each other and me and Don were building The Bays the only person online who was unaccounted for was spoke meaning that this entire time spoke was the mole filled with rage me and Don decided that we were gonna dedicate this next base to trapping spoke so we spent all night filling the base with TNT and setting up a Minecart Track I would send TNT Minecarts into all the other TNT exploding it all and killing smoke instantly all that was left for us to do was wait for spoke to enter the base and then start running if there was a one small flaw in our plans spoke was suspicious of us and refused to enter the base so instead he sent clown Pearson oh my God Clown's in the base clowns in the base what clowns in the base what oh oh oh Sam Ron I'm running I'm running I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm going I'm going I'm going run run run run run go go this one's so poorly god dammit let's run just run just run let's go goodness okay wow there goes our plan no what oh my God you fell I'm on half a heart okay I'm trying come on we gotta hurry we gotta hurry did you activate it deactivated it he activated after barely escaping our own trap Don and I found an abandoned base and stole two horses and after traveling a couple thousand blocks I started to feel discouraged I had four whole Hearts to my name while Dawn only had three meanwhile our enemies all have 20 hearts and on top of that tomorrow is the last day of the server this whole exploding our entire base plan was the last move we were gonna make but sadly now that this trap has failed there was nothing we could do I mean with seven Hearts combined between the two of us going up against an army full of people with 20 Hearts just seemed impossible there was no last move for me and Dawn and this is gonna be the end for us in short I've lost everything my hearts my bases all of my builds my friends and now my determination to keep going I was ready to give Dawn my last arts and just give up but I can't give up yet Vitality revived me so I could bring back peace to the server my friends sacrificed their hearts and put their faith into me so that I could save this server even my former arch nemesis redunes sacrificed his own Hearts to revive me so that I could save this server so if I were to give up now I'd be letting them down a lot more than if I died fighting against class so I wasn't going to give up I wasn't gonna let them have the last laugh I was going to spend the next 24 hours of my life grinding the SMP as long as I can at least stand a fighting chance against my enemies tomorrow I will grind as much gear as necessary I will rally as many players as possible and I will fight as many people as I need to to save the lifesteal SMP that is my one sole purpose and if I don't fulfill it then I'll be letting everybody including myself down so I gathered as many allies as I still had alive and after adding them all to a group chat I had a very solid list of allies for the fight to come and after receiving every single item in redoons's Ender Chest we had enough emeralds for Don fun to trade with villagers all day long and while he was doing all the trading I was out getting as many materials as I could that we could craft as many hearts as we need and after a full 12 hours of grinding non-stop we were ready to save the lifesteal SMP Red Crab 2 one of Clown's allies decided to message me about having a meeting before the final battle I agreed to it as long as I could bring my allies with me just in case anything went South and after making our way to spawn we got on a call with Rick can I have you do something for me Sam what is it it's just a simple task I love doing exactly what my enemy tells me okay step one take this I'm gonna need you to stand on this clay block is this a trust test or something or am I gonna die now I I need you to start jumping up and down you're gonna Minecraft me bro I promise you're so close you're so close yet so far Sam just start jumping you still have the ax I do have the ax yeah all you gotta do is Click now [Music] you have the most epic stream ever there's nine hearts for you correct look guys I got I got them I got them with all the hearts we got off of rack as well as the hearts we got off of his altar count most of my team were above 10 hearts and nearing 20. our odds had never been higher and my entire team was filled with confidence but before I could do any fighting I still had someone I needed to talk to my former Ally spoke had become the main enemy of today's battle but I knew it didn't have to be this way I knew that deep down the spoke that I knew was still in there ah look at that hello princess hi I have a lot to say to you right and I have a level you're the worst kind of surprised you didn't bring anyone else here I'm putting my last bit of trust into you because I trust you not to hurt me it's just us damn I mean as you know I did betray that other day I I have been leaking the cords my question for you Sam is why didn't you quit after the first base was destroyed why didn't you quit after the second beast was destroyed why haven't you quit listen to me spoke all right I want life still to be perfect I want him to be in my Perfect Image and I'm not going to stop until that happens it doesn't matter what banner I use princess Empire lifestyle Republic it doesn't matter what it is as long as life still can be safe I'll be happy Sam I hope you realize it's already too late there is no way you can save this world Sam I know that you want to revive all the players that are banned currently you may have the hearts you may have the nether stars but I hope you've realized there is no more elyters in the end but there is a 25k by 25k Border in all three dimensions which means there is only a limited amount of resources for everyone to have if you had this seed it would be possible to completely remove these resources from the world making it impossible to do some very specific tasks ever since you got executed by redoons I have been constantly working constantly grinding to make sure that lifesteal season three is over because this world doesn't deserve to go on anymore all four of you may have like 18 to 20 Hearts that's only 2.5 Hearts per person on the server you still have to worry about Reviving every single person in this band right now and Zam tell me right now why is there players on This Server actively trying to ban themselves why are you trying to save a world that people are actively trying to leave and why do you keep fighting and I don't have any like people here I don't have any traps set up spoke why are you doing this this what is the reason I am currently at one heart right now no you want a safer World smoke listen No don't do this don't do this don't do this I came here for answers not more questions replay the hearts come on we don't have to fight this is literally pointless come on smoke no stop no did it Sam there is no point anymore this world has already been destroyed everything you've been doing over the past few hours there is no point ever since you died to reduce you should have stayed dead because this server should have died with you that day listen we were the cleansers we fixed everything it didn't fix anything Sam no more dude I ruined it it's all my fault if anyone should be banned it should be me come on man then why why don't you join us no why don't you join us I'm not giving up practice already got bands ashrax is gone banned this is not how I expected today to go at all you need to stop okay everyone's goal right now is to eventually get banned off the server eat apples come on please take my gas please it doesn't this can't be How It Ends come on damn this is this is how it ends and Sam think about it you all at 20 Hearts you're about to ban a player off the server doesn't this sound familiar that was a mistake on my part I tried claiming everyone's builds I tried doing things that were just not right not meant to happen on lifesteal I have done so much worse on This Server so this is this is my no you've done good you brought up the cleansing half the server wouldn't be alive without you come on man damn this this was the only way to end these wars because I hope you realize that if I did nothing we'd still be in some long drawn out war between two sides how about you join their VC let me accept my destiny the same Destiny you will face very soon do it bro do it come on a road do it right now bye Zam no I'm I'm not gonna happen it is gonna happen as much as you say it's gonna happen goodbye oh despite everything I tried I couldn't save spoke he's had his mindset on destroying the server since the day I was banned while I on the other hand had my mind on saving it no matter how long we talked neither of us would have changed our minds we've both been on these paths for far too long to change now [Music] and for that very reason I wasn't gonna let this affect me I knew that there were more important things to worry about right now for example the fact that clown Pierce is literally attacking our base right now and killing all my friends so to make sure that I could hold on to what I still had I hurried back to the base and began fighting clown Bears crap come on go go go go do the Minecraft do the minecart do the Mine Card guys I'm gonna get one of you okay so much damage oh clown is going yeah yeah I don't care how many bases they destroy I'm not giving up now we're not giving up Don I don't think you take that Don I don't think you take all that no you can't but yes I can where'd he go he's outside he's going towards portal he's going towards portal yeah [Music] oh you have a massive trap set up right by our base after Don blew up he respawned inside of an obsidian box with parrot there waiting for him so we abandoned the clown fight and ran towards spawn but while we are on our way there our enemies had revived spoke and got wooky to betray us the bad news was we were unbelievably low on gear after fighting clowns so instead of fighting our enemies our goal was to get Dawn out of the box Don I'm coming I'm coming Don God bless you have like a little bit of a truce red I don't know I don't know okay I'm trying to lead them away I made like a nice staircase three oh God one come on Don come on I'm out vlog's running away run come on hey don't worry about me run just get away just get away no I'm done oh I'm done Peggy it's over it's over it's over no I was killed there was no way to save Dawn and my teammates were doomed there was only one way I knew of to stop this conflict it's a method of use time and time before I was going to surrender without surrendering I figured that if I somehow got banned off the server my teammates would stop fighting and work with our enemies to give the server a peaceful ending so I called up spoke and asked them to meet me at my base there's a bit of Truth to what you say everyone dying would put the server back together we'd all be together in season four but I can't just give up so I'm not just gonna lay down and die this is the part where the entire base blows up but I don't actually have TNT for that instead I have this let's go yeah this is really sad man this is really sad if you want me to give up smoke then just keep fighting me fight back okay oh okay wow wow you were just going for it oh my god wow Sam I hope you realize that this is everything so you want to just kill me that's it this is what I have to do Sam same with clowns same with everyone else I can get something surely I can I can pull something off I'll fix everything I'll find a way to survive okay if there is no reason I'm not I'll keep fighting to my last breath spoke I don't want you to die you don't have to die well I mean you're the one doing this yes because this is the only way to save the server yeah I guess this is it for me foreign when you first logged in this is the reason why we spine trapped you there was a reason why I wanted Leo to be revived instead of you is because you don't give up in its most annoying thing ever and I knew when you were when you escaped that day I knew that I was in for a very drawn out War you guys were losing materials you guys were losing Hearts kept fighting no one else would just keep fighting like that no one else would just anyone else would just surrender in this is exactly why I have to do this spoke I wanted to end the season you know not banned seems like I just I have to call it here there's nothing I can do so you did it you won you got me to give up congratulations spoke thank you Sam I'm glad I did it everything went exactly as I anticipated after spoke killed me my teammates were able to get a few kills on our enemies and then eventually they all met up at Dawn's void trap where they did a few speeches before all jumping into the void together and ending the server the server was finally all working together to accomplish our one true goal starting the fourth season of lifesteal and if you want to see the fourth season of lifesteal please be sure to head over to my twitch as I'm gonna be streaming on the server every day for the next week also if you don't mind please be sure to subscribe anyways thank you for watching and goodbye
Channel: PrinceZam
Views: 3,391,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dream smp, tommyinnit, brothers smp, challenge, clownpierce, deadliest smp, funniest minecraft video, i went to war over this axolotl, leowook, lifesteal smp, mine craft, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft server, minecraft smp, minecraft smp server to join, minecraft speedrun, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, modded minecraft, school smp, smp, minecraft survival
Id: sCz3oIoQd0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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