Minecraft's Hardest World Records

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I'm attempting to break eight of Minecraft's hardest world records in only 48 hours starting with the fastest time to build limit let's do this I need to quickly craft a shovel and then get some building blocks ah no the fastest way to do this is to spawn into bamboo forest because swords can instant break bamboo which can quickly give you all your building blocks the only problem is this spawn is extremely rare nope nope oh definitely not please oh no way this seat's perfect come on come on this could really be it all right let me start going up come on yes I just did it yes that was the first record complete but as I move on they will get harder and harder the next one I have to be is the fastest time to put on a full set of diamond armor at a minute and 51 seconds the current record holder uses seed with a route where you can beat it as fast as possible okay so it begins at the Rune portal then somewhere over here there's a berry treasure over here over here now if I go in the ocean somewhere I should be able to dig straight down the diamonds okay now he's gonna get back to the portal okay here we are on the Bastion the rest should be over here come on ah this record takes extreme Precision to the point where one misplace one miss craft wait oh my God or one misstep can lead to a failed run no oh my God but eventually after 500 attempts of building muscle memory crafting and Route running I finally saw Improvement come on really good pacing right now let's go I did it finally yes full diamond armor let's go the next record is for the fastest death it's currently at 1.97 seconds which is extremely fast so fast that it needs the perfect seed to complete it bro oh so close oh my god oh too late oh my god oh I'm really just trying to question whether or not this is possible dang it I mean I've literally gone through 5 000 different seeds come on I really want this was that it hold on let me check no oh my God I actually did it I've completed my first few records but I've already ran through a bunch of my time next is the fastest time to tame an animal and I have to beat 10.3 seconds okay I feel like timing horses is the meadow since you can literally just spawn right in front of them all right come on oh my God this is oh my God like that's so late like this was a lot harder than I thought like did you know that you only have a five percent chance to tame a horse in your first two attempts oh my horse please oh I said I think I just did it I think I just did it instead of progressing to the next record I decided to test my luck on the absolute hardest one it's one that's been attempted for over 10 years the fastest time to the Minecraft farlands the current time to beat is 8 hours in six minutes now there's a few ways to do this option one is the easiest and it's just straight up spawning and walking but that will take nine months option two would be to star in 1.19 get an elytra nether travel and then downgrade my world to Beta Minecraft once I get far enough but after asking somebody who's done this how long it will take they said about 12 hours which only leaves me with option three where I can do things some consider to be unnatural glitch abusing but first I am gonna need a cave yes got my lava pit diamonds now we can enter the Nether and starter glitching the first glitch makes it so you don't need to press anything to move since this run can take 8 hours I'll need this or else my fingers will be in a lot of pain to do it I just have to hold W like the second I open a furnace wait look I'm moving without even pressing anything next I need to get on top with another roof so nothing gets it's my way of walking and while right clicking the bottom of a block with a boat you can make it spawn on top of it so if I set up this contraption I can spam my click my way to the top and do the next glitch except I messed something up and now I'm just stuck in the Bedrock and I have three sets there are two guys shooting at me no get me up there get me up there what the you're kidding please you're lying okay I'm gonna have to come back to this one later I'm draining way too much time on it the next record is the record for the most consecutive two block jumps okay one jump down six thousand two hundred thirty four more to go okay 100 down 100 down now two block jump obviously is not hard at all but when you do it six thousand times non-stop your body will be in a lot of pain oh my God my hand's starting to hurt so I'm only 15 in and it feels like it's been in eternity no great time to do it all over again my eye is twitching okay back in three thousands I fall again I literally just cry oh my God five thousands okay final stretch final stretch six thousand six thousands oh my God you could see the end hardest pounding yes yes how far can I actually go now and that is the new record for most consecutive two block jumps the next record is the fastest time to beat Minecraft in survival peaceful mode but wait isn't that impossible the odds of your world having a full end portal are too weird to attempt going for and blazes can't even spawn in peaceful mode making Eyes of Ender uncraftable unless you're playing Minecraft version 1.0 and the fastest time I saw somebody beat the game with this method was 22 and a half hours the reason why this version is necessary because blazes can supposedly spawn for a split second in the Nether and if I want to kill one I'm gonna need a sword that'll be able to one hit it and luckily I was able to speed up the process with a pretty broken duplication glitch like look at this I can literally just print diamonds now I'm gonna need some levels okay that took a lot longer than it ever should have yes now I have to enter the Nether and find myself a fortress just like that okay yes and I need a blaze spawner oh okay wait they actually do spawn all I gotta do is just sit here and swing and of course shout out to crafter dark without them showing how to get blaze rods and peaceful I wouldn't know how to do this right now I have one imagine I just like slip and like lose everything okay I'm not done yet because we still need ender pearls and since they're not obtainable and peaceful 1.0 I'll need to upgrade my world to 1.19 so I can do some trading let's go finally 15 Eyes of Ender all in peaceful mode oh my God we're here oh my goodness let's do this perch yes yes I finally did it this is the part where I suggest you subscribe oh I don't have that much time left the next record is the world's longest combo how hard is 1200 hits even oh oh okay come on Broach let me get a combo bro come on oh my God wait I have an idea if I just take an ALT account and just start hitting it a bunch and that technically means that I can now hold the record for the world's longest combo which leaves us with the last record I'm really running out of time if I don't get the record here then I fail oh yes oh my God oh my God okay Birds perfect is perfect come on okay now it's time for the next glitch I wasn't able to try it before you start the bulk of your run you need to enter command on your PC that increases the date by one day every 30 seconds as weird as the sounds it actually speeds up your Minecraft to the point where you can walk exponentially faster than without it okay let's do is just let my computer sit here a hundred thousand blocks my friends are starting to drop I hope nothing crashes why is it Frozen ain't no way tell me you saved tell me save at this point there are no redos there's nowhere near enough time to get back to where I was so if my game didn't save after it crashed I will have failed and all my progress would be for nothing moment of truth it's safe it's safe it's safe it's safe it's safe it's safe if my game didn't save I might have just cried okay now I just have to pray that doesn't happen again okay I've reached the nether equivalent of 12 million blocks this next part might get me killed so in this version I just can't build on the roof meaning I can't with my portal so I have to get below the roof and if you save the game while crouching it moves you down one block now the risky thing with this is that I'm gonna have to suffocate for a bit meaning I'll have to be equipped with my heels here we go [Music] once I step to this portal I'll be mere steps away from something really really cool our lanes here I come oh there it is there it is look at that wow you really can't do anything you put your mind to
Channel: MinuteTech
Views: 1,350,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft's Hardest Records, Minecrafts Hardest Records, minecraft hardest records, break the hardest minecraft records, minecraft world records, minecraft wr, minecraft world record, minute tech, minutetech, minecraft, pvp, break teh hardest minecraft records, minecraft record, minecraft 48 hours, minecraft 24 hours, minecraft's hardest world records
Id: RKck9xYj1Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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