Fighting Players That Can Freeze Time

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oh my God this player was just slain while Frozen in Time allowing the players who just did it to steal his heart without him being able to fight back and the worst part is the player is responsible for this are mavic and Rochambeau two players that have wanted me dead for quite some time and since I won the last time that we fought each other they probably wanted revenge and were going to use their abilities on me next however I wasn't going to let this happen so with the help of Subs the player that they just did this to we were going to take down mapic and Rochambeau and stop them from using these powers on us ever again so to start our mission we needed to find mapic and Rochambeau before they found us and we figured the first place they'd go to if they wanted to kill me would probably be my base so we started making our way there and what do you know both mapic and roshambo were there and within a few seconds roshambo is down here in the water fighting us it's a dolphin why is he hitting me hey anyway he's jumping on us come talk or we're crash again now we weren't entirely sure what this meant so we just decided to stop fighting them for a moment and after receiving a ton of threats from our enemies eventually this happened wait is it permanently day the Sun keeps going down I dropped an item I dropped an items I I am it's going up am I crazy it's going down it's going down for me as well swagging back down they stop time they stopped themselves they stop time blocks couldn't be broken anymore items couldn't be picked up and time had literally stopped moving forward everything on the server was frozen and for whatever reason our enemies locked out after doing this so subs and I began investigating whatever it was they were doing and through using the F3 menu we were able to figure out that they were using thousands of entities to lag our games and thanks to a video that was sent in the Discord of mapic doing whatever this was we were able to deduce that they were using this weird Pearl duplication glitch in order to create massive waves of lag and freeze time on the server for everybody but themselves and subs and I quickly realized that the key to stopping them was by figuring out how exactly they were able to avoid the lag however before we could do any kind of digging oh oh no oh they set it up under us they did the thing they did the thing I I full course I full crashed I'm safe I full crash for some reason the ender pearls weren't enough to lag me and I was just able to swim away which was insane because it was enough lag to cause Subs to completely crash but not enough for me to even be frozen in place it felt really cool being immune to the Ender Pearls however that was very short-lived because now I had the task of saving Subs since he crashed he was logged out right above all of the Ender Pearls so as I'm sure you can assume if he logged back in he just instantly be killed so if I wanted to save him I had to fight off my enemies while also trying to avoid the lag I'm lagging now I'm lagging now oh yeah I gave it insta crashed again oh okay thank God thank God thank God okay I'm fighting me big enough okay okay here's the thing are you lagging I'm able to just fight I'm just able to fight there might be a certain area where there's Walmart so just be really careful I'm gonna keep trying to log in he has more hearts in me this is annoying you have a set spawn point because make sure they don't have something that's wrong um for example spawn point might be inside his castle then you might need to try and stick around the areas of the entities response so I can eventually I'm sticking in the area I'm lagging like crazy now though oh oh oh I'm frozen I'm frozen I might be dead I might be dead yeah my game Crash my game Crash oh wait you're fine yeah yeah you left the game you left the game since subs and I both crashed we were technically now both safe the only reason we left the game was because our enemies forced us to meaning this wasn't really combat logging and we were free to just not log back in but I didn't want things to end like that I wanted to log back in and face whatever my enemies had laid out for me and if I was going to do that I was going to make sure I'd get something in return so I messaged my enemies and gave them a proposition if I were to log in and fight them right now they'd have to leave Subs alone and let them leave the area and surprisingly they agreed so now I have to log into the server and face what was probably going to be my dad if I log on he just kills me I guarantee he's popping me already because I was low already when he oh dude I'm gonna be frozen I'm just gonna die in my office well they try to get out like don't just die oh my God he's chilling holy okay so I'm a little screwed but I'm not lagging so that's cool wait if you're not like music maybe yeah I don't think I was never fought a guardian origin in his life oh my God all right okay I'm gonna try and log in I'm trying to put on I'm gonna go let me pick he's gonna run again it's very risky to follow him anywhere because he could easily pay us don't just leave like the photos right here dog like it might be for the best we don't know where Rome is so after quite the close battle we ended up making it to the nether from there Subs decided to log out for the day which left me completely alone with their enemies and because of that I was starting to get into my own head I was beginning to freak out over my circumstances if I were to go to spawn I would be killed immediately if I were to go to my base I would be killed immediately nowhere on this server was safe for me anymore and fighting back against mapic and Roe wasn't going to solve any of that just a week prior I had a huge conflict with mapic which was basically me being trapped inside of my castle and him constantly coming to fight and harass me and just as I'm able to finally get my revenge on him an entirely new conflict starts where they have the power to stop time I couldn't handle this anymore and I wanted it to stop and I figured the best way to do that was to beg for mercy I was going to surrender to mepic and roshambo I couldn't handle the constant fighting I needed to be done with this so I scheduled a meeting with them for the following day in order to discuss something anything that will get them off of my back and to my surprise they agreed to have a meeting with me when I showed up I was half expecting to die immediately but instead I was greeted by mapic and Roe who were both wearing no armor the two of them were more than willing to discuss everything with me so I began the meeting by asking them why are you doing all of this our goal is to maintain absolute power over the server now this had me even more confused why were mapic and roshambo trying to control the server was this truly why they gained the ability to stop time not to solve some petty beef between the two of us but instead to take over the entire server this whole thing was a lot deeper than I initially anticipated and I genuinely couldn't believe that that was their true goal so I asked them another question why did they choose to attack subs and I the other day to which roshambo responded it was merely a Showcase of power there was nothing personal about any of this which meant that may pick and Roe weren't after Just Subs and I anymore instead they were going to declare war on the entire server their goal was to take over the lifesteal SMP claiming every single part of it for themselves and nobody on this server was going to stand by and let that happen everybody was going to join together and oppose them and all of them were going to fail miserably considering how powerful mapic and Rochambeau were they could literally stop time no players on the server were going to defeat them especially me and that's when they decided to give me an offer if I made sure to never leave my castle never make contact with any players on the server and just stay put where I was they'd leave me alone forever as long as I stayed out of their way they'd stay out of mind and I decided to take this offer I stood no chance against me picking bro nobody on This Server stood a chance against them so what was the point of fighting that I just lose all of my hearts and get banned there was no point after the meeting I fled to my castle and locked up my gate no players were allowed to visit me and no matter what I wasn't allowed to leave the next few days went by exactly as you'd expect I stayed locked up in my castle and did nothing but trade with my villagers and after just three days I began growing very tired of this I felt like some kind of prisoner forced to do the same routines over and over and this made me Restless I wanted to see people again I wanted to see what spawn looked like so that night when nobody was online I finally left my castle I brewed up invisibility pots just in case anybody were to log on and began making my way towards spawn however when I got there I stumbled upon something sinister what the are there items in there ender pearls what the there's like a bunch of pearls over there what is the Sun moving it is I just left I just slept at first I believe this Tower was some kind of lag machine but then I realized it was a little bit deeper than that this Tower was a non-violent threat to the entire server a way to make sure everyone remembered what kind of powers mapic and roshambo had and after connecting all of that I rushed back to my castle as fast as I could if mapic and roshambo were bold enough to build a tower at spawn in order to display how powerful they were to everybody on the server then that meant that they were dead serious about taking over lifesteal this entire time I've been trying my hardest to deny it but at this point I just can't anymore in order to cope with all of this I began writing out signs on the wall it started out with some strategies to stop napic and Rochambeau but after a bit it turned into just crazy nonsense and after a week of doing nothing but just sitting in this room everything took a turn for the words for me and it all started with Subs the player I was working with earlier in order to take down mapic and Rochambeau for the past month he's been working very very hard to rebuild the lifestyle lesson his spawn but now it's been claimed by mavic and Rochambeau so to get back the land that he worked day and night to build he was going to duel mapic and Rochambeau in a 2V1 but if he were to lose this battle he'd be exiled from Spawn forever so considering it was the only way to get his land back Subs took on mapic and roshambo in a 2V1 and was defeated almost instantaneously and afterwards he was exiled from lifesteal smp's Spawn forever the worst part about all of this was that I felt as if Subs dying here was entirely my fault if I never made that deal with mavic and roshambo maybe just maybe he wouldn't have had to go into that fight alone all because I chose to hide away inside of my castle Subs had to fight mapic and roshambo in an unfair 2V1 whenever I needed help fighting mavic and roshambo Subs was always there for me but when he needed help fighting them I wasn't there for him by refusing to fight I allowed Subs to get exiled from spawn the very place that he spent countless hours rebuilding the very place that he only had to rebuild because of the destruction caused by mapic Rochambeau and I at this very moment I felt the weight of the world all of my past mistakes were coming back to haunt me and were now affecting not only just me but everyone else on this server and after realizing that I decided I couldn't let that go on any longer just because of my dumb mistakes other players on This Server shouldn't have to suffer I wasn't going to let that happen any longer this entire time I've been trying my hardest not to fight mavic and roshambo but after what just had happened to Subs I couldn't afford to Let It Go on any longer I needed to put a stop to mapic and Rochambeau if I didn't I'd never be able to forgive myself so just like that it was decided I began making my way to spawn and prepared myself for a duel against mapic and roshambo a 2V1 the exact same scenario Subs was just in and after bombing a little bit of mavic and Rose Tower they were both online and ready for another fight if I were to lose here I'd be exiled just like sobs can we hear some reason exam might as well explain it anyways I feel obligated to Sam we have all we've done is protect spawn no you haven't what what have we done what have we done wrong nothing as of recent but regardless in the past all the destruction responded came from your guys in the past we already had a duel over this you're just wasting your life the only reason got the stories because I wasn't there and now I'm here we already had an argument is not getting destroyed anymore and you destroy yourself [Music] oh GG despite how it seemed it didn't matter if I won or lost this fight the entire purpose of this fight was far greater than just winning or losing this fight was a matter of showing my resolve showing the entire server that I was willing to fight vapik and roshambo no matter how unfair the circumstances were I was going to stand up and fight against them I wanted to become someone that could Inspire the rest of the server to stand up with me and fight against mapic and Rochambeau however things turned South very quickly as mapic and roshambo weren't planning on stopping this fight until I was banned off of the server so after I pressed respawn I prepared myself for 14 more fights [Music] bro [Music] tell me hearts anyway bro leave my mans alone okay whatever I'm putting into one [Music] I'm on two hearts right now bro you want me to ban you you're not in our way it doesn't matter I'd rather be banned than living in fear of you so good to live in fear just live casually if you weren't going to hurt you we're living in her fear all we're doing is protecting the server I don't see it that way neither do many people namely Subs as he just sacrificed himself for no reason and I'm gonna do the exact same thing it's pointless though I don't even want you off the server go help your Rebellion friends I'm not giving up till you ban me so there's nothing you can do I'm not giving up no matter what you can ban me as many times you want don't give up though you made me lose hope once never again okay probably yeah imagine he lags out in the same with the fight no yeah let me save him after me pick logged back on bro ended up fully crashing so I was left with no option but to stop fighting them however before I was able to leave the area maybe gave me back one of my hearts and told me something something that I was never going to forget he decided to tell me that I wasn't enough of a threat to be banned off of the server when compared to him and Rochambeau I was worth nothing and in a sense he was right throwing myself at me pick and roe with no items wasn't going to get me anywhere so from this day forward my only goal was to prove May pick wrong he claims I'm not enough of a threat to him in row to be banned off of the server so if that was the case I was going to do everything in my power to prove him wrong I was going to make mayfix life on This Server how and in the process I was going to save the server from them no matter what kind of unfair advantages they had on their side I was going to defeat mapic and roshambo and if I wanted to do so I was going to need to find myself some allies and after everything I've been through there was only one person that I knew I could side with the one player who wanted to kill mephic and roshambo as bad as I did Subs the next time I logged onto the server I decided to message Subs I didn't give him all of the details of what just happened but I did tell him that I was at two hearts and desperately needed help and surprisingly he decided to meet up with me at one of his abandoned bases oh you're here oh hi oh hi hi you see I want to help you but I'm not sure if I can't I have a place yeah I think yeah you'd fit in there you know or if I can trust you fully to help Subs get a better grasp on my situation I decided to explain everything to him using signs I wrote down every single detail of what just happened to me and afterwards Subs had this to say it seems like you've been in a pretty rough situation and you've been wronged quite a lot here yeah this sucks so much I hate this so much I'm on two hearts please help me follow me I don't know what I'm about to tell you I'm showing you because I I think I can fully trust you and I don't think you're going to leak anything yeah I have literally no reason to I don't trust anybody on the server other than you I haven't I've been working on a little something for quite a while on Alan's secret a secret it's uh secret based maybe a secret organization something kind of okay whoa oh and the reason for this face is because this server has stolen everything from me time and time again so in secret I created this this is why I call the eclipse Federation this is my second organization that I have been working on to get revenge on this server for all of the wrong doings that have occurred oh my God the person that has been wronged substantially yeah for that reason I want to help you out thank you this is the place that you should join holy thank you Subs oh my God so now I was officially a part of subs's secret team the eclipse Federation a team dedicated to taking down the tyrants on the server namely mapic and Rochambeau and if I wanted to be of any help I needed to get myself some more Hearts as well as gear luckily Subs let me borrow two of his Hearts before logging off for the day and on top of that left me with this awesome base which was filled with resources that I could use to craft myself some more Hearts as well as gear and after spending the entire day grinding materials in the eclipse Federation base I finally got myself maxed out armor maxed out tools and nine Hearts which was almost good enough to fight maybe can row but I still needed some Redstone to craft my 10th heart why why I'm lagging no no no no why why why is this happening no what oh my God no what damage what the Rose here too crap come on just throw a pearl please please damn it there's nothing I can do there's just nothing I can do just hold down right click and just die it's over it's just over I'm dead my helmet broke I'm done I'm done oh my God oh my how unfortunately our base was compromised and on top of that things were far from over as my spawn point was still inside of the base so if I were to press respawn May pick and roshambo would be able to kill me again costing me another one of my hard-earned hearts and if I wanted to get out of here without dying I would need to call upon Subs however if he were to log on and fight napic and Rochambeau you'd probably end up losing especially considering the fact that they can stop time inside of this area so I decided the best move that I could make from here was to respawn and allow Rochambeau and mavic to Kill Me Not only did our team just lose my entire day's worth of grinding but we also lost a month's worth of Base building however I wasn't going to let this loss get in my way of achieving my goal of taking down mavic and roshambo so the second I pressed respawn I made it to the nether got onto the nether roof and began running as far as I could so I could start working on a brand new base for the eclipse Federation and after doing an entire day of building we finally had a new area that we could call our HQ and the the best part about it was that it was built entirely by me meaning that I finally contributed something to our team however I still felt as if it wasn't enough so I began working on a secret project a project that would allow us to take down mavic and roshambo once and for all so have you been wondering why me and Subs are the only people getting attacked by mapic and Roe well that's because they think that being Subs are the only players that are against them little do they know after I dm'd every single player on the server begging them to help us the number of rebels went up about 10 times or so and everyone I dm'd agreed to log into the server at the same time to help us take down mavic and row once and for all afterwards I dm'd may pick in Roe asking them if they could log on at that same time for a fight with our team and they agreed to our request for a 2v2 little did they know a million billion other people were going to log in to help us kill them once and for all and take back the server once and for all anyways with our plan in motion it was time for me to go to bed and wake up in time for the war tomorrow except guess what spoiler alert I didn't wake up in time for the war tomorrow instead I woke up to a million DMS from the players I asked to log on asking me where I was I was um fast asleep during that time actually is what happened luckily nothing too interesting happened while I was asleep so I was able to pull up and see the entire server just in one Collective area and one of my former enemies Leo look decided to just give me a bunch of armor and stuff for free which was super cool of him because again last time I interacted with him I was trying to kill him afterwards I got some more gear from various other members of The Alliance leaving me with enough gear to actually put up a fight so after Gathering all of the alliance members into one area I led all of them to spawn and we began our assault on mapic and Rochambeau it was time for us to finally reclaim the lifesteal SMP from them we were going to take back the server once and for all and it was all going to happen right here right now Rogers made a lag machine in front of me what he has no Pros he has no pearls I took all his pearls between between like that Grid or whatever and I like the big Ender Pro thingy that he had I stole the shulker box and restocked myself on pearls and now he's trying to pick up the girls but he can't we're just fighting here we're just fighting here you can't do anything I'm just beating him up I'm trying you gotta get him going in the neighborhood he's going into another yes with roshambo defeated mapic decided to run away from the battle and since we weren't able to kill both of them we weren't able to free the server from them however just like our enemies at the very beginning of all of this today was merely a Showcase of power today my Rebellion stood strong against mapic and roshambo and they were going to continue to do so until our enemies were inevitably defeated it was only a matter of time [Music]
Channel: PrinceZam
Views: 216,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dream smp, tommyinnit, brothers smp, challenge, clownpierce, deadliest smp, funniest minecraft video, i went to war over this axolotl, leowook, lifesteal smp, mine craft, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft server, minecraft smp, minecraft smp server to join, minecraft speedrun, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, modded minecraft, school smp, smp, minecraft survival
Id: 4L6IevE5zrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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