100 Days in a Hardcore Minecraft PRISON BREAK...

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i survived 300 days in a minecraft war if you haven't seen the first 200 days of this series i'd highly suggest you go back and get caught up we've had fights betrayal and disaster but in today's video we begin our comeback so sit back relax and get ready this is 300 days in a minecraft war after we were driven out of our facility last episode we were sent into hiding and had nothing except the loot on our back so because we were bunkered up hiding from the outlaws this made gathering resources much harder than usual since we wanted to make sure that we could stay hidden this meant that instead of going to the surface we had to dive into the caves of this world and mine up as many resources as we could to help get back on our feet so after we spent quite a while mining gathering oars and cooking it all up we were able to craft ourselves a few weapons that we could use for defense if needed so now that we had some weapons and could properly defend ourselves we headed out we wanted to head back to our facility that was taken down by the outlaws during the previous attack but on the way there we came across a new addition to the world there's a new building there try not to get seen i have no that definitely was not here last time we came here i think it's huge i wonder what i don't have a clue what's gonna be going on in there they've put it right next to that place i can't see anyone but i don't know if we're just out of render distance this place was brand new and it had been built right next to the outlaws campsite that we had found during our escape from the facility but before we got caught snooping around here we continued to head towards the old base to see if we could find any loot left behind whatever we could get would help us not only to protect ourselves better but also help us start rebuilding our team so we headed over to see what we could get right just make sure there's nobody here all these dead bodies oh yeah yep this place is well and truly destroyed wow this body's everywhere just see what you can grab there's gonna be loot the bodies if there's any chests grab stuff out the chests this place is so much worse than i was expecting [Music] oh marine helmet take take the helmet i got a grenade as well take the helmets we can um we can use those as like cover like disguise if we need to this is a barrett and stuff what else is going on here oh there's another body there [Music] oh there's two more oh two more there load up load up take the helmets take the stims as well it's more than i can actually carry that's true stims there's more than i can carry here this is all clear over here there's just a bunch of crates but they're all empty there's nothing else oh there's a helicopter or something watch out watch out watch out watch out and get down it's flying right over us is it landing here i have no idea if it's landing just get down make sure you don't get seen right it's gone i can't see it i think we should start going soon we don't want to get caught here we've only just come out last thing i want to do now is get into a fight really all right i'm happy i've got three helmets i got a load of ammo i'm pretty comfortable to leave you got enough stuff yeah oh yeah might as well just get out of here no point in sticking around when we've got what we can if we we there's always more stuff that we can come back for which is most important we left this place with some very helpful items most importantly the outlaws uniform so as we slipped away into the night the moon lifted into the sky and when morning came around we were still traveling home but then something quite unexpected happened oh oh oh well oh there's a house right there is there a hype wait put the marine helmet on put the ring in here on i don't think we're outlaws oh yeah yeah there's a guy literally right there right there right there right in front of us hide i'm i'm down okay he's run away he's run away did he see us no no no he didn't i said he back off for now yeah wait where are you i'm going to drop back down towards the water yeah right let's keep these helmets on for now let's try and just get home all right since we both had inventories filled with loot we decided to stay away from this village for now if we could come back here empty-handed and do a sneak attack on these people we could leave with another couple of inventories filled with loot to help us with our comeback and thanks to our new helmets that we just scavenged from the bodies at the old base we could do the attack under the outlaws identity so after checking the outlaws land on the way home to see if we could get any more clues as to what was going on inside we saw nothing new so continued walking home and eventually made it back and dropped off all of our loot the outlaws were really starting to expand their land a lot and if we didn't find out what was going on soon it may be too late to fix it after a few days passed it was time to make a trip back towards that village we found our plan was to attack this village in outlaw uniforms stolen from the dead bodies this way none of what we did would be traced back to us and would all be blamed on the outlaws so one night we snuck out into the forest past the outlaws base and then just as the day started to break we arrived at the village now we had to be stealthy oh i see someone i see someone yeah i don't know who that is oh i think someone's coming into the farm nope they're just going out i want to try and make my way down to the house okay they're chopping the trees i don't see anyone the coast looks clear should we just make a run for it do you want to try and get in this house to the right here yeah yeah i mean to the right of that yeah right right right i'm going in and going in and going in i'm in the door oh god play i think that guy may have seen him i think he may have just killed upstairs if he comes in just kill him did you shut the door yeah we should be all right then if we hear the door okay i saw someone but i don't know if he saw me back oh it's raining oh it's getting misty now oh okay right yeah you just watch the door i'm gonna loot there's so much stuff oh yeah actually wait can you come and grab some grab some stuff there's so much coal and stuff and my inventory is already full it's iron yeah i'm grabbing them oh there's copper in there as well copper nice yeah i've grabbed it i just need to find a way to get out of here that window is gonna bait us out i'm gonna make a oh there's someone that someone's throwing eggs he's on the bridge what am i saying to come down yes okay we could go to this one to the left yeah i think we should try and make a run for it i'm just going to the other house the one to the left yeah get into cover that that one guy the name tag oh there's no door on this job let's cover upstairs okay these ones are empty okay now we've got a problem we've got no windows to check now if the coast is clear we're literally just trapped here yeah oh he's moved he's moved he's moved oh oh yeah like go get out he's running he's running he's running back no no no no no no oh my god we were trapped in here and if we left now we would be spotted without a doubt but just as all hope was about to be lost one final plan came to mind if i shoot that glass it'll break and we'll be able to crawl out oh that's true that's true there right got it got it got it got it got it oh oh he's right there he's right there should we just go for it i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm rescuing chucky fixing let's hide here let's get back get back in the forest a bit okay there's another house right here i wonder if this wait is there a window at the back that we can splash oh yeah there's quite a few oh there's a guy in that farm right there wait i'm i'm getting down where in that farm that she'd to other i'm gonna shoot the window from here okay got it right i see him he's in the farm is the afk do you think nah he's only just got there he can't be where are you okay you're hiding me on that one he is looking directly away i don't know if he's fishing though he's in the water oh is he coming over he is fishing maybe he wasn't looking at me then maybe he's just fishing there's two of them another one's coming over i could snipe him right now he's down in one shot without a shadow of a doubt right i have my scopes on him there's two of them there's two of them right now you get you get your scopes on the one on the right he's farming on the right you see him oh man oh there's there's three there's three that's three okay this is going to be tough then can we shoot we're shooting go right i'm down they're running they're running yeah i'm i might as well try that place i'm gonna go in i'm going through this window oh he's right there he's right there shoot him nice nice nice right i'm through the window i'm good what's in here right yeah i got some carrots yeah there's this one over there which one where are you oh got one all right there's another one he's got guns he's got guns they're hiding if they get a piece of our skins it's done it's turning daytime they're gonna start seeing more let's go let's go once again with two inventories filled with stolen loot we escaped into the forest and headed home this village had no idea who had attacked them and now we could arrive home with more loot to use to help us take down the outlaws which was seeming more and more likely day by day so after putting a few more of our supplies to work we headed back out we wanted to keep some surveillance on the outlaws and to do that we needed to set up a hidden scouting spot just short of their land that we would be able to use to check up on them but as we were heading over towards our spot that we chose previously we stumbled across a new location that seemed much better is this one right here this is like very small i think it's working yeah yeah this could definitely work dig something into the sun oh it's so much closer as well i feel like yeah yeah right wait what's the other side looking like i don't really wanna it's like a stone bit oh mate that is perfect that is perfect if you just have a quick look on the edge it's like a stone it's like perfect right let's just dig a little thing here i just don't want to dig out the other side by accident this place was perfect less than 100 blocks from the exact place that we needed to keep our eyes on at most times so me and barry got to work digging this place out we found a very useful thing in this mod pack a block that lets us see through one side but looks like a completely normal block from the other side this would allow us to have a 100 view of the outlaws whilst they had no idea that they were even being watched so we set up the blocks and tested our tactic it was perfect from the outside this looked like a completely normal mountain which allowed our window from the inside to be kept perfectly hidden so after waiting for a few days to not cause too much suspicion over the activity nearby we started moving in some important things to aid our surveillance this included uav stations these things let us send uavs out that we can control to get a much closer look as to what is actually going on over there so that is exactly what we did all right so if i just put the uav inside of here it should let me click into there we go yes all right let's go and see exactly what we can find over here this thing is pretty loud but it's very small so hopefully it doesn't draw too much suspicion oh just stay away from this place a little bit what's inside i saw someone stood there i can't see anything in the windows i'm trying to get up close just so i can just try and see anything wait is that dan wait i swear to god i can see down inside of there i think it's a prison let me see if i can get a little bit closer what there is a zoom key but i don't know how it works that is definitely dan there it is okay that is him 100 oh they got me they blew it up all right it was 100 down i'm not even lying no doubt about it so it's a prison then this information was huge it turns out that this was a prison all along a prison that one of our old members was stuck inside of but as the realization hit that if we wanted our member back we'd have to break him out that was also when a new completely improvised plan started the uav that had been shot down by the outlaws had exploded and caused a fire to break out and as the fire was starting to spread two of their members left the prison to put out the fire that was when we came up with a new plan we wanted to carry on setting the forest on fire to lure two of their members back out of their prison that way we could kill them and walk straight into the prison in their uniform and break our members out before the outlaws realized that we weren't their teammates so we grabbed the flint and steel and headed into the forest all right i don't see anyone so the coast looks pretty clear i just have to set some trees on fire and hope that some of these guys come out which ones should i even do i don't see anyone all right let's do the what if we can get the closer ones let's do these ones then hopefully they'll see if i do it too far into the forest then right that should be enough yeah i want to make sure that they see it so they come out i just don't want to bait out the little hill base now we just have to wait oh it's spreading a lot come on where are they at oh it's big oh yeah this is that's spreading so much as the fire burned into the night there was no sign of outlaws coming to put this out so eventually we just had to pack our bags and head home we realized that if we wanted to break our members out of the prison we'd have to do a real breakout so as we arrived back home we spent a few days preparing and then early one morning we left it was time to get our team back all right you ready sweet let's do this it's time to get our team back there it is just remember straight in straight out just can do our best as long as we don't die we can't lose here [Music] oh they're shooting all right get up get it yeah i'm out oh it's oh oh watch out oh there goes our escape plan we got anti-aircraft right okay oh i'm already getting shot you're in there they're all inside drop in drop and drop and drop him i'm in i'm in as well there's a hatch there watch out the door there's no people though i don't see anyone i'm getting down i want to see if there's anyone through that door first oh oh literally right there do you want to open our spasm go don't spaz each other nice oh another one another down they're coming up they're coming up oh no no no no no no no no no no boys follow me follow me oh my god go just go so loud yeah run oh oh my god i'm getting lit up watch out the boys are gonna probably shoot us as well accident oh wait is it done go go go go go go just go just go just go just go jump get out run let's pick up fade come this way i'm a little bit just so they don't like just follow this way all right boys we're almost home just keep following just this way finally the members that were captured back at the facility were back out of the prison and with three more members added back to the team our comeback was looking promising so we headed into the bunker and gathered up we had to start deciding what was best for our team and how we would come back to take down the outlaws for good since their team and land is growing more and more each day we explained what happened at the village to the team and we came up with the idea that we would now go to the villages in our uniform and offer them help against the outlaws since they still had no idea that it was us that did the attack on them a few days previously we let a few days pass before we went to speak to the villagers we had no clue if the outlaws were still out looking for us so we stayed on the safe side and as i was hiding i wrote a book for them it said hello we are the army we came across your base a few weeks ago and didn't want to approach you in case you were hostile we saw that your base was small and you could possibly need some protection if that's something you're interested in please meet us in five days at this location come alone and we can talk about protection so with the book i left the bunker and headed over towards our helicopter and then i attached a container to the heli that had the book inside this way i could lift a container and fly over the villagers base to drop the crate so as the sun slipped away i flew off into the night there it is we're coming in hot i need to lower myself down a little bit and then when we get a little bit closer i can drop there we go all right let's get out of here quickly before they start shoot me down oh i don't like flying that low now if i just land this perfectly back home successful mission there we go now we've just gotta wait for five days and see if uh see if they come and meet us so that's exactly what i did i know they got that message now all we had to do was wait around until the day we agreed to meet when i arrived i was all alone nobody else had arrived yet but after a few minutes the leader of the villagers showed up as promised i spoke to him about protection and offered it to his team for the right price he did not hesitate to tell me about the attack that had happened not too long ago and said that protection is definitely something that he needs we discussed pricing and after talking for pretty much the whole day he agreed to pay the price that we asked for so with the deal done we left this place and headed back towards their base but before we left i set fire to this tent making sure that no traces of this meeting were left behind for the outlaws defined then as i arrived at their village i had to play it cool and act like i had never been here before even though i had attacked this place with barry not too long ago their leader took me on a tour and showed me all of their houses this alliance was the start of something good one that we hoped would eventually lead to the downfall of the outlaws
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 301,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Minecraft, factions, Funny, Videos, Fun, Happy, Minecraft videos, Modded, War, Private, Survival server, Sword4000, Sword, 4000, 100 days, Hardcore Minecraft, Hardcore, 200 days, 100 days hardcore, 1 year, 100 days challenge, 100 days Hardcore challenge, 100 days minecraft war, Minecraft war 100 days, Minecraft War Mod, Sword4000 war, Minecraft War Movie, 100 days War, War is Minecraft, Minecraft War, 100 days in a Minecraft War, Helicopters in Minecraft, Hardcore War
Id: 7V5UpHl1_j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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