Best of Minecraft - Speed Runner vs Hunter

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let's get started today we're playing speedrunner versus Hunter these are the rules if I defeat the Ender Dragon without dying then I win if Mikey stops me then he wins sounds like fun if your health hits zero I win that's right for today's game would you mind if I used custom Hearts right now I only have one heart you see it I'll gain more Hearts over time for each one I add I'll also receive a special ability I wonder what kind of abilities you'll get right now you only have one heart awesome let's go oh I'd be in big trouble now if I got caught I better run ready start I'm coming this way yes right now I only have one heart oops just one slip up and it's game over I'm not letting you get away oh no Mikey's right behind me I have to gain some distance as soon as I get more Hearts I'll be a lot stronger good good all right wait up you're way too fast for me okay slow down nice you're a parkour Pro okay somehow I was able to lose Mikey hey I got a new heart it looks like it's a wooden heart that means I have two hearts in total unfortunately wooden Hearts have no special abilities at least I have some extra Health to survive longer maybe the next heart I get will have some sort of special ability oh a village it looks like there's a bunch of resources here check out all this hay I won't be running out of food anytime soon I better gather some wood without wood it'll be really hard to craft anything now I can get to work on making bread wow 33 loaves of bread in total next I'll make a wooden pickaxe and a wooden ax I only have two hearts so I can't let my guard down hey I found a chest three two one open paper I won't be needing any paper for today's adventure oh what's in here whoa whoa these are pretty nice take a look I got iron leggings that's fantastic next I'll need to find some ore the best place to look for ore would be a cave I'll check out this cave down here it's still super dangerous to explore a cave with only two hearts so I'd better be extra careful oh this is bad I better run away for now I can't go any further into this cave with a skeleton blocking the way I'll head back to the village and return once I've unlocked another heart hey check it out I have some good news I got a diamond heart diamond hearts are super strong now whenever I defeat an enemy they'll drop a diamond as loot I'm gonna give it a try I just need a minute I'm gonna fight the skeleton from earlier there he is let's see if I can take him down whoa it worked I got a diamond that's awesome if I keep defeating enemies I'll collect a whole bunch of diamonds whoa look there are lots of tough enemies down here but this zombie shouldn't be too difficult for me to defeat I'm Gonna Take You Down yes I got a diamond now I'm gonna make a diamond sword I'll use this sword to defeat the rest of the zombies they won't stand a chance against me now I'm off to a really good start whoa no way there's an Enderman down here too take that it's easier if I attack it while I jump I'm getting so many diamonds let's see what other enemies I can find to collect even more I'm gonna be rich [Music] there you have it the diamond heart helped me get a bunch of diamonds click click click click take a look at this I have a full set of diamond armor this adventure will be way easier from here on out even if Mikey finds me I'll be able to fight back I'm gonna collect some resources for the time being I need to prepare for a trip to the nether pretty soon see what do I need hmm hey oh oh diamond armor how'd you get that I only have Iron Equipment but I'll still take you down Mikey did you go through all that trouble of crafting a strong set of armor to beat me why are you so strong wow your attacks have absolutely no effect on me Mikey nice try pal whoa ah I lost I took Mikey down wow yay job thanks oh wait I got a new heart this is a blaze heart I think it's a really good one apparently the blaze heart has the ability to protect against lava damage hey that gives me an idea [Music] all right here we are I'm standing beside a giant lava spring that I found deep underground since I have the blaze Hearts I won't take damage from the lava no matter what my plan is to wait here for a while until Mikey finds me when he does he might try to push me in but the joke's on him I'm secretly gonna prank him he'll be so confused why I'm not taking any damage I just need to wait a little longer you'll be here any minute foreign [Music] come on what's going on hmm wait this looks like a good opportunity for me I can sneak up behind him push him into the lava and win a sec closer yes he hasn't miss me now's my chance perfect huh how on Earth are you still alive JJ is where I reveal the truth huh look at me why I'm okay really yep it's all part of a prank I gained a blaze heart now fire damage doesn't work on me I'm gonna clear this path and trap you there hang on don't do this too late I'm trapped I'm gonna put some blocks down here so I can escape bye no they're leaving yep wait Mikey wait there I'm headed to the nether see ya oh man I better get rid of these blocks all right this will buy me some time good luck I need to get to the Ender Dragon before you stop me come on there's been a new development look an iron heart this gives my defense a huge boost an iron heart paired with full diamond armor means I'm practically Invincible I can safely journey into The Nether now the enemies in the nether are pretty strong but will they be strong enough to beat me there's only one way to find out let's go there we go I've arrived in the nether first things first I need to look for another Fortress hang on there's an Enderman I'll let him attack me whoa look at that I'm not taking any damage even though the Enderman can be really tough it's not hurting me at all this iron heart is powerful huh it's like I took a little bit of damage but but it's hardly anything you can't believe how strong I am whoa all right this Enderman has been playing around for too long time to put an end to this yes there I defeated it since I have the blaze heart I can head down into the lava to collect the loot I still need to find another Fortress I can't believe it I got another special ability while looking around in the nether it's an emerald heart this one is incredibly strong it gives me the Iron Golem when I'm under attack in that case I'm gonna let the next enemy attack me I just need to find one oh a skeleton huh wait a sec why isn't it working I'm being attacked oh they oh there we go that Iron Golem showed up to save me awesome charged straight ahead and let this hoglin attack me just like that another Iron Golem that's powerful now it's time to test out my ability on a piglet oh he shot me do it again no way another Iron Golem this is awesome keep going oh wow if it keeps attacking me I'll have a whole Army of iron golems by my side alright I better focus on finding a fortress [Music] now that I've discovered a nether fortress I need to search the area for blazes here's one I'll take care of it there we go nice it dropped some loot for me my goal is to collect enough blaze rods to go to the end whoa check it out it looks like I gained another heart this one is a Cleaver heart that means I create a big explosion whenever an enemy hits me I think I'll test it out on a nearby monster oh maybe I could take fall damage to activate it whoa no way just by jumping down I summoned an iron golem and made a massive explosion awesome I better find some more blaze rods but first i'm gonna pick a fight with this Wither Skeleton to summon another Iron Golem there we go that was easy wait a second what's going on here why do I keep exploding I've been withered by the Wither Skeleton Mikey oh there you are it waits don't step any closer Mikey trust me it's for your own good I've gone to destroy now I warned you wait what huh what happened sorry Mikey I didn't want to fight I was just doing my best to survive I have the cleaver heart if you attack me I'll explode what how are you supposed to beat me if you can't even touch me forget about it I'm off to fight some blazes for their blaze rods this is more like it I'll wait for the blazes to gather around me in a big crowd and attack there we go I collected some blaze rods I have four in total let's keep going okay I've returned to the Overworld wait why am I on fire I guess it doesn't matter oh it looks like I gained a new heart this one is the obsidian heart I'm not 100 sure what the special ability is I don't remember learning about it huh you're trapped JJ really if I attack you directly then I explode right instead I'll let my TNT do all the work for me uh-oh the ground is covered in TNT sorry JJ no and it's game over wait where did you go JJ hmm I'm alive what how whoa lucky me it must have been the obsidian heart that saved me from the explosion that might be its special ability I have the power to survive explosions your trap failed wow poor Mikey all that trouble to build a pitfall and it didn't work time to follow my under eye to a stronghold oh wow the eye exploded check it out this next heart is gonna blow your mind it's the strongest heart ever the dragon heart its special ability gives you an elytra allowing you to soar through the skies not only that but you can breathe fire too this is amazing now we'll be able to shoot some powerful long-range attacks I'm gonna take a minute to test out the elytra first I'll jump high up into the sky then I'll breathe fire as I Glide over the forest this is something else I need to find a quick Landing place now I'll jump back into the air the elytra really boosts My overall speed I feel like the fastest person in the world next up the stronghold let's go [Music] all that's left for me to do is to activate the end portal and defeat the Ender Dragon huh Portal's already been activated no way did Mikey make it here first I hope this isn't some sort of trap wow JJ's here my trap worked he's stuck huh I've got you now what my plan went perfectly what's happening you can't beat the Ender Dragon if you never fight it no oh I see Mikey built a cage here so that I wouldn't be able to fight the Ender Dragon that's exactly right it looks like I win this one not so fast there's still a way for me to get out of this cage hell ready go where did you go no way that's impossible all right I've made it to the Ender Dragon time to take it down next Mikey whoa that's awesome I'm gonna breathe fire and destroy everything from up here really yeah go fire breath huh take that and that this isn't good I'm gonna lose all right last one seriously one more and all the end crystals are destroyed all I needed to do was crash into it the explosion was able to take care of the rest oh it's you take that Mikey it's no use trying to attack me I Enderman are self-destructing this is too easy all that's left for me to do is take down the Ender Dragon I'll wait for it to drop down here get ready here it comes whoa it's pretty strong I wanted to keep attacking me oh I accidentally jumped what a big leap I should poison myself huh why am I immune all of a sudden the poison isn't affecting me I guess I have to beat the Ender Dragon a different way should I chase after it I wonder if I can defeat it head on either way this Ender Dragon is going down it's time for me to put this sword to use first I'll play some stairs around the landing base so that it's easier for me to attack that should do the trick whoa all right it's coming I defeated the Ender Dragon with my Cleaver heart that was a lot of fun I guess that means I win Mikey you were too strong today we're playing speedrunner versus Hunter with a Twist the rules are simple all I need to do is slay the Ender Dragon without dying if I fail Mikey wins wait let's get this straight if you hit zero hearts even once I win that's right or if I can't slay the Ender Dragon myself there's another twist to this game to make it even more interesting I've prepared two chests for us over here we each get to choose one and can only use what's inside cool right I wonder what's inside well this is what's inside the left chest there's a bow and some arrows dragon's breath and some ranged items that kind of thing I see not bad not bad at all let's see the right chest contains a full set of diamond equipment golden apples and some scaffolding your pick Mikey a trident and some arrows or diamonds and golden apples really yeah it's obvious duh I choose this one oh so you chose the diamond equipment golden apples and Scaffolding you got it okay then that means this one is mine let's take a closer look I get a bow dragon's breath a cobweb some fire charges a trident and a crossbow plus a wooden sword wooden ax and some arrows are you really okay with this sure I mean yeah you got all the flashy stuff but I have a good feeling about this it's all useful but do you mind if I craft with it can you really craft something from all that random stuff well I do have a full set of diamond equipment go for it it looks good on you Mikey okay crafting time I think that trident goes here then the fire charges on the sides and then the dragon's breath the crossbow and then the box here maybe the cobwebs go down here sword and ax huh whoa it worked really three two one what yeah sick what is that look what did you make whoa it looks powerful but also kind of broken I bet my diamond armor is tougher I'm ready let's go okay in that case let's play I need to slay the Ender Dragon without dying Ready set go yay I need to run fast I'm Gonna Get You [Music] not bad what happened huh gotta go bye an instant kill awesome well Mikey this is actually the ultimate bow that's cool just take amen whoa okay let's play I feel a little bad it's kind of overpowered things just got interesting good luck catching me Mikey for now I need to scavenge for food oh wow that was easy I'm coming I'm getting food wow look at all the meat lying around the explosions are so powerful that there's a lot of collateral damage hunting took no time at all this is totally awesome there's more here I'm all loaded up great yay I discovered a village look pigs I stock up on more food something other than meat I'll grab this wheat stacked over here those hay bales had a whole lot of wheat in them with this much I'll have plenty of food now I'll turn it into bread this will only take a minute I'll build the crafting table then unpack the wheat then I can use it immediately all right I have 21 loans things are coming along all right next up I'll chop down some trees for wood huh hang on a second I think it just look at this did my weapon evolve the parts that will wood are diamond now no way I'm gonna try firing it here goes nothing no way hold on is this for real it's so much more powerful could this crazy bow evolve even more man it's totally overpowered well it's good for me so I guess I shouldn't complain great I'm back in the village to get some more exploring done the Bose Evolution has me in a good mood [Music] hang on what's that huh this can't be right these are enchanted why are there golden apples lying around wow there's practically a whole bushel of them these are the best items in the game whoa this feels weird to me I think they're leading to a house something's rotten about these golden apples is there something suspicious in that house did Mikey do this maybe well it may seem suspicious but as long as I have this crazy bow everything should be fine even if it is a trap all right I'm going in let's see what's inside huh wait what's happening hold on I've been locked in seriously I can't believe I fell for Mikey's trap look this is crazy there has to be a way out right huh it's JJ Mikey oh my huh you really fell for it I built this trap just for you sorry but I win what Mikey let's talk this out why are you about to pour lava in here how perceptive of you no here he comes what slow down yes Flow Free my lava what now oh right I still have this a lean for the ground and fire what no whoa whoa what just happened to my trap this is insane wow yeah I'm not sure how but my bow evolved it leveled up the whole house is destroyed and The Recoil blasted me out of the Trap that's too much man if I didn't have this bow I would have been a goner that was a pretty nasty plan wow now that Mikey's out of the way I should find a cave I want to find oars and oh I should try to get golden diamonds you know going out of my way to find a cave is a hassle I have an idea I'll stand on this stack why should I hunt for a cave when I can just make my own aim down and oh not bad it's kind of out of control though I'm gonna try harder higher this time [Music] okay I'm gonna aim around there yeah just like that I'll carve out a cave then go down and collect all the diamonds and gold I can carry man this is great I never thought I'd be able to make my own cave all right it's turning into a massive Cavern down there almost a ravine once all the fires go out I'll go down and gather all the loot that's dropped I wonder how much it'll be probably a ton I can't wait [Music] all right now the fires are out I want to go down there and check out my loot nice right into the water then what nope that's not safe there's a ton of lava I need to be careful [Music] building a little more and jump whoa huh no way this is incredible oh check out all these diamonds look at the gold too wow this is unbelievable Jeepers Creepers there's a lot of enemies down here I'm too focused on collecting all the good stuff to focus on them there's just piles of it everywhere oh what's that there's a bunch of cool oars lying all over the place that's awesome I'll make torches so I can see what I'm doing better [Music] oh there was a lot more hiding in the dark if I collect all of this I'll be filthy stinking Rich I'll have my very own treasure Trove of goodies my bow is the reason all of this was possible all right I think I've gotten almost all of it not bad I've gathered more than enough oops Miss some I'd hate for it to go to waste let's see 66 diamonds and a ton of gold ore over a hundred blocks of it that's insane I'm gonna smelt all of the gold then I want out of this creepy dark Cavern it's gonna take a while to smelt all of this I'll place a few furnaces on the wall here oh hey zombie yep all right [Music] cool so now I'll load them up with cold toss in the oars and get this show on the road once I have enough gold the Ender Dragon should be a piece of cake I'll explain my plan a little later it's a good one for now I'm just gonna sit back and relax by the furnace until the Gold's done cooking [Music] all right all my gold is finally done smelting that took a while everything's going according to plan I'll explain it all later [Music] I also cooked all the meat since the furnaces were going anyway not a bad haul in this cave I got 118 gold ingots and a bunch of diamonds this is awesome even better than expected I think I'm ready to go to the nether [Music] hold on a sec am I seeing this right really I was just about to go find a lava pool to start prepping the nether portal but there's already a functioning portal right here wow am I just that lucky I must be I don't even have buckets or obsidian yet I could just walk in not preparing a thing right into the nether I don't know why this portal is out here in pristine condition already lit and ready but I'm just happy I found it today just keeps getting better and better the bow the cave and now this portal just out in the open all right into the nether I go [Music] you're not getting out of this one prepare to meet your doom hmm how should I do it hold on you did this yep again you're so gullible JJ it's easy well this was a good trick but watch this I can still Escape oh really like this whoa how could this happen again sorry to foil your plan but when I use this bow oh the force of the explosion launches me into the air it's so on cool right okay well I may have literally fallen for another of Mikey's clever traps but I escaped with my pride and a full health bar all right I wonder if I can relight it with my bow oh perfect the gate reactivated with just one shot I get to use the portal after all man this thing is destructive look at the wreckage I'll use some scaffolding to climb back up okay no more Dilly dallying to the nether I go even if it was a trap like he did make a portal just for me it's kind of sweet oh I'm barely out of the portal and aghast is already trying to attack me it doesn't stand a chance oh wow there's something you don't see every day one shotting a ghast oops that's not good I need to make a golden helmet so the piglens won't attack me now leave me alone if I wear gold silly piglens all right I'll take care of this skeleton now I want to do something interesting [Music] all right I've lured the piglens into this pit and give them gold they trade a random item back sometimes you get good stuff oh not too bad oh I even got seven ender pearls from them we need more to get to the end I need at least 12 pearls keep them coming boys wow these trades are going great oh who did that oh that pesky gassed okay it's down no no big one Escape [Music] eleven ender pearls just a few more this is the last of my gold yes now I am 16. that's awesome that's more than enough which means it's time to move on the next thing to do is find a nether fortress and slay the blazes oh I found one if I hunt the blazes inside they'll drop blaze rods which are really important fortresses are convoluted so I'm gonna smash through with my bow I was just gonna blow up parts of the Fortress but I destroyed too much I'll start hunting oh a blaze I'm gonna use my foe as a melee weapon nice any rods buddy hang out oh more blazes sick well I got one a blaze rod this is what I've been looking for [Music] all right I've collected plenty of rods eight of them to be exact that should be enough for what I'm planning I guess that's all I needed to do in the nether so it's time to go back home to the Overworld then I'm off to slay the Ender Dragon first I'll have to find the stronghold of course I think I'm pretty equipped to end that Dragon so I'm feeling really confident wait I'm pretty sure I came this way before but where's the portal what no the Portal's been destroyed is that Mikey not too bad JJ I destroyed the portal so now you're trapped here seriously how could you do something so ruthless you don't have any obsidian do you wait how do you know that you've been keeping track huh Mikey but I know everything I didn't bring any with me I can't defeat you when you have that bow but I can trap you inside the nether for return it what do you think of my brilliant scheme but did you plan to trap yourself as well nope watch out oh that was close that's a good plan but I didn't bring any obsidian but I have some now 11 blocks these piglets traded it to me no you're lying sin this plan was full proof don't do it no I messed up huh shoot I dropped my fire starter I can still light it though ready get that word for that bow just work already okay I need to go through before Mikey breaks it again [Music] you can't do this JJ I have to get back to the Overworld no this is crazy please sorry Mikey totally me behind here I go but we're friends you're right but I'm sorry I'm going I'll leave it lit for you Mikey right now I'm standing directly above the stronghold also I can't believe it but my weapon evolved again look what used to be diamond is now netherrite is it because I was in the nether now I want to take it for a test run if the stronghold is right above me then I'm gonna try blasting my way down into it let's see what happens ready three two one huh what just happened this thing is crazy I don't see it yet so I'm gonna shoot again [Music] wow man this is kind of Overkill [Music] well hang on well I'm going for a ride I'm pretty sure I saw the stronghold somewhere down here oh there it is the portal room found it already and we just have to very carefully get over there to the end portal almost there shot oh there are already two spots filled nice I guess I was shooting this bow directly at the portal without realizing it lucky me I'll place the eyes in all the empty slots now once I fill this in I'll be able to enter the end last one the Ender Dragon in there is the final boss and Mikey might have given up so I just have to focus on slaying the Ender Dragon then I win I made it to the end Victory will be mine where's the dragon but before I start fighting I should be smart and destroy all of the end crystals first I'll climb up the tallest tower I can find so I can take Aim on all of the crystals if I don't destroy these the dragon can use them to heal at any point during the battle I don't want to give it any advantage like that so let's do this alright I made it to the top from here I can see all of my targets on the other Towers I'll use my bow to blast them all like this foreign that shot made quick work of that Crystal this bow is insane that was awesome I think there's only two left I'll Take Aim and break them I think I destroyed them all but let's see nice yes I did it oh wait there's one more it's the last one sick they're gone ouch well now that every end crystal is destroyed I feel ready to take on the Ender Dragon let's go what huh Mikey yes what are you doing my final plan I know what to do a win if I land the finishing blow on the dragon then you won't be the one who slayed it you'll lose no that's right the rules we said in the beginning exactly pretty tricky plan Mikey thank you there's no time to waste it's here nice and this far I'll win whoa come on hang on what yeah oh that must have been me right right it's going down yeah is it over um look it's down whoa I did it you're too strong I think it was me I you did it yeah it was amazing I fell in looks like Mikey got sucked into the portal today Mikey and I are playing a game together the rules are simple if I can beat the Ender Dragon without dying I win if Mikey catches up to me and defeats me then he wins if your health ever drops to zero that means you lose right but there's something I need to show you first check it out I'll be using one of the most powerful items ever what this is the ultimate pickaxe well well what are we waiting for three two one begin I'm Gonna Get You JJ you won't get away from me time to show you what my ultimate pickaxe is capable of it's gonna blow you away what's so great about it that was awesome land with a single hit pretty cool huh awesome yeah it is whoa I just got a bunch of gold and Lapis Lazuli wow whoa Diamonds oh lava look out that's not good this creeper fell right on top of me that's super dangerous I'll be right back that was close I should drop all the blocks I don't need oh Flint I should make a flint and steal and head back to the surface you may have taken me out but I'll catch up to you you'll see wait are you close by I forgot to tell you a very important detail what is it bro you already caught up you're mine [Music] my pickaxe can't Harvest wood hey I need a crafting table right away I don't think I can take much more of this come here I'll get you almost yes hey not there I fell wow I only have one Health left you're lucky I better hurry I'll Harvest this wood by hand since I can't use the ultimate pickaxe that seems to be its only weakness this I'll have to do for now that should be good I have to make a crafting table before Mikey gets back I'll make a diamond sword while I'm at it plus I'll need some furnaces if I want to smelt this iron looks like I'm off to a great start okay there we go yes cooked chicken foreign he's already caught up to me [Music] I need to grab my iron and scram I better go quickly awesome hey Mikey like my new equipment huh did you get all that okay I'm out of here forget about my items oh some cooked mutton sounds great right about now talk about fast food just a little more wood till I can craft a full set of diamond equipment all right I better get to work I can't Harvest wood with a pickaxe so this ax will have to do I wonder where Mikey is right about now who knows yes I caught up to caught up to you and there we're going down together seriously really okay I took care of Mikey now that I'm down here I'll collect some more diamonds time to get started let's see how many I'll be able to find I'll need enough to finish my diamond armor I already see a lot down here not only are there diamonds but there's some gold and other rare resources I just need experience [Music] there's more that's terrific uh-oh I accidentally set the lava loose I better be careful have you found any diamonds JJ I found tons well good for you I still need more unfortunately it turns out I don't have enough diamonds after all I'll keep looking I did it was that a diamond sword yeah can't seem to find many diamonds around here hmm where are they oh there's some that's not good I guess I should look somewhere else [Music] all right I finally have enough diamonds and experience points back to the surface I go let's get Crafting okay [Music] shiny diamond leggings and diamond boots and a gold helmet yes yes yes I almost have a complete set of diamond armor now that I'm fully prepared I think it's time to take a trip down to the nether I'm prepared too you are nice I guess I'll see you in the nether yikes a creeper whoa that's a lot of enemies oh hey get away from me Matt should do it [Music] there we go the zombies followed me I made it to the nether finally I've arrived are you trying to finish me off yep no no I wonder what happens if I use this in the nether time to find out oh I'm in well you made it Mikey I found you now I'm gonna catch you here I come JJ hold on a sec yes you fell big drop no way awesome oh man my pickaxe works in the nether too here I go whoa I mind so much I can't believe it what hold on what's this it looks like ancient debris no way incredible hey Mikey you'll never believe what resource I just found I'm gonna smelt it right away there's some pretty amazing stuff down here while I'm at it I'll smelt some iron and gold too for now I should see what else I can mine down in the nether I can't believe how easy it is to mine with this pickaxe whoa that lava is scary what all right that should be plenty let's see this is really good I feel bad for you Mikey how come I'm way too strong for you now huh there this is how you make a smithing table oh I'll place it down here next I need to take all my armor off oh right I better make some more gold ingots before I do anything else okay now then netherite ingots I'll just throw these on the smithing table [Music] I need to collect some more ancient debris to finish making the netherite armor set what are you kidding me foreign ER should I turn into netherrite next I guess I'll start with the leggings and work my way down how about the boots now for the sword whoa this rocks I'm in big trouble armor up believe I made another right sword I can survive anything that should be good for now whoa is that you Mikey hey it is you I have some pretty nice equipment too how did Mikey find me here I'm coming for you my armors oh uh Mikey did you just try the old pouring water from your bucket to break your fall trick yeah sorry but water doesn't work in the nether oh right nice try oh man I can't believe I messed up well I'm out of here I'm off to collect some ender pearls this technique is the easiest way to fight Enderman you smack him with your sword then run to safety they're too tall to reach me under here no I beat it look how many ender pearls it dropped I have almost everything I need there's not much left for me to do here I better get a move on uh-oh all I need to do is find another Fortress and collect some place rods then I'm off to the end to slay the Ender Dragon so soon here we go I found one oh no time to bust in slow down once I have my blaze rods it's game over oh look I see one I have to fight these skeletons first nice I got a blaze ride bad news for me I just need a few more of them then once I have enough I'm getting out of here yes gotcha what the huh whoa a shield huh no fair take that wait huh I'll try again oh wow what not again yes I fell again I only need one more blaze rod and I'm about to get it here I go I'll finish them with my pickaxe go hang on a second yes it's down where'd the blaze go [Music] oh right places can fly that was pointless okay there we go now I have enough blaze rods [Music] sweet I just got back to the surface and I already found a food supply time to make some bread there all I need to do now is combine my blaze rods with my ender pearls and make some Eyes of Ender oops looks like I made too many oh well it's time to look for a stronghold that way I don't think Mikey's nearby even if he was I'm prepared to face him alright let's find it I'm close it should be around here somewhere huh this way oh it fell over there hey what's going on huh it's Mikey run away slow down let me catch you no way I almost have you JJ not so fast stop don't do it please I can use these you better stay back hang on I'll use the ultimate pickaxe food miss me oh you dodged it I've been keeping up no no creepers whoa go creepers where's Mikey there you are I'm taking you down with me are you come on that was close oh man I almost messed up wow hang on a sec these blocks look like they're from a stronghold stone bricks if there are stone bricks the stronghold must be nearby I think I found it Mikey let me check go went into the wall huh I just need to dig a little more to find it I better stop there if I destroy any more chunks I might accidentally destroy the end portal then I won't be able to reach the Ender Dragon here it is this pickaxe is strong but it can be dangerous I almost destroyed the stronghold whoa I made it safely inside time to search for the end portal yes I found it now I need to activate it oh no it's Mikey scram whoa well did it work did what worked come on I'm crossing over now Mikey it's why not where are you come here whoa what's this this is crazy oh oh there you are go you're mine no way not again the water's saving you you used it to your advantage uh-huh I'm almost out of air that's better no no I'm falling what did I just do the portal hurry did I win this is awful if I destroyed the strongholds that might cost me the entire game yeah is it there now's my chance it's damaged but it still works really it's too dangerous to stick around I'm getting out of here me too this side got blown off it still works bye I have a plan what is it you'll see [Music] there as soon as Mikey crosses over he's toast I have a plan too okay what is it I won't tell are you coming huh come on I'll be right there go TNT go interesting did it work so you're sending TNT through the portal is it hitting you JJ [Music] ouch stop it it's working you must have low Health now time to attack now's my chance where'd you go all right here I go huh hang on is it working oh whoa you destroyed a big chunk no way you're still alive that's too bad Mikey what are you shooting at me arrows what shout seriously I don't think my ultimate pickaxe works in the end I'll try one more time take this Enderman oh it definitely works whoa I wonder how easy it'll be to break the ender crystals [Music] dirt wow the whole thing broke except the ender crystal seriously oh well I can destroy the ender crystals by hand it's a lot easier this way it's really easy to trip myself up with this pickaxe whoa I got it yes there he is nice it's Mikey hey Mikey get away from me I'm more likely to stop myself with the pickaxe than you are with that bow where'd you go all those Endermen Are after you seriously what's up with these guys oh no way it's like there's a whole Army of them why are they chasing you JJ get them over me [Music] I need to predict where he's going don't worry I'll avenge you whoa I'm a goner in that case I suppose I should head up all right [Music] yes only a few end crystals that go [Music] one left there it is I wonder if I can drop the Ender Dragon whoa the platform disappeared I think I really messed up Mikey the spot where the Ender Dragon is supposed to land is gone how does it even work anymore what do I do what's that Mikey it's a defensive weapon stand back are you trying to prevent me from breaking it Mikey yep back off if I break the TMZ it falls apart problem solved it looks like the side of the end Crystal's pillar was broken off just enough for me to smash it awesome I died again now then they just need to slay the Ender Dragon they just Dove Underground Mikey the Ender Dragon is underground can you feed it how did this even happen if it can't get back up then you can't beat it for real I win right the Ender Dragon flew down into the void what do I do no way but I was so close to defeating it I'm not giving up really really I'll swim down there [Music] I'm almost at the bottom a place to stand I can aim down at the whoa this is dangerous I can beat it like this I hope it works hey I think I can pull this off first I'll seal it off with obsidian whoa I did it seriously I can win from here you're slaying it all I have to do is wait for it to fall that's not good what's your plan hurry oh are you up there Mikey I am what are you doing I found you hey Mikey all right I can do this wait are you sealing me in with TNT no today we're playing hide and seek the rules are simple if I can slay the Ender Dragon without dying then I win if I'm stopped from slaying the Ender Dragon then Mikey wins I love hide and seek so I just have to get your health to zero right that's it but this time Mikey is it all right if I use my special abilities special abilities all right what kind of abilities instead of wasting time explaining them to you why don't I cut right to the Chase and show them three two one boof where'd you go I'm still here look down I'm right beneath you Mikey you're so small wow my special ability is the power to change my size ready get set go yes sum off hit that size I can squishy right away wait up I may be small Mikey but I'm also Nimble you can't even hit me I can clear the entire River in a single jump I'm already at the Village uh-oh all right it's time to stock up on food even harvesting the vegetables is faster now that should be more than enough carrots oh there's Mikey yeah where are you I lost you I'm so small Mikey didn't even notice me where awesome wait where'd you go you're never gonna find me especially if I hide right here you're nowhere oh sweet huh I'll Dash across his line of sight we saw something that might have been you I'll go in this house I should make it easier for Mikey to fit through the door let's leave that open now to make a secret place I can hide in how's this it should work now I have a little area that I can fit inside ah this is great you won't find me here where are you you're in the village but I bet I can find you anywhere are you close yep I'm in the house what here no you're not huh whoa he has no clue amazing come on whack I did a hit and run where'd you go here by the way Mikey do you remember how I said I have the power to change size why did I give you a demonstration there you are I'll catch you you should check it out three two one look you're huge I can grow really big well sizes and everything you're just bigger I'm still gonna catch you the bigger I am the stronger I don't take any damage seriously I can hit a lot harder too oh what's that wow I'm powerful whoa hang on that villager just turned into a witch I'll get her there it looks like poison isn't very effective on Giants changing your size sounds like fun it is time to do it again I need to collect wood once I have enough I think I'll go explore the caves I'm gonna collect some wood from this villager's house great now it's time for me to make a crafting table after that I can craft a wooden ax for myself a wooden ax makes it easier to gather stuff that should be enough wood once I make a stone pickaxe I'll look for a cave oh how'd the zombie get here I guess I have no choice time to grow there okay that was easy now that my preparations are complete my next step will be to find a cave I'll need to collect some iron ore somewhere if I have iron I'll be able to enter the nether in that case I should have at least three iron ore speaking of cave diving look poof I'm going in small I think that being smaller will give me an advantage in these caves mostly because I'll be able to fit through tiny passages oh there's iron up here even with just three pieces of iron I should be able to reach the Ender Dragon's home awesome uh-huh there you are no it's Mikey got you what a surprise I already lost you stay away from me where are you at my iron you go this isn't good okay there's an easy way to escape from you see this I'm just small enough to dig out a tunnel that's only one block High where'd you go I think I lost you I need to retreat hmm where are you it looks like Mikey ran away next up I'm planning to smelt some iron once I have enough iron ingots I can make a bucket there we go perfect the iron is melting down I see you Mikey what's up I'll get you you can't fit in here right no I just need one more Ingot then I can make a bucket oh man all right now it's time to get Crafting there's not much else for me to do in this cave yes whoa Mikey's breaking in I'm out of here oh I lost you again I should put some distance between us all right I think this will be far enough away from him where are you now Mikey right now huh you're not kidding he's right up there yep no not here hmm you're around here somewhere okay this is my chance maybe not I'll sneak up I could have sworn you were around here what was that Mikey left me an opening to take him out awesome now I'll head back to the surface time to collect some water with my bucket I'll grab some from this Lake over here once that's finished all I need to do is find a lava spring let's do this as I find some lava I can set up an entrance to the nether I think I'm moving too slow as a giant though I should shrink down I thought it would be easier to look around if I was a giant but I'll move a lot faster if I'm little let's find a lava spring hello are there any lava Springs around here foreign there's one a lava spring okay the easiest way to craft this would be at my normal size I shrunk down now I'm ready to prepare the nether portal first I'll place a block of stone then I'll break that block to make way for the water just like this perfect pour the water then build the side found you next up found you found you found you oh oh I messed up now's my chance I got you hey stop it you're all mine I'm gonna one hit kou for that wait what no thank you come back here Mikey no you ruined my lava spring your water turned it into obsidian you'll pay for that you're too big to catch me he's right looks like I have to shrink down I'm gonna put the rest of it out stop it back on get out of here oh I bought him off somehow I died I almost put the lava that was close back to normal size for now Mikey tried to destroy my lava spring I'm not gonna let that one go [Music] wow I can't believe I recovered from that now it's time to enter the nether ignites yes the reason I'm headed to the nether is so that I can collect some items that are supposed to help me reach the Ender Dragon and defeat it let's go I'll shrink down for this part since I can run faster when I'm tiny I'll look around until I can find a nether fortress then I'll defeat any places that happen to be there and collect their blaze rods huh I bet I can cross this Gap with one jump let's go don't know I can't believe I survived even though I fell straight into the lava my giant mode is practically fire resistant so I didn't end up taking any damage that's amazing oh what's that I see it's a nether fortress I found one wow being small is really convenient awesome that's another Fortress all right now it's time to make my way inside I can scale walls in my tiny form so I'm climbing up the sides like this climbing up the nether fortress huh already it's a blaze time for giant mode one punch awesome I didn't get any blaze rods I guess I need to find more blazes I'm gonna collect seven blaze rods let's go that shrunk down to look underground oh I'm pretty sure that's a blaze spawner back to Giant mode wait my head got stuck in the ceiling back to normal size then I need to make the Gap bigger above the blazes I'll dig up I can't use giant mode unless the ceiling is higher whoa whoa they're attacking yes what just happened yes what the there it's Mikey I'll beat you with arrows uh oh Mikey's here you're a big target arrows where'd you go I just shrunk down huh JJ Hello I'm being attacked I'm right here here why am I too small for your arrows I think the blazes might get to you before you can hit me right here I'm standing right next to you I don't oh Mikey I guess the blazes weakened you too much oh man I can use the TNT that Mikey left here with this I'll be able to blow up the ceiling above the blaze spawner now that's one pesky ceiling okay wow awesome finally I can go up against those blazes in giant mode one hit Ko's all around blaze rods are dropping all over the place there's no stopping me all the blaze rods I need finding places has never been easier oh another one one more there seven rods shouldn't that be harder to two that was a piece of cake back to the real world I go [Music] [Applause] I need ender pearls my plan is to wipe out all the Endermen around here yes I'm not dropping that many pearls six great whoa Mikey I know you'd be easier to hit in giant mode Mikey direct him you might land ahead but I have a ton of Health your arrows are pretty useless what [Music] oh I guess you're right I am slow but I have a plan shrink down I can't hit you I'll close the gap then grow oh yes [Music] nice try now for the ender pearls [Music] one more Pearl another Enderman oh I got it I am 13. now I can ignore all the monsters and get Crafting I'll add the blaze powder from the blaze rods with the ender pearls I made 13 Eyes of Ender I should use these two uh oh there are too many monsters here time for a strategic retreat this should be good now I'll toss an Eye of Ender into the sky and follow whatever directions it flies often until I reach a stronghold strongholds lead to the Ender Dragon looks like I'm going this way foreign ER oh we went straight down this is the place I'll start digging the hard parts are all finished as soon as I fight the Ender Dragon and defeat it then I'll win yes I've entered the stronghold the best way to explore through here is to shrink down and dash around until I make it to the end portal the end portal is the last thing I need to find but where is it I don't see anything so far hang on I think I see Mikey up ahead he's here oh yes yes yes there I cleared the TNT that Mikey left you found the end portal it's in there uh nope you're wrong why are you burning everything what hey now whoa where are you close phone yes look out I have to retreat okay I'm in all right where'd you go let's see you're going down JJ yo no I fell in huh that was close if I hadn't transformed hey you grew I just realized something Mikey what you can't hurt me when I'm a giant right well I suppose I could just ignore you then huh perfect I'll just finish this this is seriously bad how'd you fall in that was weird Ugg things knocked me over oh no I'll save you Mikey thank you thank you so much all right we finally reached the end I wonder if I can jump to the other side oh I made it terrific what's he doing yes I'm coming what are you up to nothing I'm just crossing over wait is that TNT yep it's a bridge I just want to cross the gap that's a bad idea why because of this hey what are you kidding TNT Falls was I too small for you to notice you were nice good luck Ender Dragon now's my chance it's time to slay the Ender Dragon I think I can beat it if I punch it while in giant mode so I don't need to destroy the ender crystals oh hang on I'm being attacked giant mode it is I need to one hit one hit Ender Dragon punch whoa hang on one punch took over half its Health that's just should be enough to take it yes whoa one more hit here I come fight me no no here comes my victory yes you did it I beat the ender dragon all right Mikey I succeeded in slaying the Ender Dragon if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like And subscribe thanks bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 5,043,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 4nnNydnfIj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 31sec (4291 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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