EPIC LAVA and WATER TSUNAMI VS JJ and Mikey SECRET Bunker in Minecraft - Maizen

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wow hey TJ look what I have I grew some carrots in my garden I was wondering if you wanted one here oh I have lots thanks wow this is more carrot than I can handle yummy these are delicious they're super fresh awesome thanks for dinner those were the best carrots ever no problem well it's getting dark I think I should head home now stay safe [Music] see you tomorrow I had a lot of fun today there we go hmm hello Mikey ready to play come on open the door [Music] Mikey hmm where is he huh these are Mikey's carrots his Garden's a mess I hope he's okay hmm huh everything's scattered Mikey's nowhere to be found something seriously weird is going on where in the world did Mikey go maybe he's outside hello are you there Mikey [Music] it's already night time I've been looking for Mikey for a really long time where did he go wait a second weird strange symbol on this what's Mikey doing with it never mind I should focus on finding him dark out I hope he's not lost out there hmm what's this a letter from the ceiling let's see escape from there from Mikey huh what's that supposed to mean I heard a noise what where did it come from whoa what's this I'm sensing some dangerous vibes from this I'm getting out of here whatever that was it looks super dangerous I should be safe here that must have been some kind of portal it seemed really unstable maybe that's where Mikey went I just hope he's okay I guess he was trying to warn me with this letter it says it's from him but where did he go hmm oh there's a villager working late I wonder why wait no the portal whoa the Villager disappeared where was he taken the portal must have sucked him up and sent him somewhere else no way foreign to get a vague idea of what happened somehow Mikey got abducted by a portal just like the Villager I saw I know that Mikey is still alive because he sent me that letter telling me to escape he saved my life and now it's my turn to save his and forget about the weird object I found on the floor in Mikey's house what does this symbol mean if I can figure that out I think it'll help me find Mikey let's go I'll look it up oh I learned a little bit more this symbol is found on ancient ruins maybe the ruins are another clue that will help me solve Mikey's disappearance time to check it out I've arrived at the ancient ruins this is where I'll find clues about Mikey's disappearance it's my mission to rescue Mikey from the portal abduction I have no doubt that Mikey's still alive somewhere the letter proves everything hold on this is the same symbol I saw at Mikey's house and looked up online there's one missing maybe if I put it in the empty spot nothing happened hmm the others seemed slanted and looks like I need to rotate it I wonder what's gonna happen oh there we go the portal opened this is freaking me out but I think I should go through this is a really narrow walkway this is the other side of the portal huh weird hmm which way I'll go right whoa It's a maze whatever abducted Mikey is probably here I should be ready for anything whoa I made it to an open space whoa I can't believe the portal led to such a massive World it looks like an underground Empire I think I should try to find a way down I wonder if I could land in that pool of water ready yes I made it I'm okay look how high that drop was that was amazing there might be some kind of monster lurking around it's probably the same thing that took Mikey I better start looking around for him but this place is so enormous I don't know where to start lava I better not fall in otherwise I'm a goner here I go yes I'm through this place looks like some kind of Castle I sure hope I find Mikey in here before it's too late huh hang on what is that is that is that the monster that kidnapped Mikey no no I think he noticed me he just headed this way run who would have thought a tree would be this fast he must have been the one to go through the portal to abduct Mikey and the Villager catching up if I don't get away from them I'm toast hurry maybe I could hide somewhere this looks good I'll lay low Behind These pillars okay perfect he doesn't see me I lost him he won't be on my tail anymore can't believe I found a tree monster and I should go home but I'll be back in no time to rescue Mikey [Music] that was scary I didn't stand a chance against that monster I should make some weapons and armor so that I can take him down next time I'll boot up my computer and see if I can come up with something here goes nothing [Music] perfect I'm done I have some really excellent stuff ready these are my three weapons number one number two and number three I'll protect myself with these in case I get into trouble I'll use them to defeat the tree monster and rescue Mikey from the other world don't worry I'm coming to save you buddy I traveled through the portal again with these three weapons I should be okay even if I bump into the monster I better go quickly I need to find Mikey before anything bad happens to him what's that it looks like little purple slimes hold on wait they're after me are the enemies in that case I better put up a good fight attack take that you slippery little slimes well I did it now that I've defeated the enemies I'll keep moving forward I need to find Mikey I hope he's okay we ran into the monster last time I should be careful I bet Mikey isn't too far from here where's that monster Mikey poor guy I sure hope he's okay hmm no way it's him again the monster just came out from behind a hidden door I bet that's where Mikey's being kept there's gonna be one thing left to do and that involves my sniper rifle first I need to line up the shot here goes nothing three two one whoa I did it I defeated the monster I better head down there and take a look around what's behind that door huh wait a second he came back to life I don't believe it that sniper rifle did a lot of damage but it can't stop him from resurrecting how did he do that this is so what he transformed into something oh no now he's coming after me unfortunately I have a way to deal with them it's rocket launcher time wow one shot he's not coming back from that where did where did he I never expected the monster to transform and charge at me but now that I beat him twice I think I can move on I need to hurry and find Mikey this is where the monster came out earlier oh what's this a button maybe it'll open the door there's only one way to find out Mikey's probably behind here I hope he's not hurt yes whoa villagers I don't see Mikey anywhere oh there he is Mikey come here JJ you have to get me out I'm trapped and I need your help Mikey do you know what this place is a research facility I don't care anymore okay three two one open I'm setting you free I'm glad you're all right I was worried thanks I was about to get eaten let's get out of here I don't want this place or the monsters ever again oh and don't worry I took care of the monster already there's nothing to worry about I'm so happy to have you back awesome thanks JJ ready to go home yes please [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe
Channel: JayJay & Mikey - Maizen
Views: 130,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maizen, jj u0026 mikey, jj and mikey, maizen jj u0026 Mikey, jayjay maizen, mikey maizen, mikey turtle, jayjay and mikey, maizen jj and mikey, jj maizen, zenichi maizen, noob vs pro, rich and poor, funny minecraft, funny maizen, minecraft, minecraft pro, minecraft but, mikey in bunker, maizen base, maizen tsunami, jj in bunker, maizen doomsday bunker, jj and mikey tsunami, lava tsunami, water tsunami
Id: wm2VbqPrtTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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