Mikey and JJ Built a House in a SKYSCRAPER in Minecraft (Maizen)

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friends hi everyone this is Mikey and JJ today we have a very special day today Mikey and I are in town to buy a cool apartment in a skyscraper that's right friends we've been thinking about it for a long time but we've just decided that we want to buy one we've come to the biggest city there are lots of skyscrapers and people but most of them are already occupied I'm very curious how quickly we'll find an apartment JJ you'd better drive carefully there are lots of villagers and animals on the road you might hit them it's their own fault they're out on the road I'm just going where I need to go we need to go to the very end of town that's probably the only room left there the city really is incredibly huge we're trying to start our new life with a clean slate we'll buy an apartment somewhere around here we'll be new people Mikey we have to conquer this city we're gonna get an apartment and then a cool job we're gonna grow up that's right JJ let's get out of the car and look around there are so many skyscrapers and they're incredibly big which one would you like to live in I don't have any special wishes Mikey I found the perfect one for you it's green and there's a mixed one over there green and red maybe it's really for us unfortunately this neighborhood is already bought out villagers from many villages have started to come to the city we really have a lot of money and we can afford to buy whatever we want we just need to find a free place Mikey let's jump in the car and go I'm totally ready JJ we're going forward somewhere I saw on the news that they recently built a new skyscraper why don't we go there yeah that's a good idea they haven't had time to buy out everything in the new buildings yet it's our chance to snatch a good spot JJ look what's that weird and small house right in the center of town is that kind of thing allowed it's probably the home of some important person we're not interested in that right now Mikey JJ be careful there's no farther up the road so this must be the new skyscraper I heard about I'll park the car carefully then if it's really a new building it looks incredibly cool I want an apartment here JJ if you're ready we can go in and find out whoa it's really nice inside Mikey be cool we should just find out for the apartments and only then get excited good afternoon guests what can I do for you hi my best friend and I would like to buy an apartment in the new skyscraper is that even possible sorry but we're not the ones to ask about the purchase it's an elite place and all apartment purchases go through a golden man a golden man what kind of strange nickname is that well where can we find the golden man we'd like to buy the apartment as soon as possible before someone else buys it his house is right in the center of the city he doesn't live in a skyscraper but in an ordinary two-story house good luck friends Mikey this must be the house you've been looking at take all the money from the car and run as fast as you can to buy an apartment I really hope we can buy the apartment in time I like it here so much but why does the golden Man live in such a two-story house that's a very good question Mikey you'll have to ask him that but before we go any further friends don't forget to subscribe to us and give us likes your support is very important to us the more likes you put the more cool videos we'll have and of course your support will help us buy an apartment so Mikey here we are so this whole area is his yeah it's a really cool house there he is hey come on out and we need your help yeah help us as fast as you can we need your help Golden man I guess he didn't hear us Mikey we need to give him a good knock on his door excuse me can you open it oh hello what can the golden man do for you I can solve any problem in a couple seconds we'd like very much to buy an apartment in one of your skyscrapers we were told that you are the one to turn to we have a lot of money please listen to us yes no problem you can go through I own literally every skyscraper in this city I decide who lives where I live in a regular house because I'm very afraid of heights I can help you since you were new people in the city take our money from us we would like to take two apartments on the top floor is that even possible yes of course this money is really enough to buy two apartments on the top floor I advise you to change the interior there thank you very much for helping us we'll be sure to treat you to some sweets Mikey what a nice man this Golden man turned out to be he really helped us get our Apartments we should go to them as soon as possible let's do it of course it's very strange that he decided to make himself such a small house in the center of town but apparently his fear of heights is very strong indeed he decided that everyone else would enjoy living in skyscrapers so Mikey let's go inside hey we got our apartment Keys they're on the very top floor so be happy for us Mikey and JJ we're really glad you bought a place to live in our skyscraper make yourselves at home these are really all his buildings then he's earning a really really great deal he's a good man and a good businessman that's for sure I'd like to do something like that myself he told us that we need to change the interior when we change the interior we'll go right away to look for a job worthy of us we should get lots and lots of money Mikey yes that's right we can do too much to be paid too little I will find our dream job in this town Mikey look at all the different Floors 32 floors a lot of them are under construction that's really cool I've always wanted to live as high up as possible but our house was too small for that so Mikey we're going to the top floor this is our floor and both apartments are completely ours now which one do you want to choose let's see I want the left one that means you'll be living across from me great now that we've chosen which room we're going to live in that's better now we need to see what kind of interior is here yes I guess the golden man was right the interior is really very very old we're going to have to do some general repairs replace the furniture kitchen work and sleeping areas and of course the bathroom I want a hot tub that's my biggest wish for this apartment I even have a plan already I'm going to do it I think Mikey is already excited about having to do the renovations too but we'll be in touch with him boo JJ scared of me my bathroom is right by your front door no I'm not let's go remote and do our Interiors hi JJ yeah I've got a lot of work to do here too literally everything needs to be changed and customized how's it going with you the same it's really a lot of work but I think with our skills we can solve all our problems very quickly I would hope so I'm in a very uplifted mood after buying the house I'm inspired to build something that sounds great Mikey the sooner we finish our construction the sooner we can go out and get a job I already want to start a new life here I have so many plans that's right we're going to change our lives okay friends we've gotten a little distracted the most important part of the house will always be the kitchen we need to make it very very fancy we need to put in new appliances and kitchen units as many details as possible food different kinds of tools and make it look cool yes I totally agree with you JJ I'm doing a kitchen right now too I don't have a lot of space for it but I'm going to make it look cool I like the way it all looks already too we can have our old friends over to celebrate our purchase of course we have to remember that we wanted to invite the golden man into our house let's give him some cookies that's right he's been very good to us listen Mikey I have a suggestion for you why don't we have a battle between each other about battle what kind of battle would that be let's see who can build their own house the best the winner will take all the cookies from the loser oh the stakes are really high but I'll take it I'll definitely win you over JJ that's the deal friends this will add some interest to our construction site we'll be able to compete and you'll decide who wins I know it's going to be a tough decision but you have to make it friends leave your comments and then we'll tell you who won by votes I'm confident in myself and my abilities I won't let you beat me that easily JJ I'm not saying it's going to be easy to do I want a really real competition like we know how to do so I've done the kitchen now I need to do something for myself I've always wanted a more working space with a view from the window I think this is the best place for me do you really have that much space in there I made myself a workspace a long time ago it's not really big it's a comfortable space for me yes I tried to make a more comfortable place too I've gotten really good at it now I have the main room next on the list this is where I will be hosting guests it should have a big table and a big couch and of course a TV I'll just put better Furniture than I had here and I'll leave all the basic things in the same place as they were JJ I hear you're doing really well I'm starting to get excited for my victory why don't you give in to me and let me win I'm sorry Mikey I can't let you win I have to do everything I can to take the grand prize to do that I'll do the best interior design I can I'll show you all my skills you have a lot of experience at this at this everything is fair here I'm not cheating I'm just showing my skill Mikey you're pretty good at building too I'll be sure to show everyone your house and we'll evaluate it oh I'm getting worried I feel like my building is much worse now than it's ever been you don't have to think about that you just do everything according to your plan and you're sure to do well you're my best friend so I don't have to worry about you you'll give us a hundred percent good contest JJ thank you for believing in me so much and I really appreciate your words I'm just supporting you I want to put on a real show for our friends and it's only possible with equal competition okay friends we're finally moving on to the bathroom as you may remember I wanted to put in a hot tub for myself it's really going to be the coolest thing in my house I have just enough room to put it in here I think I'm going to put it exactly here oh it's coming along great now you can do everything around it it'll be a pretty simple room too but I'll get a lot of points for it JJ are you how I want to come here a little longer Mikey we'll have our houses appraised when we're done then you can look at everything I'm sure you'll love what I'm doing here of I will you're the best builder I've ever seen it's going to be hard to beat you friends look at how cool it looks hush TV all that's missing is a soda and a cookie but you can't relax we have to keep going and build the next rooms so the next and last room I'm going to do is my bedroom it really has to be the most important place for me it's where I can rest sleep and do my business in general this is where I spend a lot of my free time it's so lucky to have a workspace here too there's even room for me to make a closet I think it's going to turn out incredibly cool I'll make a very comfortable space for myself I'll show Mikey and he'll definitely ask me to build something like this hey I'm not doing that I'm already building my room too mine will be a hundred times better whatever you say Mikey but that's for our friends to decide anyway let's do our best yes we will I will destroy you in this competition so I have a lot of ideas we have to take turns realizing and putting them up the most important thing I have already done is to put up a big and comfortable bed now I need to put up my clothes closets and start making my personal closet there is a separate room just for that it's just perfect for that friends I really like my apartment we are very lucky to buy it here whew finally done now I need to build a new workspace again this is where I'll watch cartoons and play games JJ are you doing well there do you need my help I'm almost finished with my house only a small bathroom left no it's fine I was actually thinking why do I need another workspace I need a place where I can look at myself in the mirror I don't have much left either I'll finish this room and then I'll be on my way to you Mikey I think I got it done a lot faster than I thought that's a big success listen JJ if we make such cool Interiors can we be the creators of them we'll get involved in the city and help make people their Interiors that's sounds really interesting yeah that's just a brilliant idea Mikey we'll just be able to talk to the golden man about it there's really going to be a lot of work involved because there are so many apartments in the skyscraper and you have to do something unique for each one yes that's exactly what I'm talking about we're going to make so much money that's true but I think there will be so many orders that we won't have time to do them we'll definitely need to hire someone new to implement such a plan but I really like your idea I like to build and you can help me is that okay yes of course you are a hundred percent better Builder than me so I will only help you with your ideas we'll have just the perfect business when we tell all this to the golden man I ended up making a more guest bedroom a girl can live here comfortably but I don't know about a guy and why did you make it for yourself have you decided to start dating someone yet JJ it's still early I just made a room that I like that's all there is to it I'm already afraid to imagine what's even standing there JJ how long do you have left I already want to show you my apartment not much Mikey I just have to make a nice seating area on the balcony I'm very fond of that sort of thing I can say 100 that I'm not sorry we left the village we tried something new for ourselves maybe this city will become some kind of special place for us I really hope so I would like to stay here for a long time Mikey what do you think about it yeah you're right it has its disadvantages though like make the constant noise that there are a lot of people but I really like it here especially in the skyscraper Mikey I'm watching you how are you doing Mikey I'm watching you how are you doing Turn back you'll spot me hey don't peek I have absolutely no idea how to make a toilet I give up there's not much left phew I've finally done it my apartment is completely done so Mikey now I'm going to come visit you let's take a little tour of your house come on I certainly didn't do anything special but I like what I got what can I say from the beginning Mikey it all looks really cool you did a really good job on your apartment I can safely say that you have a good chance of beating me I added a lot of details took out old furniture and replaced it with newer furniture and of course I changed the color I like my green and white the best yes it was a good choice your house is livelier and more beautiful I can only give it a big appraisal I've put in here there's even Japanese for a good rest itching in a great workspace now let's go to my place and you can appreciate all the things I've built I think I have something to surprise you with let's do it do it wow your place is really quite beautiful you you have things here that I haven't used at all nothing out of the ordinary at all Mikey you and I have both built decent Apartments I'll be interested in visiting you all the time I'm 100 sure you'll do well with our business idea if you keep building so cool all the time our business will become the most profitable in town I'll certainly try but I won't promise anything it's a lot harder than it looks friends you literally have all the rooms done perfectly lots of details all beautiful all in the same color wow you even have a hot tub in here I've always wanted one but I can't fit it in my house yeah that's the main feature of my house okay Mikey we're really tired I have prepared a special place where we can rest have some sodas and of course relax wow the view of the city from here is incredible we we conquered as we as weep's friends we're going to go do our important things we'll see you all very soon
Channel: Mikey & JJ - Minecraft
Views: 48,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft funny, minecraft, funny minecraft, minecraft but, funny memes, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, noob vs pro security house, maizen raft, maizen lava securuty base, maizen nether base, maizen volcano, jj and mikey, mizen, Maizen art, mikey turtle, maizen fnaf, maizen security house, maizen challenge, minecraft security house, maizen, maizen house build challenge, maizen modern house, maizen how to build, mikey and jj built a house in a skyscraper
Id: TccBcSy8S4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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