Royal Marine Reacts To 10 Most Insane Weapons In The World - Interesting Facts

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Gun safety is for nerds

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/angrytoast195 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

I mean he was making a video and doing it for a shot... that video probably made him as much as this guys entire channel because it was shot in his unique style as that character lol

EDIT: That video of Kyle's has 2x the views of this guys channel lifetime

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/benlucasdavee 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

what does a brit know about guns

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TaylorsHockeyMask 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's up everybody so today I'm reacting to ten most insane weapons in the world this is by a youtube channel called interesting facts I will leave a link down below to the original video please go and share send him some love and like the video and subscribe to him and all that good stuff gonna share some love but before we get started as per usual I want to give a shout out to all these amazing people these are my members guys if it wasn't for these I would these people I wouldn't be making videos every single day so thank you thank you thank you I really do appreciate it if you want to become a member there's a little giant button next to the subscribe button down below go and check that out and if you remember and you're not pad this card yeah link down below down there you'll find a link to all of my new socials twitch which ever streaming Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays go and check that out Instagram and Twitter which now have new handles so you kind of align better with the channel it's just original human under skull somebody already took original human kind of mad at that but both Instagram and Twitter and now original human on the skull make sure you go and give me a follow on that down below you'll also find website merch and a bunch of other cool stuff go and check that out down below so yeah we'll get into this video but before we start check out this t-shirt I was sent this by an Instagram who an Instagram account who is run by a former Marine Squanto it's called valhalla company really cool the back of it has like an image of a school and then it says royal underneath for role Marines go and check out the imagery it's amazing go check out the Twitter I'll leave a link down below sorry not the Twitter the Instagram I'll leave a link down below go and check him out guys they're amazing that they doing some incredible work over there and it's a form of Royal Marines so send them some love and go and say hi so I'll shut up now and we'll get this video started shall we let me just move over to the side so you can't see me big yet so you can't see me big yet guys I'm all over the place today I'm all over the place okay let's go 13 minutes since the dawn of warfare man has always strived to invent the perfect weapon to defeat his enemies and it really is amazing how far we've come since then with some organizations inventing some unreal weapons we go back what's that on their heads that's unreal interesting is that like some sort of way of quickly camouflage in a helmet I've never seen that before I wonder what that is if you know what that is leave a comment down below I'd like to know Bill weapons from a fully automatic 12-gauge shotgun to a crazy gun that fires over 1 million rounds per minute check out these 10 insane military technologies as crazy with salt 12 the aa-12 Auto assault shotgun is one of the rarest and most sought-after shotguns in the world it was originally developed by Maxwell Atchison during his time at military armaments corporation in the early 70s production rights were then sold to Jerry Baber of military police systems in 1987 who released his improved models for and a year later it entered production after having no less than 200 changes and improvements over the original blueprint the aa12 is a fully automatic gas operated eight nine and three-quarter range 12-gauge shells this guy he's not even looking at where he's shooting that's by drills guys that's by drills API blowback shotgun chambered for two three-quarter inch 12-gauge shells including buckshot flares slugs stun batons and high-explosive fragmentation what is that what is that interesting it can use two types of magazines a detachable eight round box magazine or a drum with capacity ranging from 20 to 32 rounds it has a cyclic rate of 300 rounds per minute with a muzzle velocity of 1,050 feet per second the slow rate of fire makes single shots or bursts very easy to achieve by briefly pulling the trigger despite the fact that it fires in full auto only accepts anding bullet it's interesting to know that even war has rules when it comes to using certain kinds of ammunition during the last World War German newspapers began accusing the French along with mythical Belgian free shooters of using what was called a dum-dum or expanding bullets an official German complaint showed that the British were issuing this ammunition to its army the bullet 0.455 MK 4 round was a flat nosed unjacketed man stopper type of ammunition it was quickly withdrawn from front-line service because it was outlawed by the 1907 Hague Convention because they could cause terrible wounds and um they certainly can I'm pretty sure it's against the Geneva Convention see you sounds like this I'm not 100% accurate on that obviously we only got to shoot one type of ammo in the military but then things are dangerous they can they can rip people apart very easily necessary suffering it was the indian army that developed the hollow nose expanding bulletin dum-dum an industrial municipality outside of calcutta and where the round got its name from bullets with pointed tips were then designed for use in the early 1900s to improve ballistic performance but these had a tendency to tumble upon it oh look at that yeah they would test someone apart they wouldn't Turing the human body and sometimes causing far more damage than dum-dums the interesting thing is that hollow-point ammunition is widely used by police forces in the USA because of its stopping power along with the argument that restricting them would harm innocent bystanders of course they would nerve agent B acts when it comes to being the most insane and deadly weapons of all time VX or venomous Agent X should be at the top of the list stockpiles of the stuff have been continually destroyed since the chemical weapons convention of 1997 outlawed their use this is the same stuff that's oncology in the new one where all the chemical weapons are classified by the United Nations as a weapon of mass destruction and defined by the CDC as the most potent of all nerve agents VX is an incredibly potent and rapid acting poison that cripples the nervous system and causes total paralysis and eventually the victim suffocates it is fatal after breathing in just 25 to 30 milligrams or just 10 milligrams if it comes into contact with the skin one that is disgusting that is absolutely disgusting I couldn't even imagine people using that but people do use chemical weapons so it's really sad it's really really sad in the body it works rapidly by acting on a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine which neurons rely on to send signals to muscles ordering them to move once the signals are sent acetylcholine breaks down ending the line of communication VX prevents acetylcholine from breaking down resulting in an overabundance of communication the muscles get overstimulated and the brain can no longer control the body's movements symptoms include blurred vision drooling and sweating rapid breathing and irregular heart rate it is when the muscles that guide the chests rise and fall during breathing are affected that it becomes a major problem and when also sorry for guy that struggling they are paralyzed breathing becomes impossible and it all happens within minutes no wonder this terrible weapon is outlawed yep hydrogen bomb standard right I mean let's be honest we knew the nuke was gonna be in this one the hydrogen bomb or thermonuclear bomb is more powerful than atomic or fission bombs like the ones that were used to devastate the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima during World War two those bombs exploded with a yield of 15 and 20 kilotons of TNT respectively in contrast the first test of a hydrogen bomb in the United States happened in November 1952 which yielded an explosion of 10,000 kilotons of TNT and by 1954 the United States detonated a bomb in nuclear test Castle Bravo which had a yield of 15 megatons of TNT Wow point 5 times more than the predicted 6.0 megatons which was the result of using lithium deuteride resulting in a tritium bonus where cascading neutrons transformed it into tritium and helium and tritium causes extremely energetic fusion at 6:45 a.m. local time on March 1st in 1954 if one of them went off like there would be aa war like the obviously American newts Japan back in the day well they send an atomic bomb bomb I think I don't really know the history of it but if that happen I think these days like today it would just be like I mean could 2020 get any worse let's be honest I don't want to jinx it last thing I wanted something like this to happen she could you imagine but it just seems like the world would just be pretty much coming to an end if one of these went off because other countries it's died get involved and before you know what the people there wouldn't even be traditional warfare you know it'd just be nukes going off everywhere and in essence dying it's really scary to think that people have these weapons and people have the ability to just set them off whatever they want is so scary the device was detonated and many observers knew something had gone spectacularly wrong in the first seconds the flash from the bomb was so great that men saw their bones appear as shadows through their flesh and streams of light shone through the smallest cracks and pinholes and secure doors and hatches more than 30 miles away aboard Navy ships sailors said the heat was like having a blowtorch aimed at their bodies wow it was incredible almost knocking observation aircraft from the sky and then there was the fireball stretching for miles in diameter and hotter than the surface of the Sun Oh my god a four-mile fire bomb it was the biggest explosion in history at the time Wow later the Soviet Union would drop something much bigger why though why do we need them it's so light if a name ever made a weapon perfectly then it would be the metal storm this thing is an Australian made us funded weapon and has 36 barrels put together in a box configuration that can australian-made but us-funded interesting I wonder if it's a private company in Australia the US military funded to get it dome that's interesting reportedly fire one point six two million rounds per minute and fires 180 rounds in a 0.01 second burst and at its peak it can send a wall of twenty four thousand nine millimeter rounds moving at Mach five I would hate to be the guy that has to carry the ammo for this can you imagine fastest mechanical weapons system can only spit out around six thousand rounds per minute but on that storm only lashing cartridge is special and has no shell casing and no primer in fact the gun itself has no trigger hammer or breech block the craziest thing is that the only moving part is the bullets which are stacked up nose to tail in each barrel and are fired electronically one at a time from front to rear although it's really insane the cost and the weight not to mention the set-up time for single-use keep the application of this weapon very circumstantial like is this it why is it in a why is it in like a cross I wonder what the reason for that is that's very strange when you need to shoot something 1 million times in just 60 seconds oh that must be it their interest in plague bomb a plague bomb located in Harbin China unit 731 was created with legitimate intentions by the Japanese government to promote public health and conduct research that would benefit Japanese soldiers including how long someone could survive hunger thirst and certain diseases but as the war went on the Japanese turned to using prisoners of war as test subjects and at least 250,000 people perished at the hands of experimentation isn't that one necessary like why why though why though the most terrible things you can imagine were done here so terrible we can't speak about them on this video but one of the things they tested was releasing rats infected with bubonic plague with the intention of infecting the prisoners so they could be studied this led to the plague bomb and in China's eastern province of Xinjiang and central Hunan Province from 1940 to 1942 rats were air-dropped and people who lived in these areas describes how people dropped like flies in hours or days their bodies swollen and black luckily for the United States the imagine just being outside in a buncha rats just hit the deck oh no and then people start dying within an hour that would be very freaky that would be very very freaky Japanese surrender on September 2 1945 stopped a plan for kamikaze pilots to attack San Diego with planes filled with plague infected fleas Wow and seek three laser weapon system ok the laser weapon system I've heard quite a lot about this I've heard quite a lot this is something that's very intrigued and I feel like we'll be the norm at some point thanks to some early science-fiction stories laser weapons have always fascinated many people for a while many people thought such weapons would be impossible to create or would be powerful enough to do serious damage so that it could be used in warfare but the future has arrived the antique 3 laser weapon system or more easily called the X and one laws is a directed-energy laser weapon developed by the United States Navy the first prototype was installed on the USS Ponce for testing in 2014 where it worked perfectly against low-end threats and took out a UAV and a simulated small boat attacker waz uses an infrared beam with a solid-state laser array which can be tuned to destroy a target using 30,000 watts of power - this is very interesting of what the technology could happen with this but it's also kind of scary because my thought is like bottoms if it passes through an object that you're trying to aim at how far does it go I have a lot of questions about this that are kind of worrying about like miss misfires and stuff if that makes sense fry sensors burn behinds that's another thing can they be hacked as well you know because it is electronics I know obviously the military I've got the best the best ways to not be hacked but still everything is hackable pretty much these days power to fry sensors burnout motors or detonate explosive materials such as rockets or bombs mounted on war planes or helicopters neutron bomb another weapon sounding like it's right out of a science fiction novel is the neutron bomb it's also called an enhanced radiation warhead was that destiny then let's go back to John Baum it's also called what's the neutron bomb got to do with destiny well sure it makes good visuals I like it I like the snails cooking old an enhanced radiation warhead and is a specialized a nuclear weapon that doesn't produce as large a blast as a conventional nuclear warhead and instead releases large amounts of lethal radiation it's actually a small thermonuclear bomb with a few kilograms of plutonium or uranium ignited by a conventional explosive which creates a fission trigger to ignite a fusion explosion in a capsule containing several grams of deuterium tritium still with us good this bomb might have only a 1 kiloton yield but in a 1.2 mile radius the fusion reaction would throw off a powerful wave of neutron and gamma radiation penetrating through armor several feet of earth and through living tissue that's scary that radiation poisoning is like to me is one of the scariest ones because you don't see it you don't see happening you don't know it's happening you only feel the side effects after it and that scares me that scares me more than anything because you know not if you just you don't carry like a radiation detector with you you know like when you're out on the ground so like stuff like that it's freaky because you could just be fine and then go off home or go off back to the base be covered in radiation in fact so the people are not in fact but you know pass on that radiation to other people and yeah things go downhill very quickly with that stuff electromagnetic railgun a theoretical dream for ages the railgun is unlike any other weapon used in warfare it's faster cheaper and more lethal than a conventional type of gun or cannon conventional guns or cannons use an explosive propellant to send a projectile at its target but the railgun uses a heavy solid slug that relies on its and velocity to do heavy damage in a railgun the two rails act like wires with a magnetic field circulating around each rail it takes two minutes to charge the weapon and only a fraction of a second to fire upon impact the slug projectile super heats which result in a hypersonic sphere of slag capable of penetrating Armour melting steel and burning everything else in its path such a round could be designed to fragment before impact shall wait let's just go back a second this thing's massive where are they possibly gonna put one of them that thing's way too big for a ship or anything like that or maybe it's not but to me it looks absolutely massive I don't know whether that could fail on something its path such a round could be designed to fragment before impact showering its target with high-velocity molten metal compared with missiles that can cost from $500,000 to 1.5 million dollars each the railgun offers a much more economical means of engaging the enemy project for project thoug this project has been looked at for many years and the interesting thing is that the US military has looked at it again as recently as 2017 also called rods from God project Thor was supposed to be some kind of satellite or launcher vehicle that would be launched into orbit with 20 foot long by 1 foot diameter tungsten rods it would then move over its intended target and launched its projectiles using kinetic energy the tungsten rods could end up traveling at over Mach 10 with an explosive impact of 11.5 tons of TNT is that Spacek SpaceX spaceship so anything anything to do with space makes a lot of sense but anything with the space industry takes so long that's why SpaceX is doing so well right now it's because they're really fast at getting jobs done but it takes so long to get anything tested and done the stuff like this seems unrealistic because by the time the space technology is ready to go up in the air the weapons maybe outdated that are on it it takes that long for things again so so I don't know how much I believe this one II it is said that the US has the technology to deploy this weapon at will but the biggest drawback is the cost and also the concern that non tungsten components of the projectile would melt if exceeded Mach 10 whatever the case is project four would certainly be a terrifying weapon yeah that concludes our list of ten insane military technologies okay let me get rid of that so yeah a lot of them are very scary I don't think a lot of them will actually become the norm the railgun I'm not too sure in that last space when I'm not too sure but the laser weapon obviously it's already been tested that thing has potential to be a game-changer but also a bit of a worry because what are the implications if it goes wrong that's my questions obviously I'm like that's way above my level of education I'm sure there is some incredibly smart people going over that and figuring it out also that box that shoots like millions of rounds a minute that's all well and good but the thing is we've shooting is like I've gone over in games and survived I've played is it's not so much how many rounds you can get off in one minute it's how accurate they are and with accuracy comes small bursts and stuff like that so obviously this box is controlled by a computer so things are a little bit different and the computer could potentially lock onto something etc but I don't know I'm shooting that many rounds so quick where's all the ammo gonna be stored who's gonna load the ammo how long is it gonna take to set this weapon up a lot of questions with that one but again an interesting video really did enjoy it if you enjoyed this video please press the like button and subscribe and before you all head off as per usual shout outs to all these amazing people you're amazing thank you guys I appreciate all my members and also don't forget I have changed my handles on Twitter on Instagram at original human underscore go and check them out go and give me follow I got some really cool stuff on there and yet down there you down there you'll find a link to my usual social media especially twitch which is the big one right now because I'm gonna be stream in 3 days a week and it's been really fun so far and yet we still haven't won in warzone don't know why but we will soon we'll get the win ok thank you everyone have a wonderful day stay safe good bye
Channel: OriginalHuman
Views: 999,535
Rating: 4.8442855 out of 5
Keywords: military, deadliest, projectiles, projectile motion, military submarine, submarine, submarines, most, poseidon, us navy, virginia class, submariner, us defense, us iran tensions, soleimani, tehran, missile, deadliest missiles, Royal Marine Reacts To 10 Most Insane Weapons In The World - Interesting Facts, military uniform, future weapon, future technology, special forces, weapon analysis, top 10 future technology, top military powers in the world 2020, most powerful, secret weapons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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