Parkour Experts REACT to Watch Dogs 2 | Experts React

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see that was good there was no no pickup in the movement at all there yeah he just did a tic tac over that wall which was so cool that's like one of my favorite things it is very cool to see like what we do as parker athletes portrayed so accurately in a video game [Music] hi guys my name is sydney olson i'm a professional parkour athlete i am also a stunt woman an actress and i'm spitfire from ultimate tag he's the geek from ultimate tag hey guys what's up my name is omar zaki i'm a parkour athlete of 10 years now and today we are reacting to parkour scenes from watch dogs 2. let's get into it oh yes it's really nice to actually be able to see their full body doing parkour now this is great yeah i love the way he does the wall run that's so accurate it's so well done safety vault yeah we oh god that's okay but they take injury from the falls that's good at least you know what's really funny omar is that this is my friend jesse and the reason why i'm saying this is because i can 100 tell from his movement that this is him we did the motion capture for this if you're in the parkour community that's going to be jesse laflaire it was also le flair on ultimate tag with us here comes another speed vault i can feel it there it is first cool i like that they had a roll too man there's way more parkour in this than i'd expect that role was a little unnecessary that we volunteered why not you know roles are just fun to add sometimes okay i have a dream one day to do a parkour scene where i get to jump from a car to another car i've actually done that one i'm gonna push you out of this chair you've done everything this is cool yeah i really like that kong vault super accurate the way he drives his knees on the jump this is so so unique to actually what we do it's so cool i am seeing a little bit of a couple stutter steps here and there or him just like running into picnic tables so maybe that's a user error see that was good there was no no pickup in the movement at all there yeah this is so cool we're gonna judge this person's flow just like a competition how many starter steps did they take yeah there he goes over the car he could have just not gone over there that was so sick all right that was a little okay you just hit the gainer for no reason the physics was a little off on the jump to the wall there he kind of like jumped and then traveled faster after he jumped yeah that wouldn't be super accurate but you know it is a video game that was a great wall climb that looked really good yeah this is what we wish we could do where we could just do parkour absolutely anywhere without worrying about police or people or anything or the safety and security of an obstacle all right just hit that cartwheel yeah i love this this is so cool there's like just so much variance and movement like you see you just did two different vaults there probably going to do a different one yeah oh it just steps so cool oh i love it and he doesn't roll whenever he jumps off a car it's badass he makes a grunt sound when he does his very like oh like he just got stabbed when it was just a normal roll did you notice that you did a front flip and landed on the stairs without rolling his ankle just perfect hit the gainer a gainer is a backflip where you move forward as you do yeah it's not very practical if you're wanting to keep speed but it is cool this is really cool yeah i think we found this guy's favorite move okay he just balls in a picket fence yeah i will call that out putting your hands on that is not gonna feel good this is cool is he just at random people's houses climbing their houses that's amazing nice safety vault wall climb good yeah yeah this is really cool now the wall climb like and even if he is doing the same moves over and over again they're practical and they're being used the way that they're supposed to be used if you're gonna climb three stories and you're hit with the same obstacle three times in a row then you're gonna pick the best way to maneuver that and do that every single time yeah definitely okay why you gotta jump over them i know you can just run around them but you know what it's way cooler to jump over it let's go and hurdle jump i reverse it all to the motorcycle if you were a parkour athlete and you weren't going to run out of stamina ever then you would jump over that motorcycle why not right yeah like that's what's cool about it oh that was cool i love it it does look like jessie it really could tell yeah yeah i still got a problem with it with vaulting those picket fences yeah i know that's just not real i'm not seeing a lot of kong vaults so i've seen a lot of reverse i've seen a couple actually okay i think i think this guy has decided which faults are his favorite and he's just sticking to him right right in the garbage he just got a little tripped up there which we occasionally do parkour athletes are very big on not damaging the environment or disturbing people so even if like we did knock something over like that at least i know the people that i trained with in sydney as well would fix it and put it back he just did a tic tac over that wall which was so cool so he did a tic tac and it landed up on top of the fence that's like one of my favorite things to do and sydney what is a tic tac it's when you use your foot on the wall to like get up higher it's to your side yeah so so he's gonna do it right there yeah which is so cool yeah because you wouldn't be able to just jump straight up to that fence so he used it to like gain height to get over it this guy's just just doing vaults off the garbage can that's so cool see you usually you landed on the dog maybe you landed next to it i don't know yeah usually especially when you're vaulting over something like a fence you absolutely need to test that ahead of time because fences are not meant to support the body weight of a full-sized human yeah like that i wouldn't trust either i also wouldn't do a reverse fault in that sit onto lawn chairs i love it that is one thing that video games just never seem to get right is like how if you landed on a chair like that it would definitely follow her then again there we go i just spoke too soon you know what would be really realistic if this guy vaulted onto something like that like a wheelbarrow or a dog and then rolled his ankle and then the character limps for a week that would be that's realistic a full week of gameplay i'm gonna strive on the picnic table or just run into the garbage can this feels like some of my dreams right here like when i'm trying to do something and i can't properly do it and i'm like running into things such a strange sensation i know oh my god no we did not condone that parkour athletes we only kick people if it's for a stunt that we're getting paid to do b-vault speed vault those are good it's kind of a very forward speed vault yeah sometimes we like to lay out a little bit more sideways i'm going to bring our hips up more sideways for the speed vault is kind of keeping his hips more underneath him but it seems to give him a lot of speed too so it's like it's just interesting like if you watch a parkour competition where people are like doing a speed course the way they do things are just so different than like the stylistic dynamic oh oh big calm oh the con yeah so again general i think it is possible to not roll out of that but your legs are not yeah feel good so i would recommend the roll there yeah this is great this is really accurate movement for the most part the only thing i'd say it's not accurate about it is just some of the landings on on random objects okay just striding up the bars now i kind of want to play this game like this oh i love the game it's so big it's so weird that he didn't over rotate that because you could tell he was like oh see i would have over rotated yeah and if you don't roll out of a draw like that again like this guy's femurs would explode out of his legs his kneecaps would shoot forward what's really interesting is that so sydney recognizes this as jesse laflaire because she trains with him personally all the time and it just goes to show you that people's movements are so unique that you can have 10 people all do a single move and we can usually recognize our friends even if they were just silhouetted because the movements are so unique even just based in that single movement yeah it's so true like you could be doing the same movement but it's not going to look the same i think something like gymnastics encourages this um like uniformity and conformity but parkour encourages that self-expression the style yeah just being unique and embracing what makes you different which is why i like watching this so much too because it's just so accurate to that you can tell by the way this guy moves just the speed vault's like like that even though it's not like super accurate to how you might do it it's like that's just the way it is i love that he did the front that was a dope line he just hit that there was like no stutter steps hit the front flip and then vaulted up immediately after that and then dive roll into like this industrial air conductor it rolled on the roof that's a big no-go that's a big no glow you can't roll on slats what i would like to see is some really nice safety vaults like fast like when you run yeah did you see that i think he does a lot of the speed faults but right i guess they're so similar that you kind of just choose one or the other yeah personally i like safety vaults better it's just more assurance in my movement like i'm more likely to mess up a speed bolt a safety vault is where you put your hand and opposite foot on the obstacle and you step through with the other leg so it's actually really awesome to do fast and it just like gives you so much assurance when you put your foot on the obstacle as well but then a speed vault is that without that foot being there just a single-handed fault yeah it ends up being quicker usually but like the safety vault is just more you can be more accurate with it i guess even just the running technique the way he was just running like really fast and even that was a very good natural running stride i see and then the gainer but um yeah i see a lot of video games that like their characters just look a little funny when they run yeah but his room looks good it's funny because this gainer is used so much and i know from being friends with jesse that they're definitely not his favorite move he did like one gainer ever and yeah they recorded it and now this is like 20 000 gainers into the game yeah so he's in san francisco don't know what he's running from but he's doing a lot of parking from the wildfires yes i love that random cartwheel super unnecessary yeah yeah okay don't what are you doing don't get your shoes away because now his shoes are wet now he has no grip on any surfaces i know i hate when my shoes get wet yeah big roller park don't get your shoes away oh okay that one hurt him you could tell the red flash yeah so interesting that he'll do a roll out of some jumps but when he does a big superman front like that he's not rolling i mean when he rolled out of a lazy belt which is kind of funny it's going to be much harder to not roll out of a front flip because you already have that forward rotation that it's natural to go into a role and that role is going to save you and protect you so this guy should definitely be doing a roll out of that front flip come on you video game character be more safety conscious how often do you like other people i personally try not to climb on other people's houses here because i feel like they're just more than likely going to call the cops like if i had someone that i didn't know was doing parkour and i didn't know what parkour was and they were just climbing on my building yeah i'd be like um someone's trying to rob me it is very cool to see like what we do as parker athletes portrayed so accurately in a video game so that's definitely going to be a testament to the motion capture performer i'm always glad when they actually hire real parkour people to do parkour stuff because then what a weird concept all right guys that was watch dogs 2 the parkour scenes i thought it was amazing so accurate to how we would actually train if you want to see more videos like this check out the gameology facebook and youtube page i'll break the ice for us and i'm also oh my god you are also oh my god i am also terrible at these injuries from dying dogs too i mean watch fights you
Channel: Gamology
Views: 294,086
Rating: 4.9749713 out of 5
Keywords: parkour, watch dogs, watch dogs 2, parkour experts, freerunning, acrobatic, course training, react, reaction video, action-adventure game, Open World, course, track, Obstacle, Moves, Third-Person Shooter, Stealth, Climbing, Athletes, Running, Stealth Game, Athletics, Freerunner, Races, Jumping, Stunts, Sport, Hobby, Extreme Sports, Jump, Run, Gamology, Experts React, GAMEXRS2E099
Id: zuHxXBemfHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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