BLOOPS from 100 countries!

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how much I hate the word so last time you saw me I look like this admittedly I do wear my emotions on my sleeve and I have continued crying the last few days but they would turn into heavy tears ever since we released the documentary we have received an incredible outpouring of support I've just been bouncing back and forth between social media is really the most positive and encouraging messages we've ever received we're trying so hard to read and respond to as many as we can but in case we don't get a chance to we just wanted to say a public thank you for everyone who sent us message it has been a great reminder of how awesome this community is since we've released our last video our biggest question we received is what happens next and the truth is we still don't know but we will be filming a video with our thoughts that we're going to post this week next of it and in the meantime we are road tripping to Knoxville to spend some time with family also they told me I should probably take a break from editing since I've pretty much been doing it every single day for the last four years but I just couldn't help myself I'm still been going through the footage on all of those old hard drives and I've compiled our favorite bloopers from the last four years starting with never-before-seen bloopers from the very first time we turned on our vlogging camera to our bloopers that was just us trying to block right impending with bloopers from the documentary the reason we didn't put the bloopers and the documentary is just because we felt like it ended on this super emotional note and it just felt wrong to go from me crying to our first video on our new camera travel camera I was getting tired stamina okay some guys that tripod just make it happy here we're gonna look like we know it hearted old that's the key to life being like you know what you do know this is fun I think we found our signature there's laughing each other yeah these are people who turned into after having the camera on for 10 minutes in two seconds we sit down and we're like like oh we have something in talk about pooping oh gosh this vlog is called Nate and no cariann mate because kara cannot have her own show whooping will not be office I bought a grin a churro yeah had a pad for new segments let's talk business with Nate I'm some of Kara's input table lamp oh people who sold us this camera or good business people coming laughs because if you read this fine print down here we will automatically send you a free tabletop tripod a screen protector No and a lens cleaning kit within 48 hours I don't believe it how that's how Donald Trump would say blog blog blood uh head that's funny and then you ready to log over the huge this is definitely the most interesting item this is not like the modern capsules that I saw oh I haven't brushed my hair since we left Tokyo just live in either ninth month make it today yeah I can't then it gets funky and I'm not in it you've got a strap down looks funky dude is funky like this you have to do it down my romper is the biggest okay hey Kara's really concerned about not looking naked in the vlog for some reason this morning we're doing a new segment called coffee and copywriting we learned some things about copyright last night so when the very first got here I thought they had given us towels for blankets turns out that wasn't the case after absolutely freezing our butts off the first night is it a little closer investigation it appears that they gave us airplane blankets yeah we're going to attempt to do our very own pour over without any of the pour over tools say take it off and like put boiling Oh can't say anything oh don't burn yourself yeah okay this is okay it's fine let's just totally working it is I think I found my calling filtering it out it's a very slow drip coffee yeah and stretch still going but we got half a cup of coffee better than no coffee pretty sure I saw a Starbucks at some point when we were wandering around the city so we're searching for that right now walking and searching for things never goes well before Kara has coffee first the walk is hope something looks good strategy usually not a good one when we're hungry you were a pork bun stand where would you be I like big buns and I can not love ice cream light traffic things sweet potato ice cream at McDonald's with the most yeah he acted like you didn't like it but he is still eating nice pretty touch not even hot we are literally like the only people at this temple now we're going to touch everything [Music] don't touch that appreciates one of those fertility things that we saw the counter eat against us Picasa see you always see Cara eating because she's too impatient to film me eating my food and the food gets here she's all about the food I'm sure this will be good but you won't get to see me try I've done the secret Sun hot spot where you could watch the Sun rise above ankle we're like only ones here except for like two thousand other people the crowd is almost more impressive than the Sun rises she's not here we've never been separated for at least 20 minutes spotted her I can't tell if she was happy to see me or really mad that I've been gone for so long my motorcycle robbed was really helping for the food park oh okay thank you she fall asleep everything Dara how many ants did you find in the rice I saw a tiny little ant and so I just decided I was gonna ignore it I took it off I said on the napkin I just tried not to think about it continued eating my lunch few more bites a I saw another one I thought okay don't think about it no God way move on that's why I did ask you by I started looking for them and over several more and there but you had already eaten so much of it you just decided why not and so that's why I didn't tell Nate cuz he was already done so I figured what's the point in telling me if he's already eaten his aunt so I didn't tell him but then he saw me pick me around I think both hungry still don't know where we're gonna eat so that place was closed this is a recipe for disaster okay doing okay Carrie used to take her pajamas off we're gonna see if this Centurion lounge will let us in when we're not dressed appropriately don't sound like great British people their vows vows softer it's me that vows we are literally surrounded by birds Karen knows what's coming by it's a tag of the birds will you grab that paper I'm leaving your bow with the birds they're gonna eat it don't football the boat there's the thing you've seen a ton of positivity from taking care of this entire trip and I'm married to Joanne one of the most positive people that I know as well so my job in this vlog is to just bring everybody right back down to it you see a lot of pessimism cover from my way I consider it realism but it could happen tell us about these traditional New Zealand foods that we're eating the best you may remember we've got another jar of peanut butter this is it's fascinating okay check out this price got even since that's I'm talking about folks glace Blasio everywhere girls would say we don't know it is behind us right now there's no yelling no hope not hearing cause Jillian what'd you say girls are sleeping in the back which I'm pretty sure is frowned upon by a New Zealand law enforcement the gray area that's the only way we could convince them to get on the road this early we're here don't get too excited everybody hey Joanne hey Cara we're here at Milford Sound we've been driving all day to get here okay here where's here Milford Sound I just like saying Milford we might name our future [Music] take four takes about two hours you're still speaking Australia speak have offended some people we sent some clothes to get washed down at the hotel monthly underwear per hour checked every tomorrow and we look out our window and there's our underwear flying in the grass you ever wonder what kind of underwear Karen I wear hey yo [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can you hear today's vlog is starting with the senate's that I'd never thought I would say this morning we are driving to Bosnia and hers of again hurt begin yeah there's a Gavin yes what's a good mean you know hey what if we need Google Maps the directions had to say I have no clue how to get the Bosnia I think we driving a rock hanger rod are can I could get us there we lift right here with love today it's here it's a high likelihood he's either been taken by a Bosnian gang or it's just stupid off and driven back to buddies appropriate without even think of it we're here he is the lost soldier show us your coffee no it's not even after we may have drunk a bit of it we have handed our passports to the man on the phone oh it's not need to know this is not an international border he decided to take our passports into his little Hut come back Charlie is going to get our passports back now at least five minutes has elapsed hope he doesn't get himself arrested in Bosnia Croatia or wherever we are in this weird limbo why is he still in there Charlie has all three passports in his hand which is a good sign oh he's going back in ha we can't just slam the door and kept Charlie not with him you look a bit nervous we've done nothing wrong if nothing else this will turn out to be a good story back in the thing by the neck Yeah right yeah I don't go a little bit heated without possible so far we haven't been arrested big success fool Kara Thank You Anne the food for lunch protein - you get the foreperson serving however I was gonna order a salad Melanie platter okay too much self-control I couldn't do it chose not to maybe you should enter was professionally eating competitions people are so nice in Bosnia pull the string on the right hand side and if you mentally go up are you British gonna get it going get it no no you are aggressive grant wet okay go take it go you know go we're get out of here [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] okay so I'm gonna come from here okay you know your hand actually you're okay there perfect no it's pretty good I think this massively you look so funny [Music] like I can't do it without making the noise it hurt my head the log fun with y'all [Music] okay you can only hate the government [Music] the door I'm gonna have to take off the hinges and take it off no really so no one has to pee right all right it's just terrible idea start on the top I mean there's a big bolt but can you could still write if their theory does cutting just look like it'd be so much better if somebody was trapped we excellently locked our bathroom door closed what did you do it was walks and I literally just said yes holmen's job I think we may have loosened it up [Music] hey buddy boy [Music] now we can scrape that half of the bottom of the pack it gone that was really good go if there was no we'll just get it out of the bag yeah that's a bummer I'm so sorry so sad at you she never gets mad at La that's not true but majora is time to get sad at me which is even worse I asked you to get more than story you told me this was it was enough until it hole poured out my back good morning it is day three on the trans-siberian railway I'm on my second cup of coffee I'm not showered yet and I'm wearing all the same clothes that is going to change today the epic white but it seems smells nice I feel so we're doing this on the camera I feel like I need to take my clothes off to properly feel like you look bad I don't want to waste this but I don't want to do any more of this on camera this is a penis fish oh it's squirting alive oh my gosh that is like that so the Korean spas are called what Jim Jim Jim Jim Jyoti no it's definitely banging Jim Jim we've done a little exploring and how I decided it's that whole time okay make it so we just fit the last two hours make it and separated allow this is good for your back or something or maybe the tile has some kind of like it in the mineral that it's made out of and it just soaks into your skin honestly what do you think our path down here it's like the middle of the night so I suppose the time if you can just lay on the ground and sleep anywhere and the YMCA that's kind of what I would compare this to there's a lot of nekkid old men in the YMCA so there's actually kind of similar and today we are separating the wine from the grape skins and the seeds it's gonna go into the barrel craft into a smaller bucket into the bigger bucket and then ultimately it's gonna be pumped downstairs and then into my liver five grams 400 liters haha that's about hundred liters now all we need to do is stir in the potassium metabisulfite with a sterile instrument you love the water we had found what we think is our train platform it's supposed to leave at 5:30 then I was gonna leave at 7:30 then it was gonna fit in time 30 now it's arriving at 10:00 hey does that anymore I have a Snickers counting my blessings I'm awake but there's no coffee nobody's comin tryin to tell me coffee you might have to go to my last resort which is pouring the powdered coffee that we have into that's what you know I need it fingers for breakfast what better way to keep you from getting gangrene before the sunrise should I sit him at it be rolled to the toilet da da dum ba papa okay I'll stop $17 entry fee does get your free toilet you want me to take it the whole family give back the baby oh so do you by myself and they just came up and you good luck I love you don't hurt yourself they have a lot of fun things to do this year don't want to spin in the hospital she's so good oh you practically stopped yourself on the hill that's impressive there's also nice he said keep rolling yeah what size fish not a large surely there's a I'm happy that you're going will you be in our video don't hit the like and subscribe smash that thumbs up button ladies and gentlemen three you take care see Oh I thought they told you before you want these things so where I'm prepared you did so good on your speech I didn't know what to say I have what I proposed I just completely forgot hey listen grass we wanted a picture earlier but you were too popular just in case the HQ guys got right here next to me not on my phone [Music] you can't ride in selfie no way yeah okay I don't have a break in when I'm holding the camera oh wow this literally always happens but it's always with my change change no no no I don't mind I don't mind I invent my side either okay encouraging my pack includes vital step in the process that I skipped okay you can do think small thoughts only have to go to Thailand not that far put some slippers in here now get back I'm sorry we've been sad that Spanky yeah Wow I got outfit Oh Oh starring Nate ANBU kisser [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's super a much better idea when they were on the internet this is the real hero I don't know if it's quite tight enough we're trying to get it Instagram out but it's about eight feet deep until you get there are you okay oh nice yay false alarm dedication I cannot believe that I'm about to walk through this grand entrance all of myself this is our current state of affairs right now I'm googling if there's snakes in the valley definitely blocking all the rain for you are you serious this is one of the bigger messes we got ourselves then mainly just due to how far away we are we were bragging that we hadn't under range I guess out of our bag in weeks or months I asked you before we left should I bring my rain jacket should I bring the rain cover for the camera and you might know it's beautiful outside still worse there works it's so cold it's so cold and there's nowhere to hide from it I'm really crying don't make a run for it I don't know we're gonna make a run for it okay there's my garage for it I feel like it's slowing down a little yeah oh yeah we're not we're not just overdramatizing this for the vlog this is very cool beautiful like you can't argue with that [Music] and we're just strolling down this ancient Roman Road oh wow ix boy what are you doing right now putting my hard drive in my backpack why because we're leaving all of our stuff in the car and if everything got stolen but my hard drive I think I will be ok but I cannot loose it all of our videos that I haven't yet my sister's wedding I mean I just I have to have it or I'm not gonna have fun I think I broke it gosh you definitely broke it I never thought I would be in a pilot seat of a 747 mmm oh my gosh look at all these buttons can you imagine being responsible for all this cha-cha no no fine everyone here tries to give you cha-cha fine it's very nice but it's also a very very hard liquor we're not leaving one more thing oh she's pulling she's pulling liquid out from behind the tarp smells like fruit juice maybe non-alcoholic I didn't grabbed about one of those my favorite part is that everyone touches them no one washes their hands and then you eat them this you know [Music] it's 90 degrees outside the lady is getting coming here [Applause] [Music] that's [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it's running out no too funny yes this is the death trap that we just wrote in she's laughing at it hey guys oh wow looks even scarier from outside straight down we're at the border we need to get out of the car and quietly go across very politely through the building one night takes the vehicle through a line no it seems to be leaving the country so it's been at least 15 minutes since Nate turned around and left the border crossing and we have no idea where he is or why he got pulled aside there's like a million more cars now just like everything else in Georgia so far that did not go as planned y'all have a beautiful hated it hated it there's not a single piece of food left on any of our players I'm not yeah what now see why I don't have any on my second item the US dollars eight thousand which is equivalent to $16 to $18 and we're very hopeful about that bond there were no prices on the menu the only bad thing is is the nights or the most expensive I've got some Georgian which is an imported drink it's carbonated beverage coca-cola the rest of it cheap so forever that's all night and we're wearing traditional Armenia way blankets mr. fans again your offense good shot gosh I have no idea what's gonna come out of this gift box so if I it's a very thin gift how much do we have hey we're short I wish this is AC I don't think it can you can you see this sweat dripping down my forehead it's like a spa is included a free sauna is included this stamp means we're in Azerbaijan did you say that we're Azerbaijan I sure by John it's Azerbaijan Azerbaijan it turns out what I read on the internet was correct the customs official was not excited that we had been to Armenia it was so scary he came in our room they said yes roses next question why oh why and I said tourism and he said do you agree with that are many of no reason why and that's it I don't know it just it did seem like the right answer I knew there was a dispute I don't know the details of the dispute to know who I agree with figure I think I've had my shot did not want me to agree with our minions good morning good morning okay our Airbnb host was a very interesting guy he made sure to take us around to all the faucets and show us that the water worked in each one of them I've never had that happen before never know you're gonna get another guy yeah mornings off to a bit of a rough start the fawning couldn't really hold up to the pouring rain last night probably be our best option what do you think yeah haven't even had coffee yet we did it it's definitely broken but at least it's in oh we're going to wine country today it's gonna be flat be that cold you can tell you have four people for Texas Texas and Tennessee because we're all so excited to see the snow [Music] how does this always happen the one time we're almost so tired the planes leaving early I mean we're like the only ones left just chaos in the streets and there's people that don't realize that you need to hold your lantern long enough break the light fill up with hot air to go up so they let it go too early and then there's fire crashing down on people's heads no crowds are written like ten different languages oh my god so much fun there's just fire balls falling out of the sky there's carnage all over the ground from lanterns that have gone out and just falling back down to earth so much more exciting than I thought it was gonna be there's a bit windy now you know this is so I'm sorry to make [Applause] [Laughter] just let it go okay [Music] after five whole weeks [Music] so I had to get to Chiangmai Airport this morning we're four hours into her first yeah I just feel so good to be able to straighten my legs even Ellis check out our car way back brakes will know why [Music] maybe this is the car that Kara got ins I was wondering if we would ever be may United maybe you'll continue maybe maybe but I still don't know where my wife is for me [Applause] [Music] we've been trying to get the wire out of my gear for at least 10 minutes while I'm sitting here being eaten alive by mosquitoes I really at this point had no clue what we were gonna do because we were in the middle of nowhere and then two Cowboys drove by and he just put both hands on and pulled it out like it was absolutely nothing barbed wire what does hands yep made me feel really manly yeah you can video me in case the bridge falls yeah you're on first case the bridge falls take the camera we asked for an adventure today how long is it gonna be until you're out of bike again now we're about to do one thing that everybody told us we had to do while we were in Finland we are about the Sun Wow it's one okay so we've been told it is not a proper Finnish sauna session if you're not doing something cold in between you can either jump in the frozen lake or go rolling snow hey Carrie told me to come get her when we're ready it's time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ruch Wow I think I understand watch your arm I'm coming in oh it's so soft I love this it's like a natural memory foam mattress no turning back now okay just fetuccini more my inside please [Laughter] I'm gonna sleep it there this my sleeping bag so the battery doesn't die it's made that comfortable instead of cuddling with you tonight I've gotta at the camera goodnight [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I can touch the bottom of it I'd say the ice is like [Music] this is a wild Kara in her natural habitat slightly confused shopping for head poses she doesn't need she's now been putting on chapstick for at least 30 seconds what will she do next oh she doesn't get much time to herself I'm not good at this why are you moving so much help me help me said towards me here on the gun towards me is forward yeah cuz you're turning it towards the wall I really need you to we're gonna run into this wall and I'm panicking hey Carrie you can't drive a boat no I can't I honestly don't know how to get it to go that way I just tried I'm being very serious yeah I know you're gonna figure it out back us up Wow magnificent isn't she and on your left you have the Church of st. Mary she is as you right here on the water there's very nice golden clock from the 17th century at the top Alleluia are you Australian the other okay we're gonna lean back together and hope that the water catches this are you you look like you're gonna jump it takes no effort none of my hair's gotten wet cuz my head is so far out of the water I cannot believe this is incredible but if we're being completely transparent we're tired and we're dirty it is been over a month since we washed clothes which is the longest that we've gone in all of our three years of travel I have been wearing this exact sweatshirt every day since February 4th that's almost two months we may or may not have washed her underwear in the shower yesterday I even bought perfume yesterday feel better about myself okay it's final call carrier stuck in security I'm ready no all the point hopefully it's not close hey can you hear me Peter you have all your must close okay so you just go hold the play for you she was like do you want to get on without it if it leaves you'll just leave without it and as I know I'll stay awake you're hearing really best month he kept like cracking jokes with his friends go through my stuff opening the same zippers more than once it wasn't a full body right now so we actually got lost in the industrial area of town ever having tea with them side of the road he knows the words sit down he should shop offered us some tea I felt like I felt like this wasn't employed against Tobias I'm adhesive normally when someone invites us in for tea I think they're trying to sell us stuff called Southie they take it over top card Express golf cart transfer from the first-class lounge to the other Chris class lounge this is they are going to the plane we're going to the other first less loud no no no no no no it's like yeah everybody that we pass hysteria this is a long journey my hair my hair is blowing in the wind the point good luck I'll try bon voyage we've just given our passports to or random guy we got on the airplane these rain Blazers he looks very professional so you two can change your flights $100 change B oh yes available fight that wouldn't mean that you could also change to return force when they were likely still be availability so it can take the same five faction celebrations birthday yes thank you look at anything is 30 it is a big deal and we never properly celebrated 30th yeah pretty sure I didn't tell you I now yes and now we have a cake there we go and we change our flight time so we could spend the next 16 hours together any wall is wandering with their backs into I wonder what's in it oh nice like Bomi Island so myself made the whole plane spell it's a very nice the minute I get I just don't usually use the lotion and burn beautiful whereas I've saved like every lotion I've ever gotten into the phoenicians it's my choice that's a Range Rover at the Jeep at the Yukon all right here she is why book on self awesome 522 light yeah maybe a little too despite the travel day I have had an unbelievable amount of coffee along with a giant Texas toast grilled cheese with devil bait doin all right the tri-state that I got on the plane is child on the door oh there's someone newspaper I think I shut door too soon and should not have ventilation is what happened on a fire going I'm gonna get started on dinner you can't do it Nate I think we should have thought about how to fish in a tiny home it's like really bad right now anything give Norwegian save another chance apparently the would because in the oven needs to be pretty small Wow need some protective goggles I close my eyes not sure what we would do if we stayed more than one night but I'm already sad that we have to leave tomorrow so we try to keep things family this channel so there was one thing thank you so I'm like half asleep I have been like on and off sleeping for a few hours and I open my in Meg's bag had to be put like a few rows ahead and the overhead bin and I saw this man get up and very violently like open up and rip this backpack from the overhead bin and said it's chairman and he starts why would you do it and I'm like what's going through Nate's bag I woke up and she's just looking at me was like the most panicked but I felt like the plane was crashing or something I really like my heart was racing so fast but like I was just half awake and I had on my noise-canceling headphones so she was talking but I wasn't hearing anything and I was just like what's happening I think we're about doing it was about okay that was really the only excitement on the flight house I missed I see it took a long time for about heart to stop beating quickly at one point I was feeling about pulse because I was like panicking trying to get up and I'm like stuck around blanket you stop you go what seriously tastes like a sugarless doughnut stuffed with an American hot dog I feel like like the drinking culture is pretty big here like there's like a lot of vodka and this seems like exactly what you'd want after a night of drinking a lot of shots of I'm just a guess I don't know from experience jacket e I really like the breath this our yeast dough it's very breezy see yours if you want it uh-huh okay okay okay nice to meet you nice to meet you bye good vibes what just happened I actually I was like oh this is funny he's give me a thumbs up and then he had like a hammer in his hand I'm not take they thought target I walk I go I think about favorite part of the whole interaction was this he forced his groped the girl that was with him she thought talk could you be ready to leave for Vietnam in five days my life insurance is paid up makes perfect sense I wish noodle soup frogs my entire Vietnamese life [Music] [Laughter] because for Angela's grubs brain testicles eyeballs we've literally had everything and I never thought I could do that but it was probably the least disturbing pretty normal yes hey what about the checking out the new construction over here thinking about buying a place don't tell your mom I'm gonna do the paperwork maybe they have one for Karen I they didn't put one any of you I must get my love of ropes from okay we got to tell them they only got me a bottle of champagne on our last cruising halong bay she thinks that the day is on a timer I really have to turn it off so she's just gonna sit there and it's gonna spray her for her until she figures I had turned it off I'll figure it out little sunrise Taichi to start the day [Music] we did our best you never let the oars leave your water should I tell them my war story yeah I got to into the jungle Rambo style amen whole body's a weapon we've got my booby traps correct that's another story another flaw she go on to you this morning yeah I'm feeling I'm feeling this in Wow [Music] after all this happened tell you these cobblestones I'm so fast please don't kill us hey just feels so free watch out everybody so it's half price of you ready together we're gonna kill you guys we're fine keep keep keep guys walking some speed oh this is so much fun I don't know how your let's stop fill this up here I call this a YP bath I do this way more often than I should actually kind of hard to drink coffee while - morning here [Applause] [Applause] [Music] right alright we please forgive her are you ready for this mama I think I need a new nipple you're gonna do it yes you have good aim in the gents room is the same oh I was looking and if you follow me back up the hill like you looking at feel like I can't see the camera I'm like blind who I was like and I just don't really get it good luck if I'm looking at the camera right now I just know it I'm losing my breath from laughing okay [Music] you have to use the life jacket there is a last treatment all right just a 30 minute light [Music] classy ah this fills oh it's very fitting it's just 10:45 at night our shuttle is supposed to come and pick us up tonight so we're walking ten minutes to our hotel probably just like we have to the majority of countries that I visited could we've got in taxi yes would it have been a little bit more expensive yes Dibley picked the cheaper option yes brought you to the best place with the Bethlehem star one hour to paradise core anything I've ever said to the camera I don't care maybe was like we've been playing it safe hey maybe we should have gone to the hospital a couple times that's true yeah like 101 fever couldn't talk or walk hate needles hey pay money for things hospitals and all around bad where's your healthy this is pretty rare for me if you can't tell don't normally do this on vacation this is a complete departure from what our routine has been for the last year also we went snorkeling for two hours yesterday and look at this Oh Oh see ya don't like that that was with 50 SPF on the Sun here in Fiji is no joke there's still water I like to win this might be the beginning of the end of our productivity the rest of our lives yesterday's game with almost three hours it's given me a 30-second time limit you're taking up my time Nate I need to think also trying to post my Instagram it's not posting because we're on an island in Fiji and the internet is not very fast as you can imagine my biggest problem right now is I can't post my Instagram telling people that we have a million subscribers or were in Fiji our 100th country I feel like we need to turn the camera cuz I feel like who said 1 million at 100 right now we're so annoying if you're still watching this I'm just kidding we love you all equally I think if you're subscribed if you've watched till the end this is probably gonna be a blooper it says our favorite meal was Pad Thai very attractive picture of me eating Oh Franklin gyros look we're into food we were into international food I remember walking in the front door and the bride and her mom and all her bridesmaids were standing there and I was so nervous and I had like all of our camera stuff and they made some joke and I was like good and they're like oh we're sure you get this all the time at your weddings and I was just like oh no yes Chuck why jeans chairs that hire me language how much has changed in five years these comments are like turn down the music please I can't watch your boss tonight coffee oh yeah take it outside gee we should do that was great time that was great timing saved it what right before our very last vlog we just like shattered our camera I feel like that would be a sign that we should just sell forever alright let's say bye doc to the camera to the apartment [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,861,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kara and nate, bloopers, 100 countries, travel vloggers, travel, travel vlog, funny bloopers, behind the scenes, gag reel, movie bloopers
Id: CeCzxzgkW2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 42sec (4662 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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