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that's a beautiful thing knowing that knowing the kind of life that they might have had before and seeing how happy they are here I've been really emotional today we're Karen Nate we've been traveling non-stop for the last four years and we're currently exploring our 98th country of Bhutan you can't visit this country without a tour guide so thankfully we got a really cool one for the leaf named stay long if you missed our last video he invited us to spend a couple days with his family in his village where he grew up and today we've been given another incredible opportunity we are currently in the capital city of tempo and somewhere way up in these mountains surrounding me is the remote monastery where we're gonna be spending the night also this statue behind me is one of the largest sitting Buddha's in the entire world so fun fact Bhutan does not have a single traffic light in the entire country instead they have a traffic policeman who stands at the intersection and waves people through apparently they tried out traffic lights once and everybody hated it so they just got rid of it so we're standing at the largest intersection in the capital city of the country and there's a man Direction traffic [Applause] [Music] Marty out of breath so we've driven about 20 minutes outside of the city and that's as far as the car could take us because the only way to get to this monastery is about hiking three hours pretty much straight up a mountain we're at elevations we've only been hiking for about five minutes and we've already come out of all of our layers all right well I'm barrister how hard I'm breathing so we started this hike somewhere around 2500 meters and by the time we get to the monastery we'll be a 3,400 we also learned that there are bears and Bengal tigers in these woods we call to see why no science we don't get eaten there are chances that we might come across while animals so just to get rid of them we do something like this go away Tigers go away bears I would actually love to see a tiger we were just getting our first glimpse of our home for the night we still have quite the ways to go he's one of the workers who is with a renovation of the temple so he is going back home to his carry his thoughts inside the site it is so crazy to me it's the only way to get up here is by walking gained close to hours 45 minutes later almost 1,000 vertical meters we have made it to the monastery I can already tell it's gonna be totally worth it it's so beautiful we have incredible views of the capital city of tempo where we started this morning the mountains are casting a shadow on the city we've made it just high enough that we're getting glimpses of the snow-capped peaks in the distance good morning your English is very good the fire is very warm thank you for the wood some butter tea I'm feeling super welcome in their home their little noses are in the cold even other monks they're still like a hundred percent little kids just like wild little boys running around do it please mother I'm Joey are you gonna take us to our rooms yeah [Music] thank you the guest room this is where we'll be sleeping tonight and no one else is here so we have it all to ourselves there are five beds in here and we can sleep wherever we want there are lots of pillows and blankets there's a heater which I do not know we would have and some tea and a hot water boiler it's so cozy and before it gets dark the head monk is gonna give us a tour of the rest of monastery [Music] so long time ago it used to be you know like the people they wanted to put their one child in a monastery it was so difficult to get a chance opportunity to become a monk in a monastery but this time when the modernization came in Bhutan and everyone want their own you know kids to become like a doctor or engineer or you know architect and also they want their children to study if they can so they want to send their children in other country so now monastery is become like a like a you know orphanage some time 95% monks kids they are from very background bad background family and then very poor family the more I do for the kids the more I feel hippy so this is not the only monastery that takes in kids who have poor families or bad home life but apparently the head monk told us that this monastery is special and different because a lot of the times kids and a monastery are scared and kind of afraid of the elders and don't want to mess up but here he really makes sure that the kids feel at home and welcome and free to run around and you can just see how happy they are and I mean they're just like any other kid that's a beautiful thing knowing that knowing the kind of life that they might have had before and seeing how happy they are here I've been really emotional today so you again what do they from dr. snow tied apparently this monastery was about to collapse there are only four or five monks who lived here and then when you heard about the problem that's when he decided seven years ago that he wanted to come here and try to revive it and now look at it there people everywhere yeah but it's not easy living at the head monk is probably too humble and wouldn't want me saying this but he is such an incredible guy not only did he pretty much save this monastery from going extinct but now it's an orphanage it takes care of 80 kids it's like some combination between pool and air hockey there's like a bigger puck and then I think you use that to try to shoot all the smaller ones into the corner pocket [Applause] [Music] [Applause] boys will be boys quick bathroom tour this little washroom was just right on the corner from the guest house looks like there are three stalls I brought some hand sanitizer no big deal let's check out the toilet I did not expect this whose remote monastery this must be the shower room the light doesn't turn on but it's just a giant bucket of water with a faucet we're having dinner in the guest room which we actually just learned used to be the horses room it looks like we have rice some eggs with some onions and what is this this is potato [Music] don't think we're getting cold tonight that's five layers of blankets we're gonna sleep so well you know and you have like weight on you how it helps you relax like a baby in the womb all right good night everybody it is a little force exam and it has to be 20 degrees out here that is a monk's wake-up call every morning at 6 a.m. one of the monks rings that Bell likes everybody up it's time to pray him he did not want to get out of bed for this this morning but I'm so glad that I did [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so he had another monk so typically he breakfasts they were nice enough to cook us some rice this morning and now we're continuing our hike to the top of the mountain we're gonna reach 3,600 meters party yeah good ways into the hike if you can't tell we have a couple dude guides for the day and they're setting the pace for you quickly are you still living 13-year old guy does lightning-fast [Music] we made it not even a high power this stupa works the very top of the mountain although on behind us this with tall [Music] so how do we do where we slow no no you're very nice they asked us if this was our first time hiking if that shows how out of breath and slow and I was [Music] this little girl hiked all the way up with us she deserves a back scratch so we made it back to the monastery just in time for lunch we're having rice green beans and eggs and we are going to end this video here but before we do we want to say a huge thank you to all the monks who have we've had here and lettest experienced a day in their lives and an extra special thank you to the head monk for being one of the most inspiring men that I've ever met so since I've been in Bhutan we've been drinking this very unique tea called courtesan tea it starts from a butterfly who releases larvae into the earth it then turns into a caterpillar then a fungus comes and uses it as a host and completely takes it over and it grows into a mushroom it only grows over 4,000 feet in the Himalayas so essentially we're drinking tea that came from a mushroom that grew from the head of the caterpillar apparently it has a lot of health benefits and it's pretty delicious chuck's ah it's the altitude snezhana shape how's it going yeah good so far so good the Institute I'm used to but Carrie is having a problem with altitude but she's fit we'll make it I'm glad he thinks I'm fit it's a combination of the altitude the Momo's I'm crying cuz but it was so good so far [Laughter] [Music] these dogs do you think we were slow no oh you are too nice we were very slow [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,124,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bhutan, bhutan travel, bhutan travel vlog, what to do in bhutan, bhutan tour guide, breathe bhutan, where to go in bhutan, best sites in bhutan, monastery, bhutan monastery, bhutan tour, bhutan travel video, bhutan travel guide, couple vlog, daily vlog, full time travel, husband and wife, husband and wife travel, husband and wife vlog, kara and nate, kara and nate vlog, travel, travel couple, travel duo, travel vlog, travel vlogger, vlog, paro taktsang, thimphu, paro airport
Id: DZyZm5XgDhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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