FLYING TO OUR 95th COUNTRY (thought we were getting robbed)

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I'd forgotten let it happen until we got off the bike after that I was like I guess he's got it [Music] we're Karen Nate we've been traveling the world full-time for almost four years and we just spent the last week with my crazy dad in Vietnam where he got to experience Southeast Asia for the first time and after his side goodbye we're back in the craziness of Hanoi for one more day tonight we're flying to our 95th country of Norway but before we leave we wanted to show you two of our favorite spots in the city three and a half years ago we were in Hanoi for the first time and we hated this restaurant called banh me 25 let us know how the best sandwich in Hanoi we ended up meeting the owner and having this whole conversation with him about life and happiness and it really left a big impact on us he was so interesting it was the best sandwich shop in Hanoi because the sandwiches were the best but after Y hearing his story and his passion for his country so last week we couldn't wait to go back but we weren't sure if he would remember us and as soon as we walked up he ran out to gave us both a big hug remembered our names and invite us into the restaurant for a free meal we could not believe it out of the thousands of tourists that he sees every year he recognized right away it was awesome needless to say we've been back here several times and we have a new favorite bottome it's not on the menu you have this special order at one day the owner just made it for us and we totally fell in love it's not something that we typically like this is gonna sound strange but stick with me it's tofu avocado and mushrooms I don't know what they do the tofu here but it is the juiciest most flavorful tofu I've ever had once it has all the things that normal bought me like cilantro pickled veggies a little bit it's amazing and they're really good so sad to leave this place do you can get a massage pretty much anywhere in Hanoi for less than $10 but you get what you pay for so last night we found this place it's a little bit more expensive but it was the best massage of our entire lives and we make even better is the father we went to has the best mission they only employee a wide and masseuse is here which i think is so cool because not only do they have a career and they're empowered but they're professionally trained so they're really really good which is why we're back two days in right enjoy your massage I'm so excited see you at sixty minutes oh it's a relaxing way to end our massage through the airport yes [Music] [Music] it's always a good day when they don't wear carry-ons they're not over seven kilos they're just double our 18 our journey to Oslo begins now starting with I love this lounge it is bright and shiny and pretty it has really good views of the runway and most importantly it looks like it has a great flexion of it rice and porridge oh my gosh look at these fried spring rolls no way [Music] [Music] their flight is late believe me it's gonna be over 10 [Music] the only bar about that flight being delayed is that it takes away from a lunch time [Music] it's only 9 o'clock party about to fall asleep but we do have movies on the car for movies about what do you do I love before that we make you or whatever like that's like come back [Music] ha ha we have about five minutes before our flight board so [Music] very different right now it is we're about to board our 11 hour flight for Norway the worst part is this flight lands at 7:15 in the morning so we're expected to function for an entire day so we've tried something different on this plane normally we try to book an aisle and a window seat and hope nobody sits between us but this flight was looking really full and checked in and on the back of a triple 7 at least for Thai Airways the last three rows are two seats across instead of three seats across and grab the very back seats on the plane to ensure that we can have our own row however we are like within smelling distance of the bathroom so we'll see if I made a huge mistake like seven hours from now [Music] at least all that offensive people might've been turned on and of character particular self remember passengers from possible injury 11 hours later we have made it to Oslo thank you and that is the second time in four years that we have been asked not to bail on a pony it's freezing you didn't miss much it was dark the whole time so there was one thing thank you I'm like half asleep I have been like on and off sleeping for a few hours and I opened my eyes and eggs bag had to be put like a few rows ahead and overhead then and I saw this man get up and very violently like open up and rip this backpack from the overhead bin and set into him and he starts rounding through it and I'm like what's going through Nate's bag I woke up and she's just looking at me was like the most panicked but I felt like the plane was crashing or something I really like my heart was racing so fast but like I was just half awake and I had on my noise-canceling headphones so she was talking but I wasn't hearing anything and I was just like what's happening I think we're both doing it was about was really only excitement on the flight so we just spent 15 minutes baking ourselves in a little wooden box with two another half dressed strangers - you got it you have to do it hey real quick before you go I just wanted to let you know about a big fare drop update that we just released if you haven't checked out fare drop yet it's a service we created that send you alerts when really cheap flights are available and we've already helped hundreds of people score awesome deals since launching back in May the biggest requests that we've had from our members has been to expand our search to business class fields which is why I'm super excited to announce that we are now searching thousands of business class routes on a daily basis to help our members score awesome business class deals so if you want to check out our new business class membership for fare drop I'm gonna leave a link in the description below and you can try it for free for 30 days so house I missed I see it's a pic took a long time for my heart to stop beating quickly at one point I was feeling about pulse you like stopped because I was like panicking trying to get up and I'm like stuck around blanket you stopped me you go what [Laughter] it's still happy whether the matter is variant of it Oh Boone is such a special person he just told us that he is the year of dog and so he bought us this little dog because his wish is to travel with us somewhere and so now it's like he's travelling with us we got [Music] very different right now we could do this it's gonna be so much fun I feel like I've been excited about watching movies all day and I feel like I make it through 15 minutes in house she can't talk to [Music] you
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 549,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, travel hacks, travel video, travel vlogger, travel couple, couple vlog, couple vlogger, husband and wife, husband and wife vlog, aviation, avgeek, aviation video, aviation vlog, priority pass, pririty pass lounge, airline lounge, airplane food, airplane vlog, airport lounge, airport lounge food, airport lounge vlog, airport vlog, flying vlog, travel day, travel day vlog, travel, world travel, norway, norway vlog, vietnam, thai airways, thai airways review, vlog
Id: nD87bC5cTjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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