Visiting a 2,000 Year Old Tribe in Sumatra

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I went on a YT rabbithole on the Mentawai, because I notice that K&N tend to do these type of things when a company does a lot of influencer trips. I stumbled across the Fernweh Chronicles channel, who did the exact same trip (96 hours with the Mentawai) 4 months ago. The cinematography and storytelling is so much more sophisticated than K&N. The video is only 13 minutes long, but I learned so much more than the 45-minute one on K&N's channel.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/music0fthenight ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 09 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wow, Kara and Nate are extremely condescending toward the tribe members. Kara talked to them like children. Nate made one of their daily tasks into a weird competition. Can he carry part of a tree just like the old tribe member? Letโ€™s see!

They also had an Athletic Greens product placement. I found it very weird to show this in the midst of people who live off the land.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FancyPantsEmu ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 09 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

WTH? They brought their own cook?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Wonderful-Mail2016 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 09 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Why did they go visit this tribe, and from the couple of other commenters, with a butler??? Are they like the Four Seasons or Ritz Carlton of Indonesian tribes that you visit them with a butler?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SamosaSambusek ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 09 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The was subtitle that the cook was a member of the same tribe. My guess itโ€™s part of the package deal. Hire a local to cook to spread the financial love and not burden the family.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/snarktoheart ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 09 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
for the next 72 hours we will venture into the depths of the Indonesian jungle to live among a tribe whose way of life remains unchanged for centuries where they still hunt with poison arrows and use skills passed down through generations to turn trees into their main source of food this is a place where Beauty takes on a different form the women are considered more beautiful with sharpened teeth and the men are draped in loincloths with their bodies covered in sacred tattoos the mentawai tribe have lived deep in the jungles of a remote chain of islands off the coast of Sumatra for over 2 000 years living in traditional long houses where they proudly display the skulls from recent hunts join us as we travel far beyond our comfort zone to one of the most remote places we have ever been to uncover The Mystery of the mentality [Music] we're Karen Nate what started as a one-year backpacking trip around the world has turned into an insane seven-year journey of full-time travel that's taken us to over 100 countries and all seven continents these days you can find us exploring the extreme ends of the travel Spectrum absolutely insane from the world's best first class seats to pushing our bodies to the Limit searching for the best Wildlife encounters or exploring the most remote corners of the globe good morning it is very early and we are at a ferry port here in West Sumatra about to begin our 12 hour journey into the jungle to find the tribe that we are going to be staying with for the next three days this whole journey started days ago we flew from London to Singapore then to Kuala Lumpur then yesterday we landed in Padang and the real Adventure Starts from here all right it appears that this is home sweet home for the next six hours this has to be the most remote place we have ever been [Music] after a very long boat ride we have made it to the island of Subaru but the crazy thing is we are only halfway there also this place is surprisingly busy considering that we're going to be living with a tribe in The Jungle by the end of the day yeah can we ride in the back yeah nice nice view those now we're in the back of a pickup truck with some people we know and some people we don't this truck is going to take us an hour to the river where we get in a canoe that takes us another couple hours up the river and then from there we hike to the drive so we're making a quick pit stop at the local market to bring some gifts to the tribe apparently the children like cookies and the adults like cigarettes but they must be pretty particular because we've gone to three shops looking for a specific brand of cigarettes we stocked up all our food for the next few days which is all this white bag we just left the concrete behind and this is what the road looks like for the rest of the time Adrian was telling us this is the main road okay and put in electricity maybe even have cell phone service we lost cell phone service at 7am when we left this very important this morning [Music] mode of transportation number [Music] is this normal yeah [Music] really strong also this canoe that we're riding in is a Dugout three and then they give us a little more clearance from the water take about foreign the river is way shallower than I thought [Music] feels good to stand nice work sure we made it to the next step we're still not there [Music] whoa oh it's so close to filling up my boots oh it's sinking oh no that's full the boats made it as far as it could and from here we hike and wet shoes apparently yoga off to a good start thank you you did a good job our new cameraman you're hired okay man [Music] just to merge into an entire Village as we were coming up the river we saw a few people standing by the side but basically it was just empty canoes and I would have thought the same about this place but as soon as we came up over the riverbank it's just put us straight into a village with a concrete soccer field and electricity and some solar panels it's felt like we were in the middle of the Jungle but apparently we're not as far away from civilization as we thought oh nice thank you [Music] it's like doing a workout in a steam room I literally have sweat dripping off of my nose foreign like I'm detoxing in a sauna makes it way more enjoyable we haven't even gotten there yet and I can already tell that this is going to be the adventure that I was hoping for [Music] walking Us in circles just to like make it feel like we're having The Full Experience no they're deep in the jungle let's just cross the same river a hundred times somehow we have done 12 River Crossings at this point I'm not even trying to keep my feet dry anymore just embracing a nice cool water filling up my boots I think this is our new house there it is we have made it this is it halfway across the globe for and took a couple more flights for and jumped on a ferry four in a truck four then a canoe four and then a long hike and we're here that was honestly way hotter than I thought it was going to be I was like oh we're gonna sit all day and then we're gonna go on a little hike no big deal it was a big deal I was [Music] what is your name [Music] my name is well I think he just became best friends you like banana yeah it's very good very good wow we finally made it as we settle around the kitchen table it became clear that the next few days would be a welcomed departure from our fast-paced lives without TV Wi-Fi or cell service we're going to be forced to slow down and be fully present we quickly learned that out here good conversation is the best form of entertainment over T in the lingering smoke of countless cigarettes we spent the next few hours learning about each other's lives while Vincent who you'll meet tomorrow prepared dinner over the Open Fire hearing salomo stories only made us more excited to step into his world and experience a day in his life tomorrow okay enjoy it thank you like uh Robin with some veg my favorite we had no clue what the sleeping Arrangements were going to be when we arrived so I was pleasantly surprised when the bug net appeared any concerns I had about this being too touristy are completely gone how is it it's hard this is more like a blanket than a pad yeah we're sleeping on hardwood floors with the bamboo mat and on top of a quilt [Laughter] hey this is what we signed up for lunch I think this is a sleeping bag but I doubt I'll be needing that and we have some inflatable pillows which we didn't think we were gonna have [Applause] good morning based on all the activity I can hear going on around me I think we're the last ones up look at this six 20 in the morning [Music] huh here okay okay so this tree that they've been working on all morning is called sagu it's basically the staple food of the Minto eye and it's essentially what enables them to be able to survive out here in the jungle they eat it the animals eat it I've just seen the chickens pecking directly off of this piece of tree but I'm pretty sure in order for humans to consume it it has to be ground down into a flower and what we're watching right now is the first step since I woke up this morning they've already ground down two tree trunks of this stuff and I think throughout the day we're going to get to see the process of how it goes from but it's essentially a tree into flower [Music] okay you can join me on my morning trip to the bathroom to balance on this log and balance on this more stable log fellow man showed me the toilet last night and it was all pretty funny he just led me down this dark path balancing on these boards into the jungle after dark and then once we got there I needed a little clarification on which side was the one that you you know did your business in I go with my butt that way yes the poop there oh sure which was kind of confusing because there's a pool of Still Water and then there's like running water and I guess it makes sense that you can't go in the Still Water since you can't flush it but also in a normal like western style toilet you go into still water anyway it was funny last step is to walk through the mud and then this is the toilet so uh pretty much the way it works stand here on the logs squat down like this the toilet surprisingly does not smell at all the water creates almost a sound machine and the squat position is surprisingly comfortable so the bathroom experience I would say 10 out of 10 as far as how sanitary it is because I'm pretty sure it all just washes straight down into the river we'll just uh just try not to think about that for now so the plan for today is just to go about daily life with our new family as far as I know nothing that's happening right now is being put on for us like they're not acting they're just doing what they usually do and we get to be a part of it we're just gonna see if we can be of any assistance and not be in the way so far all I've done today is drink three cups of coffee and cuddle with my new baby kitty also if you're a little confused at what's going on so are we we're just following people around moving from one thing to the next I think by the end of the day we'll kind of have a better understanding of how everything fits together and hopefully be able to put some cohesive thoughts together for you explain a few things but uh for now you're having the same experience we are except I would say sitting at home your feet are probably a lot more clean oh wow there's a whole production facility over here if I'm eating this later your feet better be cleaned okay so I think I finally wrapped my head around how they create the sagu flower it starts by shaving the tree like we saw this morning then they bring it here to what I'm going to call the processing plant where they mix it with water okay like making mental eye wine and they stomp on it and that creates this thick liquid that then flows down into this trough where it sits for a week it really is n't it it kind of feels like I'm just stepping on oatmeal after that they move it into these homemade barrels and it sits in those barrels and starts to dry out for three weeks it smells fermented not even fermented and then for some reason that I wasn't quite able to understand they put it back into the water inside the barrel for three weeks then bring it back out and finally let it completely dry out and that's how you get the finished product of the flour that's ready to eat also this backpack right here this is enough food to feed a family of three for one month should I put it on yeah okay yeah I have a feeling this is gonna be really wow oh you're very strong yeah this has to be 70 pounds this is crazy and they're doing three of these backpacks today so it'll be enough food for three months and one tree one of these sagu trees that we see all around us is enough food for an entire year I mean sagu trees are everything here like they make their houses their food their animals food their clothing everything out of the Saga tray they use every single inch of it we're just surrounded by them there is no shortage of sagu trees those are sagu trees those are sagu trees that's a sagu tree those are sagu trees [Music] I think me and Mom are gonna go test product us and wrap it up in some leaves and cook it at the end of this trip I'm gonna be running down these things good morning good morning how do you say good day wrap it around you do it so fast and so pretty this is a sagu trunk filled with sagu flour wrapped in sagu leaf [Laughter] and has made 15. so I noticed my Jawa had really pointy teeth apparently the strong women and the mentori tribes carve their teeth to be pointy for beauty apparently it's really painful she was 20 years old when she had her set she does have the most beautiful smile and she smiled all the time and I love it I got you forget about them from 1960 five the Government tried to come here with the police Army and if they want government want to make mentally people uh same like people in the city so no tattoos no long hair for the men no no ceremony [Music] the soy believes that me and mom wrapped this morning have finished cooking in the fire in all of this hard work has led us to this moment this is it how do you do it oh here we go here we go ah we did it [Music] smells like charcoal it feels like when you leave Play-Doh out and it gets a little hard here we go try and stop it for the first time it doesn't have much taste whoa that was not at all what I expected it's like still bread on the outside and jello on the inside mailing our descriptions today in all seriousness it's actually pretty good it doesn't taste like much which I think is a good thing if you're eating it twice a day every day for your entire life like you can just dip it in different things and then it just takes on the the consistency and flavor of the things that you mix it with and it's probably the only way of getting natural carbs out here it's a bit it's a good combination all right now it's a dessert this is literally chocolate syrup oh yeah that's way better okay we're trying what we think is going to be the best combination Sago and coffee it's just a vessel it just gets whatever flavor you want into your mouth but it has a nice consistency because it doesn't dissolve in the coffee all right it's 9 30. everybody's been working all morning and it seems like it's so flour another family came over we're just sitting around drinking coffee eating sagu and chit chatting it's [ย __ย ] cigarettes of course [Music] I'm loving this social hour right now apparently since there are no phones or social media families often when they're wandering Through the Jungle they'll pop into another family's house and just sit and chit chat and this is how the animation gets spread [Music] for this trip but there's one thing that always have with me no matter what and that is ag-1 I can try it this is not planned I was actually just making my daily serving and this happened so this is what we're doing right now our diets are all over the place when we travel we can never predict what we're actually gonna eat but I always have peace of mind when I have age one because it has 75 vitamins minerals and Whole Food Source ingredients just do one thing it supports your immunity it helps boost your energy levels it's great for your gut health y just wait because the life of it what do you think are you poisoned no it's it's good [Applause] very good very good I like it yeah great bit so if you're ready to try aging one for yourself take it from these guys it's good you can get five free travel packs and up to a year's supply of immune supporting vitamin D Drops with your first purchase if you use our Link in the description below I know it looked like that whole thing was set up and you probably won't believe me if I say it wasn't but Kara genuinely just started to make one we had to do an ad in this video anyway and that just all we we didn't ask them to say anything it's in the middle of hanging out with his friends out of nowhere solomo just went and picked up a machete and decided that it was time for us to go into the woods searching for worms which um I have a bad feeling we are about to be asked to eat this is such a surreal experience I just I can't believe what I'm seeing with my own eyes and I'm watching it through the camera just following Through the Jungle having him cut a pass for me oh wow I was afraid that's what it was going to look like so we've learned that when they cut down the sagu tree they intentionally leave a portion of it sitting on the ground to basically grow these grub worms so these black beetles that look a lot like cockroaches will crawl into the tree and turn into grubs and then they eat the grubs for their protein I bet we were gonna cook him at least [Music] oh my gosh there's so much movement it's so squirmy oh gosh the guts are coming out ready I just have to do it I have to do it here we go let's hit it more no more well it's okay how did this yeah actually it has the taste of like a raw unseasoned potato it's just whatever is left in my mouth I really don't like here nice turn why is my hand shaking that's okay it's okay [Music] it exploded oh laughs if you cannot think about what you're eating The Taste is not bad at all it tastes very earthy I don't mind it at all it's the explosion inside of your mouth that just like oh oh nice work I think you actually handled that better than I did I don't know I don't know these are the things we're gonna look back at this experience that's what I just have to remind myself I don't want to remember coming and just watching is this a cacao do you know what this is yeah it's just a pineapple growing here in the middle of the jungle it's like the Garden of Eden out here you never know what you're gonna find [Music] oh [Music] Adrian says he prefers his grubs fresh but he grilled some up so we can see what they taste like cooked okay here we go here we go was you half net uh I have grubs that we found in the sagu tree now they've been grilled over the fire we're about to try it yeah [Music] it's much better cooked much better cookie so you both prefer the after cooked yeah yeah I think it's because the guts came out so it didn't all explode in my mouth the rest are for you enough for me too much okay nice work [Music] so in between trying all the local mental iPhones our friend Vincent has been making us the most magnificent meal we are about to have rice vegetable curry and fried tofu chili all fresh produce that we got from the market yesterday this is not typically what the mental I eat from what I understand like the onion and the garlic and the things that they can't grow here are a bit much for their taste buds but it's a very local thing over in dang where we came from I'm so excited go ahead it's delicious it's not being made when I'm eating it in the middle of the Jungle with the mentor like you're just gonna be any better so in the Mantua tribe the women are the fishermen and mama has invited me down to go fishing with her this afternoon also I started calling her mama because that's what Adrian calls her and I like it I meant to wear a mama and if we're being honest it's easier to say Mama invited their neighbor sakui to join us a lot and if you can't already tell we became Fast Friends sarkui caught a fish immediately and then she wanted me to try oh my God show me your ways could you uh take your shirt off some of the women the past few years have started wearing what I would consider regular clothes and I was kind of sad about it at first because it's traditional for the women to just not wear a shirt but I was quickly grateful that Mama has been wearing a shirt because it's less boring that we have to do for you too however for fishing she's wearing the traditional dress which is just a cute red skirt and a piece of bamboo stuck in the back to put the fish in when she catches them is this real life right now Kara's just fishing with a tribe strategy is to go close to the bank and move sticks and rocks around but position your net Downstream so that whatever swims out when you move it around swims into your net and then if they catch something they put it in the little bamboo pole that's on their back and surprisingly they're not catching fish they're catching shrimp which I definitely did not expect to see in this River here we go this is the one [Applause] I love how much fun they're having so one thing that I've noticed today is there doesn't really seem to be a separation between work play and relaxing it's kind of just all happening at the same time they're kind of constantly working but at the same time it just seems like they're always having fun I've yet to see anyone be in a rush to finish anything I'll just like be working on something and then all of a sudden they'll just be laughing and they'll sit there and chat for a minute and then they'll go back to working I feel like in the Western World we have very dedicated work play and rest time I asked salomo last night what made him happy and he said working which kind of confused me at the time but now I understand it's really more of just doing and living like he just enjoys living because there's never really one time that you're working he said the only time he feels stress is when he's sitting still not doing anything and it seems like there's always plenty to do here [Music] okay so Kara's pretending to sleep in me and Mom are eating our catch he's pretending I have some more sagu yeah the sagu dipped in the broth is actually really nice and the shrimp hooked just like the ones that would come out of the ocean you're missing out [Music] hello yeah bye-bye foreign [Music] it's very big yeah we'll go up the river yeah whose house is that [Music] friend's house [Music] I hope so magic Magic oh there it is yeah hello hello that was so fun yeah that's great I think that's one of my new favorite things getting to show someone their house from above for the first time but I think what impressed him more than anything was that it could fly all the way to his friend's house so it's just like half a kilometer up the river okay they don't sit still long out here we are heading back into the jungle and if I'm understanding this correctly we are about to harvest a sagu tree so it's basically the way this entire day is gone is we'll just be sitting there drinking coffee or tea and then all of a sudden salomo will pop up start grabbing stuff and uh motion for us to follow him see I'm telling you I never fully understand exactly what's going on I thought we were going to cut down a tree but really there's a tree that he's already chopped down and we're just gonna take a piece of back to the house so I'm assuming this is where the pieces of sagu that we saw this morning that were turned into sawdust they came from this tree so I'm not sure and that allowed him to rotate the whole tree and finish chopping the other side he just took all the bark off of that tree and one connected piece like he was unwrapping a Tootsie Roll what's more impressive is I'm dripping sweat just standing here and I don't think he's broken his sweat chopping off an entire section of a tree and then skinning it wow that is so heavy look at this full squat [Music] what is happening right here okay see you at the house yeah yeah it's too heavy I get on one side you get on the other side wow this is good this is good he is 70 years old there's no way he weighs more than 100 pounds and I would bet money that that log weighs 150. he's like an ant I can barely walk and I'm not carrying a single thing and he's carrying an entire tree trunk on his back unbelievable [Applause] [Music] nice work yeah geez I can barely keep up with him but Adrian and Nate are nowhere to be found let me go back for him [Music] he's saying that with the backpack it must be a lot easier but it's still really hard I must keep going ah oh it just actually hurts so bad don't give up next is the water feature keep going I just want to mix a little more proud wow I figured if a 70 year old chain smoker could do it I should be able to too but it's now no mystery why his body looks the way he does if he does that every single day that's crazy my shoulders are torn up 50. [Laughter] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign for because that's what everybody wakes up [Music] it's 6 30 in the morning and they have already ground down the entire tree trunk that we carried back yesterday three backpacks full of sagu and that just rolled out the best sleeping on the ground breakfast amazing pretty sure this is not a traditional tribal breakfast that we're eating here with chocolate sauce wow we have eaten much better than expected on this trip there was a time when I was worried about going hungry and I was thinking we should buy extra snacks but that has not been a problem so the house we were staying is called an Uma which is a traditional Longhouse and I'm going to show you around it's split into three different sections this front section is where we've been having all of our meals this is kind of the main hangout area there are always random people coming out of the woods to hang out it's crazy I love it here in the center we have some decorations that salomo made there's one little mirror right here which is one of those things you don't realize how much you use a mirror until you don't have a mirror so I appreciate this this door right here is basically all their leftovers so whatever doesn't get eaten at a meal gets put in here basically to keep it away from the animals and the bugs so it's like the refrigerator except for it's obviously not cold and whenever people get hungry they just go to the fridge and grab some food up here we have a bunch of tools things that they're making things out of I'm not really sure what it is but they were building a basket with some of these supplies earlier back here is the middle section of the Uma we have these giant like garage doors they close at night so that Critters and animals don't bother us while we're sleeping much appreciated and the first thing you're greeted with when you walk into this part of the house are hundreds of animal skulls all hunted by solo himself pretty crazy there are monkeys deer and pigs specifically this pixel with a huge tusk attacked salomo get the big scar on the back of his leg but somehow with one leg he still killed the pig he hangs all the skulls from every animal he's ever hunted for two different reasons the first one is it's a sign of power and Prestige so when you come into his house and you see all these skulls you're like not gonna mess with this guy and the second reason is the mental eye are very spiritual people and after people die they believe that their Spirits are still alive and that actually goes for people and animals so this is kind of their way of paying respect to the dead animals by having their skulls on display on a lighter note to my right we have the kitchen area Adrian's taking some credit for being in the kitchen but this is the first time I've seen you here Vincent's been cooking all of our meals for us an excellent Chef so this is where he works we have a water filtration system so they take the water from the river and it goes through this filter and into a bucket and then they boil it for our coffee and tea and drinks and we oh I don't want to say it yeah haven't had diarrhea yet over here in the center we have this Grand stove it's pretty much always a fire going on here either to boil water or Vincent as soon as he finishes breakfast he's already starting on lunch and dinner he's amazing really adds a vibe to the house like just the orange glow this is sort of like the guest bedroom area our bed set up is pretty simple they have a bamboo mat and then a slightly thicker softer it's more like a thick blanket than a mat really and then honestly it's so warm you don't even need a blanket but there is a sleeping bag thrown in here and of course this cover is for the mosquitoes which haven't really been a problem thankfully and I slept pretty decent moving into the bath the third and final section of the house is kind of like mom and dad's room this is where they sleep they have their mosquito net and their bamboo mat but they make their bed every morning so maybe we should be following that example but they have a really cool setup so instead of a pillow they have this bamboo mat that's at an angle so when they sleep it props their head up like this this mat rolls out like ours but then this it's actually really nice and then they have all their clothes and things just hanging it's like an open closet design there was one other thing that salomo was super excited to show me I'm very proud of and that was his electrical setup so this little motorcycle battery right here is what's powering the whole house as you can see I was able to charge a couple camera batteries off of it super simple setup two wires that lead up to a switch one of the lights is back here by the stove and the other is hanging back over the table technology has made its way into the tribe these are all the guests coming over to charge their phone and all this power comes from one solar panel that's set up right outside the house well it's been a lazy morning for us and a busy morning for salomo he's already spent two hours stomping sagu and all we've done is drink a bunch of coffee but now we're heading out into the jungle for the first of what I assume will be multiple times today I do know what we're doing this time but um I'll keep it a bit of a secret I'm uh interested to see the process I'm not so sure about the final result thank you all right any guesses what we're making this morning I'm pretty sure we don't actually need a new one of these you might just be doing it for his own enjoyment we will use it so we strip down the inner part of the tree and now we're making it more flexible using uh what a mallet with some ridges in it [Music] oh God it's hard work actually anything you draw here in the jungle makes me look like this okay the final step is washing it in the river because it is very important that it is not itchy or scratchy are you starting to get it so salomo disappeared into the jungle for about an hour and he's come back with five ingredients that they use to make poison arrows and this is not like something they used to do this is still the way they hunt they put the poison on the end of the arrows and they shoot it into something and depending on how big the animal is it kills it over the course of a few hours this tiny chili is one of the five key ingredients in the poison this is crazy it's like when it's just on one spot of your tongue it really Burns but it's fine because it's just in one small spot but it's when you swallow and it spreads to the rest of your mouth wow [Music] wow my tongue is tingling [Music] do you eat it me no problem no problem no yes okay so the five ingredients have been mixed together and now he's squeezing them all into a bowl wow he's tasting the poison what so mysterious I'm staying on salomo's good side very glad there's not an arrow on the end of that I touched my nose after holding the chili now my whole face feels like it's on fire foreign [Music] so the last step is to let them dry out here in the Sun and then once they're dry he'll take them back inside and he'll add multiple coats to the arrows to make them even more potent so the arrows that have the metal tips those are meant for deer and pig and then the ones that are just sharp wood on the end those are the ones that are for the monkeys apparently if I were to just stub my toes on one of these and the poison were to mix with my blood I would die really gets in there oh no no I quite caught around it how does this make you feel Nate exposed you're gonna explain what's going on uh the craft that we made this morning oh I like that that kind of nice [Music] why not wow this is uh one of the most exposed I've ever felt in case you had not guessed uh what we were making this morning you're about to have the big reveal oh wow take off the hat wow wow now we're going this way I'm not sure where we're going right now but there you go oh my God I would have uh I would have been working out more if I would have known we were gonna do this how do we look good yes very nice [Music] I'm just trusting that you tied this on good once again we were completely clueless as to where salomo was taking us apparently Adrian had told him that we wanted a photo together before we left and we hadn't realized that solomo had been dressing made up for a photo shoot one big happy family two three here we go family selfies thank you we have a really special one don't we as our photo shoot ended and our time in the jungle Drew to a close one of salomo's friends appeared from the jungle holding a chicken and as the sun went down a ceremony began it was a very special night for everyone except for the chicken as their songs continued long into the night we were filled with gratitude for the short time we got to spin here living with the mentor not only did we make memories that we'll look back on and smile about years from now but our time here has been a great reminder of the joy that can be found in living a simple and Balanced Life foreign
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 958,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mentawai tribe, travel indonesia, living with tribe, sumatra indonesia, mentawai tribe indonesia, travel vlog, west sumatra, tribal life, mentawai islands, mentawai indonesia, mentawai tribe tour, living with remote tribes, indonesian tribe, tribe indonesia, indonesian culture, mentawai islands indonesia, travel indonesia vlog, kara and nate, travel, remote tribe, off grid, indonesia travel vlog, kara and nate indonesia, living with mentawai tribe, how to travel indonesia
Id: Pi-YjKfiZZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 41sec (2801 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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