48 Hours Living in Tokyo's Best Capsule Hotels (and surviving off vending machines)

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we are going to be spending the next 48 hours living out of the best capsule hotels in Tokyo and eating out of only vending machines why are we doing this but this is more than just a weird internet challenge this is a story about Redemption back in 2016. we came here on our first stop in our round the world journey and I tried to book us a night in a nice capsule Hotel you know for the experience Cara is going to do but at some point things got confused and the capsule Hotel I thought we were staying in was not the capsule hotel that we ended up in what would you say if I told you this was not the capsule hotel that I found on the TripAdvisor and that you put the wrong one into Google Maps and now we're at a super Shady capsule Hotel let's just say it wasn't the experience that we were hoping for so over the next two nights we are going to divide and conquer as we try the four best castle hotels in this city including this futuristic and slightly creepy one that tracks your sleep this one that's located inside of a bookstore my worst nightmare literally came true and last but not least a capsule hotel that blurs the line between capsule and five-star hotel yes it's amazing and because Japan has enough vending machines that if you stack them side by side they would stretch all the way from Japan to Hawaii we are going to challenge ourselves to eat out of only vending machines for 24 hours this is awesome foreign our big bags at the train station and now we're about to go our separate ways to find our first capsule hotels love you good luck bye honestly the thing I'm most nervous about right now is navigating Tokyo alone I think this might be healthy for our relationship I'm always the one that navigates and care has recently been giving me a hard time for a few wrong turns that I've taken and maybe if she has to do this on her own she'll cut me some slack next time I mess up okay I think I need to go this way so far so good [Music] so it might seem kind of weird that we're splitting up but most capsule hotels are separated by gender so we wouldn't be sleeping together anyway and we thought this seemed like a fun way to experience the most capsule hotels in a short amount of time just by myself in Tokyo no big deal I think I turned this way all right according to my phone I am here oh I'm here I made it it's so pretty look those are the capsules I'm so excited this is already way better than the last time that looks like it to me all right so this building right behind me is where I'm going to be staying tonight it's called nine hours even though check-ins at two check out to 10 so it's more like 20 hours but anyway nine hours is a chain of futuristic and fancy looking capsule hotels that are located all around Tokyo so I've booked this at two different locations I'm staying at the odomachi location and cares a few miles away at the akasaka location so let's go check this place out and see if we can redeem our first capsule Hotel experience here in Tokyo whoa whoa whoa this is awesome and here's my bed this is very sweet what do I get it to say oh I see privacy kind of there's no walk so I have to whisper because someone else is sleeping right over there it's about 10 million degrees in here it doesn't really look like much on the outside but there is one feature in this capsule that is so cool and I'm so excited about it I'll start with the basics overall it's super basic but it feels very clean which is great the mattress is not soft I'd say it's about this thick and kind of feels like the kitchen sponge on both sides of the bed there are these rounded shelves on the back wall we have oh I'm so used to saying we on the back ball I have a USB a regular outlet and this knob does the lights actually specially designed for this Cup's hotel it is shaped like a bean which is actually really ironic because in our very first capsule Hotel I said kind of bored without care already and finally without it out the coolest part about this place is that this capsule is going to measure my quality of sleep tonight this mattress has built-in motion sensors so it'll track how much I move around while I sleep and there's an infrared camera that's literally recording my sleep I don't really know why they need to see it I'll just be sure not to sleep naked tonight I'm pretty sure this records sound and after I check out it'll send me a full report on my sleep most of the rooms here just have a little curtain that you pull down over your entrance but I paid ten dollars extra for the new door that they've installed and it doesn't stay shut okay well I'm not sure if it's supposed to shut all the way but it doesn't so the idea is that it's a real door with thick padding so it keeps your entire room more quiet and makes it easier to sleep oh it does stay shut all right let's go check out the bathroom it looks so crazy from out here six stories of PODS and there were 20 pods on each floor so 120 capsules are in this place also I'm on floor five and from here I'm not allowed to go up anymore because it's women only from there up an entire hallway of showers with really nice soap Brandon I'm impressed I also got a little goodie bag when I checked in it came with slippers to wear throughout the complex two towels a toothbrush and toothpaste and PJs these kind of remind me of like basketball warm-up pants high school kids wear it's a big blogger oh what's happening buddy not really where I expected to meet anyone while I was trying to be as quiet as I could but when we checked in we got these little paper key cards I'm guessing I just yeah scan it there and that opens up my locker basically when you rent a capsule you also get access to this locker room there's also showers and toilets of course because we're in Japan there's a bidet if you haven't been converted to of a day user yet you are you don't even know what you're missing I love when they have a privacy button nobody so tomorrow we are going to spend 24 hours eating out of only vending machines so tonight I've planned one last meal for us I just ordered my stuff in a little Locker that comes with my capsule and I'm going to meet Nate for a little dinner date this is so I'm running a tad bit late what else is new I should be used to that it feels so weird going to meet Kara for a date like normally we're just always together it's kind of fun oh wow this is crazy this is the most people I've seen all week oh man I just missed it that's where everybody was running so Kara just texted me and said she's going to be eight minutes late I knew she was gonna be late honestly I'm surprised she's within eight minutes I think I'm on the right track I'd like to just say a quick thank you to The Beautiful People of Japan for all standing on one side of the escalator so the people in a hurry can walk off the right side it's much appreciated so tonight we're meeting at a place called team lab I think the best way to describe it is it's like an interactive Art Gallery it's also where everybody comes to get their Instagram photos when they're in Tokyo but what you might not know is it's supposed to be home to one of the best plant-based ramens in all of Tokyo and I think it's kind of a secret turns out it's not really a secret they have a gigantic side but it should be delicious look at you getting yourself around Tokyo yay you are looking at Miss Independent big deal so proud of you thanks let's go eat let's eat wow are you so loud because I'm hungry oh this is gonna be awesome so are you paying to me how does this work like on a date I mean we're switching everything up I got you boo oh my gosh what is this place are we the only ones here what is happening right now there are these lights coming out of this box and I think it's reflecting in the entire room on the music is so nice all right my dinner came with its own lamp this is crazy cheers tonight we got the spicy miso Ramen broth and then they have a perfectly grilled onion on top look at these thick noodles it's memorable and it's delicious I'm so happy oh my gosh could this day get any better the one day I spent away from Nate could this day get any better it's just fun and different and it's Redemption the noodles are kind of weird they're like fettuccine noodles but the broth is incredible feels like we are walking in to another world we also had to take our shoes off along with everyone else which is kind of weird What epic this is crazy it smells like the YMCA Kitty bowl oh wow it's like a giant beanbag this would be the ultimate nap room can you imagine just like what a weird place whoever designed the lighting in this room I don't like wow whoa that is trippy I don't know I don't know whoa look down whoa whoa oh my gosh I could be in here forever it looks like you're sitting on nothing [Music] we're just waiting in knee-deep water right now I thought I was running away from me at first it's like being in the ball pit at McDonald's are we spinning there's just people laying everywhere I honestly can't tell if the room is spinning I don't think it is I think it's just because of the the way it is this is an aspen you can tell that it's an aspen tree because the way it is back to my hotel I go again I should really do things a little more often it's very empowering made it well the uh three quarter length sleeves were an interesting choice but PJs are pretty comfy I'm not even exaggerating it's at least 85 degrees in here pretty cozy God weird knowing that camera is off oh just uh just dropping all the heat in I don't have high hopes for my sleep tonight but we'll do our best feel like it should feel weird going to sleep without Kara but it's not like she'd be in here with me anyway no way you will never guess what I just got out of this vending machine it's 81 by athletic greens and they just happen to be the sponsor of today's video machine if you've been watching our videos for a while then you know that night and I start every day with age one because just one scoop is packed with 75 vitamins minerals and Whole Food Source ingredients which is extra important on days like these when all we're doing is eating and drinking out of vending machines I love having the peace of mind that my body is getting the nutrients that it needs plus since we live out of our suitcases we don't have to worry about carrying around our multivitamin or any other supplement because it's all in here I travel with as many of these travel packs as possible in my bag I'm constantly sharing them with our friends and family because I truly believe in this stuff and absolutely love it if you can't tell and if you click the link in the description below you can get the H1 immunity bundle which comes with five of these travel packs for free and a year supply of these immune supporting vitamin D3 K2 drops which also take every day so if you haven't already use our link and give it a try okay back to the video foreign not the best night of sleep [Music] I will say I have had better nights of sleep it wouldn't have been so hot it would have been fine I even had to go stand outside to cool off oh this Breeze feels so good it did eventually cool down I need some coffee goodbye home number one well that was fun I'm very interested to see how today goes all I know is I need another coffee I am literally getting coffee out of a vending machine outside of a coffee shop okay 24 hours of eating out of only vending machines begins oh I think I bought long milk in it bananas we found it hey I'm lost I passed it okay then I'm gonna come back where did I come from we said we'd meet at 10. oh always late I'm pretty sure in a q a I answered once I think for me if I had to choose the thing that annoyed me most about carrot it would be that she is late a lot but if she's just late for me it's fine I just hate it when we're inconveniencing other people neither do I I found you okay so Tokyo has a crazy amount of vending machines and they're in the most random places most of the vending machines just have drinks inside of them but if you know where to look you can find food so for the next 24 hours we are going to attempt to survive with eating nothing except for food and drink that we find in vending machines Cara's questioning why we're not eating Ramen and Sushi you know because it's fun but I've done some research and I think we should be able to find everything from French fries to Ramen to canned cake to Insects it should be pretty fun but we're starting simple with the uh banana vending machine behind me whoa it doesn't even drop it far thank you honestly I'm absolutely starving great breakfast and there's even a trash can somehow this is one of the cleanest cities in the world but you can never find a trash can whoa do we think this counts as a vending machine I mean really all the vending machine is is a robot that drops your food this one just pushes a few buttons and hands you your copy this is awesome [Music] I think he's trying to upsell you on some food oh my gosh [Music] I just got coffee tomorrow Cheers Cheers thanks again Tom I think he knows his name all the hustling paid off we got some new customers this building is five floors of vending machines and arcade games should we try to win one of these yeah these are fun I love it here all right here we go what do you think is gonna happen when I hit it oh and I think I just have this little three two that is not what I thought was gonna happen I thought this little thing was gonna stick out go go go oh no this one's a rip-off never coming back here again oh my gosh here it is we have found it no way there's chocolate strawberry okay this is the vending machine I think I'm most excited about cake in a can almost a thousand yen dang and I just wasted 200 on the stupid juice [Music] whoa this is so cute the top of it literally looks like a soda can there's a sticker with today's date on it so hopefully that means it was made today [Music] what that's a fresh strawberry yum it's fabulous [Music] right wow so right here within 10 feet of each other you can get ice cream out of the vending machine cotton candy and cake in a can what the world we live in loser has to eat out of the bug vending machine no yeah yeah I come on oh my God it's hard no way good game I've already done that so many times oh my gosh that's so much I'm not doing it so I lost but we're gonna have a rematch on the ice hockey table which is where I thrive she did actually have one of these at her house growing up so I am a bit nervous [Music] yearning bug not me I told you okay from here we're heading across town to a cluster of vending machines that should have some more substantial food which is good because I am still starving feels good having somebody to point the camera out again feels good enough to be holding the camera again I really take you for granted oh Okay so we've come to a children's park because this place was supposed to have french fries chicken burgers hot dogs rice balls octopus balls chicken nuggets but instead I see drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks cup of noodles might be our only food option I don't think it works this area here was supposed to provide our one substantial meal of the day and now there's no food why are we doing this Ramen soup Umami that takes a little effort we were about to give up I was actually getting pretty excited we were just gonna go to a normal restaurant for lunch but we have found vending machine corn and ramen I've mixed emotions about it I think we buy all three Ramen corn clams I'm sorry I can't eat clams out of a vending machine I'm drawing the line hot corn now I just gotta get the ramen all right and clamps questionable choice right there I think you got the good ones yep okay so we've got clam soup Ramen stuff and a little leopard corn I'm going to start with the clams in case they're really bad I'm starting with the corn oh it looks very thin cheers I guess tastes like I'm drinking the ocean ew this tastes like corn soup with actual little real corn kernels in it what do you think but I do but I don't ew Ramen time it's very animally tasty I feel like this has been a fun reason to go around different parts of Tokyo that we wouldn't do otherwise but we're in Japan it does feel long to waste a meal in Tokyo let's go get some real food okay so I'll be the first one to admit this is a bit of a stretch because you don't actually get your food out of a vending machine you just get tickets out of a vending machine and you pay and then you turn them in and you get your food I don't know [Music] come on top [Music] I love you see you later off we go again miss independent is back out on the town in Tokyo but I don't know which way I'm going not this way oh yeah oh yeah there's a Family Mart right here then I am going the right way oh there's not it's just saying I have found the jackpot rice triangles in a vending machine I would like one of those I like to pay [Music] it's even more convenient than going to 7-Eleven care is going to be so jealous here's my new home it's called booking bed my capsule for tonight is somewhere up there oh my gosh this Castle Hotel is so cute okay so this is home sweet home oh this is like a mansion compared to the place I slept last night it is so different than last night first of all the lobby is a coffee shop that anybody can go to I had to kill a little time while I was waiting to check in have me a little coffee and then if you're a guest you have special access to their private Library you may be wondering why that sounds so exciting and it's because the entire common area and all of the capsules are the library I'm literally sleeping on a bookshelf right now I am the bookshelf in addition to another amenity kit I also got an old iPhone oh light controls nice quite the upgrade it really is pretty simple hit the box with the bed in it and then underneath the bed this is where you store your bag before I explore the library some more let me show you around my new home for the night it is um not a round piece for cocoon it is a hard Square wooden box uh a little concerned about this bed it's basically a like three inch foam mattress not foam like memory foam foam like packing foam law Mario Atkins oil my room came with some clean Linens which is great I assume that everybody uses this quilt on top and it's probably not washed that's a little strange but it'll be fine one shelf and a safe I'm gonna be honest I have never once in my life used a safe at a hotel makes a little nervous I always felt like my stuff was gonna get locked in there there is once again a shared bathroom with toilets and showers now let's go to the library no way so you use the super old iPhone to lay your bed flat what this is amazing kind of reminds me of being on an airplane except this is way bigger than any bed that I've ever had on an airplane I feel a little guilty I definitely got the best of the capsules capsule books it's one of the least private accommodations I've ever seen But if you can get past that it's amazing I can't find any books in English I did find a disco ball found a little red Landing book in English wow the bathroom is super nice all right so let's see what we've got inside this amenity kit slippers I will say the nine hour slippers felt a little fancier some kind of cotton thing toothbrush small towel big towel oh no PJs this is what the shower rooms look like we've got some washing machines and then these are the toilets and with the touch of a button it opens yeah this place is super fancy I'm not sure that it counts as a capsule Hotel it feels a little more like a hostel but it's very nice [Music] oh my God [Music] no idea hello again I think I found something that you're gonna be really excited about and it did come from a vending machine ready yeah yeah hold your hands out I'm a vending machine and I have waited two hours to eat this with you I know I'm excited too thank you this is all I could ever want oh and I could see little one yeah it was all in Japanese it was my favorite Japanese tube okay so this is just a little snack to get us to the next vending machine we get to boy bugs this is going to be my most awkward vending machine purchase of the day it's right between two people's table where they're eating excuse me sorry I know I'm just gonna buy some bugs you think that one oh the Scorpion I don't have enough money for the Scorpion oh no sorry why is it heavy it's so heavy do you want to try it with me you don't you want to try one Japanese do you want to try yeah no okay let's see yeah you want to try [Music] yeah okay we'll do it together we'll do it together [Music] okay there's three of us Cheers Cheers it doesn't taste bad it's just a weird texture it's like barbecue barbecue good no no one's enough nice meeting you thank you work bye I do feel a tiny bit left out now what is it it's a cricket it's really not bad they've probably been in there for two years okay I was gonna do it okay nah I'm so proud of you honestly I was feeling a little soft after I didn't have a clam soup today I just wanted to make sure I could still do it I will one one is enough are you YouTube on yeah the bug vending machine got us two new subscribers yeah okay thank you so cute and no oh thank you I am in love with them it was worth eating a great kid to become friends what a night I think the last time that we tried bugs we made friends I think you're right that was free pandemic that was a different world home sweet home the worst nightmare until he came back from dinner I tried to open the safe to get my camera out and there was an error code thankfully I went to the front desk it's really sweet sweet girl came to my rescue and she had a kid and just opened it but I don't think I'll ever do it again also I just realized that this capsule hotel is not really separated by boys and girls it's just one big room of beds and books but T beds the bathroom isn't really separated either like the boys are supposed to be on one side and the girls on the other but I'd definitely just brush my teeth next to a random dude so all right good night I am about to get an amazing night of sleep in this huge comfy bed with this beautiful AC [Music] I slept so good last night people are a lot more quiet in the library that was amazing I'm going to get a free coffee it's pretty [Music] I love you how'd you sleep like the best I've ever slept same I just missed your coffee delivery this morning all right let's go see if we get our stuff out of these lockers please still be in the locker for some reason I'm really nervous [Music] good work well it's been a fun two days even though this was a bit of a Cheesy challenge it was actually a really fun way to see Tokyo and force us to go to a bunch of places that we would have never visited otherwise and we've gotten over 40 000 steps in in the last two days and most importantly we got our bags back before you go I wanted to let you know what I am most excited about this week and that is that we have launched a private Facebook group just for readers of the newsletter over at the daily drop it's called The Daily drop Lounge you know like an airport lounge except there's no food and drinks but what it does have is a community of really cool Travelers and miles and points enthusiasts who you can connect with and to celebrate the launch of this Facebook group we are going to be doing a Facebook live with our community manager Megan where we teach miles and points 101. this is going to be on March 21st so if you've ever seen any of our videos where we fly first class for hundreds of dollars instead of paying tens of thousands of dollars using miles and points and you've wanted to learn how you can do that this is your chance this is going to be an incredible place to start we'll leave a link where you can join the Facebook group in the description and hopefully we'll see you on the 21st also there will be a QR code somewhere here I don't know why I'm leaning back here we even got my day so days from so experiments was just a mere corner and everyone sitting chair is officially a follower okay what about both oh you just lost the dollar oops sorry it's hard being your sugar mama I feel like this has been a fun reason I don't really want cotton candy but look how much this guy's enjoying it was our room mate thank you
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,528,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capsule hotel, tokyo capsule hotel, capsule hotel tour, tokyo travel, capsule hotel japan, japanese capsule hotel, pod hotel, robot restaurant, tokyo hotel, vending machine, tokyo vending machines, sleeping pod, japanese hotel, kara and nate, tokyo, japan, japan travel vlog, japan travel, japan travel 2023, tokyo capsule hotel tour, best capsule hotel in tokyo, best capsule hotel in japan, tokyo vlog, japan vlog, capsule hotel vlog, japanese food, what to do in tokyo
Id: i5LHOOc1YT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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