Creepiest Things That Happened To Cosplayers (r/AskReddit)

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cosplayers what's the creepiest thing that has happened to you at a convention i met a kind of creepy guy at my first convention while standing in line at mcdonald's it was raining outside so some parts of my costume a pretty conservative maid dress were wet as I'm trying to decide what I want to eat the guy in front of me turns around I hadn't paid much attention to him before but right then and there I realized that this guy was the ultimate neck bird the kind you thought the internet had made up he was wearing a fedora a brown stained t-shirt and sweatpants when he spoke to me he spoke in baby talk while pouting oh is the wittle kitty cat wet he didn't say anything else after that but he kept staring after me while I ate one I wasn't wearing any kind of cat related accessories to know I do not have a picture of the guy and I didn't get any serious photos of my cosplay during the con this is our in progress picture from when I was making the costume it should give you a general image of what it looked like three I didn't really answer him at all because the whole situation just seemed absurd and I suckered cornerbacks 4 there is no one who is good-looking enough to make that sentence not creepy / weird it doesn't really count as creepy more like intensely uncon formal I did a Constantine cosplay that I put way way too much work in to track down an off-brand raincoat from the early 80s slept in and carefully dry laundered a white button-up shirt for weeks imported a carton of silk cut cigarettes which were awful and bleached my hair I was so excited con staff assumed I was some kind of drunk hobo and I had security telling me most of the day you'd think the magic symbols drawn on me and flashed paper in my pockets would be a giveaway that it was a costume but apparently I pulled off the creepy almost homeless weirdo - well being constantly stalked by Renta cops didn't a fun time make I once dressed as weary Oh at PAX Prime and this guy dressed as Mario kept giving me dirty looks the whole time I'm not a cosplayer but I'm intrigued with it that I used to be a manager at the Hilton in downtown Houston and every year they were the host hotel for only con one year was especially bad some of the attendees use their real swords to cut holes in the sofas in the common areas and they actually should shat in the holes this is a four-star hotel needless to say that was there last year there I was in a giant con costume and the placement of the button was directly over my crotch a group of teenage girls kept on poking the button wasn't really creepy but I guess me letting them poke me over and over again may have been creepy on my part shrugs I went a star-lord to a beer release party right before Halloween just for shits and giggles had the mask or gun and all this party had a heavy metal concert going at it so it was packed with metalheads it was awesome because these drunk metalheads just [ __ ] treated me like I was star-lord but it was also terrifying because these metalheads treated me like I was star-lord haha I had pictures taken with a lot of people and about every other photo someone would do something [ __ ] up like grabbed my junk asked to lick my gun or tell me to look like I was choking them it was weird totally worth it though someone gave me free beer tickets well I once met up with my girlfriend at Otakon and I saw her before she saw me so I went in for the hug and she swung from my face apparently that had been happening a bunch I've cosplayed as [ __ ] battle bunny Riven before lots of people have said suggestive things to me but other than that there wasn't anything bad a lot of people seemed shy to talk to me the worst thing I got were messages from people saying they FAP to my pictures me and my girlfriend have cosplayed together and she didn't get a single creepy comment or look while we were cosplaying until she posted a pic of her cosplay to Reddit I believe she ended up deleting the post cause of how bad at got you bunch of creeps I went to Anime Expo acts about 2/3 years ago and it turns out this guy was walking around asking girls for hogs he had a hidden GoPro taped to his chest recording the girls down shirt while they went to hug him my advice for other girls is to avoid photographers especially old men that don't seem to have any interest in what the con is about me and my friends all got propositioned by them to have a private shoot with them that clearly had a hint of them wanting to get naive girls to pose nude for them also a couple of them got followed stalked by guys one noticed a guy trying to get an upskirt picture know one of the people I hang out with wear sexy outfits some were not even cosplaying many years ago I went to a contest as Chi from chobits and my boyfriend at the time was in iki they are the main characters / love interest the first day of the con this strange teenage girl just glommed onto me and started following me everywhere she wasn't even in costume she kept going up to random other cosplayers and asking them to take pictures of just me and them together not her just the cosplayers this went on for well over an hour and she just would not take a hint if I recall we finally got rid of her after making some excuse that we had some friends to meet to this day I'm pretty sure there is some creepy shrine of me in costume somewhere I ended up earning the title of creep magnet the cause of all of these I'll try to keep them concise asterisk a huge el cosplayer followed me and my friends around made references to his milk that women like we were eating milk Pocky so he pounced on that tried to kiss one of the girls and threatened to defeat the Seoul boy of the group using the route oh and Kakashi's combined taijutsu so he could have his pick of the girls asterisk h80 my chest groped by a random Braille cosplayer who ran up and began grinding against me God bit on the shoulder so hard it scarred for a year asterisk a Naruto cosplayer asked me and my friend cosplaying homier and Madoka to pose as though we were kissing him while someone took a photo asterisk tha England cosplay who threatened to a my nan cosplaying buddy with a Yayoi paddle if he didn't support the Empire that's all I remember so far but ugh here's another one I was cosplaying Crona from Soul Eater when I heard a scream of Crona from across the convention hall I turned around and squinted I have really bad vision and I taken my glasses off for the costume there were two fuzzy blobs one blob called out run she loves you I turned around as though to do a joking slow motion run then something very heavy collided with my back both my knees slammed onto the cold very hard floor of the convention hall the girl got off of my back asked for a hug and left I have to deal with my fair share of creepy guys trying to get upskirt pictures just like almost every other cosplayer the differences when I catch them doing it I just pretend to not notice and let them continue to try to not get detected joke someone when they're blow those pictures later all he'll get is frames full of penis dressed as timrie from Naruto not particularly revealing or anything some dude comes up to me tells me my costume is long in that Tamara shirt is cut lower and before I can even react sticks his finger in the neckline of my shirt and drags it down almost to the bottom of my in my cleavage kid nearly lost his finger that day okay so this was like 2010 or 2011 at an MDT Minnesota it was my first convention and my first time cosplaying I went as Genesis from flea eye Crisis Core and happened to run into a couple girls dressed as different a Genesis clone so we stopped and talked because matching costumes and stuff as we are talking a big drunk neck but comes up to us dressed as Jeff Lebowski complete whether the dude sign on his shirt if you couldn't figure it out casually as [ __ ] he starts hitting on Zephyr trying to be nice we told him we needed to get going because karaoke was starting soon turns out he loves karaoke and he took theater in high school how did we find this out after subtly alluding to it he starts serenading hell with Phantom of the Opera finally I just said we were leaving to head back to our room for the night before he could try to follow after us a group of girls dressed as the cast of Sailor Moon walked by and he did the creepiest stalker pivot I've ever seen he followed after them and I didn't see him the rest of the night he was hanging out in the lobby the next morning obviously hungover I was cosplaying fionna edit from adventure time not Shrek and there was a guy that tried to take upskirt photos while I was waiting in line loud public shaming is a lot of fun I remember one year I was dressed as a rel 4d which complete with long disgusting fingers made of paint plus tinfoil recently married at this point husband did not attend I probably looked 16 or so one guy came up to me as I was going up a staircase and insisted on helping me up the stairs which consisted of much hand honest action me up sorry please don't do that Tim o comeon I bet you are super cute under all that makeup me thanks but I'm married I can't wear miring with these fingers Tim oh sure married I bet sarcastically continued to try grope me looking around frantically up hey Anna how's it going thankfully recognized a friend and was able to get foe this is way less creepy than the other stories but it was still uncomfortable my boyfriend and a female friend dressed as Teemo back in November note this was not a [ __ ] Teemo costume she had on a new tube top and fuzzy scarf and B F did not wear a shirt that also had a scarf on one of the security guys came and angrily told them to put on shirts or leave both of them because this is a convention for children never mind the 50 [ __ ] picker to costumes we saw later after going to Target and getting my boyfriend a nude colored shirt the guy followed us around while he was off duty he stopped B F once and yelled at him about putting shirt on and when he showed him he was the guy just kept staring at him I guess he thought he was going to random take the shirt back off I don't know it was so awkward at a nanan con that I helped run and I'm sitting at a table in the food court with a fellow convention runner and a female friend female friend is cosplaying as Sailor Mars we were discussing creepy people that comes then two minutes later a guy comes up to the table and says I love your costume I've been fantasizing about you since I was 13 at the time I was so shocked that all I could do his faster than she took it in stride but I still can't believe that someone would say that first Conda gf talked me into cosplay with her I decided to go simple and went as Mario while she went as Linc most of it went really smooth and fun with all the pictures and booth visits had more than one creeper mentioned they were picturing Mario and Link having sex after realizing we were a couple some people just don't have filters about 42 times of inappropriate ass grabbing don't grab people's butts it's rude you might not think so but it is don't be rude a group of three teenagers who asked me to kiss them I told them I thought that was really awkward to ask a stranger and they got uncomfortable and walked away an old guy watching us help my friend get into her costume she was wearing a black t-shirt leggings and a skirt we were helping her into an over corset and jacket told her she could take the corset in another four inches she laughed and comfortably and told him she still wanted to be able to breathe he didn't get that as his cue to douche off into the distance said oh come on you can take it and more just four more inches at this point I say sorry we are changing while friend two and I are looking at him with death glares he leaves muttering it's not like she was naked ' I was wearing a Master Chief's cosplay since it had no pockets and it was really hot I kept a bottle of water within the codpiece suddenly a girl runs up to me reaches inside my codpiece and takes my bottle of water it happened so fast and suddenly that I was stunned for like 20 seconds I guess she really wanted my crotch water so a couple years ago my friend was at our local comic-con cosplaying as someone from Madoka Magica she was walking around when suddenly she felt someone grabbed her but she turned around to see a large hairy man behind her and she said I'm 40 and he replied yeah I'm 40 and walked away it was a very odd I always cost layers take erase occur from tada Dora because I'm around her sighs one day at a local convention this really creepy guy dressed as the Joker was following me and my friend dressed as korra around to every single panel we went to we weren't too creeped out because it was a very small convention but it got to be weird when he started sketching things on a sketch pad he would sit directly behind us and keep sketching eventually things got so uncomfortable that we told the convention staff about the man who was following us needless to say they didn't want to show us the drawings he did and I really don't want to find out either you
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 426,762
Rating: 4.8665471 out of 5
Keywords: creepiest things, happened, cosplayers, cosplayer, creepy cosplay, creepy cosplay stories, things, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: UKv37hSsYf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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