SuperSource on ATEM Mini Extreme | Everything you should know!

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in this video i'm taking a deep dive into supersource the blackmagic a10 feature that allows you to display up to four inputs on screen at once i'll be showing you what you can do with it how to set it up third-party apps that you can use for controlling it and sharing with you all my tips and tricks to get the very most from supersource so supersource is a fantastic feature that until recently was only found in blackmagic's top of the line switches but now they've given it to us in the 810 mini extreme and the a10 mini extreme iso and basically it allows you to show up to four inputs on screen at the same time and you can crop resize and reposition each one of those inputs so that they're displayed exactly where you need on screen it also gives you the ability to style the look of your whole supersource shot by adding custom artwork that can be placed either in front of or behind your inputs and this allows you to create highly professional looking split screens two box three box or even four box layouts like you regularly see on news channels for example now this type of shot is actually incredibly useful for a number of different situations like maybe you're interviewing someone and you want to have both of you on screen at once or maybe you're giving a presentation and you want to display the slideshow and you on screen together or maybe you're bringing in a bunch of remote guests for a panel discussion and you want to have a shot that the audience can see all of the guests together on the screen the possibilities with supersource are pretty much endless so let me show you how to set it up i've loaded a bunch of cameras into my atm mini extreme i saw i've also opened up my atm software control because we're going to be using that a lot to set up the super source and i actually want to start by showing you how you bring the super source on air and there's two ways to do it you can either do it through the software or there is actually a button for it on the physical device itself and the button that you're looking for is this one here especially if you're looking in the software it's labeled ssrc and if you click on that it will bring the super source on air and i'll describe you can see we've got four inputs showing here although three of them are the same you've also got the same ss rc if i just flip back here you've also got the same ssrc button on the physical device just next to the media player one and two buttons there's a s src if you press that same thing happens it brings the super source on air and you're probably going to want it on air while you're working and adjusting it so you can make sure that things are in the right place my first top tip as well is to actually put super source in your multi view so that when you are doing a show you can see exactly what's on your super source because it doesn't come in the multi-view as default so what i'm going to do is to do that you just click on the settings cog in the atem software control in the bottom left hand side and then i'm just going to replace my media player 2 here click on the drop down menu and select super source and then you can hit done and once you do that a live preview of what is in your super source at the moment will be displayed on your multiview and that's really easy to have because as you're sort of cutting around your show and saying showing your other inputs you can still see what's lined up ready to go if you were to cut over to supersource so that's my first sort of top tip but let's get stuck into sort of setting it up so you're going to want to go into the atem software control and you're going to want to come over to the palettes menu here and then click on super source now blackmagic have included four sort of presets that you can use to get started and if i just bring my super source on air we can take a look at those so we've got the this this four box that we're using at the moment that's the first preset and i'll talk about how you change what goes in each one of these boxes because you can change obviously the inputs that are in each but this is just the layout so that's this one you've also got similar but with two smaller and shrunk you've got a two box layout which is quite nice for interviews or again showing presentations while you're also showing a camera feed and then there's this quite nice one with a crop as well which uh this is sort of a three box layout but a crop on the main camera that works quite well with this shot actually but those are the presets that are built in but for most people you're going to completely want to customize your own i always like to personally use foreground graphics i mentioned in the beginning that you can have graphics either behind the video sources as the background or you can have them as the foreground i tend to do it as the foreground unless i'm doing a moving background i'll show you both in this video but to start we'll go with foreground so what i like to do is i come into photoshop here and i've just knocked up a little fake text summit example of what our supersource shot is going to look like and so i've created this background this foreground graphic and where the camera feeds are going to go or where the transparent areas are so i've created a nice 16x9 box here and i put a sort of board around it and that's going to be for my overhead shot that's the big shot that i want my audience to see and then i'm going to put my sort of facecam in this smaller again 16x9 box and this is just a png image that i've made in photoshop and then what i'm going to do is go file if you've installed the atem software controller and you've got photoshop there's a great plugin that basically allows you to send this graphic to your a10 media pool so you go to file export and then atem switcher media pool it automatically installs that plug-in for you when you install the atem software control you put in the ip address of your switcher and select where in the media pool you want it to go so in my case i'm going to click on the empty slot number one give it a name and then just hit export you can see what that's done because if we go into the atem software control and go over we're still in the super source menu here but click on art it's using whatever's in media player one as our source and this is where you have the option to set whether it's foreground or background and as i say we're working with foreground at the moment so that's brought that into the supersource here exactly what we wanted it to do but what we can see is the positioning of the actual boxes aren't quite right in the right place so we're gonna uh we're gonna fix that now i will just flip over and show you what it looks like if it was the background so there we go you can see the video sources now come in front and i'm going to do a demo with the background as well because it doesn't have to just be stills backgrounds you can actually use video backgrounds as well and i'll show you how to do that later on in this video but let me switch it back onto foreground because now we're going to position these boxes where we need so if we go back over to preset and we're going to start with box number one now there's a few things to just here's my sort of second tip to remember is specifically with this layout as well we actually need one box on top of the other so you can see in the corner where the mini box sort of overlaps the main box we're going to need some sort of layering so the way it works with the atem or supersource in general is box number one is the top layer then it goes box number two box number three and box number four as the bottom layer so if you're ever wanting to have something sort of overlap and on top of another camera source that's how it goes the highest layer is box number one and the lowest layer is box number four so that means in our case we actually need our uh mini uh sort of face camera here to be box number one because we want it to be above the um the overhead shot so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to just check that we've got the other two layers disabled yet box 4 and box 3 are disabled so we're not using those and then we'll start with that small layer that box number one and we'll make sure that's enabled we'll select the camera source which actually is correct we want it to be camera two but this is where you would select what camera you want in that box so you could change it to anything so we go color bars here it doesn't just need to be a camera as well you've got the option of selecting your eight inputs color bars or different colors or the media players as well and uh for some interesting reason you can put a super source inside a super source not quite sure why you'd want to do that but hey you can do it so let's continue on with camera two and now we need to reposition it because we want to get it down into that small area now you can see me clicking on these up and down arrows in the atem software control that's a really laborious way of moving it around not very accurate either i know some people who also come into the atm software control here and start typing in numbers and try and get it a bit closer and that works but again it's a very slow laborious task so here's my sort of second tip when you're wanting to move things around in the atem software control which is take your mouse pointer and over any of the places where it says x and y for position you can hover your mouse over the x or the y and you can see it turns into a little arrow there and then if you click and drag left to right we've got much more granular control over that box so now i'm going to drag it roughly in the right place and it works exactly the same if you hover over size you can drag again you have to drag left to right not up and down it's always left to right drag left to right and you can adjust the size as well so we're going to get this roughly in the right position here and then i'm going to show you how i personally check that my shots are in the right position so i think we need to come a little more left i think that's about right and it certainly looks right on the screen but what i actually do to check it is i come back into art and just set the art as the background for a second because then that will allow us to see oh we'll just disable that first box because it's oh that's second box because it's in the way but what we can see there see i thought it was in the right position but actually it's still too big so i'll just shrink it down a little more and bring it over to the left again and that is in the right position now so now we can flip back go back to foreground and always in the right place so that's that first camera shot done and that's the top layer because it's box number one now we can bring back box number two so it will enable that layer and you can see it's below it's not covering up that um my face camera it's because it's layer number two it's underneath it which is exactly what we want so now we're going to just again reposition and resize this there we go now of course it doesn't need to be perfect because once you've set it back to the foreground the graphics going to cover anywhere where it was too big but i like to get it as close as possible then you know you're getting the maximum shot in the correct area and we've got our supersource layout there it's a nice toolbox we've got um one of the benefits of also having it as a foreground is we then can add text to the image and things like that we can also still use our dsks as well so i've got a little lower third here and i've quickly made in photoshop and again if i go to export a temp switcher and i'll put this in slot number two and say set to media player two now if i enable if i go back and enable my dsk for media player 2 didn't quite get the sizing right but you get the idea you can also display text over the top of this as well so you can still use your dsks as well even though you are using supersource and you can use your upstream keys as well we'll talk a little bit about that because there is a way to actually have six camera feeds on screen by using super source plus your two dvds as well your two picture in pictures but i'll cover that a little bit later on um so we've very quickly made a supersource layout a two box layout with a foreground i just want to show you how to do it quickly with the background as well because i want to show you a video background and that's really simple to do i've actually got a preset here which i'll use it's in my macros so i'll just quickly run this macro there we go so what you're seeing on screen now is a four box super source and they are different sources i don't quite have like enough i've used a couple of different color bars for sources but you've got my main camera here as the the large source you've got the the main face camera here and then i've got uh camera eight is the top one the one above me and then i am just using color bars and again i can go into the super source settings and change any one of these so i can change the color bar to camera four and get another another shot of me there and maybe we'll change what is camera eight we'll change that to camera three which is my atm software control and you can see it's very easy to do but you might be able to notice we also have a moving background and that is because if you look at my multi-view coming in on camera seven is actually my hyperdeck player which is just over here and i've just rendered out a 10 second looping video and i send that into camera seven and then this is the difference so now when we're going to into the supersource settings and go to art i've set it to be in the background but i've importantly set the fill source not to be a media player i could still do that so if i select media player that's what it would look like things aren't in the right place but i'm actually saying instead take the feed from camera seven which is my hyper deck and that is how i'm getting a looping video background so that's a nice little again nice little tip if you do want a looping background it's very easy to do you don't have to have a hyperdeck for it you could use i've done videos on how to send from obs videos from uh from obs into the atem you could do that there's ipad apps and things like that and i'll talk about that in a future video as well that you can use for getting looping videos into your atem and then used as a background on supersource and again of course all of these boxes are fully customizable we can reposition them resize them or crop them just an example here we'll take the large box and we'll enable the crop and then again same as we did before we can just hover over at the top the bottom the left or the right and then click and drag to start adjusting the crop you have to do you have to drag quite a lot with the crop ones because they make small increments so what i tend to do is use the or type in a rough number so maybe we'll start on eight for example and then once you've got it close then i do the click and drag to get the sort of granular settings here now the final thing i want to show because i get this question quite a lot which is can i have any more than four on screen at the same time with super source four is your maximum however you can then still use your two dvds on top of that so you can use your two upstream keys and bring on two picture in pictures i'll just show you that so what i'm going to quickly do is reposition this larger box they're doing this very rough but somewhere around here and then we're gonna go we can close the supersource tab now we're gonna open up upstream key one and we're gonna go to dve and i'm just gonna bring that on air we'll get rid of the border and we will again just reposition this here personally i wouldn't advise having six boxes on screen i feel like that's quite overpowering and a lot for someone or an audience to to look at but i'm just showing you that it can be done so we'll select another source here which will be my camera five uh i don't have the camera on at the moment it's mine now i can switch it on it's my blackmagic pocket cinema with a holly land receiver here so once it connects you'll be able to see there we go we are getting that feed in perfectly fine as well this is my wireless camera so we'll stick that on well i've shown it to you now and then let's do one more so all we need to do is do exactly the same go into key2 go to dve we'll select a source here which in this case will be camera i'll set it to color bars we'll turn it on and again we'll get rid of the border and we'll resize that and put it somewhere on the screen so now on the screen what we have doesn't look great but we could resize all of these and make them fit a layout but what you're actually seeing is six camera feeds you can see on the screen there plus a video background and that is the max that you can do but that's how you would do it now the biggest question i get especially when it comes to supersource is how do i save and then recall my supersource layouts and i'm going to show you the best way that i've found to date and i've been doing this for about four years and i've never seen anyone talking about this at all so i thought i'm gonna share my again my tip for saving and recalling super sources um because it's in my opinion the easiest and the quickest way now what i'm gonna do is i'm actually gonna go to file save as and i'm going to call this four box small because the box isn't so big in the middle so four box small hit save and this is the important bits at the top click the button that says select none and then you're going to go down and just tick super source and hit save and what that's going to do is it's going to create an xml file that has all of the data for this super source layout in and here's the trick so if you wanted to let's say we just went i'm going to click the uh blackmagic preset to reset things completely to a full box if you wanted to you can just whenever you wanted to use that go up to file restore select that file so four box small hit restore and then when you hit the the restore button you'll see it change ready there we go brings back our thing so yeah you can do that and that is how i've seen quite a lot of people doing it but i find it a lot easier to turn that restore file into a macro and you can even do it by copying the xml and creating a macro out of it or the way that i do it which is a lot faster and i've never seen anyone talk about is to actually create the macro within the atm software control it's the easiest way so again i'm going to bring up the preset menu just so that it's different from the one that we actually want now here's what we've done we've saved our supersource xml file that's saved to my desktop so now i'm going to record a macro so i'm going to go to macros select the macro and there's two that i've recorded here before plus um another macro so i've got three macros already i'm going to go to create click on my fourth empty space here and we're going to call this super source for small wasn't it there we go click record now make sure you don't do anything else at this point but follow these instructions carefully now that it's recording go up to file click restore move the macros bar out the way click on that four box small file that you created before and then click restore and then hit the restore button go through that process once the restore's complete where it says 100 complete down at the bottom then stop your macro from recording and your macro will be saved now watch what happens i've got three different macros here one or two which use the video background and one which uses the the media player background and i can very very quickly now that they're all saved in the macros switch between them so we're going to select recall and run we're going to go to the one i created earlier which is this bigger layout then we're going to go to the small one which we've just done you'll notice it's changing everything everything the camera cameras that are in the boxes the box it sizes the positions it's setting it exactly how it how we left it or how we saved it so we can flip between those two but we can also flip between the other layout we did there so it's a really really simple and easy way of jumping or saving multiple supersource layouts and recalling them very quickly and of course because this is now available on the a10 mini xtreme and the extreme iso you've got macro buttons on the front of your device so as long as you've saved these super source layouts as macros for the first six macros you can use the physical buttons on the device so your macro buttons are here on the a10 mini xtreme you've got six of them and i've programmed two three and four for my super source layout so if i hit macro button number two you can see it jumped straight to the very first supersource design that we did number three was the second one and then number four was the one that we just saved out which has the smaller layout and that's a real easy way of jumping between super source layouts and it's certainly the easiest and the quickest way that i have seen to date so you can see it's a really quick simple and easy way of not just saving your supersource layouts but very quickly recalling them when you need them as well before i move on to some of the more advanced things that you can do with super source like animation let me talk to you about today's sponsor skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creators with topics like film and video graphic design illustration photography marketing and many more it's an amazing way to get started learning something new or grow your skills by learning from experts so if you're looking to learn about animation for example then jake bartlett's animating with ease in after effects course is the one for you or maybe you want to up your youtube game if so definitely check out marquez brownlee's youtube success class i'm taking it at the moment and have found it so useful when it comes to writing my scripts and planning out my videos and i know many of you who watch my videos for black magic stuff are looking to learn more about davinci resolve well skillshare has a number of classes for both color grading and editing that are perfect for beginners like this davinci 17 course from mustafa nassar he's created short but detailed videos explaining each section of davinci and all of the effects and functions built into it skillshare is curated specifically for learning meaning there's no ads and they're always launching new premium classes so you can stay focused and follow wherever your creativity takes you and because i've teamed up with skillshare on this video the first 1000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description will get a free trial a premium membership so you can explore your creativity so everything we've seen with supersaur so far is is pretty static once you've got the boxes saved in their layouts they don't tend to move but one of the big demands that has been for supersource for years is well can i make the the boxes sort of move around the screen while supersource is on air maybe they get bigger when someone's talking maybe i'm able to animate off boxes when i don't need them and things like that so like these dynamic animations and in the past when you or if you wanted to do that i remember about two years ago it took me about two days to build a very small animation of like something shrinking in another box coming in because you had to keyframe it yourself you basically had to create a macro that puts the box in the right position then paused for one second then you moved the box a few pixels added another pause in and you keep kept doing that until it's in the right end position and it was a pain to do but now there's a new app on the block this app is called i've got it on my ipad it's called mix effect and it does a lot more than super source but one of the things it does really well is animation for super source the supersource function is a paid function but there's a 30-day free trial so it's worth checking out basically what you've got here in the ipad app you can see here i'm in the supersource section as i say it does a lot more we've got a switcher at the top here where i can switch things we can fire off macros but i'm just going to go into the supersource section and i've got a live representation down here of my super source and when i say live watch this i can click on let's say camera 2 and actually move it around with my finger so this is another way that i can create super source layouts positioning them with my finger on the ipad but one of the things it does really well is you can actually it comes with a bunch of presets and you can make your own so if i scroll up to the top here watch what happens when i click on this for grid it's not just going to cut to the for grid it's going to animate look at that look how cool that is and it's the same with all of these so i can mix to a for horizontal for example and it will do all the cropping dynamically uh we can go to maybe we just expand that out a little bit make it full screen or maybe we go back to to how we were before well maybe we want to have just three boxes on screen now there we go it drops one makes us all bigger so these are the types of animation that before would have taken days to build but now this is great now it's all done for you in an app and as i say these are all pre-built presets that you can use straight out the box but you can customize and build your own so i could go for example let's just go from a full screen of me uh actually that's me so i can go from full screen of me here to maybe a two shot vertical and then back to a full screen of me and then maybe we want four people on screen at once so let's find that bam it's great it works brilliant now i just want to show you how i can customize one of these really quickly so i'm going to go scroll down to box number three and disable that we'll disable box number four as well will maybe make me again a little smaller and in this side of the screen me uh the overhead shot a little bigger and maybe about there great so we've got that layout now i can click the plus button here then give it a name so we'll say to or overhead shot overhead click ok and that's now saved in my library i've got quite a lot but it's uh it's there you can see it overhead so we've got that saved there and we can go from that to another shot there and then back to the overhead when we're ready so i think you guys can see when you use the mix effects app you not just get an easy sort of drag and drop way of creating your super source layouts but you also get an easy way of creating and saving them as presets which you can then jump to all your presets really quickly with the added bonus as well that they animate between each other so it looks really nice um yeah adam who's built this app has done a real good job so if you want to check it out it's available on the app store you can download it now for free and as i say if you want to try this specific feature out it is part of the the pro plan but there is a 30 day free trial to give it a go so there you have it i've tried to cram as much super source knowledge and information as i possibly can in one video so if you did find this video useful please do give it a thumbs up because that tells me that it was useful and you want to see more videos like this also if you've got any questions that weren't answered in this video but are still bugging you feel free to put them in the comments below i read through all of them and we'll try to reply to as many of them as possible and if you're new here hit the subscribe button turn on the notification bell so that you get notified when new videos like this one appear on my channel and finally if you've got any setup questions or need help with your workflow you can ping me an email on the email address on the screen now will get those issues sorted for you and make sure that your setup is working how it should be once you've done all that guys i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Alex Pettitt
Views: 48,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackmagic, ATEM, ATEM Mini, Live Stream, Blackmagic ATEM, ATEM Mixer, atem mini live, how to set up atem mini, blackmagic supersource, atem supersource, supersource, atem mini extreme, atem mini extreme supersource, extreme supersource, atem mini extreme iso, extreme iso supersource, supersource setup, how to set up supersource, supersource tutorial, supersource background, how to atem mini, atem mini production, alex pettitt, alex pettit, setup supersource, hyperdeck
Id: 08_-V3dKDI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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