ATEM MINI EXTREME | What you need to know!

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blackmagic have announced the new a10 mini extreme and the a10 mini xtreme iso packed full of features so in this video we're gonna go through them all before we get into the new a10 models let's talk about the update that blackmagic did give for us existing a10 mini pro and 810 mini pro iso users and they did that in the form of a free software update if you haven't already go over to the blackmagic website and download the version 8.6 of the blackmagic software for the a10 minis and it's going to give you one main new feature and it's really nice basically blackmagic saw that a lot of people were taking their a10 minis out on location and trying to stream while they're out in the field and sometimes you can't get a hardwired ethernet connection or it's just not good enough so they've enabled mobile tethering and it allows you to connect via a cable from your mobile device and those can be android devices or apple iphones and i've also tied this with an apple ipad as well with a 4g sim card in and it works and basically you connect your phone up via a cable to the usb c port on the back of your 810 mini pro or iso model and it will enable you to use your phone's data as a way of streaming and live streaming out from your device and it is really easy to use super simple i'm going to be creating a video all about this feature and showing you how to set it up and how to use it so if you're not already subscribed to this channel hit the subscribe button now turn on the notification belt and watch out for that one but enough about that i know what you're all really here for so let's talk about those brand new blackmagic a10 mini xtreme and a10 mini xtreme iso models so firstly new design much bigger more inputs i'll explain exactly how many in just a second a lot more controls and buttons on the front as well and a hell of a lot more features built in so firstly let's talk about the connections so the things that are the same are the things like the 12 volt dc power input on the back still no on and off switch i know a lot of people did want that one thing you'll also notice if you look around the exterior of the device there is a lot of cooling inlets and grant did actually mention that they wanted to create or keep the device silent because they know a lot of people use their a10 minis right next to where their cameras are um so they're obviously given a lot of thought to cooling so it'll be very interesting to see how cool this unit does keep you have a gigabit ethernet and one really interesting statement that was made by grant when he mentioned the gigabit ethernet he said this there's gigabit ethernet built in you know we're going to be able to use that for a few things in the future as well now when he said that i was like hmm i wonder what this could be and there's been some people online sort of predicting could we be getting something like ndi to the to the a10 mini personally one thing that i would love to see is the ability to add a browser source for graphics so in the same way in something like obs you can add browser sources and bring in graphics with alpha channels already i'd love to see that come to the a10 mini that's just a personal preference blackmagic if you're watching take a note down if we take a look at some of the new connections on the back we now have two usb connections on there which i know everyone was crying out for they've done it which is great it means that you can now record and you plug in the a10 mini to your computer and use it as a webcam input at the same time the other thing with a new announcement with tethering you can also record to an ssd and stream via your mobile data at the same time as well so there's a lot of ways that you can use those two usbc ports on the back let's talk about inputs then we've doubled we've gone from four hdmi inputs up to eight hdmi inputs a massive amount of inputs now that you can work from and they all accept up to 1080p 60 frames per second and they've all got the standards conversion on them as well so you can mix and match resolutions and frame rates and the a10 mini xtreme just takes care of everything if we look at the hdmi outputs again lots of people were calling for this two individual hdmi outputs now and they actually act like aux output so that you can control what goes on each one and we'll talk a little bit about that more in detail in the video because they can be controlled in the software but also hdmi input number one has a little it's kind of like a switcher in a switcher you can control it with the front buttons on the a10 mini xtreme itself just to finish off what's on the back then we've still got the two mic inputs in the form of stereo mini jacks but you'll notice again a big cry for this one and they've answered it a headphone jack as well and it's not just a headphone monitoring jack so that you can monitor the program output it actually has a completely separate monitoring bus so you can send certain outputs and solo things to that bus so you can just listen to what you want to listen to separate from what is going out to on the program mix so let's go into some of the details about the new features that you'll find within the a10 mini extreme i'll talk about the iso a little later and the first thing i want to talk about is those two hdmi outputs on the back because this is really powerful i've mentioned it already a lot of people were asking for two hdmi outputs because you always want a multi-view um but these two hdmi outputs actually are treated like aux buses which means they're fully selectable about what goes on them and here's my advice for you if you're getting an atm mini extreme use hdmi 2 for the multi-view because hdmi 1 can actually be controlled from the front panel there's a bunch of selection buttons which allow you to cut what is going on that or going out of that hdmi so you can then use hdmi one to feed things like monitors and screens and it's like having a switcher within a switcher because you can plug in a monitor and let's say you know you've got your powerpoint presentation on input number one and then you've got some of your cameras on two three and four you can use those small little switcher controls on the right hand side and do a mix for your tv screen that is completely separate from your program output going to the live stream so it's like having a switcher inside a switcher both of these hdmi outputs can be fully customized and controlled in terms of what does go out on them via the software but it's hdmi one that you have the physical buttons for on the front of the device another addition the blackmagic have made for the extreme devices is not just one but two downstream keyers now i'm a big fan of this i'm a big user of the downstream kia so to have two is nice and the other thing i like about this is they've actually given or put a physical button on the front of the panel for dsk-1 so you can now bring that on and off air with physical buttons as well following along with the pattern for physical buttons we've also got six macro buttons i'm a huge fan of this i went crazy when i saw it on the live stream um but yeah on the front of the panel you've now got six programmable macro buttons and uh if you've watched any of my videos you'll know i'm a huge advocate for macros you can do some incredibly powerful automation and sequences with macros and now with those programmable macro buttons on the front of the device you now have an easy way of firing them uh so that you don't again have to dive into the software panel moving on as well to some new some more new features because this this device is packed with new features let's talk about dves because there are now not just one but two dvds built into the a10 mini pro extreme and the iso model and for those of you that don't know what the dvds are think of them as the sort of picture in picture you'll see them a lot on news shows and things like that where you've got a really nice stylized background and then you've got a box and a box for for the two interviewers and the a10 mini actually has presets for these and buttons for these presets so at the touch of one button you can bring on um you know two boxes so let's say you've got two guests talking to each other really nice easy templates that blackmagic have designed and of course again they're fully customizable in terms of location and size within the atm software control as well but they've made a nice preset button to get you started but the ability to have two dvds is really going to open up a lot of possibility for those that use the a10 mini for things like gaming so that you can have you know your game in a box plus your face cam feed in a box with a nice background or even the game full screen and then two picture in pictures with each person's each player's face cam there's gonna be a lot you can do with this and it arguably brings me on to what i think is my favorite feature appearing in the blackmagic a10 mini and that is the ability or the enabling of super sauce if you don't know what supersource is i've just talked about dves and we've said that the blackmagic has two dvds so imagine two picture in pictures super source essentially is four dvds so four picture in pictures with a background and a four or a foreground layer as well and you will see this all the time in news broadcasting where you've got one person from washington one person from new york all on screen at the same time talking to each other this is what is being used supersource allows you to have up to four feeds four separate feeds in the boxes stylized however you like on the screen wherever cropped and sized to however you need it and then create either a background for those or a foreground graphic so that they're all in in these you know beautiful stylized boxes we use this in our top of the line atem switches every day is an incredible feature and for blackmagic to bring this into the mini range quite frankly is outstanding i'm gonna have a video coming on my channel completely about supersource because i could talk about it as you can tell for hours but what i want to do is create a video giving you some ideas showing you how to set it up how to use it and how you can really make the most of it so again if you're not subscribed yet hit the subscribe button turn on the notification bell because a video on supersource will be coming on my channel very soon but let's keep going with the new features because there are a lot in this blackmagic a10 mini extreme and i want to talk for a second about the new select bus as grant said a lot of the the bigger more professional although i don't like to say that the a10 mini isn't professional now with what they've come out with but the higher grade lines of the a10 minis all have a select bus and essentially what this is is kind of internal routing in the same way that you might invest in a blackmagic video hub for routing video around everywhere this is sort of rooting inside of the a10 mini and so what it allows you to do is whereas before let's say you wanted to change the source that was going in your picture in picture into dve you had no physical buttons to do that you had to physically go into the atem software control and choose the camera source from let's say camera one over to camera four now this select bus allows you to do that with any of the internal processing that is going on in the a10 mini so what you do is you select your destination on the bottom row and then you select what you want to go into that destination so if we wanted to put let's say camera one on picture in picture number one or dve one we would select dve one and then we would be able to select from our select row which source we want to go in there so we would hit camera one now i want to talk about camera control for a second i'm a big black magic pocket cinema camera lover and i know a lot of people do pair the black magic pocket cinema camera with the a10 minis and you're gonna love this new feature if that is you because what they've done is they've actually added camera control again onto the front panel of the blackmagic a10 mini extreme so you have you've got iris gain focus black levels and shutter all being able to be controlled on the front panel using buttons and my favorite out of all of these was focus you basically have a section for each camera just above each cut button the same place that you've got microphone levels for that camera just above that now you have your camera controls and this will work with blackmagic pocket cinema cameras and my favorite of all of these was focus because i can really see this being used a lot so not only can you shift the focus using the arrow buttons but if you press and hold the focus button it will trigger the in-camera autofocus so that you know you're always in focus so in a situation like i'm in right now where right now i'm only using one camera but let's say i had three black magic cameras to give a variety of different angles now all i have to do is sit down here get my a10 mini extreme and on on each camera i just press and hold the focus button and i know it's also focusing on me and i just press and hold it for camera two press and hold it for camera three i know they're all in focus now a big thing we haven't talked about yet but i think it's important to talk about is the multi-view more sources you need to put them somewhere and so what blackmagic have actually done is taken the multi-view out of their top of the range switcher the highest switcher they make the 8k constellation they've taken the exact same multi-view that they use in there and they put it into the a10 mini extreme line and it is a fantastic multi-view you've got all the audio monitoring the fact that you can completely customize the layout and one thing that i love is you can actually have up to 16 feeds on screen so you can have a grid of four by four on screen so you can see all of your sources all of the information that you want but then you can go into the atem software control and can completely change what is in each square or how big each square is so you don't have to have 16 on you can have a big preview and a big program and then eight sources on the bottom it's fully customizable and it's a fantastic multi-view and now it's on the a10 mini extreme let's keep it going with new features then because there are a lot but we are coming to the end of uh of the list thankfully two media players now not just one um you've still got 20 stills store and it is just stills i personally would have quite liked to have seen even if we can't do video yet just some like image sequences for things like stingers but on the a10 mini extreme it is just 20 still store but two media players which is really going to help if you are using things like supersource but also want to a supersource with a background or a foreground but also want to have a logo on screen at the same time you now have media players or two separate media players to be able to do that the other thing which i've saved kind of till last but it's it's huge and the fact that they put this in again what is their really their entry line switcher is amazing the a10 extreme now has four 8m advanced chroma keyers in that and i am gonna do a video a completely separate video on this because i think this this is so powerful to have four chroma keyers in this device it essentially means that if you wanted to you could now build a virtual set a virtual studio if you had a green screen you can completely build a virtual studio with four cameras all having different angles and different backgrounds at the same time and that's one of the videos that i really want to try and create and demo for you guys how you can take yourself with a simple green screen and out of your environment set up a few cameras and have this virtual studio that isn't just for one camera but as you cut to a different angle let's say here the background changes as well so it looks like you're in this huge space this kind of parallax effect but yeah you don't have to use it for virtual studios i just think this is a really powerful use for it now that you've got four keyers within the a10 mini pro but you do have four keys there and you can use them for anything so you've now got four of not just any chroma keyer but the again the atem advanced chroma key and the final thing just to finish off with this before we talk about the iso model is grant showed that the a10 mini can actually be paired with things like the a101me advanced control panel or the 8m camera control unit and really when you do that and i thought this was quite interesting really when you pair it with those big broadcast sort of panels you completely forget that you're using an a10 mini as the brains you could quite easily sort of put the a10 mini under the table out of the way connect everything up using ethernet have a client come in and they wouldn't know that you're using an a10 mini to power it all versus using something like a broadcast 4k or a broker or 8k constellation because there's so many features within this panel the only thing that really sets it out is different is it's hdmi based so then if you've made it this far you're going to want to know how much the thing costs well it starts shipping now you can you can get them now and it's going to cost you 995 dollars yeah i did say that right i didn't say 9 995 and when i was doing the live stream i asked people to put in the prediction of what they thought this thing would cost as the features were being announced and we were seeing really minimums of 2 000 3000 no you can buy this 995 that is an incredible price for the amount of features packed into this device the amount of inputs that you get the two hdmi outputs the headphone monitoring the two mic inputs and don't forget you've also got all you've got the same fairlight audio uh controls for every hdmi input as well um so you get the limiter the six band eq everything that it's amazing how much you get audio wise on this thing as well all of the super source the two media players now two dsks four advanced chroma keyers uh two dves but basically six dvds when you pair that up with the super source because that's basically four dvds for the super source and i know there are definitely features the the six macro buttons the camera control on the front all of that and more because i know there's ones i've missed for 995 dollars mental but that wasn't don't go anywhere just yet because that wasn't the only device that was announced blackmagic last year released the a10 mini pro iso so of course when they announced the a10 mini extreme there was going to be a calling out to have an a10 mini xtreme iso so they just brought it out at the same time and this is an incredible device the a10 mini xtreme iso gives you all of the features that i've already talked about for the a10 mini extreme but the iso model also records all eight inputs plus the program output giving you a total of nine streams or nine recordings in total and those eight inputs are all at default recorded at hyper deck high and then it's the program output that is selectable for the quality you just go into the live streaming tab and whatever quality you have set in there is what will be used for the recording so that basically means you can have up to nine hyperdeck high recordings so you are gonna need a pretty fast ssd to manage all of that write speed and it isn't of course just the nine recordings you've also got all of the individual wav audio files being recorded at the same time plus the big quality of the iso model is the writing of the davinci file so right after you hit stop recording on the a10 mini you can take your ssd plug it into your mac and pc and open up the davinci timeline where you've got all of the cuts that you did on the a10 mini while you are live they're all there laid out perfectly time code synced in your timeline and then you can go and make small edits if you made mistakes while you were live and then export that file upload it to youtube as a high res version of your live stream so that's one advantage of the iso model i'm a big lover of my a10 mini pro iso so i'm definitely going to be looking to get the extreme iso because i use those iso features all the time now the other thing it also gives you especially if you're a black magic pocket cinema camera user is the iso model will also trigger the recording in all your black magic pocket cinema cameras and of course that recording can be in black magic raw and if you've got the 6k it can be up to 6k so what that means is when you trigger all of your cameras to record using the iso model it records internally you then take that blackmagic raw footage drag it into the davinci file that the iso has created for you and it will basically swap out the 1080p files that the blackmagic extreme iso has recorded for the ultra hd files that the blackmagic pocket cinema camera recorded you don't have to sync anything or anything like that it's all perfectly time code sync you just drag them in replace those files and so you can live vision mix a show using the iso and then bring in those ultra hd files into into davinci and export a ultra hd version of what you just mixed using the iso so then you can upload that to youtube or wherever and the other benefit now that you've got two usbs within the atem extr mini xtreme iso is that you can do all of that and at the same time bring a feed into your mac and use it as a webcam on things like zoom skype or even just have it in quicktime as a backup recording of the program output so for all of those additional features it's not actually that much money at all the price of the a10 mini extreme iso is 1 295 blackmagic did say that that will start being made into production uh this week so it's about a week delayed from the extreme model so then we should start seeing them ship pretty soon but that's going to be the one to get the a10 mini extreme iso if you can afford it because that's going to give you the most functionality and the most flexibility it definitely when it comes to post production as well if you want to have that workflow so anyway look i just wanted to create this video give you a very quick roundup of all of the features that you can expect from the a10 mini extreme in the a10 mini extreme iso i of course as soon as i get one here we'll be giving a hands-on video and showing you some of the things that i've been talking about today i've already mentioned a few times uh some videos that i've got in mind that i want to create and will be coming to this channel soon another one that has been heavily requested is a workflow video so showing you how i record my videos also using that workflow of doing a stream on the a10 mini iso getting those files or that davinci file and all the uh the blackmagic raw files into davinci swapping it out and creating an ultra hd timeline i'm gonna do a video on that hopefully as well so lots of new videos to come so if you're not subscribed now is the time hit the subscribe button turn on that notification bell so you know when each of those go out but that's pretty much my roundup of the blackmagic a10 mini extreme and extreme iso announcement i might do a separate video on the web presenter hd and possibly the blackmagic pocket cinema 6k pro that was also announced at the same time if you want to see those make sure you hit the subscribe button if you enjoyed this video or have any questions about any of the new features any questions about the extreme or the extreme iso stick them in the chat below i'll do my best to answer if you want advice on your setup i do offer one-to-one consulting sessions the email address is on screen now pop me a message we'll get that sorted for you and hit the like button because apparently youtube likes it when you do that so i would really appreciate it if you did enjoy this video hit that like button once you've done all that and i know it's a lot i'll see you on the next one guys
Channel: Alex Pettitt
Views: 70,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atem mini extreme, atem mini extreme iso, atem extreme, blackmagic atem mini extreme, blackmagic extreme, blackmagic, atem mini, live streaming, production switcher, atem mini live stream, supersource, atem supersource, virtual set, live production, black magic atem extreme, live stream iso, pocket cinema camera, bmpcc6kpro, bmpcc6k pro, ATEM MINI EXTREME, ATEM MINI EXTREME ISO, new blackmagic, new atem, atem how to, blackmagic how to, atem mini extreme features
Id: ttkkhQVcRJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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