Using ATEM Mini PRO with ZOOM | Full setup + Tips for better quality

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with everything that's going on in the world right now we're all having to use apps like Google meat Skype and zoom to stay in contact and also work from home and one of the questions that I've had the most over the last few weeks is how do I look better using these apps so I'm going to show you how to do that using the ATM mini and the ATM mini Pro and if you are an ATM buddy Pro user I'm also going to show you how to livestream record and use a video conferencing app like zoom all at the same time before I get into the how-to section of this video let me just take 30 seconds to explain why you might want to do it this way and use something like an ATM mini or an ATM mini Pro for your video calls firstly and probably the reason you're watching this better audio and video quality because you're not stuck with the built-in webcam on your Mac or a crappy third-party webcam you can use professional-grade dslr's or mirrorless cameras as your video source and professional microphones like this one as your audio source secondly the ATM mini has 4 HDMI inputs which means you can have multiple cameras in your video call this is great for people who are maybe giving tutorials like a guitar teacher or something you can have one camera showing a wide with the guitar and yourself and then a close-up camera which you can switch to to show your finger placement and thirdly everything that you can do with your 18-minute or your a 10-minute pro you can take into your zoom calls so things like chroma keying even lower thirds and graphics you can basically create a show and then take that into a google meet Skype zoom and many more so those are just some of the advantages of using this type of setup and actually the setup that I'm using right now is my sony a6300 camera fed via the HDMI cable to my 8 M mini Pro which is then connected to my macbook pro via the USB C cable and the webcam output on the back of the a-10 mini pro now it's important to say you have to use that webcam output for this setup you can't do it over Ethernet because the Ethernet doesn't send the video data it's just controlled data so you have to send video data via the USB see from your ATM mini or your a 10-minute pro to your Mac or PC once you've got that plugged in it is all plug and play so your PC or Mac will now see a new webcam device labeled design or 8m mini and you can just open up your videoconferencing software and select the webcam there so I'm gonna open up zoom now and the first thing you're going to do is just hit this little icon in the top right hand corner of the screen here it should let your initials and then hit settings and that will bring up the settings tab go to video and we've got a few things just to select here so firstly you can see my a 10 minute pro has actually popped up straight away now you might notice that you get two versions of your Blackmagic Design a 10 minute or 8 M&E Pro come up here and that is just based on the frame rate I have my 8mm any set to 50 frames at the moment so I'm now getting the option to take into zoom either the 50 frame version of the signal or the 25 frame if you're in America and using 60 or 30 frames that's what will be displayed here so I prefer 50 so I'm gonna stick with that and then two other key options to remember to select here firstly you want to make sure you've got 16 by 9 widescreen selected and the most important one just down here make sure you enable HD you'll be so surprised how many people spend all this money on a setup like this for video conferencing and then don't enable the HD option and complain why their video doesn't look so good so that's key make sure you enable HD the only other thing to do is just go into the audio tab and make sure that you have the correct audio device selected so I'm using my map but right now but I would actually select again Blackmagic Design which is my 8m mini and you can see I'm getting an audio feed fed in there as well I can turn the volume up if I need to and to show you that this is working now I'm just gonna start a call here drag it over so you guys can see it and you can see there it's using my 810 mini Pro there's the camera I don't have any other sources plugged in back and just cut to black to show you that I can cut away two different things the other cool thing that we could do is I say because we're using the a-10 mini pro as an input if I fire up my ATM software control here I can bring on graphics so I've just done a quick little lower third and you can see if I just make this fullscreen there we go this is what my zoom callers are seeing now so I've just put a little lower third with my name and the local time up in the left-hand corner and you can see you can start to do some really clever things with graphics for your conference calls as well so that's the first part the second part is a question I've been getting a lot by 8m mini Pro users which is can I do a video conference livestream and record all at the same time and the answers that is yes let me show you how let's tackle firstly the live-streaming part because that's probably the easiest because we're gonna use the internal live-streaming encoder on the 8m mini Pro so if I switch to the multi view here that's my 8m mini Pro multi view and I've already got in my ATM software control a stream key loaded in to live stream on to YouTube so I'm just gonna press the on-air button here and you can see it starts streaming data from the ATM mini Pro to YouTube and now if we go over to my YouTube live streaming you can see we've got excellent connection and in a second it will start to load the stream there we go so we're now getting a live stream into YouTube that's the first part done so next recording now the easiest way I've found to do this is by using a free app called OBS it's available for Mac and PC I'm gonna launch OBS here and run you through how to do this so when you first download OBS it would look something like this I have a few profiles already set up but I'm gonna I'm gonna run you through the basics so firstly you want to go into settings and the two main tabs that you're gonna be interested in video are and output so we'll go to the video first and you're going to want to set your canvas size to 1080p so 1920 by 1080 for both base resolution and output resolution then it's up to you what you want your frame rate as I'm working here in the UK so 50 frames for me is perfect a nice clear image and then just click apply in the bottom left hand corner now head over to the output tab because we're not gonna be streaming from OBS we're going to be recording from OBS now your output tab may default to simple if it does just head over and click advanced and then go to the recording tab up here and this is where we're going to set up the recording settings so you first thing I'm gonna want to do is just select a recording path where you want that file to be saved make sure you've got mp4 set as the recording format it's the easiest one to deal with and x264 as the encoder should be fine for you as well the key parts down here are the bitrate and the CPU usage preset so leave it on CBR I've set my bitrate to about 6000 that I mean I'm using a brand new MacBook Pro 16 inch so I know it'd be capable of that if you are using an older computer or something that doesn't have quite as much um anymore you might want to just drop this bitrate down a little bit and the same with the CPU usage the higher you choose here so if you go for ultra fast that will use less of your CPU and what you're going to want to do and I'll show you how to do this is just monitor to see if you get any drop frames while you get recorded while you're recording and if you do just go back into these settings and tweak these lower them a little bit to get your sort of perfect balance between quality and making sure you get no drop frames so yet if you choose ultra fast the quality isn't gonna be as good but it won't be as CPU intensive so if you've got a great computer very fast faster or faster should be fine for you click OK there we shouldn't need anything else we've you should already have something in scene so now we just need to add what we want in that scene so we're gonna add the video feed first so click on the plus button down here and go to video capture device and this is where we're going to select our a ten-minute so let's just call it a term video and now under here we should see our Blackmagic Design a 10-minute listed which we do I'm not going to use preset here I'm gonna set it up manually so 1080p or 1920 by 1080 for the resolution and 50 frames per second for the frame rate and if it doesn't fill the frame don't worry there's a keyboard shortcut that you can do for that if you're on Mac it's just apple air for control f8 command F if you're on PC it's ctrl F or you can just right click and go down to transform and then fit to screen so that's the video IAM but now we need audio so click the plus button again go to audio input capture a term audio will call it you can select any name for this and again we'll just choose the Blackmagic Design here as the audio device and now you can see I'm getting levels in here as well if I wanted to I could just mute those levels here of course I've got the mute availability as well on the 8m mini so you can actually press the physical buttons to mute as well now we're pretty much all set up and ready to record but there is one caveat with this setup which is a lot of apps like zoom and things like that don't like to share their webcam so they sort of lock other programs out from it so that means what we're gonna have to do is start the video call first in zoom then come back to OBS and hit record so if we try and do it the other way and start recording in OBS and then go to zoom we'll just have a black screen it won't actually show the webcam feed so I'm going to close OBS for a second here and I'm gonna start up a zoom cool again just drag these over to this screen so there's our zoom cool going perfectly fine as we saw before we now want to start the recording so I'm just gonna fire up OBS again and now you can see the webcam is being displayed both in zoom and in OBS so that's working fine now before I start the recording a little tip that I like to give people is go up here and OBS to view and then stats and what you're gonna wanna monitor here is when you click that record button which I'll show you in a second just make sure that these zeros hereby render lag and encoding lag don't start to creep up because that means it will start dropping frames and your video will miss frames so if that does happen that's when you go back into the settings and lower the bitrate or play around with the CPU usage preset so I'm gonna start recording here by clicking this start recording button and we can see I'm not skipping any friends everything's perfectly fine I am now in a zoom core which is this here recording my input into that zoom call you obs at full 1080p quality and if I bring the YouTube page back up I'm still live-streaming to YouTube as well all three like many people have been asking for so now I'm just gonna quickly end the zoom call because we've said goodbye to everyone now can close oom I'm gonna stop the recording and just to show you what this recording look like and that it worked I believe it's saved to my desktop let's go find it so this is the full recording at 1080p 50 frames per second of what we were sending into zoom the same as what we were also streaming to YouTube now it's not going to capture all your other zoom participants or anything like that it's just gonna basically capture what you've got on your 8m mini Pro if you want to capture zoom participants you can screen record zoom or I believe if your Pro user of zoom you can also record using the zoom recording feature both of those aren't going to give you as good of quality as what we've done here so this is the best way to get top quality of your camera going into zoom I hope you found this video useful if you did please do give it a thumbs up also if you're new here make sure you hit that subscribe button and turn on the notification belk I've got lots more videos coming out all around the a 10 minute and the a 10 mini Pro and graphics and things like that lots more videos still to come and if you've made it to this point in the video I want to say thank you to you there is a Amazon giftcard code hidden somewhere in this video and so the first person that finds it and redeems it let me know in the comments if it's you but just a little thank you from me to you for watching these videos and making it all the way to the end so yeah thanks for watching guys and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Alex Pettitt
Views: 211,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackmagic ATEM Mini Pro, ATEM MINI PRO, ATEM MINI, Blackmagic ATEM Mini, ATEM Mini Zoom, atem mini pro zoom, atem mini video call, atem mini google meet, google meet, atem mini skype, atem mini discord, zoom call video quality, zoom webcam atem mini, zoom capture card, zoom dslr atem, atem mini conference call, atem mini pro live, atem mini recording, atem mini live, ATEM live stream, better video call quality
Id: ugTcQ2VBiD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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