Give Your Blackmagic ATEM Switcher Superpowers - Using MixEffect Pro

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adam tau may have just created the most useful addition to blackmagic atem switchers in the history of blackmagic a10 switchers with his new app called mix effect pro [Music] now this is not a sponsored post and i'm only recommending it because i believe it will help advance my goal of this channel which is to help you improve your live productions that's what this app does on a traditional switcher to get multiple boxes you'll need to use several dve keyers on a dedicated mix fx bus to get a single button on your program bus that brings all these sources on and off the air quickly but with the supersource on the blackmagic switcher you can quickly set up this effect with up to four boxes or eight boxes on the constellation with minimal effort but up until mix effect pro came along what you couldn't do with the super source that you could do on a big time switcher was animate those boxes in flexible ways let me explain say for example you start a segment with a host on screen and then you squeeze them back into a toolbox to make some room for graphics explaining the upcoming section and then in a single motion you want the graphics to wipe off and push all of your sources over for a three-person panel when two additional guests are introduced for the segment as each person talks you want to highlight them by having their box shrink or grow just a little bit and then you want to end the segment by going full screen once again back to the host the closest thing you can get to this new style big switcher kind of animation on a black magic switcher used to require multiple key frames a knowledge of coding and xml some fairly involved math and it couldn't easily be changed once it was all set up essentially what you'd do is you'd end up writing frame by frame animations of multiple super source states and then play them back in sequence to trick the switcher into doing animated transitions and to do this you need to have a predetermined start point and end point for every animation so more or less it was completely out of reach for most users even on a top-end blackmagic switcher to do animated transitions with much control but now it's not only possible it's actually pretty easy to set up using mix effect pro and it's flexible if you need to change things on the fly let's open the app and i'll show you how there's a lot going on inside and i'm going to skip over the networking steps to connect the switcher and assume that you're going to activate the free 30-day trial to unlock the app's full functionality that way i can just keep this demo going anyways let's dive in and explain what's going on in here from the sidebar navigate down and choose supersource the first thing you'll notice is a bunch of presets i've made a couple of my own but there's a lot included that you can use straight out of the box as a starting point for example i have this two box here that's set up for a 16 by nine presentation i also have another one here that scales and crops for the 4x3 output of an ipad even if these didn't animate this would still be a really flexible system that would be worth it in my opinion all i have to do is tap on the preset layout and change the source in the box so i can start with the super source in a to box showing the mac press 1 full to go to the presenter tap the flyout menu to change the source of box 2 and then squeeze it back to show the ipad in the box instead now let's build our own super source configuration based on a preset we'll start with the four horizontal crop setting as we look at the rest of the options a quick tip at this point if you have an apple pencil it makes the adjustment of these parameters in the super sources a little bit easier scrolling down you can see the canvas of the box editor if i unlock the lock i can simply click and drag to roughly lay out my new configuration and this updates in real time if you need to set up something quickly while you're off air this is a great way to do it and if i don't like what i did i can just tap my precept from before to recall it again so let's start building the supersource settings we'll need to pull off the segment i described earlier and it's important to start with all four boxes enabled so it will never end up with anything jumping or weird transitions between presets let's set up the hosts with the graphics first our second state so i'll take box three and four and move them off to the side for now so they can slide in at a later point let's move them over here so i have room to move everything around i also turned down the preview scale to 0.5 at the bottom go down there turn that to 0.5 then i'll move box 2 over and remove any cropping finally i'll move box 1 over a little and pull some that cropping off to save the setting press the plus button i'll name it 0-2 to make sure it lands at the top of my list you can always press and hold on the name later to change it now let's go for the next setup the three box so i'll move the third box in first and make sure it gets x position of zero i'll move box 1 over to minus 10.25 and change the cropping from 10 to a little bit wider at 8. for box 4 let's go to the copy tab and copy the settings from box 3 to box 4 and then just move it over so copy from box 3 at the top and copy to box 4. copy back in the presets tab move box 4 to match the offset of box 1 but in the opposite direction so we'll put it at 10.25 on the x-axis and finally let's move box 2 to right in between box 1 and 3 and then crop it out entirely so 10.25 divided by 2 is 5.12 we'll get as close as we can to that and then crop out the edges a 50 crop on both edges is a setting of 16 for both right and left finally let's save this press the plus button and since this is our third state we'll call this 0 3 in the preset panel finally let's make the final state of what we use at the beginning and the end we'll take box 4 and box 3 and move them off screen again and move box 2 to the very edge of the canvas at 16. finally move box 1 to the middle of the frame remove the cropping and set the scale to 1. let's save this as 0 1 1 full in the presets notice we didn't set up any of the sources in the supersource configuration because we're not locked into that either if we want to change what's in the box we simply press the menu button and change the source for the each individual box so let's assume the client loves this and says great i love it perfect no changes except could you make box one at the beginning like 90 so we can show off that we're in boxes the whole time now if we hand keyframe this this would be a major problem but because we're using mix effect it's no problem go back to that preset change box 1 scale to 0.9 or 90 and press and hold on that preset you're all done you'll see the box flip when the new setting has been saved they also want you to go back and be able to go for a full screen on box three and box four so let's set that up so i'm gonna set box three scale to one and remove the cropping box one will get pushed to the side minus 22 so we don't get a box overlap issue and i'll do the same thing on box four i'll push it to the side with plus press plus and call that preset zero four three full now i'll do the same with the last box box four box one to minus 32 box three minus 22 box four to zero crop to zero scale to one save that as a new preset as well to tidy things up i'll move box two on both of these new presets to minus sixteen or just to the edge of the frame to get it out of the way so that the thumbnail doesn't have that little two in it press and hold to update the preset now we can cycle through everything so we start in our two box with our graphic and then we push to our three box then we can go full on source three back to our three box now angel's gonna talk in box four she's full we're gonna go back to the panel again i can still highlight any box i want by tapping on one three four and when i'm all done i just press the little reset button there and then go back to full screen on one in conclusion if you want to turn your switcher into a flexible animation powerhouse look no further than mix effect pro and if you're searching for in-depth content on how to improve your video productions i'd encourage you to sign up for our newsletter at over the next several months we'll be releasing more videos just like this and we're currently in production on our full-length course on the fundamentals of live production covering topics just like this and more i'm carl larsen thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Pavement Media
Views: 13,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mixeffect pro, Blackmagic, MixEffect, Animated Supersource, Supersource, ATEM, Switcher, Live Production, iPad, Live Video, Blackmagic Design, DVE, Keying, Picture in Picture, Broadcast, Church Production, HDMI, Superpowers, Adam Tow, Carl Larsen, Pavement, Pavement Media,, Blackmagic Constellation, ISO Extreme, Atem Mini, Blackmagic ATEM Switcher, MixEffect App, mixEffect Pro App, broadcast live, live production software, mix effect atem, atem mini xtreme, atem mini
Id: U4R1CpGfJK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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