LIVE Blackmagic ATEM Mini ISO Demo + Q&A

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[Music] hello and welcome everybody i'm alex pettit and we are live it feels like it's been a minute since i've done a live stream here on youtube you might actually be able to tell i'm just coming off the back end of a cold actually so i know this live stream was scheduled for last week sorry that's why i couldn't make it but feeling much better now whoever got in the chat from mexico oh garcia how you doing um if you're just joining make sure you get your comments and questions in now i'm doing a live q a all about all of well i say all about all of the a10 mini range so if you've got the a10 mini the a2 mini pro or the a10 mini pro iso but really it's about any sort of broadcast tech and doesn't even need to be broadcast tech it could be just tech if you want to i had something delivered today which i might show you later which was one of those um rumbas like the robot vacuum best thing i've ordered i've been playing with that all day i've been having a great bunch of fun jono says you're clashing with photo joseph why what have i done now what am i oh am i clashing times i thought you meant as in that what the clothes that i'm wearing hopefully i haven't just crashed the the times i didn't realize if i had sorry tim um actually it's worth mentioning some of my favorite streamers and and creators that i i love watching especially in this space photo joseph is great aaron is great um oh my god there's the guy that i always watch for audio which i've the name has completely slipped to my head i'll try and remember but there's some great creators out there make sure you go follow those let me know in the chat where you are watching from and if you're watching this on replay um leave your questions in the comments because i'm going to go back and pick those out for a future live as well martin says thanks for your information you're gay you give and give back to the community thank you very much right i think let's dive into some of the questions that i've already had because i know a lot of you came early and were posting them in so let's get up the questions that have been already coming in the first one here from essa says how do you connect your mic to the a10 mini pro iso i have the same mic as you but there is only a usbc connection uh sorry usb connection good question i actually get this one a lot on my youtube comments for most of my videos and i've never really talked about it before so this is a rode i'll nt-usb i'll bring it up on the computer so i can show you it but there's a trick to getting it in and you're right s sr because it is just a usb b microphone and uh it's just usb on the bottom here but the trick to getting it into the a10 mini pro or the iso whatever is the a10 mini has a microphone jack on or not microphone black but it's two stereo mini jacks on the back if i just remove this and bring up my computer here oh gotta get rid of the mask that i had in place bear with guys there we go this is the rode nt usb microphone and you can see here if i just zoom in there is a headphone jack on the microphone itself so what that means is what i've basically done on i've come out of the the microphone and the headphone jack is just on the side here and i've taken a normal what we in the uk call an aux cord but it's like a stereo mini jack to stereo mini jack and i just go from the microphone into the microphone input on the a10 mini pro iso in my case and then if i bring my i'll show you my settings that i have for doing this uh i've got to switch the program so you guys can see it and i'll tell you what i'll try and bring myself on picture and picture to me makes sense there you go i'm up in the corner not that big uh so if i go into the audio settings here i actually come in on mic 2 input on the back and i actually do add five frames of delay as well to match the video boost the audio signal up and it's important to note it might just be with with this microphone come back to me here uh i actually only set there's a dial on the side of the microphone i actually only set it about halfway otherwise i've noticed i got start getting clipping if it's any more than that so this will work for pretty much all usbc microphones that have a headphone output on them so just off the top of my head this is the rodent usb they've got the rode nt usb mini which has a microphone a headphone output the new elgato which is the elgato wave one and the elgato wave three i believe both have headphone outputs on and i think don't quote me on this one because i can't remember but the at2020 which is another popular usb usb microphone also has a headphone output on so i hope that answers that question let's bring this one off we'll bring another one straight on as well i'm keeping an eye on the chat uh as well to filter in more of your questions in who have we got uh hopefully i say it's okay catianco i've just finished setting up and configuring the a10 mini pro iso and wondered how much does the save current state option remember when restarting your switcher does it do the media player as well good question i referred to it and i think it was my last video and said that it's uh i i call it a snapshot let's just flick back here and what for those who don't know this save startup state if you go up to let's make this full screen if you go up to file here at the top in the atem software control and then you've got this option here called save startup state and it is slightly different to doing a restore file a restore file will do it will create a snapshot including the media pool in fact if i just flip back here and we will actually generate a restore file i'll show you exactly what it does save uh to do i'm gonna do save as we'll just do one to the desktop for now then here's all the options that it's saving so it's saving uh you've got the the well this is only a 1ma switcher but everything from transitions to the transition style fade to black all of those settings the color calibration settings downstream keys the media pool the macros and everything like that that's what a restore file does now the save startup state does i i think it does most of that minus the media pool and i don't know off the top of my head if the save startup state does macros as well i have a feeling i could be wrong but i have a feeling that that is only the uh restore file so always take a restore file if you're working with media files but the save save startup state is great if you're in a studio constantly turning on and off the power and you just need your atm to restore or to boot up to a certain state uh okay let me go through some of the chat that we've had in because i realize those were two initial questions before the show even started uh we're watching from so randy's watching from texas we've got yes thank you whoever perspective caribbean curtis judd is the audio guy thank you for for shout for telling me his name i completely forgot off the top of his head but that's him curtis john's a great person to follow very knowledgeable on audio and that is personally where i lack quite a bit love video love networking and stuff like that but audio is is my downfall so i watch him quite a lot uh hoop genius good to see you in here um go check out the hoochies channel if you're into your mba basketball got john oates as well okay let me pick off another question uh michael uh it's not a question just a comment thank you michael it says by the way your digital zoom video was great created a macro to do that which is really cool for those of you that haven't seen it i won't take you through it on this video but i my last upload was how you can create digital zooms and if you don't know what they are let's see if they're still in my uh macro media pool i think they might be because then i can show you what they are here so i bring up my macros here we go let's give this a go i don't know if it'll actually work i can't remember the last time i run it oh there we go punch and zoom so so that's the idea being able to create different style shots so on this one here i've got my wired but using the same camera i can then punch in to do a close-up the other cool thing about that is i can also i'll i'll show you how i'm doing this it is all in the video but i can also if i go into dve i know you guys can't see this did i set them up let's see if this works tell you what i will i'm just trying to see if i set up my flying keys because then that'll be cool to show you let's see so this is there we go you could do virtual moves so i set up a few flying keys last time i did this so this is my full screen and then we can have it come it right in here digital zoom into me close i can have it pull out a little bit and that's all using one camera and it's all digitally as well so it's not optically changing the lens it's digitally zooming in and out on the a10 mini pro iso itself really cool um if you want to find out how to do that i've got a full tutorial which was my last upload on this channel so definitely check that out but thanks for the thanks for the comment there michael right let's get through to more of these questions uh ellie says just checked my blue usb i think you mean your blue yeti yeah has a microphone out to output hidden in the bottom never noticed that yeah so it'll work with the blue yeti as well how do i record using the a10 mini uh who's that from ishmael i think it was with the a10 mini you are there's no onboard recording so it is just from the usbc port to your mac or your pc and then you record using software there isn't uh an onboard like the a1080 pro has or the a10 mini pro iso you can't use the usbc to record onto an ssd which uh i think that's right yeah i guess i've got all of the usb the a10 mini line i forget which ones can do what now okay let's go for more of your questions this one in from how am i gonna say that maz your video hopefully i hope i said that correctly have you heard anything about the a10 mini pro iso coming out with a second hdmi output wouldn't that be nice um yeah there's there's been well firstly to answer that question just outright no i i haven't heard anything about a new version of the a10 mini coming out i think uh i i don't imagine that blackmagic would be in the realm to rush another one of these product products out because they've come in like quite close succession to each other i think like the a10 mini was launched then maybe even less than six months later the a10 mini pro was launched and then quite soon after that the a10 mini pro iso was launched as well now i don't know but i would imagine that that probably wasn't the original plan from blackmagic they were probably going to space them out around a year apart but because of the virus and um they're becoming a huge need for these products by people i would imagine that they therefore had to accelerate their production and accelerate um these units coming out on a six monthly basis which i think it roughly was rather than let's say a year or two years apart and i know that someone who is that yanni it's outrageous uh how the a10 doesn't have a second hdmi oh i know who that is yani good to see you buddy shouldn't you be like i know you're going live at seven on instagram um but yeah the they came out very quickly i don't imagine now that they're gonna rush out another version of the eight a fourth version basically of the a10 mini however saying that would i like to see a version that has two usbcs two hdmi outputs so that we can send a program out on one and a multi-view on another and multiple other features yeah absolutely and i think somewhere down the line it's probably going to come digital zoom doesn't work it does i just showed you if you're if you're struggling with it go watch the video um because i do a full breakdown of how it can work what two terabyte ssds work for recordings i've seen a couple of videos online um people having trouble with ssds let me get rid of this question so that because i know we've moved on to another one uh so the ssds that i use one's in use there i think i've got another one here right so i use the sandisk these sound disk ssds hopefully you can see that they're on the camera they're tiny um i have a video again not specifically about these but on my channel there's a video about the recording time and rates and stuff like that using uh and i recommend using these again that's on my channel um so check that out and it will talk a lot about ssds i saw a lot of people are having problems with not the sandisk ones but the samsung about the same size ones um i've never tested those i've always just used these sandisk ones and i have a 250 gigabyte which i'm using right now i have a 500 gigabyte which i'm using on this pc and then i have a one terabyte all of them work absolutely perfectly i've had no trouble with them at all um oh steve you're in canary wharf way that is not far from me at all let me actually read the whole comment uh not far from you based in setting a studio to do with podcasting and news focused on financial ah what's sweet we actually have one uh one of our studios is actually up camden way i'm hoping to do a video up there to sort of show you some of the behind the scenes of that because i manage all the tech for a big youtube live show called the kickoff and we have a whole custom built blackmagic studio up there and over the last three years like me and the team have basically built it and there's a lot of cool tech in there so i'm hoping to show you that one one day the samsung t5 is fine but the t7 doesn't work okay that's what i think i saw in the video some people struggling with the t7s not quite sure why another question this one from [Music] and click dark says on the iso do the color controls affect only black magic cinema cameras also do the recordings reflect the color changes in the same way as audio i.e recording one to four no change in program ah okay i see what you mean so on my on one of my recent videos i talked about how with the hmi iso it records the six individual audio channels and it will do that completely as they come into the device so even if you um if this is the separate recording not the program recording even if you apply effects if you change the levels or anything like that it doesn't matter if those things aren't burnt in and i i personally really like that because then if you've made any mistakes on your live stream you've got the raw audio files in the edit which you can use so you're asking if the color grading works in a similar way so firstly to answer the first part of the question can you uh affect the color controls of cameras that aren't the black magic pocket cinema cameras the answer is no um right now and just for those that are watching if i flick over to the oh wait we can done with that let's go back to the atem software control here if i drag that over for you guys i can show you what i'm talking about here uh so these are the camera controls and i don't actually have my blackmagic pocket cinema plugged in today i only went with my sony a6300 but you can see here i'm actually using camera two on air at the moment i know it shows camera four and camera one as well but that is um graphics coming in separately so if i tried to i've never actually tried to do this but if i did try and move these yeah nothing happens and that is because it needs the software inside the atm not the a10 the blackmagic pocket cinema cameras to be able to then control them so no uh you can't color balance and control the iso and things like that using the atemic it's only sorry you can do it using the a10 but only on blackmagic pocket cinema cameras it doesn't work for example with my sony second part of the question are they burnt in the sort of twofold to that question so the looks are burnt into the files that the atem records so if you've got your four black magic pocket cinema cameras come in and you decide to color balance everything or make color adjustments how it looks on your multi-view or on your program output is how each individual one will be recorded with the chain color changes that you've made let me just bring this comment back on so you can see what we're actually talking about so yeah they will be burnt in however if you're using blackmagic pocket cinema cameras the likelihood is that you're also going to be recording on the camera as well because again if i just bring this off and flick back here when you have the item and this is quite key i don't know if move myself over there don't know if many people know this but if when you're recording if you go to the output tab and we can close the live stream on here and go up to the recording there's an option here so i right now i'm recording i'm also recording because i've got the iso i'm recording the iso files using the atem but there's this option here called record in all camera and what that will do if it's ticked is it will send a message to the blackmagic pocket cinema cameras to record on board or to record to the sd card or the cfast card that you have inside the blackmagic pocket cinema cameras and it will record that at 4k and in or the highest resolution that you've set and in blackmagic raw and what that means is it doesn't matter what color grading and looks you've done on the a10 you've got a blackmagic raw file there so you can completely redo the color again give it a different style and stuff like that so i hope that answers this question here from blank and click dark yeah it's it's kind of like a two-fold answer really if you've got black magic pocket cinema cameras you're going to be recording 4k and blackmagic raw on the camera so then you can do what you want with the footage afterwards and of course if you've got the iso you can use that davinci file to sync it all up nice and easy oh wow i've missed a load of comments actually you know what i want to do hope i'm going to try and pop out the chat so i can see it a little easier your channel has been extremely useful due to kobe 19 i'm trying to live stream my wedding and will be congratulations by the way and will be my own videographer nice using the iso can i record to ssd and stream to zoom simultaneously right i just want to bring i want to bring your uh question into my system here so that we can have it on screen while i answer it who is that from scijoy well firstly congratulations on the wedding that is some tough feat right there of not just getting married but also uh simultaneously being your own videographer and live stream engineer and everything all on the day my advice is you've got way more to worry about worry about the wedding don't worry about streaming it but i get the whole kobe 19 limited people can physically be there so get a live stream out why not to answer the question can you simultaneously record to the ssd and stream to zoom from one device not easily the way that i would go about doing it so if you want to record to the ssd that's going to take up the usbc on the device did you say you've got an iso yeah using the iso cool so you've got an iso so the so the usbc is gone so you obviously can't take that into your mac to use for zoom but what you can do is come out of the hdmi port on the back of the iso and into a capture card something like the elgato cam link and put that into your mac or pc for zoom that would work perfectly fine the only negative thing about doing that is you would forego having a multi-view because you would obviously want the program output to be output through the hdmi rather than a multi-view so whatever is coming out of the hdmi is what zoom will see so if you can live without a multi-view that's the way to do it ssd for the recordings into the usbc and just get a pretty cheap uh the camlink 4ks i think are about 120 150 and then zoom will see that and you can live stream it so i hope that answers that question the only other way and i'm going to say this very much with a pinch of salt here will be when the atem streaming bridge finally comes out and there has been no release date for it i think it was touted originally for august and it has it was september and it's still not here and i haven't heard anything else since um but when that comes out then obviously you'll be able to use the ethernet port convert it to hdmi and sdi and then go into a capture card and then you don't lose the multi-view uh tim wants to know does this work on the ursa and the blackmagic cameras you're talking i guess about the color color grading i've been looking into this because for those of you that don't know the blackmagix bigger production cameras at the ursa range they use what's called a return sdi for the tally the color calibration and even talkback as well i've found it seems a bit strange but i found like a bluetooth solution which says or i think it will basically take from the a10 mini into their little bluetooth box and then use bluetooth to do color calibration on the ursa and the uh mini pro and things like that haven't tried it haven't really got in contact with the company that are producing it but that might be something in the future if you go the idea of a live wedding and zoom if you connect the usbc to a computer you can just record the computer and do zoom instead of an ssd yes slaverton you're right you can obviously uh record but on the computer but you'll only be able to record the one the program output i think what scijoy wanted to do was actually record all the individual iso files which is why they have an atm i thought i'm assuming so yeah if you just care about the recording of the program output you can of course don't like forego don't worry about recording to the ssd just use the usbc to go into your mac and you can use that for both zoom and let's say obs for the recording as well any other cool features for the a10 mini pro says josh loads like i'm still making regular videos like the zoom one i did last weekend was a bit of a a cool way you can use macros to digitally zoom and things like that there's loads of stuff that i'm going to be bringing you guys uh george says why didn't i think of that okay let me scroll back because i know i've missed some i've got of course i've got the t7 i know my luck so it goes yeah so those um i think it's a samsung t7 hard drives or ssds people have been people have been uh struggling with steve wants to know oh do i consult yes i do do one one to one zoom calls and consulting and stuff like that um my email address is on the about me page on my youtube channel if you want to get in contact i will say i've had quite a few people get in contact and i'm really sorry if i'm slow to replying to emails i do i will get back to you as soon as possible uh was here to talk about graphics on the atem mini if you've got any graphics question go for it i'll i'll try and answer as many graphics questions as you want will we see sdi inputs on the a10 mini in the future here's i mean personally i would love it here's why i don't think it's going to happen and that is simply because in my honest opinion this is a product that is aimed at consumer maybe prosumer at best it's not what would be aimed at a professional for example blackmagic have an incredible professional line of atems all the way up to the atem constellation 8k mixer uh i already think that some of the features that are in the this a10 mini pro iso well people who have the a10 8k or the a10 4k want some of those features like the iso recording um capabilities in those bigger units so i already think they've kind of undercut themselves a little bit with some of the features that are in here i just don't see them putting stuff like sdi ports or inputs and aux outs and stuff like that on this because they'll just damage their professional market in my honest opinion i would love to see it because it would be great to have a unit that can do that i just don't think they will uh okay where did we get to on the questions i think this was the next one another one from have i answered this one already maybe i have two asm isos no i haven't i have two asm isos to record my cameras and i want to use the outputs to put it into another a10 mini to go to zoom with this one would it be possible to control both of them with two instances of 8m ofc thanks for your advice it helps a lot uh okay so i'm going to ignore the stuff about like the routing to zoom and stuff like that we've kind of covered it already the question that i think is really interesting is can you record two two atems at once and you might notice in this view on my desk it's exactly what i'm doing i've actually got an a10 mini pro here and an a10 mini pro iso here and the answer is yes there's multiple ways of doing it i wouldn't recommend you've gone you've said atom osc um which is like a sort of a middleman app which is available i know it's available for mac i've used it in the past i don't know if it's available for windows i'm pretty sure hmosc you have to type in an ip address and therefore you're limited to just one device it connects to one device and that's it might be wrong on that but anyway i wouldn't go with atom osc the way i'm doing it is with companion um companion is by a company called bit focus if you don't have it or haven't used it just it's free firstly and it's fantastic it connects to so many broadcast uh or so much broadcast equipment not just blackmagic stuff but a whole plethora of different brands and one of the cool things about it you can use it with the stream deck the elgato stream deck i actually i left my stream deck in the studio in london so i was like oh god what am i going to do because i was planning on using my stream deck today then i remembered they even have like a web interface so i've got all my buttons on my ipad so i can actually change my camera angle is that camera still on no i think i turn that camera let me just check yeah i turn that camera off so i've only got one camera in um but i i could very easily what can i do i've got i've got nothing in the media player or anything like that to show you but basically i've i can control multiple atoms at once so you might be able to see here let's get rid of the question otherwise that will screw it up but i'll turn off the dsk and watch the red light here so as i press one you can see it's flicking so that's controlling that ipad that not ipad that's controlling that a10 mini and then i can control this a10 mini is it going to do it no because i'm i'm in what can i control on here basically anything i press will cut to another camera and there's there's nothing to to show you uh annoyingly because i don't have another camera in unless let me just tell for the sake of argument i'll turn on this camera again then i can show you so now if i go three two three two and again i can just switch those ones as well so that's a good way of controlling two uh at a time using oh i companion my power cable um if you guys want a video on how to set up companion and some other things that you can do with it just let me know in the chat i haven't done one before but i'm definitely thinking about it being a possible topic okay next question in fact you know what i'm going to take two minutes just to look through the chat because i know that i've missed quite a lot work around for animated graphics on camera mine was using old vga soft so the animated graphics package that i'm using right now is singular i did have an offer code that got you i think it was a month for free i don't think that offer code is still valid but check out singular graphics or singular live is their website certainly check them out if you're a place of worship or in the education sector because they give you their pro account for free i'm pretty sure it's places of worship charities and edu if you work in the education sector and it's usually a hundred dollars a month and you get it for free i think that's the deal if i'm wrong i apologize but i'm pretty sure i read that on their website uh one of the best settings for live streaming on the blackmagic pocket cinema camera it looks warm and dull during a live stream donnie okay i'm actually gonna this is a really good question i'm gonna feed this into the system and then we can talk about it because i i've seen a couple of people commenting this and and i was like i don't get it what do you mean and now i think i get why people are saying this all right let me it's basically because since blackmagic updated the blackmagic pocket cinema camera so that now when you plug it in using the uh the hdmi with the a10 mini it goes into what they call studio mode so that you can have things like tally color calibration and things like that and it also puts it in black magic raw and when i when it does that obviously it it doesn't go into like video mode with beautiful color anymore it puts it into um basically like a very gray looking shot which is meant so that you can color grade it how you want so here's the trick if you're using black magic pocket cinema camera cameras what you need to do is use the color calibration in the atem software so let me flick hopefully it's still there yeah i'll bring it off for a second this question bring me on here and let's go into the camera control let's go put me on the other side here so let's say you've got on camera one your uh your black magic pocket cinema camera i knew i should have put one in in this setup today to walk you through some some of these questions so what you're going to want to do is play around with a lot of these settings so you've got your uh shutter s i was about to say shutter speed but no this is your white balance and then your shutter speed is here your gain is here so you want to mess around with these three first then to add some of that color and you've got these color wheels you've got the lift gamma and gain if you click on this little expand button here for each camera you'll get a full um i forget what they call it but it's basically like a color grading palette and you can mess around with these and you'll see it change on screen if you have a black magic pocket cinema camera but because it shoots quite um flat in black magic raw what you're probably going to want to do is pump back up the saturation a little bit maybe add in some contrast you might want to change that hue a little bit but this is what you're going to this is the settings page that you're going to want and it's also great for color matching all of the cameras so for example when i shoot with my sony and the blackmagic pocket cinema camera what i do is i get my sony looking how i want it because i have less flexibility in changing stuff then i set up my blackmagic pocket cinema camera and i match the sony's look so that they they look the same so hopefully that kind of answers that question as to why you might be getting sl like a dull looking shot since you've upgraded the camera it looks warm and dull during a live stream yeah uh hopefully that helps donnie come you love companion too john plus one for companion honestly it's the best it's it's the best software that i've found for any broadcast equipment to give you an example and i will do a video on on our setup up in london at the studio if you if you haven't i wonder if i can play the behind the scenes video i'll probably get copyright striked for that um check out on on youtube there's a channel called the kickoff and that is the street we do a weekly football show on there it's on a guy called true georgie's channel um and we have people coming in and we talk soccer if you're from the us but football if you're from the uk and we do a watch along for the matches as they're live so it's completely live stream 1080p 50. we've got a lot of kit in that studio and in the gallery companion we've got we've got like four four or five stream decks because we all need to control different things at the same time i will show the gallery one day uh right let me check in with some of the questions uh i would like to use in live event wedding ceremony and have three hour long continuous using a7 3 wireless no recording in wow in camera only 8m how i think the question is how reliable is the a10 iso uh here i'll bring that question up can i bring it up i think i just overwrote it my bad uh yeah let me copy it and then we can do it in i'll read it to you guys now it says i would like to use the a10 mini ice i think he's talking about in live events like wedding ceremonies i have three sorry just copying it in um i have three a seven threes so sony a7 threes there you go the wedding ceremonies are usually three hours long continuous no recording in camera only the atm is so how reliable is it okay so this also ties in with a question that i haven't shown on screen but i also saw come in which is a lot of people have been saying the atem riot atem line gets hot as well so in terms of reliability i personally have never had an issue with any of my atms let alone my a10 mini iso pro i've had the original atem it's never failed or frozen or anything like that so reliability wise i could not be happier the only one bug or whatever it might be something to do with my network which was on the a10 mini pro sometimes my even though it's connected to my network sometimes my atem software control just wouldn't find it the way around that and i know quite a few people that have actually had this issue because i've had emails about it the way around that is to rather than here if i flip back and i'll take the take the thing off so what i do when i have have issues connecting to it is i just use rather than using the discovery here so you let me just do that again for those of you that missed that you just go to atem software control and connection rather than using this section here which is atem switches on the network it shows that both are on on the network but when i go and click connect it doesn't always work so all i do is i just manually enter the ip address which i know of both my switches i have no problem when i do it that way it connects first time every time so that's the only issue i personally had so i've recorded five i think maximum i've recorded is six hours using the iso including all iso feeds so i was recording the four isos plus the program output for six hours it took a terabyte ssd to do it but i had no problems at all so reliability-wise great to answer the question about heat which i know someone had some people have been saying um is the atom like too hot to touch or anything like that my atem iso in fact my atm minion and iso they're powered by the desk so they are on from the moment i go up in the morning which is like well i get up earlier than nine o'clock but i start working at nine till usually around 8 pm sometimes 10 p.m in the evening they're on continuously i will shoot with them sometimes up to eight hours a day and they are never too hot to hold my hand and touch or anything like that same with the pro the one thing i have noticed is if you have something next to the extractor fans on the devices that's going to get quite warm because the a10 mini pro is doing its job in taking the heat away from the inside out of the extractor using the fan and extracting it out the sides which is where the ventra vents are so i once had an xbox controller here and after about i'd say about five hours of shooting i picked up the xbox controller and that was hot but that's that's what it's meant to do uh okay what time are we at okay well i've still got time let's see obs or vmix which software is best for live streaming good question so i love obs i was about to say i love obs because it's free but that that to be fair that is the main reason um it's a great piece of free free software vmix is an incredible package right it's got everything like vmix cool to be able to bring in guests it's got graphics and titlers and stuff like that so it's expensive the pro package i can't remember exactly how much it's definitely not free so if you can afford it vmix if you're just starting and you're wanting to dabble in like software live streaming uh obs is great also i know a lot of people that are that use the a10 mini in conjunction with obs so gamers are a huge one um in fact that's where i'm going to take two minutes here to do a dear black magic because i think there's one feature one particular feature that is missing from the a10 mini line so that's the a10 mini the pro and the iso that would make this appeal more to gamers and that magic have said like bloggers vloggers and gamers they're going hard for that market with these devices but i think gamers are holding back from picking up one of these devices for one main reason twitch streamers and gamers love those notifications and those system alerts and things like that that they overlay on on the stream so when someone subscribes it comes up with a nice little animated notification or when they have hype trains or new donations and and let's say super chats in the case of youtube for that to work they use third-party software like stream elements or stream labs and things like that and for those things to work you have to be able to basically use an html overlay so what it does is it creates these alerts and these visual elements puts them on a transparent web page and oh and then you you put that brow as a browser source in obs on top of your video output so my request to blackmagic is i would love if you would allow or enable the ability to have a browser source on the a10 mini pro iso so that even with singular the graphics i'm using right now so how i'm doing these whereas where's my graphics how i'm doing these comments they're an html5 overlay or an html a url overlay sorry so for the for me to have the ability to just grab my output url paste that in the atem software control and for them to just appear would be amazing but for gamers it would it would definitely i think encourage people to pick up an a10 more okay sorry sorry sorry i went off on a two-minute deer black magic there of my own let me get back to your questions in fact where did we get to oh there's a really good question coming up but let me check the chat uh in fact perspective caribbean if you're still in here that was your question was the really good question coming up which i just mentioned so i'm going to answer your question in just a second how to use the audio limiter for audio when it's embedded in the hdmi uh is there a limiter in there yeah i guess there is so very quickly let me just show you the audio page here uh ah i know why because i oh i can't my mac just froze i'm still alive because i'm you well this is this is why you use um this is why you use hardware encoders inside the a10 mini pro iso instead of software encoding like obs and things like that because i'm still live but yeah my mac has completely frozen can't can't click on anything in fact my mouse has now disappeared so i was going to show you the atem software control wow this is the brand new mac 20 19 16 inch model and it does do this to me quite a bit here we go it's just coming on now sorry about that guys it's like fully i've typed my password wrong in now fully specced macbook and i've had it restart three or four times or just freeze up three or four times only not good apple anyway let's get back here drag this over for you guys so what i was gonna say is in the audio tab here you've got these dynamics so if we click on the camera one because you said the audio is coming in over hdmi you would just use the dynamics here rather than enabling the dynamics on the microphone one and two input you would enable them on the cam one count two country on cam 4 and there is your limiter here so you'd enable the limiter and set your threshold in the hold and release settings here so it should just be the same as if you were applying it to a microphone input as well okay oh god the mac is now booting up everything that i had running before which is to be fair every program under the sun uh i need to get your comments and questions back up so give me a second guys i'm just logging back into my youtube channel so that i can get your comments back i bet you it's logged me out of my graphics engine as well all right here we go live control room we'll get your comments back in let's log back into singular as well so that i can get my i wonder if it's in my history might be here we go singular is booting back up as well so alex would you recommend using wireless cameras using apple tv what are your thoughts about that i've have i ever done that i use an apple tv in a live broadcast when i want to um show something on my ipad i'll use apple tv quite a lot because it's quite nice doing it all wirelessly again on the kickoff we do that we connect an ipad up to the apple tv and that's how we display twitter and things like that on the stream that's quite nice would i use it for as a camera personally no because i've had many times as well apple tv will just disconnect and you don't want to be using it as a camera and then suddenly apple tv or the the screen sharing just cuts connection it will either freeze or not and if it's frozen for enough time it will just go on to like the apple tv screen and that's the last thing you want to see in your broadcast so personally what i would do is hardwire it and i don't have a converter here but what you can do is you can get a lightning if you're using a phone or if you're using an ipad with a usbc you can get a usbc to hdmi converter or dongle whatever you want to call it and then hdmi into your a10 mini and there are apps like filmic pro or teradex live air solo which allow you to do a clean full 1080p output from the iphone or ipad into your a10 mini so i would go that route rather than going via the apple tv personally obviously you're not wireless that's the only problem uh i was trying to point that an internal program that's condemned an input did i sorry a and b product uh amb did i actually answer your question ah mcnasty cast is here who is this dude with all the hair so for those of you that guys that don't know sorry i've got still got a sore throat so i keep needing to drink so for those of you that don't know i actually started live streaming not here on youtube although i haven't done it that much recently i actually started on an app called periscope which is owned by twitter and i used to scope daily um again still talking about text not much has changed but uh jimmy and bobby who are mcnasty cast here in the youtube chat they were like long long time you know i've known them for years so it's good to see them pop up too it's jimmy okay cool hey jimmy how you doing buddy good to see you i hope you are um so much so like this is why i love the internet i met jimmy through periscope when i was last in new york we actually met up and went for dinner when i was there for formula e so yeah love love meeting you guys as well uh okay let me get back to i'm gonna just pop out the chat so i can see it a little bigger i say see a little bigger that's really small all right let's let's do this alex is it possible to share companion settings and a10 mini pro macro settings joe yeah what i'm trying to do is figure out the best way of wrapping up a macro whether it's in a restore file or a different way or just giving you the xml file or whatever but yes um companion settings it's going to be different for each person because it will depend on the ip addresses of your devices and stuff like that but saying that i'm i think now seeing the response from you guys about companion i'll probably do a tutorial video on like my top 10 companion settings and tips and stuff like that so take a watch out for that uh good question from catty i actually want to copy this one in because i get this a lot and i saw a video which personally i disagree with from a youtuber that i i really like um where's my singular gun who was talking about frame rates so this question comes in from who actually sent this catty and co she says oh there's a part this is part two i've missed part one sorry she says this um what frame rate should we be using at 1080p 2550 or 60 thanks okay so i don't know if you guys uh watch many podcasts and things like that hopefully some of you have heard of the joe rogan podcast let's get past the fact that his new studio looks absolutely awful um but talk but one of the things that upset quite a lot of people was they started live streaming and setting up or started live streaming but also recording their videos in i think it was 1080p 60 and a lot of people were complaining about that now i stream in 1080p 50. the difference between 20 difference between 25 and 50 or 30 and 60 is just basically whether you're in the uk or america or let's say europe and america the uk and europe tend to use frame rates of 25 frames per second or 50 frames per second america just because of i think it's actually to do with the hertz the um electrical current the refresh rate of the of um the electrical current i hope i'm making sense here but america tends to use 30 frames and 60 frames now 25 and 30 pretty much the same 50 and 60 pretty much the same um basically you're going to want to use 25 frames per second really for stuff like this when there's not much movement you're just sitting down and chatting a lot of people prefer 25 and 30 frames per second because they feel there's a bit more motion blur it feels a bit more natural as to apparently what the human eye sees um that is why films are shot in 24 frames per second because it adds even more like of that filmic motion blur and things like that for me personally might just i might be a weirdo i don't know i much prefer watching stuff which is just smooth and so i prefer watching 50 or 60 frames per second content that is why all gaming where there's a lot of motion so gaming sports that is all high frame rate ie 50 or 60 frames per second um content so it is it is a personal preference obviously you will need higher bandwidth and and more data you'll be sending more data if you go for the 50 or the 60 frames if you're doing just a sit down talking 25 or 30 frames is fine if you're going to have a lot of movement consider 50 or 60 frames per second that would be my advice mains frequency yes thank you it is it's the to do with like the power is obviously different in the us as it is to other places in europe um okay let's there is actually another electricity question we might as well link it dali says oh i see what you done with their name like like videography daliography dallygraffy okay i butchered that enough let's give it a go i would like to use i guess you mean the a10 mini uh in live events like wedding ceremonies there's a lot of people wanting to do weddings that have three hour long oh have we already had this continue oh yeah we've already talked about this maybe it's this one same same person different questions what happens to the files if and that yeah there we go if the electricity is plugged out or unplugged when you are recording and how much time does it take to reboot good question uh so if the electricity is unplugged obviously the atem mini pro will just lose power and turn off straight away it's always good practice to plug it into an into an uninterrupted power supply or ups because then if you lose power your a10 mini pro won't just shut down most ups's will probably give at least three or four minutes for you to to like end the live stream or press stop recording itself and make the atm safe before the power completely goes so consider getting an uninterrupted power supply if you can't do that what's going to happen if you pull the plug well the good thing about the a10 mini pro iso it seems i haven't tried it i could try it right now because i am recording but it does seem that if you were to pull out you know what let's let's give it a go so i'm going to hit record now but it basically seems if you were to pull out the ssd in the demonstration that grant gave the files were intact so i'm just going to keep talking for a little bit and then i'm going to unplug the ssd now simulating what power loss would be like there we go so now i've got my ssd here let's plug it into my computer and see if those files are intact to answer the second half of the question how long does it take to reboot not longer tools for the power to come back on less than 10 seconds what will take a little bit of time if you haven't saved your startup say is putting in all your settings so save your startup state also take a restore file that will take no longer than 10 seconds to restore back to how it was okay let's get my ssd here actually i'll just pull up the folder video iso files actually we'll go for the program file here i'm going to open it up and drag it onto this screen for you guys make it a little smaller so let's have a look yep all intact oh actually that's a lie i think i lost the last i'm just watching it back i know you guys can't hear it i don't think you can no it's coming through my speakers i think i lost the last five seconds or so so i go to unplug it here i say another line i said in the example grant does and then i know i said something after that so i probably lost maybe like the last five seconds but as you can see i didn't lose too much so yeah that's as best as i can do at simulating what would happen if you were to lose power okay we have about 10 minutes i'm going to try and answer as many questions i can in those 10 minutes um we've got a quiet deep sorry i'm just going to read through okay i'm going to take this question because i get it quite a lot so let me just copy it in for you guys it's to do with audio monitoring and i do get this question quite a lot from people so it says oh let me just get rid of that space at the top there what's the best solution for audio monitoring do you have a cheap monitor solution to recommend with a headphone jack adapter i've heard that there are some monitors don't work with the a10 i'm going to share show you guys my most recent purchase for my setup some of you eagle-eyed ones might notice that the view that you're seeing right now is slightly different from either my last live streams or more importantly most of my videos and that is because i used to have a whacking great 32-inch tv sat on my desk here as my main monitor for the a10 mini pro and it just i never liked the shot it used to get in the way so i sold that and i have replaced it not intentionally replaced it with this which i know you can't see do i still have yeah no i here let me it's gone square because i put it in picture mode but yeah you still can't see it there okay never mind uh i'll tell you what i do we'll try something fun i'm gonna try and use my phone as a camera wirelessly not through atem not through apple tv but i'm testing out something else so i purchased a something called a portable monitor it is a 1080p um tiny you'll see it when i get this working tiny tf or not tft what's the word like very thin monitor uh it's got voice amounts at the back anyway i bought it not to sit on my desk like it's doing now i bought it because i wanted to create like a flyaway case for my a10 mini which had a monitor it had the a10 mini built in and you would literally arrive on location flick up the case lid and everything is there ready for you uh all right what's the thing that i actually need to use oh it's because i'm in a private browser cool let me get this camera up here for you and then you should be able to see it view equals so i bought that it was a hundred pound off of amazon 1080p and i've got to say the quality of it was so impressive like like really impressive that i've just been using it as my main monitor okay let's give this a go so hopefully now or as soon as i can make this full screen there we go so now you can see from my phone so i've got my 80mm pro iso here and this is the monitor that i'm using oh god here let me flip it to that it'll make it slightly easier for you guys it is just sits on the desk on the side here this is one of the reasons why i love it bring on that on the side here you've got an hdmi uh input you have a i think it's a display port and two usb c's this usbc is for power but what you can do with this usbc is i can go with one cable from the monitor to my macbook which is here and it will both power the monitor and obviously treat it as a display but the cool thing is if you go on the side here i don't know if you guys can see that there we go there is a headphone jack so for a hundred pound or about 120 130 us dollars you've got a full 1080p monitor uh let me flip back here you've got a full 1080p monitor with a headphone output that you can use for monitoring it's great for the multi-view and also i've been using it just as a second monitor for my mac with one cable so when i'm traveling and editing on a on a train or if i'm like flying away to another location i don't have to pack a bunch of cables and i'm never usually able to take a small monitor with me but now i can take this it folds up the case that you see doubles up as a stand it uh folds up no bigger really or slightly bigger i would say than an ipad it's really cool so yeah that's one option the other option that i have right in front of me here i know you guys can't see it i use a blackmagic video assist seven inch model um again that has headphone output on it as well will they bring a headphone output on the a10 mini one day don't see it personally because you could just do this sorry again i went on a little a little video monitor rant here or not rant let's see couple more questions oh what's the product name of the monitor affiliate link is it in my i tell you what while you guys are here i will get the link and post it in the chat i will log on to my amazon so that i can get the exact monitor that i ordered by the way there is a 4k version of it i didn't feel i needed the 4k monitor but apparently they do a 4k version in that size like that's 4 13 or 15 inches i think i ordered i'm about to find out because i'm going to go to my order history and tell you exactly which one i ordered so this is 13.3 inches i'm going to add it to my kit list so i'll post the link to that in the chat in just a second i'm just adding it now paste link ping will it find it but i've been so impressed with it the quality is the thing i've been most impressed with um and i have been using it for about a month now really really like it okay guys i've added it to my kit page so now i just need to get the link for my kit page so that i can give it to you here we go i will post it in the live stream chat now um so it should be there now and it is on that kit page let me just double check that it is actually on that kit page before i tell you uh it's at the bottom it's right at the bottom of that kit page it's called 13.3 inch portable monitor by you perfect is the one that i went for so i hope that helps um and i didn't even mention it has speakers built in as well so you can't hear it but what i'm doing to make sure that the audio hasn't gone down is i've actually got the volume on the speakers set to about seven percent and like it's just enough for me to hear if audio accidentally plays or just to like hear a little bit of an echo to know that you can still hear my microphone because the reason i don't wear headphones like ear monitors while i'm talking to you is because remember i have to add a five or like most people you have to add a delay to match the audio to the video so i've got five frames of delay and that's just enough to off put most people like a few frames of delay is is usually enough to off-put you from talking i'm quite lucky i i've done quite a lot of on camera stuff and i'm used to hearing myself back um with a bit of a delay but for a lot of people it's quite hard to continue talking in that way you have the lipo version and you love it it looks the same as yours but bigger cool allen yeah i've i just discovered these portable monitors and yeah i'm a tech geek so i love that sort of stuff anyway okay final question i think i think you need the 4k version says jimmy thanks for sharing your knowledge is it possible to stream two different live streams from the atem or ecam live simultaneously to one youtube channel we're going to end on this question i like this question um also if you're in the chat now could you please let me know if you would like to see another one of these live streams in the future i wasn't sure what the reception to it was going to be today especially as i called the original time off because as you can probably tell from my nose i was feeling quite ill last week but if you found this view useful and you would like to see me do it again i'd love your feedback in the chat now i'll keep an eye on it but let me paste this last question in um yeah that would be really useful if you could just let me know okay so this one comes in from i'm going to try my best to say your name right is it schubert schubert david hopefully i said it okay thank you for sharing your knowledge no problem thank you for consuming it thank you for sharing your knowledge is it possible to stream two different live streams from the from atem or ecam live simultaneously to one youtube channel uh what's the best way of doing this so the atem can only send out one rtmp feed using the ethernet there's nothing stopping you if you wanted if you didn't want to use the usbc port for recording you could take that feed from the usbc into your mac into ecam live and then stream that the thing is it's going to be the same output because from the usbc you can only output the program out and from the ethernet you can only output the program out so i don't necessarily see the point in making that split what i would do in that case is actually use a third-party software that uh something like restream dot io which you would send a stream from your a10 mini iso to restream io and then that would stream stream it to your youtube channels in that case if you wanted it on multiple youtube channels but you're saying you want to live stream simultaneously to one youtube channel well yes a youtube channel can be live have more live streams than one at a time it can do simultaneous live streams but in that case you're just going to have the same streams twice um the only thing that i think you might be looking to do i'm just taking a guess here is maybe like on one stream you want to let's say have english commentary commentary and on the other stream you want to have another language in which case what i would do for that is what i described first so i would have all my order going into my atemi pro stream that to my youtube channel out of the the live streaming engine inside the a10 mini pro or the a2m mini pro iso so via the ethernet cable to youtube take the usbc into my mac i would then uh mute the audio that was coming in on the atm and do a overdub in something like obs so i'd have a separate mic going into obs and that's where i would let's say do my translation and then stream from obs or any cam lime back to the youtube channel and oh i don't think it's a feature anymore but youtube used to have a feature called multi multi-camera where one live streaming page the viewer could actually select whether they wanted to view camera one camera two or camera three but a lot of people used it for different um language translations so camera one would be english camera two would be russian camera three would be the same video feed but just different audio translations so uh i mean that felt like a messy answer from me i apologize but i really do hope uh that was helpful a one-over photo joseph john i don't know what you mean by that like i mean i don't know whether you mean like i won you over as in you continued watching me instead of going over to him in which case thank you very much i appreciate that or i don't know whether you meant like while he was live he said he didn't mind me going live at the same time in which case i really appreciate that photo joseph i definitely wouldn't want to compete um and i didn't mean to i apologize i just set this tight well i didn't even set this time i originally meant to go live last week but i was ill uh i mean streaming two different contents classes live to the same youtube channel does that make sense oh okay cool yeah well what i would say is just um do like basically do two diff complete treat them completely separately so you let's say even if you had two atoms you could just point those two atoms to the same youtube channel you need to have two different stream keys from youtube so you'd have to create two separate events with two separate stream keys but you would be able to do that we've done that before on on youtube what's my current camera color settings i'm actually not using the a10 to color i'm just using the sony's internal color settings i do change them a little bit i mean i suppose that could be a future video where i run you through my sony settings how did i do the phone camera connection yeah it's it's a cool one it's not something uh that i am going to go into on this video but it might be something that i'll go into is it still running yeah there it is so this is cool right so i'm just using my iphone here let me bring myself up in the corner and i'll take away the so it's a little bit pixelated at the moment still needs work when you when you hold still it's fine i think i need to increase the bit rate a bit but the latency is really low and the super cool thing about this you're seeing a little glimpse of my kitchen before we make dinner the super cool thing about this is that it is just using a just using the safari browser to do it so i don't have to download any app or anything like that it's just using safari the other super cool thing about this is um it's actually using 4g so i'm not using wi-fi right now i'm using 4g which means i could do this from anywhere in the world and i could bring in guests from anywhere in the world all they need is an iphone or it doesn't even need to be an iphone it can be an android device could be a mac could be anything you just need a web browser and as you can see from here if i just go back to here the delay it's got a little bit choppy there but the delay is sub one second um it seems to work i don't know why if i just flip back to it here it seems to work much better in portrait mode don't know why anyway something fun i'm experimenting with and working on a little bit um once i get it down more for sure i'll talk about it well that's quick says jimmy yeah this is always useful i always get something from your content thank you dave i will i will definitely jimmy talk about the phone camera connection in another broadcast for sure i haven't encountered any problems with the 12g videos i'm just going to run down the last remaining questions before we go um which actually reminds me i don't think i have an n board let me just check i don't think i do have i ever had any issues with the 12g monitor no but then i've used it only a handful of times i actually have the one of the first sort of generation um video assist i don't have the new 12g one and that's been thoughtless so no i can't say i have had issues with it but i'll ask around and see if anyone i know has because there's quite a few people that i know are using it i used it the most recent last last time i used the 12g was a couple of weeks ago with the a10 mini pro iso didn't have any issues with it whatsoever so um if you are having issues the first port of call is always to do a software update with those because that can help fix it if not get in touch with the blackmagic support they're great they're so helpful with with things like that um sometimes these things just need like a factory reset which they'll talk you over the phone to do if not they're usually really good at getting replacements out as well uh do i have an end board for this thing uh i can just use the thumbnail right which would be great if i could remember where i put the i thumbnail remember i i've had the this thumbnail for this live stream for ages because i made it weeks ago and then i completely forgot about or no i got ill and yeah now i cannot seem to find the thumbnail anywhere i'm gonna have to just use a different thumbnail where would it be desktop nope it's not in my documents ah yes it is there you go all right guys solution solved dragging that into the items they actually have the thumbnail so you just lose on uh end on please keep the great content coming says studio 11 i will i'll do my best sorry it's been a bit um frantic and maybe somewhat all over the place today i'm still recovering from um being ill last week so i'll be back to my a game when i next do one for sure biggest difficulty is cable management that's like you know you know everyone has like a guilty pleasure cable management is like one of those things that you shouldn't enjoy but i kind of do like when i first moved into this flat with my girlfriend um i spent a whole day just cable managing this desk and it's an absolute mess now but one day i'll show you the underneath of this desk because i've got like all cable trunking and everything um yeah we can definitely do a video on cable management which sounds like the saddest video title ever but honestly it's it's worth it um okay i think i've answered i forgot your question okay no no no perspective caribbean i promised you an answer to your question um i kind of want to do it as a separate video because it's a great thing if you're still in here then i'm going to answer it as much as i can now i think um i am good so first of all i am going to do this as a separate video because it's a really cool topic perspective caribbean asked where is it i have it here is it possible to open the davinci files that the atem iso gives in adobe premiere or final cut pro maybe i'm not going to do a demo here but the answer is yes um i will save the demo for a video just because i've it's quite late and i want to get dinner on um but yes you can it's really cool i you basically the way you do it is you have to open the files in davinci first and then you can export them into a i think it's xml file format that can be read by both final cut and eight and adobe premiere pro now the only thing i found with it is um it works great in that you can after creating your live vision mix sorry my mind is going i know i'm not really speaking english anymore after creating your live vision mix using your a10 mini pro and with all the iso files you've then got your davinci file you open up your davinci file you've got your timeline laid out with all your cuts and edits and everything that you made while you were live you can then create the xml bring that into final cut or premiere pro you've then got the exact same timeline already laid out in premiere pro but the thing about davinci is it's got something called the sync bin and the sync bin is where all your clips are basically synced and everything like that what i found in final cut is there's no easy way of making the multi-cam clip that you need and then applying the xml to the multi-cam clip that's why i say i need to do a demo on this because it's a little uh it's a little tough to explain it without showing you so who was this perspective uh perspective yeah it was yeah it was you i am going to answer your question hopefully i've answered it a little here in that yes it can be done and i have tried opening up in adobe premiere and it worked in a premiere and i have tried opening it up in premiere in final cut and it worked in final cut but you get the full you get the most use out of it let's say in da vinci there are some things that are kind of limiting i've found i might be it might just be my premiere and final cut knowledge but i've found it more limiting doing it in final cut video on that coming soon i feel like that answer was very convoluted um i apologize let's do it right thank you so much everybody for watching if you're new here hit the subscribe button although after that last babbling answer i i won't blame you if you don't um but yeah i will be back with more videos i'm gonna try and produce a couple more videos next week once i don't sound like this and i think this live stream you know i think the live stream well we need the cable management stream for us jimmy i'm on it um but yeah i think the live stream went good i'll try and do a few more uh davinci is great intermediate software davinci is awesome stop reading the comments alex go uh right i'm gonna mute my mic and uh put up the end card and make some dinner wherever in the world you are stay safe please stay safe i know there's all these this talk about second waves and stuff like that um stay in well you know stay smart stay safe and i will see you guys on the next live stream thanks for watching everyone you
Channel: Alex Pettitt
Views: 15,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ATEM MINI PRO, Blackmagic atem mini pro, Blackmagic mini pro, ATEM live stream, atem pro, Blackmagic, ATEM, Live Streaming, Live Stream, Production Switcher, Live Stream Machine, Capture card, livestream, atem mini pro, atem mini pro live, atem mini pro features, atem mini pro gaming, pocket cinema camera, pocket cinema atem mini pro, atem mini pro camera, ATEM Mini Multi View, Blackmagic Live, Cam Link, improve zoom quality, Streaming Setup, atem iso, atem mini pro iso
Id: OwLwIKC_Ixs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 38sec (4778 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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